Its systems. Intelligent transport infrastructure (ITS) Russia. Tools for automatically recording traffic violations

Materials of the 1C:ITS Information System are promptly updated on the Internet and published monthly on DVD. The information system is available on the Internet around the clock, seven days a week and seven days a week.

Service capabilities Information system 1C:ITS

  • Legislation news, information about new releases, external reports, regulated reporting forms;
  • Accounting and tax accounting. A set of reference books on reflecting business transactions and accounting for taxes in 1C;

    Taxes and fees. Information on the procedure for paying current taxes and contributions;

    Reporting. Information on the procedure for filling out and submitting reports to government agencies;

    Personnel and remuneration. Articles on maintaining personnel documentation and registration in 1C programs;

    Base of normative documents. The volume of materials corresponds to the information blocks of the reference and legal system "1C: Garant";

    Books and periodicals. Full-text electronic versions of books for accountants;

    Development and administration. Everything for administering 1C and developing application solutions.

The 1C:ITS information system consists of several sections that are intended for different categories of users. The list of sections of the 1C:ITS Information System to which the user has access is determined by the type of concluded 1C:ITS agreement.

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are mainly developing in the central part Russia. For example, in Moscow Such systems make it possible to reduce the length of traffic congestion, optimize public routes transport, promptly notify drivers and passengers about the situation on the road, etc. ITS on federal highways, as a rule, are implemented on Russian high-speed toll roads. The objectives of ITS on highways are to increase the level of traffic safety, reduce operating costs for maintaining roads, etc.

The smart road ecosystem includes solutions for collecting and processing data about vehicles and road infrastructure for decision making, including:

  • traffic flow detectors;
  • adaptive (smart) traffic lights;
  • means of automatically recording traffic violations;
  • electronic means of non-stop fare payment;
  • parking meters;
  • connected information boards;
  • automated lighting control systems;
  • other connected objects (for example, automatic road weather stations, road controllers, etc.);
  • systems GPS /GLONASS.

As a rule, all components of a “smart road” are combined on the basis of a single platform. However, even alone they allow solving a large number of local problems. For example, traffic lights at intersections change based on the current traffic situation, which increases road capacity and reduces the likelihood of traffic jams. Automatic recording of traffic violations forces drivers to be more responsible, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of accidents. Intelligent control of street lighting allows you to save energy.

ITS using the example of Moscow

ITS on federal highways

On federal highways, ITS is structured somewhat differently than in megacities. But the use of ITS, as in urban areas, can improve traffic safety, increase freight turnover, passenger turnover, reduce operating costs for maintaining roads, etc.

Situation centers on federal highways analyze information from various sensors and cameras, constantly monitor the number of cars, weather conditions, etc. Some highways have information boards that warn drivers of various unfavorable road conditions.

In this regard, the experience of toll sections of federal highways is indicative. For example, on the M-4 Don there are almost 400 km of toll roads. The section from 21 to 93 km is a motorway of technical category 1A - a motorway with separated oncoming traffic flows and no traffic lights. ITS in this area allows you to monitor traffic, manage traffic, notify drivers about weather conditions, and inform about changes in the situation on the road.

Along the site, every 2-4 km, there are yellow terminals with the inscription SOS, with which you can call emergency responders. Help will also be provided when contacting the toll road operator’s contact center at 8-800-707-23-23. If necessary, the road emergency commissioner calls emergency services and helps with evacuation transport to a special parking lot.

As a rule, toll sections of roads have all the necessary infrastructure: hotels, gas stations, auto repair shops, cafes, toilets, multifunctional areas, etc. According to Roman Starovoit, head of Rosavtodor, in 2016, experts analyzed and optimized the work of service points along federal highways. He noted that redundancy of service zones leads to traffic congestion and accidents. As a result of the analysis, a general layout of service zones was created. According to Rosavtodor's plans, 800 new facilities and 250 multifunctional zones will be created in the near future.

Other ITS elements

The automated weather support system has been in operation since 2007. There are almost 1 thousand weather stations and almost 1.5 thousand video cameras installed on federal highways. The situation on federal highways is monitored online.

