Promotion on Twitter. Promotion on Twitter. Setting up a Twitter account

Twitter account- this is your personal page on, in other words, this is your micro-blog, i.e. a diary in which you can express your thoughts, emotions and more. Twitter was designed for the purpose of sharing information between friends. This is one that is gaining momentum faster and faster.

Savvy users have long realized that they can be used not only as Personal diary, but also as a tool for an Internet entrepreneur.

So guys, let's get down to business!

Before you create new account on Twitter, you need to decide what type of account you will have. I think how to create Twitter accounts for you, perhaps you knew this before, but you yourself understand that without registering on the resource ( we will not be able to work in it.

Today I want to confirm my words spoken in the free audio course “9 Real Ways to Increase Traffic from Twitter” and show you different types twitter account s.

I divide tweet accounts into three types: thematic account, personality account and mixed account. There are also narrowly targeted accounts - these are organizational accounts and “spam” accounts.

Which twitter account should I choose?

I want to say right away that you may not have to choose which account to create. You might find it useful or have all types of accounts. For example, there are different types of accounts. Well, that's why it's not surprising.

Before we decide, let's look at examples.

Thematic accounts

What do I mean when I say a themed twitter account?! These are accounts that represent a brand and/or reveal a topic or area of ​​life. Blogging, making money online, fashion, cooking and more.

Let's look at examples:

@ wpnew - account of Peter Alexandrov:

Thematic-brand account. Peter's topics are the blogosphere, WordPress, SEO, SMO and promotion. As you already understood, his account is not just thematic, but branded, such accounts are formed over time. As you can see, the number of readers/readers here has a large gap towards “Readers” - this is an indicator of the authority of the blogger.

@ virtual_ profit – account of Marina Lazareva (my cow):

This thematic twitter account. It is dedicated to making money on the Internet. Here I cover topics such as making money, blogging and money.

Defining thematic accounts: description of the topic in bio, presence of a resource link, thematic content.

Personal accounts

This personal blog any person who uses twitter for his personal purposes for communication, to find new interesting people, and so on. Here, as you already understood, the personality is introduced. There is a lot of communication here. There is no particular brand or theme that stands out here. As you know, there are blogs (resources) “Everything about everything,” and here is a personal diary, a micro-blog.

Let's look at examples:

@27_wrm — Alexander’s account:

As you can see, Alexander is very interesting person, he loves humor, laughter, poetry and travel. His twitter account is very interesting to read, because he writes very interestingly - each of his tweets has a rhyme. Even a short personal correspondence was enough for me to understand that he is a kind-hearted person. I love such people.

@5vg7 — Vadim’s account:

The bio description does not specify any specific topic; the person communicates a lot; judging by the number of tweets, it is clear that the person is actively “staying up” on Twitter.

Defining personality accounts: lack of a specified topic in the bio, lack of links to the promoted resource, a lot of communication.

Mixed accounts

This combines thematic content and personal account content. Such twitter accounts are quite common on Twitter.

Let's look at examples:

@smlazarevi - account of Marina Lazareva:

As you can see, this account of mine can be called mixed, because it is at the same time my personal account and a thematic account. Topics of this account: blogging, awareness, children.

@frilkacom — Freelancer's Piggy Bank account:

I also classify this (main) account as a mixed account, because here I cover topics: blogging, SMM, SMO, WordPress and at the same time maintain it as a personal account. In the future, I will write more thematic content and less personality content here.

Defining mixed accounts: a specified topic in the bio, the presence of a link to the resource being promoted, the content has thematic tweets and communication.

Why is it important to understand what kind of twitter account you read or create?

Because the audience depends on the type of account! Those. if you discuss a certain topic, then the readers will gather people who are interested in this particular topic. If you maintain a personal account, then people who have sympathy for you personally will be added to your readers. Mixed accounts contain both.

I believe that at the first stages of forming a brand (personal specialist), you need to create a mixed account, where people who sympathize with you as a specialist, people who like you as a person and people who are interested in the topics of your micro-blogs will gather.

Organizational accounts

Many people view Twitter as a tool for commerce and brand representation; accordingly, on Twitter, as in life, there are accounts that “gather” readers and accounts around which readers “gather.” The division into those who collect and those around whom they gather is arbitrary, here I mean that twitter accounts are created by an individual, an entrepreneur or an organization.

Let's look at examples:

@ free_ lanceru - resource accountFree lance. ru:

If you remember, in the course “9 real ways to increase traffic from Twitter,” I said that there are even accounts on Twitter where the readers are only freelancers and “hang out.” I talked about accounts like

is one of the leading services on the Internet where you can find performers (freelancers) in any field of activity. In the Twitter account of this resource you can read the news of the resource, and find performers among the readers.

