Review of the Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet. Lens care. Possible bugs and problems

Hello, dear readers. In our review today, we want to talk about the oculus rift cv1, a new VR headset that many have been waiting for. Helmets and glasses virtual reality are gradually becoming more widespread, facilitated by both a general decrease in their cost and the emergence of high-quality content.

The technical characteristics of devices are becoming better and better, while the pleasure of immersion in the world of virtual reality is increasing. It is possible that the release of rift cv1 will become one of the most notable events in the VR industry.

Inside the helmet there are two OLED displays, which display individual images for right and left eyes. Each eye sees only its own image, but the result is a three-dimensional 3D image.

The helmet is equipped with several sensors and a separate infrared sensor. They are necessary to track the position of the glasses in space and synchronize the image. For example, turning or tilting the head in the real world is reproduced in virtual reality. The user can look around the game and perform certain actions.

For Oculus Rift to work, you need a computer to which the helmet is connected. It is on the PC that games and applications are launched.

Model features

Unlike inexpensive virtual reality glasses that use a smartphone as a screen, the Rift is equipped with two OLED panels high resolution. Using displays allows you to achieve a noticeably better picture.

The helmet is equipped with a gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer and numerous infrared LED indicators. The latter are used so that an external infrared sensor can quickly and accurately track the position of the user's head in space.

Rift can only be used in conjunction with a computer, the performance of which is quite demanding. This can be considered both a plus and a minus of the helmet.

The disadvantage is that you need a really powerful PC, otherwise the games will slow down and no augmented reality effect will occur. Accordingly, if you are planning to purchase a Rift, make sure that your computer meets the system requirements.

Requires at least an Intel i5-4590 processor, NVIDIA GTX 970 or better graphics card, 8 GB random access memory. The bottleneck is the video card and memory.

During the test, we used a less powerful Intel i5-2500k processor and did not experience a single freeze. NVIDIA video card The GTX 1070 used in our test configuration handled all applications.

Now about the advantages. Using a powerful PC means you can run any game on maximum settings. Immersion in virtual reality will be as complete as possible, and the gameplay will not be interrupted due to freezes. In addition, the computer can be upgraded relatively easily.

If the processor and memory were built into the helmet, any ideas for upgrading would have to be abandoned, and high-quality 3D games would have to be forgotten. So far, only mobile processors can be installed in helmets, which are noticeably inferior to desktop ones.

An interesting feature of the model is the presence of built-in headphones. They are located on the side rails and have good sound quality. However, if desired, the headphones can be easily removed using the included screwdriver.

The eyepieces installed in the helmet support only one setting - changing the center-to-center distance (distance between the centers of the pupils) of the eyes. You won't be able to adjust the focal length, but let's be honest, we didn't need to do that.

Theoretically, the helmet can be used with regular glasses, but such a scenario can hardly be called comfortable. There's not much space inside, and chances are your glasses will touch the lenses and end up getting scratched.

A four-meter cable is used to connect to the computer. Two USB ports are used and HDMI port. This somewhat restricts the user’s movements and freedom of action, but in most games the process is structured in such a way that you are unlikely to take more than one or two steps in one direction.

Almost forgot about key features. Although the sensors only track the rotation/tilt of the helmet, the user can jump, lean, dodge, and move around the room, and these movements affect the image. The effect of immersion in virtual reality occurs from the first seconds of interaction with the Rift.

Housing materials and dimensions

The body is made of plastic, but its outer side is almost completely covered with a light and pleasant-to-touch fabric. The front panel is made of matte plastic, which is also pleasant to the touch.

There is a soft foam padding inside. It is she who is adjacent to the face. The padding is comfortable, but if you walk around in the helmet for half an hour or an hour, marks will remain on your face. However, they quickly disappear.

Much more important is the fact that the pad does not irritate the skin and does not cause increased sweat production.

The manufacturer does not provide data on the exact dimensions of the device, but the dimensions of the Rift are no different from most VR helmets. One of the advantages of the model is its low weight - 250 grams.

Thanks to well-thought-out fastenings, the helmet fits perfectly on the head, does not put pressure on the bridge of the nose and does not cause any negative sensations. Even with active and rapid head movements, the Rift does not slip, much less fall.

Build quality

The assembly is high quality. All parts fit tightly together. The fastenings are soft and comfortable, as is the foam padding.


Oculus couldn't help but release the Rift. This is the response to the model output HTC Vive, which managed to receive a number of high marks. Both devices have similar characteristics and compete for the same buyers.

A couple of years ago, Oculus dominated the fledgling VR market. However, other companies have not been sitting idly by, and the new Rift cv1 should at least confirm that Oculus is still among the leaders.

In its own product line, the Rift ranks at the top, being much more advanced and sophisticated than the Gear VR and Go models. High-quality displays and optics allow you to get a bright, clear picture. Using a PC significantly expands the capabilities of the device, without actually limiting the user in choosing content.


