Online RSS readers. Review of RSS readers - self-hosted alternatives to Google Reader

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This article will focus on the question - what is RSS and why is it used? mandatory should be used on your Internet resource. In general, this abbreviation means Really Simple Syndication, which translated means “Very simple acquisition of information.” The designation Feed is also very often used ( feed).

The essence of this name comes down to the fact that you are given the opportunity, in a form convenient for you, to follow the appearance of news on dozens and even hundreds of sites, blogs and forums. To say in one word what RSS is is not so simple, despite its apparent simplicity, and, accordingly, there will be a series of posts about everything related to this format.

In this section I plan to talk about what it is, how to activate it and configure it on a particular engine, how to set up its broadcast through, and then add it to various aggregators and catalogs, as well as how and the best way to read news feeds.

If you answer the question of what RSS is from the point of view of a webmaster (the owner of a web project), then we can say that this thing helps a lot in attracting additional visitors. By adding beautiful and eye-catching icons or a subscription button to your resource, you will encourage visitors to click on it, thereby acquiring an audience of regular readers.

What is RSS and why you should add an email subscription

We will talk specifically about what it physically is at the end of this article, but now I want to touch first of all on the question - what does a subscription to the site’s news flow provide and what opportunities does it provide for both users and owners of web projects.

In other words, why will you definitely need to put a subscription icon or button on your resource immediately after its creation, and why will it be convenient for users to subscribe to RSS feeds and view them in their readers?

It’s all about the convenience and timeliness of receiving information about the release of new materials on Internet projects of interest to users. Once you subscribe to the sites you are interested in, you will no longer need to go to them in order to see if anything new has appeared there.

As soon as a new article or commentary on an article that is important to you appears on a web project that interests you, you will immediately find out about it (through your favorite reader), if, of course, you have subscribed to the news flow of these resources in advance. Comfortable? Undoubtedly!

But, unfortunately, for a number of reasons, subscription and reading news in readers has not yet become as common and common an activity as reading email (only every tenth user reads news feeds in a specialized reader). People are quite inert and are not very eager to study and understand something new. This is exactly what happens with RSS readers.

Take a closer look, you will almost always find something like this on blogs. "RSS to E-mail" or the like (for example, at the top of the page on the right is the inscription “Receive updates by E-mail”, and at the bottom of each post there is a corresponding form for entering E-mail.

This is implemented, as a rule, in one of two ways: either through the above-mentioned “RSS to E-mail” service, or through online FeedBurner service(I provided a link to the manual just above). These are, of course, half measures, because... When reading by E-mail, you are deprived of the lion's share of the conveniences that a specialized reader provides you.

But it’s better than nothing at all. For example, out of 7,000 users subscribed to the site’s news flow, more than half receive newsletters by E-mail, and do not use any reader for this.

Icons and buttons, as well as protection from RSS Grabber

Now let's see what the news flow looks like. To do this, you don’t need to have an e-reader at hand; you just need to find the corresponding icon or button on the page of the resource that interests you. As a rule, webmasters try to make this icon noticeable and catchy (a typical color for it is orange).

If you want to find and download a button to subscribe to the RSS of your site, you can use any resource; there are plenty of them on the Internet.

It is very important that your button is large enough big size, had a catchy, but at the same time not repulsive appearance. It should be placed somewhere at the top of your resource(on the first screen). On blogs, it can most often be seen at the top of the right column (sidebar).

This is where your visitors will look for this button when they want to subscribe to your new materials. Therefore, you probably shouldn’t be original - place a catchy and preferably original icon in its usual place, so as not to complicate the life of visitors.

  1. Free-rss-icon-list

By the way, on various internet In projects you may come across the so-called Feedburner counter(it shows the number of currently subscribed visitors), by clicking on which you can read and, if desired, subscribe to the news feed.

My feed got this look thanks to the broadcast RSS feeds through Feedburner, which provides a lot of tools for customizing its appearance and not only its appearance (look for the link to the manual at the beginning of the article). But more on that later.

