How to enable the new youtube design on your phone. How to enable the new YouTube service design. How to switch to the new design in your browser

In 2016, bloggers accidentally found a test version of the updated, more minimalist design of In May 2017, it became known: testing has not yet been completed, but Google is already offering the updated YouTube “look” as an option, and anyone can use it.

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The redesign was based on the principles of the design language that Google has implemented in the latest versions of Android.

Fred Gilbert, Head of User Experience at YouTube:

“We don't want the UI to interfere with users. Content should always come first.”

What has changed in the updated YouTube?

  • The titles of the videos, which were in blue font, are now black and are not distracting;
  • “Trimmed” the sidebar menu;

  • The YouTube logo, search bar and channel icons have become smaller (and the latter are also round).
  • New videos now automatically load when you scroll down (you no longer need to click the “More” button).

Needless to say, it turned out great, and returning to the old version of YouTube leaves a painful impression.

But there are changes not only externally, but also “under the hood”. The new YouTube site runs on the Polymer framework.

Thanks to it, the service works a little faster, but the most important thing here is that Polymer allows you to add new functions - such as night mode (how to enable it is described below). The latter changes the light “background” to black, and as a result, watching videos at night becomes much more comfortable - the black color does not “hurt” the eyes.”

Want to upgrade to YouTube's new design? Then just go via this link and press Try it.

Without a doubt, many users would not mind the appearance of a dark mode in all applications and services, reducing eye strain. Google is constantly improving its programs and services, adding new features to them.

One of these innovations affected YouTube video hosting. Attentive users have noticed that YouTube has added a hidden mode that changes the white background of the web interface to gray and black.

How to enable YouTube dark mode

Click on your YouTube avatar and in the menu that opens, activate the option “ Dark mode" After this, a dark theme should appear.

Google developers periodically improve their products, making them more functional, more convenient, and more attractive in appearance.

Back in 2016, development of a new design for Youtube began. This work continues in 2017. At the moment, the new external design is already ready, and the developers offer to evaluate it in test mode and leave your comments, remarks and suggestions.

What does Youtube look like in the updated design?

The first screenshot shows the current view of the main page of the video hosting:

And this is a new one:

Which option do you like better? Personally, I think the new version is more attractive, more modern and airy or something. I have a little difficulty getting used to any innovations (it took me a long time to get used to, for example), but I immediately really liked the updated design of YouTube. I'll probably even stay on it :)

How to switch to the new design in your browser?

The new Youtube design does not have a separate address or subdomain. You can enable it in your browser through the developer tools.

For this:
  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows) or ⌘ + ⌥ + I (Mac)
  2. Go to the Console tab
  3. Insert line document.cookie="PREF=f6=4;path=/;";
  4. Press "Enter" on your keyboard

Now close the developer tools (click the cross in the upper right corner of the Console window) and reload the Youtube page (press F5).

If at some point you change your mind and decide to return the old design, you will need to click the following icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the page:

You will be asked to leave your feedback:

Friends, share your impressions of the new YouTube design in the comments. Did you like him? Do you consider it modern for 2017? What would you add or, on the contrary, remove?

The new design of YouTube in the Material Design style has been being tested by the company for almost a year. Recently, the opportunity to try the updated version of the most popular video hosting has become available to everyone.

Google tried to further simplify the appearance of the site by removing unnecessary elements from view. Now the service runs on the new Polymer framework, which greatly simplifies the development of innovations for users. The first of these is night mode. The dark background shade reduces eye strain by softly highlighting the white font.

The global update is currently being tested on a narrow circle of users. Others can evaluate the design by clicking on the link Just click the “Try” button and YouTube will automatically accept the new design. If the user does not like this version of the site, he can return to the old one at any time by clicking on the exit button in the upper right corner. The service will ask for feedback and will switch to the old design.

Material Design is visually very similar to the interface of mobile applications. The date of the official transition to it has not yet been announced. Currently, anyone can leave a suggestion on the YouTube home page.

Google designers are constantly working to update the company's many services. Sometimes these changes are insignificant and unnoticeable, and sometimes they completely transform the appearance of the product.

Typically, global updates are tested for a long time on a limited number of users and only after that they become available to everyone else. In the case of YouTube, we can look into the future right now and see what the service will become over time.

To assess the upcoming changes, just click on this picture. On the back of it you will see the new YouTube.

The service interface has become even simpler. If you like the changes planned by the developers, then you can apply them now. To do this, open the developer tools by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows) or ⌘ + ⌥ + I (Mac) and go to the Console tab.

Here insert the line document.cookie="PREF=f6=4;path=/;"; and press the Enter button on your keyboard. Close the developer tools and reload the page.

If at any point you want to return to the old design, then click on the exit icon in the lower right corner of the YouTube page. You will be asked to leave feedback on the new design and everything will be returned as it was.

Hello, friends! Just a couple of days ago, video hosting YouTube announced the start of testing a new design. I tried this new product too. I will say that switching to a new design is both simple and difficult. Therefore, I will tell you and show you how to do it quickly. Personally, I was captivated by the new YouTube design, and I started using it with pleasure. I think that you won’t regret it either.

To upgrade your YouTube, you need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the inscription "New tricks" .

You will be taken to a page like the one shown in the screenshot below. And on this page you need to click the button "Switch to new design" .

On the next page YouTube will boast about how good it has become and offer to click a button "Try" .

The new video hosting interface will open immediately. Notice that it is now completely white. And now it is impossible to scroll to the end of the page. There is simply no end to this. Scrolling became endless.

Another novelty of the new design is that the tab "My channel" is now in a completely different place. You need to look for it behind the image of your Avatar. Now, with the new design, the Avatar has become the key to many functions of the user and/or channel owner. See for yourself in the screenshot what functions are now hidden behind your favorite Avatar.

A very interesting solution. Here on the tab you can enable the so-called night mode and your YouTube will turn almost black. By the way, I chose this particular display option for myself. If you don’t like something in the new design, you can go back to the old one from this tab.

On the tab "My channel" you will see two big blue buttons.

The first will return you to the old design, and the second will return you to the creative studio, but again in the old design. I think that soon the first button will not exist, and when we click on the second, we will get to completely different views. This is still a trial version, not final, because when you change back from the new design to the old one through the menu hidden behind the Avatar, you will be asked to answer several questions regarding the new product.

Blog owners will also experience some minor changes. In principle, receiving a code for your video is no different from this operation in the old design, only there are differences in the visual perception of the entire process.

I recorded a short video with a brief overview of the new interface. Watch it, you will already have a certain idea. And just based on this video, you can decide to stay with the old design or switch to a new one, without waiting for it to be finalized.

How do you like the new product? Agree that reading the letters is one thing, but looking at them with your eyes is something completely different. I wish you to decide. I'm already working on the new design. Write what choice you made. What didn't you like about the new product? I look forward to your comments.

Best regards, Sergey Pochechuev.