CPU load is 100 percent what to do. The system process loads the processor: why does this happen and how to fix the problem

You need to load your computer's processor to 100%! For example, it is necessary to test it under extreme conditions, or check how effective the cooling system is and how it copes with overloads. There are two ways. The first is to download and install a special program like CPU Stress Test (CST). And the second is to load the processor yourself, using only the Windows operating system. I’ll tell you about this scenario now!

In order to accomplish our plan, we only need a standard Windows notepad. Open it and write:

It looks like this:

Let me explain a little - we have written program code that will launch a simple loop from the While loop for the standard Visual Basic handler. Now you need to save the file:

Yes, not just, but with a different extension. To do this, in the “File name” line you need to write its name “loop.vbs”.

Please note that the file name must be specified in double quotes in the line. Otherwise, it will have a .txt extension, but we want it to be .vbs. The result should be a file like this:

To load the processor to 100%, you will need to start it. But first, open the task manager on the “Performance” tab:

The CPU load graph is displayed here. Since now most modern processors are multi-core, in order to load it to the maximum, i.e. 100 percent, you need to see all the cores. To do this, right-click on the graph and select the menu item “Change graph”>>”Logical processors”. I got it like this:

You may have more or fewer graphs depending on the CPU model. Well, then, in order to load the processor as much as possible, you need to load each core. To do this, run our cunning script several times in turn and look at the result in the graph.

After the required result is achieved, it will now be necessary to do the opposite - to unload the system.

To do this, there, in the Task Manager on the “Processes” tab, find each “Microsoft Windows Based Script Host” task and uncheck it.

A variety of troubles can occur during computer operation, but not all users know how to fix them. One of the most common problems is 100% CPU utilization, when the computer is literally loaded to capacity and stops functioning normally.

What is the problem?

Many people are looking for how to reduce CPU load when their computer starts to slow down very much, as a result of which it is impossible to open applications or use at least those that were launched previously. But at the same time, first you need to figure out what caused such a serious load and how to deal with it.

First of all, you should find out how powerful your processor is. If you bought a relatively cheap computer quite a long time ago, then it may be that it simply cannot handle some resource-intensive applications, and you shouldn’t even think long about why the CPU load is 100 percent. What to do in such a situation? All that remains is to update your PC if you really need some resource-intensive applications or modern games.

But such situations are often isolated, and the main reason most often lies elsewhere.

What else could it be?

If you don't know what to do if the CPU is 100% loaded, try the following:

  1. Open Task Manager.
  2. Click the Processes tab.
  3. Filter all processes by the “CPU” parameter.
  4. See which ones are consuming the most power from your processor and, if possible, disable them.

Most often, the reason for such a heavy load is all sorts of browsers like Google Chrome, in which each individual tab is given its own process, and therefore creates a serious load on the computer. So, if you are looking for how to reduce CPU usage for running some games or programs, just close everything else before activating them.

In extremely rare cases, it happens that this or that program launches the svchost file, which often consumes the entire remainder of the processor and RAM that was available at the moment. When it appears, immediately disable this process and continue to use your PC normally.

In Windows 7, the most important process in the OS is Svchost.exe. Very often, PC users with Windows 7 encounter a problem when this process heavily loads the processor. The load on processor cores can reach from 50 to 100 percent. Svchost.exe is host process responsible for launching group services from DDL dynamic libraries. That is, the system, using this host process, starts a group of services without creating unnecessary processes. This approach reduces the load on the processor and RAM. If the system slows down and Svchost.exe heavily loads the processor, this means that the OS is not working properly. This behavior of the system can be caused by malware, as well as problems in the OS itself. To deal with this problem, in this article we will look at all the ways to solve the problem with high CPU load caused by the Svchost.exe process.