Now I want to focus on one key point, which each owner of a resource with an active feed decides in his own way. The question is: how to protect yourself from Grabber, which extract the texts of your feeds and publish them on slogs (a blog automatically filled with content stolen from feeds) and other GS (go... sites).

In principle, an option that can help here is not to publish in the feed full text articles, but only the beginning, so that the reader can read the ending on your resource. As you can already see, the blog feed site is just a cropped version (I don’t want to give thieves easy way use my content).

However, I am not an ardent supporter of this method of distributing RSS feeds and it is possible that I will soon publish the full text of articles in order to create convenience for reader users.

In support of the trimmed version of the news stream, one more argument can be made, in addition to protection from Grabber: after reading the beginning of the article and becoming interested in it, the user will click on the link and continue reading on your web project, which will increase its traffic and, possibly, increase earnings on contextual advertising(work with YAN through Profit Partner is described).

Among the negative aspects, the following can be cited: the user does not have access to the Internet at the time of reading the article (and sometimes simply does not want to go to your resource when there is still a lot of unread news from other websites in the reader) or simply the habit of reading news exclusively in reader. Which forming method to choose is up to you.

Perhaps it’s also worth talking about what the RSS format represents in its essence. It is a standardized data format of the XML family, like html. But it is distinguished by strict restrictive rules, and therefore it is very convenient to disassemble it into automatic mode.

Moreover, this format has the main goal of transmitting content, and this leads to cutting off all sorts of excesses, such as: design, various scripts, styles used. In fact it's crystal clear content- a dream for owners of a slow or paid per megabytes downloaded Internet connection (.

How does it work? Simple enough. The content of your feed is entered into the database, and the reader of the user subscribed to your newsletter goes to this address and downloads all the contents of the feed. Subsequently, the reader begins to periodically, depending on how the user configures it, contact the same address for updates.

If updates are found, the reader will immediately let the user know about this with a pop-up window or in some other way (it all depends on the specific reader).

So, to summarize: RSS is a very convenient thing that will help save us time and traffic, and will also allow us to always be aware of the news we are following. This is from the reader's point of view.

From the site owner's point of view - This is an invaluable tool, without which full development and advancement is impossible. Here is the answer to the question I posed at the beginning of the article - why do you need to fence off this entire garden?

Using this technology and format is very easy, you just have to try it. I’ll talk about using PSS in practice, about possible settings for various engines, about setting up broadcasting of a feed through Feedburner, about which aggregators you should add your feed to, and about which readers are best to get acquainted with feeds, in this section.

RSS readers (readers)

Readers are distinguished by an enviable diversity. There are programs that you will need to install on your operating system. Some browsers, for example Opera, also allow you to read news feeds. But there is also a whole galaxy of readers that you can use online without installing anything on your computer.

Compared to software readers, online readers have a couple of advantages - they do not need to be installed and can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet, and such readers can constantly automatically aggregate news from all sites to which you are subscribed (as a result, you simply go under use your login to such a reader and see everything new that has appeared since your last login).

Let me give you a list of online readers that you can use for your needs:

  1. Yandex Tape is one of the most popular readers in RuNet. Exists special button from Yandex, so that your visitors can subscribe to your RSS feed directly through Yandex Feed (there is a description of it).
  2. Google Reader- an almost ideal reader, which, unfortunately, has already closed. The entire world community is deeply saddened by this.
  3. Netvibes - has a huge number of settings and rich functionality.

There are a lot of programs for reading feeds and your choice will not be so simple. I myself do not use such programs, so I cannot recommend anything specific. Sorry.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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It requires muscle to operate, and overall installation takes about five to ten minutes. The OPML file was imported without problems, and the subsequent loading of feeds also went well.


There is also an "image only" view available, which displays all posts in tiles.
The functionality is generally excellent. There is a calendar in which you can select a date (or range of dates), it is possible to assign priorities to feeds and filter them accordingly. You can configure authorized access and enable public read-only. There's even a bookmarklet. Entries can be added to favorites, and then they will not be deleted after a certain period (the period can be specified in the settings). You can easily add devianart, twitter and tumblr user feeds. There are definitely one or two clients for Android, but this, of course, is not always enough.

