Fiscal transfer. What is OFD for cash registers

OFD (fiscal data operator) is a mandatory link in the online cash register system for all trading companies. This is a relatively new entity that everyone who is obliged to work with cash register systems and send sales data according to the new regulations to the regulatory authority (in this case, the role of such an authority is assigned to the tax department) has to deal with. Connecting to the OFD has become one of the stages of a quest called “Start working with online cash registers in the new realities” for retail and online trade. Let's look into the details of the issue.

What is OFD, how do they differ from other special communication operators and how can you become a fiscal data operator?

OFD are specialized companies, special communication operators. There are many telecom operators in Russia that provide channels for businesses to send reports to regulatory authorities. OFDs are approximately the same enterprises, only the requirements for them specifically for sending fiscal data differ.
According to Russian legal standards, they must have:

  • premises where technical means are located that ensure the transfer of relevant fiscal data. The premises must be located in Russia (this is mandatory) and can be either owned or leased;
  • means of forming a fiscal indicator and checking it. Actually, this is a cryptographic means of protecting fiscal data. These funds must be owned by the company;
  • relevant licenses and conclusions. We are talking about Roskomnadzor licenses for the provision of communication services and the conclusion of the FSTEC on the protection of information for its compliance with the legislation on cash register systems.

What is the function of fiscal special operators?

The main task is clear from the name - to process fiscal data, that is, to receive fiscal documents from cash registers, encrypt them, and check their accuracy (in technical terms, of course). And then - transfer it through the necessary channels: from the trading company to the tax office and back (the actual data from the cash register is transferred there, confirmation is sent back). Simply put, only if there is an agreement with a special operator, the cash register of a retail outlet will be able to send data to the government agency according to the regulations, which came into force in the second half of 2017.

Two interesting details:

Firstly, the operator can use the data passing through it for other purposes - collecting statistics or research. This is not prohibited, but there is a condition: in this case, the data will be anonymized (at least, it should become so).

Secondly, a company cannot be included in the register if its manager or chief accountant has a criminal record. In this case, we are talking about convictions for economic crimes or crimes against state power. If a company applying for OFD status has an employee who was previously dismissed on the basis of loss of trust, then this will also become an obstacle to obtaining the status.

Agreement with OFD: how to conclude correctly?

We figured out what the OFD for cash registers is. Now let's move on to practical issues - the contract. You can't do without it. Without an agreement, the cash desk will not be able to transfer fiscal data to the tax office, and this will be a serious violation, for which a fine will be provided.

The contract is public, that is, one that must be concluded with everyone. This means that the operator does not have the legal right to refuse the client to enter into such an agreement if he has the technical capabilities to perform the functions of transferring fiscal data.

Each operator has its own form of agreement. But there are several conditions that must be included in such an agreement. This:

  • size (volume) of services provided;
  • conditions and procedure for their payment;
  • contract time;
  • procedure for its termination.

It is important to know that the operating company must notify the relevant tax authority about all contracts. The following information is transmitted to the tax office:

  • name of the user organization;
  • Full name of the IP user;
  • INN of the taxpayer-user;
  • registration number of each copy of the cash register;
  • serial number of each cash register;
  • date of conclusion of the contract;
  • its validity period;
  • date of termination (if information about its termination is transmitted).

An agreement with the OFD is a serious matter; it is similar to an agreement for connecting to an electronic reporting operator.

How much do OFD services cost?

Each operator has the right to set its own price, since it provides a regular (albeit regulated by law) commercial service. But, according to the editors, all fiscal data operators currently have a price set at around 3,000 rubles per year for 1 cash register.

In this regard, the question of how to choose a partner depends not only on price. Rather, it translates into reliability of operation, convenience and speed of connecting services and the personal account interface in which the user will have to work.

What should an entrepreneur do? We recommend studying the websites of fiscal data operators, watching presentations of their services (the websites have screenshots and even videos that give an idea of ​​what a personal account looks like) and make your choice in favor of the OFD that you like best.

List of Russian fiscal data operators

The list of fiscal data operators as of April 5, 2019 includes 18 companies. All of them are approved by orders of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and are contained in a special register on the Federal Tax Service website. Here is a complete list of them, broken down by region of registration of the organization. But please note that the region of registration of the company and the region of operation of this OFD may not be related to each other. You can find out whether a company provides communication services in another region by contacting it directly.

