1742 1 certificate of conformity FSTEC. Microsoft certified products. Which organizations does 1C-Bitrix cooperate with in the certification process and in what format?

Personal data privacy policy

This Personal Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) applies to all information that the KASL company website (hereinafter referred to as the KASL LLC Website) located on a domain name (as well as its subdomains) can receive about the User while using the site (as well as its subdomains), its programs and its products.

Definition of terms
1.1 The following terms are used in this Privacy Policy:
1.1.1. “Site Administration” (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) - authorized employees to manage the site of the KASL company, acting on behalf of KASL LLC, who organize and (or) carry out the processing of personal data, and also determine the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data subject to processing, actions (operations) performed with personal data.
1.1.2. “Personal data” - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).
1.1.3. “Processing of personal data” - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
1.1.4. “Confidentiality of personal data” is a mandatory requirement for the Operator or other person who has access to personal data to not allow their distribution without the consent of the subject of personal data or the presence of another legal basis.
1.1.5. “KASL company website” is a collection of interconnected web pages located on the Internet at a unique address (URL): , as well as its subdomains.
1.1.6. “Subdomains” are pages or a set of pages located on third-level domains belonging to the KASL company website, as well as other temporary pages, at the bottom of which the contact information of the Administration is indicated
1.1.5. “User of the KASL company website” (hereinafter referred to as the User) is a person who has access to the KASL company website via the Internet and uses information, materials and products of the KASL company website.
1.1.7. “Cookies” are a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user’s computer, which a web client or web browser sends to the web server every time in an HTTP request when they try to open a page on the corresponding site.
1.1.8. “IP address” is a unique network address of a node in a computer network through which the User gains access to the KASL LLC Website.
General provisions 2.1. Use of the KASL company website by the User means acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User’s personal data.
2.2. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the KASL website.
2.3. This Privacy Policy applies to the KASL website. The KASL LLC website does not control and is not responsible for third party sites that the User can access via links available on the KASL company website.
2.4. The Administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User.

Subject of the privacy policy

3.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the Administration’s obligations to non-disclose and ensure a regime for protecting the confidentiality of personal data that the User provides at the Administration’s request when registering on the KASL company website, when subscribing to an e-mail newsletter or when placing an order.
3.2. Personal data permitted for processing under this Privacy Policy is provided by the User by filling out forms on the KASL website and includes the following information:
3.2.1. Username;
3.2.2. User's contact phone number;
3.2.3. email address (e-mail)
3.3. The KASL LLC website protects Data that is automatically transmitted when visiting pages:
IP address
information from cookies
browser information
access time
referrer (address of the previous page).
3.3.1. Disabling cookies may result in the inability to access parts of the site that require authorization.
3.3.2. The KASL LLC website collects statistics about the IP addresses of its visitors. This information is used to prevent, identify and resolve technical problems.
3.4. Any other personal information not specified above (visit history, browsers used, operating systems, etc.) is subject to secure storage and non-distribution, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs. 5.2. and 5.3. of this Privacy Policy.

Purposes for collecting user personal information

4.1. The Administration may use the User’s personal data for the purposes of:
4.1.1. Identification of the User registered on the KASL company website for his further authorization, placing an order and other actions.
4.1.2. Providing the User with access to personalized data from the KASL website.
4.1.3. Establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications and requests regarding the use of the KASL website, providing services and processing requests and applications from the User.
4.1.4. Determining the location of the User to ensure security and prevent fraud.
4.1.5. Confirmation of the accuracy and completeness of personal data provided by the User.
4.1.6. Creating an account to use parts of the KASL website, if the User has agreed to create an account.
4.1.7. Notifications to the User by email.
4.1.8. Providing the User with effective technical support if problems arise related to the use of the KASL website.
4.1.9. Providing the User, with his consent, with special offers, information on prices, newsletters and other information on behalf of the KASL company website.
4.1.10. Carrying out advertising activities with the consent of the User.

Methods and terms for processing personal information

5.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without a time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without the use of such tools.
5.2. The User agrees that the Administration has the right to transfer personal data to third parties, in particular, courier services, postal organizations (including electronic), telecommunication operators, solely for the purpose of fulfilling the User’s order placed on the KASL company website, including delivery of the Goods, documentation or e-mail messages.
5.3. The User's personal data may be transferred to authorized government bodies of the Russian Federation only on the grounds and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.4. In the event of loss or disclosure of personal data, the Administration has the right not to inform the User about the loss or disclosure of personal data.
5.5. The Administration takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.
5.6. The Administration, together with the User, takes all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the User’s personal data.

