Why are letters not sent from Yandex mail? Why aren't my emails being sent? Why is the email not being sent?

Problems with sending mail on a domain may occur if:

  • domain registration has expired;
  • the domain is blocked by the registrar;
  • the domain has not been delegated or has been withdrawn from delegation by the registrar;
  • delegation settings are not configured correctly;
  • DNS records for Yandex.Mail are not configured or configured incorrectly.

To resolve problems with sending emails, contact the domain administrator who provided you with Mailbox. If you registered your mailbox on a specific site, contact the site's support team. The Mail for Domain support service will not be able to help you in this situation.

Below are some problems that may arise when sending emails, and tips for resolving them as a domain administrator.

I received a non-delivery message

If the letter cannot be delivered to the recipient, mail server may respond with a non-delivery report. Some types of reports and solutions to related problems are described below.

Callout verification failed

This error occurs when the mail service for a domain is active on the server of your hosting provider or registrar. If a letter is sent to a recipient who uses the same company's postal service, it will be sent to local server.

To resolve this issue, disable the email service on your hosting provider's server. Behind additional information contact your hosting provider.

RCPT-TO no mailbox

The recipient's domain probably requires sender verification.

Checking the existence of the sender is sometimes used by the receiving server to protect against spam. The server that receives the letter from the new server sends an empty letter to the return address to check if the sender exists. Since empty letters of this kind are sometimes sent with high frequency, this can be considered a denial of service attack (DoS attack). Additionally, when sending a test message, problems may occur. unexpected errors.

Yandex.Mail uses Sender Policy Framework entries to maintain a list of nodes that are allowed to send email on behalf of Yandex.Mail addresses. This makes it difficult to spoof the sender's address. Use the "Sender Policy Framework" or "DomainKeys" technology as more effective method fight against spam.

To solve this problem, contact the addressee's postal service administration with a request to enter the addresses of your domain boxes V White list sender verification services.

550 failed to meet SPF requirements

When receiving letters, the recipient's mail server checks the SPF record on the sender's domain. The SPF record for your domain is probably configured incorrectly, or an extra SPF record is configured. Make sure the SPF record is set according to

Not a single project on the Internet is known to be able to work stably for all users without exception over an endless period of time. Due to errors that people encounter in the process of sending letters through mail services, it becomes current topic resolution of such difficulties.

The first thing you need to draw your attention to is that the vast majority of email services do not have problems on the server side. That is, if you cannot send any letter by email, the reason probably lies in your actions and equipment, and has nothing to do with the actions of the resource’s technical specialists.

Before moving on detailed analysis problems of each of the most popular services, you should first perform several steps.

If, as a result of following all the above recommendations, you were unable to resolve problems with sending letters, you can proceed to analyzing errors in each individual mail service.

Yandex Mail

When touching on the Yandex mail service, it is important to note that this resource allows you to use the system for connecting your own domain name and send any messages on behalf of the desired email. Due to this feature, any problems with sending mail with a third-party domain may stem from the invalidity of the registered address.

In addition to the above, an error when forwarding mail may well be associated with the termination of the domain, its blocking, or incorrect settings. Thus, if you encounter these types of difficulties while using your own domain, check it to see if it works.

Problems with invalidation domain name also apply to owners of regular mailboxes. However, the chance of a user being blocked in the Yandex system is extremely low.

As for common problems, sending errors are most likely caused by the browser or blocking on the recipient's part. They can be solved by cleaning the browser and eliminating the fact of the block on the recipient’s side.

You can always ask for help with problems this kind of to Yandex.Mail technical specialists.


Exchange service by email Mail.ru has problems with delivering messages to the recipient in a rare number of cases. At the same time, allow almost any problematic situations You can use one of the most reliable methods - using special mail programs.

Please note that if mail is unsuccessfully sent to another user, you may need to resend it.

Often services such as Gmail in automatic mode due to strong differences in work, letters from domain names of the Mail.ru site are put into a folder "Spam" at the recipient.

Many users also encounter difficulties due to incorrect operation the Internet browser you are using. We told you how to get rid of this at the beginning of this article.

If you are unable to resolve any difficulties that arise, please create a request to technical support postal service Mail.ru.


Postal service from Google, as you know, is more aimed at people who use mail to organize mailing lists or work. Because of this, Gmail practically guarantees complete absence problems with sending letters, the occurrence of which you can find out as soon as possible.

If you are one of those users Gmail service messages whose messages no longer reach the recipient or are sent at all, you should follow the recommendations for cleaning the browser.

You should also completely rule out the possibility of common problems such as using non-existent data.

Users who do not receive your emails may have some kind of restrictions on email box. This often comes down to automatic filtering of letters or due to the achievement maximum quantity mail stored on the account.

At unsuccessful attempts To avoid mistakes, you should do the most reasonable thing - contact the technical specialists of the Gmail mail service, providing the appropriate screenshots.


The Rambler email forwarding service is not very different from the previously mentioned resources in terms of the problems users encounter. In particular, this concerns the need pre-check browser for stability.

