New features of Windows 7. Windows Update. New playback modes

Advantages Windows are great, and there is no need to list them again. IN currently A computer or laptop user cannot do without a modern and reliable operating system. When working with Windows due attention is required quick ways access to various tools. Secrets that reduce your time working with Windows 7.

1. Window operations Windows 7 makes it easier to manage windows: a window can be attached to any side of the screen just by dragging it to the desired edge; If you move the window to the top border of the screen, it will automatically expand. And when double click on the top or lower limit, the window will expand vertically to fill the entire screen. It is also possible to do all of the above with the usual combinations keyboard keys, which did not exist before: Win + left arrow or Win + right arrow - attach the window to the edge Win + up arrow or Win + down arrow - expand and restore/collapse the window; Win + Shift + Up Arrow or Win + Shift + Down Arrow - Expand and Restore vertical size window.
2. Display the image on the projector. When you press the Win + P combination, the following window will appear in front of you, in which you can select the desired mode for displaying the image on the projector and start the demonstration! The same application is also available from the Command Line - you need to run the displayswitch.exe command. And if you press Win + X, you can get even more flexible control over the presentation using Windows Mobility Center. This application will allow you to enable presentation mode, in which all IM clients will switch to standby mode and will not interfere with the presentation (the screensaver is turned off, neutral desktop wallpaper is set, etc.).
3. Get rid of unnecessary programs Do you work with documents? Numerous people get in the way open windows at the Work Station? Now there is no need to close unnecessary this moment application, you just need to press Win + Home and all currently inactive windows will be minimized, otherwise. where you work will remain. Pressing Win + Home again will return the windows to their original position.
4. Manage windows on multiple monitors Using combinations Win keys+ Shift + left/right arrow you can move windows from one monitor to another, while maintaining the original position of the window relative to the left top corner monitor screen.
5. Dedicated to command line fans. At one time, the “Open Command Prompt Here” function was quite popular, which allowed you to use graphical shell to view folders file system and then use the context menu to launch the command line from the current working folder. IN Windows 7, if you press Shift when opening context menu file, you can select similar item. If the current work folder is a network drive, the function will automatically connect the network drive.
6. Choose wallpaper for your country B Windows 7 Among the wallpapers offered by the system there is a set corresponding to the country selected during installation Windows. If you chose the USA when installing, then, by default, you will be offered to enjoy views of Crater Lake in Oregon, Arches National Park and the beach in the Hawaiian Islands. In general, the system provides several thematic sets of wallpapers installed based on the language you have chosen, but these wallpapers are located in a special hidden folder. If you are interested, you can look at these wallpapers in the C:WindowsGlobalizationMCT folder, where there are wallpapers for each individual country in the Wallpapers folder. To view all wallpapers for a selected country, simply double-click on the theme file in the Theme folder. It is worth noting that at the moment some countries have an identical set of wallpapers, but by the time of release each country will have its own.
7. Use debugging tools Windows 7 has the Problem Steps Recorder utility, which serves for feedback from OS developers. It is a simple tool for capturing images from the monitor screen with the ability to annotate the images. Once you click Record, the app starts monitoring signals from your mouse and your keyboard and takes screenshots that you can attach your comments to. As soon as you stop recording, the program will save all captured images in a ZIP file, which contains an HTML page with the sequence of your actions. You can launch the program by entering in the search field in Start menu combination "psr".
8. Tools for working with C fonts Windows 7 eliminated the Add Fonts dialog box that we had been working with for about twenty years. Now installing fonts has become even easier, as an “Install” button has been added to the font viewing applet. Also, many other font features were added to the new OS, including grouping several font styles, the ability to hide fonts based on regional settings, new mechanism font visualization built into the DirectWrite API, and support for displaying more than four font writing styles in the font settings dialog.
9. New font Windows 7 contains new font Gabriola, developed by Tiro Typeworks, which supports OpenType Layout, allowing for many stylistic variations in the writing of this font:

10. Speed ​​up browser loading and Internet pages Explorer supports new add-ons. New tool Add-on management will allow you to determine how much time is spent loading add-ons. To launch, open the Tools ->Manage Add-ons menu and then scroll to the right to see the add-ons loading time.