Rights and obligations of the parties

6.1. The user has the right:
6.1.1. Make a free decision to provide your personal data necessary to use the KASL website and consent to their processing.
6.1.2. Update, supplement the provided information about personal data if this information changes.
6.1.3. The user has the right to receive from the Administration information regarding the processing of his personal data, unless such right is limited in accordance with federal laws. The user has the right to demand from the Administration clarification of his personal data, blocking or destruction of it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take measures provided by law to protect his rights.
6.2. The administration is obliged:
6.2.1. Use the information received solely for the purposes specified in clause 4 of this Privacy Policy.
6.2.2. Ensure that confidential information is kept secret, not disclosed without the prior written permission of the User, and also not sell, exchange, publish, or disclose in other possible ways the transferred personal data of the User, with the exception of paragraphs. 5.2 and 5.3. of this Privacy Policy.
6.2.3. Take precautions to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data in accordance with the procedure usually used to protect this type of information in existing business transactions.
6.2.4. Block personal data relating to the relevant User from the moment of application or request from the User, or his legal representative or the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects for the period of verification, in the event of detection of unreliable personal data or unlawful actions.

Responsibility of the parties

7.1. The Administration, which has not fulfilled its obligations, is responsible for losses incurred by the User in connection with the unlawful use of personal data, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs. 5.2., 5.3. and 7.2. of this Privacy Policy.
7.2. In case of loss or disclosure of Confidential Information, the Administration is not responsible if this confidential information:
7.2.1. Became public domain until it was lost or disclosed.
7.2.2. Was received from a third party before it was received by the Resource Administration.
7.2.3. Was disclosed with the consent of the User.
7.3. The user bears full responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including laws on advertising, on the protection of copyright and related rights, on the protection of trademarks and service marks, but not limited to the above, including full responsibility for the content and form of materials.
7.4. The user acknowledges that responsibility for any information (including, but not limited to: data files, texts, etc.) to which he may have access as part of the KASL website lies with the person who provided such information.
7.5. The User agrees that the information provided to him as part of the KASL company website may be an object of intellectual property, the rights to which are protected and owned by other Users, partners or advertisers who post such information on the KASL company website.
The User may not modify, rent, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on such Content (in whole or in part), unless such actions have been expressly authorized in writing by the owners of such Content in accordance with terms of a separate agreement.
7.6. In relation to text materials (articles, publications that are freely available to the public on the KASL company website), their distribution is permitted provided that a link to the KASL LLC Website is provided.
7.7. The Administration is not liable to the User for any loss or damage incurred by the User as a result of the deletion, failure or inability to save any Content and other communication data contained on the KASL website or transmitted through it.
7.8. The administration is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses resulting from: the use or inability to use the site or individual services; unauthorized access to the User's communications; statements or conduct of any third party on the Site.
7.9. The administration is not responsible for any information posted by the user on the KASL website, including, but not limited to: information protected by copyright, without the express consent of the copyright owner.

Dispute Resolution

8.1. Before filing a claim in court regarding disputes arising from the relationship between the User and the Administration, it is mandatory to submit a claim (a written proposal or an electronic proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).
8.2. The recipient of the claim, within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, notifies the claimant in writing or electronically of the results of consideration of the claim.
8.3. If an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to the Moscow Arbitration Court.
8.4. The current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Administration.

Additional terms

9.1. The Administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the User’s consent.
9.2. The new Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the KASL company website, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Privacy Policy.
9.3. All suggestions or questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be sent to: info@site
9.4. The current Privacy Policy is located on the page at
Updated: April 06, 2018
Main office in Moscow, KASL LLC, Butyrsky Val 5 Representative office in St. Petersburg, KASL LLC, Leninsky Prospekt 160

Please note that at the moment our certification center issues only an identification certificate under FSTEC as part of export control. The article is for informational purposes only!

Certificate of conformity FSTEC– this is literally a document issued by the federal structure of FSTEC, confirming the compliance of the certified object with the requirements of Russian regulatory acts. Let's try to decipher this on a conceptual level, and decide what it is connected with and what we are talking about.

FSTEC of Russia - Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, which includes special controls in some areas. FSTEC is currently subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Until August 2004, this service had a different name and subordination. It was the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation. One of the functions that are defined by the FSTEC state is the technical protection of information.

The scope of the FSTEC certificate of conformity includes information security means (IP) without the use of cryptography and not constituting a state secret. That is, ensuring information security protection using non-cryptographic methods.

Our certification authority does not currently issue this authorization document for the software. Contact us for more information.

Products subject to FSTEC certification

The objects for which a FSTEC certificate of conformity is issued include the following:

  • anti-virus programs for mass use for sale on the Russian market (the "ReGOST" center does not issue a FSTEC certificate for software);
  • firewalls;
  • system and network level protection tools (security scanners, security monitoring tools, protection against unauthorized access);
  • OS;
  • database management systems;
  • applied information systems;
  • password generation systems for access to information resources;
  • electronic document management systems and others.