First steps to solve the problem with the Svchost.exe process

If you have a situation where the host process Svchost.exe is heavily loading the processor, then you should not immediately think that it is a virus. In addition to the virus, the OS itself may be the culprit of this problem. Below we will look list of problems, and methods to correct them:

Restoring normal processor operation using an antivirus

If the methods described above did not help, then most likely your Windows 7 infected with a virus. Typically, infection with a virus occurs from the outside. That is, via the Internet or via an external data storage device. If you have a good antivirus, then most likely the virus will not pass through. But there are times when antivirus programs do not see new versions of viruses and skip them. If your computer is infected, then the host process Svchost.exe will load the processor up to 100 percent, and in the user name you will see not the system names “LOCAL” and “NETWORK SERVICE”, but a completely different name.

To get rid of a virus in the system, you need run full scan computer in Windows 7 to search for malware. Below we will look at an example of running a full scan of your computer using the Comodo Internet Security antivirus. Also, before running any antivirus to scan the OS, update its antivirus database. Let's move on and launch the antivirus Comodo Internet Security.

In the main antivirus window, go to the bottom tab “ Scanning", which will open a menu from which you can select scanning options.

In our case, you need to select the item “ Full scan" This option will scan the entire hard drive, identify malicious programs and neutralize them. Below is the Comodo Internet Security scan window.

In other antivirus programs, the principle of launching a full PC scan is as similar as possible to what was discussed. Therefore, if you have a problem with the Svchost.exe host process, then feel free to run a full PC scan.

For this example, we chose the Comodo Internet Security antivirus for a reason. This antivirus has a built-in module called KillSwitch(this module is currently included in the free set of utilities COMODO Cleaning Essentials, which you can download).

This module is a task manager that has advanced functionality. For example, KillSwitch can stop the process tree and revert the changes made after that.

Also a feature of KillSwitch is checking running processes for trust. That is, if the process is untrusted, KillSwitch will find it and indicate this in the third column " Grade" This feature of the KillSwitch module will help you quickly identify problems related to Svchost.exe and CPU usage.

It is also worth mentioning when a virus infects the antivirus itself or reliably disguises itself from it, as a result of which the installed antivirus does not see it. In this situation, a boot disk will come to the user’s aid. This disk is a portable Linux-based operating system that boots from it. After booting from this disk, the user will be able to run a PC scan directly from the loaded operating system.

Such a scan should find and neutralize viruses that cause Svchost.exe to load processor cores. Most known viruses The ones that load the CPU with Svchost.exe are:

  • « Virus.Win32.Hidrag.d" - is a virus written in C++. Once in the system, he replaces Svchost.exe. After that, it looks for files with the extension “*exe” and infects them. The virus is harmless; it does not harm the system and does not steal information. But constant infection of files with the “*exe” extension greatly loads the processor.
  • « Net-Worm.Win32.Welchia.a" - this virus is Internet worm that loads the processor through Internet attacks.
  • « Trojan-Clicker.Win32.Delf.cn» - a primitive Trojan that registers a new process Svchost.exe in the system to open a specific page in the browser, thereby loading the system.
  • « Trojan.Carberp» - a dangerous Trojan that also disguises itself as Svchost.exe. The main purpose of this virus is search and theft of information from large retail chains.

High CPU usage due to Windows Update

On computers running Windows 7, there is often a situation where the Svchost.exe process loads the processor and memory because of the update center. To check what exactly the update center is loading up the memory and processor, you need to go to “ Task Manager" and use Svchost.exe to navigate to the services that it currently manages. An example of such a transition is shown in the image below.

After such a transition, a window with services should open, where the service “ wuauserv».

It is this service responsible for downloading and installing updates by seven. Fixing this problem is quite simple.

In the Task Manager Services window, you can completely stop “wuauserv” or disable checking for updates in the Control Panel.

But disabling the “wuauserv” service is an ugly way out of this situation.

When this service is disabled, the security of the OS as a whole is compromised, since installation of updates through the update center will be disabled.

