Why do people still use old Windows? Variety of Linux distributions

Windows 10 is good, fresh and amazing. It seems quite logical that this operating system is the most popular among all systems Windows family. But even it is not without shortcomings and annoying errors that negate the entire comfort of working with a computer. Many users are faced with the fact that they cannot open photos on Windows 10 and this often becomes a decisive factor for rolling back to the previous version. In this article we will look at several ways to solve the problem when an application...

Windows 10 is less demanding on computer performance than previous versions Windows. Setting "tens" to weak laptops can really make working with the device more comfortable. But even in optimized Windows 10 they work in the background unnecessary services, the execution of which requires computer resources. Today we will look at which unnecessary services are best disabled in Windows 10 to make your computer run a little faster.

While working at the computer, it is very convenient to use combinations of buttons on the keyboard, which greatly simplify simple tasks. It's about about the keys quick access- so-called “hot keys”. These button combinations allow you to speed up some simple and routine activities. Windows 10 offers big list button combinations to make your communication with the device much more comfortable. Today we will look at the most popular and useful hot Windows keys 10.

If you have display mode turned on hidden files and folders in the Windows operating system, you have probably noticed the System folder more than once Volume Information in the root of the flash drive or disk. Often, many users are puzzled by the question of what kind of folder this is and whether it can be deleted - after all, the size of this folder sometimes reaches several gigabytes. Let's look at what the folder is for System Volume Information, and how to clear it or completely remove it.

Windows developers continue to improve one of the most popular operating systems. Updates and patches are released regularly, functionality is updated, and new functions are added. But even now there are errors and annoying glitches in the operating system, despite constant updates. Quite a lot of users encounter the error “ Standard application reset” in Windows 10, which occurred especially often on earlier versions operating system. Today we will look at the reasons for this error and several options for fixing it.

Very soon, Windows 10 will receive another “spring” creative update called Spring Creators Update 1803. The operating system is traditionally updated twice a year - in spring and autumn. Unlike regular updates that fix security issues or fix bugs, the Spring Creators Update will add many new features and refresh the appearance. You can already download and install the update manually, but it’s best to wait for the official release - the launch planned for April 10th had to be temporarily postponed until...

Sometimes there is an urgent need to protect your personal information and files from prying eyes. We have already discussed how to set a password for Chrome browser to hide your favorite bookmarks and search history from colleagues or family. After all, no one likes it when personal information becomes known to someone else. You can also not waste time on trifles and set a password on the operating system so that no one can get to your vacation photos or your collection of your favorite cartoons. But the password can be stolen or...

Operating system for Windows computers 10 appeared almost three years ago. At the beginning of this year, “Ten” became the most popular operating system of the Windows family for computers, just a few percent ahead of everyone’s favorite “Seven”. More and more people are switching to the new "axis" and wondering where to download the official Windows version 10, so as not to accidentally install something that doesn’t work well and is infected with viruses, pirated assembly? Previously, we compared these two most popular operating systems and found out which is better...

The Windows 10 operating system can be found today on computers, laptops, tablets, game consoles and other devices. Microsoft Company invests huge cash in its promotion and it is bearing fruit. Moreover, it regularly adds new functions and capabilities to it, designed to expand the scope of its application and give new user experience owners of devices under its control.

Perhaps Windows 10 is not like that at all bad system, according to some people, but Microsoft's policies are disgusting. This manufacturer acts even worse than Apple with its iPhone smartphones. When some major update is released for Windows 10, the American corporation simply takes and includes by default absolutely all the new functions and capabilities that were added to it. For example, not so long ago they introduced into the OS new system protection. As a result, the speed of working with files in the Explorer program decreased by 4-5 times.

This approach is simply terrible, because after each update, if Microsoft has added some new functions to it, you will have to go into the settings or “Google” on how to turn off this or that function. However, from the very moment the operating room appeared Windows systems 10 yes main reason, because of which the OS should be hated by absolutely every sane person.

It’s hard to believe, but Microsoft, without the knowledge of the owner of the computer or any device, makes sure that right out of the box, his equipment automatically distributes updates for the Windows 10 operating system to other people’s equipment. All this is implemented on the principle of a torrent network, that is, when one the computer stores all the files and then distributes them to other computers, which may even be located on another corner of the Earth.

Everything would be fine, except that updates are not only automatically distributed, but also take up space on the drive. If the laptop has a memory capacity of 512 GB, then after 1-2 years of active using Windows 10, about 20-40 GB of space can be used exclusively for updates. They are stored specifically so that the computer can distribute them to other people. With all this, for the Windows 10 Pro operating system, in fact, you need to pay 15,000 rubles. This is exactly the amount her license will cost.