Government bodies, as well as state corporations, can only use software that has the legally required licenses and information security certificates, including FSTEC certificates of compliance.

The main law that regulates certification in the field of information security is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 608 “On certification of information protection equipment”, introduced in 1995. This law prescribes: mandatory certification and issuance of a FSTEC certificate of conformity is provided only for products related to information security means for protecting information that is a state secret.

To protect against unauthorized access to confidential data, a mandatory FSTEC certificate of conformity or a Declaration of Conformity for information security information is not required. In this case, the assessment of the compliance of the information protection system is voluntary.

FSTEC certification system

FSTEC (formerly the Government Commission) created a Certification System for information security tools according to information security requirements, which has Certificate No. Р0СС RU.0001.01БИ00 and registered in State Register in 1995.

Certification bodies of this system assess the compliance of information security based on the Guiding Documents (RD) “Protection against unauthorized access to information.” These documents have been developed for different groups of products related to software, hardware, and automated systems in general.

All documents contain an indicator - Estimated Confidence Level (ECL). It was put into effect By Order of the State Technical Commission of Russia dated June 19, 2002 No. 187. EAL characterizes the level of confidence in the practical implementation of information protection requirements.

Product protection classes

To protect information, the significance of which is determined by the “secrecy/confidentiality” gradation, the following security classes of Information Technology (IT) products have been established:

  • fourth grade the security of IT products is sufficient to protect confidential information;
  • third class security is used to protect information classified as “Secret”;
  • second class— marked “Top Secret”;
  • first grade used to protect information classified as “Specially Important”.

The FSTEC certificate of conformity contains information: on the basis of which regulatory documents the products containing information protection products were manufactured and whether the final product meets the requirements set out in the specified regulatory act. The security class of the product is also indicated here according to the classification of the level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities.

The FSTEC certificate of conformity also contains information about certification tests, an expert opinion and about the laboratory where the laboratory tests took place, indicating when and by whom the inspection control of this certification laboratory was carried out.

The procedure for obtaining a FSTEC certificate of conformity

Certification laboratories can conduct a number of different tests to issue a FSTEC certificate of conformity:

  • for compliance with requirements related to protection against unauthorized access to information;
  • for compliance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications;
  • for compliance of the functionality that the product under study actually has with the descriptions specified in the operating documentation;
  • for compliance with the declared safety of the product under study;
  • the absence of capabilities that are not specified in the documentation and related to the security of the future user’s information;
  • for compliance with the requirements of enterprise standards, international standards in the field of information security;
  • study of random number sensors for compliance with cryptographic requirements and other studies.

Federal Law “On Personal Data”

FSTEC Order No. 58 came into force on February 5, 2010, a Regulation defining the methods and methods of protecting information about personal data in various information systems. It states that information security systems must undergo certification in the prescribed manner. But such a document established by the President or the Government of the Russian Federation has not yet been published.

Nevertheless, suppliers of information systems that may fall under the scope of Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” strive to obtain a FSTEC Certificate of Compliance, which confirms that customers of an information system that has this document protect information about personal data from unauthorized access in accordance with the requirements of the law. .

Voluntary certificate FSTEC

A voluntary certificate for information security can be issued not only as a certificate of conformity to FSTEC, but also to apply to other certification systems. These include:

  • Voluntary certification system "Gazpromsert". This system was created by OJSC Gazprom for the needs of its corporation. In some cases, when conducting tenders for supplies, the participant is required to obtain a certificate of conformity in this system.
  • The voluntary certification system "ITCertifica" was created by the "EVRAAS" association.

The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control is a federal executive body that carries out inspection and control in the field of state security. Today, every laptop owner, when purchasing one or another antivirus program or software, has more than once heard such an expression as FSTEC certification. But few people know what it is FSTEC certificate.

Today, the issue of information protection is closely intertwined with the interests of society, business and the state. Typically, each state seeks to control information that is related to national security. Therefore, from year to year it sets the main task of developing and operating well-protected information systems and personal data bases. Such systems store and process a huge amount of information related to almost all types of government activities. It is for this reason that software manufacturers must take into account the legal requirements imposed on information systems that are involved in government activities. The FSTEC certification procedure is carried out to verify compliance with basic safety indicators.

FSTEC Certificate issued after completing the following stages:

  • filling out an application for the verification procedure;
  • obtaining a decision on certification;
  • execution of an agreement for the implementation of the certification process;
  • approval of the test program;
  • testing;
  • preparation of a test report;
  • concluding an agreement with an expert organization;
  • examination of laboratory tests;
  • issuing a certificate.

