What is Google Adsense. How to connect a YouTube channel with an Adsense account to receive money earned through an affiliate program

If you want to start making money from contextual advertising in Google AdSense, then you need to go through a simple registration in this service. Today I will tell you with an example how register a new AdSense account. To begin with, it is worth noting that if you have registered with any of the Google services, then your account will be valid for all services, including.

Creating a new AdSense account

To register, go to AdSense page

As you can see, the start page is a Landing Page. If you already have an AdSense account, then click the “Login” button, if not, click the “ Register»

On the second step you will be greeted by a new account registration wizard

At the first stage, he will ask you to either log into your Google account or create a new one. If you have already registered with Google before, then just click on the “ To come in" and continue registering with AdSense.

The next step of registering with AdSense is to indicate the URL of your site in the “ My site” and the language of your site content. Then press the button " Save and continue».

On the next page of the AdSense account creation wizard, you will fill in your personal information.

The highlighted fields are required and important. Since the payments of earned money depend on this. AdSense pays out via postal traveler's check and bank transfer. And if the personal data is not true, then you will not receive money. Or you will have to prove for a long time to the Adsense administration that you are really you. I went through this procedure, and I will say it was not very pleasant. I had to send copies of my passport with my place of registration and various other documents to confirm my identity.

You can fill out the fields in Russian. Previously, fields were filled only with Latin characters using transliteration. A phone number is required; an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to it when logging into your Adsense account, if the system suspects that you are not trying to log in.

Next, click “ Send a request" Within a week, your application is reviewed and you receive a letter in the mail notifying you that your application has been approved for creating an account in Google AdSense.

After this, you become a full participant in the AdSense contextual advertising system and can start making money on your website. As you can see, create AdSense account is not difficult. How to earn money? – We’ll talk about this in future articles.

One of the best ways to make money on the Internet is to make money through contextual advertising. One of the brightest representatives of the company that allows you to place contextual advertising on your website is Google adsense. Today we’ll look at the stages of Google adsense, the rules of the affiliate program, and whether it’s worth spending your precious time on contextual advertising and whether Google adsense makes money.

In Russia we have two of the most common companies for making money on the Internet.

The first is Adsense, and the second is Yandex. For novice webmasters, the best option would be to use contextual advertising from Adsense, since when used there is a limit of 300 unique visitors per day. And I hope you understand that not every newbie who creates a website will have so many visitors in a short period of time.

And with Google adsense we can earn money almost immediately after registering on their website. I myself know how much I want to get at least some penny in the first week. And the cost of paying per click for me is higher than in Yandex. But everyone, as they say, has their own opinion and it will be easier for you to try both companies to decide which is better: Yandex or Google adsense.

The only thing that has a slight disadvantage, according to some people (thank God I didn’t come across it myself), is that it falls under sanctions, for example, for copyright infringement. Therefore, when using Adsense, you should be extremely careful where you place your advertisement and on what pages.

In general, Google adsense is very zealous about violating their rules, on the one hand, this is very good. At least advertisers are protected from their own wallets by unscrupulous webmasters. Therefore, if you plan to make money with Adsense, follow their rules to the maximum, and this rule can be applied to any project. Believe me, without breaking the rules you will earn much more.

Do not forget that ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility. Also, the disadvantages include the difficult withdrawal and cashing out of earned money, as Yandex has an easier time with this matter, after all, it is a Russian office.

Account creation

Let's figure out what contextual is in general. I think that almost all users have seen contextual advertising. Contextual advertising from Google adsense and more, this is an ordinary block of links with advertisements, an option for image advertisements is also possible - . I think this is clear, let's move on to registering Google adsense.

Please note that before registering in the affiliate program, you need to tidy up the appearance of the site. Show that your site is truly made for people. On the new site, about 10 - 15 good human articles will be enough for you. So let's look at the procedure for registering an Adsense account:

If your site has been accepted, you will be able to host an unlimited number of sites on this account, without undergoing additional moderation.