Distinctive feature Rambler systems is the presence of box settings in a special section. Only by setting the settings properly can you avoid most problems with this service.

If, despite manipulating the box, you still experience errors, it is recommended that you submit a request to Rambler system technical support.

From time to time, users complain that they do not receive letters to Yandex mail. Why might this happen? How to deal with this problem? Is everything really as dangerous as it seems at first glance? All this will be answered further. In fact, there can be a lot of problems. But there is clearly no need to panic. Most situations are resolved without much difficulty.

Network failure

Why don't I receive letters to Yandex mail? The whole thing may lie in the most ordinary system failure of this service. This does not depend on the user. Occurs due to overload of the main server or during an update.

If the network fails, some users may receive emails, but others may not. There are also problems sending messages. There is no need to be afraid. It's enough just to wait a little. As soon as network failures and problems are corrected, mail will begin to work at full capacity.


But this is not the most common problem. Are your emails not coming to Yandex? Most often, the messages actually reach the user's mailbox. All letters are simply placed not in the “Inbox”, but in the “Spam” folder.

If you are expecting to receive a message, but it does not arrive for a long time, it is recommended to check the specified folder. Most likely, this is where the lost letter will be. A very common occurrence related to email settings and filters.

So it is advisable to check your Spam folder in advance. As practice shows, half of users stop complaining about the problem that arises. But these are not all the options for the development of events. There is another reason why letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


It is likely that messages from certain domains or addresses will not reach the recipient. Moreover, it is not necessary to have mail on Yandex; the problem can happen with any hosting. The reason lies in automatic settings services that include blocking certain emails.

IN in this case It is recommended to write to Yandex technical support. Although many users advise simply setting up an email account on a different hosting. Unblocking is not easy. But you can try to resolve the situation on your own. Are you not receiving emails from Yandex from GMail? Just try to work a little with the filters. Maybe it will be possible to remove the blocking without much difficulty.

Working with filters

If letters from a user are placed in the Spam folder or are not received by the user, it is recommended to enable the security filter settings in Yandex. How to do it?

Just follow the instructions:

  1. Log in via email. Next go to "Settings".
  2. Select "Mail Processing Rules" from the menu that appears.
  3. Go to the "White List" section and enter the required sender's address in the appropriate window.
  4. Click on "Add".

From now on, contacts from the White List will no longer be placed in the Spam folder. And they won’t be recognized as prohibited either. It is clear what to do if letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


But that is not all. Sometimes the reason that letters do not arrive at one or another email address is simply overcrowding with data. Each service has its own limit of incoming and outgoing documents. It is likely that it is exhausted.

It’s enough to simply clear your mail of accumulated letters. After this, you won’t have to wonder why letters don’t arrive at Yandex mail.

Below are the reasons and solutions to typical problems why mail may not be sent from ePochta Mailer. Even to your own mailing address!

