Register on YouTube and create a channel. It's easy to create a new channel on YouTube

Youtube is one of the most popular video hosting sites, which allows its users to download, store and watch videos, and comment on them.

Youtube has a very simple interface, it is easy and convenient to use, thanks to which it has gained great popularity among Internet users around the world. Youtube, in addition to providing your basic functions is gradually turning into a tool for promoting websites and businesses, and is also becoming a source of income, as it provides wide functionality for users. The video hosting site contains many amateur videos.

It’s quite easy to register on YouTube and create your own own channel To view, you do not need any specific skills or abilities.

Since the Youtube service was purchased by Google, registration on Youtube is carried out through an account Google service. That is, you need to register with Google, and then log in to the Yotube website, indicating your email address and password to log in.

Let's see clearly how this can be done.

Let's enter in address bar browser address search engine Google.

In the upper right part of the browser window, click the “Login” button.

After clicking, we will be redirected to a new window with an authorization form. But since we are not registered yet, we need to click “Create an account.” This account will allow you to use other services provided by Google. Once registered in Google system You will have your own email and will be able to store own files on Google drive and so on.

In the appropriate window, you must indicate all the requested data, namely: last name, first name, date of birth. We also need to come up with unique login which will then be the first part of your e-mail addresses. It is also advisable to select complex password, which must be at least 8 characters long.

Google may require you to enter a phone number, but this prompted field is optional, so you can skip it. Below you will need to enter a verification code and accept Google's terms of use and privacy policy.

After successful registration, your new email, to which other users can send you letters. At the same time, this address will be your login in the Google system.

Create a channel

From the moment of successful registration, you will have the opportunity to create a channel and subscribe to channels on YouTube.
After registration, you will need to log in to Google if you log in from another browser. If you log in from the same browser in which you registered, then you do not need to do this, since Google will authorize you automatically.

Otherwise, you need to enter your data in the fields and click the “Login” button. Google may recommend that you save a password for your computer's browser. This is at your discretion.

To create your own channel, you need to click “Add video”, and then in the “Create channel” window that appears, and then design it in the desired way.

After creating a channel on YouTube, you can subscribe to any offered channels, download own videos recordings on your channel or use the search and find the desired videos.

That's all for today, I hope you were able to create your channel without special effort and problems.

: what's happened YouTube video hosting+ 4 reasons why you need a YouTube account + 6 steps to register an account + how to use YouTube + what you can do on the site.

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. With its help we relax, communicate with friends, and work.

Many people still prefer to relax online, for example, watch movies or various funny videos. Recognized best resource for this - .

In addition, to watch other people's videos, you can even shoot and post your own video. Users do this not only to show off their shooting skills or an interesting idea for a story.

You can also make videos to earn money. The server's capabilities are not limited, but first you need to deal with the first question - how to create a YouTube account?

What is YouTube?

The word “YouTube” itself comes from English and consists of two parts:

  1. “You” in translation is “you”.
  2. "Tube" means "pipe", "tunnel", but in colloquial speech stands for "TV".

If translated literally, it comes out as “your TV.”

On the site YouTube users post videos, watch other people’s work, leave comments. The number of visitors is growing before our eyes:

Initially, the idea for this server was different...

Creators Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Javit Karim wanted to open a new dating site. On it, users had to post interesting videos about your life in order to attract new acquaintances in this way.

By using Flash technologies video all uploaded videos were of good quality, even if they were small size. This project quickly became popular, the number of users increased daily.

Over time, the leaders of YouTube changed, and gradually it became what we see it now. Now the main thing here is not dating, but posts with new videos.

In 2006, it was acquired by Google for $1.6 billion. The site very often contains videos not only of an entertaining nature, but also with online broadcasts of various scientific lectures, lessons, various concerts, etc.

In our country, the Russian-language version of the site appeared in 2007 and immediately gained many fans:

Why do you need a YouTube channel?

Nowadays you can not only watch and upload your own videos on YouTube. Why else would you need this service?