@ukrtweet - BarCamp UkrTweet event account:

BarCamp UkrTweet is an annual Ukrainian barcamp for Twitterers (Twitter users). The following reports will be presented at the event: efficient work on Twitter, SMM promotion etc.. Here you can act either as a speaker or as a simple participant.

This is my first time planning a trip to this event! It’s very interesting to visit there, learn a lot of new things, meet Twitter people on real world and, perhaps, make a report (if there is still a formation free time, otherwise I applied late).

Defining organization accounts: in the bio description of the company/event/service, the presence of a resource link (address is possible), relevant content - news, communication (organizational issues).

Spammer accounts

And another group of Twitter users that I cannot help but mention are “spammer” accounts.

Let's look at an example:

@ ane4 ka_ kir – Anna Kirillova’s account:

As you can see here, there is no bio (account description), the number of tweets far exceeds the number of readers. Avatar is standard. Content is monotonous communication in the form of addressing someone. The tweet must include a link, since such accounts are created for the purpose of promoting certain services or resources.

As you can see, in virtual life, as in real life, people are different. Everyone has their own goals and everyone strives for them differently. By the way, I would like to note that in this article I didn’t talk about goals! Everytwitter account has its own purposes, but I can only guess about them. And this will be so, regardless of my professional opinion. In addition, this information may be classified, so I’ll leave defining the goal for later. Perhaps soon I will review some accounts (with the consent of the authors) and present their goals.

Here's a little tour of Twitter users. I think you, like me, liked this review of Twitter accounts. Well, at least I hope so!

I have only recently seriously started promoting my blog. Since it does not bring me physical, that is, monetary, profit, I try to minimize any costs on it. Therefore, I also directed blog promotion in a free direction and began using the techniques described below. And imagine my surprise when the increase in the number of subscribers to my Twitter account became noticeable the very next day. It sounds like an advertising slogan, but it's true.

Highlight your profile

As you know, people are greeted by their clothes. When a potential reader visits your Twitter account, their first impression will be based on how your profile looks.

Before you take any steps to change your account, look at popular accounts that are interesting and relevant to you. What is shown on their avatar, on the cover? What theme has been chosen? Try to find something common among them. And then go for it! Try to embody the best of what you see and add something of your own. Or vice versa, design your page differently than everyone else’s. Stand out from the crowd.

Next important step- description of your profile. You can't put too much in the bio section, so include the most important things. Use hashtags, mentions of other accounts, links.

As I mentioned above, you need to choose a cover photo for your account. You can take a photo or draw something yourself, or you can use stocks or services like Canva or TwitrCovers.

The theme of the page design should be in harmony with the cover and not interfere with the absorption of the text. Do not overdo it.

Pin your best tweet to the top of your feed. People who visit your page will see this post first.


As in any social network, you can’t have a hundred friends without leaving home. Find relevant accounts or tweets. Like, retweet, comment. It is not necessary to advertise yourself. Just hang out with people with similar interests.

Communication helps attract followers. People understand that your account is close to them in spirit, and they will be able to find something useful for themselves. For example, I helped a girl solve a problem with Google Chrome:

After that I got a new subscriber:

Fast correctly

No, I don't mean food. It is important to know how to properly format your post on Twitter. In addition, in order to meet the character limit, you need to take into account a few more little things.

For example, add all links through shortening services that provide statistics. I recommend Bitly. First of all, the service is free. Secondly, you get detailed statistics by transitions. Third, you can create custom links.

Don't use too many hash tags. Two or three pieces is quite enough. Try using today's popular tags in your posts. Mention the accounts of those you write about.

Repeat your tweets periodically. Of course, don't forget to change the text. Experiment with different options headers.

Don't just add beautiful pictures, A correct size. Despite the fact that the web version now displays images in full size, restrictions still apply on other platforms:

Attract readers through your website

New subscribers can be attracted directly from your website. Perhaps even your regular readers don't know about your Twitter account and want to join it.

Add OpenGraph markup to your page code

On every page of your site, the code must contain OpenGraph markup, including support for Twitter.

Thanks to it, it is determined how reposts of your articles on this social network will look.

You can find out more about the supported parameters.

Embed your tweet directly into your article

Articles with few pictures can be diluted by inserting a post from your feed.

To embed a tweet inside an article, click on the three dots in the lower right corner of the post and select “Post Tweet”:

And paste the resulting code into the desired place in the article on the site:

You can add such a quote by hand or using services like ClickToTweet.