The operational monitoring system includes automated traffic intensity recording points, their number reaches 1 thousand. Such systems are used by the Rosavtodor situation center.

The analytical control system for the transport complex (ACS TC) is in the process of creation. It is being implemented to effectively monitor the state of the country’s transport complex and the level of its technological safety. The industrial control system is planned to be integrated with all the most important information resources of both the transport industry and other sectors of the economy.

The State Information System for Highway Navigation (GIS NAD) is in the process of creation. GIS OVER will form the basis of almost all navigation and information services.

Video recording cameras


MTS and DIT Moscow tested smart transport solutions on the 5G network in Moscow

September 18, 2019 company Huawei reported that together with PJSC " MTS" And system integrator NVision Group supported by Department of Information Technologies of Moscow tested technologies smart city in the pilot zone on VDNH. Read more.

A unified federal system for monitoring intercity bus transportation will be created in Russia

Concept of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of road safety with the participation of unmanned vehicles


Development of the departmental project “Digital Transport and Logistics”

The Ministry of Transport together with the Ministry of Digital Development, ANO Digital Economy and the Analytical Center for the Government as part of the state development program transport prepared a departmental project “Digital Transport and Logistics”. Transport Minister Evgeny Dietrich spoke about this in November 2018 at a meeting on the digital transformation of the transport complex with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Read more.

The Ministry of Transport plans to create a concept for a digital transport platform in two weeks

The goal of the project is to develop the conceptual foundations of a digital transport platform as an integral part digital economy of the Russian Federation. The contract executor will have to analyze the subject area, determine the most rational options for approaching the problem, and develop preliminary solutions. Read more.


Digital economy of the Russian Federation: Virtual reality will simulate road traffic

In 2017, the government commission on the use of information technologies to improve people’s lives and business conditions approved action plans in four areas of the Digital Economy program, including the direction of “Formation of research competencies and technological groundwork.” Program " Digital economy of the Russian Federation» created by order of the President Russia Vladimir Putin.

The VR and AR platform will also be used for road traffic simulation modeling for traffic management centers: it will be used to create a software system for road traffic simulation modeling with the ability to display in virtual reality for traffic management centers.

The document provides for the creation of a software package for instrumental monitoring of the diagnostic condition of roads, designed for the collection, accumulation, storage, consolidation, analysis and interactive visual presentation of data on the condition of roads received from various measuring and recording equipment, government bodies and the population.

The purpose of this project is to provide the opportunity to transfer to interested organizations complete, objective and reliable information about the transport and operational state of roads, the degree of compliance of actual consumer properties, parameters and characteristics of traffic requirements in accordance with industry road standards, as well as analysis of this information and reporting.

The project will solve the following types of problems: diagnostics and certification of highways, assessment of transport and operational condition, quality control of completed construction and road repair work, determination of consumer properties and technical level of the road, measurement of geometric parameters and determination of the characteristics of roads, including determination of road surface defects.

Project of non-cash payment for travel in Sochi

In 2017, NIITS developed recommendations for the administrations of Russian cities on the effective implementation of smart city elements without attracting budget funds. It was possible to develop recommendations under which it is possible to monetize some of the elements smart city. The recommendations involve combining into one investment program various elements of a smart city that are attractive to private investors.

NIITS has developed a set of documents necessary for the implementation of elements of a “smart city” at the expense of a private investor in Sochi. One of these elements is a comprehensive Intelligent Transport System. The documents contain recommendations on the organizational, legal and technical appearance of the ITS. Estimating the amount of private investment in such a city system Sochi amounts to more than 380 million rubles, in the absence of city expenses.

Non-cash payment will increase the efficiency of fare control, ensure the introduction of a flexible tariff system, personalized accounting for the provision of benefits, increase the collection of fares, and improve the working conditions of employees of the passenger transport system. transport, will provide the opportunity to introduce a conductor-free fare payment scheme. Dispatching will ensure the quality of traffic control of vehicles carrying out passenger transportation in the city, the quality of scheduling and analysis of routes, the automation of maintaining a register of vehicles of carrier companies, the analysis of data on the speed of movement of these vehicles, the automation of the formation of forecasts for the arrival of public transport at stopping points, and others. improvements.