Appearance of Adsense contextual advertising, setup

After registering Google adsense, we need to set up our advertisement. After setting up, we will receive a code that must be placed in the place where we want our advertising to be displayed. It should be placed in the most clickable places in your opinion. Well, in my own opinion, I can say that there is definitely no point in setting the CTR in the sidebar; it will be very low. I recommend placing advertisements in the text, as well as somewhere in the header or end of the article. These are the most optimal places for placement.

So, go to our newly created account and start setting up after registering Google adsense. On the main page, the tab at the top, shows your earnings for today, yesterday and the total for the current and previous month. Now they have started to slightly change the visual component of the main window, I don’t even know which one is better to be honest. But that’s not the point, we need to select the tab next to it, which is called My Ads. And just below click on the button - add a new advertising unit. Next we will see this picture:

To begin with, we will indicate the name of our advertisement. Then we will select the ad sizes. I recommend choosing the basic (recommended sizes), since Google adsense has large statistics and these recommended sizes are based on it. These sizes have the most frequent clicks. They have a higher CTR than other ads.

It’s worth talking about client channels separately. Client channels are created to track various advertisements, as well as to monitor the performance of advertisements located on various sites. Let’s say you have two websites, if you make one client channel on both of these websites, then you will not understand how many clicks there were and on which of the websites they were made. Therefore, it will not be at all clear where the ads are located effectively and where not.
Also, using client channels, you can monitor the effectiveness of ads of different sizes. It will be enough for each size to choose its own channel.

Greetings to all, friends!

Today we will talk about Google AdSense. I'll tell you how it works, how much it pays and how to start earning money. Ready?

Google AdSense is an option for those who want to earn income from their blog. Understand how the program works and what you need to post ads on your page.

There are currently ways to make money from your blog, but most of these strategies take time, require quality content and ongoing work with an SEO (eg Google or Yandex).

But if you want to earn income from your hits, be it on your blog or your YouTube channel, you can sign up for Google AdSense to earn ad revenue.

This doesn't mean you have to give up your products! Ads will be the only other way to make money from your blog, and there is also the option to do both things at the same time.

So let's get down to business:

Understand what Google AdSense is, how it works, how much it pays, and what you need to get started now!

What is Google AdSense?

Do you know those ads at the top or side of the page you see on websites? This blog is probably part of Google AdSense.

What do I need to register?

Signing up for Google AdSense is easier than you think. All you need is a Google email account, your own blog with 100% original content, a phone number and an address, which can be your home address.

Who can register for Google AdSense?

Anyone over 18 years of age who has a blog and meets the above criteria can register and use AdSense for monetization with advertising.

Of course, there are certain restrictions on what content you share. For example, blogs that incite violence, discrimination, or explicit sexual content are not allowed.

How to register with Google AdSense?

The Google AdSense registration process is so simple that you can complete it by following the step-by-step instructions that I will describe below.

  1. Go to Google AdSense page.
  2. Select the email account for which you plan to create your profile.
  3. Fill in your blog name, country of origin and agree to the platform's terms of use. Remember that you must have your own domain to create an AdSense account because affiliates whose blogs are hosted on subdomains such as Tumblr, Blogspot and WordPress are not accepted. If you don't have your own domain, go to the site and buy one.
  4. Before accepting you into the program, Google needs to know whether your blog content complies with the company's guidelines. After this verification, ads will begin appearing on your page. Once your registration is approved, you can display ads on any page as long as they comply with Google's policies.
  5. The last step is to add the card number where you want Google to deposit the money you earn from ad clicks.
  6. Once the registration process is complete, Google will send an envelope to your address with a verification code. This may take up to two weeks.

How can I make money with Google AdSense?

At this point, you might be wondering: “But how do I make money with AdSense?”

There are currently two ways to generate income with ads on your blog:

  • Cost per click (CPC): In this case, you get money when someone clicks on the ad displayed on your page.
  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM): You earn based on the number of visitors to your blog. It's as if an ad is printed every time someone visits your page.