11. Customizing the order of icons Icons on the new taskbar Windows 7 do not have a fixed location. You can reorganize them to suit your needs, regardless of whether we are talking about shortcuts or open applications. Once you have configured the layout of the icons to your liking, the first five of them can be opened by pressing the keyboard Win combinations+ 1, Win + 2, Win + 3, Win + 4, Win + 5. It’s a pleasant surprise that you can now drag and drop icons in the tray by simply moving the mouse.
12. Install the system from a USB drive If you copy the entire contents of the ISO image of the installation disk Windows 7 on USB flash drive 2.0, the installation process will be faster than installing from a DVD. It should be noted here that Windows 7 is much better suited for netbooks than any other operating system: it requires less hard drive space and uses less RAM than Windows Vista, while being able to be optimized to run on solid state drives(for example, it disables disk defragmentation, since in this case random access and sequential access read performance is the same, and file deletion is handled differently to reduce wear on the SSD).
13. Reanimate the panel Quick Launch Surely you noticed that in new system The Qiuck Launch panel has disappeared. Now a set of shortcuts for quick launch applications, previously allocated to a separate panel, is built right into new panel tools. If this circumstance upsets you, then the problem can be solved, however, by using the registry and spending a little time. You need to do the following: - Right-click on the taskbar and select Toolbar->New Toolbar; - In the folder selection dialog, enter userprofile%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launch and click OK. - Disable “Lock the Toolbar” and right-click on the separator. - Make sure that the “Show Text” and “Show Title” items are disabled and set the display mode to “Small icons”. - Use the divider to adjust the relative positions of the panels and then pin the taskbar.
14. Quick access to Jump List functions - new feature system that provides users fast access to application functions. Pop-up lists have replaced the right-click context menu in the new taskbar; another way to access this list (especially convenient for those users who work on Windows 7 on a one-button MacBook) is to drag the mouse cursor over an application icon on the taskbar while holding down the right mouse button. This method was developed for devices such as the HP TouchSmart that require touch input. The pulling method is also applicable in address bar IE8, where a similar action opens a list containing items from the History, Favorites lists and values ​​similar to the entered string.

15. Support for standards It is already known that WordPad and Paint in Windows 7 adopted the ribbon interface from Office, but not many people know that in addition to the interface, WordPad “learned” to read and write not only file format from Word 2007 - Office OpenXML, but also the OpenDocument specification promoted by IBM and Sun. Features of Windows 7

Before going into detail learning Windows 7 we will consider the main features of the operating system that simplify the user’s interaction with a personal computer.

Components user interface Windows 7 consists of windows with controls, a taskbar and a context menu, and the main input devices are a mouse, keyboard, joystick (if the computer uses touch screen, then the input medium is the display, which converts pressing or touching the screen into a command).

Windows 7 introduces full multi-touch technology for the first time. Function Windows Touch available in Windows releases 7: Home Advanced, Professional and Ultimate.

1. Desk

When Windows 7 starts, the desktop appears on the screen. The desktop is the main window of the graphical user environment (graphical user interface). Default in Windows configuration 7 is displayed on the desktop background image and only one icon (Trash).

If necessary, icons and shortcuts for programs, folders and files, as well as gadgets (mini-applications that are distributed for free, for example, Windows gadgets Media Center or for weather forecasts presented in Fig., etc.). In Windows 7, gadgets can be placed anywhere on the desktop.


While working, the desktop displays running programs And open folders, which cover the background image of the table with icons and gadgets.

To change the desktop interface, themes are used that include background picture backgrounds, window color, sounds and screensaver. The Windows 7 operating system offers following topics: basic (simplified and classic), contrasting and Aero.

To enable a theme, right-click on the desktop and select Personalization from the context menu. Thus, Windows 7 allows you to customize your desktop with new themes, slide shows, and gadgets.

2. Search menu

In Windows 7 you can do quick search(Windows Search) more documents, videos, images and music. When you type your search query into the Search programs and files search box in the Start menu, you will immediately see a list of matching documents found on your computer.


One of the main purposes of the taskbar is to switch between open applications. The taskbar consists of the following components: the Start button, the application icon area combined with the Quick Launch bar, the notification area, the Minimize all windows button, which is used both for minimizing windows and for preview desktop using Aero effect Peek.


