Connecting Yandex.Checkout to the online store from “whatAsoft. How to connect Yandex Cashier for individuals. Accepting payments from American Express, JCB and Diners Club cards

Setting up on the payment system side

To set up accepting payments to your company account, you need to submit an application to connect to Yandex.Checkout and enter into an agreement with the Yandex.Money company. Once you have your personal account on the Cashier website, you can start setting it up.

Yandex.Checkout personal account settings

1. In your Yandex.Checkout account, open the “Store Settings” section

2. Fill in the “Send notifications to” field with a URL like https://url_your_BILLmanager/mancgi/ycresult

3. Generate The secret key store (Secret key for API), it will be used to configure the module from the billing side.

4. In the Email field, enter the email to which monthly payment registers will be sent

Configuration on the BILLmanager side

1. Log in to BILLmanager. In the left menu, select “Provider”, then “Payment Methods”. Click "Create".

2. In the list that opens, click the “Yandex.Checkout” item: the method settings will open. In the “Client in the payment system” column, select “Use existing”.

3. In the “Store number” column, copy the store ID shopId from your Yandex.Checkout personal account.

4. In the “Secret key” column, copy the previously generated one to personal account Yandex.Checkout secret key for the store (Secret key for API).

5. If you need clients to be able to set up automatic payments, check the “Recurring payments” checkbox. Autopayment is available only for bank cards. At initial setup Auto payment, the client will make a trial payment of 1 ruble, which will be returned to the client.

6. If you want to make refunds or cancel payments, check the “Allow withdrawal of funds” checkbox.

7. Click “Continue”: the payment method settings page will open. In the “Name” column write “Yandex.Checkout”. Check other settings, if necessary, change the currency. If necessary, enable sending receipts to the Yandex.Checkout payment system or another connected online cash register module.

8. Click Finish.

Done – you can accept payments.

Technical information

The Yandex.Checkout payment module records information about its work in three logs

  • pmyandexcheckout.log - payment module settings log file
  • ycpayment.log - payment log file
  • ycrecurring.log - recurrent payments settings log
  • ycresult.log - log file of receiving a response from the payment system

The status of paid payments is updated automatically from the billing side, with an interval of 3 minutes. Also, the payment status can be updated by the Yandex.Checkout system by requesting the notification URL filled in in the store settings in your personal account.

This form is not a support request.
We cannot identify you or respond to your message.

Powerful and useful tool for owners of online stores, various funds and online platforms on the network. This The best decision for reception electronic payments, thanks to which it is possible to build a business and significantly increase profit levels. What are the features of an online cash register? What are the rates? Is Yandex.Checkout suitable for online stores?

Brief overview of Yandex.Checkout: purpose, who can use it

Today it is difficult to imagine a large business without integration into global network. Searching for future partners, buyers and even making transactions takes place online. One of the most attractive directions is opening an online store or other online service. The question is how to automate the acceptance (making) of payments and “connect” several electronic payment systems (EPS) at one point of sale.

The optimal solution is to connect Yandex.Checkout. This tool is available to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities not only from the Russian Federation, but also from other countries.

Read also -

Using the service you can receive payments in various ways:

  • From bank cards.
  • In cash.
  • Electronic money (WebMoney, Qiwi and others).
  • From your phone account.
  • Through online banking.
  • By attracting credit funds and so on.

One of the features of the online cash register is the ability to make mass payments to clients, which is important for representatives of currency exchange platforms, lottery organizers and representatives of other “mass” areas. Available funds can be transferred to reverse direction- to EPS wallets, bank cards, financial institution accounts or phone numbers.

How does Yandex.Checkout work, and what are the connection features?

Connecting a Yandex.Money cash register- solving financial problems for representatives of Internet businesses. The principle of operation is mutual responsibility between the participants in the process.

To make payments, the client (individual entrepreneur or legal entity) transfers a certain amount, which acts as security for payments. Next, the online cash register is given a list of telephone numbers, cards and accounts where the funds should be credited. Based on the results of the transactions, an act is issued confirming the provision of the service and containing a full report on the work performed.

