Download NVIDIA Control Panel. Nvidia Control Panel does not open: how to fix it

NVIDIA Panel is a hardware management application.

When the NVIDIA video card driver is installed on your computer, it automatically turns on with it. It provides graphics card users with an interface to configure settings and change the configuration of their hardware.

Many graphics adapter users have reported that it has disappeared on their Windows computer. Previously, they found it in the desktop context menu. This usually happens when upgrading from a previous version of Windows\ when waking the computer from sleep mode.

There are several methods to resolve this problem.

Causes of problems:

  • The panel is hidden.
  • Your drivers are out of date.
  • Your drivers are faulty.

Method 1: Open the NVIDIA Control Panel

The Control Panel is hidden by Windows during an upgrade from a previous version or by software that has changed graphics settings. Open it in Windows, and then set it to appear in the desktop context menu. For this:

  • Press WIN+R to bring up the Run dialog.
  • Type “control” in the Run dialog box and press “Enter” on your keyboard.
  • In Control Panel, under View By, select Large Icons.
  • Select NVIDIA.
  • Click "View" or "Desktop".
  • Then “Add desktop context menu”.
  • Right-click on the desktop and see if the problem is fixed.

Method 2: Update your graphics driver

The problem occurred because you are using the wrong graphics driver \ it is outdated. So make sure your adapter has the correct configuration and update it. If you do not know how to update manually, then use the program.

After the process is completed, be sure to restart your PC and check if the problem is fixed.

Method 3: Reinstall the graphics driver.

If the update does not work, you will need to reinstall it. Damaged documents cannot be fixed with a simple update. Before installation, you will have to clear all files and perform a full installation of all components.

  • Download the software from the manufacturer's website.
  • Start the installation.
  • Check the agreement box.
  • Follow the instructions.
  • Wait for the process to complete.

We hope that the methods listed above helped you resolve the issue. If not, contact a specialist.

  • The work of virus programs.

Problem with NVIDIA

The most effective method

The most effective method in a situation where the NVIDIA Control Panel does not open is to use the Display Driver Uninstaller program, which must be downloaded and installed on your computer. Then you should reboot the PC into safe mode, run this program and uninstall the drivers from Nvidia (select Nvidia and click on the “Reboot Uninstall” button).

Complete removal of previous Nvidia drivers

After the reboot, you should download the latest drivers for the video card from the developer’s website and install them on your computer (as an option, first download Geforce Experience, and then use this program to download the latest drivers for the video card). The problem will be solved in most cases.

Problems with the Nvidia Control Panel

Nvidia Control Panel is proprietary software that allows you to configure video card and monitor settings. This program, like any other, may not work correctly, “fail,” or even refuse to start.

In this article we will talk about why the Nvidia Control Panel does not open, the causes and solution to this problem.

Can't launch Nvidia Control Panel

Let's look at the main reasons for failures when launching the Nvidia Control Panel, there are several of them:

  1. Random operating system crash.
  2. Problems with the system services installed with the driver (“Nvidia Display Driver Service” and “Nvidia Display Container LS”).
  3. The installed version of Nvidia Panel is incompatible with the NET Framework utility.
  4. The video driver does not match the video card.
  5. Some third-party monitor control software may conflict with Nvidia software.
  6. Virus infection.
  7. Hardware reasons.

OS crash

Such problems occur quite often, especially among those users who experiment a lot with installing and uninstalling various programs. After uninstalling applications, “tails” may remain in the system in the form of library or driver files or registry keys.

These problems can be resolved by simply rebooting the working machine. If the problem occurs immediately after installing the driver, then the computer must be restarted, since some changes made to the system can only be applied after this action.

System Services

When installing software for a video card, the “Nvidia Display Driver Service” and “Nvidia Display ContainerLS” services (either both or just the first) are installed in the list of system services, which in turn can fail for a number of reasons.

If the suspicion falls on the incorrect operation of services, then it is necessary to restart each service. This is done like this:

After completing the steps, you can try to open the Nvidia Control Panel, and then restart the computer and check the functionality of the software again. If the problem is not solved, then move on to other options.

