Flash drive autostart: turn it on yourself. Disabling automatic startup of a flash drive in Windows Autostart from network drives is enabled, how to disable it

Unfortunately, when installing programs, most of them are automatically registered in Windows 7 autorun, even if these are not the programs themselves, then these may be certain components of them, for example, intended for sending update requests. Many computer users are bothered by this fact and want to disable autorun in Windows 7. Also, autorun sometimes becomes a way for various viruses to get onto your computer. The computer automatically opens some files that may be infected.

Also, due to the fact that Windows 7 autorun has accumulated a large number of programs that will be launched when the computer is turned on, this means that the computer will slow down and become dull, since the programs consume computer resources, such as processor time and RAM, This is one of the main reasons for the slowdown in computer performance. In order to get rid of these problems and increase operating speed, you just need to disable Windows 7 autorun.

The Windows 7 operating system easily allows you to configure and enable/disable autorun programs.

In order to find out which programs are in autorun and start working when you turn on the computer, follow these steps:

Start → All Programs → Accessories → Run

In the window that appears, in the open line, type the command:


And press OK, In the “System Configuration” menu that appears, go to the “Startup” tab

On the startup tab, uncheck all the programs that you do not use, or if you don’t know what it is, then disable it too, there’s even a button there - "disable everything". If necessary, everything can be returned back by checking the boxes again. There are not many programs that really should be in autorun, usually an antivirus.

After making changes, click “Apply” → “Ok”, the system will prompt you to restart the computer for the changes to take effect, you can do this immediately or do it later.

Windows 7 autorun very often contains viruses that begin to work and cause harm immediately when you start the computer, so if autorun contains programs unknown to you, with crooked names, then it is likely that this is a virus that needs to be removed.

Method 2 - Disable Windows 7 autorun

As in the first case, you must have administrator rights to perform these actions. In order to disable autorun, click “Start”, type gpedit.msc into the search bar and press “Enter”.

The “Local Group Policy Editor” will open, in which you need to open the following path in the left menu:

Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components → Startup Policies

You will see the item - "Disable Autorun" double click on it. Select Enable, select for which devices and click OK.

Windows 7 disable flash drive autorun

There is another type of autorun, which is responsible for autorun from removable media and flash drives.

In order to disable autorun of Windows 7 flash drive, must be opened "Control Panel" and enter into the search bar "AutoPlay" and open it.

Windows 7 disable disk autorun

Uncheck the first box “Use autorun for all media and devices”

If you wish, you can add the necessary devices to autorun; this is very easy to do using the drop-down menu.

By default, in Windows 7, after installing disks into the optical drive, it immediately autostarts. However, due to some system failures or adjustments made by another PC user, this function may be disabled.

Below are instructions that describe all the necessary steps in order to correctly enable the disk autorun service on a computer running Windows 7.


To restore the normal autorun process, you just need to launch it through the “Control Panel” or make some adjustments in the system registry. First, let's consider the first switching option, that is, through the control panel.

To do this, you will only need to perform a few of the following steps:

Now, after installing the media into the drive, the system will launch it automatically again. However, if you need to manually configure specific system actions, it is recommended that you read the next section of this manual.

Autorun settings

After completing step 4 from the previous manual, the following menu will be displayed on the computer monitor:

To fine-tune the system in this window, you will need to perform actions based on the user’s own preferences and requirements, for example:

  1. Next to each type of media, you need to click on the arrow and in the list of actions that appears, indicate what is desired for the computer owner;
  2. If you activate the item: “Install or run the program from the user’s media,” immediately after installation in the drive, the application distribution package on the CD will begin to install automatically, so it is not recommended to activate this function when using unlicensed media;
  3. If the item is activated: “Open a folder to view files using Explorer,” the system will perform this action, and then the user will be required to independently decide which files should be launched in the Explorer window. Therefore, this option is most preferable for experienced PC owners;
  4. If the item “Do not perform any actions” is activated, autorun simply will not work. The user will need to manually launch it through “My Computer” in Windows 7 Explorer.

Activating a service through the system registry

In rare cases, but sometimes it happens that after following the above instructions, autorun still does not work. Then the method of changing some parameters in the registry will help.

The algorithm of actions consists of the following steps:

Problems with autorun

If even after adjusting the value in the registry, automatic activation does not work, then you need to take several additional steps:

Are you familiar with this situation? You insert a flash drive, a window with options for actions automatically opens. This is the automatic start function. On the one hand, this is convenient, but on the other hand, it is potentially dangerous. Let's look at how to disable autorun of a flash drive in Windows in different ways.

What it is

Autorun is a function built into Windows OS. It automates some processes so that the user does not have to do it himself. When you connect removable media, the OS automatically opens the explorer and launches a photo or player.

Why disable

Let's say there is a virus on the flash drive. It is placed in the file that is responsible for automatic launch - aurorun.inf. When connected, an executable file with a virus will launch. To protect yourself from viruses, this function.

Disabling this function will not protect you one hundred percent from viruses. Use .

How to disable autorun of a flash drive in Windows 10

Use the hot keys “Win+I” and go to the “Devices” section.
Find the “Autostart” item. Set the switch to the “Off” position, or select devices that you do not want to open automatically. To do this, select “Do not execute” from the menu.

Disabling from the Control Panel

Press the key combination “Win ​​+ R”, then write “control”.

Next is “Autostart”.

