Harm of WiFi to health - detailed analysis. Decreased brain activity in women. Benefits of using a Wi-Fi router

To put it in simple language, Wi-Fi is a wireless connection that allows you to transfer information from one device to another. The signal is broadcast by a modern device called a router or router. The device connects to an Internet cable and, using built-in antennas, transmits network data to one or more devices.

On the panel of mobile phones, tablets, TVs and laptops you can see the corresponding Wi-Fi icon, which indicates the device’s ability to receive wireless network signals. This is very convenient, since anywhere in the city or home you can connect to a Wi-Fi network and get free access to the World Wide Web.

The inventor and first person who introduced wireless connections to the world was not a man - it was the wonderful actress and beautiful American woman Hedy Lamarr. In the 30s of the 20th century, she not only received amazing roles in films, but also successfully worked in the field of wide communication channels under the supervision of the US military. It was this woman who came up with the first decryption algorithms, without which the world would not have known about GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi.

However, in those years there was no programmable equipment and the issue was resolved using mechanics. A piano mechanism was introduced into the unique device, and upon completion of the work it could broadcast 88 frequencies - according to the number of its keys. The result was an amazing device that transmitted a signal over a long distance and was placed under the shell of a naval torpedo.

The invention was classified as “secret” for many years, and many years later, when semiconductors became available to scientists, Hedy Lamarr’s discovery was made public. Surprisingly, it was only in 1997 that the American Electronic Frontier Foundation decided to award the wise woman a medal for her long-standing discovery. Hedy refused to attend the ceremony, and her reaction to this decision was the sarcastic phrase: “Very timely.”


Is Wi-Fi harmful to health?

Computers and routers are present in almost every family, and few people think about how likely Wi-Fi is to harm. To determine the extent of the danger, it is necessary to refer to the exact technical specifications of this device. A typical router operates at 2.4 GHz and has a maximum power of about 100 µW.

It is known that radio frequencies do not have the best effect on the human body, causing negative reactions in our body at the molecular level. Molecules of substances such as glucose, water, fats that make up the body, under the influence of frequencies, begin to move chaotically and come closer together, which leads to an increase in body temperature. Long-term exposure to Wi-Fi communications on the body can lead to disruptions in the formation, division and growth of cells.

Wi-Fi damage becomes most dangerous due to the fact that the data transmitted by this device covers a huge radius and moves at very high speed. Air acts as a transmitting medium, and the flow of information moves along medium-wave frequencies. And since our body is able to perceive and transmit energy emanating from devices with different frequencies, it passes through itself a huge number of streams emanating from the router.

Even the fact that you don't have a router in your home won't protect you from being exposed to a harmful Wi-Fi environment. Wi-Fi communications streams can come from neighboring apartments, and metal structures and brick walls only partially mitigate their harmful effects. Considering that in everyday life we ​​are surrounded everywhere by wireless Wi-Fi networks - in offices, shopping centers, we can conclude that a person is practically under the influence of radio wave emitters around the clock.

Of course, all radio signals affect the state of our body. Scientists have proven that the most vulnerable to their effects are:

  • Human nervous system and brain
  • Male reproductive system

In addition, many users do not turn off their routers even at night, exposing themselves and others to the harmful effects of Wi-Fi radiation. Therefore, you should not be surprised that sometimes after a night's rest a person gets up completely exhausted, and the immune system cannot cope with the stress and weakens its defense.

This is not surprising, because in almost every home you can find up to a dozen wi-fi networks - in a cafe, on the street, etc.

Canadian scientists warn humanity about a new disease of this century - electrohypersensitiveness - disruption of the heart, suffocation, migraines, hypertensive crisis. In Sweden, people who are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation claim that they are allergic to wireless communications.

Those hypersensitive to microwaves may experience insomnia, problems with memory and concentration, as well as depression, anxiety, and pain in different parts of the body.


Benefits of Wi-Fi

The advent of wireless communications has improved the quality of human life and opened up endless possibilities. The Internet has become accessible even where it is not possible to lay a cable - holding conferences and business negotiations has become available anywhere in the world.

Another undeniable advantage of this type of communication is that several devices can connect to one access point - and this is what makes a Wi-Fi connection very prestigious and convenient. Of course, the speed of information transfer in this case is slightly reduced, but it all depends on the speed of the Internet and the provider providing the service.

