How to restore the previous screen mode settings. Restoring your computer to its previous settings. Restore old computer settings

Sometimes graphics software/driver updates can ruin the screen resolution. How can I get everything back and restore the monitor resolution?

Many users ask the pros: “I recently updated the drivers on my video card, but now my previous resolution has disappeared and my screen is showing something incomprehensible. How can I change everything back to the way it was before?” Read on and you will find out how to get rid of this problem.


Before installing the software, a system restore point must be created, so try to return to the state before installing the program.

In addition, the Windows operating system includes an option to “roll back” device drivers to a previously downloaded version. You can use this function to return your graphics software to the previous version without resorting to system correction. This step will be correct if you do not want any other changes that you made to the system after installing the problematic software to be undone.


Launch the device manager of your operating system (In Windows 8.1, click + X and go to “Device Manager” in the menu). Now find your device in the list in the device manager - in your case it should be in the “Video adapters” section. Right-click on the display device and select the Driver tab. Next, click the “Roll Back Driver” button and follow the instructions on the monitor. This should return the graphics software to the previous version and eliminate the problem.

It should be borne in mind, however, that graphics drivers come with a variety of additional files, which cannot be effectively returned to their previous state thanks to this procedure. For example, Nvidia offers specific warnings about this effect in the notes for each driver release, although in an emergency you can generally ignore them, at least as a temporary measure.

If the display, in your opinion, worked well enough before the software update to see what you are doing on it, then it is better to remove new software using the "Uninstall or change a program" function, and then reinstall the previous version of this driver from scratch. You can usually find downloadable previous versions drivers graphics subsystem on the websites of the corresponding developers.

Usually the screen is too stretched on a computer or laptop in Windows 7, after reinstalling the operating system itself (this does not happen in Windows 8).

What to do? How to remove a stretched screen? The answer is clear - change the resolution.

Only if there are no drivers specifically for your screen model, it most likely will not work. However, trying is not torture - try.

If you can’t reduce a very stretched screen, below we describe how to remove this “misunderstanding”.

How to fix stretched screen resolution

To make a horizontally stretched screen normal, right-click on any free space laptop/computer desktop.

Immediately after this, a small window will pop up in front of you. In it, click on the “screen resolution” line. See fig. below.

In this field, by expanding the parameters opposite the “resolution” line, you will have access to a slider.

By moving it, you can fix the stretched screen on your computer or laptop.

But as written above, if there are no appropriate drivers, you won’t be able to make it ideal (you’ll be able to narrow it down a little horizontally, but the vertically won’t match).

What to do then? Download and install “native” drivers. It's easier for a laptop. You can log into the official website and download from there. With computers the situation is more complicated (everything is usually prefabricated), but there is a way out.

First way. Take advantage, However, there is no 100% guarantee that she will find them. It all depends on the monitor.

Second way. Find out the exact model name of your monitor and try to find drivers for it using search engines: Google or Yandex.

Third way. Take advantage Windows update(and click on the “center” option windows updates"). The system itself will determine which drivers it needs, download, install and fix a stretched monitor.

I use the third option - everything always came back to normal. Yes, when you update, and the Internet is slow, you don’t have to check the boxes next to the lines where it says “for security”, these updates will stretched screen have no relationship.

ATTENTION. There are many programs online that promise to quickly update all the drivers for your PC. I advise you not to use them - after their intervention, you usually need to reinstall Windows.

Quite often, users of the Windows operating system encounter a problem when the image on the monitor is narrowed or is not displayed on the entire screen. All this can also be accompanied by enlarged icons on the desktop and general blurriness of the image.

In this article we will tell you why this can happen. similar situation and how to restore and expand the monitor screen if it has become narrower.

Reasons for the problem

The most likely and most common reasons for the narrowing of the image on the monitor are:

  • Incorrect screen resolution;
  • Absence ;
  • Connecting an additional monitor or TV;
  • Incorrect monitor settings.

Now let's look at each of the reasons in more detail. Let's start with the simplest and most obvious one.

Incorrect resolution in graphics settings

A similar situation may arise immediately after installation or Windows reinstallation. Less commonly, the cause of an incorrectly set resolution is a game or other application in which you can change the screen resolution.

It's very easy to check and fix. You need to click on an empty space on the desktop and select “Display settings” or “Screen resolution” or “Personalization” in the menu that opens.

Entering screen resolution settings in Windows 7

Entering screen resolution settings in Windows 10

If you select the first two items, you will immediately be taken to desired window changing screen resolution. If you selected “Personalization”, then in the window that opens, select “Screen” at the bottom left and then “Setting screen resolution” at the top left.

Here, in the “Resolution” item, you need to sort through the values ​​until the image on the screen expands to required sizes. Most often, “(Recommended)” will be written next to the desired value.

Changing screen resolution in Windows 7

Changing screen resolution in Windows 10

No video card driver

The reason is also quite common. More often it occurs after installing/reinstalling the operating system, or after trying to update the video card drivers.