1. Fiscal data operators (Moscow)

Company name TIN
LLC "Electronic Express" 7729633131 dated 04/14/2017 N ED-7-20/
Taxkom LLC 7704211201 dated 08/31/2016 N ED-7-20/
LLC "Yandex.OFD" 7704358518 dated 04/10/2017 N ED-6-20/
Yarus LLC 7728699517 dated 08/31/2016 N ED-7-20/
LLC "Energy Systems and Communications" 7709364346 dated 08/31/2016 N ED-7-20/
LLC "GROUP ELEMENT" 7729642175 dated September 12, 2017 No. ED-7-20/
NVision Group JSC 7703282175 dated 06.12.2017 No. ED-7-20/
PJSC "Vympel-Communications" 7713076301 dated December 26, 2017 No. ED-7-20/
LLC "MultiKarta" 7710007966 dated 02/12/2018 No. ED-7-20/

2. St. Petersburg fiscal data operators

Company name TIN The OFD operator is approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:
KORUS Consulting CIS LLC 7801392271 dated 05/12/2017 N AS-7-20/

A business entity is required to enter into a service agreement with the OFD (fiscal data operator), who acts as an intermediary between the entrepreneur and the regulatory authority. The operator’s tasks include transmitting to the Federal Tax Service encrypted information about transactions carried out by the client for the sale of goods or paid services for which funds were accepted.

The fiscal data operator must be registered in the Russian Federation and located on the territory of Russia. To carry out the main activity you will need a special license. Permitting documentation is issued by the tax service (Article 4.4 of the law on the application of CCP No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003).

Current fiscal data operators (list)

The list of organizations that have received permission to perform work as operators of fiscal information is compiled by the tax authority. To service online cash registers and transmit data to the Federal Tax Service via an encrypted communication channel, business entities must enter into an agreement with an operator, but only with the one that is included in the current version of the list of tax authorities according to the OFD. It is published on ]]> website ]]> Federal Tax Service and is constantly updated. The tax authority has the right to either expand the list of accredited operators or reduce it. The latter is possible if the operator's license has been revoked. Situations when early termination of permitting documentation is allowed (Clause 8, Article 4.4 of Law No. 54-FZ):

    regulatory authorities conducted an inspection of the operator’s activities, as a result of which circumstances were identified that were incompatible with the status of a Russian operator of fiscal information;

    the operator twice (or more) in a year violated its obligations to fulfill the instructions of the controlling structures (failed to fulfill the requirements or fulfilled the tasks assigned to it with a delay);

    The cancellation of the permit was carried out at the request of the operator himself, subject to the receipt of a written application to the Federal Tax Service.

Fiscal data operators, a list of which is published on the tax service website, are available for cooperation with all business entities that use online cash registers in their business activities. When choosing an operator, it is recommended to pay attention to several factors:

    territorial coverage of the company (does the operator serve clients in the region where the business entity is registered and operates);

    service prices;

    guarantees of quality and stability of the implementation of the entire list of functions under the contract;

    the presence or absence of additional terms of cooperation, a set of available services.

The ]]> register ]]> of operators published by tax authorities provides information about the name of the organization, the TIN number, the official website of the company and details of permitting documentation.

by the list

Operator name

Tariff offers

JSC "Energy Systems and Communications"

To test the system, customers are given the opportunity to use the operator’s services free of charge for 5 days.

Tariff plans are offered in several options. When the term of cooperation under the contract increases, a discount on services appears.

Taxkom LLC

Tariff plans are tied to the number of expected months of service (1 month, 200 days, 13,15 or 36 months).

Evotor OFD LLC

On the company’s website, you can select the required set of services and services, the service period, and depending on the parameters set, the cost of the contract will be calculated online.

Yarus LLC

The cost of annual maintenance is 3,000 rubles.

LLC "PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies"

Several types of basic tariffs depend on the services included in each program (from 2995 rubles per year).

LLC "Yandex.OFD"

Annual maintenance will cost the customer 3,000 rubles. If the client has more than 100 cash registers, the price of services is calculated individually.

LLC "Electronic Express"

Minimum tariff from 3000 rub. in year


Prices for operator services depend on the service period and range from 1,500 rubles. For half a year.

LLC "Company "Tensor"

Tariffs can be chosen with payment for each check, for one day or for 15 or 36 months.