To connect Yandex.Checkout, you should do the following:

Yandex.Checkout is a good solution for online stores. By connecting special service, you can receive money from various directions (bank cards, EPS, mobile accounts and so on).

How to connect Yandex.Checkout in relation to an online store? The registration and registration process takes a minimum of time:

  • . As soon as this work is completed, Yandex.Checkout opens a personal account for the user. An Internet manager is assigned to the newcomer, giving tips at each stage.
  • Preparation of papers. All documents are processed through the online cash register, which does not require a personal visit to the payment system office. It is enough to enter the data into the form, scan the director’s passport and send the electronic version for verification. The next stage of registration is to download the application, print it and sign it. Finally, all that remains is to go to your personal account, study the contract and tariffs.

The last stage of connecting the Yandex.Money cash register and tariffing of services

After completing the above steps, you can begin conducting business activities through an online cash register. The money is credited the very next day, subject to the deduction of commission (fees for service services). Every day, the user of the online cash register receives registers, and monthly - a statement indicating all services provided.

Connecting Yandex.Checkout is completed by integrating the service - connecting, setting up payment acceptance, as well as checking the functionality of the system. The connection can be made using CMS settings, with or without integration.

Worthy of attention and Yandex.Cash service tariffs. If we're talking about about receiving funds, there are two options:

  • Basic tariff- suitable for entrepreneurs with a sales volume not exceeding one million rubles per month. In this case, the commission ranges from 3.5 to 6 percent, depending on the payment. Most low parameter(3.5%) for bank cards and payments from Yandex.Money, and the highest for other electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Qiwi).
  • Premium- Yandex. Cash register for online stores with a turnover of over a million rubles. main feature- reduction of commissions. The upper limit is 5%, and the lower limit is 2.8% (for bank cards, lending) and 3% for Yandex.Money.

If we are talking about the payment of funds to clients by the user of an online cash register, there is one tariff plan. For example, when transferring funds to a wallet within the system, to a bank account or card, a commission of 2.8% is charged. When transferring to a phone number - 4%.

A profitable and convenient solution for retail outlets working on the network. With the help of this Internet service, it is possible to optimize payments and receipt of money subject to a minimum commission.

You can read the terms and conditions and connect on the official website Yandex Cashier. Happy business.

Attention! The archives are signed by the store version, different archives for different versions not compatible. The archive name has the prefix _for_

  • oc3 - only for 3 stores
  • oc2.3 - only for 2.3 stores
  • oc2.2 - only for 2.2 stores
  • oc2.0-2.1 - only for stores 2.0 and 2.1
  • oc1.5 - only for stores 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5, 1.5.6

If you haven't found the archive for your version of the store , we will add this archive in downloads.

a) Stores 3, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0

Automatic installation:

  1. In the admin panel of the site, menu Add-ons - Install add-ons - Download the archive
  2. If you encounter errors with the installer, check ftp settings or install the extension (manual installation is also possible - see Manual installation)

Manual installation:

  1. Unzip the archive, there are 2 files inside the archive - readme.txt and
  2. Unzip the archive, inside the upload folder and the install.xml file
  3. Rename install.xml to yandexur.ocmod.xml
  4. In the admin panel of the site, menu Add-ons - Install add-ons - Upload the file yandexur.ocmod.xml
  5. Menu Add-on Manager (Modifications) - update the modification cache
  6. Install required modules in the section Add-ons - payments (Payment)

b) Stores 1.5

  1. Unzip the archive, inside the archive there are 2 objects - readme.txt and the upload folder
  2. By using file access to the site (ftp or ssh) upload all the contents of the upload folder to the root of the site
  3. Install the necessary modules in the Add-ons - Payments (Payment) section

II. Settings

  1. Submit a request to connect to YandexKassa
  2. You will have a personal account - then Personal Account
  3. Fill out copies of documents in LC
  4. Sign the contract -
  5. In the tab Settings click Fill. Choose a method API connections protocol and press Continue.
  6. Specify notification addresses and other settings.
  7. Select how to send data for checks:

    Via Yandex.Checkout— in this case, you will need to connect the online cash register of one of Yakassa’s partners. -
    Decide later— if you don’t know exactly what to do with fiscalization, you can start connecting and fill out these settings later.
    On one's own— payments through Yandex.Checkout proceed as usual, you send fiscal data to your online cash register (manually or through another service).