Error Description and solution
Connecting to: smtp.server.ru:25
Socket Error #10051
Network is unavailable
There may be two reasons for the problem:
1 - connection is blocked by security programs
2 - port 25 is closed by the Internet provider.
In the first case - disable security programs and resend the test letter, in the second - contact your Internet provider and ask either to open this port, or use alternative ports for this SMTP server with which it can work and which are not blocked by your Internet -provider.
HELO/HELO rejected You need to open Settings/General Settings/Connection/HELO Value and click "Define".
After that, copy your HELO value and paste it into the appropriate field.
mail.ru blocks as spam Your mailing was accepted as spam on the mail.ru server. This most often happens when you send an empty letter.
You need to follow the link “http://mail.ru/notspam/” to receive details, or write a letter to « [email protected]» .
Contact mail.ru and explain that your mailing list is not spam and demand to know why they are blocking it. Or use a different SMTP server
“Dispatching...” very long If the status "Dispatching..." has been hanging for quite a long time (more than a minute), please check the following:
1. The prepared message has big size and ePochta Mailer takes longer to send it.
2. ePochta Mailer is completely blocked from accessing the Internet by an antivirus or firewall. Set an exception for ePochta Mailer.
Error 450: Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable. The server cannot access the mailbox to deliver the message. This may be caused by the server's dead address purge process, the mailbox may be corrupted, or the mailbox may be on another server that is not currently accessible. Also, the network connection may have been broken during sending, or the remote mail server does not want to accept mail from your server for some reason (IP address, blacklists, etc.). A second attempt to send a letter to this mailbox may be successful.
Error 451: Requested action aborted: local error in processing. This error usually occurs due to your ISP being overloaded or too many messages being sent through your SMTP relay. The next attempt to send a letter may be successful.
Error 500: Syntax error, command unrecognized. Your antivirus/firewall is blocking incoming/outgoing SMTP connections. You should configure your antivirus/firewall to resolve the issue.
Error 501: Syntax error in parameters or arguments. Invalid email addresses or domain name of the mailing address. Sometimes indicates connection problems.
Error 503: Bad sequence of commands or this mail server requires authentication. Repeated 503 errors may indicate connection problems. A 503 response from the SMTP server is most often an indication that the SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct.
Error 512: The host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found (DNS error). One of the servers on the path to the destination server has a problem with the DNS server or the recipient address is incorrect. Check the recipient's address for the correct domain name (spelling errors in the domain name or non-existent domain name).
Error 513: Address type is incorrect or authentication required. Make sure the recipient's email address is correct and free of errors. Then try resending the message. Another reason could be that the SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (usually ESMTP authentication, login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct.
Error 523: The Recipient's mailbox cannot receive messages this big. The message size (message + all its attachments) exceeds the size limits on the recipient's server. Check the size of the message you have prepared to send, in particular the size of the attachments; it may be worth splitting the messages into parts.
Error 530: Access denied. Your provider's SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct. Another reason could be that your SMTP server is blacklisted by the recipient's server. Or the recipient's mailbox does not exist.
Error 535: Username and Password not accepted. Check your SMTP server settings. Make sure that the username and password are entered correctly. Open "Settings"/ " General settings"/"SMTP", there double click on the address SMTP servers, and in the window that appears, correct the username and password.
Note 1: Make sure CAPS LOCK is turned off - this is important!
Note 2: Some SMTP servers require a login « [email protected]» instead of just "user", clarify these points.
Error 541: Recipient Address Rejected - Access denied. This response is almost always sent by the Antispam filter on the recipient's side. Check your message with a spam checker or ask the recipient to whitelist you.
Error 550: Mailbox unavailable. A 550 response from the SMTP server means that the recipient's email address is not on the server. Contact the recipient verbally to obtain their email address. Error 550 can sometimes be sent by the Antispam filter. Another case of a 550 response being returned is when the recipient's server is down.
Error 552: Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation or size of the incoming message exceeds the incoming size limit. The recipient's mailbox has reached its maximum allowed size. Another case of a 552 response being returned would be when the size incoming message exceeds the limit specified by the network administrator.
Error 553:Requested action not taken - Mailbox name invalid. Invalid recipient email address. A 553 response from the SMTP server is sometimes returned by your ISP's mail server. This happens if you do not have an Internet connection with this provider.
Error 554: Transaction failed. Response 554 from the SMTP server is returned by the antispam filter if the sender's email address, or the sender's IP address, or the sender's mail server is not liked (for example, they are located in RBL). You need to either ask the sender to add you to the whitelist, or you must take steps to have your IP address or ISP server removed from the RBL (Realtime Blackhole List).

If messages are piling up in your Outlook folder or people you send messages to aren't receiving them, try the following solutions to resolve the issue. The methods are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

If you have Office 365 for business, let us solve your problem

You can run the Office 365 Support and Recovery Assistant to help us resolve your issue. If you're not using Office 365 for business, or the Support and Recovery Assistant is unable to resolve the issue, see the next section.

Check Outlook connection status at the bottom of the application window

If it is indicated there Disabled, Autonomous operation or Trying to connect..., this means Outlook can't contact the email server to send your messages.

To switch between standalone and network modes select items Sending and receiving > Options > Autonomous operation. You may have to open the message and resend it, or click Send and receive.

Check your internet connection

If your computer is not connected to the Internet, sending messages from using Outlook impossible.

    Open your browser, for example Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Chrome.

    Enter in address bar URL to one of the following websites:

    1. http://www.microsoft.com


    If any of these websites are unavailable, see Troubleshoot network connection problems in Internet browser Explorer".

If the problem is not resolved, see the next section.

Some email providers (such as your ISP or even Gmail) do not allow you to send messages larger than specific value. The presence of pictures and large attachments may prevent the message (and all other messages sent after the large message) from being sent.

Go to folder Outgoing and open unsent mail messages. Start with the oldest one. If the message contains an attachment larger than 5 MB, delete the attachment and then attach the file smaller size or attach a link to the attachment. additional information For information about attachments, see Attach a file to an email message in Outlook.

Now try sending the message again. If the problem is not resolved, see the next section.

Have you changed your password recently?

If you have changed your password account email on the website, you need to change it in Outlook as well.

Note: If you sign in to your mailbox using the same credentials that you use to sign in online, you won't see the screens shown below. You will need to change your email password by changing network password Windows. To do this, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE, select the command Change password and follow the Windows instructions.

After changing your password, you may need to open and send the message again.

Contact your antivirus software support

Some antivirus programs scan email. When a virus is detected antivirus program may prevent other messages from being sent or received until the virus is removed.

Restore Outlook program

In some cases, you may need to restore Outlook. Recovery is a fairly simple process, but it can take up to half an hour. For more information, see Recover an Office application.

Restore your Outlook profile

A profile is a group of parameters that defines a mechanism Outlook work. It includes a list of accounts, auto-complete data, and the user's name and initials. For instructions on how to restore your current Outlook profile and create a new one, see