The Russian software certification system is fundamentally different from certification in the West. First, every copy of the software claiming to be FSTEC certificate, undergoes a series of tests and examinations to which the original product was subjected. Secondly, each company that has purchased a certified product has secure access to the information base of this software, from where the organization will receive updates.

Since 2004, the federal executive body has the following powers:

  1. Ensuring protection and security in key infrastructure systems;
  2. Implementation of technical information;
  3. Protection of information from foreign technical intelligence;
  4. Ensuring export control.

FSTEC is not involved in certification activities; it is the main organizer of certification. The lion's share of actions is carried out by its licensors - testing laboratories and expert centers. Laboratories examine the software, and expert organizations check the quality of the tests performed. Of course, the applicant can issue FSTEC certificate based on third party test results. But in this case, before issuing certificate, FSTEC reserves the right to appoint a re-check of the results of another expert organization. For this reason, the applicant’s institute operates in the FSTEC system. They compare copies of products sold with programs that have previously received FSTEC certificate.

Microsoft products certified by FSTEC, from the point of view of program code, are no different from ordinary licensed legal Microsoft products, since the software implementation of Microsoft products allows you to obtain the appropriate FSTEC certificates without changing the program code. However, in accordance with Russian legislation, FSTEC certified products have a number of other important differences from non-certified products, namely:

  • each copy of a certified product located at the customer must undergo a procedure for verifying the compliance of this copy with the copy that has been certified;
  • each copy of a certified product located at the customer, in case of positive verification of its compliance with the certified copy, receives a package of state-issued certification documents, including a holographic FSTEC compliance mark with a unique number for each copy (if the customer has 1000 computers with a certified product, then he 1000 holograms are issued), which identifies this instance in the state registration system of certified products;
  • Each organization that has purchased a certified product receives secure access to a personal page to receive certified updates.

Microsoft products certified by other authorized bodies, contain additional software, namely service packs, developed by Russian organizations that enable these Microsoft products to meet the requirements. These 'Secure Pack Rus' service packages primarily contain Russian certified cryptography, which Microsoft does not produce.

Use of certified products

If an organization wants to use a software product that is not yet certified, then with that product it must use an overlay (third-party) information security tool that has been certified and is designed to work with that product. The use of overlaid information security means significantly increases the cost of the product and often dramatically reduces the ability of this product to interact with other software and hardware. Therefore, Microsoft certifies its software products with built-in information security tools - this is more convenient and cheaper for customers.

Mass production of all certified versions of Microsoft products has been organized in Russia. This allows customers to purchase any quantity of certified products. Continuous certification of monthly product updates allows customers to have a certified version not only with the latest security updates, but also compliant with regulatory requirements.


Currently, the following Microsoft products are certified by FSTEC:

  • client operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Russian version (including OEM production);
  • client operating system Microsoft Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise, Ultimate), Russian version (including OEM production);
  • server operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition), Russian versions;
  • server operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 (Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition), Russian versions;
  • database management system Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition), Russian versions;
  • Microsoft Office 2003 Professional office application platform, Russian version, including built-in document digital rights management technology working with RMS server technology built into Microsoft Windows Server 2003;
  • office application platform Microsoft Office 2007 Professional, Russian version, including built-in digital rights management technology for documents that works with RMS server technology built into Windows Server 2003;
  • firewall Microsoft ISA Server 2006 (Standard Edition), Russian version - for compliance with both the general criteria and the governing documents “SVT. Firewalls…” according to the third security class;
  • Microsoft Forefront antivirus products for servers and workstations (Forefront for Exchange Server, Forefront for SharePoint Server, and Forefront Client);
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 mail management server;
  • server for business process management Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2;
  • server operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (all editions), including Hyper-V virtualization server, Russian versions;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database management system (all editions), Russian versions;
  • office application platform Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, Russian version;
  • operations management system in information systems Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007;
  • configuration management system in information systems Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007;
  • data protection management system in information systems Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007;
  • virtual machine management system in information systems Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008;
  • customer relationship management system Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0;
  • enterprise management system Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009;
  • enterprise management system Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0;
  • enterprise management system Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0;
  • client operating system Windows 7 (all editions), Russian and English versions;
  • server operating system Windows Server 2008 R2 (all editions), Russian and English versions;
  • server for managing business processes Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009 (all editions), Russian version;
  • Identity management server in heterogeneous systems Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Russian and English versions;
  • mail management server Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (all editions), Russian and English versions;
  • service management system in information systems Microsoft System Center Service Manager 2010, Russian and English versions;
  • customer relationship management system Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, Russian version;
  • enterprise management system Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2, Russian version;
  • office application platform Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, Russian and English versions;
  • anti-virus protection system Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010, Russian and English versions;
  • document management server Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (all editions), Russian and English versions;
  • communications server Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise, Russian and English versions;
  • enterprise management system Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2;
  • client operating system Microsoft Windows 8 (versions Windows 8, Windows 8 Professional, Windows 8 Enterprise);
  • server operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (versions Windows Server Standard 2012, Windows Server Datacenter 2012, Windows Storage Server 2012 Standard, Windows Storage Server 2012 Workgroup, Windows server Essentials 2012, Windows Server Foundation 2012);
  • information structure management system Microsoft System Center 2012 (Standard and Datacenter versions);
  • database management system Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (versions Standard, Enterprise, Business Intelligence, Web);
  • office application platform Office Professional Plus 2013;
  • Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 virtual fabric management server;
  • information structure management system Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 (Standard and Datacenter versions);
  • customer relationship management system Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013;
  • mail management server Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 (Standard and Enterprise versions);
  • document management server Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 database management systems in Enterprise Edition (EE), Business Intelligence (BI), Standard (Std), Web, Express, Express with tools;
  • customer relationship management system Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2015.