    Click send.

    In the module settings enter license key() set the statuses “Order status after unsuccessful or expected payment” and “Status after successful payment”. Attention different statuses must be specified.

    For bank cards, a choice of Transaction Method is available (API protocol ONLY):
    One-stage - money is debited from the card without additional confirmations
    Two-stage - money is blocked on the buyer’s card. You have 7 days to confirm payment by bank card. If you do not confirm payment within the allotted time, the money will be returned to the buyer. Once you are sure that you are ready to provide the service or issue the goods, you need to confirm the payment. If you cannot provide a service or issue a product, you must cancel the payment. The money will be returned to the user; Yandex.Checkout will not charge a commission for the transaction.

    Set the module status to "enabled" and save the settings

    ATTENTION! Order statuses must be different (created, paid - either in the deferred or availability control scheme, created, waiting, paid)

    ATTENTION! If you use the Select payment method on the Yakassa side, then for it you need to configure all the modules that will be on the Yakassa side (it is not necessary to enable them)

III. Setting up interaction with the online cash register

This step is necessary only for those who are going to set up interaction with their online cash register through Yandex.Checkout. You should skip this if you submit check information to your online cash register yourself or issue checks manually. This section documentation allows you to choose the method of sending fiscal data to your online cash register (according to law 54-FZ). You can send them using Yandex.Checkout or another method.

a) What to do:

  1. Buy or rent an online cash register (KKT - cash register equipment).
  2. Conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator (FDO).
  3. Get qualified electronic signature(KEP, needed to register an online cash register with the tax office).
  4. Register an online cash register with the tax office: in the personal account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the website
  5. Send fiscal data via the online cash register after each payment.

b) How the solution works:

  1. The buyer pays in your store as usual. Along with the payment request, the module transmits data for the receipt to YandexCash: names of goods, quantity, price, VAT rate, email address buyer.
  2. YandexKassa sends your online cash register the details for the receipt and waits for a response.
  3. The online cash register generates a check and sends it to the fiscal data operator (FDO).
  4. The operator assigns a fiscal tag to the check and sends it to your online cash register.
  5. The online cash register responds to YandexKassa that everything is in order with the check.
  6. YandexKassa understands that everything is according to the law: the tax office will receive a check from the OFD on the same day, and sends you a message about successful payment.
  7. The OFD sends the check data to the tax office once a day.
  8. OFD sends a check to the buyer by email or SMS (this is an additional service).

c) How to send data for checks via Yandex.Checkout

  1. Buy or rent an online cash register from one of YandexKassa’s partners ( ATOL Online, ModuleCashier And Orange Data, support for other services is in development), enter into an agreement with the OFD (for example, register an online cash register with the tax office.
  2. Change the settings in your Yandex.Checkout personal account. Store settings menu - button to connect our solution.
  3. Example of editing online cash register settings:

    Type of online cash register— Yakassa partner from whom you bought or rented online cash registers.
    Data in block Integration are needed for the partner’s service to pass requests to your online cash register. They can be copied in your personal account at your online cash register (or requested from your provider).
    Address on check- this is the point of sale, printed in electronic receipt. This could be your store address (on the map) or website address (URL).
    Mail for errors— the email address to which Yakass sends messages about problems with sending data for checks. If your online checkout stops responding, an email will be sent to this address.
    Sending data for a check Defines the scheme by which Yakassa works with your online cash register. In 7 days: first the payment is made, and then the details for the check are sent to the online cash register. If the online cash register does not respond, the payment will go through, but the check may never be sent. In this case, a letter will be sent to Mail for errors.
    In 5 minutes: First, the check information is sent to your online cash register. When she receives a response that everything is in order with the data, Yakassa will send you a payment notification. If the online cash register does not respond within 5 minutes (for example, something happens on the provider’s side), the payment will not go through: the money will be returned to the buyer. This option ensures that the tax authorities will know about the paid item.