NET Framework

NET Framework is a software platform necessary for the operation of some software. Nvidia products are no exception. It is possible that a new software package installed on your computer requires a more recent edition of the .NET platform. In any case, you should always have the latest version.

The update occurs as follows:

  1. Go to the package download page on the Microsoft website and download the latest version. Today it is NET Framework 4.

    Package download page on the official Microsoft website

  2. After launching the downloaded installer, you must run it and wait for the installation to complete, which occurs in the same way as installing any other program. After the process is completed, reboot the computer.

Invalid video driver

When choosing a driver for your new (or not so new) video card on the official Nvidia website, be more careful. It is necessary to correctly determine the series and family (model) of the device.

Read more: Determining the product series of Nvidia video cards How to find out the model of your video card on Windows 10

Driver search:

If you are not sure of your choice, then you can install the software automatically through the “Device Manager”, but first you need to completely remove the old video card driver. This is done using special software Display Driver Uninstaller. How to work with the program is described in this article.

Monitor control programs

If you use programs from third-party developers to adjust monitor parameters (brightness, gamma, etc.), such as MagicTune or Display Tuner, then they can cause conflicts in the system. To exclude this option, you need to uninstall the software you are using, reboot and check the functionality of the Nvidia Panel.


The most “unpleasant” cause of failures and malfunctions in programs is viruses. The pest can either damage the driver files and the software supplied with it, or replace them with its own infected ones. The actions of viruses are very diverse, but the result is the same: incorrect operation of the software.

If you suspect the presence of malicious code, you need to scan the system with the antivirus you use, or use utilities from Kaspersky Lab, Dr.Web or similar.

Read more: Scan your computer for viruses without installing an antivirus

If you have doubts about the correct operation of programs or do not have experience in treating the system, then it is better to turn to specialized resources, for example, or, where they will help you get rid of viruses completely free of charge.

Hardware problems

In some cases, proprietary software may not start due to the fact that the device is simply not connected to the motherboard or is connected but incorrectly. Open the computer case and check the tightness of the cable connections and the secure fit of the video card in the PCI-E slot.

Read more: How to install a video card in a computer

We have looked at several reasons why the Nvidia Control Panel may not work, most of which are not serious and can be resolved quite simply. It is important to remember that most problems are caused by simple carelessness or inexperience of the user. That is why, before taking active steps to remove and install software, check the equipment and try to reboot the machine.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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NVidia Control Panel won't open on Windows 10

The NVIDIA Control Panel is a tool that allows you to configure many video card parameters that cannot be changed using normal Windows settings. In particular, using this tool you can change the screen resolution, adjust the brightness and saturation of the picture, 3D graphics and much more. However, there are times when the methods on how to open the NVidia Control Panel do not work. What to do in this case and how to fix the problem?

Read also: How to rotate the screen on a laptop or computer with Windows 10?

How to open NVidia Control Panel on Windows 10 PC?

There are not many ways to open the NVidia control panel; let’s look at them in more detail.

Method number 1. Via Control Panel

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Control Panel.

  • A new window will open. Select "Hardware and Sound".

  • Next, in Windows 10, you need to select “NVidia Control Panel”.

This is the standard way to access the utility.

Method No. 2. Via desktop

This method is the easiest. However, if you do not have drivers installed for your NVidia video card, the required item will not be in the list.

  • Right-click on the desktop and select “NVidia Control Panel” from the drop-down menu.

  • Afterwards the required settings window will open.

However, if the NVidia control panel does not open on Windows 10, you should perform a few simple steps.

What to do if the NVidia Control Panel does not open?

If the settings window does not launch in Windows 10, and the item has disappeared from the list of desktop commands, we recommend checking whether the original drivers for the video card are installed or rolling back the Nvidia software to an older version. If a rollback does not help solve the problem, you should completely remove the drivers using the Display Driver Uninstaller program. The actions will be as follows:

  • Reboot the PC in safe mode. Let's launch the program. Select the type of product. In this case, NVidia.

  • Then click on the “Delete Reboot” button.

After uninstallation, you should go to the manufacturer’s official website, download and install the latest version drivers. The tool will work.

Also on the official NVidia website the following recommendations are provided for this problem:

  • Check if the NVIDIA Display Driver Service is enabled. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “services.msc”.