Main characteristics:

  • Two displays, each with a resolution of 1080×1200
  • 90Hz refresh rate
  • Viewing angle 110 degrees
  • Built-in headphones
  • 3x USB 3.0, 1x USB 2.0
  • Infrared sensor
  • Gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer


We were surprised by the light weight of the device. It seemed that a helmet equipped with its own displays and connected to a PC with a thick and rather rigid cable would weigh noticeably more. Fortunately, these fears were not confirmed. Rift weighs 250 grams.

The system of Velcro straps, although it looks bulky, distributes the weight of the helmet wonderfully. The Rift design can be considered successful.

Viewing angle

The total viewing angle is 110 degrees. This is quite enough to completely cover the entire field of view. Part of the image even remains in the peripheral zones.

Connectors and sensors

We have already mentioned sensors in the review. The device is equipped with a gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer and a separate infrared sensor.

Device Compatibility

The helmet is compatible with PCs running Windows 10. Detailed requirements for computers are available on the product website. However, we have already listed the most critical ones.

Equipment, appearance and design of the device

We were pleased with the packaging; it is thoughtful and suggests that the helmet will be periodically transferred between different locations. The kit comes in a fairly large cardboard box black color.

The box is equipped with a handle made of a thick cord, which itself retracts once you let it out of your hands. Inside are:

  • IR sensor
  • Remote control
  • Xbox One controller with two batteries
  • USB receiver for gamepad
  • USB extension cable
  • Plastic screwdriver
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Two logo stickers
  • Instructions

All elements of the set, including glasses, are painted black. The gamepad is wireless, it can be connected to a PC using a USB receiver. The kit is rich, I was especially pleased with the presence of batteries.

By the way, we were not able to plant them during the entire testing period.

The device looks unusual, primarily due to the fastening system. By the way, although the straps are very comfortable, they are unlikely to be quickly adjusted. You will have to tinker a little before you find the most comfortable position of the helmet on your head. At the back, the straps are connected into a small plastic triangle, on the surface of which IR sensors are located.

As for the design, it is typical for VR glasses. Oculus designers didn't reinvent anything new, but that doesn't mean the Rift looks boring. Quite the contrary. Black color and matte coating attract attention to him. High-quality materials emphasize the status of the model. The helmet is not cheap and this is noticeable even from its appearance.


A typical problem with many VR glasses is a poorly thought-out mounting system, which causes the device to fit poorly on the head and/or put pressure on certain parts of the face (most often the bridge of the nose). Another common drawback is the center of gravity being significantly shifted forward. Rift, fortunately, does not have these problems. You can leave the helmet on for several hours without experiencing any discomfort.

You get used to its presence on your head surprisingly quickly. Both the low weight of the device and the comfortable straps and headband have an impact. Compared to other VR headsets, the Rift doesn't really have any ergonomic issues.


There are practically no controls on the helmet itself. On the bottom of the body you can see a small mechanical lever, which is used to adjust the position of the eyepieces.

Probably, Oculus decided that other options for customizing the optical part were not needed. As mentioned above, it is not possible to adjust the focus.

Headphones are located on the sides on small guides. We liked the sound quality of them, but if you want to connect your own headphones or headset, they can be easily removed.

The helmet is controlled using external controllers. Firstly, you can use the included remote control with a small touch pad and several buttons. The remote control is small in size and equipped with a cord. Overall, we liked the touch controller. Its shape resembles a remote control for Apple TV.

You can also control the device using a wireless joystick for Xbox One. It also comes included. In general, almost any joystick that can be connected to a modern PC is suitable for control.

The least convenient, but still possible, scenario is to use a standard keyboard and mouse. For example, if the user’s interests primarily include watching 3D movies, then the mouse will be enough to stop and start playback.


No matter how technologically advanced and comfortable the new glasses are, they will be judged primarily by the quality of the picture. And Rift is unlikely to disappoint you. The immersion effect in the VR world is so strong that at first you even get scared.

The surrounding virtual reality is perceived, if not as real, then at least very similar to it. The effect is especially noticeable when watching 360 panoramic videos. The only thing missing is smells and tactile sensations.

Image quality

Oculus engineers managed to significantly improve image quality compared to previous model. Although the pixels are still visible upon close inspection, they do not affect the overall perception of the image. Each new firmware brings further improvements. From the looks of it, the Rift will have a fairly long life cycle.

The image is bright, juicy, with good level detail, clear. The quality is strikingly different from the picture that regular VR glasses that are not connected to a PC can produce. Perhaps, it is with the Rift that you should start getting acquainted with virtual reality. At the very least, the first experience will not disappoint. The center of the picture has better detail compared to the peripheral areas, where the image is not as clear.

Let us repeat that the pleasure of gameplay directly depends on the power of the computer. A PC with average specifications simply cannot cope with the load.

Since the possibilities for calibrating optics are very limited, you have to be content with software settings. All setup is carried out through the proprietary Oculus Windows application, which is automatically installed when you first connect to the PC.

With its help, you can change the brightness, improve sharpness, update video card drivers, enable or configure the optimal mode for playing games, or for watching videos. By the way, the control shell also receives regular updates.