Another good way attract readers to your account - offer something in return. For example, I offered readers a license for:

Automate account promotion

Like everything else, the Twitter promotion process can be automated using several services.

Automatic repost on Twitter

Find out your subscribers

You can get the inside scoop on your Twitter followers using SocialBro.

With the help of various filters and updated reports, you will always know who exactly your audience is.

When is the best time to post on Twitter?

Sure, you can tweet whenever you want, but will it be read? The most optimal time to tweet when most of your followers are online. Here again SocialBro comes to the rescue, where in a special section you can find out best time for posting:

Don't forget to add this time to SocialPilot so that posts are automatically sent at the right time.

Using the RiteTag service, you can find out how popular a particular tag will be. In addition, the service will automatically suggest the most popular and suitable tags.

Relax and leave it to the professionals

As I wrote at the beginning of the article, it is important to interact with future readers. This can be done manually or automatically using special services.

Jooicer- a service for automating interaction and attracting users of the Twiiter social network. Just set the rules, and the service will do everything for you.

Working with the “juicer” is built on several modules. Activation of each of them is responsible for a certain type of interaction with potential subscribers. You can "steal" readers from someone else popular account or like and follow posts by keywords.

When you register using this link, you will receive a 10-day trial of the service.

If a 10-day trial in Jooicer is not enough for you, just write in the comments the Twitter account that is connected to the service. After that, I will extend the trial for a few more days.

Here's how many followers you can get during the standard trial:

When to expect results

I started promoting at the end of January, and already in February the number of subscribers almost doubled. On average, 5-7 people subscribe to my account per day. Previously, one person subscribed to me every few months.

Before you open a Twitter account, answer the following questions: 1) Do you have an audience on Twitter? 2) What are you going to write about? 3) Will users be interested in your content? 4) Who will write? If you have clear answers to these questions, then move on to the next step.

Create an account on a microblog

Go to the page and fill out the required fields. Start with the Username field: this is what determines the address of your Twitter page and must be unique. Typically, the username is chosen as the name of a company or product, website domain, etc. Since most English words are already taken, you often have to choose between transliterating Russian words or long, awkward names. Try to choose the shortest and most memorable option.

We design the page in a corporate style

A branded account attracts users with its uniqueness and also clearly positions the corporate nature of the blog. Designing a page will not take much time, but will work on the image of your business. It’s worth paying attention to this and thinking about what will be interesting and pleasant for your users to see. To change the page design, go to your profile, then find Edit your profile >> Design >> Change background image and upload the file with the background image.

Avatar in corporate accounts most often represents a company logo. This is as logical as it is banal. If you don't have the option to personalize Twitter and post a photo specific person, try to find another solution. For example, you can come up with a character that will represent your company on a microblog. You can change your avatar using the Edit your profile >> Profile menu. There you can change your name, location, website and information about yourself.

We are filling

Finding interesting, topical content to post regularly on Twitter is not easy. Of course, you can approach the matter formally: copy corporate news, provide links to press releases and articles from the site. But the effectiveness of such work will be corresponding.

To get started, use the search (in new version he moved to the very top part screen) and see if maybe your company or products are already being written about. Try to participate in the discussion, analyze what is interesting to users, and then try to give them necessary information, answer their questions. You can now use your saved search queries using the @Searches menu item.

Focus on the main trends in your topic. Write on topics that concern users the most. Provide links not only to your site, but also to interesting materials from other resources. Be sure to respond to replays in a timely manner and retweet interesting messages. This is the only way you can earn the trust and respect of Twitter users.

Expressions like #slovo are popular on Twitter, which combine tweets on the same topic or dedicated to the same event. These are called hash tags and serve as indicators of the most discussed topics. Find popular hashtags for your topic and use them in your tweets, as these will have a much higher chance of being found and read. It makes sense to come up with your own hashtag if you are organizing a major event or producing a popular product.

Gaining the trust of followers

Have you started a microblog, designed it beautifully, write meaningful tweets, but the number of followers is still small? Over time good content, will certainly attract people to you, but this process can be accelerated. You can search for people in your niche and follow them, that is, look at their message feed or “follow” using the slang of Twitter itself, which often entails a response.

Using keyword searches, you can find and follow people who are interested in your products and services. Manually adding topical content to lists significantly increases the likelihood of reciprocal following. Periodically look through the lists of those who follow you, among them you can also find interesting microblogs. Optimal ratio The ratio of followers to followers is from 2 to 3 to 1 to 1, in this case your Twitter will be more credible.