The uniqueness of the NIITS concept is that for the first time ITS is part of the city’s ecosystem, which includes a comprehensive solution: dispatch and non-cash payment linked to other elements of the smart city. Traditional solutions for non-cash payment are being implemented in isolation from the holistic “smart city” system.

Following the developed recommendations, city administrations can, through the implementation of some elements of a “smart city,” develop other elements of this ecosystem without attracting budgetary funds. For example, elements of the “Sochi tourism platform” are based on ITS. Thus, the means of payment for the cashless fare payment system in public transport becomes universal. It can also be used to pay for other municipal services in Sochi, for example, beaches and other tourist and excursion services.

FSB arrested the head of Moscow "smart transport"

The funds were allocated by the authorities for the maintenance and repair of the city’s intelligent transport system (ITS), the contract amount is 3.9 billion rubles. Filippov was detained as a result of a search at the enterprise and taken under arrest for two months. It is unknown exactly how much money was allegedly stolen by him. The basis for the arrest was part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code Russia, which provides punishment for theft committed fraudulently and on an especially large scale.

Research and Markets: the global market for smart road solutions will reach $2.6 billion by 2022

According to forecasts from the research agency Research and Markets, the market for solutions for building “smart roads” will reach $2.6 billion by 2022 with a CAGR of about 24%. The main market driver will be solutions aimed at ensuring road safety. The governments of many countries are seriously concerned about the increase in the number of road accidents, and information technologies make it possible to solve this problem, the agency noted.

The most popular segment of the smart road market is traffic flow detectors. Research and Markets analysts suggest that during 2016-2022, these sensors will continue to occupy a leading position in the market due to increased investment and the emergence of a large number of specialized startups.


Maintenance and repair services for ITS equipment

According to J’son & Partners Consulting, by 2020 in Russia there will be almost 43 thousand connected objects in the ITS segment. The largest number of connections will remain such peripheral devices as photo and video recording systems and vehicle detectors.

Assessment of the automated traffic control system market and main trends

Smart traffic lights

Automated traffic control systems are designed for centralized or local automated traffic control (vehicle and pedestrian flows). Such systems are a collection of peripheral devices united into a single network with a central control point (CPU).

Peripheral devices included in the automated traffic control system/ITS (using the example of automated traffic control system and road traffic control system) include:

  • road controllers;
  • traffic flow (traffic) detectors;
  • signs and displays of variable information;
  • cameras CCTV(video cameras);
  • automatic road weather stations (weather stations);
  • evaluative weight control subsystems;
  • speed control systems;
  • other “connected” devices.

Based on historical and current data received from sensors and cameras, traffic flows are regulated (for example, priorities are assigned). Both the selection of ready-made regulation models and the adjustment of individual existing parameters to current conditions can occur.

According to consultants J’son & Partners Consulting, projects to create integrated automated traffic control systems will actively develop in our country, primarily due to the need to further combat traffic jams and as part of the overall strategy to increase road safety. An important factor is the possibility of replenishing regional budgets by automating the processes of recording and issuing fines for traffic violators. In 2016, a number of large cities, for example, Nizhny Novgorod , Samara and others, announced competitions for the creation of such systems.

The first intelligent (adaptive) traffic lights appeared in Moscow in 2007 on an experimental section with a length of 7.5 km. The sensors located on them read data on the density and speed of vehicles, weather conditions, etc. The information is transmitted to a single system control center via wireless communication and is used for optimal regulation of traffic flow. According to data at the beginning of 2015, a significant proportion of traffic light facilities in the capital are connected to an automated traffic control system (ATCS). Projects to introduce “smart” traffic lights are also developing in other large cities - St. Petersburg , Sochi, Kazan, Chelyabinsk , Novosibirsk , Omsk , Yekaterinburg and etc.

The first centrally controlled computer traffic lights appeared in USA and Canada in the 1960s. In 2010, developers IBM planned to patent a technology that allows you to remotely turn off the engines of cars approaching an intersection if the traffic light is red. Copenhagen plans to install 380 smart traffic lights, which will be configured to give priority to cyclists and public transport. If the project is successfully implemented, the speed of travel by bicycle in Copenhagen will increase by 10%, and by bus by 5–20%.