In fact, we spent more time adjusting the straps than we did exploring Oculus Windows, as even on default settings the device delivers impressive visuals. Although the fastening system, consisting of three Velcro straps (two running along the sides, one over the head), seems simple, we had to tinker.

Unfortunately, the Rift is not very comfortable to use with glasses. We recommend either using glasses with small lenses and small frames, or wearing contact lenses.


But let's get back to the software. The proprietary application pleased us with its thoughtfulness and logical interface.

This is doubly nice, since almost all settings are made using it and, if you, for example, do not know how to turn down the brightness, Oculus Windows will quickly guide you to the right point.

When you connect for the first time, the program will most likely download fresh drivers for Windows 10, so we advise you not to turn off the Internet.

Interface and functionality

In addition to the settings for the VR helmet, the shell allows you to access the Oculus application store and the library of already installed programs. Navigating the store is fast, as is installing content. In some cases, you will need to additionally confirm your consent to installation. This is due to Windows security restrictions.

Compared to the confusing and illogical Oculus DK2, the new Oculus Windows seems to be simply the standard control application. The menu is well thought out and the interface is intuitive. In a helmet, the program becomes even more convenient than when used on a PC. Even a child can figure it out. It seems that Oculus took into account previous experience and made the most friendly shell possible.

What applications can be installed

Oculus offers a good selection of games; they are available in the company's application store and are distributed in several categories. The company actively attracts developers to the company's development, competing with HTC. In addition to games (by the way, at the end of the article we will present a list of titles we liked), numerous 360-degree videos and even several TV series were created for the Rift.

In addition to its own store, the device supports SteamVR. And although not all of the applications present on SteamVR are adapted to the Rift (the store is mainly focused on HTC Vive), you can easily find several dozen more games.

Here you can read reviews from other users, download demos and leave own comments. Before using applications from SteamVR, you must install additional software (available on the Steam website) and use it to calibrate. The procedure is extremely simple and fast.

Possible bugs and problems

Almost the only difficulty separating the owner of a brand new Rift from immersing himself in the world of VR is the connection to a computer. Oddly enough, many users do not know how to connect a helmet to a PC, forgetting about the IR sensor, without which the system will not receive data about the position of the helmet in space and its movements.

Rift connects to HDMI port video card and to the USB port. The IR sensor connects to the USB port. It is better to place the sensor itself on a table or on a separate stand so that it can cover the largest possible space.

Do not rush to put on a helmet immediately after connecting to the PC. First, complete the initial setup using Oculus Windows and install new drivers if necessary. In general, most image problems can be attributed to the use of outdated drivers video cards.

If you have problems with the accuracy of the IR sensor, try changing its location and perform the settings again using the application.

Lens care

The lenses do not require any special maintenance. Wipe them from time to time with a soft microfiber.

The gadget is completely unpretentious, despite its futuristic design. Try not to forget that you are “tethered” to the PC by cable. It is unlikely that a sharp jerk will break the cord, but knocking the computer off the table is quite possible.

Price and availability

Fift is not a cheap device. The helmet cost about $600 at the start of sales, but do not forget that for full use You also need a powerful PC. The total cost of a helmet and a new computer could easily reach $1,500 or more.

As for availability, there are no problems with purchasing the Rift. In American online stores its price is noticeably lower than in Russian retail.

Hello, dear readers. The Oculus company, which organized a fundraiser on Kickstarter for the release of the first VR headset, successfully completed the task.

The oculus rift dk1 model, although intended mainly for content developers, is also available to ordinary users. It can be ordered in online stores, purchased at online auctions, or tested at exhibitions dedicated to computer games.

And although the first version is nothing more than a pilot product, it allows you to imagine how the development of VR devices may go in the future.

The operating principle of Oculus Rift dk1 cannot be called revolutionary or unusual. Attempts to create VR headsets have been made in the past, but they have not had much success due to the relatively Low quality content, lack of computing power of personal computers and the significant weight of the devices themselves.

The helmet is equipped with sensors that allow you to track head turns. The image received on the glasses screen is synchronized with the rotation data. You look to the left, and the picture automatically rotates in the same direction.

The image is three-dimensional, a separate picture is formed for the left and right eyes, resulting in a stereo effect.

Looking ahead, we’ll immediately inform you that the device is not capable of tracking tilts. There are no corresponding sensors on its body, but there is no doubt that they will appear in subsequent models. So far in front of us trial version, and also created primarily for developers, as indicated by the abbreviation dk - development kit.

Model features

Since this is the first truly mass-produced VR headset, there is simply nothing to compare it with and, in fact, every solution implemented in it is special. Still, some things surprised us more than others.

Firstly, virtual reality glasses are very light. Despite its somewhat bulky design, the device is lightweight and puts virtually no pressure on the face and neck. This is definitely positive point. This is not to say that you can spend the whole day wearing a helmet, but an hour and a half of games fly by unnoticed.

