Disabling mobile Internet on a megaphone in various ways. Command to turn off the Internet on a megaphone

On a mobile phone in the Megafon network, enter the combination on the keyboard of your mobile phone: *527*0# and the call key. In a few minutes you will receive an SMS notification that the service has been disabled.

To disable unlimited mobile Internet with Opera mini, dial the combination on your mobile phone: *105*235*0# and press the call key. In a few minutes you will receive a message informing you that the service has been disconnected.

To disable one of the unlimited Internet packages, enter a separate command on your mobile phone:

- “Basic” - *236*1*0# and press the call key.
- “Practical” - *753*0# and press the call key.
- “Optimal” - *236*2*0# and press the call key.
- “Progressive” - *236*3*0# and press the call key.
- “Maximum” - *236*4*0# and press the call key.

After sending the request, you will receive an SMS notification on your phone about the deactivation of the unlimited Internet service package.

Some users of unlimited Internet from Megafon enable the “Extend speed” option, which allows you to restore the original speed in accordance with unlimited access for a month from the time of connection according to the established traffic volume. To disable this option, send an SMS to the number 000105906 or dial the combination *752# and the call key on your mobile phone. In addition, you can disable the option on the official website of the mobile operator Megafon in your “Personal Account” or in the Megafon sales and service office.

If you disable the tariff modifier that provides unlimited Internet access, the “Extend speed” option will automatically be disabled. Unused traffic is not returned and money for connecting an unused package is not returned either.

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If you no longer require connected unlimited Internet on the “ ” network, you can avoid paying a daily subscription fee by turning off the service yourself and free of charge.


If you have connected one of the unlimited packages “Basic”, “Practical”, “Optimal”, “Progressive” or “Maximum”, then to disable the service for each of the packages you should dial a separate command from its own.
For the “Basic” package, dial *236*1*0# and press the call key.

To disable the “Practical” package, dial *753*0# and press the call key.

To disable the “Optimal” package, dial *236*2*0# and press the call key.

To disable the Progressive package, dial *236*3*0# and press the call key.

To disable the “Maximum” package, dial *236*4*0# and press the call key.
If your request is successfully completed, you will receive an SMS notification about the deactivation of the unlimited package.

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The mobile operator Megafon offers its subscribers a wide variety of ways to access the Internet. Internet from phone and computer; all kinds of options to increase speed and unlimited packages... With such a variety of possibilities, many clients, when accessing the World Wide Web, do not think about how to disable the service when they no longer need it. However, disconnecting is no more difficult than connecting!

You will need

  • Telephone connected to the Megafon network


In order to cancel a previously selected service, you do not need to go to the Megafon office. You don't need anything other than a mobile phone. Unlimited Internet for a phone involves round-the-clock access to the global network without speed restrictions (until the traffic volume reaches 30 MB per day). To stop using the Internet from a mobile phone, you need to dial *527*0#.

Megafon also has unlimited Internet packages for computers. You can connect the selected package through the “Service Guide” - a self-service system on the official Megafon website, using a voice auto-informer, sending an SMS or typing a short command on your mobile phone. To disable each of the packages, there is also a separate command: “Basic unlimited Internet” - *236*1*0# ; “Practical unlimited Internet” - *236*5*0#; “Optimal unlimited Internet” - *236*2*0#; “Progressive Unlimited Internet” - *236*3*0# ; “Maximum unlimited Internet” - *236*4*0#.

Users of unlimited Internet from Megafon, regardless of where they access the global network from, often use the “Extend speed” option, which allows you to restore the original speed in accordance with unlimited access for a month from the time of connection according to a certain amount of traffic. You can enable or disable the option on the official website of the mobile operator by sending an SMS message to the number 000105906 or by dialing *752 on your mobile phone. Also enable and disable the “Extend speed!” option. Employees of Megafon's sales and service offices or specialists from the company's subscriber service will help.


When you disable the tariff modifier that provided unlimited Internet access, the “Extend Speed” package is also automatically disabled. Unused traffic will not be returned, nor will money for connecting unsold packages (if several were connected at once).