To check whether someone on your follow list has followed you back, you need to go to their profile page. If there is no Message button in the menu, then following does not follow you, since the ability to send personal messages exists only for mutual followers only. Accordingly, through certain time in the profile of such comrades, you can safely click the Following button, which miraculously turns into Unfollow when hovered, unless, of course, you have a need to follow this person without hope of reciprocity.

If you decide to resort to mass following, then keep in mind: 1) among the followers attracted in this way, the vast majority will be bots; 2) mass following undermines trust real users who see a huge difference between the number of followers and followers; 3) if you sell niche products or services, then the likelihood of getting into target audience extremely low.

To make it easier to track interesting accounts, you can create thematic lists using the Lists >> Create a list menu. Accordingly, pay attention to the Listed indicator - this is an indicator of keen interest in your account.

Using Twitter for personal gain

Corporate Twitter can become an indispensable tool for communicating with consumers, this is especially noticeable in areas related to new technologies and consumer services. Of course, growing a list of followers is not an end in itself, and there is always a desire to get a more tangible result. However, the main value of Twitter is that you can connect directly with consumers and earn their trust. To do this, it is necessary to carry out constant work:

  • Create interest: post useful content for the audience in an appropriate style (as succinctly as possible), from time to time post links to pages of your website with valuable information for followers;
  • React: with the help of replays and personal messages to user comments about goods and services, focusing on their advantages and without entering into disputes about shortcomings;
  • Motivate: stimulate active and loyal Twitter users (with prizes, gifts, retweets of reviews, posting nicknames on a special page of the site, invitations to presentations);
  • Receive feedback: Conduct user surveys about your products and services and talk in detail about how their opinions influence qualitative changes in your company.

In conclusion, let's note the key idea: corporate Twitter is created not to promote the company, but to communicate with its consumers. Only this approach can ensure success in the field of microblogging.

In this article we will figure out who uses social media Twitter network, what kind of business it will be useful for, and how to behave here. Let's also look at those who successfully run a Twitter account and benefit from it.


Main Twitter feature is that it updates very quickly. This is facilitated by the publication format - only 140 characters of text. The user quickly reads and shares information at lightning speed if it is interesting.

Accounts for everyone you work with common project, can be a good platform for attracting customers and exchanging interesting information.


Twitter users are people who follow new products, are close to IT, actively monitor news, or like to share opinions and comment on the points of view of other people. There are many politicians here and those who closely monitor their activities.

Fans of stars who have Twitter follow their idol and create Accounts. Gossip, rumours, rumors and disputes are popular here. various topics. These discussions often turn into mass precedents and migrate to other social networks.

How is Twitter useful?

  1. The ability to share news or new products with a receptive audience, if you regularly receive them.
  2. It is not necessary to use images and, on the contrary, a successfully chosen single image sometimes gives an incredible response.
  3. From here it is easier to transfer users to the site using a short, intriguing liner and link. Here this is an acceptable format that does not arouse suspicion.
  4. If the target audience of your product uses Twitter, then it will be loyal to your business, precisely because it is specific.
  5. Hashtags that are popular among users. Thanks to them you can increase your reach.
  6. All accounts are open, searching for potential and existing clients is quite simple.
  7. Good conditions for situational marketing, working with reputation, organizing support.

Related article: Image sizes for Facebook

What format?

Here it is better to choose for publication everything that brings you closer to users. For example, how you manufacture your product, package it before shipping it to a customer, choose the color of the box, or move to a new office. It’s unlikely that people will buy from you directly on Twitter, but making it an effective stage of the funnel is quite possible.

Also, actively use topics that interest your audience. If today is the premiere of a new season of a popular TV series, a long-awaited concert or a book presentation, show that you are in the know.

Twitter can become an integral part of communication between a company and users. For example, MUZ-TV, when announcing the winner, instead of saying his name from the stage, took a photograph of the contents of the envelope and posted this photo on Twitter. The one who had the account learned the name of the winner after a few seconds, others were forced to wait for the presenters to announce it from the stage.

How to register and maintain

Remember: you need to manage your account carefully and do everything correctly. Behind active subscriptions you can be blocked literally right away. Mass following will be a rather risky experiment. Select accounts to add by importance:

  • clients;
  • partners, colleagues, suppliers;
  • competitors;
  • companies near you;
  • your friends not related to your business.

Available contacts in address book you can import and subscribe to those whose email you have.

Creating a Twitter account is intuitive. You need to choose a username that will duplicate the name of the site, or your own name if your identity is well known. This is also logical if you already have a well-promoted personal account on another social network.