Secondly, despite the DK prefix, the experience of communicating with the device turned out to be positive from the very beginning. Although not included installation disk with drivers, they can be downloaded from the Oculus website.

Process initial setup very fast, literally half an hour after unpacking we were able to launch the first demo. Moreover, we spent a good half of the time adjusting the belts and adjusting their size.

You can see reviews on the Internet that the device refused to work with earlier versions drivers, but this is more likely a compatibility issue with specific models video cards We have not encountered such a problem. In any case, before installation, we recommend downloading the latest drivers for your video card.

Thirdly, the device comes in a chic plastic case that can withstand more than one air flight.

Well, the most important thing is the image. Yes, it is not without its drawbacks and can cause dizziness, but the sensations that arise when you put on a VR headset for the first time are unforgettable and difficult to describe in words. Indeed, you find yourself in another reality, in another world, and it seems that the books of science fiction have become true, and the distant future has already arrived.

To use Rift, you need a PC with a powerful graphics card. It is the video card that will process the image, dividing it into two components - one for the right eye, and one for the left. On weak video cards, the picture will slow down, twitch, and the 3D effect will not appear.

In fact, buying a gaming computer or upgrading an existing one can become a significant expense item. You can read more about PC requirements on the Oculus website.

Housing materials and dimensions

The case is plastic and in this case this is a plus, because the lower the overall weight of the device, the more comfortable it is to play. In numerous photos, the Rift looks quite massive, but in reality its dimensions are not so noticeable. The manufacturer does not provide data on the dimensions of the device, but it can be compared to a scuba diver's mask. The weight of the model is 380 grams.

A soft foam pad is attached to the inside of the case. It is the one that fits to the face when the helmet is put on the head.

Build quality

We had no complaints about the build quality. Although the body is not monolithic, and the plastic itself is quite thin, nothing creaks or wobbles.


A device that can change, at a minimum, the world of digital entertainment - that's how we perceive the Rift.

The manufacturer describes it in similar words, positioning the helmet as the first mass-produced device for virtual reality. The attention to the helmet is enormous, which is confirmed not only by the success on Kickstarter, but also by the almost instantaneous sale of the entire first batch.

There is no doubt that other technology companies will also release their own models of VR glasses, but in any case, the Rift will remain the first headset for virtual reality and, most likely, will allow the emergence of a new market for VR devices.


The main parameters are as follows:

  • Screen size 7 inches
  • Resolution 1280×800 (image 640×800 for each eye)
  • Refresh rate 60Hz
  • Viewing angle 110 degrees
  • Latency 50-60 ms
  • Gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer


The weight of the device is 380 grams. This is noticeably less than the weight of a bicycle helmet, but the main problem is the location of the center of gravity. It's obviously very forward-biased, as all the electronics and screen are located at the front.

In order to avoid excess pressure on the bridge of the nose, you need to correctly adjust the straps that hold the helmet on your head. We advise you to spend some time on this so as not to be distracted from the game later.

Viewing angle

The viewing angle is 110 degrees. As practice has shown, this is quite enough even for dynamic games. You can always turn your head and look in the appropriate direction or even look back.

Connectors and sensors

There are no connectors on the device itself; they are all concentrated on the included adapter. One cable comes off the helmet and connects to the adapter.

In terms of sensors, the Rift comes with a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer. Let us repeat, the sensors are only capable of recording rotations, but not tilts.

Device Compatibility

Rift is compatible with Windows and Mac OS computers. Drivers and software are available on the Oculus website for popular versions operating systems.

Equipment, appearance and design of the device

The packaging deserves special mention. The helmet comes in a high-quality plastic case with a handle. The case is quite large, but light. The internal design is reminiscent of camera backpacks. The sections are made of foam rubber, which protects glasses and accessories from possible damage. The kit includes:

  • Control Box Adapter
  • Power adapter
  • Set of adapters for sockets
  • HDMI->DVI cable
  • Set of replacement lenses
  • Microfiber

The set can be considered exhaustive. Replaceable lenses allow the helmet to be used by both people with normal vision (lens A) and people with myopia (lenses B and C). This kind of concern for users pleases us. The process of changing lenses is completely simple.

The helmet looks unusual and is difficult to compare with any other household device. On the front panel, behind which the electronics and display with eyepieces are hidden, there is the name of the device and two broken lines forming sharp corners. By the way, similar lines are present on the case. There are fastenings with straps on the sides. Another strap goes across the top.


Thanks to the foam padding, the helmet fits snugly to the face, but does not press or cause discomfort.

The main thing is to adjust the straps so that the Rift fits comfortably on your head and does not put pressure. In the first few minutes, its weight is practically not felt, but if the straps are poorly tightened or, on the contrary, overtightened, your head will quickly begin to get tired.

The front part can be moved forward a little. This will increase the number free space inside, which can be useful if you want to use the helmet with glasses. However, glasses with large frames most likely will not fit inside.


The helmet lacks controls, which can be considered a drawback. For example, a volume control and an on/off button would be nice. However, for the first device such shortcomings are forgivable.