  • how to disable services on an internet megaphone

Service “Basic Internet» is provided by the mobile operator MegaFon. By activating this service, the user receives access to Internet. The subscription is automatically renewed every month, and the fee for it is regularly withdrawn from the subscriber's account. Therefore, anyone who has stopped using this method of accessing the network has an understandable desire to turn it off.


After connecting to the “Basic” service Internet» the subscriber gets the opportunity to access the network at speeds of up to 512 Kbps, this is enough for normal operation in . Immediately after its introduction, the service was called “Basic Unlimited Internet“, however, the term “unlimited” did not correspond to reality. With this tariff, a subscriber can spend no more than 1536 MB of traffic per month; after exceeding this amount, the speed drops to 64 Kbps. It is not surprising that Megafon changed the name of the tariff, and many subscribers began to look for more advantageous offers.

"Base Internet"You can connect and disconnect in several ways, the most convenient is through the ussd command. To activate the service, dial and send the command *236*1#. To disconnect, you must enter and send (press the call button) the command *105*2810#. In response, you will receive a message with information about connecting or disconnecting the service.

You can activate and deactivate the service via SMS. To activate the option, send the SMS command 6601 to the number 000105. To disable the service, send the SMS command 66010 to the number 000105. You will receive a response message confirming the connection or deactivation of the option.

To connect and disconnect Basic Internet a" you can use the "Service Guide". If you do not have a login password, dial *105*00#, you will receive it in a response message. After this, go to your regional Megafon website, find “Service Guide”. Log into your account using the password you received and your phone number. In the service options you can check all connected services and disable those that you no longer need.

You can disable "Basic" Internet”, without doing anything at all. The only condition for this should be the absence of three hundred rubles in your account at the time of renewal of the service for the next month. If the amount is not enough, Internet-the service will be disabled automatically.


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Wireless 3G has become a part of the lives of Internet users. And this is no coincidence. After all, such modems are distinguished by their compactness: the size of a flash drive, they allow you to access any website in a matter of seconds and quickly load pages. Unfortunately, such opportunities are not yet available for all localities in Russia. But if desired, Internet reception can be increased somewhat, within reason, of course.

Megafon occupies a leading position in providing Internet services in Russia. Today, the telecom operator allows you to use full-fledged 4G Internet. Although until recently it could only be used on a 3G network. This is a big breakthrough for the company. Moreover, the trend of modern life involves using the network almost daily.

But, as with all good things, there are other sides to seeing the situation. For some, life without a network is no longer imaginable, but for other people, it is a wonder and something new in the modern world. This category includes parents, although not all, grandparents.

When purchasing a starter package at a communication store, the manager can immediately disable the Internet function. Or if you don’t need to use the network, then you can go to the same salon and do the disconnection procedure. But there are situations when there is no time or opportunity to go to the salon; in such a situation, you can disable the service using a set of combinations of numbers and symbols. Even a child who goes to kindergarten can cope with this operation. But in addition to this method, we will consider other options on how to turn off the Internet on a megaphone.

Method 1

Not all people in Russia who have a megafon package know that the Internet is activated as soon as the SIM card is inserted into the phone. It doesn’t matter what kind of device you have, old or new, children’s or adults, the main thing is that it supports standard SIM cards. Naturally, you should prohibit the device from using this option, or use it upon request.

To disable the service on phones with the Android operating system, go to the settings, then find “network” and uncheck the “Data transfer” box.

To disable the service on phones with the iOS operating system, you should repeat the same operations as on Android, but remove all the methods that are there.

This method is suitable even if you are abroad. And actions are performed in just one click. By installing special applications, you can disable and enable the Internet on devices in one click.

Method 2

This method is very simple, one might say that it is childish. It consists in using special commands or, in other words, a set of numbers and symbols. Each Internet tariff has its own commands. For example, you can turn off children's Internet by dialing * 522 * 0 #, to remove unlimited you should dial * 236 * (numbers from 0 to 4, depending on the package)*0#. Also, other tariffs have their own team.

