Plugins for displaying similar posts in WordPress. Related Posts Thumbnails plugin: displaying similar posts with images for WordPress

Do your website visitors leave after reading the first post? Increasing traffic and reducing the number of quick exits is a significant problem for website owners. Displaying similar posts to users has proven to be effective method increasing the number of page views.

You can easily display related posts on your WordPress site using the plugin. This article describes some WordPress plugins for displaying related posts.

1. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin aka YARPP

This plugin is one of the most popular WordPress plugins to display topic-related posts, it has over 3.4 million downloads, and also supports displaying content-related posts as thumbnails and text.


YARPP uses a built-in algorithm to find similar posts. It has a great set of templates, allows you to display both thumbnails and text, supports custom types entries and RSS feed display.


If you have a fairly large site, YARPP can be very resource intensive. Professional version plugin eliminates this problem by shifting the load to own server YARPP.

YARPP is not compatible with the WPML plugin. If you need a multilingual WordPress site, choose Polylang.

Additionally, YARRP is blocked by some WordPress hosting providers.

2. Contextual Related Posts

This plugin works to increase the relevance of similar posts. At the same time, it can display related posts in the form of thumbnails and text.


When working with related posts displayed as text only, the plugin starts working immediately after installation and has more simple settings. It attempts to use images within a post as thumbnails if there are no additional images or thumbnails.


The plugin does not support all templates for displaying thumbnails. Sometimes it will just display thumbnail images instead using bulleted list. Users can add their own if they wish. CSS tables for style, but it will be quite difficult for novice users.

Like YARPP, this plugin also does not work on large websites. Also, some hosting for WordPress block this plugin for their clients, because on large sites it will slow down the work.

3. Related Posts for WordrPress

This plugin is a lightweight alternative to more popular plugins. It can perform all resource-intensive tasks in the admin and use the cache to display similar posts.


Related Posts for WordrPress focuses on performance. It works faster without slowing down your site, and also supports displaying related posts as thumbnails and text.

Features a widget and shortcode that can be inserted anywhere to display related posts.


If you used another plugin for similar posts, you may not see some additional functions.

4. Yuzo Related Posts

This is not bad free plugin to display similar posts from full set features you would expect from a plugin like this. Display as thumbnails, horizontal row with thumbnails, display as lists, built-in cache, etc.


The plugin is extremely easy to use and configure. It allows you to select a style by simply clicking on it. Caching works better than YARPP and Contextual Related Posts. The plugin has an easily customizable widget with big amount options.


When there are a large number of options, this cannot but affect performance. Yuzo Related Posts is a fast plugin, but not lightweight.

5. Inline Related Posts

This plugin differs from other plugins on this list. Instead of adding related posts after the content content, this plugin displays them inside your articles. This display of related content is quite popular on news and blog sites.


The plugin displays related posts if users stay on the site for a long time and click a lot. Inline Related Posts is easy to install and allows you to select the location in the content where you want to insert links to related posts.


If you want to display related posts at the end of each post, then you will need another plugin. Using two plugins for similar posts on the same site can be very resource intensive.

A little hint

This article has already mentioned that plugins for displaying related posts can be resource-intensive. It is possible that some of them will not work well on the general WordPress hosting.

IN similar cases you can use the Manual Related Posts plugin. It allows you to manually add related posts to posts. This connection is installed in both directions so that if you add old post V new entry, then the old post will also show the new post as similar.

Another option is to manually display related posts with thumbnails without using plugins.

This article should help you find best plugins to display related posts on your WordPress site. Look additional tips on how to increase page views and reduce quick exits on your WordPress site.

Showing similar posts in WordPress is good method keep visitors on your site. There are a lot of plugins for implementing similar posts, and one of the most popular is the Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, or YARPP for short.

Installing and configuring the plugin

You can download the plugin for free from the official directory, or install it automatically through the panel WordPress administration by going to the Plugins → Add new section. After installing and activating the plugin, in the Settings menu you will find new item « Related Posts» to configure it.

In this section you can configure appearance and plugin operation parameters: choose between displaying a list or thumbnails, set the number of records to be displayed, set the title text for the section with similar posts, and also select the sorting method:

  • Score (default) - sorts by post similarity
  • Date—sorting by date of articles
  • Title—sort by article title in alphabetical order

Please note that sorting is applied to already selected results. This means that when sorting by date, your new articles will not be included in the list unless they are similar to the current article.

It is also worth noting the section with settings for RSS feeds. Here you can enable the display of similar posts in your RSS feed. This is especially effective if you publish full articles to RSS WordPress feed, and not just their announcements.

After setting up the plugin, you can see it in action when you go to any of your articles.

As a site administrator, in brackets for each selected article you will see the value of its relevance to the main article in the form of a coefficient. Visitors to your site and RSS feed readers will not see these values.

How YARPP affects site loading speed

Going through all the articles and finding similarities between them is not an easy task, especially if you have more than tens of thousands of entries. Fortunately, YARPP has a built-in result caching mechanism that allows you to perform complex calculations only once.

However, if there is large quantity posts in WordPress, you may notice a slowdown in speed when publishing and editing posts. This is due to the recalculation of relevance when the content changes, and does not affect the site loading speed for your visitors.

Custom/PHP mode

In the YARPP plugin settings, you can choose between displaying similar articles in a list, or in a grid with thumbnails. There is a third mode for more advanced users, which allows you to completely change the output markup of similar articles.

When you activate Custom mode, YARPP will create several additional templates for example in your theme. You can use them to create own template displaying similar articles with your own markup. This pairs well with the ability to display related posts anywhere in your theme using the related_posts() plugin function.

YARPP Experiments

If you are working on a website with a huge amount articles and under high load, then you will be interested in the YARPP Experiments plugin. This official plugin from a YARPP developer who adds additional settings to the main plugin, including caching management, reducing the speed of similarity calculations (will help reduce the load on the server) and others.

If you have any questions when using the YARPP plugin, leave it in the comments or ask us at

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will make similar posts for a WordPress site without a plugin. This will be a continuation of the previous article.

In the last post I showed how to make similar posts using . It implements this functionality quite well and I recommend using it. But it can be replaced very simple code, which can also perform its task quite well.

I am just writing this article when I checked this code on my blog. Everything works great. The block looks exactly the same.

As you can see, everything is similar to the plugin. And everything is done quite simply. You just need to place one part of the code in the place where the block of similar entries will be displayed.

However, I don’t know for sure whether pictures will be displayed if thumbnails for posts are not specified. I have all the thumbnails set, so I couldn’t test it on any article. Therefore, most likely, it will be necessary to assign thumbnails to each article. And, if there are a lot of them, then you will need to suffer a little. You also need your template to support thumbnails, because if this functionality is not present, then you will not be able to assign them to posts.

First, I give a video tutorial where I showed how to do everything, and then there is a text article with all the codes and explanations.

W is actually part of the code itself.