But control buttons are present on the Control Box adapter. It has a power button and can be used to calibrate brightness and contrast. The adapter also contains all the necessary connectors - Micro-USB, HDMI, DVI, power connector. The dimensions of the adapter are comparable to the size of the router. It is small and does not take up much space on the table.

There are no special external controllers included. Inside the game, the action is performed either by turning the head or using a regular mouse/keyboard. If desired, you can use wireless joystick, for example, from Xbox, or purchase a set of Leap Motion controllers, capable of capturing the movements of not only hands, but also fingers.


There were a lot of expectations for the Rift DK1, and a significant part of them related to the image in one way or another. Even before the first version went on sale, it was known that the device would only be able to recognize turns, but not tilts, and that a powerful gaming computer, and that one can only dream about moving around the room. However, the main interest was caused by the picture and the ability of the helmet to create a 3D effect.

Image quality

The first thing we would like to say is that the pixels are distinguishable and easy to notice. Obviously, the total screen resolution is not enough to make them poorly distinguishable. But you quickly stop paying attention to the pixels.

Otherwise, we were completely delighted. In the first minutes you simply refuse to believe that this is possible. Sensors accurately detect head turns, and the image in the helmet instantly changes depending on which direction the helmet is turned.

We watched several 3D movies and 360 videos and were pleased with the picture quality. When using quality headphones, the immersion effect is further enhanced.

It is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy a 3D picture for a long time. We must admit that the eyes get tired quite quickly. But it’s unlikely that anyone seriously expected that one could sit in the Rift for hours.

To focus, use the set of lenses included in the kit. You can also extend the front panel a little to gain more space inside or to put the image further away from your eyes.

Before connecting the helmet to your computer, you need to install drivers. To do this, you need to visit the Oculus website and select the appropriate version shell Oculus Configuration Utility. After the program is downloaded and installed, the device will be automatically detected when connected.

As for the initial setup, it is very simple. You must select the appropriate item in the Configuration Utility menu, and then turn the helmet in different directions several times while holding it in your hands.


Oculus Configuration Utility provides tools for Rift settings. The utility is quite functional, although it cannot be said that it contains many menu items. You can figure it out very quickly. If you don't start the most latest version Configuration Utility, we recommend installing an earlier version.

What applications can be installed

At the time of release, not all games worked correctly with a VR helmet, which, however, is not surprising. Oculus specifically released the DK version to introduce developers to the capabilities of the device and help them create new content.

However, Rift owners were not left completely without games. We will provide a list of the most interesting applications at the end of the review. For correct launch Some games may require special drivers.

In addition to games, 3D and panoramic videos are available.

An interesting point: the image that a person wearing a VR headset sees can also be broadcast to a nearby monitor.

Possible bugs and problems

During testing, we did not encounter any typical bugs. Yes, not all applications were displayed correctly on the helmet display, but, probably, new drivers and software will help solve this problem.

Lens care

Caring for your lenses involves periodically wiping them with microfiber.

The helmet does not require any special maintenance. In fact, this is another gaming accessory, peacefully standing nearby from PC along with joysticks and gaming steering wheel. The DK version is clearly not designed to be used for moving around the room.

The cable is not very long, and the device is not capable of tracking the user’s movements in space. Optimal use scenario: sitting in front of the computer, with a mouse or joystick in hand.

Price and availability

The prices are the same interesting story. Due to significant excitement, the first batch, sold on the official Oculus website for $300, was sold out within 5 minutes after the start of sales. In American retail and online stores, the device can be purchased for $400.


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As the blog filled up, I realized that this whole huge amount of information about various devices virtual reality needs to be structured in one place. It serves precisely this purpose this page. On it, just below, I will not only publish all the main and important information about the virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift , which is available today, but I will also try to keep it up to date by editing changed information and adding, closer to the end of the pages, fresh and actual news. If you haven’t found the answer to a question, write in the comments, thereby you will not only get the answer to this question, but also help other sufferers find it in the future, on this page. So, as Gagarin said - Let's go.

To begin with, in case you wandered here knowing absolutely nothing about virtual reality in general and about the Oculus Rift in particular (and even in the USA, according to recent estimates, about 60-70% of gamers do), I propose to briefly get acquainted with this phenomenon , which has been exciting the minds of many people for a couple of years now. To do this, you should refer to an article specially written for this purpose, which clearly explains. After that, we move on. The hero of this page is virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift and everything about it.

A Brief History of Oculus Rift

Let's start from the beginning. With how it all began. Here I will notice that The history of virtual reality of the 21st century begins with the Oculus Rift. It’s not for nothing that I mentioned the 21st century. Attempts to assemble such a device were made much earlier, even before 2000. However, the development of technology did not make it possible to assemble a decent device and they only caused laughter and were not very popular. Until two comrades, Palmer Luckey and John Carmack, remembered such a project in 2011, it was they who later became the leaders of the Oculus VR company.