The dangers of Wi-Fi have been reviewed by multiple world health organizations, and experts have provided evidence that radiation from a router is 600 times below acceptable limits. Regular mobile communications are much more dangerous than Wi-Fi radiation, and a year of using a router is equivalent to a 20-minute conversation on a mobile phone.

The harmful effects of Wi-Fi are not denied, but no one is going to limit the use of wireless networks. What is the reason? It is banal and clear - corporations that produce televisions, phones, computers, household appliances and the latest devices with built-in Wi-Fi function will suffer colossal losses if humanity abandons wireless technologies. Therefore, every person should think about the need to fill their lives with trendy technologies, and if it is inevitable to avoid their introduction into everyday life, then at least take care of reducing the harmful radiation emanating from devices.

How to reduce the harm from Wi-Fi

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the frequency radiation of devices and reduce the harm of Wi-Fi to zero, but you can reduce its harmful effects in the following ways:

  • When purchasing and installing routers in the home, users do not pay attention to the fact that almost all devices have functions for adjusting signal strength. Basically, all devices support factory settings set to maximum flow strength. By reducing the power of the device by 25.50, you can significantly narrow the coverage area and reduce the harmful dose of Wi-Fi radiation.
  • During operation of the device, it is recommended to remain at a distance of about 40 cm from it. This especially applies to users who have to work within the Wi-Fi coverage area.
  • You should unplug your router at night and unplug it when not in use.
  • It is better to keep devices that receive Wi-Fi signals away from the body - do not put the laptop on your knees, and connect a removable headset while using the phone.
  • You should install the router at home in a work area, away from bedrooms and places where children are most often found.
  • If possible, you should abandon the use of Wi-Fi in favor of wired technologies, and in public places, avoid places with wireless coverage.
  • The best option would be to create one powerful Wi-Fi access point in the apartment instead of several radiation sources.

Of course, today wireless communications mean comfort and convenience. And if you do not have the opportunity to protect yourself from harmful radiation, then you must take care of protecting children, because the child’s immune system, unlike an adult’s, is much weaker, since the child’s body is not yet fully formed. You should not allow your child to be in the area of ​​any dangerous radiation and try to protect children from staying for a long time in the room where the Wi-Fi router is installed.

Due to the widespread use of wireless networks, a reasonable question arises: is Wi-Fi harmful? Indeed, nowadays almost every family has a wireless router.

There is an opinion that Wi-Fi not only harms human health, but also opens access to various viruses that can damage the computer. Is it so?

The influence of radio emissions on humans

In order to understand whether Wi-Fi is harmful to health, you should understand what kind of connection it is and how it works. The full technology is called WirelessFidelity, which translated into Russian means “Wireless high-precision data transmission.” The connection is made via radio waves. In simple words, this is a regular radio.

Now think about it, is it harmful to listen to music on FM radio stations? However, despite this, scientists are still arguing about the dangers of Wi-Fi. However, it is still not possible to prove that such a connection is harmful to health.

Please note the following facts:

  • It has been scientifically proven that the power of radio emission from a Wi-Fi router is 600 times lower than permissible and safe standards for human health.
  • A group of British scientists conducted a number of studies in educational institutions to study the power of radiation and its effect on the body of children. In this case, wireless routers and mobile phones with 3G communications were taken into account. As a result, it was proven that the power of radio emissions from the phone is three times higher than from the router. Professor Laurie Chellis has officially concluded that the harmful effects of Wi-Fi on human health are a myth.

That is, the technology is absolutely safe. The only clarification is not to keep the laptop on your lap. However, other scientists have said that the radiation is so small that even then there is no danger.

  • Wireless access points operate on the same wavelength as conventional microwaves - 2.4 GHz. But at the same time, a kitchen appliance emits radio emissions that are 100 thousand times higher than the radiation from a Wi-Fi router. This was proven by scientist Malcolm Sperrin during research. However, it is known that even microwave ovens, provided they are well assembled (good sealing), do not pose a health hazard.

We are constantly surrounded by various devices that have much more powerful radiation: radio waves from mobile communications, all kinds of household appliances (TVs, radios, etc.), industrial and military radiation sources, etc.

As a result, the following picture emerges: it is impossible to say how much Wi-Fi is harmful to health, but it is reliably known that this technology causes significantly less harm than the household appliances that surround us.