Method 3

No less popular and also a very effective way to disable the Internet option from a megaphone in Russia. In addition, this method is quite simple. But to disconnect, you will need a computer and login to your personal account or service guide. This procedure can be done even if you are not in Russia, but abroad. Registration on the site takes place in one click. After authorization, you can fully control your starter package and use the service guide to disable or enable subscriptions. The process will also allow you to disable Internet services.

To disable unlimited Internet, which consumes traffic day and night, you need to dial * 527 * 0 #. Also, if unlimited Internet is set for access via a computer, then you can use the service guide or the same set of commands via the phone. The main thing is to understand which package is connected. Megafon subscribers often use the “extend speed” function, even if they are abroad. It allows you to extend megabytes of traffic and use the Internet more than regular package services. You can disable this unlimited package on the company’s website or via SMS by sending an empty message to the number 000105906. Or make a request in one click * 752.

It is very important to disable the option, you should understand in which region the SIM card is registered, since requests from a combination of numbers for each region may differ. This information can be found on the megaphone website.

Perhaps these are all the most common ways to disconnect the Internet from a megaphone, both for Russian subscribers and for those who use it abroad.

The Internet has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that many cannot imagine a single minute without it. In elevators, the subway, on the street, at home, everyone is “sitting” on the Internet. However, there are situations when it needs to be disabled on a number. For example, on an elderly person’s phone there is no need for the Internet, perhaps you need to protect your child, or maybe you are going on vacation abroad and do not want problems with charges for updating smartphone applications on the network of a foreign operator? In this review we will talk about how to turn off the Internet on Megafon in your home region or when traveling abroad.

Disabling the Internet via USSD request

It should be noted right away that disabling via ussd commands is possible only for one service. When the service is disabled, Internet access in your home region is lost.

Outside the home region, the service can work with the “Mobile Internet via GPRS” service disabled. In addition, with the “WAP via GPRS” service active and the “Mobile Internet via GPRS” service disabled, the device can connect to the Internet. If you want to block Internet access, it is recommended to disable the “GPRS Services” option. But this option is not disabled by USSD commands.

All other options can be disabled in your personal account, mobile application and through operator employees.

Disabling in your Personal Account

To get to the operator’s personal account, follow the link. Login is your number, and order a password using the command *105*00#. Next you need to go to the section "Services and options". Here you will see all services that are connected to the Internet and you can disable them.

“GPRS Extended International Roaming” is disabled when contacting the operator via chat with an employee, calling the contact center or visiting the Megafon-Retail office.

When you disable the “Camel-roaming” option, “GPRS-Camel” is disabled automatically.

Disabling the Internet in the MegaFon mobile application

All the same options can be disabled in . You can download it from the official application store of your smartphone. The login and password are exactly the same. Services can be disabled in the section "Services and options" - "No subscription fee".

Disconnection through MegaFon employees

To disable Internet access on a number, you can contact the subscriber support center at 0500 or 8-800-550-0500. You are also always welcome in MegaFon communication stores. Disabling network access options is free of charge. Your task is to clearly explain to the operator what you want to disable and for what purpose. In addition, you can ask to disable it for a certain period of time, after which the service will turn on automatically. Most often, the operator asks for the full name of the legal owner of the number.

Prohibition of data transfer in international roaming

Everyone knows shocking stories when a roaming subscriber generated traffic worth hundreds of thousands of rubles. Many are afraid of this and try to limit their access while traveling abroad. There is a free service especially for such subscribers. “Prohibition of data transfer in international roaming”.

The “Banning data transfer in international roaming” service allows you to prohibit the possibility of data transfer in international roaming (outside the Russian Federation) in all networks (2G/3G/4G). When the “Prohibition of data transfer in international roaming” service is activated, data transfer is impossible in the networks of both Camel partners and NON-Camel partners. It is impossible to prohibit the ability to transmit data in international roaming only in one of the listed networks.