  • The services window will appear. Find "NVIDIA Display Driver Service".

  • This service should start automatically when windows starts. If it is disabled, you should activate it back.

IMPORTANT! This service is disabled when hardware acceleration is enabled. Therefore, turn off this function in the program settings.

  • Open the registry editor. Go to the branch “HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak”. Find the parameters “NoMenus” and “NoPages” and set them to “0”.

  • After rebooting the system, the missing video card control will reappear.

Direct monitor control utilities such as MagicTune or ForteManager interfere with the operation of the NVIDIA Control Panel. Therefore, if necessary, they must be removed.

Also, the last tip that the developers recommend if the control panel does not want to open is to change the language settings. You should set the format and system language to “English (US)” in the windows control panel (“Regional and Language”).

To learn how else to solve this problem, watch the video:

Why won't the nvidia control panel open?

A number of NVIDIA graphics card users may be unable to launch the NVIDIA Control Panel on their machines. When you click on the Control Panel icon, nothing simply happens, and the user has no idea what to do next in this situation. In this article I will tell you why the Nvidia Control Panel does not open and how to get rid of the problem with launching the Nvidia panel on your PC.

Problems opening the NVIDIA Control Panel

NVIDIA Control Panel does not open - symptoms and causes

As mentioned above, the symptoms of this problem are the Nvidia Control Panel not launching when you try to activate it. When you click on the Control Panel icon, the program simply does not launch, and clicking it again does absolutely nothing.

Trying to launch the NVIDIA Control Panel

From time to time, this problem arises after installing some modern games, for which the video card driver in certain cases turns out to be “not ready.”

So, what are the main reasons for the situation in which the NVIDIA Control Panel does not open? They are as follows:

  • Random computer failure;
  • Problems with the Nvidia Display Driver Service and Nvidia Display Container LS system services (the second if available);
  • Legacy versions of the NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 utilities;
  • Incorrect Nvidia driver for your video card;
  • For some reason, hardware acceleration is disabled in the windows settings;
  • Monitor control programs (for example, MagicTune) conflict with the Nvidia Control Panel;
  • Outdated version of the Windows installer 7, 8, 10 (Microsoft windows Installer)
  • The work of virus programs.

Problem with NVIDIA

Instructions on what to do if.

How to open NVIDIA Control Panel

The most effective method

The most effective method in a situation where the NVIDIA Control Panel does not open is to completely remove previous Nvidia drivers using a program that must be downloaded and installed on your computer. Then you should reboot the PC into safe mode, run this program and uninstall the drivers from Nvidia (select Nvidia and click on the “Reboot Uninstall” button).

Complete removal of previous Nvidia drivers

After the reboot, you should download the latest drivers for the video card from the developer’s website and install them on your computer (as an option, first download and then use this program to download the latest drivers for the video card). The problem will be solved in most cases.

Above, I analyzed the reasons for the dysfunction of the Nvidia Control Panel, and also listed a set of tips for solving this problem. If you cannot open the NVIDIA Control Panel, then most likely you have a problem with the operation of your computer’s video card drivers (they are outdated, or, conversely, new versions of drivers are unstable). Follow the entire set of tips I described above, this will help fix the problem with the Nvidia Control Panel on your PCs.

The display being used is not connected to the NVIDIA GPU - users often receive an error with this text when trying to open the settings window for the settings of a discrete video card.

As a result, the computer cannot use the component while playing games or running other programs.

Let's take a closer look best ways resolve this error on your PC.

Often the above problem occurs with discrete cards. is a hardware component that, unlike an integrated card, is implemented as a separate circuit.

The purchase and installation of such an element is usually done by the users themselves to speed up the PC when running games or.

Enabling the video card in Device Manager

If you are using , the reason for the error message may be based on the graphics card component being disabled in Device Manager.

After updating, reinstalling the OS, optimizing the computer, the system can automatically install the initial settings of the components.

To check the operating status of the GPU and start it, follow the instructions:

  • Open the search menu on the Windows desktop;
  • In the text line, enter “Device Manager”;

Rice. 1 – search for the “Device Manager” utility

  • Open the result you found.