What is more dangerous: 3G or Wi-Fi

Many people ask the question, what is more harmful - 3G or Wi-Fi? The radiation power of a mobile phone reaches 1W at a frequency of 0.9 GHz. At the same time, the maximum power of a wireless access point operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz does not exceed 100 mW. A home wireless phone that operates at the same frequency emits 0.5-0.9 W. This suggests that Wi-Fi radiation exposure is significantly lower than that of 3G.

Myth: Wi-Fi allows viruses access

Can viruses get through Wi-Fi? These are nothing more than fabrications that have no basis. Such conclusions could only be drawn by inexperienced users who do not use antivirus programs and go to suspicious sites. Having caught a virus on one of the dangerous pages on the Internet, the user concludes that the problem is Wi-Fi.

But this technology only distributes the Internet over the air. The Internet itself is no different from the one that comes through the provider’s cable. Moreover, most router models have internal protection, which reduces the risk of malware entering your computer.

David Backstein, surgeon-oncologist of the highest category: “I would not say that the technology that surrounds us somehow contributes to the occurrence of tumors”. He reinforces his words by the fact that the International Journal of Epidemiology summarized a dozen studies on the influence of gadgets on the occurrence of cancer and came to the conclusion that there is no connection between the use of those same mobile phones and the occurrence of cancer. True, the doctor of medical sciences is in no hurry to draw final conclusions: “Although, of course, in a global sense, we have been using smartphones, telephones, networks and everything like that not so long ago. And studying their effect on the body requires much more time.”

Tatiana Vasilyeva, radiation hygiene doctor:“It is impossible to say with certainty that phones cause irreversible harm to the body. Although several years ago quite serious studies appeared proving that electromagnetic waves lead to changes at the cellular level.". Referring to the British Ministry of Health, the candidate of medical sciences points out that there is still no confirmation of the influence of base stations and smartphones on the human body. Regarding the weakening of the immune system, Tatyana Vasilyeva confirmed the indirect effect: “The point is not so much the radiation, but the fact that a person simply spends less time on the street, moves less and is absorbed in communication using gadgets”.

As for Wi-Fi, the doctor referred to the relatively recent introduction of this technology, so it is still difficult to talk about the level of influence, since there are no serious studies on this topic. However, she noted: “The radiation there [from Wi-Fi] is less than from the same mobile phone”. For those users who are still concerned about the risk of influence, she advised turning off the router at night.

Nadezhda Koloskova, a therapist of the highest category, focuses on the influence of modern technologies on the body of children: “I would start, first of all, by instilling healthy habits in children. It seems to me that the point is not that networks are harmful to health, but the point is how much time a person spends next to them.”. She also does not exclude the possibility of negative effects of Wi-Fi on the body: “Electromagnetic fields do affect the central nervous system. I would say that although the risk has not been directly proven, it still cannot be completely excluded. But in our country, Wi-Fi is used both in schools and in shopping and entertainment centers. We need at least a few more decades to understand what they lead to.”.

As for mobile phones, Nadezhda Koloskova was more categorical, pointing out that they are harmful "long known". Supports her in thisOlga Smirnova, gynecologist-endocrinologist: “I am categorically against carrying mobile phones in trouser pockets”. Smirnova notes that the increase in infertility among both men and women has intensified recently for a reason. The doctor pointed to a Danish study in which researchers observed men talking on the phone for five or six hours whose sperm count and motility decreased. She points out: “Yes, the changes were not drastic, but we have been using the phone for more than one week.”.

Regarding wireless networks, the expert was more favorable, noting the low signal strength, she added: “At the same time, you don’t carry the router with you in your pocket”. However, she still recommended turning off wireless network devices when they are not in use and advised installing the equipment in those rooms where there are the least number of people.

Nikolay Lyubimenko, pediatrician: “It seems to me that Wi-Fi is not so harmful to our body. The same microwave, in my opinion, is much more harmful. The fact is that the power of the router is several times less than that of a microwave oven.”. He supports the opinion of his colleague, Nadezhda Koloskova, when it comes to the effect on the body of children: “I have heard versions that since a child’s body is just forming, waves of wireless networks can affect it”. The doctor indicated at that time that it would still not be possible to avoid technology, and there was no need to do this. Using a baby monitor or tablet to watch cartoons will do more good than harm if you use these achievements of modern science in doses.

The doctor notes that it is important not to go to extremes and you should not install a router in a nursery; otherwise, modern technologies can be used without fear.