KORUS Consulting CIS LLC

The total cost of annual, quarterly or monthly maintenance is tied to the number of cash registers.

JSC Manufacturing Company SKB Kontur

The contract can be concluded for a period of 13, 15 or 36 months.

JSC "Tander"

The company offers annual or three-year maintenance. The minimum contract value is 2100 rubles.

LLC Certification Center "InitPro"

The company offers a choice of three tariffs, depending on the volume of business.


The minimum annual tariff is 999 rubles. (it has additional paid services).

NVision Group JSC

Annual or monthly service; for owners of 200 cash registers or more, an individual tariff schedule applies.

PJSC "Vympel-Communications"

Tariffs with monthly, quarterly or annual payment.

LLC "MultiKarta"

The cost of services is from 1200 rubles. for a year of service when registering through the operator’s website.

Dreamkas LLC

Cooperation is offered under an offer agreement, the service period is 15 months for 2990 rubles.

LLC "Kontur NTT"

The cost of service is given for a period of 13 and 36 months (3,000 or 7,000 rubles, respectively).

OFD: everything you should know about fiscal data operators

The fiscal data operator is an intermediary between the online cash register and the tax service. It is this organization that accepts checks, BSOs and reports from CCP. The OFD receives information via the Internet, processes it, sends it to the Federal Tax Service, and then stores it.

What are the functions of OFD?

  • Accepts checks from KKT, strict reporting forms, shift opening and closing reports and other fiscal documents.
  • Checks the fiscal sign received documents.
  • If the document fails verification and turns out to be counterfeit, informs immediately report this to the tax office.
  • Transfers all checks to the Federal Tax Service that came from the cash register. Gives the IRS access to these checks at any time.
  • Continuously processes fiscal data online.
  • Protects all fiscal data from burglary. Protects the servers on which all information is recorded.
  • Stores all data within 5 years.
  • Gives the buyer the opportunity to see an electronic receipt and verify the legality of using the cash register. Sends checks by email buyer, if the cash register does not have such a function.

How does OFD work?

How is data protected during transmission?

All documents are signed with a fiscal sign (FP). There are 3 types in total.

FP of the document

They sign checks and other documents. Thanks to it, the tax office and buyers can see the receipt and find out if it is forged.

FP messages

Protects data that is transmitted from the cash register to the OFD via the Internet.

FP operator

A unique attribute of the operator, which allows you to see which OFD processed the check. Thanks to this, one operator cannot falsify the information of another.

How to connect to OFD

Step 1. Get the CEP

A qualified electronic signature is needed in order to register equipment on the websites of the Federal Tax Service and OFD. Just like you sign paper documents with your signature, electronic documents are signed with the EPC. She cannot be forged, and the contract signed by her has the same legal force.

You can obtain it from a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

You may not receive a CEP, but then you will have to go to the tax office in person and sign an agreement with the OFD through representatives of the organization. Without this signature, you cannot perform legally significant actions via the Internet.

Step 2. Register in your OFD personal account

When registering on the site, enter: TIN, your name, email and phone number.

Step 3. Sign the agreement

With the help of the CEP we sign the contract. If you do not have an electronic signature, ask the OFD how you can contact their agents to sign the agreement on paper. Without this document, you will not register the cash register with the tax office.

After you sign the agreement, you will be taken to your personal account. Here you can connect new cash registers, but first you need to register them with the tax service.

Step 4. Register the cash register with the Federal Tax Service

We go to your personal account on the website We submit an application for registration of a cash register. To do this you will have to fill in some information:

  • Where will the cash register be located?
  • Cash register and financial fund model.
  • Serial number of the cash register and FN.
  • Information about your OFD.
  • If you write an application on paper, it should contain the same information.
  • After the application is verified, you will be given a CCP registration number.

Step 5. Activate the FN and receive a registration card

In the CCP settings, enter the following information:

  • OFD data.
  • Your TIN and tax regime.
  • KKT registration number, which was given to you by the tax office.


If you entered the registration number of the cash register or your tax identification number incorrectly, they cannot be corrected. The only option is to buy a new fiscal drive.

After entering the information, the cash register will print the first document - the registration report.

In your personal account with the Federal Tax Service, enter the data from the report. In a few minutes you will receive a registration card.