You can solve this problem by installing updates manually. In order not to download dozens of updates from the website www.microsoft.com and then take a long time to install them, it is best to use a set of updates UpdatePack7R2. The developer of this set is " simplex", who is also known by this nickname and is a moderator on the www.oszone.net forum. You can download this set from the website http://update7.simplix.info. The latest version is currently available on the website, numbered 12/17/15. After downloading the set, you can begin installing updates. To do this, let's run the installer.

In the window that appears, click the Install button. After this, the update installation process will begin.

This process can take quite a long time and depends on the number of updates already installed. You can constantly update Windows 7 in this offline way, since the author of the project is constantly releasing new sets. You can also restart the update center after the update installation is complete. The memory and CPU usage issue should go away this time as these updates contain a fix.

Other ways to solve the problem with CPU load due to Svchost.exe

In this section, we will describe methods that in some cases help solve the problem with Svchost.exe, and also increase the overall performance and stability of the system. Below is a list with a detailed description of each method:

  • Very often it helps to solve the problem of the Svchost.exe process, even when it is infected with a virus, the usual OS rollback using a restore point. But this method can only be used if system protection is enabled.
  • When using various installed programs for a long time, the Windows 7 operating system accumulates a lot of garbage on the hard drive. Garbage refers to temporary files created when using various utilities. For example, browser history files. In this case, they will come to the rescue special utilities for cleaning the OS. The most popular among them is the program CCleaner.
  • We also recommend defragmentation, which can improve overall system performance. Defragmentation, although it will not solve the problem with the Svchost.exe process, will significantly speed it up, thereby reducing the load on the processor. One of the best defragmenters is the utility Defraggler, which, in addition to its main function, can also defragment system files.
  • Cleaning the registry also helps solve our problem. To clean the registry, as in the method above, use the utility CCleaner which is fast will delete old registry keys, preventing Svchost.exe from working correctly.
  • Also, for all running processes, including Svchost.exe, working memory is an important factor. At faulty memory The system and running processes may behave unstable. The way out of this situation would be replacing RAM with working memory. You can check your memory for serviceability using the built-in diagnostic tool in Windows 7.


In this article, we covered quite extensively the problem associated with high CPU usage due to the Svchost.exe process. Based on this, our readers will certainly be able to solve this problem and ensure normal operation of the computer.

Video on the topic

– Igor (Administrator)

In this article, I will tell you what to do if the CPU load is 100% in Windows 7, as well as the nuances associated with this.

It is very unpleasant to find that your computer is incomprehensibly busy with what and the entire system is slowing down. And most importantly, what to do in such situations? Most users are ordinary people, not technically advanced craftsmen. Of course, sometimes there are comical situations when the user is to blame for running a lot of resource-demanding programs, but more often the opposite is true. You’re sitting at your computer, surfing the Internet, and suddenly the system starts to slow down.

The processor is 100% loaded, what should I do in Windows 7?

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons why the processor is 100% loaded in Windows 7, and some of them are very specific. Likewise, there are just as many possible answers to the question of what to do. However, you should not be disappointed and sad. In most cases, the problem is solved by independent efforts. So next I will tell you the most common reasons and methods for solving them.

Note: In addition, this is simply a useful procedure, sometimes allowing your computer to run noticeably faster.

4. Frozen programs. There are no perfect programs. There will always be mistakes and problems. So it is quite possible that some programs are simply loading your processor due to failures or the calculation of some complex algorithms. What to do in such situations is written in How to close a frozen program in Windows 7.

5. You need to clean your computer. It would seem that, for example, ordinary dust can be associated with the slowness of the operating system. But, directly. The fact is that to protect against overheating, device manufacturers (including the processor) provide them with special sensors. And if the temperature reaches its maximum, then either the device turns off or the computer turns off completely. There are several such zones in the processor, and when one of the upper zones is reached, in order to reduce heating, the CPU’s performance simply begins to drop and, accordingly, the computer begins to “become terribly slow.”

Note: The material from paragraph 5 contains a good selection of articles that covers a lot of questions, as well as a number of common problems, so I recommend reading it, even if you have already solved your problem.

