Speech synthesizer application svox. Voice reader

Speech synthesizer applications are convenient and reliable assistants for Android users. With their help, you can “voice” applications into the most popular languages ​​of the world, adjust the timbre of your voice, and other important parameters and also listen to the sound different words. Most TTS apps for Android are available for free, but you have to pay extra to install some voices and features. We have selected the most convenient speech synthesizers for you, which you can download on our website.

Google Speech Synthesis

Genre Tools
Rating 4,1
Settings 1 000 000 000–5 000 000 000
Developer Google LLC
Russian language There is
Estimates 1 107 289
Version 3.14.9
apk size 14.7 MB

The most popular and accessible TTS utility, compatible with many Android devices. Using the program, you can speak text on the screen, as well as perform a number of important functions:

  • Voice over books of the application Google Play Books.
  • Translate and voice words from.
  • Turn on voice prompts using the TalkBack service.

You can activate the Speech Synthesis application from Google directly on your device. To do this, open the “Settings” menu item, where go to the “Language and input methods” subsection, and there – “Speech synthesis”. Select Google's speech synthesis system, after which the application will be activated automatically.

The program supports more than 40 languages, including English, Russian, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Danish, Hindi and many others. IN latest version 3 new languages ​​have been added to the utility - Romanian, Estonian and Slovak, and the overall voice quality has been improved.

Acapela TTS Voices

Genre Connection
Rating 3,5
Settings 100 000–500 000
Developer Acapela Group S.A.
Russian language No
Estimates 3 883
apk size 9.3 MB

Another high-quality speech synthesizer for Android, which is available on our portal. The program is shareware, and before you buy the application, you can listen to demo versions of male and female voices online. The utility allows you to purchase and install programs with high-quality voice, such as Google TalkBack, translators and news voice-overs.

To select and install a voice in the application, enter the menu, then press and hold the voice for a few seconds. A yellow star icon will appear next to the selected voice and it will be set as the default. Now you can use this program with your favorite book reader.

The Acapela TTS Voices application can be activated using the following steps.

  • Download the service on our website or Google portal Play.
  • After installing the application, click on the program icon. Make sure you have an Internet connection.
  • Check out the list of voices that are downloaded from the server.
  • Click on the menu next to each voice, where you can listen to your own text or go straight to purchase.
  • After purchase and payment, the voice will be downloaded and you can use it at any time.

Acapela TTS Voices is compatible with Android OS 2.2 and above.

Vocalizer TTS Voice

Genre Job
Rating 3,3
Settings 500 000–1 000 000
Developer Code Factory
Russian language There is
Estimates 3 405
Version 2.0.8
apk size 5.4 MB

Speech synthesizer with menu on English language. The program has an integrated TTS engine that supports more than 50 languages. The service stands out as pleasant and clear sound, the timbre of which can be adjusted to your liking.

Vocalizer allows you to voice popular Android applications, such as books, and rehabilitation software.

Other important features of Vocalizer TTS Voice include:

  • Support 50 languages ​​and 100 types of voice.
  • Emoji support (did you know there is one?).
  • Voicing words in dictionaries.
  • Reading speed settings.
  • Punctuation audio settings.

Once the program is installed on your device, you can activate it through the settings menu under Language and Input Methods - Text-To-Speech and set Vocalizer TTS as the default system.

The application is compatible with the system Android versions 4.0 onwards.

If you liked this application and are looking for similar apps– look at the review. And if you are in an unfamiliar country, and you don’t have time to voice the text, you need to translate this text - you can take a photo of it and translate it.

Narrator for Android or smartphone for a visually impaired or blind person

The modern world is constantly progressing. Graduated wonderful software— a screen announcer, thanks to which a person deprived of sight can plunge into the world high technology. We wrote earlier, and in this review Let's look at smartphone apps.

Speech synthesizer software looks like an application that provides translation text information to voicemail.

The wide variety of these products never ceases to amaze users, so I suggest taking a closer look at the most popular ones.

Application classification

Already developed and released a large number of speech synthesizers, with their help it is a pleasure not only to perceive visually useful information, but also to hear.