All doctors agree that Wi-Fi, if it has any effect on human health, is insignificant. True, the lack of direct evidence of harm does not exclude the possibility of a negative impact that will manifest itself over a longer period of time than the few years that we are surrounded by wireless technologies. It is still worth listening to the recommendations of experts. You should take especially seriously the words about constantly spending time online, not only for children, but also for adults. Fresh air and outdoor games will help protect your health not only from modern technology, but also from the common cold.

We can no longer imagine our lives without modern devices. At home, at work and school, on the road and on vacation, we use mobile phones, tablets, e-readers, laptops... Wi-Fi is available in many public institutions. But how much the router is dangerous and Wi-Fi is harmful, we will consider in this article.

This allows us to work outside the office, keep abreast of news, constantly communicate and not miss a single event in the lives of our loved ones and friends. But, as research by scientists has shown, not everything is so simple. It turns out that routers that transmit Wi-Fi signals, along with their benefits, also bring danger. Danger to our health.

What are the harms of wireless Internet?

Electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi sources is a constant irritant for the nervous system and brain. In rooms with a constantly running router, people quickly get tired, their blood pressure increases, their heart rate increases, and their head hurts.

Parents note an increase in irritability and aggressiveness and a decrease in attention in their children. And scientists believe that the reason for these negative phenomena is the presence in our lives of modern mobile devices, which constantly emit harmful electromagnetic radiation into the surrounding space.

Due to the widespread use of wireless networks, a reasonable question arises: is Wi-Fi harmful? Indeed, nowadays almost every family has a wireless router. There is an opinion that Wi-Fi not only harms human health, but also opens access to various viruses that can damage the computer. Is it so?

The influence of radio emissions on humans

In order to understand whether Wi-Fi is harmful to health, you should understand what kind of connection it is and how it works. The full technology is called WirelessFidelity, which translated into Russian means “Wireless high-precision data transmission.” The connection is made via radio waves. In simple words, this is a regular radio.

Now think about it, is it harmful to listen to music on FM radio stations? However, despite this, scientists are still arguing about the dangers of Wi-Fi. However, it is still not possible to prove that such a connection is harmful to health.

Please note the following facts:

  • It has been scientifically proven that the power of radio emission from a Wi-Fi router is 600 times lower than permissible and safe standards for human health.
  • A group of British scientists conducted a number of studies in educational institutions to study the power of radiation and its effect on the body of children. In this case, wireless routers and mobile phones with 3G communications were taken into account. As a result, it was proven that the power of radio emissions from the phone is three times higher than from the router. Professor Laurie Chellis has officially concluded that the harmful effects of Wi-Fi on human health are a myth. That is, the technology is absolutely safe. The only clarification is not to keep the laptop on your lap. However, other scientists have said that the radiation is so small that even then there is no danger.
  • Wireless access points operate on the same wavelength as conventional microwaves - 2.4 GHz. But at the same time, a kitchen appliance emits radio emissions that are 100 thousand times higher than the radiation from a Wi-Fi router. This was proven by scientist Malcolm Sperrin during research. However, it is known that even microwave ovens, provided they are well assembled (good sealing), do not pose a health hazard. We are constantly surrounded by various devices that have much more powerful radiation: radio waves from mobile communications, all kinds of household appliances (TVs, radios, and so on).

What is more dangerous: 3G or Wi-Fi?

Many people ask the question, what is more harmful - 3G or Wi-Fi? The radiation power of a mobile phone reaches 1W at a frequency of 0.9 GHz. At the same time, the maximum power of a wireless access point operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz does not exceed 100 mW. A home cordless phone that operates at the same frequency emits 0.5-0.9 W.

This suggests that exposure to Wi-Fi radiation is significantly lower than that of 3G. As a result, the following picture emerges: it is impossible to say how much Wi-Fi is harmful to health, but it is reliably known that this technology causes significantly less harm than the household appliances that surround us.

Can viruses get through Wi-Fi?

These are nothing more than fabrications that have no basis. Such conclusions could only be drawn by inexperienced users who do not use antivirus programs and go to suspicious sites. Having caught a virus on one of the dangerous pages on the Internet, the user concludes that the problem is Wi-Fi.

But this technology only distributes the Internet over the air. The Internet itself is no different from the one that comes through the provider’s cable. Moreover, most router models have internal protection, which reduces the risk of malware entering your computer.

The only danger is the possibility of hackers hacking the network, but that's another topic. At the same time, you can configure network protection in the access point settings: set a complex password and select the most reliable type of data encryption.