Tools for automatically recording traffic violations

Complexes for automatically recording violations of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF) include both photo and video recording equipment (“cameras”) and special technical means (measuring instruments).

According to data at the beginning of 2016, in Russia complexes for automatically recording violations of traffic rules cover several thousand control zones; since November 2014, their number has increased by 36%. The main trend in this segment is the expansion of the range of types of detected offenses. In addition to recording facts of speeding, such systems record violations of the rules for passing signalized intersections, facts of entering oncoming traffic and driving under a “brick”, violations in the areas of railway crossings, facts of failure to provide priority in traffic to pedestrians in the area of ​​pedestrian crossings and the movement of vehicles in lanes for public transport, violations of stopping and parking rules, etc.

The cost of installing a stationary photo and video recording system averages about 4 million rubles. However, the systems quickly pay for themselves both in terms of economics (fines received) and efficiency (reduction in the number of traffic accidents). For example, in Tomsk several stationary complexes collected almost 58 million rubles in fines over the 10 months of 2015.

In the Moscow region, stationary systems for recording traffic violations in the first half of 2015 brought 560 million rubles to the budget. Thus, funds from private investors can also be attracted to the implementation of such projects, which can speed up the pace of equipping roads with stationary and mobile complexes for photo and video recording of traffic violations.

Electronic means of non-stop fare payment

At the beginning of 2016, the only electronic means of non-stop toll payment used on Russian toll roads are DSRC transponders. These are relatively inexpensive devices that attach to a car's windshield and communicate wirelessly with antennas at toll booths. To encourage the use of transponders, drivers are provided with discounts on travel.

A larger-scale project was launched on November 15, 2015. Toll collection system "Plato" was created in order to ensure compliance with the procedure for collecting fees to compensate for damage caused to public roads of federal significance by vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of over 12 tons. The vehicle owner pays a fee using one of the payment calculation options to choose from:

  • registration of a one-time route card;
  • use of an on-board device equipped with a satellite navigation system GPSGlonass ».

In the latter case, funds are written off automatically.

The main limiting factor for the development of the system " Plato"is the social tension associated with the implementation of this project, and a great resonance in the media. Thus, on February 20, 2016, truck drivers in a number of regions Russia started a strike demanding the abolition of the Platon system. They called not to take orders and not to go on flights until March 1, 2016. It was reported that heavy truck drivers from 43 regions of Russia were participating in the action.

The 1C:ITS information system was created specifically for 1C:Enterprise users. It provides recommendations on the taxation of business transactions, step-by-step instructions for reflecting them in the program, instructions for drawing up accounting, tax reporting and reporting on insurance premiums and sending them electronically directly from 1C:Enterprise, as well as news, comments and consultations specialists in accounting, tax and personnel matters.

Uniqueness of the 1C:ITS information system is that the authors of all included materials are the developers of the 1C:Enterprise programs, auditors and methodologists of the 1C company.

1C methodologists daily monitor changes in legislation and develop methods for accounting for a particular business transaction, accounting for taxes, filling out declarations, and so on. Then programmers, based on these techniques, make changes to the programs, and methodologists write materials for IS 1C:ITS. Thus, all business situations, materials on taxes and reporting are considered from two points of view: from the position of legislation and from the position of application of legislation in 1C programs, taking into account the methodology embedded in these programs.

The 1C:ITS information system is intended for managers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists.

For more information about the contents of the 1C:ITS information system, see Sections of the 1C:ITS information system.

For information on which sections of the 1C:ITS information system are provided with access depending on the concluded agreement, see:

  • Access to the 1C:ITS IS under the 1C:ITS Construction and Housing and Communal Services agreement

The 1C:ITS information system is updated daily and supplemented with new materials. It includes:

  • Information about new significant materials of the 1C:ITS information system;
  • The most interesting questions from users;
  • Demonstration of the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise program.

Along with the “Note to User” review, a video presentation of new release materials is posted. It contains:

  • Information about all new significant materials created over the past month;
  • Screenshots of new materials from the site;
  • Indication on how to find material on the site site.