These programs are divided into two types: paid and free.

Those programs that are “ball-based” have a more meager arsenal of capabilities, but are also subject to use, with paid versions things are more cheerful, their vastness knows no bounds.

Russian-language speech synthesizers

For operating systems such as Android, there are many options for speech synthesizers, but most of them do not have Russian-language versions.

Let's look at a few of the most popular screen readers:

This program is developed for Android. Has high rates of speech synthesis, multilingual, has 25 different languages, including Russified.

The developers are Acapela Group S.A.. approximate cost is 4 euros.

A multilingual speech synthesizer that is not commercial. Information processing in 37 languages, good voice acting, many voice options.

Works on multiple operating rooms Linux systems, MacOS, Microsoft Windows and RISC OS. For correct voice reproduction, an extended dictionary was developed.

Due to non-profit activities, the program performs slightly worse than paid applications, but the developers have plans to improve performance.

Setting up TTS

Initially, you need to decide which speech synthesizer is most suitable. Download and install the application, then go to the TTS settings. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

  1. You need to start with the launch;
  2. Then you need to go to the application settings;
  3. Select and install the required language;
  4. Decide on speech synthesis;
  5. You should select an engine, most often “automatically”;
  6. Set the speech speed that suits you;
  7. Customize at your discretion Extra options, necessary for work.

When all parameters are set, if necessary, you can begin operation.

TalkBack is standard utility, which is usually built into the Android OS. This function was developed for people with vision problems, visually impaired people thanks to TalkBack, they can use gadgets without any problems.

When starting the program for the first time, you can use the instructions. Narrator has very extensive settings. On all devices, on different types firmware, there are slight differences in the service settings.

Main TalkBack capabilities are considered:

  • Variable playback volume level;
  • Ability to change voice tone;
  • Voiceover of every keystroke;
  • There is a distance sensor, thanks to which the sound level is adjusted;
  • The device reports information about incoming calls and SMS, Caller ID principle;
  • Convert speech to text and vice versa;
  • Gesture control.

These are the main features, but there are also a wide variety of secondary ones.

TalkBack is an indispensable application for people who have lost the ability to see and use the same devices as sighted people

For the visually impaired, this is a real find. People with full vision this application will not be convenient, it can be annoying, and slow down the process of working on the device.

It will be quite difficult for a person who cannot see anything to set up the program on their own, so it is best to seek help from the people around you.

For gadgets running on Android, it is possible voice assistance in management. TalkBack speaks all the icons that you can click on with your finger, or simply while moving around the screen.

The Explore by Touch feature helps with this. Eat detailed instructions, how exactly to use this function.

After reading the instructions, users have no problems operating the device.

In order to select the desired icon and activate the element, just press the icon with your finger, and a voice prompt will play. Scrolling, accompanied by different tones, also adds convenience.

Video: Acapela Tts Voices for Android


Having understood the work and functionality of screen readers, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. The announcers are indispensable program for people with vision problems and blindness;
  2. Using such programs, you can voice any test information;
  3. Voice-produced information can easily be converted into written text;
  4. The cost of voice speakers is low, there are even free ones.

SVOX Classic Text To Speech Engine voice engine for the platform is a program that allows you to play any Text Document in the form of a speech stream. Every device running Android OS has a built-in program that allows you to convert text into human speech. However, the disadvantage of this program is that it only supports foreign languages. The peculiarity of SVOX Classic Text To Speech Engine is precisely that this program knows how to “speak” Russian.

Using SVOX Classic Text opens up a lot of new possibilities. Thanks to it you will be able to voice various programs, play e-books And important messages. SVOX Classic Text supports more than 25 languages. Thanks to this set, this program is unique in its kind. There is also a choice here voice accompaniment- there are forty options in total. To reproduce text in Russian, you need to download a special add-on to the program, which is easy to find on the Internet. For further work Just install the program along with this add-on and that’s it - your smartphone speaks Russian!

SVOX Classic Text settings when playing text allow you to set the program to be used by default. To do this, just go to the application settings and go to the “ voice input- conclusion". There you need to tick the “system installed by default” checkbox. After this, the user can also select the default voice.