How serious is the harm of Wi-Fi?

To find out, let’s figure out what wifi actually is? We open Wikipedia, where we read that the name comes from the English Wireless Fidelity, which means “high-precision wireless data transmission”, and is nothing more than a family of information transmission over radio channels. RADIO! Has anyone ever harmed their health by listening to the radio? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus about the dangers of wifi, but no one has been able to prove the harm to human health.

In general, all the noise came from the head of the English Ministry of Health, William Stewart, who had information about alleged changes in people’s health from minor radio waves.

Let's look at the facts, expert opinion:

  1. It has been proven that the level of radiation emanating from wifi devices is 600 times lower than acceptable and harmless to humans radiomagnetic radiation standards.
  2. The BBC television company and a number of British scientists initiated a study in schools to determine whether wifi is harmful. The strength of radiation from mobile phones and wifi routers was measured. As a result, it was revealed that the radiation level of the latter was three times higher. And Professor Laurie Chellis has officially stated that there is no harm to health from wifi, “unless you keep your laptop on your lap.” Although the other members of the commission said that the radiation is so negligible that even this is not dangerous.
  3. Wi-Fi devices and microwaves operate at the same wavelength (2.4 GHz), but the radiation from a kitchen appliance is 100 thousand times higher, which was revealed as a result of research conducted by another professor, Malcolm Sperrin. By the way, high-quality (hermetically sealed) microwave ovens also do not leak anything and do not cause any harm.

Now let's remember what surrounds us in everyday life?

  • Everyone has a cell phone in their pocket. And even if you don’t have it, then your neighbor has it, and the signal from the cellular operator does not choose through whom exactly it should go to the neighbor’s phone - the rays penetrate your house up and down.
  • There is a microwave, if not in every kitchen, then in every second kitchen.
  • Everyone definitely has a TV.
  • We all walk in parks and sit in cafes, wait for a train at a station or a flight at the airport, study at a university or work in an office - and most of these public places have wifi. Even some commuter buses already have it!
  • There is no point in talking about radiation from various types of industrial or military sources - we are all under their “hood”.

In the end, what do we have?

It is impossible to say exactly how harmful wifi is. But it is reliably known that the signal from WiFi causes much less harm than the vast majority of other household devices that we use every day.

But if you are still afraid of its possible impact, then just follow some simple rules to be calm:

  • Do not keep the device that receives the signal on your lap, but rather far away on the table.
  • If possible, place the wifi router away from the place where you constantly sit or sleep.
  • Turn off the router if you are not currently using the Internet.
  • Due to the impossibility of thoroughly studying the degree of harm, it is advisable, if possible, to protect small children from it, so as not to strain the young developing organism with additional, albeit insignificant, radiation.

All of the above does not apply to 3G mobile USB modems, because they receive signals from mobile operators and therefore emit signals just like cell phones. So, compliance with these precautionary rules when working with them should be taken with greater attention than with regular wireless Wi-Fi generated using a router connected to cable Internet.

This technology only distributes the Internet wirelessly - the Internet itself remains exactly the same as in your cable. The only danger may be a hacker breaking into the network, but that's another conversation. So follow the minimum basic safety rules, which can be applied to any modern household appliance and are described in more than a dozen instructions for their operation, and use it to your health!

How to reduce the impact of WiFi?

Doctors have proven that the consequences of using WiFi are:

  • Deterioration of memory and concentration.
  • The appearance of migraine.
  • The occurrence of joint pain
  • The development of tumors, even gene changes are possible.
  • Reduced potency in men, radiation negatively affects the quality of sperm.

It has not been officially proven, but still doctors are inclined to believe that the increased number of cases of Alzheimer's disease, cancer and dementia is associated not only with the use of mobile phones and laptops, but also with the WiFi wireless network.

If you do not want to change your router to a modem with wires, but want to reduce the harm of Wi-Fi, you should use some precautions:

  • You should not press your mobile phone to your head while talking; it is advisable to use a headset.
  • The WiFi access point should be placed no closer than a meter from the place where a person usually sits, spends time or sleeps. It is unacceptable to place the router above the bed.
  • You cannot be near the router that is turned on.
  • You need to turn off the router if no one is using the Internet.
  • In public places, it is advisable to install one WiFi network for all devices.

In this situation, each person assesses the risks to his own health, but it is still worth thinking about the seriousness of this problem, because many citizens of the States and Europe are categorically against the use of WiFi routers in homes, schools and kindergartens. Maybe it’s really not in vain?