One of the first virtual reality devices of the 20th century

In August 2012, a Kickstarter campaign was created to raise money to develop and build the first version of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. The public was even presented with a working prototype of the device, which was called Oculus Rift Developer Kit 1 (DK1). The campaign attracted so much attention that in just 4 hours the entire required amount of 250 thousand US dollars. But the collection was not stopped, and over the next 30 days, about 9.5 thousand people invested their money in the device, collecting total about 2.5 million dollars. Looking ahead a little, I’ll mention that.

In October 2013, an improved version of the Oculus Rift for developers, called Oculus Rift Developer Kit 2 (DK2). The new product has acquired more high-quality display from Samsung (later these companies collaborated several more times). It is worth noting that both DK1 and DK2 could be bought by anyone; you did not have to be a developer.

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In March 2014, seeing the wild popularity of the device, Oculus VR is being acquired by the social giant - Facebook. Its leader saw the future in virtual reality technology. After the purchase, significant funds were invested in development.

And already in September 2014 it was released a new version virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift Crescent Bay. Having received a lot of changes relative to its ancestors, it was already more similar to the final version of the device, which soon went on sale.

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The name of this final one, on this moment, device - Oculus Rift Consumer Version (CV1). The first sales began on January 6, 2016, but more on that below in the text.

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Oculus Rift Specifications

I think it's worth bringing characteristics of all Oculus Rift models, and to make it easier to navigate through them, I format them in a summary comparative table.

Characteristics of different versions of Oculus Rift

Parameter Oculus Rift DK1Oculus Rift DK2Oculus Rift CV
Display resolution (per eye)Pixels640x800960x10801080x1200
FrequencyHz60 75 90
Responsems5 2 2
Viewing angleDegree90 100 100
Sensors Gyroscope

Oculus Rift applicability

Initially, starting with DK1, the Osulus Rift was positioned as an entertainment device only. It was proposed to be used in virtual reality games and watch movies. But the further this issue was worked out, the more all sorts of competitors and partners became involved in this matter. The more it became clear that games are far from the only area of ​​application for virtual reality devices. Currently, they are already used in medicine, business and education. And I only mentioned what immediately came to my mind. In fact, there are much more areas of application, and someday I will study this issue more closely and write an article.

Oculus Rift price

So how much does such joy cost? To date, Oculus Rift price is $600. Plus, to use it you will need to assemble enough powerful computer, with a price tag of about 1000 US dollars. Of course, we are talking about assembling from scratch. For example, I already have a fairly powerful car, which passes exactly the bottom bar of system Oculus requirements Rift. Some may have to purchase only a video card.

Oculus Rift computer requirements

In other words, it's better to make sure to know for sure. In general, the recommended system requirements for Oculus Rift are:

  • Video card NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290
  • Intel i5-4590 processor
  • RAM 8GB
  • HDMI 1.3 video connector
  • Connectors on system unit 3x USB 3.0 ports 1x USB 2.0 port
  • OS Windows 7 SP1 64

But, I would venture to suggest that few people are able to immediately, offhand, say that its filling is more powerful and cooler than those recommended. Still, this is not information that is worth memorizing and memorizing. Realizing this fact, Oculus VR has released a program that allows you to check. I’ll deviate a little from this particular helmet, and I’ll advise you to additionally use it for their helmet. Unlike Okulusovskaya, it tests more specifically, at the level of more or less real performance, and not just the presence of hardware.

Device and Russia

To date, there is no official delivery of Oculus Rift to Russia. And pre-orders too. It is only available in the following countries:

USA, UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan.

Pre-order Oculus Rift

As I said, pre-orders for the Oculus Rift started on January 6, 2016. Literally in a few minutes, we crushed the whole batch devices. However, based on the principle of placing orders, the delivery itself will only take place in August 2016.

Those who pre-ordered before April received two games as a gift - and Eve: Valkire. To date, only the first game is included, which is an arcade game about a little fox, in the style of “Mario” in virtual reality.

Oculus Rift equipment

Complete with Oculus helmet The Rift comes with an Xbox One gamepad, a built-in Oculus Remote, headphones, and a sensor for easily tracking the helmet's position in space. And, as stated above, the game Lucky’s Tale.

About the disadvantages of the Oculus Rift package

The device does not do without a fly in the ointment. The next paragraph is solely my personal opinion, formed from observing the situation around the Oculus Rift from the outside. In an effort to quickly enter the market, be the first and skim the most delicious cream from customers, the Oculus VR company threw a crude and unfinished device onto the market. This is evidenced by a number of serious mistakes.

The helmet, in its current configuration, does not have any, whose release is planned in the second half of 2016, of course additional fee. Now the package includes a gamepad from Xbox One.

In addition, in addition to the missing controllers, the helmet offers a rather reduced version of tracking the user’s position in space. It is not capable of creating a “play zone” like its competitor, in which it loses greatly.

Already today, there is something that uses the capabilities of controllers and such a Room Scale system. So these two shortcomings greatly affect the number of quality games on the Oculus Rift system.