Now, you know the main reasons for computer slowdowns and 100% CPU load in Windows 7, as well as what to do in such situations.

CPU load is one of the most common and difficult problems. 100% of the processor's work is taken by unknown services and processes. This makes using the computer extremely difficult. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out...

Owners of personal computers, after some time after continuous use of the device, observe deterioration in performance, delayed response and other problems. The most common reasons that can lead to such problems include the complete load of the processor by unknown running processes. The easiest way in this case is to restart the computer. In some cases, this action may be effective. You can also recommend reinstalling the system, but this is a last resort method that belongs to standard recommendations.

Common Causes of Increased CPU Load

There are a lot of users who are truly concerned about this issue. They are all looking for a way to solve this problem without using radical measures. First of all, it is necessary to understand the reason that could lead to this problem. You can turn to specialized forums for help. Issues related to this computer behavior are often discussed there. There are several most common cases:

— disturbances in the functioning of the system;
— processor overheating;
- insufficient cooling.

How to identify the problem?

To determine the cause of the processor loading at 100%, you need to perform some diagnostic procedures. Once the cause has been determined, a number of steps will need to be taken to eliminate it. The following will describe in detail what needs to be done in each specific case.

How to determine the program that loads the processor?

First of all, if your computer suddenly begins to respond poorly to commands and slow down, you need to open the task manager. To perform this action, you can use the key combinations Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Esc. You can also call up the context menu in the taskbar and find the corresponding item. In the window that opens, you must select a detailed view. Tabs will appear, from which you need to select “Processes”. In this tab you need to see when the processor load is 100%.

The tab will display a complete list of all processes running in the system at a given time. They are all sorted alphabetically by default. To identify the process that might be causing the problem, you need to select the CPU Usage column. Sometimes it happens that a fairly massive program that requires significant resources is not unloaded correctly after closing. As a result, even after closing it, many processes may remain in operation, and the load on the processor will remain accordingly. To solve the problem, just click on the “End task” button.

In this case, rebooting the system may also work, as was recommended at the beginning of the article. During the reboot, all tasks are removed. In addition, this frees up additional resources that you may not notice on your own. The list of processes may contain unknowns that did not exist before. Such processes can also affect system loading. This behavior is typical of viruses. For this reason, it is good to know the names and characteristics of all the processes that run in the system. This way you can periodically check the list of running processes for suspicious activity.

System malfunctions

The previously described method does not allow us to accurately determine the reason why the processor is loaded at 100%. What to do in this case? In the task manager you can often see a situation where the entire load falls on the “System inactivity” item. In this case, you will not be able to cancel the task. It is recommended to run the utility, which is distributed free of charge by Microsoft. The Process Explorer utility allows you to obtain advanced information shown in the Task Manager. In this case, 100% CPU load may occur due to system interrupts. In the program they are designated as Interrupts. It is difficult to say what the reason for this behavior is unless we take decisive action.

What can load the processor?

Incorrectly described drivers often lead to this problem. To identify this problem, you need to boot the system in safe mode. If after this the processor does not experience the same load, then most likely the problem lies with the drivers. In this case, you need to look for new versions that are provided directly by the manufacturer of the laptop or computer. Viruses in the system can also cause similar problems.

In this case, you need to scan your computer using antivirus software. Also, CPU usage at 100% can occur as a result of problems with connected devices. How to be in this case? You can give one simple piece of advice: just disconnect everything from the computer, leave only the minimum set consisting of a monitor, mouse and keyboard. Take a look at Device Manager and check it for any problems. If these recommendations do not help solve the problem, you will have to reinstall the operating system. It is good if there are rollback points to restore to the moment when the system functioned normally.

Overheating and dust accumulation

Sometimes you can determine the reason why the processor is 100% loaded by the loud operation of the cooler and elevated processor temperature. These signs, as a rule, indicate that it is time to clean your laptop or computer from accumulated dust.