In accordance with the received FSTEC certificates, these certified products allow you to build automated systems up to security class 1G inclusive. In addition, those of them that came out after the adoption of Federal Law-152 “On Personal Data” are certified for compliance with the legislation on personal data.

Currently, FSTEC has completed certification of the following products, all reporting documents are in the certification bodies:

  • Lync Server 2013;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows Server 2012 R2.


The following Microsoft products are FSB certified:

  • client operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Russian version;
  • server operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Russian version;
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 document management server;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database management system;
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate all with SP1;
  • Microsoft Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise;
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional and Enterprise;
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 and Enterprise R2 both with SP1;
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard with SP1;
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 with SP1.

Certificates certify that the specified products comply with the requirements of the authorized bodies of Russia for

  • protection of information that does not contain information constituting a state secret,
  • protection against unauthorized access in automated information systems of class AK2 (some products are certified to level AK3).

In addition, the authorized bodies made a positive conclusion based on the results of certification tests of the certification center included in Windows Server 2003 for compliance with its KS2 level in accordance with national requirements.

Positive conclusions have recently been received from certification tests of the following products:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

As stated in the documents, these products may be used to protect confidential information and personal data.

The obtained certification results make it possible to create secure document management systems for government agencies and “electronic government” systems built on the Microsoft platform.

Microsoft is a transnational company producing proprietary software for various types of computing equipment - personal computers, game consoles, PDAs, mobile phones and others, the developer of the most widely used software platform in the world at the moment - the Windows family of operating systems.

The company's divisions also produce the Xbox family of gaming consoles, as well as accessories for personal computers (keyboards, mice, etc.). Microsoft products are sold in more than 80 countries, and programs have been translated into more than 45 languages.

Custom OS

Windows 7- a user operating system of the Windows NT family.
This operating system supports Unicode 5.1
This OS supports multi-touch control
Windows 7 supports folder aliases internally. An additional advantage of Windows 7 is closer integration with driver manufacturers. Most drivers are detected automatically.
Windows 7 also improved compatibility with older applications, some of which were unable to run on Windows Vista. This is especially true for older games developed for Windows XP. Windows 7 also introduced Windows XP Mode, which allows you to run older applications in a Windows XP virtual machine, which provides almost complete support for older applications.
The Remote Desktop feature has also undergone changes. Support for the Aero Peek interface, Direct 2D and Direct3D 10.1 was introduced, support for multiple monitors, multimedia extensions, DirectShow, as well as the ability to play audio with low latency.
Branch Cache network technology allows you to cache the content of Internet traffic. If a user on the local network needs a file that has already been downloaded by someone on his network, he can get it from the local cache storage, rather than using a channel with limited bandwidth. The technology is designed for large networks and is offered for implementation in enterprises as part of the Corporate and Maximum versions of the OS.
Windows AIK, with which you can create an image with any configurations and settings. Thus, in Windows 7 you can add support for USB 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0, DirectX 11.1 and NET.Framework 4.5 by default.
Windows 7 also received OEM UEFI support, as well as UEFI support in Retail images of Windows 7 SP1. If you wish, you can burn the Windows 7 UEFI installer to a USB drive. You can also use the Windows AIK yourself to add full UEFI support. However, read the license agreement carefully; not all users are allowed to make such modifications.
Windows 7 implements a more flexible User Account Control (UAC) setting, which, unlike Windows Vista, has two more intermediate states - “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer” (default position), “Notify only when trying to programs to make changes to the computer (do not darken the desktop)."
Changes have been made to the BitLocker encryption technology and the BitLocker to go removable media encryption function has been added, which allows you to encrypt removable media, even in the absence of a TPM module.
Added the ability to protect data on USB drives using Enhanced Storage.
Improvements have also been made to the Windows Firewall: the function of notifying the user that a program that is trying to access the network has been blocked has returned.
You can use Group Policy and AppLocker to prevent certain applications from running.
DirectAccess allows you to establish a secure connection to a server in the background, unlike VPN, which requires user interaction. DirectAccess can also apply group policies before the user logs on.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is an update that contains previously released security, performance, and stability updates for Windows 7. Service Pack 1 also includes new improvements to features and services in Windows 7, such as improved reliability of connections to HDMI audio devices, printing with XPS Viewer and restore earlier versions of folders in Windows Explorer after restart.