Step 6. Enter information in your OFD personal account

In the registration report printed by the cash register, find the following information and enter it in your personal office of the OFD:

  • Registration number that was issued to you by the Federal Tax Service.
  • KKT model.
  • Serial number of the CCP.
  • Serial number FN.
  • Give each cash register its own name. It is used only to make it convenient for you to navigate your cash registers.

Step 7. Agree with the application for connection

Check if all your data is written correctly and agree to connect. To do this, you will again need an electronic signature.

Step 8. Pay for services

The cash register will immediately transmit information to the fiscal data operator. You will have 5–10 days to pay for OFD services, otherwise you will be disconnected.

Registers CCP, FN And OFD: "Registers" tab.

When it is possible not to transmit OFD data

You are in an area where there is no Internet

In this case, an agreement with the OFD is not needed, and the cash register operates offline. When the period of work of the FN ends, the reports are submitted to the tax office.

An exact list of such areas will be published on the websites of local administrations.

The lists do not include settlements with a population of more than 10,000 people.

Technical problems with the Internet connection

If the Internet connection is interrupted, the cash register works offline and checks are not transferred to the OFD.

The data is recorded in the fiscal drive. When the Internet is restored, all information is transferred to the OFD.

But if you have not fixed the problem within 30 days, the FN stops working.

Your OFD license was confiscated

If your OFD license is revoked, the cash register operates offline. All information is recorded in the FN, as in the case of problems with the Internet.

But, unlike the situation with no Internet, you have 20 days to connect to the new OFD, not 30.

Personal account on the OFD website

View all punched checks

You get access to all fiscal documents. You can see every receipt, reports on opening and closing shifts. This will allow you to control employees and monitor their work.

Connecting new cash registers

If you are registering a new cash register, then all documents can be signed in your personal account via the Internet.

There is no need to go anywhere.

Selecting tariffs and paying for services

In your personal account, you can choose the tariff that suits you and pay for it immediately.

Study of statistics and analytics

Your personal account displays the average bill, revenue and cash register operating hours. All information is in numbers and graphs.

You can monitor how your business is performing, find problems and improve performance.

Connecting additional users

You can give a cashier or accountant access to your account, with limited rights.

The accountant will only see information about money, and the cashier will only see information about his cash register.

Who can become an OFD

To become an OFD, you need to meet a number of requirements:

  • Live in Russia.
  • Get an expert opinion on the quality of your equipment.
  • Obtain permission to provide information security services.
  • Pass the FSB check.
  • Obtain permission from the Federal Tax Service.
  • If the OFD does not fulfill his duties, he will be deprived of his license. Then to his clients within 20 days you will have to sign an agreement with another operator.
In 2016, the term OFD appeared in the vocabulary of businessmen who trade, provide services and, in principle, work with cash registers. The abbreviation is strange, frightening with the unknown.

Klerk.Ru tried to understand all the intricacies of this structure. We will be glad to receive any additional information from market players in the comments.

OFD - what is it?

In July 2016, Law 54-FZ “On the Application of Cash Registers” came into force, which determines that from July 1, 2017, all information about payments through cash registers must be transferred to the tax office. The intermediary in the transfer of fiscal information from cash registers to the Federal Tax Service will be fiscal data operators (FDO).

Operators are companies certified and included in the register of the Federal Tax Service that have received special licenses and permits (Ministry of Communications, FSTEC, FSB, etc.) to work with encryption tools and protect information.

It should be noted that OFD is not Russian know-how, but a well-established global practice.

Which organizations in Russia have received OFD status?

Today, five companies have OFD status, among them: (see the first check of the new sample below), Evotor (a joint project of Sberbank, ATOL and the founder of QIWI), Peter-Service (recently invested from the Alisher Usmanov fund). They are waiting for permission from the Federal Tax Service Yandex.OFD and others.

A register with up-to-date information on organizations with OFD status is available on the Federal Tax Service website here.

Do I need to replace the CCP?

Most new models will be suitable for new conditions, but may require a small upgrade. You can check whether your cash register complies with the requirements of the law and, accordingly, whether it is available for registration in the register posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

It should be noted that the upgrade may take some time, so it is clearly better not to check the registry on the last day.

What happens if I ignore the connection to the OFD?

The law establishes penalties for non-use or improper use of cash registers. In this case, the fixed fine is replaced by a fine, the amount of which depends on the amount received without using the cash register. Such a fine cannot be less than 10,000 rubles. for officials and less than 30,000 rubles. for legal entities.