Although the level of electromagnetic radiation from wireless transmitters is below official quotas, conversations about the dangers of Wi-Fi to health not only do not stop, but also gather supporters who advocate limiting the use of the technology. The main speculative argument was the health of children.

Expert and media opinion:

In September, 30 scientists signed an international resolution calling for "a full and independent review of the scientific evidence of the dangerous effects of existing electromagnetic fields around the world," Times Online reported. Similar initiatives are emerging at the local level - the Irish Environmental Medical Association has made the same proposal to government authorities.

In a number of British schools, wireless networks were dismantled at the request of panicking parents; in Austria, the Salzburg health department recommended against the use of wLAN and cellular communications in schools and kindergartens; The vice-chancellor of Lakehead University in Canada, which got rid of Wi-Fi, links radiation exposure to behavioral and physiological changes in students.

According to experts who are convinced of the dangers of the technology, children are at particular risk because they have thinner cranial bones and their nervous systems are still developing, and in the future, due to the development of wireless technologies, exposure to radiation will only increase.

As for the studies that have proven the safety of mobile phones in terms of meeting established standards, according to Phillips, these standards relate to short-term exposure, but the body, constantly exposed to weak electromagnetic waves, of course, changes. He cites as an example the observations of Latvian scientists who noted a decrease in motor functions, memory and attention in thousands of children exposed to radiation levels of wLAN transmitters.

According to Michael Clarke of the British Health Protection Association (HPA), fears about Wi-Fi, based on reports of the dangers of mobile phones, are unfounded. He cites international studies that show radiation from Wi-Fi is about 0.00002 of the global maximum, while a child using a mobile phone receives up to half of the permissible level.

In general, experts agree that electromagnetic waves undoubtedly affect people's health, but on everyone differently, and the level of a dangerous dose is a relative concept. For example, in Sweden, 5% of residents are sensitive to radiation, and in the capital of the state, many use special protective screens in their homes. Again, the causes of ailments that increase when exposed to electromagnetic waves are not limited to them.

To top it all off, the scientific community, not without the help of journalists, is spreading panic among parents and suspicious Internet users, reminding that it is too early to discuss the harm from radiation, since the current technological environment has not existed and been observed long enough for the scientific validity of such conclusions.

Is a Wi-Fi router good or bad?

A huge segment of people are consumers of new Internet technologies. Every year there is an increasing trend of further growth. People can no longer imagine their life without the Internet. However, every year famous scientists unanimously speak about the dangers of the wireless Internet. Is a Wi-Fi router harmful to human health? What effect does this device have on the human body and should it be abandoned?

Some scientists believe that a person receives colossal harm from Wi-Fi radiation. Moreover, this only happens when the device is constantly in a state of continuous operation. Can it be avoided or mitigated?

How the router works

A person can only get an answer to the question of whether wi-fi is harmful to health by understanding the principle of its functioning. This device has the original name Wireless Fidelity. Translated into Russian, this means that data moves from one device to another using special radio channels. It was based on this fact that scientists were able to determine what harm such a router poses. The negative impact is 600 times lower than the minimum level of harm to the body. Therefore, a Wi-Fi router in an apartment is not harmful.

A colossal number of experiments conducted to answer the question Why is wifi radiation harmful to health?, has led to the fact that only a large number of such devices can be dangerous. It should be noted that the harm from wi-fi to health is slightly higher than the harm from a cell phone.

It is impossible to get serious harm from the router, but there are still some negative factors. In terms of the negative impact on the body, this device is even faster than a microwave oven. You won't be able to completely get rid of negative factors, but they can be reduced with some important tips.

Warning about the danger posed by the router

People need to understand that any radio signals have a certain effect on atoms and other elements of the human body. Doctors confidently declare the severe harm of a Wi-Fi router, which has a negative effect on:

  1. Vessels connected to the human brain. The harm of Wi-Fi radiation on the human brain was proven by a group of scientists through several experiments. During their course it became clear that This device leads to vascular spasms and a significant deterioration in concentration.
  2. Children's body. The thickness of the child’s skull is much smaller, so the effect on the brain is several times stronger.
  3. Potency of men. Wi-Fi is harmful to the health of men, it affects the death of sperm. In a normal state, about 14% of dead sperm are in the male body, while in the irradiated body more than 25% are dead.