OEM-the software version is intended only for assemblers of personal computers and servers.
— According to the license, a “System Builder” is a manufacturer of equipment, an assembler, a person who performs fine-tuning and updating, or a person who pre-installs software on computers for the sale of a fully assembled system/systems to a third party.
— Only system builders who are bound by the Microsoft System Builder License agreement may open the packaging of the OEM version of a Microsoft software product and install it on a computer. If the OEM version was sold to the end user in a store, it is recommended that you return it to the store without opening the packaging.
— A computer with the OEM version installed cannot be rented out or used temporarily.
— The main distinguishing feature of OEM versions is that they are “tied” to the computer on which they were originally installed and cannot be transferred to a replacement computer or any other PC. The term "personal computer" means a completely assembled computer system, including at least a central processing unit, motherboard, hard drive, power supply and case. The required confirmation of the user's license rights is a certificate of authenticity stuck on the PC case. For additional confirmation of licensing rights and accounting purposes, it is strongly recommended that you retain the packaging, media (hologram discs, if included in the product) and proof of purchase.

Information security tool Secure Pack Rus version 3.0(SZI SPR 3.0) is a service package for operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family and allows you to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the protection of confidential information in class AK2 and AK3.

Windows 8- an operating system belonging to the Microsoft Windows OS family, next in line to Windows 7 and developed by the transnational corporation Microsoft. The server version is Windows Server 2012.
Main innovations:
- Microsoft account and settings sync
— Windows Store App Store
- Internet Explorer 10
- Restore for Windows returns all system files to their original state, while preserving all settings, user files and applications
- Reset for Windows returns the computer to factory settings
- New task manager
— Added support for USB 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0, DirectX 11.1 and NET.Framework 4.5
— Improved search

Windows 8.1- an operating system of the Windows NT family, produced by Microsoft Corporation, next in time to release after Windows 8 and before Windows 10. Designed for workstations, personal computers and portable devices; version designed for solving server problems - Windows Server 2012 R2. Compared to Windows 8, it has a number of updates and improvements aimed at making it easier to work with the graphical interface. Windows 8.1, like Windows 8, is aimed at touch PCs, but does not exclude the possibility of use on classic PCs.
Key innovations:
— Metro interface improvements
— NT kernel version - 6.3
— Improvement in energy consumption
- DirectX 11.2 support
— Support for 3D printers
— Support for biometric devices

CRM systems

Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) provides a company (small, medium, or large business) with the tools to manage its entire organization, from supply chain, purchasing, and human resources to finance and collaboration projects. It includes powerful capabilities for operational management, implementation of industry specifics, as well as solving the entire range of administrative tasks in the field of financial and personnel management. With these capabilities, leaders at all levels can anticipate changes and take appropriate action to ensure your business grows effectively. This is a single powerful ERP solution for managing corporate resources for large international, federal and state corporations, as well as dynamically growing medium-sized businesses, which helps companies move to a higher level of business management, increase its operational efficiency and find new opportunities for development - through integration of industrial solutions, involvement of all employees in solving current problems facing the business, as well as excellent scaling in solving problems of any level of complexity.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management software package developed by Microsoft and focused on sales, marketing and service delivery (help desk).
Dynamics CRM is a client-server application. This IIS based web application supports multiple web service interfaces. Customers access Dynamics CRM through a browser, a client plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, or via tablets and mobile devices. In addition to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, starting with version 2011 Update Rollup 12, supports Chrome and Firefox browsers. The package is used as an extended platform for interaction with clients, and can be customized depending on the goals using the .NET software platform
The Microsoft Dynamics software line includes ERP applications Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics SL and Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System, also known as Dynamics RMS.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 is the current version of a customer relationship management software package developed by Microsoft and aimed at organizing sales, marketing and service delivery (help desk).

Office packages

Microsoft Office 2010
Version Professional Plus includes:

  • Excel
  • OneNote
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook
  • Publisher
  • Access
  • InfoPath
  • SharePoint Workspace

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Microsoft Office 2013- an office suite of applications created by Microsoft for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone, Android, Apple Mac OS X, Apple iOS. This package includes software for working with various types of documents: texts, spreadsheets, databases, etc.

  • PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • Outlook
  • OneNote
  • Access
  • Publisher

Microsoft Office 2016- an office suite that provides an effective platform for business communications and collaboration. The benefits this product provides provide more opportunities for increased productivity and advanced technical services. OfficeProPlus 2016 is a comprehensive product that allows employees to work efficiently from multiple locations. Moreover, you can process documents and interact with colleagues, regardless of what is at your fingertips - a personal computer, phone or web browser. Using this software package allows you to achieve maximum return on investment and the best results, thanks to the use of applications familiar to employees and the implementation of Microsoft server capabilities.
Professional Plus version includes:

  • PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • Outlook
  • OneNote
  • Access
  • Publisher

Server OS

Windows Server 2008 R2- Microsoft server operating system, which is an improved version of Windows Server 2008, using the Windows NT 6.1 kernel. New features include:
- improved virtualization
- new version of Active Directory
- Internet Information Services 7.5
- support for up to 256 processors

(Server 2008 flavor) Microsoft Windows Server 2008- version of the server operating system produced by Microsoft.
Ability to install Server Core- a significantly simplified installation of Windows Server 2008 that does not include the Windows Explorer shell
Active Directory— Customers can manage the identities and relationships that make up the organization's network.
- Terminal Services now supports Remote Desktop Protocol 6.0.
- Ability to publish one specific application, instead of the entire desktop.
Terminal Services Gateway allows authorized computers to securely connect to Terminal Services or Remote Desktop from the Internet using RDP over HTTPS without using a VPN.
Built-in Windows PowerShell.
Self-healing NTFS— instead of blocking the entire volume, only damaged files/folders that remain inaccessible during the repair are blocked.
Microsoft Hyper-V- hypervisor-based virtualization system for x64 systems.
Windows System Resource Manager is a WSRM administrative tool that allows you to manage server resources in order to evenly distribute the workload between roles.
Server Manager- is a combination of Server Management and the Security Configuration Wizard from Windows Server 2003. Server Manager is an improvement on the Server Configuration Wizard dialog that was launched by default in Windows Server 2003 upon logon. Now it allows you not only to add new roles, but also combines all the operations that users can perform on the server, and also provides a consolidated display of the current status of each role in the form of a single portal.
— Up to 4 supported processors
— Amount of memory supported up to 4 GB on the x86 platform and up to 32 GB on the x64 platform
— No clustering
— Right to 1 virtual machine

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

(Server 2008 flavor)
— Up to 8 supported processors
- Memory support up to 32 GB on the x86 platform and up to 64 GB on the x64 platform
— Clustering up to 16 nodes
— The right to 4 virtual machines

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

(Server 2008 flavor) Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is a cumulative update package that includes the latest updates and improves system security and stability. It also adds new features and updates to existing Windows Server 2003 features and utilities.

(Server 2008 flavor)
— Up to 32 supported processors on the x86 platform and up to 64 on the x64 platform
— The amount of memory supported is up to 64 GB on the x86 platform and up to 2 TB on the x64 platform
— Clustering up to 16 nodes
— There are no restrictions on the number of virtual machines

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

(Server 2012 flavor) Windows Server 2012 R2- designed to create and deliver global cloud services containing new capabilities and improvements for virtualization, management, storage, networking, virtual desktop infrastructure, access and information security, web and application platforms, and many other components.
— No more than two virtual copies
— All functionality

Windows Storage Server 2012 is a specialized operating system for data storage, developed on the Windows Server 2012 platform. This OS allows you to create reliable and productive data storage systems using the latest Microsoft technologies for data protection.
- Supports 64 sockets, but is licensed in 2-socket increments
— Supports 4 TB of random access memory (RAM)
- Supports joining a domain
- Supports some roles, for example: DNS and DHCP Server, but does not support such as: Active Directory® Domain Services (AD DS), Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Windows Storage Server 2012 is a specialized storage operating system developed on the Windows Server 2012 platform. This OS allows you to create reliable and productive data storage systems using the latest Microsoft technologies for data protection.

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Variation of Windows Storage Server 2012

(update for Storage 2012) Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 is a specialized operating system for data storage developed on the Windows Server 2012 R2 platform. This OS allows you to create reliable and productive data storage systems using the latest Microsoft technologies for data protection.

Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 has all the benefits that exist in Windows Storage Server 2012, plus a number of new features:
— Economical data storage
- Improved virtualization
— Security and reliability of data storage

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Variation of Microsoft Windows Server 2012

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Key Features:
- Lack of Hyper-V
- No Server Core

- No rights to virtualization
— Maximum 1 processor
— Maximum 15 users

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Windows Server 2012 Essentials is an ideal solution for small businesses (up to 25 users and up to 50 devices).