Profile photo - either your portrait or logo. Each account also has the ability to add an image to the header (via “Edit Profile”). The image should be bright and of high quality, also make sure that it loads quickly and the page does not slow down.

Choose a theme color so that it contrasts favorably, provide information about you and your business, be sure to indicate where you are located, if this is important, add the website address. Don't forget about the keywords that people will use to find you. Competitor accounts and Yandex.Wordstat will help you choose the best ones.

Related article: Try VKontakte crops - fiery traffic! 🔥

Write more about people and events than about products, tag those you read. Thank you for your purchase, review, help, cooperation, or simply pay attention to someone who might be interested in the news.

If you want to be an interesting and honest account where your customers can have their say, retweet posts about yourself. Encourage writing of responses.

By searching by account name and keywords, you can track mentions and respond to the author of the tweet. Many companies conduct open correspondence with users on Twitter, providing technical support. This way, conflicts are resolved and the user is satisfied that his complaint or appeal is not hidden in personal correspondence.

Communicate - leave comments, mention those who know you well or are loyal. Be active, but always stick to the same line. Remember that you are maintaining this account not for yourself, but for the benefit of your business. Do interesting account, which will attract and direct to your business.

Pin the post you received greatest number likes. Everyone who visits your page will see this tweet.

Study who your customers follow. Select a dozen regulars and look at their subscriptions, select the most popular ones, and also subscribe and comment on the posts.

You can only send private messages to those who have a mutual subscription with you. There is no need to abuse them, even though there are no restrictions on the number of characters in the LAN.

Use a minimum of professional information about yourself, focus on what problems you solve and what benefits you bring.

Post regularly, not as often as possible. A couple of posts a day are better than 10 posts, but once a month.

Dear travelers of the great Internet, I want to tell you in advance that today we will examine the following questions: What is Twitter? How to register a page on Twitter? What are the benefits of Twitter? Why do you need Twitter? In general, let’s try to expand on this topic a little and make things clearer. So that you can do it yourself without special problems create your own twitter page and start studying it yourself, turning to the knowledge of this publication.

So, what is Twitter?

This is a kind of social network that allows you to exchange micro-messages. In general, Twitter (translated into Russian as Twitter). This one consists of subscribers. These are people who have subscribed to your messages, and thus always receive the latest information that you post on your page. Many people may be confused by Twitter because there is a 140 character limit on messages. At the same time, you can insert a link to a website, an image, or even a web video into your message. As a rule, Twitter is used by businessmen, companies, as well as bloggers and social networking enthusiasts. Those. people who like to always be in touch with friends, as well as exchange their thoughts with one touch.

How to create a Twitter page?

In order to become part of the rapidly growing, huge social network Twitter, you need to go to official page company There you need to enter First name, Last name, Email address, password. Once you have entered these details, you will need to click the " Registration ".

After this, you will be taken to a page where you will be told how high-quality the password you have set is, as well as whether the name you want to use is taken. If everything is ok, then just continue registration.

Have you received a similar error? Something is technically wrong? Well, it’s okay, this is business as usual on Twitter, I remember a year ago I registered an account for my friend, and he also had the same problem. More precisely It's not a problem. Just check your mail, you probably already received a letter in which you need to confirm that this is really what you want.

How to set up Twitter correctly?

Change profile on twitter In fact, you don’t need to configure anything, but you should fill out your profile. So let's start with it. Right now, without hesitation, open your Twitter page and click on the left top corner in your name. A page will open where you can upload your avatar. But more on this a little later; now we are interested in filling out the profile. Click on the button"Edit profile"

- it is located in the right corner, as in the picture below: Next, simply fill out the fields that you consider necessary. Upload your avatar, as well as go through the sections and fill out the required fields. I'm sure you can handle it, there's nothing difficult there. For example"Your location"

- this is the city where you live, etc. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments. In order to write a message on Twitter, you need to go to home page

your Twitter account, and click in the field where it says: " ". For greater clarity, you can see the screenshot:

What are the benefits of Twitter? You can send short messages anyone or everyone who is your subscriber, thus it is a tool that allows you to interact with other people, including business partners. And also this great service

, with which you can build relationships with your potential clients.

Direct communication - when you register on Twitter and begin to expand your list of subscribers, you will be able to instantly build communications and establish communication with your subscribers. Moreover, this is a great opportunity for them to receive direct messages from you, for example about a new product or deliveries. About discounts or some events. Moreover, you decide who should see these messages and who should not. Together with Twitter, you can easily find the topics that concern most people on this moment