The situation should partially improve when Oculus Touch and Oculus VR's user tracking system go on sale, but the question of the price of these elements remains an open question.

Oculus Rift release date

IN currently, Oculus Rift can only be purchased by pre-ordering or from resellers (see information above). The assembly lines are filled with orders and the company does not have time to fulfill them due to a shortage of components. There is no information about the availability of Oculus Rift in retail stores yet. This is unlikely to happen before August-September, since it is for this period that prepaid orders are now accepted. In other words, closer to August, the factory lines will be so unloaded that there will be “surplus” helmets. There is no information about the start date of sales in Russia yet.

The most interesting games for Oculus Rift

Due to a number of circumstances, I will be publishing here a list of virtual reality games for Oculus Rift that I have on my website. List of interesting games for Oculus Rift does not claim to be complete, some of them may have escaped my attention or are awaiting their turn. In addition, it is worth understanding that this is exclusively my “IMHO”, and my opinion may differ from your taste.

Games worth paying attention to:

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Latest Oculus Rift news

The Oculus VR company has customers. Explained by the absence of an important helmet component on the assembly line, they compensated free shipping. In total, the entire queue has been delayed by about a month.

The owners, because even the most expensive model, too weak for games and virtual reality applications.

A Japanese startup based on Oculus Rift allows you to be close to your loved ones even when you can't be near them.

Oculus Rift is probably the most famous virtual reality headset. Back in 2012, he raised $2.5 million on Kickstarter. And since then he has not disappeared from the pages of tech blogs. It is also worth recalling that one of the founders of the campaign is the legendary John Carmack(developer of Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, Quake). And on March 25, 2014, Oculus was acquired by Facebook for $2 billion.

While development kits have long been sent out to Kickstarter backers, the helmet is currently only available for limited pre-orders. But already in the first quarter of 2016 it will finally hit store shelves. What will he be like?

What’s interesting is that it should come with two types of controllers out of the box. The first is a regular wireless controller from Xbox.

But the second controller is much more interesting. These are special devices for each hand that track the position of the hands and fingers. They are able to recognize not only arm movements, but even hand and finger movements, such as pointing, waving, or thumbing. Each controller has an analog stick, two buttons, a mushroom and vibration feedback.

Oculus Rift will also work with Windows 10. And from the console, you can stream games to your helmet. A sort of observer mode - Brann Stark is behind the shoulder of the player - Hodor. You can look around, turn your head in all directions, but only the player can influence the gameplay.

In general, Oculus VR allocated as much as $10 million to support developers, so that the market would be filled with good games with Oculus support by the time sales start. The following games are promised to start selling helmets: Eve Valkyrie, Chronos, Edge of Nowhere, Damage Core, VR Sports Challenge, Esper, AirMechVR and Lucky’s Tale.

Also, in addition to games, entire interactive films are already being developed for the Oculus Rift, which will allow the viewer to feel literally in the center of the action. It's hard to imagine what it would look like with a helmet on, but you can imagine some really cool videos. Here is a video about an animated film for virtual reality headsets already presented in Hollywood, which will come with Oculus out of the box.

The consumer version of Oculus will have two OLED displays high resolution, so no pixels or blues effect will be visible. A special tracker will track the position of the head in space and provide precise immersion into the virtual world with a 360-degree view. The helmet also comes with built-in headphones, but it remains possible to connect your own headset. In addition, just like in the developer kit, the custom version will come with additional lenses that will allow you to customize the helmet for yourself.

Oculus virtual reality glasses are the most common and popular device that immerses users in a full three-dimensional space. At their core, glasses are more of a full-fledged helmet, containing a number of different sensors and sensors that react to the behavior of players and, accordingly, display our actions in virtual world. There are also built-in headphones and a microphone, but first things first.
Answering the question of how the Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet works, one cannot help but say that it completely eclipses reality, filling the human vision area with digital space. The technology is equipped with mechanisms that ensure minimum time response to user actions, and provides us with a field of view of 110 degrees. For each eye there is a special stereoscopic three-dimensional display, which, in combination with high-quality lenses, takes us into the world of modern computer games.
Start using Oculus Rift, description and specifications which will be presented below, it is necessary to unpack the purchase and install a special software.

The helmet is configured by adjusting parameters such as:

  • interlens distance;
  • placement of an infrared sensor;
  • determining user growth parameters;
  • magnetometer calibration;
  • adjustment of the straps for the most comfortable placement of the device on the head.

In order to fully use the full potential of the helmet in modern serious gaming projects, you need to initially run various test applications that will help determine whether all settings are made correctly. And after that you can set off to destroy the enemies of our planet, conquer new worlds and explore fantastic spaces.
Many modern computer and console game development companies have released especially for Oculus Rift major projects, in which VR technology is 100% supported. Among the most memorable products of modern game development we can recall:

  • Eve: Valkyrie is an exclusive development for Oculus from CCP Games;
  • Half-Life 2 – a port fully adapted for VR devices the most famous game from Valve;
  • Doom 3 BFG Edition is the very first Oculus VR exclusive from ID Software.