Disable the checkbox next to “Use for everyone”.

Now all devices connected to the PC will not start automatically. Use this method if you need to temporarily disable autorun for a flash drive.
Select individual shutdown from the drop-down menu for your specific device. Check the “Do not execute” option.

Working with the registry

When using this method, the account must have Administrator rights.

Open the “Registry Reactor”. Press “Win+R”, enter the command “regedit”.

Go to the registry branch as in the screenshot. Find the “NoDriveTypeAutorun” parameter. Double-click on it with the left mouse button and assign the value 000000FF.

Reboot your PC to activate the changes

Disabling using Group Policy Editor

There is no such Editor in Windows 10 Home, so use the other methods described.

Press “Win+R”, enter the command “gpedit.msc”.

Further, as in the screenshot.

We find “Politics”. Double-click on it with the left mouse button. Click "Shutdown".

Set the checkbox to the “Enabled” position.

How to disable autorun of Windows 7 flash drive

Use the methods described above. When editing the registry, you will need two registry branches. The first is the same as in the method described above. The second is as in the screenshot.

Set the "NoDriveTypeAutorun" parameter to the hexadecimal value 000000FF. Restart your computer.


We looked at how to disable autorun of a flash drive on Windows 10. Use the methods described above to protect yourself from malicious code entering your system. Be careful when editing the registry. Incorrect actions can lead to disruption of the OS. So create a .

Good afternoon, dear readers, new and old 🙂, today I want to consider the issue of flash drive autorun and how to disable it. We will consider Windows operating systems, in my case this is version 8.1, but the steps taken will also be suitable for Windows 10 and 7, for now it’s all the same, unless small software messes up in the future. Of course, autorun is a very useful function that helps the user quickly gain access to the connected device, but it also carries the other side of the coin in terms of reducing security, since your flash drive may have a virus or a malicious Trojan that starts launching as soon as The usb device opens, below we will look at how to defeat it.

How to enable flash drive autorun

Why autorun of a flash drive is bad, for example, I already described above, viruses, but earlier I told you how to make sure that there are no viruses on your USB devices, it will be interesting to read. Previously, until 2010, in all Windows editions at that time, it was enabled by default, and users raked up viruses and Trojans, this could not last long and Microsoft, under the yoke of the user community, took the right measures and released an update. which disables autostart of devices, as well as in subsequent versions of the OS.

If you still want to enable autorun of a flash drive or other devices, then this is a simple matter. I remind you to do this using Windows 8.1 as an example. Right-click on the start menu and select Control Panel, in Windows 10 everything is the same, in Windows 7 just start > control panel.

In the window that opens, look for the icon that says Autorun, it is responsible for turning it on and off.

As I told you, it is disabled by default. You may notice that everything here is divided into categories

  • Removable media
  • Memory card
  • DVDs
  • Blu-ray discs
  • CDs

Actions will be available differently everywhere, but there are some common ones

  • Take no action
  • Open folder to view files (Explorer)
  • Ask every time

For drive media, as you can see, there is also importing and playback

Please note that at the program and game point you should > ask every time, this is correct for security reasons. since you need to see which program has requested access from you.

disable autorun of the flash drive, absolutely the same, just uncheck the checkbox and select Do not perform any actions. In Windows 8.1 and even 10, you can configure these functions in another mode and disable autostart of flash drives and other devices. Press WIN+F so that a search window appears on the side, be sure to set where to look (Everywhere) and enter Autorun, wait a couple of seconds for the system to search for the equipment and select Autorun options.

You will see a mobile version of managing the autorun of removable media, use the switch to set the on/off position and below set the default parameter for what needs to be done.

You can also get to the Computer and Devices menu using another method: hover your mouse over the right corner and wait until the side menu comes out, select Settings > Change computer settings > Computers and Devices

As you can see, everything is very simple and I think you will no longer have a question about how to disable autorun of a flash drive or, on the contrary, activate it.

Disable flash drive autorun via registry

For hardcore fans :), let me remind you that the registry is essentially a certain area of ​​Windows in which its parameters are written, a kind of notebook. With its help, you can also both activate and deactivate devices. Open the registry, you can use standard tools, but I prefer the JumpReg utility, its advantage is that it is free and allows you to go to the desired section in one click. The method is universal, works starting from Windows 7.

To solve the problem, we need access to these registry sections



Copy the path and paste it into the Jumpreg utility

It immediately sends you to the desired section and saves time on searching, this is especially useful for beginners, you can’t go wrong with the section, it’s almost like sappers, once you make a mistake and you can put everything away.

Both sections require you to create a new DWORD value (32 bits) and name it NoAutorn for example

with hexadecimal value 000000FF.

It should look like this, after that you will disable autorun.

Disable flash drive autorun via policy editor

Yes, in Windows the registry has a graphical shell, unfortunately it is not available in all editions of the system; it is not available in the basic or initial editions, for example. You can open it, here’s how you press WIN+R, the Run window will open, write gpedit.msc there

The Local Group Policy Editor will open.

Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Autorun Policies. The following items will be available to you:

  • Disabling autorun
  • Prevent autorun from remembering user selections
  • Prohibiting autostart of devices that are not volumes

We select the option Disable autorun, it sets the behavior of the system for all devices or just a complete shutdown, so to speak.

Prevent autorun from remembering user selections, sets a policy for turning off phones and memory cards

This is where I end an already long article, the main thing is that I taught you about this issue.