Scientists have explained to people why Wi-Fi is harmful. Electromagnetic waves have a negative effect on people. It is possible to reduce its impact by reducing the time spent at the computer and laptop.

How can you reduce the negative impact of a router?

If you are still interested in the question of whether radiation from a wi-fi router is harmful, and you think that you are developing a phobia, then you can try to reduce its effect on the body. Each device has a signal level control button. Not all people are well acquainted with it, so they rarely use it.

You can set the power to 50, 25 or even 10%, which will significantly reduce the level of human radiation. If you are still asking the question: “How harmful is Wi-Fi in an apartment?”, then by reducing the power, you can become completely calm about this.
Many manufacturers often set maximum power completely unreasonably. You can also work at lower signal strengths.

The main rules to greatly reduce radiation exposure:

  • the router should be no closer than 40 cm from the workplace;
  • It is forbidden to sleep nearby with the router turned on;
  • You cannot constantly turn off the access point if you do not intend to use the network in the near future;
  • try not to keep the laptop on your lap with the Wi-Fi network turned on;
  • Take evening walks in the fresh air more often.

Benefits of using a Wi-Fi router

There is a negative impact, but it is present in minimal quantities. Is it worth abandoning this device because of this? In order for the answer to be the most balanced, you should understand the positive aspects of the device.

The main advantage of wireless Internet is its mobility.

Due to the absence of any wires, it can be used in various places. Such places can be the premises where conferences are held.

In addition, it should be noted that several people can connect to such a network at once. The file transfer speed in this case will be slightly lower, because it will be shared among all users, but this indicator largely depends on the Internet provider.

Technical solutions for protection against electromagnetic radiation

Wi-Fi in an apartment creates a certain background called electromagnetic smog. Scientists are taking various ways to protect humans from this influence. Well-known router creators have released a line of special wallpapers that can block Wi-Fi radiation from neighboring apartments. You can buy such a product in online stores. It is worth saying that wallpaper can become a kind of barrier to the transmission of a wireless network to other rooms in the apartment.

In addition, there is such a product as a corrector of the functional state of human health, which comes with a special fabric sheet with carbon thread. To produce such materials, a special bipolar fabric is used, which actively reflects electromagnetic rays received from a variety of electrical devices.

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    Complete and up-to-date information on the issue of the dangers of Wi-Fi, I personally agree that doctors and scientists do not agree on the dangers of Wi-Fi on health


In recent years, the number of wireless devices has increased significantly. I use a Wi-Fi connection on smartphones, laptops, TVs, set-top boxes and various household appliances. The convenience of this connection method is obvious - there is no need to pull wires, damaging the interior. It is enough to place a router in the apartment, and all the listed devices will be combined into a common network over the air. However, Wi-Fi is radiation, and any type of radiation has an effect on the human body. In this article we will tell you whether wireless networks are harmful and how dangerous it is to stay near a switched-on router for a long time.

Is it harmful to be near a router?

So, how can a regular router be dangerous and is it really dangerous to be near it all the time?

In order to answer this question, let's first understand what Wi-Fi is.

Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity, that is, “wireless data transmission.” Radio waves with a frequency of 2.4 - 5 GHz are used to transmit information. Therefore, Wi-Fi is a type of radio wave of a certain range. Strictly speaking, a router is a device of the same profile as a mobile phone, TV and FM radio. All of these devices emit radio waves of varying frequencies and intensities. And these waves affect our body constantly, indoors and outdoors, because we are almost always in the range of one or more radiation sources.

Why are radio waves dangerous to health?

Scientists are unanimous: radio radiation can definitely harm the human body. The extent of the harm directly depends on the power of the radiation source, its duration and the proximity of the person to it.

The main directions of the negative impact of router radio waves on human health are as follows::

  • Long-term exposure to radio waves reduces the level of antioxidant defense of the body, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, primarily the brain and liver.
  • Radio waves negatively affect male reproduction. Radio radiation reduces sperm motility and damages testicular DNA. Long-term exposure to intense radio waves can lead to infertility.
  • Radio radiation negatively affects the development of the fetus and can provoke termination of pregnancy. Constant use of mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices increases the likelihood of miscarriage by 50%.
  • Radio waves cause sleep disturbances. In particular, they disrupt the change of sleep phases, as a result of which a person does not get enough sleep. Radio radiation can also cause insomnia.
  • Radio radiation causes cancer. Back in the 1970s, scientists found that most people who died of cancer lived in homes with strong electromagnetic fields.