The fly in the ointment was the strange work with the Cyrillic alphabet. At initial download everything is ok, but turning on any feed leads to a failure - that’s all Cyrillic characters are displayed question marks. When viewing entries, they are not automatically marked as read, and there is no way to change this behavior in the settings. Well, the most main drawback: the project is no longer supported by the author - all his efforts are now focused on Selfoss, which will be discussed below.

Summary: convenient, easy to install, fast RSS reader with several unexpected features, and not having several expected.


Selfoss won me over with its design from the very beginning. Of the online beauty aggregators (this is my IMHO, of course), only Feedly can compare with it. The installation took three minutes including downloading the distribution kit. The program is ready for use immediately after downloading and installing the necessary rights to the folders - that’s all possible settings optional. You can use Sqlite (default) or MySQL as a database. Google's OPML works, but with problems - more on them below. Hotkeys are almost similar to those in Google Reader.

Standard view (and there are no others, actually):

As I said above, Selfoss is the brainchild of the same developer as rssLounge, and it inherits some of the features of its predecessor. For example, the ability to link Twitter and Tumblr user feeds, the possibility of public access and adding entries to favorites with deleting outdated entries. Hotkeys are the same. Some disadvantages have also migrated: for example, entries are also not marked as read when viewed.

I have a little over a hundred subscriptions in Google Reader. Selfoss crashed at 504 every time when loading tapes - and even raising the limits to some sky-high values ​​did not help. It is quite possible that these are temporary problems (or even local problems on my server; besides, I did not try to connect Selfoss to MySQL), but the aftertaste remains.
The most important disadvantage, in my opinion, is the impossibility of viewing a separate feed; you can only watch either everything or by tags. It is also somewhat unclear the meaning of dividing the contents of a post into three columns, regardless of its size:

Overall, Selfoss leaves a very pleasant feeling, and there is hope that it will very quickly get rid of childhood illnesses and learn the skills of its predecessor. I’m very pleased that it was done according to all the canons adaptive design- the service is quite convenient for use on both tablets and smartphones.

Feed on feed

It's quite an old reader - the last time it was updated was in 2007, and it was stuck at version 0.5. And yet.


OPML loaded quickly, but this is perhaps the only good thing that can be said about this reader. Web 1.0, minimum JS. The search for some advantages ended in nothing, since all subsequent launches home page tightly hung the chrome tab - everything is loaded at once, naturally. But there seems to be a plugin for Wordpress.



Minimum functions: feed management (including feed auto-detection), OPML import, viewing... and... that's it. Two bundled plugins add the ability to save a post to instapaper and send a link to the post to your Wordpress blog. By the way, about Wordpress. It is clear that the author was inspired by this particular engine, this is clearly hinted at by the built-in system of plugins and themes, template tags the_content(), the_title(), etc., and even the address of the knowledge base -

Disadvantages: there is no way to mark posts as read, there is no search, there is practically nothing at all. It hasn't been updated for over a year.


An absolute minimum of functions - the project was initially intended for further addition, customization and integration and, as you can see, is completely unsuitable for use out of the box.

Official website, github


Quite an advanced reader, but the project, unfortunately, died out back in 2009 (however, there is still some activity). For some reason I didn’t want to join my server, so here’s a screenshot from the official website:

Features: multi-user mode, public access, several types of viewing, categories, OPML import and so on - everything that you usually expect from an RSS reader.

In general, if the project had not died, it would have been a very good competitor to Tiny Tiny RSS.


To test NewsBlur, it is absolutely not necessary to install it; a fully functional demo is available on the project website. The functionality is top notch: in addition to the standard features for this kind of software, NewsBlur allows you to view entries in the form of naked text, in the feed and in original design. Great emphasis is placed on socialization.

In general, the functionality is almost similar to the capabilities of GReader, however, the interface, in my opinion, is very overloaded with unnecessary elements.


I decided to bring into the final table only those readers that are actively supported (+rssLounge - the functions that it contains will most likely migrate to Selfoss)
rssLounge Selfoss Tiny Tiny RSS NewsBlur
Last update 2011-02 2013-03-16 2013-03-15 2013-03-17
Requirements PHP, MySQL, Apache PHP, MySQL/PostgreSQL/Sqlite, Apache/Ngnix/lighttpd PHP ≥ 5.3, PostgreSQL/MySQL (InnoDB, ≥ 5.0) Python, Fabric, MySQL/PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Import OPML Eat Eat Eat Eat
Import starred.json and shared.json No No Not yet) No
Public mode (read-only) Eat Eat No Judging by the official website, there is
Multiple user support No No Yes Yes
Community activity I couldn't find the settings
Adding notes No No Eat Eat
Add to favorites Eat Eat Eat Eat
Sharing No No There is public RSS, sharing in G+. Twitter, saving to Pocket, etc. Eat:
Other Features You can set priorities and filter accordingly, bookmarklet Heir rsLounge Open API (json), tags, automatic filters, multilingual, there is an extension for chrome, individual settings for folders and feeds Available as a service, browser extensions, individual settings for feeds, one of the main features is an intelligent filter

Of all the readers I've found, only Tiny Tiny RSS and NewsBlur can match the functionality of Google Reader. Selfoss seems quite promising - considering good functionality his predecessor, there are hopes that Selfoss by the time Google closing Reader will become a sort of glamorous Tiny Tiny RSS. All other participants in the review are either completely non-functional or no longer supported. I do not pretend to fully cover the entire range of self-hosted solutions, so if someone offers a couple more alternatives, I will be happy.

For me, the undisputed winner is Tiny Tiny RSS - although it lacks the looks of Selfoss (or Feedly), it is the most advanced and convenient RSS reader I have tested, and, in all likelihood, it is the one I will use.

Hello, friends! In one of the previous blog articles, I already briefly talked about the RSS news feed. A review awaits you today best RSS readers. Thanks to this article, everyone will be able to choose a reader to their liking!

is a program or online service necessary for RSS readers feeds of sites and blogs that you have subscribed to. In other words, it is a program that collects updates from sites that interest you. Why is this necessary? It's convenient, simple and saves a lot of time.

Just imagine, you don’t have to go to dozens of your favorite sites to see whether new articles have appeared on them or not - new articles will come to you themselves! Beauty!

I would highlight the following types of RSS readers:

  • built into browsers;
  • online versions located on some website on the Internet;
  • individual programs that require installation;

RSS reader built into browsers

Today, readers are built into almost all popular browsers:

  • FireFox;
  • Opera;

Their main advantage is simplicity. Subscribing to news is similar to adding a site to your favorites. The disadvantages are the limited functionality and the fact that you will have to configure everything again on another computer.


Adding an RSS feed to Firefox is incredibly simple, just go to the site whose updates you want to receive, and in the panel FireFox menu Click “Bookmarks” - “Subscribe to news feed”.

You will be redirected to the page with announcements of this site, click on “Subscribe”, choose where to place your subscription bookmark and click “Subscribe” again.

Now you can follow updates to this site from the firefox bookmarks bar.

RSS reader in Opera

Click on the “Opera” icon on the left top corner- select “Feeds” - if we want to add a new feed, then select “Manage news feeds...”, if you are reading what you have already subscribed to, then “Read news feeds”.

By selecting “Manage news feeds...”, the News Feed Subscriptions window will open, where you should click “Add” and specify the properties.

There are only three properties:

  • Name - you can set it yourself or simply check the box “Get name from feed”, then it will be set automatically;
  • Address — RSS feed address. How to recognize him? Each blog has an orange icon like the one I have in the right column. It may look different and is often disguised as something, but you won't have any trouble finding it. By clicking on it, you will be taken to a page - its URL is what we need.
  • Refresh—specifies the intervals at which RSS reader will request updates from the sites you have subscribed to.

Having specified all the parameters, all that remains is to click on “Ok”. Read news in the “Opera” section - “Feeds” - “Read news feeds”. We've sorted out Opera, now IE is next.

Things are a little more confusing with Internet Explorer, but nothing, they didn’t cope with that. Let's look at Internet example Explorer 9 version.

On the page of the site that we want to see in our news feed, go to “Service” in the menu bar - select “Web feed detection” - select RSS 2.0 subscription; it may be called differently on different sites.

Note: If you do not have the menu bar enabled, press Alt.

You will be redirected to the subscription page, where you click on “Subscribe to this web channel.” In the window that appears, specify the name of the new RSS feed and in which folder it will be saved.

To view updates from added sites, click on the star in the upper right corner and select the Feeds tab.

Online RSS readers

Advantages of such readers:

  • mail, reader, maps, search engine, calendar and a bunch of other useful widgets are in one place;
  • no need to configure for each computer;
  • RSS reader exists regardless of your operating system and the computer in general. If your OS crashed, your computer burned out, or you just formatted HDD, no data will be lost.
  • You can access your reader from your phone, your friends’ computer, or from an Internet cafe; all you need is a browser and the Internet, and you don’t need to configure anything additional.

What could be the disadvantages? The desire to have something with greater functionality.

The most popular are Google Reader and Yandex Tape. They are very simple and intuitive clear interface. I have already written about where to find them and how to add new announcements to them, so I will not repeat myself.

I would like to highlight one more service - Netvibes. I dedicated an entire article to him - . In addition to the RSS reader, it has a lot of interesting things.

RSS reader programs

The main advantage of such readers is big set functionality. The disadvantage is that they are located on the computer, that is, if you have several computers (at work/at home), then you will have to install it on each of them. Fortunately, you won’t have to set everything up again, because... It is possible to export/import news feeds. It is not possible to view your news feed from someone else's computer.

  • OS: Windows.
  • Interface language: Russian.

Free, multifunctional RSS reader with Russian interface. It is possible to export/import customized news feeds; file formats are supported: OPML, OCS or XML. In order to view the pages of the site, it is not necessary to open an additional browser; they can be opened in the program itself, which is very convenient.

You can add subscriptions in the following ways:

  1. Adding an RSS feed for a specific site - just specify the address of this site, and RSS Bandit itself will detect the news feeds available on it.
  2. Subscribe to the news group. To do this, you need to specify an NNTP news server.
  3. Perform a search news feeds according to a given word. Available by default search engines: Syndic8 service and Yahoo! News.

For convenience, added feeds can be grouped into folders.

To add a feed, select “New...” - “News subscription” from the menu and follow the assistant’s instructions for adding a new signature.

  • OS: Windows.
  • Interface language: Russian.

Simple, free and with a Russian interface. Provides the following functionality:

  • customizing the interface type - there are three templates to choose from;
  • grouping news by date, tag or source;
  • distribution of RSS feeds into folders;
  • flexible sorting of news feeds;
  • detailed information on each individual news: status, date, tag, source and author;
  • built-in browser allows you to open website pages in the FeedReader3 program itself;
  • export/import of news feeds to an OPML file;
  • fine-tuning program behavior;
  • and much more.

To add new announcements, go to “File” - “Add” - “News Feed”, specify the address of the new RSS feed and click “apply”.

That's it for me RSS review reader has come to an end! Thank you for your attention. See you again!

With which you can aggregate and read RSS feeds, as well as information transmitted via the Atom protocol.

The application allows you to collect news feeds and organize them into pre-created categories. To ensure that the user receives the latest materials, it implements the function of updating feeds automatically when the program starts or after a specified time.

It is worth noting that the presence of your own web browser in this product, thanks to this it becomes possible to view videos contained in feeds directly in the RSS aggregator window, as well as disable or enable images.

  • Internet
  • RSS clients

FeedDemon 4.5

FeedDemon useful program, which allows you to aggregate RSS news feeds from various sites. Added feeds can be organized using categories and tags, for example, auto, economics, business, technology, etc.

One of the features of this application is the ability to preset topics that interest you (using keywords), after an article containing the specified words appears, you will immediately see its text in the RSS feed. This way, you can track information that is useful to you and always be up to date with the latest events.

The utility supports searching through added RSS feeds, so now you don’t have to worry about losing previously read news, you can always find it among a huge number of articles. In addition, if necessary, the application allows you to send news for printing directly from the program window.

  • Internet
  • RSS clients

BlogBridge 6.7

Don't get confused in a huge number news, aggregate and structure them using the free BlogBridge program. This application is an RSS aggregator with the ability to conveniently read collected materials.

BlogBridge is interesting because it works on popular operating systems and allows you to synchronize news feeds on different computers. That is, while at work, you can get fresh materials and continue reading them at home.

Thanks to the software in question, the user can easily find the news he needs, this is facilitated by flexible tools for sorting information. In addition, the program has the ability to use filters that will help filter out useless data.

  • Internet
  • RSS clients

Omea Reader 2.2.1

To aggregate multiple RSS feeds, use free program Omea Reader. Thanks to it, you don’t have to visit a lot of resources to find out interesting news, all necessary information will be collected in this application.

However, the product in question is not just an RSS aggregator that collects news; the application allows you to receive email and messages from various Internet instant messengers, as well as teleconferences.

The ability to group received information deserves special attention; you can create groups and sort news from different areas in them (economy, auto, business, technology, finance, etc.).

  • Internet
  • RSS clients

FeedReader 3.14

To always be up to date latest news You don’t have to visit your favorite sites every time. All you have to do is subscribe to their RSS feeds, and the FeedReader program will help you do this. Thanks to it, you can collect news from many sites in the window of one program, and when it is convenient for you to read them.

This approach saves your time and Internet traffic, since you no longer have to go to the sites you are interested in to get the latest information. New materials published on sites are almost instantly displayed in FeedRider. If the user liked the article and wanted to discuss some topic, he can quickly get to the desired site from the application window.

Yes, RSS is not dead and is doing great.

Back in 2013, after the closure of the most popular RSS feed aggregator, analysts predicted oblivion this format dissemination of news. Google Reader closed, but was replaced by dozens of services with improved ergonomics, pleasant design and a wide range of features.

RSS (English Rich Site Summary) - a family of XML formats designed to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc. Information from various sources, presented in RSS format, can be collected, processed and presented to the user in a form convenient for him by special aggregator programs or online services. – Wikipedia

Developers and owners of most sites have not given up on maintaining RSS feeds; using them is simple and convenient. This option for reading news can be an alternative social networks and twitter. Yes, imagine that the “tweeting” service has worthy competitors.

Why do I need RSS?

The benefits of RSS wide possibilities applications for reading news feeds. Unlike twitter, you can organize viewing of various sites in the same type with established formatting. If you subscribe to 20 resources, each article will look standard, with the specified font, line spacing and background.

This way you can save time and traffic, and you can also save articles for reading when there is no network. And no one limits the main message to a certain number of characters. Sometimes it is simply impossible to understand what kind of news has arrived on Twitter. With an RSS feed, you can even always see the news you need on your computer screen.

Some will say that RSS is a thing of the past. Possibly, but at this stage it would be foolish not to consider time-tested technology for quick receipt necessary information. It’s interesting to know your attitude towards RSS, what clients you use and whether you see a future for this format.

How it works?

We find the application we like and add sites, blogs or sites that interest us. information portals. Most RSS aggregators find everything on their own available channels for the specified site. Sometimes developers divide feeds by topic, so you can only subscribe to selected areas.

Immediately after the news is published, data will appear in the feed, the application will download it and inform you about it. Depending on the program and settings, we will see a news picture, headline and the first few lines from the post.

We read or save the materials we like for later viewing, and mark the rest as read. If you are thinking about giving it a try, all you have to do is decide on an RSS client.

One of the oldest RSS readers (an application in the App Store since April 2011) has proven itself well, and during its use it has earned every ruble spent on it. To the developer with strange name managed to create almost ideal client for collecting and reading news.

The program has a lot of settings, you can customize the main screen of the program, select a design theme, flexibly configure the reading mode and reassign gestures. IN similar programs often pay attention to the ability to quickly mark as read several received news items. If you don’t look at the application for a day or two, a whole mountain of sorted materials will accumulate, you can quickly look through the headings and mark the ones you like, the rest will automatically be marked as viewed.