In order to eliminate this “feature” of the Windows 10 operating system, you need to open the “Settings” application, and then follow the path “Update and Security” → “Center” Windows updates» → « Extra options" Here you should switch the toggle switch to the “Off” position, and then restart the computer. By using special programs You can also find and destroy all updates that are stored on your hard drive solely for the purpose of being distributed to other devices around the world.

Previously, the editors of the site wrote about how to get eternal licensed version Windows 10 Pro.

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Linux is not as popular as Windows. I will not give statistics, because statistics are different. I would not like to talk about ideology; this inevitably leads to holivars. I won’t go into the server segment - people who deploy them usually have a pretty good idea of ​​what they want from the OS. With your permission, I will not touch on the topic of freeness - it is no secret that most users in Russia do not spend money on licensing. And in general, the topic is about people, not systems. I myself am a supporter of open source software and try to popularize it as much as possible and help developers.

The topic is an invitation to Linux supporters to think together about why our OS does not have the popularity comparable to other systems.

So, Linux is relatively unpopular among casual users. So that's it objective reasons. For myself, I divided them into several groups, which I described below. The description of each reason consists of two points: the actual formulation and the solution that is visible to me.


Pre-installed OS

This is the reason why I have only used Linux for two years out of fifteen. Indeed, why change anything if everything is so good. No amount of argument will help here for the simple reason that Windows users are right! Indeed, they are doing well. And no need to steam them technical details about some subjective advantages/disadvantages. They are happy and comfortable using Windows. They are 100% right!

IN this issue popularization (propaganda) should play exclusively on feelings such as curiosity and ambition. Thus, weak side Linux systems can be turned into a powerful motivator. As if casually, sitting by the fire with an ax and a guitar, talk a little about the alternatives (“Come on, Vasya, are you kidding me or what? Is it true that I’ve never come across this? You’re a seasoned computer scientist - you’ve been tinkering with computers for a hundred and five hundred years”), until without going into details. At the most interesting moments(it’s important to know what a person is interested in in terms of computers, what worries him) it’s important to stop and promise to tell him more later (“Listen, we’ve been chatting about something here, but we’re running out of wood. I’ll go and run to the forest”). This is the only way to interest a person, and then he himself will return to the conversation. And after he is interested, it will be possible to operate with logic, arguments and facts, without causing subconscious rejection.

Introduction to business use of computers in small groups

IN in this case(especially in the regions) fear carries a lot of weight. A couple of examples with a smile about how “in Moscow we were imprisoned/fined for pirated software - soon they’ll come after you too” and that’s all. An executive I know has a feeling of fear firmly ingrained in his head. He will definitely have a thoughtful look on his face. At this moment, as if to continue the conversation, complain that licenses are expensive, “the bourgeoisie have become completely brutal - they charge exorbitant prices.” It’s good, they say, that there is an alternative, “otherwise I don’t know how we would do business,” and quickly turn to another topic. Oddly enough, this technique still works very well.

Lack of support

People don't want to be alone. The feeling of loneliness literally kills. It is important to make it clear to them that there will always be those who, if something happens, will not come to their aid. And, of course, to the best of your ability, provide support (at least morally) to newcomers. Show the community, help them not to become isolated in their problems. Otherwise, left alone, the user will receive very acute experiences subconsciously associated with alternative operating systems.

The feeling of involvement also plays a big role. I have already watched battles between supporters of different OSes on Habré many times. But, for some reason, I have never seen any mention of this powerful argument. I'm not talking about the fact that everyone can remake the program for themselves. I'm saying that the need for creativity is present to one degree or another in all people. But Linux is the only OS from “ big three", in the creation of which the user can take such a direct part! This should never be forgotten.


The most interesting and “delicious” moment. I often notice that I talk about Linux as a kind of “alternative” OS (this topic doesn’t count, it’s all on purpose :))

It is important to stop pointing out the “alternativeness” of free software when communicating with people. A priori, set the tone of the discussion in the key of equality. Watch your speech and mention Windows only as an alternative to other systems. It will look natural if you firmly realize this yourself. And to do this, you need to once and for all abandon holivars, the constant need to prove something to someone. In general, I don’t have a very clear idea of ​​the recipe; if one of us has experience in creating images, in positioning, then this would be a wonderful addition.


Group technical reasons- most objective. There is no point in listing them - just visit the lists of error reports and visit the sites " brainstorming" It is partly generated precisely by the “freedom” of open source software. All people see solutions to problems differently, so unification and standardization become very complex tasks. This is one aspect of the problem that I see.