Rice. 2 – Window of all available devices and OS components

Open the video adapters tab, there should be several components in the list. NVIDIA and right-click on it.

In the context menu that appears, you can check the status of its operation. If the adapter is disabled, the Enable box will appear in the menu. Do this and wait a few seconds.

Even if the system shows that it is working, we advise you to reconnect the device. Click on “Disconnect” and then again on “Connect”. In this way, normal operation can be restored.

If this does not help you, move on to the next method.

Updating video card drivers

There are two ways to update the GPU configuration - or install drivers manually.

First, try the first option. It does not require special skills or understanding of PC characteristics. Go to Device Manager again and click on the video adapters tab menu.

In the list, select “Update hardware configuration”. The computer will automatically find and download the required software.

After completing the action, be sure to restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Rice. 4 – automatic update of GPU drivers

Remember! This method of installing drivers is suitable if the computer has an Internet connection. You should also use only a genuine copy of Windows OS (otherwise, drivers may be downloaded from unreliable and dangerous sources).

The second way to update drivers is to search for the necessary files yourself. This can only be done on the official website of the manufacturer - NVIDIA Corporation.

The figure below shows the driver software download page. Users must independently select the type, series and family of the product, as well as the version of the operating system used.

Then you should confirm the search so that the system automatically generates a suitable archive for downloading.

Rice. 5 – selection of video card parameters on the NVIDIA website

Wait for the search results and download the archive by pressing the " Download now»:

Rice. 6 – downloading the archive with drivers

How to find out the video card parameters? To do this, use the instructions that were included with your purchase.

If it is not there, you can look at the characteristics in the operating system itself:

1. Open the system information window;

Rice. 7 – search for the “System Information” utility

2. Wait for the parameters to load. This may take 1 to 3 minutes;

3. In the left part of the window, open the “ ” tab. After a while, a detailed description of the characteristics of all devices that are responsible for displaying data on this computer will appear on the right. You will need fields with the name and version of the GPU.

Rice. 8 – viewing the parameters of a discrete video card in PC settings

And also on the NVIDIA Corporation website you can start the procedure for automatically selecting driver software for your computer.

Click on the “Graphics Drivers” button, as shown in the figure:

Rice. 9 – launch automatic system scan

As a result, the site will display a message indicating which driver you need. When you click on its icon, the file will automatically download to your computer.

Rice. 10 – automatic detection of missing drivers

A number of NVIDIA graphics card users may be unable to launch the NVIDIA Control Panel on their machines. When you click on the Control Panel icon, nothing simply happens, and the user has no idea what to do next in this situation. In this article I will tell you why the Nvidia Control Panel does not open and how to get rid of the problem with launching the Nvidia panel on your PC.

As mentioned above, the symptoms of this problem are the Nvidia Control Panel not launching when you try to activate it. When you click on the Control Panel icon, the program simply does not launch, and clicking it again does absolutely nothing.

From time to time, this problem arises after installing some modern games, for which the video card driver in certain cases turns out to be “not ready.”

So, what are the main reasons for the situation in which the NVIDIA Control Panel does not open? They are as follows:

  • Random computer failure;
  • Problems with the Nvidia Display Driver Service and Nvidia Display Container LS system services (the second if available);
  • Legacy versions of the NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 utilities;
  • Incorrect Nvidia driver for your video card;
  • For some reason, hardware acceleration is disabled in Windows settings;
  • Monitor control programs (for example, MagicTune) conflict with the Nvidia Control Panel;
  • Outdated version of the Windows 7, 8, 10 installer (Microsoft Windows Installer)
  • The work of virus programs.