How dangerous is router radiation?

Let's consider whether the radiation from a router located in an apartment is harmful to health. Devices emitting radio waves are constantly around us. At the same time, a regular microwave emits radiation 100 thousand times more than a router. Yes, and the mobile phone “phonics” is much stronger. To surpass the radiation intensity of one mobile phone, you will need two routers and two dozen laptops.

Therefore, many experts argue that of all household devices that use radio frequencies, a router is the safest.

On the one hand, this statement is true in principle. The radiation from a Wi-Fi router is negligible compared to the radiation from many household devices. However, in most apartments the router is constantly on, while we use other devices for a short time. For example, we turn on the microwave to warm up food. This takes a few minutes. And the peak power of mobile phone radiation is achieved only during a conversation. In standby mode it is negligible. Thus, the low radiation power of the router is compensated by its round-the-clock operation. This means that its harmful effect on the body cannot be underestimated in any case.

Scientists conducted such an experiment. Two sperm samples were placed under different conditions. One was just in the room where the computer was located. And the other was next to a computer that was actively interacting with the network via Wi-Fi. In the first case, 14% of sperm died, and in the second - 25%.

Router in the bedroom

Let's ask ourselves how harmful and dangerous it is to place a router in the bedroom.

Most often, a router in an apartment is installed in the bedroom. Because people like to lie around with a tablet or watch a movie online before going to bed. But you shouldn’t be near a switched-on router, and here’s why.

Scientists conducted such an experiment. They observed two groups of people. One group slept under normal conditions. People from the other group had a device with Wi-Fi turned on next to their bed overnight, and then, the next morning, their condition was compared with the experimental ones from the first group. It was found that the majority of participants in the second group experienced cerebral vascular spasms, fatigue, and decreased attention. People who spent the night without Wi-Fi were much less likely to experience these symptoms.

It is believed that Wi-Fi radiation has a much greater impact on the brain of children, since the children's skull is thinner than that of an adult and is less protected from radio waves. Therefore, if a child is sleeping in the room, all devices using Wi-Fi must be removed or turned off at night.

In addition, the router's display and constantly flashing lights, especially in the dark, can have an irritating effect on the psyche and make it difficult to fall asleep.

In this regard, it is strictly not recommended to place the router in the bedroom, much less next to the bed..

How to reduce harm from a router

Of course, the best way to minimize the harm from Wi-Fi is not to use a router at all. After all, after all, a computer or laptop can be connected to the network via wires. But Internet users are unlikely to be ready for such a radical solution. And if you follow this method in everything, you will have to give up television, radio, and mobile communications.

Therefore, let's look at how you can continue to use a wireless network at home and at the same time reduce the harmful effects of router radiation on the body.

Household routers are usually not very powerful. They operate at frequencies up to 5 GHz and their radiation power does not exceed 100 mW. However, there are more powerful devices used to transmit data over long distances when organizing large networks. There is no need for such powerful routers in an apartment. Therefore, use a regular router. Its effect on your body will be minimal.

Place the router away from your work area. And even more so from the bed you sleep on. In general, if possible, install it in the room where you are least likely to be. For example, in the hallway, in the attic of a private house or in any non-residential room. At a distance, radio waves are much less dangerous. Of course, the further away the router, the weaker the signal, but for a city apartment in most cases this is not important. If the signal quality is not satisfactory, you will have to look for a reasonable compromise.

The fewer devices, the better. It is better to use one powerful router, if necessary, than two or three weaker devices. If in your case you cannot do without, try to keep their number to a minimum.

In normal operation, the router emits radio waves constantly. If its continuous operation is not necessary, it makes sense to reduce the time of its active operation. Most routers can be configured so that the Internet will only connect if there are active client devices. The rest of the time the router will be in passive mode and the intensity of its radiation will be significantly lower.

If the router is not currently in use, you can turn it off altogether. And, of course, the router should be unplugged at night.

You can read about why you should turn off your router at night on our website.


The following conclusions can be drawn.

In the modern world, it is not possible to completely get rid of the effects of Wi-Fi radiation. Because routers are used in homes, offices and even on the street. Large cities are completely covered by wireless networks.

The power of Wi-Fi radiation from a conventional router is several times less than that of other household appliances. Therefore, the harm that it can cause to the human body is minimal.

In order to protect yourself from the possible negative consequences of constant contact with a Wi-Fi router, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations.