The Feedburner service is alive or everyone is switching to alternative methods. Setting up an RSS feed in the Feedburner service. Installing a subscriber counter from FeedBurner on a blog

To the service Feedburner. FeedBurner is one of the largest services providing RSS services. Visitors to your blog will be able to subscribe to your blog updates and will receive new articles by email. Read also,.

In the next lesson you will be able to configure RSS in full. I don't know if there are more on the Internet Full description, than I did in the next lesson, but believe me, I described all the basic settings in great detail.

The subscription can be configured so that subscribers receive only the announcement of a new article, or the entire article - it’s up to you to decide. I would like to warn you right away that the service FeedBurner does not work with HTML errors in WordPress template.

In order to always be aware of whether RSS is working or not, I have installed a button with which you can check the validity of RSS at any time.

I had serious problems with FeedBurner so I installed this button. The problem was not with the service itself, but with my template. It was possible to subscribe to RSS, but the newsletter did not go through, and I could not solve the problem. The fact is that the service is English language, and it’s not entirely easy to make out something there.

It is better to register for the service through Google browser Chrome, because this browser can immediately translate web pages into Russian. But if you don’t have it installed, then register through the browser you are used to.

Before registering for the service, you need to create an account in Google, no other way. You can skip it next steps, if you already have an account, and continue reading with "".

Register with Google

Follow this link to register with Google. Click on the red button " Register", in the right top corner. In the fields" What is your name", enter your first and last name. In the " field Enter your username", write some login in Latin letters - this will be the name of your future mailbox, For example: [email protected].

Fill in everything else that is required, and also type the characters from the picture correctly. If you cannot make out the characters in the picture, then click on special badge to update the image:

Place a tick in the checkbox " I accept terms of use...."to register, and then click " Further".

Then, if you want, you can add your photo. Click " Further". Now the following is available to you: Picasa Web Albums, FeedBurner, Webmaster Tools, iGoogle and more.

Click " Forward". On next page You can change your profile mailing address And so on. It is also possible to delete a profile. Now that you have a Google account, you can start registering for the FeedBurner service.

To register for the Feedburner service, follow this link If you are logged in to Google, then you will be immediately logged into your account. Click in the upper right corner on the inscription " language", and select Russian.

After selecting Russian, enter in the field " Light up your feed right now"your blog address and then click " Next".

After which you can see the name of your feed and address. You can change the feed name if you want. The address can also be changed, but only the letters that come after the slash /fOLW. You can change these letters to lowercase.

Click " Next". You will see a congratulations message for purchasing a new feed. Click " Next". On the next page you can add free services, which you can select there by checking the checkbox next to the additional service. Click then " Next". You will be taken to the next page where you will need to select " Optimize".

Click " Publish". See the screenshot a little higher, and then in the left column click on the link " Email Subscriptions". Now at the very bottom of the page you need to click " Activate". Copy the subscription form code to the clipboard and paste it onto your blog in the widget.

Go to your blog, Administrator Panel -> "Appearance" ->"Widgets".Find widget" text", drag it to the right or left sidebar, to the desired location. I advise you to install the widget at the very top. Read about widgets in lesson 11. Paste the subscription code into this widget.

Now find the following English words in the code: Enter your email address(marked blue), and instead write in Russian: Enter your email. Find the word " Subscribe"(marked yellow) and replace with " Subscribe", and everything marked in red must be deleted.

Enter your e-mail in this form and subscribe to the blog to check whether FeedBurner works or not. If you did everything correctly, it will definitely work

In the next lesson we will configure FeedBurner.

For Lesson 41. RSS. FeedBurner counter

I once had to face the problem of updating a site’s rating in Yandex.Blogs. Well it wasn't updated for a long time. As it turned out, feedburner did not include one function responsible for reporting statistics to “third parties.” After carefully studying all the settings, it seems to me that I have configured everything necessary for the correct operation of my RSS.

The post is divided into two steps:

“Light up” standard RSS in feedburner

Before setting up the feedburner, it needs to be “lit”. To do this, you must have a registered Google account. Eat? Then follow the link.

On this page you can immediately “light up” our feed, but the interface language is in English, and you really want your own, native one. We will select it on the “Languages” page. Click on the link of the same name “Languages”, located in the upper right:

On the language selection page, click on Português Russian. We will be transferred again to home page feedbarner, but everything on it will be in Russian. On this page, in the available field, there is only one there, we enter our RSS. For example, on my blog, it’s on Wordpress, the feed looks like this http://site//feed, so I register it, and then click the “Next” button:

Feedbarner will check the feed we entered, automatically take its name and offer something like a “setup wizard”. But on this page, we're especially interested in the future feed name in the URL.

Usually the URL is offered here as a set of Latin Not very nice. An RSS address with the name of the site will look much prettier, so I recommend that you use the name of your blog, for example, I wrote .

Then click the “Next” button. On the next page they will congratulate us, and at the same time inform us that we have activated the “BrowserFriendly” and “StandartStats” services.

If you click the “Next” button, they will start offering us paid service advanced statistics. Statistics are a good and necessary thing, but it’s too early to pay, we’re just getting started, so we click on the link “Skip and go straight to managing the feed.”

For WordPress we are offered a plugin by Steve Smith. , drop it into the /wp-content/plugins/ folder and activate it in the admin panel of your blog in the “Plugins” section.

After the work has been done, you can breathe a sigh of relief and move on to the settings.

Setting up feedburner

The admin panel in Feedbarner is divided into 5 categories: analyze, optimize, publish, earn, solve problems.

Since we just lit the feed, we have nothing to analyze yet, and it will also be difficult to make money with 0 subscribers :). And I never went to the “Solve Problems” section because it wasn’t necessary. There are two sections left that we will work with.

Let's start with the “optimize” section, this is the second tab in top menu. On the page of this section there are several tools that will make life easier for us and our subscribers, but they are not active, they need to be enabled and configured.

In the menu on the left, you probably noticed that the “BrowserFriendly” item is highlighted with a checkmark. This means that it is turned on and working, we were initially connected to it, remember?

They included it, but didn’t think about the nationality of the readers, even though we chose the language “Russian”. In general, click on the “BrowserFriendly” link in the menu on the left. Here, in the appearance options, in the drop-down list of topics, find and select the “ClearFeed Russian” item:

The next item that I have enabled and will not harm you is “SmartFeed”. This option is responsible for compatibility. Those. Wherever the user puts your rss feedburner stream, no matter what program he reads it in, it will work and will work correctly.

There are no settings in this option, just follow the link in the menu on the left and on the next page click the “Activate” button:

The next item is “FeedFlare”. It is located below “SmartFeed”. This item expands the ability of readers to manage content. That is, by activating this option, the feedbarner will add a panel with the buttons we have selected for each post.

And don’t forget to add a button from disqus, of course, if you use it on your website. How can I add this button?

By the way, if everything goes well, in a couple of days I’ll post more buttons for feedflare Russian-language services, so, otherwise you’ll miss everything, you’ll pay :).

On the option settings page, select “Specify custom image URL” from the drop-down menu. Immediately below, a field will appear in which we enter the www address of our logo. I think it’s clear that the logo must be uploaded to a server, preferably your own.

Below are two more fields: image title— pop-up header (hint), the name of your site; link— a link leading to your website. We register and click the “Activate” button:

The next item is “Title/Description Burner”. This option is in case your RSS feed does not convey the title and description of the site. There are only two fields, the first is the blog title, the second is the description.

We are done on the “Optimize” tab, go to the “Publish” tab:

There are also quite a few very useful tools on the “Publish” page.

For example, using the “header animator” you can easily create a 468x60 banner that will rotate the headers latest entries with RSS. Can be used to advertise your posts on other sites.

And the “BuzzBoost” option will help you export the RSS feed as HTML for publication on websites. I have this option enabled, the entries are broadcast on my blog, which I talked about at the beginning of the post.

These options are sort of “just in case they might come in handy,” but a feature like “Email Subscriptions” is very important. Follow the corresponding link in the menu on the left.

This option has several sub-items. The first of them is “Subscription Management”. Here we are offered two codes: subscription form code And link code to the subscription form. Before you copy this code, you should select a language. This can be done in the drop-down list in the “Language” option.

Forms with codes will be updated immediately. Now the code from both the first and second windows can be copied and pasted onto the site.

The shape can be changed as you wish, in terms of design. Look at the subscription form in my sidebar, it's feedburner.

The fact is that the user, after he has indicated his email, you must confirm your desire to be your subscriber. Therefore, your letter to him should be as friendly and informative as possible, so that he does not have the desire not to confirm his subscription.

So there are 3 fields on this page. In the first one, enter the sender's email address, i.e. our address. Some people use specially prepared ones for this purpose. e-mail address and, like [email protected]. I decided to use my own, which certainly has a positive effect on the reader’s trust.

In the next field we enter the subject of the letter. That’s what I wrote: “Please confirm your subscription.”

In the third field we write a message to the user. The standard, default message in feedburner is somehow... “dry” or something. I rewrote it and this is what happened, you can use it or write your own:

Subscription confirmation.


Please confirm your email address. To do this, click on the link above.

Only after confirming your email address will you be able to access information that you can put into practice for your website.


Sergey Pervushin


Go further, step below, click on the “Email branding” link. Here we can configure appearance emails that a subscriber will receive when you publish a new article. You can play with the design, choose colors, but I left the default option. I just wrote the path to the logo in the appropriate field.

By the way, in the “Subject/Title of the letter” field you can specify the following tag:

The next option below is “Delivery Options”. In this section, we configure the time for sending letters to your subscribers. B O Do the majority of your subscribers live in Moscow? Then we set it to +3 hours. In the Far East (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk)? Then +10 hours. And below are the times for sending letters to the specified time zone:

The Email Subscriptions feature is now configured. The next item that is desirable to include is “PingShot”. This function is responsible for notifying popular services about a new publication.

In theory, this page should have a list of services, but it’s not there :). However, just in case, it’s worth activating this feature, it won’t hurt us:

Another one useful feature, which is located below the pingshot, is “FeedCount”. FeedCount is a counter button that displays the number of your subscribers. On this page you can customize the appearance of this button, and then copy the code and paste it in the desired place on the site. It looks like this:

And the last option for today that must be enabled is the “AwarenessAPI” option. She is responsible for accessing our RSS feed data.

No, no, don't worry, no one will be able to log in and manage your feed. Simply thanks to this option, various ratings (such as), directories, etc., will be able to take information and display the number of your subscribers. This is like an application example.

One more example. pay attention to sidebar my blog. The first block “Already subscribed” displays the number of subscribers. This was achieved using “FeedBurnerCount”, which takes data from the feedburner, thanks to the enabled “AwarenessAPI” function, and displays it as a regular number, without using a button. It seems to me that the figure reflecting the number of subscribers looks much prettier.

All. These are all the options that are included in my feedburner. I hope this article will help you improve your RSS feed and its popularity. Thank you for the retweets and kind comments.

p.s. By the way, after you install the subscription form on your site, subscribe to it yourself to check if everything is working fine. And then study mine, I’m sure it will help you really increase (not to be confused with “increase”) the number of your readers.

Good luck to you and your RSS feed!

Hello, friends! In the previous article about installing the subscription form from FeedBurner, it was not completed important setting FeedBurner, which determines the size of the announcement. This article shows how to fix this issue.

FeedBurner subscription form, changing settings

If you have a website (blog), then you have already noticed that it is important to have regular readers on the site, the so-called core audience. It is known from communication experience that many newcomers at the beginning of their activities do not attach importance to this moment, but in vain!

As far as I know, new bloggers install subscription forms on their sites to collect subscribers. This right action, it must be done. But the collected subscribers will not be notified about new articles on the blog; there are other tools for this, for example, installing a subscription form from FeedBurner.

So, on my blog I installed and configured the subscription form from FeedBurner, it works, and to this day, a detailed article ““ has been written on this topic on the blog, you can read it. Installing and configuring the FeedBurner subscription form is not difficult, but you must follow certain algorithms. Installation and configuration of FeedBurner is carried out directly from the feedburner website google com.

For those who have not read the previous post, let me remind you that after it is published on the blog, the reader (the one who subscribed) is sent an email notification - a title and an announcement. And if the topic of the article is interesting to the reader, he will go to your website to read the entire publication.

So, after installing the subscription form from FeedBurner, I only checked the functionality of the service - announcements were easily sent to readers. At the same time, I did not pay attention to the fact that the articles were sent in their entirety, and this is bad. Why should a reader go to the site if the entire article is sent to him by email? I had to tinker a little with the FeedBurner settings, but now I have eliminated the reason, and only the article announcement is sent to readers.

Therefore, if you installed the subscription form from FeedBurner according to my post, then you may also have the same problem. In order to send only a publication announcement to the reader, you must go back to the address: feedburner google com. Select the desired site (if there are several of them). Next, click the “Optimize” button, go to the bottom of the page and click the “Summary Burner” button - the main setting.

A new window opens, where in the “Maximum length” field ( maximum length text), you need to enter the number of characters. I put 300 characters, this will be enough to reflect the title and the beginning of the text, you can experiment. Now click “Save”.

That's all the FeedBurner setup is. If you have not yet set up a subscription form, then go to previous publication“Setting up FeedBurner” and do everything according to the instructions, taking into account setting the number of characters. Good luck to you!

Hello, friends!

I’ve been meaning to write for a long time about how to set up Feedburner and finally decided to do it.

What is Feedburner?

Feedburner is a service from Google that provides RSS services. Through this service, subscribers have the opportunity to receive announcements of articles published on the blog directly by E-mail, thus always staying up to date with new events.

For blog owners, this is another tool for increasing traffic, as well as creating a group of regular readers. By automatically sending announcement emails, you bring visitors back to your site.

Feedburner has many different settings, but I will describe the most basic ones necessary for beginners: how to set up a subscription, how to set up automatic sending letters with announcements and how to make a subscriber counter.

How to “light” a feed

In order to work with the service Feedburner, you must have a registered account in Google. If you don't have it yet, be sure to create it, you will have access to secure mail and a host of others useful services. And for the site owner, such an account is required condition.

First select the language Languages ​​– Russian.

Now we need to “light up” the feed; to do this, enter the address of your blog in the field provided and click Next.

You will now be asked to give your feed a name and address. I left the name the same as the service offers, it matches the name of the site. The address offered is not very convenient, it is better to come up with your own, easy to remember and “beautiful”. My feed address -

Now press again Next, Next and start setting up the feed. There are four bookmarks here - Analyze, Optimize, Publish and Solve Problems. We have nothing to analyze yet and there are no problems either, so we are working with only two tabs. Let's start with the tab Optimize.

Feed optimization

On the right, under the word Services, there is a list of customizable options. Already activated ones are marked with a checkmark. Click on BrowserFriendly. On the page that opens, in the area , in field Subject choose a language Russian, put a check mark next to the desired buttons and go below to Content options.

Here you need to specify how to display content in the feed, it’s better to leave it as default Show a list of titles and contents of articles and, if desired, add a personal message. All settings can be changed over time, try different variants.

Don’t forget to press the button after each change. Save.

The next point that is worth activating is SmartFeed. There are no settings, it provides correct operation feed in different RSS feeds.

Paragraph FeedFlare adds social media buttons after each announcement. Decide for yourself whether they are needed.

You can add any image to the page of your RSS feed, for example, the logo of your site. To do this, select the item Feed Image Burner. In field Image Source we find an option Specify custom image URL.

In the settings field Specify custom image URL write the full path to your image.

Now go to the tab

As you can see, there are also many points here. For example, you can create animated banner with the titles of the latest posts for posting on other resources. Paragraph BuzzBoost allows you to create an HTML version of an RSS feed for publication on websites. But the most important thing on this tab is setting up a subscription and creating a counter.

Setting up a subscription via Feedburner

So, let's move on to point and activate this service

In chapter choose Russian language

Now you can copy the code for the subscription form that you will place on your site. This code can be edited to fit the beam shape into your design. Of course, this requires at least some knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Below is a link code that you can use to subscribe to blog updates.

Check mark Subscriber management set as desired.

Next we click Communication Preferences

In field Address enter your return address, your subscriber can see it in the field From, and in Body of the letter the text that will be in the letter he receives after subscribing. By default, there is English text there. It can be replaced, for example, with this:

. To confirm your subscription you need to go to following link:
If when you click on the link the confirmation page does not open, then copy the link to address bar your browser and press “Go” or “Enter” on your keyboard.

The text of the letter itself can be changed at your discretion, but it must contain a link $(confirmlink)

This section configures the type of announcement letters that subscribers will automatically receive after the release of new blog posts.

In field Subject/Title of the letter The blog name is automatically entered, but I recommend entering a variable there $(latestItemTitle), in this case the topic will be the title of the post in the feed.

Even lower, you can customize the appearance of the letter - add a logo and change color scheme.

In chapter Delivery Options delivery time is customizable

Of course, it should be shown on the blog when there are already a lot of subscribers. In this case, such a counter gives authority to the resource. It is better not to place it on young blogs.

Creating a counter is very simple. To do this, go to the section FeedCount and copy the counter code, which should then be pasted into the HTML code of the page, in the place where you would like to see it. You can preset the style of the counter: static or animated and its color scheme.

That's all the basic Feedburner settings. I hope this article helped you set up your RSS feed. Share a link to the article on in social networks. Let me know in the comments how you use Feedburner.

P.S. I would like to inform you that the first class of Evgeniy Vergus’ free school “I am a Blogger” has successfully completed, but due to numerous requests, training at the school continues. This great way training for beginners who want to create their own website and learn how to make money on it. You can register for school using the following link

Free school"I am a Blogger"


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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This is another article in which we continue the conversation about, begun in the article that talks about.

Today we will talk about Feedburner (FB) and what is connected with it. Let's set up broadcasting of our feed ( news feed site) through it, we will invite visitors to subscribe to news via E-mail and receive a Feedburner counter code that will display the number of readers (subscribers).

Nowadays you will practically not find a resource that would not have an RSS feed and broadcast it through Feedburner. But why is this necessary and why is everyone doing this? Firstly, in this way everything is reduced to standard format, which is supported by any reader program. Secondly, we get a very flexible tool with a lot of settings. Thirdly, we will always be able to know the exact number of subscribers to our news channel.

If you have a blog on WordPress and you want to customize the display of your feed passed through Feedburner the way I did, then read about the plugin that will help you with this difficult task.

How to add and customize your RSS feed in Feedburner

Once again to the question - why is this necessary? This is especially true if you own a blog. The fact is that according to the readings of the FeedBurner counter, indirect assessment of the success of your project(for example, your potential advertisers or ordinary readers).

The place your blog occupies in a variety of websites will depend on the counter indicators, as well as the price for advertising placed on your blog (read about and).

Therefore, if you want your blog to be profitable in the future, then add counter subscribers to your news channel will need to mandatory, without putting it off for a long time.

Another great feature is the ability tune Email subscription via FeedBurner. In this case, a visitor to your resource will only need to provide his or her e-mail address to subscribe to the news channel. In no case should you neglect this opportunity, because... Not all visitors to your resource know how to work with readers, but everyone can work with mail. This way you definitely increase the potential number of your subscribers.

By the way, if you suspect that the one collected with such difficulty subscriber base sinks into oblivion, for example, in the event of Feedburner's sudden death, then I can reassure you - at any time you can save it by downloading it from the service to your computer in CSV format and, if desired, use it in any other email newsletter service (Smartresponder, etc.). But keep in mind that mailing to a large database there will cost quite a lot of money, but FB does all this absolutely free:

There are a number of other advantages to using FeedBurner, but it would be better to talk about them at specific example settings using the feature-rich interface for managing your feed that it provides us with.

Myself online service owned by Google and, accordingly, to work with any product of this company you need. Along with your account you will receive a download and, which is on this moment can be considered one of the most secure and resistant to hacking. But this is true, by the way.

Login to your Google account you can by entering the login and password received when creating your mailbox. After you log in to Google, simply go to the main page of the service: If the page display language does not automatically switch to Russian, then click on the “Languages” link at the very top right of the page and select Russian.

To begin, you will need to insert into a form called “Light up the feed right now” the address of your RSS feed (in my case it is: https://site/feed, if you don’t know where to look at this address (URL), then the link to which is given at the very beginning of this article will help you with this) and click the “ Next".

You will be taken to a page where you will need to enter the future name of your feed in the “Feed Name” field, and enter the future name of your feed in the “Feed Address” field using letters and numbers, the desired ending Url.

This ending will be added to:

For example, the URL of my new RSS feed (already passed through Feedburner) will look like this:


Then click the “Next” button and you will be taken to a page where they congratulate you on creating a feed and provide a link that you will use in the future on your resource and wherever possible (, in in my case) and offer to go directly to the settings. Which is what we will do by clicking the “Next” button.

On the next page of the wizard, you decide whether you need to check some boxes and again click the “Next” button. At the top of the page that opens, you can see a panel with tabs “Analyze”, “Optimize”, “Publish”, “Solve problems”, “My feeds”.

Using these tabs we will make further adjustments to our feed in Feedburner. Unfortunately, not all settings pages have yet been fully translated into Russian, but over time, I think this will be fixed.

FeedBurner counter for website

I’ll start with the counter, because... the majority add their feed here precisely because of the opportunity to find out the number of subscribers, and when big numbers also boast about it with the help of an informer. So, for this we will need to open the tab "Publish" and select in the left column the item called "FeedCount".

The counter will display in real time (usually the information is updated about once a day or so) the number of subscribers to your feed passed through FeedBurner (sometimes there are strange drops in the readings to zero or so, but on them special attention should not be converted).

In order to take advantage of FeedCount's capabilities, you will need to first activate it. To do this, click on the “Activate” button located at the bottom of the page.

As a result, the FeedCount window will change. At the top of the window there will be a code for the RSS subscriber counter, which you can copy and paste into your website (in any suitable place in the template). Above the code field you can see the appearance of the informer you will receive.

In order to configure the Feedburner counter, you can use the tool designed for this, located under the window with the code.

In this window you, firstly, can choose whether your counter will be “Static” or “Animated”, and secondly, you can customize the color scheme, both the Feedburner counter itself and the text displayed on it. To do this, just check either the “body” box or the “text” box, and then click on the desired color in the color palette shown there.

Advertisers on these exchanges often take into account the number of external links from pages, and the fewer there are, the better. Therefore we need close from indexing search engines All external links, located in various counters(including FeedBurner) and other things that do not need to be left open.

To prohibit indexing of such links by search engines Google system(and Yandex too) is used. As a result, final code our counter RSS quantities subscribers will look like:

It is up to you whether to make the changes described above.

Setting up a subscription to RSS feed by email

Now let's look at the second most important (and maybe the first) aspect of working with rss feed via FeedBurner, namely Possibility of subscription via E-mail by means of Feedburner. Once again, this is very important if you want all visitors who like your resource to have the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter in a form convenient for them.

The fact is that not all visitors are familiar with readers, and e-mail is banal and simple even for full of teapots. Therefore, we set up the ability to receive news via E-mail, well, without fail. So, first we will need to open the “Publish” tab and select in the left column the item called "Email Subscriptions".

In order to use this service, you will need to first activate it. To do this, click on the button located at the bottom of the page “ Activate».

After this, in the left column of the settings window under the “Email subscriptions” field, four more items will appear that allow you to detailed setup Receive emails about new materials to your visitors.

When selecting an item "Subscription Management"(Subscription Management) you have the opportunity to copy the code for the subscription form, which you will then need to paste into your website template, similar to the counter described just above. After appropriate modification, such a form may look, for example, like this (the form is clickable, i.e. working):

On the same Feedburner settings page, below the subscription form, there is link code for email subscription. It can be inserted into a website template in the form text link, or use an image as its anchor (post a link to a picture that makes sense). For example, like this (the button is clickable):

This code can be slightly modified. First, you can again configure it so that after clicking on the subscription link, a subscription confirmation window opens in a new browser window. You can also block all external links from indexing in the subscription form and in the subscription link (I already wrote about this a little higher, when setting up the counter code).

You can also slightly change the code of the RSS subscription form to E-mail in order for such a feature to appear, which you can see in the subscription form given just above. I made it so that the “Enter your e-mail” inscription that was initially present in the FeedBurner form disappeared as soon as the visitor clicked in this field. It seems like a trifle, but it’s nice and convenient. The visitor will not need to erase this inscription before entering his mailbox address.

This is achieved by adding the ONFOCUS attribute with the appropriate parameters to the INPUT tag. I have already talked about, but you can do everything by analogy with my case.

This original code:

Enter your email address:

Delivered by FeedBurner

And this one is slightly modified:

I think that after analyzing the original and modified versions, you will be able to make appropriate changes to the code of your form. In fact, you just need to replace the line in the original:

I also changed the way I set the “Subscribe” button, but I don’t think you’ll need it.

Customizing the appearance of the FeedBurner subscription confirmation email

Let's move on to the next setting item called "Communication Preferences".

There are three things you can configure on this page. First, enter the email that the subscriber will see in the “From” field in the received confirmation email. By default, the email address of your Google account will be listed there. Accordingly, if necessary, you can change it here.

Secondly, on this page you can edit the title and text of the letter that the user will receive after subscribing to the RSS feed by email. By default, the text written in these fields will be in English, so if you want your subscribers not to have unnecessary questions when confirming their subscription to your news feed, be sure to enter in the “Subject of the confirmation letter” and “Body of the confirmation letter” fields » explanatory text in Russian(can be used for this purpose).

I wrote the following:

Activation of your e-mail subscription to: site - blog for beginner webmasters

Hello! You have subscribed to the e-mail newsletter of the blog site - everything for beginner webmasters. To confirm your subscription, you need to click on the following link: $(confirmlink) Notes: If when you click on the link, the confirmation page does not open, then copy the link into the address bar of your browser and click<<Перейти>> or<> on the keyboard.

After making changes, do not forget to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. I advise you to check the type of letter that comes from FeedBurner by subscribing to your own mailing list and looking at the message received.

Let's move on to the next setting item: - "Email Branding". On the page that opens, you can customize the title of the sent letter in the “Subject/Title of the letter” field, and you can also enter the logo address in the “Logo URL” field so that the letter with your RSS newsletter is visually recognizable.

In the following fields you can configure the font type, size and color separately for the title and body of the message. All changes made are immediately reflected in the test sample letter at the bottom of the settings window. When you achieve an acceptable result, do not forget to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the window.

We still have one more item to consider in the settings menu - "Delivery Options".

Here you can select your time zone, and also, in the “Set up email delivery” field, select the time interval in which emails with new materials from your site will be delivered.

Additional RSS feed settings in Feedburner

In order for each of your website visitors to choose a convenient way to read news, you need to provide this option. To do this, you need to log into your account on the Feedburner service and select the one you need from the “My Feeds” list.

Next, you must open the “Optimize” tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens "Browser Friendly". In the “Appearance Options” area, in the “Theme” field, you can select a language, and in the field with images of RSS subscription buttons, you can check only those that you want to see in the “Subscription” area of ​​your feed:

In the Content Options area, in the Feed Content field, you can select, what exactly will be displayed in your feed: a list of article titles with their contents, a list of only article titles, or a list of articles altogether will not be displayed.

In the “Personal message” field you can enter the text of your message, which will be displayed on the page of your RSS feed added and improved in Feedburner:

Well, if you change your feed, you can set up redirection from the old feed to the new one (redirect). Don’t forget to click on the “Save” button after making all changes.

Please note that if you have set up the ability to receive news by email in this Google service (we talked about this a little higher), then in the “Subscription” area an invitation to use this method will also be displayed.

In order to be sure that your news feed will be displayed correctly in all existing reading programs (readers), you need to activate the appropriate option in the service settings. To do this, just open the “Optimize” tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens "Smart Feed". Click the “Activate” button and now, depending on the reader used by the visitor to your site, the stream will be converted on the fly into RSS or Atom format.

The Feedburner service allows you to add any image, for example, the logo of your site, to the page of your RSS feed. Moreover, you can attach a link to this image, for example, to your resource. It will look something like this:

To do this, on the settings page you must open the “Optimize” tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens "Feed Image Burner". In the “Image Source” field, select the “Specify custom image URL” option from the drop-down list.

Png). In the next two settings fields, you can specify the contents of the Html TITLE tag for this image (include keywords in it, since the contents of this Html tag will act as an anchor for the link from this image) and the link address (to your project).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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