Aero function Peek in Windows 7 like X-rays, which allow you to see through the contents of all open windows on your desktop. Aero Peek allows you to temporarily peek your desktop (view your desktop background, icons, and gadgets) underneath all open application windows when you hover your mouse over the Minimize All Windows button located on the right side of the taskbar.

It should be noted that when you click on the button with the left mouse button, the windows are minimized. When you click again, the windows expand. To enable the Aero Peek feature, in the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, select the “Use Aero Peek to preview your desktop” checkbox.

Pinning apps on the taskbar. The taskbar displays icons by default Internet applications Explorer, Player Windows Media and Explorer. When you launch other applications, corresponding icons will also appear on the taskbar, and when you close them, the icons will disappear.

For quick start application programs they can be pinned to the taskbar. To do this, right-click the application icon from the desktop to the taskbar (the Paint and Word icons are pinned to the taskbar, a screenshot of which is shown in Fig.

View thumbnails of open application windows. When you select the “Always group, hide labels” option in the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, open windows will be grouped on the taskbar. If you hover your mouse over a minimized program icon while the Aero theme is enabled, a group of miniature windows (thumbnails) of app window previews will be displayed.

To view thumbnails of open windows, hover your mouse over the application's taskbar icon. To temporarily show a hidden window in full screen mode, hover your mouse over its thumbnail in the taskbar, and when you left-click on the thumbnail, the window will appear permanently. Open application windows can be closed either in the maximized state or in thumbnail preview mode.


It should be noted that open applications are also highlighted in open applications a frame is displayed around the icon (from Fig. it follows that the Explorer, Paint, Word and Mozilla programs are open). The number of frames around the icon corresponds to the number of open application windows (from Fig. it follows that in Word application Three windows are open, and the Explorer, Paint, Mozilla applications have one window each).

Jump Lists is a new feature in Windows 7. If you right-click on the icon in the taskbar, the Jump List will open. Each application has its own jump list. This feature allows you to quickly jump to frequently used documents or latest files(Fig.


The notification area displays the following icons by default: “Show hidden icons", Network, Speakers, Help Center, Power (laptop only) and Clock. The “Show hidden icons” pop-up window (Fig. displays the icons of all other programs that should be displayed in the notification area.


4. Working with windows

To work with windows, Windows 7 uses functions called Aero Shake and Aero Snap. Aero Shake function. The Aero Shake function allows you to minimize all open windows except the window that is shaken by the mouse. To do this, you need to position the mouse pointer on the title bar of the application window and, while holding down left button mouse, quickly move the mouse manipulator left - right or up - down, i.e. shake it. When you shake the mouse again, all minimized windows will return to their original position.

Aero Snap function. The Snap feature provides rapid change resize open windows by dragging them to the edges of the screen. If you place the mouse pointer on the title bar of an application window and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag the window to the left or right edge of the screen, it will take up exactly half of the user's desktop. To maximize a window, you need to drag it with the mouse by the title bar to the top of the screen; when the mouse cursor reaches the top of the screen, the window will expand.

5. Libraries

By Windows default 7 contains a new component (Libraries), which includes libraries such as: Videos, Documents, Images, Music. In addition to the listed libraries, you can add other libraries to the Libraries component or create your own own library, adding content from various sources.

A library is similar to a traditional folder, but unlike a folder, a library is not tied to specific folders on the hard drive; it contains links to files and folders scattered throughout the hard drive or across the Home network.

In other words, the Library collects and combines content of similar subjects (folders and files) in one place, regardless of the medium on which it is actually stored. Libraries appear in the Explorer navigation bar ( Windows Explorer).


As follows from the screenshot Fig., the Documents library combines five places. If you left-click on the “5 places” inscription, the Path to the “Documents” library window will open, in which you can connect folders with documents stored in other places on the computer.

Windows Media Center has been significantly improved, with a new interface and additional functions. Windows Media Center is designed for viewing videos, images, TV, movies recorded on DVD and listening to music (Fig.


Universal Windows player Media Player 12 (Figure can be used to search and play media files located on a computer or network, play CDs and DVDs, and stream media from the Internet. You can also rip music from audio CDs, burn music to CDs, synchronize multimedia files with a portable device.