  4. In the module settings, check the "Transfer cart" item to "Yes"
  5. Below, set VAT - Without VAT - all goods in the cart will be assigned tax without VAT. Forced - VAT will be assigned to all items in the cart, select the desired percentage. The "From product card" option allows you to set an individual rate for each product in the cart - to do this, be sure to create a tax class; if the first field on the right is empty (system-localization-taxes-tax class), you do not need to create tax rates. Specify the desired tax class when editing the product, and in the table on the right, set the correspondence of your tax class to the VAT rate.

Attention! In the module "Yandex.Kassa PRO - Mobile terminal (Advanced protocol) - Beta version" YKassa cannot send data for checks when paying through the mobile terminal. You need to do this yourself.

You can accept payments through Yandex.Checkout, and send data for checks in another way (manually or through another service) - If on the Yandex Checkout side you selected the “Independent” option, then in the module settings, check the “Transfer cart” item to the “No” position

d) Integration with orange data

Enter the cash register group code (ask support) - default is Main
Select your tax system

e) Integration with ModulKassa

Login for token- this is your login from your ModulKassa Personal Account (e-mail);
Password for token- password from the ModulKassa Personal Account;
Cash register group code is the point of sale ID that you copied to your clipboard ( Personal account ModulKassy→Menu→Points of sale);

f) Integration with AtolOnline

In the fields “Login for token”, “Password for token” and “Cash desk group code” the data received after registration in ATOL Online is indicated; you can find them in your atol-online personal account. Attention! "Login for token","Password for token" Not coincide with login and password from your personal account ATOL Online

IV. Payment testing (HTTP PROTOCOL ONLY)

If you plan to test the operation of your store, when choosing a connection method in your personal account, check the “I will make test payments” checkbox. When your store is connected to the test environment (, you will receive a letter with test parameters. (The letter is sent to the address contact person By technical issues, which you specified in your personal account.) These parameters also appear in your personal account, in the section Settings. Substitute them in payment form on your website.

  1. In the module settings Select the module operation mode: "Testing"
  2. On the Yakassa gateway, enter test data

    Card number: 4444 4444 4444 4448
    Valid until: any year and month in the future
    CVV code: 000

  3. If you receive an error on the Yakassa side after entering the card, then this indicates a problem with checkurl - make sure that your checkurl returns code 200 in the server access logs, this entry should appear immediately after sending the card data, make sure there are no errors in the error log store (see faq for error codes), make sure https is working, make sure the checkurl address specified on the Yandex side is correct)

    Once you return to the store, you should see a successful payment page and your order status should change. (If the order status has not changed, this indicates problems with AvisoUrl - make sure that your AvisoUrl gives code 200 in the server access logs, this entry should appear immediately after returning to the site, make sure there are no errors in the store error log (see faq by error codes), make sure the AvisoUrl address specified on the Yandex side is correct)

V. Transferring payment acceptance to operating mode

You can put the payment form into working mode if:

  • your store has successfully received notifications about all test payments;
  • in the daily register that you received by e-mail, there is all the necessary payment information.

After this, technical specialists will configure the store on the Yandex.Checkout side and inform you of all the necessary parameters.

  1. In the module settings, enter new data if you received it
  2. At the store window, add the product to the cart and place an order using the payment method (Bank cards - this is the simplest and convenient option for testing)
  3. If you receive an error on the Yakassa side after proceeding to payment, turn on the debugging mode in the module settings and make sure that the transmitted data is correct (the amount to be paid, and also if you have enabled work with online cash registers on the Yakassa side, then the correctness of the transferred product items, as well as total amount for payment and the amount of commodity items)
  4. At the Yakassa gateway, enter payment details
  5. Once you return to the store, you should see a successful payment page and your order status should change.