Service management:

USSD command
SMS command
Any SMS (except STOP) to number 05001008
STOP to number 05001008

When activating the “PD Ban in the Mongolia” service, the “GPRS Camel” service is not disabled, it retains its status, the “GPRS Extended International Roaming” service is disabled. After the ban is disabled, the GPRS Extended International Roaming service will not be resumed. You need to contact the operator.

We have looked at all the options for managing Internet access from your number. We hope that the article will be useful to you

Features of the provision of GPRS service by MegaFon

For the MegaFon operator, the Internet is a basic service when activating a SIM card. Internet access in the room is automatically and immediately connected. It is represented by several services. To operate the Internet in your home region and throughout Russia, you must have the following services:
  • Service "GPRS services" is necessary to access the Internet and send MMS.
  • Service "Mobile Internet via GPRS" provides Internet access via access points: internet, wap. When using a wap access point, it is automatically replaced with an internet access point.
  • Service "WAP over GPRS" is outdated. When the “Mobile Internet via GPRS” service is disabled, a number of devices can use the “WAP via GPRS” service to access the Internet.
  • "GPRS Russia"- is responsible for Internet access outside the home region in the Russian Federation.
For stable operation of the Internet abroad, the following technical options are needed:
  • "GPRS Camel"– a service for operating the Internet abroad in MegaFon’s partner networks (available in almost every country).
  • "GPRS Extended international roaming"– technical service for accessing the Internet abroad (automatically activated when the balance is more than 500 rubles).
By default, all these services are available on the number immediately after activating the SIM card!

When connecting a Megafon number, Internet access is automatically activated. If you do not intend to use the network on your device or the subscription fee is too high for your budget, then data transfer on the network and services for a subscription fee can be removed. In this article we will look at how to do this using a USSD request and SMS message, through the application and the operator’s personal account, calling the service center and visiting a communication store. We will also tell you how to remove data transfer on the device itself.

Options for disabling the Internet on Megafon

You can disable the Internet in the following ways:

  1. Via USSD commands.
  2. Via SMS message.
  3. Through a call to the operator.
  4. Visiting a communication salon.
  5. In the operator’s personal account.
  6. Via the app
  7. Turn off on your phone.

Let's take a closer look at the shutdown options.

Via USSD commands and SMS messages

To remove Megafon unlimited internet, you can use a short USSD command. The table below shows the commands to remove various options:

OptionTariff at which the option is activatedUSSD request to disableSMS with the word STOP to the number

Warm welcome S

Warm welcome M

*456*5# 05004565

Warm welcome M

Social mediaSpeak

Warm welcome M

Social networks+Communicate

Warm welcome M

*456*2# 05004562

Warm welcome M

Internet-SConnects to all tariffs except “MegaFon - All inclusive”, “Turn on!”, “Video control”, “MMS Camera”*236*00# 05009122
Extend Internet XSDepending on the basic option*372# 050009061
Extend internet 1 GB*370*1*1#
Extend internet 5 GB*370*2*1#

Call to operator

If you have any difficulties turning off mobile data, you can call the customer support center using a short number 0555 for Megafon subscribers and 8-800-550-05-00 for owners of numbers of other operators. Explain your desire to the center employee, and he will easily make it come true. Don't forget your passport details, they will be needed to confirm your identity.

Contacting the Megafon communication salon

You can remove mobile data transfer by visiting your nearest sales office. An office employee will help you complete the task. Be prepared to show your passport to confirm that the number belongs to you.

In your personal account on the website

The most convenient option to disable the Internet is through your personal account on the official website. For this:

In addition, in the list of connected services, find Internet options and disable them by performing similar actions.

In the mobile application

You can remove data transfer through the Megafon Personal Account application. Download it from the Android Market for Android and the App Store for IOS. We perform the following steps:

We look for and disable all Internet options.

Disabling the Internet on the phone itself

To remove the Internet, you can do something drastic and turn off data transfer on the phone itself. You can do this as follows:

You can delete data transfer using the quick access menu. To do this, swipe your finger down from the top edge of the display.