Windows 7 has a mini-player that appears when you select Play from the context menu of an audio file.

8. Remote media streaming

Media streaming lets you stream music, pictures, and videos to computers and media devices connected to your home network, as well as receive multimedia from other computers and devices.

In addition, Windows Media Player 12 allows you to streaming multimedia with home computer to another computer connected to the Internet.

To ensure streaming multimedia via the Internet, you need to open the Stream list in the player and select the command “Allow access via the Internet to your home multimedia library” (Fig. or “Enable media streaming”.


9. Home group

In Windows 7, there are four types of network location: Home, Work, Public, Domain. Homegroup allows you to solve the problem of sharing files and printers on your home network. If you connect two or more computers running Windows control 7 then home group will allow you to configure automatic general access other users to the Video, Documents, Images, Music libraries.

10. Standard Windows applications (WordPad, Paint)

The following have been updated in Windows 7: standard applications like Paint and WordPad. These applications have new features and interfaces similar to those of Office 2007 applications.

11. Internet Explorer 8

Windows 7 uses new version Internet browser Explorer 8, which has a number of new features.

12. Supports computers with 32- and 64-bit processors

Almost all editions of Windows 7 include 32- and 64-bit software and supports computers with both 32-bit and 64-bit processors. But 64-bit versions of Windows 7 allow you to take advantage of newer computer models. Computers with 64-bit processors allow you to process more information.

13. Improved performance

Windows 7 provides faster sleep and recovery times, reduced memory consumption, and faster detection of USB devices.

Windows 7 makes it easy to browse and connect to available networks. To do this, click the Network icon on the taskbar. The “View available networks” function (Fig. displays all available options wireless and wired connections.


15. Updated Explorer window (Windows Explorer)

The popular and main means of accessing files and folders in Windows 7 is Explorer or Windows Explorer. You can quickly launch the Explorer window (Fig. by clicking on the “Explorer” icon on the left side of the taskbar. All operations in the Explorer window are carried out using the toolbar and context menu commands.


On the left side of Explorer there is a navigation panel that displays four groups: Favorites, Libraries, Computer, and Network. The document preview mode in Explorer, which is activated by the "Show preview area" button, is intended for searching text document. You can easily create a folder in Explorer by using the New Folder button on the toolbar.

Microsoft has released new operating system. It presents many possibilities, both for ordinary users computers and for professionals. Like the earlier ones OS Windows 7 has its advantages and disadvantages.

In this article we will look at what opportunities appeared in Windows 7.

Windows 7 now has Aero Peek on the desktop. Aero Peek lets you view your desktop through open windows. It also makes it possible to find a window that is open but hidden behind other windows.

IN Windows versions up to 7, you could collapse it all by clicking on the icon that was in the quick launch panel. IN Windows 7 Instead of using this icon, to view the worker, just hover your mouse over the new “glass” rectangular panel; it is located near the clock, glued to the taskbar and separated by a strip. When you hover the mouse, all open windows become transparent, after moving the mouse away the windows become visible again. In order to minimize all open windows, just click on the rectangle; clicking again will expand the windows.

Another possibility can be noted in Windows 7 It is possible to view any windows while hiding all others for a while. This can be done by hovering your mouse over the right application in the taskbar, after which a thumbnail of the application will appear on the screen above the taskbar. Worth noting if you have multiple windows open this application then a thumbnail will appear for everyone to temporarily view the application window in Full Screen you just need to hover your mouse over the thumbnail.

Another very important advantage Windows 7- This is Windows XP Mode. This component is based on the new Virtual versions PC and provides seamless integration with Windows XP applications. The problem with Windows Vista was that many applications were not compatible with it. And Windows 7 with the new Windows XP Mode allows you to run Windows applications XP on Windows 7 without any problems. This is probably the most important advantage of Windows 7 over Vista.

In Windows 7, for the first time, developers tried to make the system lighter. Before Windows 7 program code the system had support for previously released versions. In Windows 7, compatibility with older versions is achieved thanks to virtualization, which will also allow you to avoid the huge code of new versions of Windows in the future.

In this article we have considered only a small part of the benefits Windows 7, and when Windows comparison 7 with previously released versions, we only considered its new capabilities. But even based on the above, we can conclude that Windows developers 7 managed to overcome various shortcomings earlier versions Windows OS.