The disadvantages of the program include the price (there is good analogues with a more pleasant price tag) and the lack of a version for iPhone. The author has repeatedly ignored requests from app fans to create a phone adaptation of Mr. Reader.

What will interest Mr. Reader:

  • the application is time-tested;
  • a wide range of options and appearance settings;
  • customizable gesture controls.

Another “old-timer” of the App Store, which since 2013 has already acquired its third full version. The developers relied on a strict minimalist design, but did not forget about the necessary and useful features.

As always, we can customize appearance articles in reading mode and set Extra options sort the entire list. The work with newsgroups and the ability to set up multiple accounts deserve special mention. If several people use the application, you can conveniently differentiate materials for each of them.

It is worth noting that the developers have, of course, thoughtful synchronization in their arsenal. We start reading on the way to work with an iPhone or iPad and continue it on a Mac when we get to the office. Behind quality application you'll have to pay.

What will interest you in Reeder 3:

  • there are versions for iPhone, iPad and Mac with convenient synchronization;
  • very nice and stylish appearance.

A relatively new application that appeared already in the “post-Google Reader era”. The developers have completely abandoned various interface elements; the program contains only text on a white background, diluted with pictures from the news. On the one hand, this allows you to concentrate as much as possible on reading, but on the other hand, it is not always clear which menu you are currently in or what the hierarchy of folders and sections in the program looks like.

Moving between sections is carried out using gestures, which made it possible to further simplify the interface and increase the text area on the screen. Unfortunately, ergonomics were sacrificed. Present minimum required settings, some options are purchased separately.

You can find fault with the list of articles displayed that is not the most visual, however, looking at the price tag of the program, you can forgive such trifles.

Why Unread: RSS News Reader will interest you:

  • the lightest and most minimalistic design;
  • new ambitious developer;
  • free.

Initially this service was conceived as how you could add many channels to your account and synchronize the news you read between different devices. By the way, account Feedly supports all the described applications, if you have one, just enter it in the settings and immediately receive materials from all your favorite sites.

After Google Reader shut down, Feedly developers released their own mobile app and try to keep up with the times. All useful iOS features are reflected in this client, there is support split view and an app for Apple Watch.

Behind last couple Over the years, Feedly has acquired a solid set of features and settings. If you tried to get used to this client several years ago, but failed due to the lack of one or another feature, be sure to try the application now.

What Feedly will be interested in:

The most unusual application in today's selection. Flipboard organizes all the news from your feed into a glossy magazine. Articles will be arranged in chronological order, reminiscent of printed layout. The application will pay more attention to some publications, group others into a column, and still others will appear as headings. Looks very cool and stylish.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time I’ve tried to start using Flipboard, but it’s its varied design that always confuses me. Frequent page-turning animations and chaotically scattered materials turn from a highlight into a problem. While viewing large quantities news, it is difficult to concentrate; a lot of time is spent focusing attention.

If you need an unusual client for viewing a small amount of news, feel free to choose Flipboard, the program will not only show articles from the specified site, but also recommend thematic resources in selected areas, and here you can connect twitter and Google+ to track the feed in application format.

Why Flipboard will interest you:

  • stylish and unusual design;
  • selection of news by topic;
  • browsing social networks;
  • free.

My choice

One of the first iPad apps I purchased was Mr. Reader. Several years ago, this aggregator reigned supreme in the RSS reader niche and gave a good head start to its competitors. Already at that time, the developer managed to come up with and implement most of the features that are now the norm for such programs.

Then I was captivated by the appearance of the program and ease of use. This is achieved through fully customizable gestures. For example, you can move between articles with a vertical swipe, jump to the beginning or end by simply clicking on the right or left, etc.

When you get used to using such an application, you simply don’t want to switch to another. Unfortunately, the author did not want to release a version of the client for the iPhone, and on a smartphone he had to be content with other analogues.

One of the most useful tips Mr. Reader I think fast switching between page display formats. The buttons for this are located at the top in reading mode. The same news may look different in RSS format, web version or design of one of popular applications for offline reading. You can visually compare all the options, choose the appropriate one and remember it for the site you read.