For a snack

I don’t want the topic to be perceived as an attempt to formulate a guide to action or a statement of my own thoughts. Opponents on both sides have already broken spears. But I would be very interested to hear the opinions of people involved in open source software. I think an exchange of views would be useful for all of us.

Briefly about the main thing: Are you wondering why and with what? Linux is better than Windows? Do not be surprised. Linux is better than Windows and in this article, I will describe the advantages of Linux over Windows.
If you are not an advanced user, it may seem that "Windows" is best choice(or simpler) compared to Linux. In any case, if you didn't like working in Linux, then Windows is obviously better for you.

However, in reality, having experience working in different operating systems, we can compare them and draw our own conclusions in which Linux is better than Windows.

1. Open Source - Open source code

What it is? Imagine buying a car, but you can't see what's under the hood? The same is true when you are using a Windows system.

However, unlike Windows, Linux has a completely open source source. You can see the original Linux code, which is a huge plus.

I know that most users do not pay attention at all to whether the system has open source or is it proprietary software with closed code, for me, open source in Linux is the most important feature at using GNU/Linux.

2. Security

Let's face it. The Windows operating system is vulnerable to various types attacks. Linux is not yet as vulnerable as Windows, since Linux has not yet achieved such a level of popularity that every second person uses Linux as their main platform. Of course, it cannot be said with certainty that Linux is completely the ideal that is not susceptible to viruses, but in comparison with Windows, it is much safer.

This is exactly the case, Linux is designed in such a way that makes it a secure operating system. Overall, the package management process, working with repositories, and many other features allow you to use more ample opportunities, which makes Linux more secure than Windows.

After installing Windows OS, you need to download/purchase antivirus program to keep your computer safe from hackers and malware. However, Linux does not require the use antivirus programs. Of course there are software, for example, firewalls, which will help your system be protected from threats, but to a greater extent this is not necessary if you only use the computer for work, games, watching movies and surfing the Internet.

3. You can work on computers with old hardware

As operating systems evolve, their hardware requirements increase exponentially. For example, if you purchase a licensed copy of Windows 10, you will have to update your hardware to at least the minimum requirements that this OS requires in order to run the system successfully, and so that all applications run as expected and do not slow down, random access memory at least 4 GB otherwise it will be horror, not work.

However, with Linux, you can use even your most old computer with old equipment and the system will do everything necessary tasks. This doesn't mean that every Linux distribution will run with 256MB of RAM combined with an older processor. You have a choice and you can choose from many options, you can install a system on such equipment with minimum requirements to work with, for example Puppy Linux.

As a result, if you compare the efficiency of Windows and Linux, Linux will win in any case, since here you will find a distribution for your equipment, be it an old computer or a new one, you can choose a distribution in which you can work with minimal loads. Unlike the Windows operating system, which has higher hardware requirements without giving you a choice or considering whether your hardware is old or new.

In general, even if you compare Linux and Windows, in Linux you have a choice, unlike Windows where you are only forced to install the system and use it on permanent basis. Those who have tried Linux at least once already have experience working both on one side of the barricade and on the other and can compare where it is better and what is better and why you need to buy licensed software there, but not there, and also the choice is huge, take it or take another Install what you like. Why do you think most of the servers around the world prefer to run on Linux, here is the answer to the question of which OS is better.

4. Ideal for programmers

Linux supports almost all major programming languages ​​(Python, C/C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, etc.). In addition, it offers a wide range of applications used for programming.

Linux Terminal is superior in features command line. You can find many libraries developed originally for Linux. In addition, many programmers note that the package manager in Linux helps them install most applications easily and simply.

Interestingly, BASH scripting capabilities are also one of the most compelling reasons why programmers prefer to use Linux OS. Linux has built-in support for SSH, which will help you manage your servers easily.

5. Software update

Microsoft only offers software updates when they have enough a large number of bugs or other problems and only then are they released major updates, in other words, Windows is in no hurry to release updates every day if you need to fix only one security bug or something else, unlike Linux. On the other hand, it was sometimes possible to see software updates to solve minor problems.

In Linux, you will notice more updates, which mostly offer to fix bugs or install security updates or simply update your applications to more advanced ones. new version, you may encounter all this. Not only will you see a large number of software updates, you will also see much more quick update and without the need to restart the computer, unlike Windiws.

6. Linux fine tuning and styling

One of the main advantages using Linux compared to Windows, is fine tuning systems to suit your needs. If you don't like the look of your system, in Linux you have the ability to customize everything perfectly to suit your needs.