The advantages and disadvantages of Windows 7 are to be identified by every user of this system.

And answer the question: what is it? Windows 7 better than other released systems can only be found out by using this operating system.

Many people have probably already noticed that file search in Windows 7 is much better organized than in the previous XP. Previously, we had to choose what type of file we were looking for, and the search time took a lot of time. Now, to search, just go to Start and in the lower input field start typing the name of the file you are looking for, and already on the first syllable (2-4 characters) the system will try to substitute for you possible options from your base. The system searches everywhere at once, including audio and video files, mail and archives, in short, everything that may be available to you at the moment. But so that the user does not break his head in choosing, all files are offered to him sorted by category.
Explorer files in one group, Documents, Microsoft Office Outlook is all in groups. Of course, it may happen that you don’t immediately see the file you need in the list, then click on the “View other results” link. There will already be absolutely the entire list of files found according to your request.

2. Speed ​​up the system using ReadyBoost.

Did you know that any external storage device connected to your PC can be used to speed up heavy loads! No, well then read carefully and your machine will become a little faster running Windows 7, using additional features. If we compare XP and 7, then in terms of speed and agility, of course XP will win. Although if you properly configure and optimize the seven, it will fly well. As I wrote, now we will consider the possibility of speeding up the system using external storage. It could be a USB flash drive, external HDD or even your phone connected to a PC. I'll look at an example at USB flash drive 16G. We connect it, wait until the system recognizes and loads the firewood. If autorun works, we can close it, and I’ll also clarify whether it doesn’t matter if there’s anything on it or not. But the more free space, all the better. Let's go to My computer and we see our drive there in the graph of devices with removable media. We right-click on it and from the list that appears, select “ Properties". A window with 8 tabs will open in front of us, go to the tab ReadyBoost. We mark the checkbox opposite the offer to use this device and use the slider to set the location that we give to the system. Click apply and OK, that's it. The space you gave to the system will be used for caching, and this will in no way improve performance. Windows 7 can work simultaneously with 8 drives independent of each other, but no more than 32 gigabytes each.

3. Run the program on behalf of another user without leaving the system.

It's no secret that there are programs that refuse to run on regular 7 double click. In this case, you have to hover the cursor over the program, right-click and select from the drop-down list Run as administrator. But there is another possibility to run programs on behalf of another user. To do this, you do not need to re-login through Start as a different user, but just do this: point at the program icon while holding Shift + right-click and select Run as a different user.
Where this can be useful, for example, on your machine there are several accounts, so as not to climb between them through the launcher, and this time, we use the above method.

4. Reboot Windows, as well as start without startup programs.

Often we have to reboot the system, the reasons can be different from banal idleness, to completely frozen and inability to work. So, when we go to start and there we select to reboot the system, a complete reboot of the entire hardware of the machine occurs. But there is another way, namely: while pressing the button reboot Windows press and hold on the keyboard Shift key, then only WINDOWS itself will restart. Which of course will speed up the download process.

So now as for putting the system into operation. While working with a computer, a certain number of programs are collected that are launched by autorun, along with start windows. The saddest thing is that we may not even need them in this session, but they give us a load. We will talk about how to disable them from autorun or completely remove them in another post. And now I will reveal a simple method for starting the system without starting all startup programs :). Everything is very easy, when you turn on the PC, hold down Ctrl button, if you need to use one of those programs, just launch it as a regular application.

5. Screenshot of the screen, as well as the active window.

Well, I’ll write about the button accordion in a minute... . Of course, you all probably know that there is such a key on the keyboard called “ Print Screen "and when we click on it, we take a picture of everything that is on the monitor. These are shortcuts and the start bar, in general everything, everything. Sometimes this is not entirely convenient, since, for example, we need to transfer only some part of our desktop. And then you have to edit the picture and trim off unnecessary areas. The system developers decided to simplify the task a little for us and now it is possible to take a screenshot only active window(where you last worked with a mouse or keyboard). Taking such a screenshot is as easy as the previous one, you just need to hold down the " Alt" and then " Print Screen". And you will get a snapshot of your active window. This image goes to the system clipboard, in order to use it or not lose it, you need to open any graphics program and press the combination in the new document "Ctrl"+"V" Well, save it.