If after some time you receive a payment fiscalization error (When the online cash register mode is turned on)
Here is a list of the main errors:

  • Your accountant “out of habit” closed the shift in the online cash register interface (Atol, Module.Kassa, etc.). While the shift is closed, payments will not be fiscalized. Typically, a shift is closed automatically using the online cash register used.
  • Primary fiscalization was not carried out at the cash desk

Contact Yakass support as well as your support online cash register to resolve these issues

VI. Updating the module version

  1. Be sure to backup your website and database files
  2. Remove the module modifier (modifiers menu or add-on manager or system folder) if you use it (only for store version 2.x)
  3. overwriting files
  4. Update the modifier cache (only for store version 2.x)
  5. Be sure to re-insert api_key or shopPassword. Resave the settings if you need to make changes to the settings
  6. Make sure that the notification address or checkUrl and AvisioUrl have not changed both in the module and on the Yandex side
  7. For 3x stores, update twig cache ( home page admin panel, gear at the top right)
  1. Remove or disable payment for the native YandexKassa module
  2. Change the notification address or checkUrl and AvisioUrl on the YaKassa side in LC
  3. Repeat partly step II Settings

1. When you go to payment, the text No Data
In the module settings, enable debugging mode, the last line is an error from Yandex cash register
Description of errors

Also, errors from No Data are available in the store log without enabling debugging mode.

This error is a response from Yandex checkout, read the text, the most common is incorrect authorization (shopid or api) or incorrect password - spaces at the beginning at the end (Password has illegal format), the method is not available on the Yandex checkout side (connect through the manager), method not available in module (

2. Deciphering errors from the store log (error log)

YandexUr Error: Hash not equal- the secret phrase specified in the module settings and written in the questionnaire does not match

YandexUr Error: Amount of payment not equal- the amount does not add up, the payment went through one and the order was different.

YandexUr Error: This order alredy paid- the order has already been paid

Other errors are the response from Yandex checkout, read the text, the most common is incorrect authorization (shopid or api), the method is not available on the Yandex checkout side (connect through the manager), the method is not available in the module ( on this moment Alpha click is not available for API, Promsvyazbank, mobile terminal, Masterpass, Kupivkredit, Erip- these methods are only for the old HTTP protocol)

3. How to add an icon to a payment method

In the module settings

field name of payment method add img tag(what is an img tag and how it works is described in the link)

Yandex money

4. Successful, unsuccessful payment and repeat payment pages are displayed incorrectly

copy the module templates catalog/view/theme/default/template/account/
yandexur.tpl to your template folder in the appropriate path, correct the layout in them to suit your template

Stores 3.x
It is necessary to bring the tpl of the module in accordance with your template (take common/success.tpl as a standard)
copy the module templates catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/payment/
to your template folder in the appropriate path, correct the layout in them to suit your template

5. The re-payment link is not displayed in your personal account
the button can be added in the module settings in the comments in the letter - the instructions field in the letter, add a link variable, the link will be displayed in the order view, create a tag for the button and give it styles

Corrections for the template

Stores 1.5
Edit xml file from the vqmod folder
block catalog/view/theme/*/template/account/order_list.tpl in accordance with your template

Stores 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Remove the modifier, open the module archive file instal.xml
edit the catalog/view/theme/*/template/account/order_list.tpl block according to your template
rename the file to yandexur.ocmod.xml and install via the installer, update the modifier cache

Stores 3.x
edit catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/payment/yandexur_aclink.twig
update twig template cache

In the module settings, specify the Attribute of the payment method and subject - this data will be used by default if you select the Attribute of the subject and/or method for a product - the default item

If you specify your field from the product card, the data will be taken from of this field, if the field is empty, the default setting for this product will be used.

For individual values, you must select the field from which the value will be taken; the list of fields is available in the drop-down list.

For values ​​in the product card, indicate one of the following values ​​in the required field

Attribute of the subject of calculation

Meaning Description
commodity Product
excise Excise goods
job Job
service Service
gambling_bet Bet in a gambling game
gambling_prize Winning in a gambling game
lottery Lottery ticket
lottery_prize Winning the lottery
intellectual_activity Results of intellectual activity
payment Payment
agent_commission Agent's commission
composite Several variants
another Other

» in 2015. In 2016, more than 2 thousand companies use it. The average payment for them is, according to Yandex, p7.5 thousand. Most often, invoices are issued by online stores of physical goods, companies providing various services, as well as distributors computer programs and content.