How to open NVIDIA Control Panel

  • Restart your computer. If the problem is of a random nature, it will disappear;
  • Try launching Nvidia Control Panel from Windows 7-10 Control Panel. Log in to the latter, go to “Hardware and Sound” and there click on “Nvidia Control Panel”;

  • Check the functionality of Nvidia Display Driver Service and Nvidia Display Container LS. Click on the “Start” button, enter services.msc in the search bar, and in the list of services that opens, look for the specified services (the second may be missing). Double-click on the name of the specified service, and set the “Startup Type” to “Automatic”. After making changes, restart the specified services, and then restart your computer;

  • Turn off and on your video card. Click the “Start” button, enter devmgmgt.msc in the search bar, and in the launched Device Manager, look for your video card (located in “Video Adapters”), right-click on it and select “Disable”. After disabling, re-enable it by right-clicking on it and selecting “Enable”;
  • If the problem appeared after updating the drivers, roll back the video card driver to the previous version. Click the Start button and type devmgmt in the search bar. msc , find your video card in the list of devices, right-click on it, select “Properties”, go to the “Driver” tab and click on “Roll Back”;

  • Download the latest drivers for your video card from the developer’s website and install them on your computer, this may help in a situation where the Nvidia Control Panel is not working;
  • Download and install the latest versions of programs Microsoft NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010;
  • If necessary, enable Windows hardware acceleration. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the Windows desktop, select “Screen Resolution,” then click on “Advanced Settings.” In the menu that appears, go to the “Diagnostics” tab, click on “Change settings” and enable hardware acceleration (if possible);
  • Change system registry values. In the Start button search bar, type regedit and navigate to the route HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak, where find the NoMenus and NoPages keys and set their value to 0 (zero);
  • Check your computer for viruses(for example, using Dr.Web CureIt!, Malware Anti-Malware and other similar programs);
  • Disable monitor management utilities(in the presence of);
  • Download and install latest version to computer Windows Installer;
  • Perform a system restore through a rollback to the previous restore point. Click Start, type rstrui in the search bar, select a working restore point and roll back to it.

The most effective method

The most effective method in a situation where the NVIDIA Control Panel does not open is to completely remove previous Nvidia drivers using the Display Driver Uninstaller program, which must be downloaded and installed on your computer. Then you should reboot the PC into safe mode, run this program and uninstall the drivers from Nvidia (select Nvidia and click on the “Reboot Uninstall” button).

After the reboot, you should download the latest drivers for the video card from the developer’s website and install them on your computer (as an option, first download Geforce Experience, and then use this program to download the latest drivers for the video card). The problem will be solved in most cases.

Above, I analyzed the reasons for the dysfunction of the Nvidia Control Panel, and also listed a set of tips for solving this problem. If you cannot open the NVIDIA Control Panel, then most likely you have a problem with the operation of your computer’s video card drivers (they are outdated, or, conversely, new versions of drivers are unstable). Follow the entire set of tips I described above, this will help fix the problem with the Nvidia Control Panel on your PCs.

In contact with

After installing the driver on an Nvidia video card, a software product with a control panel for video card parameters is usually installed. However, a situation may arise when the panel does not open, the panel icon is active, but nothing happens when clicked. Let's look at how to fix this.

Often, the inability to launch the panel may occur after installing voluminous software or games with high system requirements for which the driver version is not suitable. Reasons why the panel may not start:

1. A single system failure that can be resolved by restarting the computer.

2. Incorrect installation of the Nvidia software product. Solved by reinstallation.
3. Nvidia services are not working correctly.
4. Old versions of Visual C++ and NetFramework services. You need to download and install the most current versions of these products.
5. The installed driver does not match the video card product. You need to check the exact name of your video card and carefully select the one you need from the list of suggested drivers.
6. The hardware acceleration utility may be disabled in Windows.
7. Viruses on the computer interfere with the correct operation of the control panel. The solution is a full system scan using an antivirus (Avast, Dr.Web and others).

Let's look at the solution to the main problems in more detail.

Also, if the problem is not solved, you need to see if the Display Service and Display Container video card services are working. To do this, in the Run line or in the search bar of the Start menu, from the keyboards you need to enter services.msc and check for the presence of these utilities. Next, set them to start automatically and restart the computer.

One of the options can also be to turn off and on the video card using the devmgmgt.msc utility, then find the name of your video card, click on it with the edit mouse button and turn it off, and then turn it on immediately in the same way.

The solution may be to run the devmgmt utility. msc, in which you can roll back the driver to an older version.

A fairly good option is to completely remove previous video card drivers using the Display Driver Uninstaller program. For best results and correct operation, it is recommended to remove drivers in safe mode.