The capabilities and goals of video hosting are significant:


    YouTube makes it easy for those who make their own videos and upload them online.

    Large companies are willing to pay to insert their commercials. The intermediary is the YouTube resource itself.

    This topic is so vast that it deserves a separate article -

    Increase your audience.

    YouTube videos are another method of promotion. Of course, it is not suitable for every business on the Internet. But, for example, a traveler’s blog or an online store of handmade goods can be promoted using video.

    To do this, you need to add a website address in your video or just talk about your business. This could be a link in the annotation to the video, the story itself about this resource, or the use of products on camera.

    If the video is interesting, users will follow the specified link or simply order your products.

    Always know about new products.

    The main goal of the YouTube audience is to always be the first, to know about everything that is happening in the world with the help of fresh videos. Subscribing to a variety of thematic channels will help you with this.

    For example, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, then you should create a subscription to a person who gives lessons online. A letter with a selection of new videos from the author will be sent regularly to

    Subscription helps save time searching for the desired video on the Internet.

Why should you create a YouTube account?

Registration on the site itself is not required. You can easily view videos without an account and share them on social networks. Why then do you need to create an account on YouTube?

There are advantages to registering on a server:

    You can create your own channel.

    On it you will post your videos, arrange video broadcasts, choose who can watch the video and who will have limited access, etc.

    You can subscribe to other channels.

    This is necessary in order to follow updates on the channels of your favorite bloggers.

    Monetize your YouTube channel.

    With this function, you can start making money on your videos, in which advertising will be inserted, thanks to the affiliate program.

    Some achieve very impressive earnings.

    If you suddenly have such a need or simple curiosity, you will have to register an account. How else will browsing data be recorded if there is no connection to the user?

Details on how to create a YouTube account

As we have already found out, YouTube belongs to Google, therefore, it is impossible to do without an account in this system. Fortunately, you only need to register once and you will be able to use all the services of the Google system.

In addition to the YouTube platform, it has many other applications for work and entertainment - Gmail, cloud services, social network Google+ and others.

Step-by-step instructions on how to create your YouTube account

You no longer need to register on the YouTube website itself. For users Google account You just need to click the “Login” button at the top or bottom of the screen.

How to use YouTube?

After creating an account and logging into the site, you will be offered a selection of posts recommended for viewing. The system selects them itself based on your queries in the Google search engine.

For example, you were looking for Ani Lorak’s video a few days ago. In the “Recommendations” section, the singer’s latest popular videos will be in first place.

Recent published posts and your previously watched videos will also be presented. YouTube will also automatically prioritize videos from channels you subscribe to.

As you use the service, your feed of videos will become increasingly tailored to your interests. This makes the resource even more convenient and popular.

The service menu is very easy to use. There are no unnecessary sections, everything is concise and clear.

The catalog of existing channels will help you quickly find those recordings that you will really be interested in watching. They are usually sorted into the following sections: sports, culture, music, games, news, etc.

On the left side of the screen are your subscriptions and main sections.

Using the resource is so intuitive that no additional instructions you won't need it.

Creating a YouTube account is very easy!

Visual step-by-step instructions in this video for you:

Video hosting YouTube: what can you do with yourself on the site?

Some people mistakenly believe that YouTube was created only for the purpose of . This is far from true.

Today, on the site you can communicate with people, just like in other social networks, and, as we have already found out, you can even create your own channel to make a profit.

A modern website has a number of parameters similar to social networks. Actually, YouTube is social network, albeit peculiar.

Here you can communicate, leave your comments, like, find friends, and share your favorite videos on your pages on social networks.

All these functions are needed to increase the site’s audience. The creators want their service to be of interest to all target groups that exist.

But still the main task hosting means posting videos of various directions.

Tip: If you are interested in a specific video topic, then it is best to subscribe to a specific channel. This is convenient because you don’t have to constantly look for updates. To your email address You will receive notifications when new videos are available for viewing.