Almost all owners of mobile devices actively consume network resources and waste traffic. For this purpose, Megafon provides high-speed data transmission throughout the Russian Federation, even in remote settlements. The subscriber can activate many optimizing options and renewal packages. But opposite situations also arise when you need to disconnect the Internet from Megafon. Let's figure out how to do this.

Ways to disable Internet options

Sometimes situations arise when you need to completely turn off mobile Internet on your phone. This may be required when traveling around the country or vacationing abroad in order to significantly save money and avoid paying for traffic in international roaming. You can refuse the provider’s network service by deactivating special additional services on the SIM card or reconfiguring your mobile device.

In your personal account and application

Any Megafon consumer has free access to the personal account service. After entering the main menu, you will see the current status of your personal account, the balance of package parameters in the current billing period and other personal information about the owner of the phone number. Find the “Options and Services” tab in the interface.

In the window that appears, select the “My” section. This is where all active applications and the cost of their use will be displayed, as well as detailed information about them. Find the required option for the Internet and click on the deactivation button.

You can log into your personal account anywhere, from any device, from a smartphone, through a desktop computer on a modem, using a tablet.

Attention! You should know that if you turn off a tariff or service during the billing period, no one will return your money for the days that you did not use. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at the end of the month of operation.

Install the application from the My Megafon provider on your mobile device. When you first start, enter your phone number and create a password for authorization. After this, you will find yourself in the main program window. Select the Internet options tab, find the necessary services in the list and deactivate them.

Attention! To disable the service through your personal account and application, you will need to have active access to the network space.

Employee assistance

If you cannot independently configure the tariff plan and SIM card to the required operating mode, you can deactivate the mobile Internet by contacting specialists for help. Choose one of the methods:

  1. Contact your provider's service and sales department. Request assistance from a free manager, present your passport details to prove your right to own a SIM card.
  2. Call the technical support service for Megafon subscribers - 0500. Wait for a response from the operator or use the advice of an automatic informant. Explain the situation in detail, and a specialist will remotely deactivate the service.
  3. Leave a request to disable the option on the provider’s official resource in the “Write to us” tab. After it is processed by the service center, you will receive a notification or an operator will contact you to help you find a solution.

USSD and SMS services

The method consists of entering a special USSD service command on the screen of a mobile device or sending an SMS message with a certain text. To begin with, every consumer should know a few basic and useful combinations:

  1. *105#. This is simplified management of your personal account, active options and tariff plan. Once entered, the menu appears on the display. Follow the instructions.
  2. *583#. Provides information about all connected paid services on a phone number. This is convenient, because almost all Internet options are provided for a fixed subscription fee and will be displayed in this list. You can also deactivate them here.

Now let’s look at the services currently in effect and list the main USSD commands for disabling them yourself in the table:

There is no fee for completing USSD requests, but SMS is not charged only in the home region. Outside its borders, the cost is set depending on the conditions of international and intercity roaming. After successful completion of the actions, you will receive a corresponding notification from the provider in the form of SMS.

How to disable the Internet in the device settings

After deactivating all Internet options on the SIM card, disable data transfer on your phone in the settings of the device itself so that it does not continue to consume traffic. To do this, select one of the methods:

  1. If you need to turn off Internet access for a short period of time, use Airplane mode. The function is available on all modern phones and is located in the toolbar. Here you can disable data transfer in the SIM card settings tab. Many mobile applications can consume traffic in hidden mode, so this method will save money in a foreign country during your vacation.
  2. Erase the automatic settings of the access point. Go to the device management menu and delete the previously created APN. If necessary, you can re-order the installations.

You should be aware that on all models and brands of devices, the location of the main controls and interface may differ significantly.

Attention! The list of Internet options and their features listed in the article correspond only to the Leningrad region.

The article looked at available ways to disable existing Internet services, as well as change the settings of a mobile device. If you do not use the network, do not pay for the work, turn off data transmission on time. As for the “Extend Internet” function, it is canceled automatically and in the absence of basic options.