But the matter is not limited only to money; in case of repeated violation, the activity of the retail outlet/establishment may be completely suspended for up to 3 months.

Well, here we go again, all the expenses. What about the CTO?

Maintenance of central heating centers is no longer mandatory, which does not relieve entrepreneurs from the need to maintain equipment in working order. As for the cost of maintenance, it is the same for all OFDs and amounts to 3,000 rubles/year.

Can I trade if our farm is not connected to the Internet?

Yes, if it is included in the list of remote and hard-to-reach settlements, far from communication networks. This list is prepared by local governments in each individual region, after which the final list will be published on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

What if the internet goes down in my store? I won't be able to trade?

The entrepreneur is responsible for the presence or absence of Internet at the point of sale. In the event of force majeure situations with the communication channel, you can continue to work, because all calculation data is stored in the device, but it is very important to transfer this data to the OFD within 30 days, otherwise you will no longer be able to print checks and, accordingly, make sales.

11. What does the new sample check look like?

Like this (this photo was kindly provided to us by the guys from the Taxcom company).

From what moment is it necessary to register a cash register in order to transfer data to the fiscal data operator?

The law specifies the following deadlines:
  • voluntary registration of cash registers from July 15, 2016;
  • mandatory from February 1, 2017 for newly registered and re-registered cash registers;
  • from July 1, 2017, all cash registers are required to begin sending payment data to the OFD;
  • from July 1, 2018, the law begins to apply to individual entrepreneurs working on the patent tax system, as well as to organizations and entrepreneurs working on UTII.

I work on UTII, I don’t use a cash register. What to do?

Now - wait. The government is preparing a draft resolution that will precisely indicate the types of activities for the use of CCP.

How will I know that something went wrong? For example, data on checks is not received by the OFD?

For this purpose (a caring supervisor), there is a personal account that everyone who connects to the OFD will have. It will signal with notifications about situations that it considers strange, for example, if you have not received any payment data for a couple of days. Of course, there is a possibility that you put a barn lock on the store and went hunting in the taiga, or maybe something broke at the cash register. Such notifications will help prevent troubles in case of force majeure.

Still not clear

The song will help you! If you still have questions, be sure to watch this video from the small tax khanate.

Only those companies that are included in the register of fiscal data operators of the Federal Tax Service of Russia can. In this article we will look at all the organizations from the registry and determine how they differ from each other.

Where to find a list of fiscal data operators

OFD.RU (PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies)

We have been creating programs for telecommunications services for 20 years. The advantage is easy connection, since the cash register itself downloads all the necessary data. When paying for services, the company provides a month of free service.

To get on the list of organizations of fiscal data operators, you need to pass a check at the FSB and receive a certificate from the Ministry of Communications and Communications.


Search engine and developer of more than 50 Internet services and portals. When working as FDOs, they use their technologies in the field of big data processing.

"Electronic Express"

The creators of the legal system GARANT. Their service has been used by lawyers, accountants and executives since 1990. To use this operator, you do not need to have a cash register.


One of the three largest special communications operators in the country. They provide services for VTB24, TinkovBank and AlfaBank. Participated in the experimental use of online cash registers. Dreamkass partner.


They issue certificates for digital signatures, deal with electronic document management and business automation. Developers of VLSI network communications. So far, OFD does not have a test site, and the support service works only with partners and clients. There is a mobile application for clients.

"KORUS Consulting CIS"

Owned by Sberbank companies. One of the leaders in electronic document management. They have a network of partners throughout Russia.

"SKB Kontur"

They have been developing accounting software since 1988. They issue digital signatures and handle electronic document management. Create information security systems. We have developed about 30 products for business.


An online cash register operator created by the Magnit retail chain for its stores. Initially, the network connected to the First OFD, but then registered a personal operator. Other businesses can also join Thunder. The company has already been included in the OFD list on the Federal Tax Service website and has developed, but has not yet made a website.

We’ll select an OFD for a year and connect it
for 2900 rubles and 2 hours!

Leave a request and get a consultation
within 5 minutes.

These are all fiscal data operators in Russia, but the list of organizations will continue to grow. In 4 months, 7 new companies entered it. Therefore, follow the updates on the Federal Tax Service website.