Of course, there are also a lot of lesser-known projects that deserve special attention, which you can get acquainted with while using VR glasses from Oculus.

Characteristics of Oculus Rift glasses

The technical parameters of Oculus set them apart from their analogues, since it was the developers of these glasses who tried to release a truly universal device that would be optimally suited for the maximum range of users.

Oculus Rift has the following characteristics:

  • nominal viewing angle: 100 degrees;
  • Screen resolution: 1080*1200 pixels (for each eye);
  • response time to user actions: 3 ms;
  • refresh rate: 1000 Hz (built-in tracker) and 60 Hz (tracker built into the camera);
  • weight: 450 grams;
  • sensors present: gyroscope, magnetometer, infrared sensor, accelerometer.

Oculus glasses, among other things, have built-in high-quality headphones and a microphone, which overall makes them a real VR headset, allowing you not only to enjoy detailed images and soft but clear sound, but also to communicate with your gaming companions. By the way, we must not forget about the presence of a special bundled joystick and control panel, which have an ergonomic shape and provide full functionality for using all the available capabilities of console and computer game projects.

Advantages over other models

Built-in audio system.

Access to the Quill community.


Best controllers On the market.

Located inside the helmet to control position

The most important characteristic that determines the quality of a VR device is the viewing angle, since the depth of immersion in the virtual space. And Oculus, unlike a similar development by Sony - the Project Morpheus system - has a higher screen resolution. Accordingly, the gaming sensations are more rich and varied.

Are you familiar with the problem when, to turn your head, even if you have a virtual reality helmet, you had to manipulate the joystick or keyboard? Oculus Rift does not have this problem - to turn in the game you do not need to press extra buttons, all the work is performed by special infrared and other sensors that respond to human head movements. Some users, who often compare Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, claim that the latter wins because they allow you to feel even more immersed in a fantasy world. This feeling occurs after you start a game that involves physically moving around space. But there is also a certain nuance that neutralizes all the advantages - for HTC Vive you will need not only to install it indoors optional equipment(Lighthouse station), but also to allocate space free from furniture, which is unacceptable for most residents of small apartments. In addition, no one has canceled the factor of fatigue from constant movement, whereas in Oculus you can sit comfortably in a chair and enjoy the process without unnecessary stress. Access to the Quill community. The best controllers on the market. Sensors for position control are located inside the helmet.

System requirements and compatibility

According to statistics, most modern gamers use home computers as the main means of running projects, but developers from Oculus have also provided Oculus Rift compatibility with consoles.
The device has the following requirements for the computer:

  • video card: Nvidia GTX 970 (or higher) / Radeon 290 (or higher);
  • processor: Intel 4590 (or higher);
  • RAM: at least 8 Gb;
  • Availability HDMI output 1.3;
  • presence of two USB 3.0 ports;
  • software: not lower than Windows 7.

If your personal computer boasts of having all of the above characteristics, then

you will be able to enjoy the gameplay without any problems. In this case, you can use medium or high settings, it all depends on the individual parameters of your system.
Players with consoles, as always, have better luck in terms of compatibility - Oculus Rift is compatible not only with modern platform Xbox One, but also allows you to run games on previous generation consoles. As for the owners of the Sony platform, another device was created for them, so they will not be able to use Oculus.

Interface and device

Oculus virtual reality glasses are designed in such a way as to instantly capture any movements of the user’s head and respond to button presses on the remote control or joystick. Movement data is transmitted to the gaming platform through a special infrared sensor, which is installed in front of us in advance before the start of the gameplay. The glasses and sensor are connected via HDMI output to the video card or console, after which the software is downloaded and launched user interface. All sounds are transmitted through the built-in headphones, which you can easily remove and use with another headset.

There is also a universal microphone through which you can easily talk with friends while playing. Lenses for Oculus Rift are a special pride of the developer, since they are a technological novelty and are not found in any other glasses. Special Fresnel lenses not only provide high-quality picture, but serve as a tool that can be fully customized. You can adjust image sharpness, contrast and determine optimal position vertically-horizontally, so that Oculus can safely be called universal device, which is suitable for every player.

As for the main element of the interface, all applications and games for Oculus are launched through proprietary software - the Oculus Store. It has several recommended products and sections that feature all the games available for download and upcoming projects. SteamVR also supports Oculus technology, although this digital platform was originally intended for its direct competitor, HTC Vive. This application will require you to carry out additional calibration and configuration of the sensors, after which the presented projects will contain a “Play in VR” button during launch.

Overall, Oculus 3D glasses are an excellent digital gadget that is definitely worth the money. If you want to enjoy virtual universes and make the most of available options to study them, then this development will be a real discovery for you!

Equipment and peripheral devices

    Built-in sensors:
  • accelerometers, vibration motor for additional feedback
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth
  • Used for control special buttons, joysticks and triggers
  • The vibration motors in each controller feel powerful, producing a subtle vibration when you select a weapon and a noticeable shake to the controller when you fire.