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

(Server 2012 R2 flavor) The optimal server for small businesses - Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials- simplifies the integration of additional cloud applications and services, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure. Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials helps you minimize the time, effort, and money spent on maintaining your IT infrastructure.
— Data protection
— Integration of cloud services
— Secure remote access
— Server virtualization
Key Features:
- Lack of Hyper-V
- No Server Core
- Missing Active Directory Federation Services
— Rights to virtualize one machine
— Maximum 2 processors
— Maximum 25 users
— Many features are limited or unavailable

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Hyper-V Server r is a dedicated standalone product that includes the hypervisor, the Windows Server driver model, virtualization capabilities, and supporting components such as failover clustering, but it does not contain as many features and roles as Windows Server OS.


Microsoft SQL Server- a relational database management system developed by Microsoft Corporation. Uses the Transact-SQL query language, which is an implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard for Structured Query Language (SQL) with extensions. Designed to work with databases ranging in size from personal to large enterprise-scale databases.

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Version SQL Server 2012 brings many important changes to the enterprise data integration platform, in particular a simplified composition of product versions and a new licensing model. In addition, SQL Server 2012 includes improvements in performance, business intelligence (BI), and development tools. Below are the 10 most important new features in SQL Server 2012.
— Simplified composition of versions
- Support for Server Core mode
— DQS data quality services allow you to maintain high quality and correctness of data in the database
— T-SQL language improvements
— Autonomous databases
— Column indexes
- SQL Server Data Tools
— Power View — Graphical navigation and data visualization tool that allows the end user to design a reporting form
- AlwaysOn Availability Groups - The most important component of SQL Server 2012 is the new technology for database high availability.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 in Standard, BI, EE, Express, Web, Compact editions - This is the most current version of the Microsoft SQL Server line, which is suitable for organizations that require high system performance to create, deploy and support large production databases.

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 features breakthrough in-memory processing performance, unmatched security, comprehensive mobile business intelligence and advanced analytics capabilities. Find out why Microsoft is considered an industry leader in data platforms by checking out Gartner's Magic Quadrant for operational database management systems, business intelligence, analytics and data warehousing. Microsoft System Center 2016. FSTEC Russia Certificate 3978. Valid until 08/06. 2023

Mail server system

Microsoft Exchange Server

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Microsoft Exchange Server- software product for messaging and collaboration.
Key features of Microsoft Exchange: mail processing and forwarding, calendar and task sharing, mobile device support and web access, integration with voice messaging systems (starting with Exchange 2007), instant messaging support (support removed from Exchange 2003 ).
Microsoft Exchange Server supports the following protocols: MAPI, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, HTTP/HTTPS, LDAP/LDAPS SSL and DAVEx
The following clients can work with Microsoft Exchange Server: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Outlook Web Access, Outlook Mobile Access, ActiveSync, Outlook Voice Access, Custom email clients (except MAPI).
Main innovations:
— Support for multiple generations of employees
— Integration with SharePoint
- Improved search and indexing capabilities allow you to search Exchange 2013, Lync 2013, SharePoint 2013 and Windows file servers
- Leverages the Exchange Server 2010 architecture, which has been redesigned to simplify scaling, hardware utilization, and failure detection.

Set of server applications

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 is a working platform for enterprises and work on the Internet, the integrated functions of which provide ample opportunities for communication between people, which includes the following components:
— a set of web applications for organizing collaboration
— functionality for creating web portals
— module for searching information in documents and information systems
— workflow management functionality and enterprise-scale content management system
— module for creating forms for entering information
— functionality for business analysis

SharePoint can be used to create sites that allow users to collaborate. Sites created on the SharePoint platform can be used as a repository of information, knowledge and documents, and can also be used to run web applications that facilitate interaction, such as wikis and blogs. Users can manage and interact with information in lists and document libraries using controls called SharePoint WebParts.

It will not be extended. Check availability of the current version.

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 SP1 is an integrated package of enterprise applications that is designed to increase productivity, organize employee collaboration, solve such important business problems as control information flows, make informed decisions and manage work processes. The product focuses on the social component, clouds and mobility. Microsoft SharePoint 2013 offers new features for easy administration, powerful communication and information security, and flexible collaboration. Social features make it easy to share ideas, track what colleagues are doing, find experts and information, and more.

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 designed for creating sites that provide users with the ability to collaborate. Sites built on the Microsoft SharePoint 2016 platform can be used as a repository of information, knowledge, and documents, and can also be used to run web applications that facilitate collaboration, such as wikis and blogs. Users can manage and interact with information in lists and document libraries using controls called Web Parts.