2019: Possibility to accept payments through Tinkoff Bank

Citylink is interested in testing payment systems using QR codes. We see prospects for their further spread throughout Russia. Moreover, with the development trading network One cannot ignore the increasing flow of tourists from China. Therefore, together with Yandex.Checkout, we first of all added acceptance of payments via WeChat Pay to all of our full-format stores in the two largest cities of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Payment via WeChat Pay is made contactless using QR codes. At the checkout, the buyer just needs to open the WeChat application on his smartphone, let the seller scan the QR code and confirm the payment on his phone.

To accept payments via WeChat Pay, companies do not need to integrate with Yandex.Checkout. It is enough to sign an agreement with the payment solution and install its special Android application on your smartphone or tablet. Through this application you can scan QR codes to accept payments.

Accepting payments from American Express, JCB and Diners Club cards

Service "B2B payments"


Modernization of the technology platform

At the core technology platform Yandex.Checkout - updated API. Through it you can set up accepting payments from bank cards, from electronic wallets, from accounts mobile numbers, through Internet banking and other popular methods. The API also allows you to connect special functions Cash registers - for example, linking bank cards, holding and returning money, online cash register support. A company can use all the opportunities at once or only some. Connection occurs in a “one-stop shop” mode - using a single technical protocol, which reduces connection time.

At the same time, an offer system has become available in Yandex.Checkout, designed to help online stores and other services attract customers and increase sales. To do this, you need to upload an offer to the Cashier - for example, a gift for a purchase or a discount on goods. The user will see this special offer after paying for the order on any other online platform through the Cashier. The cash desk shows people offers depending on their personal preferences, using technologies based on machine learning. The store pays the Cashier a reward only if the buyer visits its website and uses the offer.

In addition, Yandex.Checkout clients can now view payment analytics for any period in their personal account: total revenue, number of sales, average bill and refund amounts. This data can be used in basic management accounting, to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and the performance of suppliers.

Integration options


Pros for the store:

  • Minimal modifications if the CMS is already integrated with CCP
  • Possibility of implementing specific functionality “custom-made” for self-written systems

Cons for the store:

  • For self-written CMS, integration is difficult.
  • The need for constant improvements related to changes in protocols and FDF
  • If you change the CCP manufacturer, you will have to start all over again.
  • In addition to integration with cash register systems, it is necessary to algorithmize the return logic in case of unsuccessful receipt sending.

Via Yandex.Checkout

Pros for the store:

  • Simple integration: if it has already been carried out by the CMS, just a couple of clicks are enough. If the CMS is self-written, you only need to expand the protocol for interaction with Y.Kassa.
  • Monitoring the success of turnkey fiscalization.

Cons for the store:

  • It is more difficult to implement specific functionality “for yourself”

Yandex.Checkout will help online stores operate under 54-FZ

In May 2017, Yandex.Checkout introduced technical solution for online stores and online services. With its help, companies can accept payments in full compliance with the requirements of Law 54-FZ, which will come into force on July 1.

As you know, the law obliges all sellers to use cash machine, enter into an agreement with a fiscal data operator, instantly transmit tax information about sales, and send checks to clients via SMS or email, even when paying online.

The Yandex.Checkout solution is a protocol for transferring data on payments and returns for online stores. It allows you to automatically send sales information to the cash register and control the transfer of checks to the fiscal data operator, and then to the tax office. The seller will be able to issue a refund through the cash register from the Yandex.Checkout personal account, where information about the purchase is stored: prices, products and the VAT rate. All invoices that the store issues through the Cashier in instant messengers, SMS or email will also be issued in accordance with the rules of 54-FZ.

“All stores are required to comply with the requirements of the law - both online and offline. To connect our solution, many of them don’t even have to carry out complex technical work: already integrated with Yandex.Checkout popular CMS, and their list is constantly expanding. Companies will be able to set up work according to the new rules through their Yandex.Kassa personal account,” noted Alexander Kuroptev, project manager for preparation for 54-FZ at Yandex.Checkout.

The Yandex.Kassa solution is integrated with 13 content management systems (CMS), cloud service"Atol Online" for cash services on the Internet and the cash solution "ModulKassa". To use the protocol, you need to buy or rent a cash register with Yandex.Checkout support, register it with the tax office and enter into an agreement with any fiscal data operator. The entire connection process will take up to 7 days.