The main thing is to understand how to create a YouTube account, and what to do next on the hosting, everyone chooses for themselves.

Marchenko Marina Anatolyevna is a woman of retirement age who started earning money online 1 year ago. She created a profitable technique called “Swallow”, or how can a beginner start earning 7,000 rubles a day from scratch?” Marina has step-by-step video tutorials where she shares her earning system in detail + gives a full report on the work done.

If you don’t know or for some reason you can’t register on YouTube, then here you go, from this detailed and step by step instructions you will learn how to register on YouTube.

There are several ways to create a YouTube account.
First way- if you have Mailbox from the gmail service, then you will not need to go through the registration procedure on YouTube, all this can be done in a couple of clicks and you will be registered on YouTube, we will look at how to do this below.
Second way- if you do not have a gmail mailbox, then you will need to create an account in Google, that is, create a mailbox in gmail service - .
If you already have a gmail inbox, then you can start detailed instructions, about how to register for free on YouTube.
And so, to register on YouTube, you will need to enter in your browser in the address bar and click on the “ Enter", after which the main page of the site will open, where you will need to hover your mouse over the button " To come in» and press once left button mice.

After which a page will open on your computer where you will need to enter address Email from gmail, if you do not have a mailbox from gmail, then you can view the instructions on how to create a mailbox on gmail.
And so enter your email address and click on the button “ Further».

When you click on the “Next” button, a page will open in your browser in which you will be asked to enter the password for your mailbox, that is, you will need to specify the password that you enter each time when logging into your gmail mailbox.
After you enter your password, you will need to click on the " To come in».
When you click on the “Login” button, you will be taken to your YouTube account, where you will see a message stating that you have successfully registered on YouTube.
Now that you have a YouTube account, you need to create a main channel.
If you don’t know how to create a main channel on YouTube, then you can read the instructions on how to create a main channel on YouTube.

In today's article we will talk about how to register on YouTube. Video on the Internet is becoming more and more popular, thanks to which video hosting sites are increasing their audience every day. Among all videos Youtube services comes first, and registering an account with it gives certain bonuses not only to channel authors, but also to ordinary viewers.

In my opinion, if people couldn't write, the entire Internet would look like Youtube. In order to view all the information that is currently contained there, a lifetime is not enough.

By the way, in order to watch the video you do not need to create an account. If you visit this site from time to time, you don’t have to get too carried away; you will find everything you need without a personal account.

Why do you need to register on YouTube?

But registering on Youtube also has its advantages. They become available only to those who have their own account. These advantages can make using the service more convenient; in addition, they provide access to functions that are not available to third-party visitors.

What are these advantages:

  1. The main advantage is that in addition to watching videos, you have the opportunity to post your own.
  2. You have the opportunity to subscribe to the channels of other Youtube authors. This will help you not to miss the release of new interesting and useful stories created by them.
  3. You also have the opportunity to leave viewing for later, to make a so-called bookmark. You can return to these videos at any time and you won’t have to look for them again.
  4. You have the opportunity to discuss, comment and leave your feedback under the clips you have watched.
  5. You have the opportunity to directly influence the popularity of certain videos by marking them using the “like” and “dislike” buttons. Thanks to you good videos will become more popular, and the crap will disappear from the view of the YouTube audience.
  6. Also, registered users can write letters to each other, without any connection to the videos, like regular email messages.

How to register on YouTube

Why do we need Account We've discussed it, now let's move on to the procedure itself. The video will talk about the initial stage of creating an account, and later in the article I will talk about detailed settings and how to use the new features that will become available after registering with the service.

Youtube is part of a group of services owned by . And, like all other services of this company, the YouTube account is linked to an email Gmail. This means that registration on YouTube begins with creating a gmail email account.

If you have mail on Gmail

In this case, registering will be very simple, you need to log in to, click on the right top corner the login button and enter the username and password for your gmail account. This will complete the procedure. I will show pictures of how this is done below.

If you don't have email on Gmail

We start the process with the same step as in the previous version - open the page and click on the “Login” button.