The advantage of an AdSense partner is that the algorithm used allows you to show ads based on the interests of your users. All you have to do is select the type of ads you want to display on your site and where the ads will appear, and the tool does the rest.

Because your audience only views ads that are targeted to their interests, there is a greater chance of clicks, and this type of interaction is what will bring you revenue.

How to earn income from Google AdSense?

Remember that Google asks for your banking information during the registration process? You will receive your payments through this bank account.

Some important information:

  • Payments are made in dollars via international transfer once a month for partners who have reached a balance of one hundred dollars or more, up to the 21st of each month.
  • The amount is converted into Reais, according to the conversion rate of the day.
  • Pay special attention to the fees your bank charges for these types of transactions. If you find them offensive, you can choose another bank that offers the same service at a lower price.

How much can I earn from Google AdSense?

This may be a question that everyone asks and the answer that I am going to give you may not be as pleasant as you think because the amount depends on several factors such as the number of visitors to your blog, the number of advertisers that exist in your niche, the type of content you publish on your site, etc.

To increase your profits with Google AdSense, you need to use the right keywords to attract qualified visitors to your page and, of course, provide quality content to attract those users.

Also keep in mind the positioning of the ads on your page and try to place them in places that are visible to your readers, being careful not to interfere with the visitor's browsing experience.

To find the best place to display your ads, there is no alternative but testing: place the ad at the top of the page for a month; then check the ads on the side of the page or in the footer of the site. Then compare the number of clicks you get with each version and choose the best placement.

Ad types

Text ads

Text ads, also known as sponsored links, are the simplest thing you can display on your blog. They typically consist of a headline that is also a clickable link pointing to the advertiser's page, one or two lines of text describing the product or service, and the website address displayed in green.


Advertisements are banners that can be displayed at the top, side, or bottom of your page. In general, there are more than 15 formats that you can choose from for your ads, such as horizontal, vertical, landscape, and square. Be sure to enable display advertising for the ad unit or set the default preference for your entire account.


Vivid media is interactive ads: HTML, gif and video. They tend to get more attention because they require visitor action, but they can also compromise your visitor's experience when used.

Link block

Each link block displays a list of relevant topics related to your site's content. When users click on an item in the list, they are directed to a Google ad page for that topic. You will be paid whenever a user clicks on any of the ads on the resulting page.

How to show your ads

As I mentioned earlier, the positioning of your ads is one of the factors that affects your AdSense earnings the most. So let's clear out a few doubts about this.

How many ads can be displayed on a page?

Google AdSense partners can choose not only the type of ads they want to display, but also the ad sizes, image, and text color. At the end of this process, the platform generates JavaScript code to place advertisements on the site. This allows you to link only content that matches your preferences.

Sounds complicated? Just follow this Google guide.

What are the criteria for selecting the ads that will be displayed on your website?

There are many factors involved before an ad can be displayed, but you can rest easy because Google will try to show ads in relation to your content and your audience.

If you want to block your ad from running, simply click Allow and block the ad in your Google AdSense account.

Google AdSense on YouTube

As your YouTube channel gains popularity and attracts more hits, you will want to link it with AdSense to receive payments for your views. This is one of the main sources of income for digital influencers.

The first thing you need to do is check that your channel is already enabled for monetization. In the Creation Studio menu, click the Channel button, and in the Monetization option, select the Enable checkbox.

Then click on monetization settings. Here you will have two options: create an AdSense account for your YouTube channel or link your channel to an existing account. If you already have a blog or page registered with the program, I recommend that you choose the second option to “skip” the entire registration and analysis process. To do this, simply click on the AdSense Link and YouTube button, then log into AdSense and select the Accept Link option.

Once your app is approved, you will see a "Hosted Account" label on the home page of your AdSense account. Keep in mind that to monetize your channel, you must have at least one video uploaded to YouTube and that content must be free of any copyright in order for you to monetize it.

For example, recorded television video or shows made available without the permission of the artists cannot be monetized.

How much money can I make from my videos?