Yandex.Checkout: companies can accept payments through marketing letters

People will no longer have to go to the company’s website to pay for their purchase. The payment button will be directly in the letter: about new arrivals of goods, discounts or upcoming events. The service is suitable for any business, be it an online store or a company that does not have a website.

Yandex.Checkout clients can create email campaigns that accept payment via SendPulse. This is an international online platform that specializes in bulk email, SMS and push mailings. Every month, companies around the world send about 300 million emails through SendPulse. More than 515 thousand accounts are registered on the service, of which 182 thousand are in Russia.

“The Yandex.Checkout payment button will help increase sales conversion for those who are actively developing email marketing,” says Oksana Korobkina, head of distribution development at Yandex.Checkout. - Now some online stores and services are losing customers. They go from emails to the website, but never make it to payment. The reasons may be different: I changed my mind, something was distracting, an inconvenient basket, etc. But it is known: the fewer actions required from the user, the higher the likelihood of a purchase. Our service solves this problem. A person sees a product or service of interest in a letter, immediately presses a button and pays in any convenient way.”

To accept payments from letters, a company just needs to enter into an agreement with Yandex.Checkout - no technical integration is required. The service is available in both paid and free version SendPulse. You can send emails with a payment button to your clients at any time from your computer or smartphone. Payment history is shown in the company’s personal account in Yandex.Checkout.

Email newsletters use Yandex.Checkout technology " Smart payment" With its help, the company can offer the client three payment methods that are most convenient for him. Among them may be electronic wallets, bank cards, mobile number accounts, Internet banking or cash, which can be paid through any of the 250 thousand payment acceptance points in Russia and other CIS countries. To understand how it will be more convenient for a person to pay, Yandex.Checkout analyzes the most different parameters. For example, what methods did the person pay before, does the order amount exceed one-time limits available methods payment and how people most often pay in a particular store.

Yandex.Kassa will help you accept online payments through 1C

Yandex.Kassa has become a payment operator in 1C:Enterprise. This is a popular management and accounting system in Russia - it is used by more than 1.5 million organizations. They will be able to issue invoices to clients and accept payments directly in this system - without additional settings. The service is suitable for both companies that actively sell goods and services via the Internet, as well as those that don’t even have a website.

“Yandex.Checkout” is already built into the main “1C:Enterprise” solutions for trade automation: “1C: Trade Management”, “1C: Integrated Automation”, “1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2”. In any of these solutions, the company will be able to generate an invoice in the form of a link that can be sent to the client anywhere - for example, by email or messenger. A person will be able to pay such an invoice immediately - from a wallet in Yandex.Money, with bank card or through Sberbank Online. Funds will go to checking account organizations.

“There are enough companies in Russia that still work only offline - for example, they take orders by phone and send receipts by mail. But many of their clients are already accustomed to paying for goods and services online, he noted Alexander Magomedov, commercial director of Yandex.Money. - With the help of 1C:Enterprise, any manager can issue an invoice through Yandex.Cash - no special skills are needed for this. In fact, we have provided thousands of organizations new channel acceptance of payments, which will help them increase sales volumes.”

After concluding the contract, you will be sent parameters Store ID in the central processing center (shopID), Shop window number in the central processing center (scid) to set up payment on the site. These parameters and the store password that you came up with earlier must be specified in the settings of your site in the section “Settings -> Product settings -> Module settings -> whatAsoft: Online store” or at<адрес-сайта>/bitrix/admin/settings.php?lang=ru&

Step 3. Testing payments

If you plan to test the operation of your store, when choosing a connection method in your personal account, check the “I will make test payments” checkbox. In the site settings, you also need to check the “Demo payment mode” checkbox. For self-testing You can place a trial order with online payment and use test data when making a payment to make sure the connection is correct.

Step 4. Putting the payment system into working mode

Upon successful completion test payment You can switch the payment system to combat mode. You can do this with the help of Yandex.Checkout technical specialists, and don’t forget to uncheck the demo payment mode box in the site settings.

Now your website is completely ready to accept customers and promptly notify you about new orders and payments!

If you have any questions when connecting Yandex.Checkout to your online store on ready-made solution from whatAsoft, write to our support team by email