On our website you can download Russian voice engines to your Android smartphone. The program itself is included activated by key and does not require registration, as well as 40 male and female voices in 25 languages, naturally including Russian. Now yours smart phone truly becomes such, give it any text or command and it will read any array of text for you, in the language you need.

For the blind and visually impaired users devices on Android system The main source of information about what is happening on the screen is the speech synthesizer. Until support for tactile displays is fully developed and debugged, great importance for users with special needs.

Many speech synthesizers have been released for the Android OS, but not all have support for the Russian language. The main problem is multilingual texts, which some voice engines find difficult to handle. Let's look at the main TTS systems.

Acapela TTS Voices

One of the most popular multilingual speech synthesizers from Acapela Group is also available for Android. It is typical for synthesized voices high quality speech and good job stability.

The Acapela TTS Voices engine can be easily found and installed from Play Market. The program is free, but after its first launch you will be offered to buy and install the Russian voice “Alyona” costing 3.99 €.

SVOX Classic TTS

In second place among commercial engines is SVOX Classic TTS. The synthesized speech is of good quality, but the program sometimes does not recognize capital letters letters. Questions also arise in reading numbers.

There is a free trial version of the Russian voice on the Play Market, which you can freely download and test for 2 weeks.


Thanks to the Eyes-Free Project group, the cross-platform Open-Source synthesizer eSpeak, which supports the Russian language, was ported to the Android OS, starting with version 1.6. Compared with commercial programs, the speed and quality of speech are not very high, but quite acceptable.

Initial setup

Having installed TTS, you need to make it initial settings. We go in this sequence:

  1. "Settings";
  2. "Language and keyboard";
  3. "Speech synthesis".

Using Narrator

For Android version 3.2 and higher by Google developers The TalkBack utility was released, its functionality reminiscent of “Screen Narrator” for Windows. Starting with Android Jelly Bean, the application is reinstalled into the system and activated from “Settings” - “ Special abilities" To start, move the slider to the “On” position.

TalkBack features:

  • Listing of elements on the monitor with their simultaneous description;
  • Voice notifications about ongoing events;
  • Notification about calls and SMS messages;
  • Audio and vibration feedback from the device.

In its work, the utility uses the TTS interface, installed on the system by default. And although TalkBack already refers to system programs, it does have one drawback - it requires visual control for initial activation, so make sure a friend or family member is present when you first try out the application!

Control your Android device with TalkBack

For devices with Android 4.0 and older, control is possible by listening to screen elements that are directly under the finger when it moves. To do this, turn on the Explore by touch option in TalkBack settings.

After switching on, a demo video will start in two parts, allowing you to learn.

The developers of the Svox Russian Katja Voice application decided to make the dreams of hundreds of thousands of people come true - to create a program that will read the required texts itself and out loud. And yes, of course, in a pleasant voice. The Svox Russian Katja Voice application runs on Android platform and is available to everyone without exception mobile devices(tablets, smartphones). This library of reading texts by voice is now available in Russian. It is noteworthy that despite the name of the program, there are two voices in it - male and female. Working with the service is very simple. When you start the program, you can read the following message on the screen: "Hello, I'm Katya. Enter text and I will read your text out loud." After directly entering the required information or downloading required document, a book, a passage, as well as manipulating the settings, the application begins to “speak”. Or rather, read aloud what the user entered.

Program features:
- high quality reading texts;
- male and female voices"Katya" and "Yuri";
- clear and correct diction, pleasant timbre of voice;
- setting required parameters carried out manually or automatically;
- the ability to change the speed of information playback and volume, as well as raising and lowering the tone;
- the ability to integrate with GPS, as a result of which your phone turns into full-fledged navigator, indicating the correct path using voice commands;
- the ability to use the service with other applications (the program can read incoming messages aloud or notify about incoming calls and other notifications);
- the latest version of the program has the ability to correct pronunciation;
- simple and clear user-friendly interface;
- constant update and support from developers.
With the Svox Russian Katja Voice application, the process of listening to your favorite books and important documents turns into pure pleasure.