A login panel opens, through which we would register an account if we had a Google email, but we don’t have one, so we find the “Create an account” link and follow it.

First, a small form will open, which after clicking on the “Create” link new address Gmail” will turn into a long questionnaire. Here's the short form:

This is what the complete form will look like:

In it you will need to fill out almost all the fields. Particular attention should be paid to the following:

"Date of Birth"— I haven’t encountered it myself, but I’ve heard that there are age restrictions and people under the age of 18 or 14 can be refused. Therefore, if you are young, it is better to play it safe.

"Mobile phone"- sometimes the service asks you to confirm your data via SMS (not always), so specified number phone must be real. However, this is extra security for you.

"Backup email address"- this field can be left empty, or you can indicate your other email box For security purposes, if anything happens, you can recover your password.

When you fill out all the fields, including the captcha and the checkbox confirming your acceptance of Google’s policy, click “Next.”

After this, your account will already be created and on next page you will be prompted to add a photo and link it to a social network Google network+. You can do this if you want, but it will be quicker to click “No.”

On next step you will see a congratulations message from Google, confirmation of registration and an offer to return to Youtube to continue registration. There is only one button, so we return to video hosting. will celebrate your return with some minor changes. A circle symbolizing your account will appear in the upper right corner, and a panel with additional features will appear on the left.

At this point, registration on YouTube is completed, and you can begin to enjoy all the benefits that were described at the beginning of the article.

Setting up an account on Youtube

After you have completed creating your account, to make the service even more enjoyable for you, you can make certain settings.

Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner and in the pop-up window, click on the gear - these are profile settings.

In the settings, I will highlight some important, in my opinion, items (their list will appear on the left side of the site).

"Linked Accounts"- you can add yours Twitter account(link Twitter and YouTube) and check the boxes next to those events whose updates should automatically appear on the microblog.

"Confidentiality"- here you can open or close information about your preferences for other YouTube users.

"Alerts"— if you want to receive notifications about certain events in your account, then indicate this.

"Playback"— here you can configure the video quality with which it will be shown to you by default. If you have a slow Internet, then you should focus on speed; if everything is fine with the Internet, then choose the maximum quality.

How to use new features

After registering on Youtube, you can use previously unavailable features. Some of them open on the pages of specific videos - this is a subscription to the channel, the “like” and “dislike” buttons, the “watch later” icon.

The other part is available on the main page Youtube page in the left menu in the form of bookmarks.

"Watch later"— there are all the videos that you have marked with the appropriate icon.

"Viewed"— all the videos that you watched while logged in to your account are stored here.

YouTube account registration

For registering an account on YouTube In the search engine you are most accustomed to using, type the query “Google Mail”. Open the very first tab that appears in front of you. In the lines on the left you will need to enter your name, come up with a nickname for the mail, which will subsequently serve as a login for logging into the mail. Be sure to fill in the fields where you need to indicate your phone number.

This way you will protect your profile from hacking and can quickly restore access if you suddenly forget your password. After the account is created, go to the YouTube page. An account will be automatically created for you on the hosting. If this does not happen or you are not logging into YouTube from your PC, click on the “Login” button in the top right corner. The resource will take you to Google mail to enter data. If you have prepared a video for uploading, tap the “Upload Video” button and upload your first video to the channel.

Google account registration YouTube

Register an account on YouTube via Google You can do it not only from a PC, but also from a phone. For convenience, download gmail app via the app store or Google market to your gadget. Then, in the same way as described above, create a Google mail. After:

  1. Find it in Safari or Yandex search engine home page YouTube.
  2. Log in using your Google credentials to YouTube from your phone.
  3. If you want to download a video via your phone, on the main page of your profile, tap the bright red arrow icon.

Further, in a standard way upload the video to the network. What else can you do with a YouTube account? If you are not going to upload videos online, you can use your YouTube account to comment on the videos that you like. Create your own playlist so you can watch your favorite clips later. You won't be able to do these steps without an account.