YouTube pays between $0.60 and $5 per thousand views, which can vary depending on your niche. To give you an idea of ​​what this represents, a video with 100,000 views can generate up to $500, which is roughly $1,500. This amount may be higher or lower depending on the day's conversion rate.

This means that you can generate more than the average Brazilian salary with just one video. The good news is that this amount only increases as more people view the content, in other words, as long as the video is on air, it can provide you with financial returns. Not bad, right?

Pros and cons of being an AdSense affiliate

Like any business model, Google AdSense Partner presents advantages and disadvantages for the entrepreneur. Keep reading to find out if this is the best choice for your blog or channel.


Various advertiser options

Advertisers who use Google AdWords have two options for displaying their campaigns: ads on the search network or display ads on pages that link to Google AdSense. This means that there are thousands of companies competing for the space you have on your site or channel.

The proximity of the niche to your blog or channel topic

Google AdSense is different from other advertising programs because it distributes advertising according to the topic that each partner covers. This way, you are less likely to run an ad that doesn't interest your reader or viewer.

Variety of formats

Google AdSense offers various ad formats such as sponsored links, images, rich media, .gifs and videos. This variety of options gives you the ability to choose the most appropriate ad type to display. You only need to define the format and dimensions of your ad and AdSense will choose the most suitable ad to display.

You determine which ads will be displayed on your website

Google AdSense will not display anything that is not relevant to your audience without your permission. If any advertiser or campaign selected by Google does not match your content or violates its guidelines, you can prevent the advertiser from advertising their page.

You have the opportunity to monetize every time someone sees your ad

Whenever your audience engages with the ads displayed on your page or channel, you have a chance to earn revenue. In case of cost per thousand impressions (CPM) entrepreneurs, the amount is automatically transferred whenever someone visits the page/watches the video. If you're using a cost-per-click model, clicks on your ad must be qualified, in other words, if someone clicks on your ad and closes the page shortly after, you won't get credited.


It requires a lot of traffic

The amount you receive from Google AdSense depends on a number of factors, but the most decisive is the amount and type of traffic you receive, for one simple reason: the more visitors you have, the more users will see the ad, and therefore the greater the chances for the transition.

Therefore, starting a blog may take some time to generate income for this business model since it has few visitors.

You may disrupt the user experience

Nobody likes to go to a website and be bombarded with advertisements without asking for it. Although AdSense has a limit on the number of ads per page, it can still affect the view of your visitors, especially if they are accessing the site from mobile devices.

AdSense affiliates may have to wait a while before receiving any money

Another disadvantage of working with AdSense is that you only remove the number of ad clicks you receive if you manage to exceed the $100 balance on the 21st of each month. This factor can be discouraging if you are looking for a source of income with a quick and guaranteed return.

Is it worth working with Google AdSense?

If you've made it this far, you've probably realized that Google AdSense is a viable template for bloggers who want to earn an income. By mid-2010, the program was at its peak, and many bloggers were monetizing their posts by running ads on their pages. The fact is that many of them did not follow the guidelines that Google recommended and ended up getting banned. Others realized that in order to work with this model, you had to bring a lot of traffic to your blog/YouTube channel in order to get a lot of clicks. The answer to the question: “Is Google AdSense worth it?” - this is another question: are you ready to work on your channel (blog or YouTube) to attract enough traffic? If so, Google AdSense is worth it if you want to earn extra income.

For this strategy to work, you need to be careful not to influence users and gain access due to the number of ads displayed on your page.

It's worth noting that just because you've become an AdSense affiliate, you can opt out of producing your content because this will be critical to building authority and even selling products if you want to do sponsored posts or work with online sales in the future . Many YouTubers and bloggers work with multiple sources of income in parallel: Google AdSense, affiliate relationships with brands in exchange for commissions or products, product recommendations (Affiliates), selling physical (e-commerce) or digital products (online courses).

If you plan to only work online, I recommend exploring all the options to see which one best suits your profile. For this also check out how to make money blogging. See you in the next post!