6. Hide the folder name and the folder itself on the desktop.

I think this method can help hide something secret from an inexperienced user (for example, a folder with classical music 🙂). I’ll tell you how to organize it, and you decide whether you need it or not. So, first, let’s remove the name from the folder itself; to do this, click on the folder (one click with the left button), it stands out from the others. Press the key F2, the field with the name will become active but can be renamed. Hold right Alt dialing 255 on the right numeric keypad and press Enter. If you did everything right. then your folder will no longer have a name :). Now we need to hide it. Go to the properties of the same folder and in the tab settings at the bottom of the window we take change icon. From the list, select the transparent option, there are three of them, put any one. Ok - Apply - Ok and you're done. Your folder is hidden and cannot be seen with the naked eye. If you accidentally forget where your folder is located, there is simple opportunity to find it: click on any desktop object, folder or program, even a shortcut will do, and then press the Ctrl+A combination, that is, see everything. Among other things, you will notice your folder.

7. Pin frequently used programs to the taskbar.

A bad habit is to collect shortcuts and folders on your desktop. Firstly, it slows down the startup and restart of your Windows, and secondly, it is not very convenient and not beautiful. In my opinion, you can leave My Computer, the trash can and the folder into which you can put the most necessary programs or files. You may say, what about frequently requested programs? This is what I'm getting at, we have a task line, so to speak, active and inactive applications. By default, it is located at the bottom and by default it already contains Explorer, Explorer, and I don’t remember exactly what else. So it’s very easy to add any program or game there. I know two options for how to attach your program there. 1 - by left-clicking and dragging the shortcut to the taskbar, the message “ Pin to taskbar“Release the click and everything is ready, you always have access to the program. The second option is that when the program is running, it is temporarily located in the taskbar until it is closed. While it is open, point it at it in the taskbar, right-click and select in the list that appears in the same way as the first “ Pin to taskbar«.

8. We make it easy to navigate the start menu.

Now I’ll show you how to make the start menu not just go to specific folder, and the transition to specific file folders or disk partition with the computer menu.

As you can see, we can go to absolutely any user folder and select required file without leaving the Start menu. Now I’ll tell you how to organize it. We go to the start menu where there is a list to go to: Documents. Images, Music, etc. at the bottom there is empty place under the list, right-click on it and go to properties. Click the button " Tune" in the right corner. Now we put checkboxes as shown in the screenshot opposite the menu that we want to make drop-down. After selecting, click OK, then apply and OK again. We go into the launch and admire our achievement. Don’t forget to brag to your friends and tell them on social media. And in general, it would be nice for you to leave a comment and wish me success in my future efforts or criticize me for something :).

9. We forcefully set the number of processors for the operation of our system.

Now I’ll tell you one secret, which is worth giving Microsoft programmers a hard time about, namely: your system only works with new programs of 2013 with more than one core. Yes, that’s exactly how all your old programs and games load one percent, squeezing all the juice out of it. Now we will correct this state of affairs :). Follow me closely and you will succeed. Press the keyboard shortcut windows+R(or in the start menu in the search, enter run and follow the top link), in the window that opens we write msconfig and click OK.
In the window that appears, go to the tab and click Extra options. A window appears before our eyes, where we will now indicate the number of cores and the RAM parameter. What is a Processor and RAM you can read in my post here and also. But this is by the way 🙂 and we have come to the most important point.
We put two checkboxes next to the Number of processors and Maximum memory, from the drop-down list we indicate your number of processors - cores, and in RAM, when you check the box, it will itself indicate your number in megabytes. We don’t touch anything here anymore and click OK. In the next window Apply And OK and the system prompts you to restart, which we agree with because otherwise the settings will not be saved. I set it up for myself, I’ll see how it performs, then I’ll post it in the comments.

10. Close all open programs with one last click.

It often happens that while working on a computer, we open quite a large number of programs, and in order to close them we have to click on each one, or turn off the computer completely. Eat optimal solution this problem. Download a small application , which copes with the task perfectly. Let's unpack the archive, which contains the CloseAll application for both 32 and 64 bit systems. We move the folder further away, maybe to drive D, for example, and pin the file itself to the taskbar. I wrote how to do this in lotion number 7.