In addition to installing themes, there are a lot of beautiful icon themes available to you. In addition to this, you can use Conky to display system information on your desktop in a place convenient for you by placing the appropriate widget for this. This is just a small part of what you can do with your desktop.

7. Variety of Linux distributions

On Linux, you will find hundreds of distributions, each with a specific focus on performing specific tasks. So, you can install any of the available Linux distributions as per your requirements.

For example, there are Linux distributions for hackers that have a huge set of software that is pre-installed and you don’t have to search for everything separately on the network, there are Linux distributions for programmers, there are distributions for very old computers, and there are also Linux distributions for games. There is also Linux for everyone, it all depends on you and what choice you make, which is not the case in Windows.

8. Free to use

Linux is completely free to use! However, this is not the case with Windows!

You don't have to pay $100-250 to get your hands on original copy Linux distribution (for example, Ubuntu, Fedora). Everything is completely free.

If you use the system completely free, that’s good; in our case, we will save a certain amount of funds that we can use in a more useful direction, for example, we can consider upgrading your computer’s hardware.

9. Support. A better community that will always help out

You don't need to hire an expert to solve your problems if you are facing problems using Linux. You just need to look for a solution on the Internet if there is no solution on the Internet, although this happens extremely rarely since thousands of users have already asked the question to which you are looking for an answer. If you still don’t find the answer, you can ask the community on the forums where users who have already encountered this problem will help you and you will definitely find a solution and you won’t have to pay for it.

If you have questions, you can ask in these communities:

  • and many others of which there are many.

10. Reliability / Stability

Windows, as we already know, is becoming more and more unusable day by day, if the system is not taken care of and the garbage is not cleaned regularly, after a few months you will definitely need to reinstall the system.

If you are using Linux, you won't have to worry about reinstallation In order for the system to work faster, you just need at least a little care in cleaning the cache after installing applications, clearing garbage after installing applications, for all this there is ready-made free software, although you can do everything using the terminal by running specific set commands, everything is very simple and your system will work stably on an ongoing basis. Yes, even if you work on Linux, you need to monitor the updates that you install, do not rush to constantly update the kernel, if the system is stable, there is no need to update to a newer version of the kernel, it’s another matter if these are security updates, this is of course necessary install. On personal experience passed stage, strongly frequent updates kernels will not lead to good things because somewhere you will definitely encounter a flaw or some other bug.

Let's go back to Windows again, using this operating system, you will have to develop the habit of constant reboot systems both with and without a reason.

  • If you have just installed software, reboot!
  • If you recently uninstalled the software, reboot!
  • If you just installed Windows updates, Yes, reboot again!
  • If the system is running slow, reboot again!

However, in the case of Linux, you do not have to restart your computer for the situations that are mentioned above. You can continue your work comfortably, and Linux will not bother you as persistently as Windows.

Another fact that proves the reliability of Linux is web servers. You may have noticed that most Internet giants such as Google and Facebook run on Linux. All supercomputers run Linux.

So, why is Linux preferable over Windows? Linux is because it is much more reliable than Windows OS.

11. Privacy

You've probably already heard that Microsoft collects data received from each user, often this happens precisely when updating the system, you don't even suspect it, but Microsoft will already know everything you did on the network and what sites you visited, who you communicated with on social media. -networks or what we talked about with the girl on Skype. Many have heard about Windows 10 and how much dirt has been poured on it, how it collects data, what it collects, etc., etc.

If you've ever used Windows 10, you might have seen that in the privacy settings, everything is turned on by default. Even if you refuse to send information about your data, Microsoft will continue to collect your data and send it to Microsoft servers. Using Windows, you cannot be calm when using this operating system because at every stage it uses spyware modules that cannot be disabled.

In contrast, Linux will ideal solution And confidential information it won’t be leaked anywhere, you don’t need to worry about that. First, distributions do not collect your data. Plus, you won't need additional tools to protect your privacy, or rather in installing an antivirus, as a last resort you can install the Gufw firewall, which will allow you to protect yourself from possible network threats, although in order to suffer from anything in Linux, you will have to work hard or break something yourself, which is what happens in most cases.

Do you also think Linux is better than Windows?

After reading the material, you learned about all the advantages of using Linux compared to Windows, what do you think about this?

If you're still on the fence about switching to Linux and continue to use Windows as your primary operating system, what's stopping you from switching to Linux? If you have already made your choice and are already using Linux, what is the advantage for you in comparison with other OSs that you have used before?