Google Adsense is a service that offers web project owners to earn money without prior investment by placing advertisements. After registration, Google Adsense provides the opportunity to customize the appearance of advertising blocks so that they are in perfect harmony with the style of the site. Upon completion of the block format selection, the service generates a unique script for insertion into the site pages.

For clicks on advertising on a partner site, Google Adsense credits its owner with money to the account in the created profile. The cost of one click is set according to special company regulations and depends mainly on the content of the content. Withdrawal of money from the account to the bank account or electronic payment system of the website owner is carried out once a month, if the amount of income is at least $100.

Google Adsense supports various payment methods: through the online payment system (EFT) to a bank account, by check, using Western Union Quick Cash and Rapid services. Users living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus can cash received checks through state banking institutions.


To create your Google Adsense account, follow the steps below in the order listed:

1. Go to the login page - www.google.com/adsense/.

2. Scroll it with the mouse wheel to the very bottom.

3. To display the interface in Russian, click on the “English” field with the mouse. In the list you left, select the location “Russian - Russia”.

4. Return to the top of the page. Click the “Register” button (located on the right side of the slide).

5. On the “Welcome…” page that opens, you can create a profile in two ways.

Method I:

If you already have a Google account (Gmail mailbox), click the “Login” button. Then enter your username and password. After authorization (when your profile becomes active), you can immediately begin filling out an application for participation in the AdSense affiliate program.

Method II:

If you don't have a Google ID, click the "Create Account" button. And then fill out all the fields of the form that opens:

  • enter first and last name;
  • create a unique login (email address) and a complex password (10-18 Latin letters and numbers);
  • indicate your date of birth (indicate the day, month and year in separate fields);
  • indicate your mobile number (select your country in the drop-down list, type the number);
  • enter the captcha (characters from the picture);
  • Click the “I accept the Terms and Conditions...” box so that a check mark appears in it;
  • click "Next";
  • Follow the site instructions to complete data verification and complete account creation.

Advice! Google allows you to create multiple accounts. So, to avoid confusion, you can create a separate profile specifically for AdSense.

Information about the site

1. In the “My Site” line, indicate the domain name of the website on which you will place advertising.

2. In the “Content language” setting, specify the language of your site (Russian).

Fill out the “Contact information” form, according to your passport details or license (if we are talking, for example, about a private company). Upon completion of registration, check whether the fields are filled out correctly. The service uses the data you provide to send the earned money.

1. In the first two drop-down lists, set your country and its corresponding time zone.

2. “Account type”: indicate your status (“Individual” - private sites, blogs; “Legal entity” - services, companies, online stores).

3. “Name and address”: in this block of fields, type your first and last name or company name (if you specified the “Legal Entity” status in “Account Type”), as well as your address (city, region, zip code).

Attention! If you live in a capital city, also indicate the city in the “region” column (for example, city - Kyiv, region - Kyiv). Otherwise, the service may report an error in entering the index and prevent the completed form from being submitted.

4. “Main contact”: for feedback, please indicate your name, phone number and email.

5. “How did you find out…”: select the source from which you learned about the Google Adsense service from the drop-down list.

6. “Setting up email. mail": click the "Yes" button next to the newsletter to receive it by email. To disable it, click “No”.

7. Click “Submit Application”.

8. Verify the attached phone number:

  • click “Send...”;
  • in the line that appears, enter the code from the received SMS;
  • Click the “Confirm” button.

9. In an additional window that opens on top of the page, click the “I accept the agreements” box under the text and click the “Accept” link.

After acceptance, your application is reviewed by the service administration. If it passes verification, you will receive an email notification that a new Adsense profile has been created.

How to get the ad block script?

3. In the “Ad Size” block, click your preferred block shape (“skyscraper”, adaptive, large banner, etc.).

9. Go to the admin panel of your site and paste the resulting code into the HTML markup or PHP code that generates the main page, post or any directory. To get acquainted with Google's recommendations for placing advertising blocks on the site, in the panel with the generated script, click the link “Guide to implementing code”.

Have fun making money with Google AdSense!