Connecting an additional monitor or TV to a computer/laptop

This situation is less common than the previous two, but it also occurs. If you connected any additional devices outputting images to the video card of a computer or laptop, such as additional monitor or TV, then try turning them off.

If the image has been corrected and the monitor has expanded to normal values, then the reason is in the connected device and when connecting it to the computer, the resolution adjustment, which is described above, is required. The only difference is that before changing the value in the “Resolution” line. need to choose required monitor in the "Screen" line.

Selecting a monitor in screen resolution settings

Monitor settings

If all of the above does not suit you or does not apply to a specific situation, then try running the auto monitor settings. This is done by pressing one button on the monitor, which is usually labeled “Auto” and is located near the monitor’s power button on its front or side panel.

Auto monitor adjustment button

Quite often, computer users ask the question of how to expand their monitor screen. There may be several reasons why the monitor screen becomes narrow with black stripes around the edges, or the picture is not fully displayed, and the image becomes blurry. Now we will look at the most common situations of such incidents and try to correct them.

Most often this happens for several reasons:

  • Incorrect setting;
  • The video card driver is not installed;
  • Connecting to a computer or additional monitor;
  • Not correct settings monitor.

Now let's look at all these reasons in more detail.

Incorrect screen resolution setting

Screen resolution settings may be lost during installation pirated programs, reinstalling the system, penetration of a virus into the system, after completing the game with your own settings, as well as after a sudden unexpected shutdown of the computer.

In this case, fixing the situation is quite simple. Just right-click on the free space on your desktop:

IN Windows 7

And in the drop down context menu select " Screen resolution»

In the next window find " Permission» and open the list by left-clicking on the small black arrow on the right.

You should see a list possible parameters screen resolution.

You should not experiment with all resolutions in a row, because... If you select a resolution that your monitor does not support, the screen may go blank and you will not be able to adjust it without the help of the wizard. The monitor will not burn out, but you will need to reset your settings. This is usually done through " Safe mode", or on another computer that supports the resolution you set yourself.

Therefore, before changing the screen resolution, read the instructions for your monitor to see what parameters it supports, or click on the blue link “ Which monitor settings should you choose?? (in the same window where you select the resolution), and carefully read what is written there.

IN Windows 10

Right click on empty space desktop and select “ Screen Options»

Go to the tab on the left " Display", find in the window on the right " Permission", click on the arrow and select the necessary parameters.

Usually next to required parameter written "( Recommended

Video card driver not installed

Usually, after reinstalling the operating system, or after replacing the video adapter, a temporary video card driver is automatically loaded. And if you then do not download specialized drivers for the video card, then in the “Resolution” item in the screen settings there will be no list of resolutions (in best case scenario two parameters). And in the device manager there will be an entry “ StandardVGA graphics adapter».

In this case, you need (video adapter) from the disk that comes with the video card or from the official website of the video card manufacturer.

If you have installed on your computer operating system Windows 10, the driver will be installed automatically.

Connecting a TV, laptop, or additional monitor to a computer

If another monitor, or laptop, or even a TV is connected to your computer, then disconnect them. If after this everything has been corrected on your main monitor and the image has expanded to fill the entire screen, then you need to correctly determine in the display selection settings which one will be the main one and which one will be the secondary one.

And in the settings " Screen» select the required monitor.

Monitor settings

Almost any monitor has buttons for adjusting it. They are usually located at the lower front (bottom) or side.

Find the auto setup options and set them.

You can try setting up the monitor yourself using other buttons. But it will take longer.

That's all for now. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

You may need to make the screen smaller simply to ensure the banal convenience of working at the computer, as well as to correct the consequences of some errors or program actions. So what should you do if your computer screen gets bigger? This needs to be sorted out, and this article can help you.

Reducing the screen

Go to your computer or laptop. Right-click on a place free of shortcuts, programs and gadgets. A drop-down menu will appear in front of you, from which you need to select “Screen Resolution”. A window will appear. In it you can change the following operating parameters:

  • select the monitor with which this system unit is working;
  • change the computer screen resolution;
  • you can select the display orientation;
  • tune Extra options functioning;
  • change the size of icons placed on the desktop.

For the purposes of this article, screen resolution is of greatest interest. Usually this indicator is set to the recommended value, which allows the monitor to perform optimally in terms of energy costs/performance. But if you click on the “Resolution” drop-down button, then all possible options operation of the imaging device. And now you can either pull the slider down (decreasing the screen resolution) or up (increasing it). Here is the answer to the question of how to make a computer smaller. But there are still certain aspects and nuances that also need to be discussed.

Reducing the work area

But what should you do if you want not to change the resolution itself, but only to work in separate text documents? For example, we only need to reduce work area Word file? Of course there is also standard tool zoom, but you can do the same using the keyboard and mouse. The latter must have a wheel.

So, point at the area that we want to reduce/enlarge (but this step is not necessary), hold down Ctrl button and turn the wheel towards you to zoom and away from you to detail. Of course, this method will not work everywhere - in games or programs where such functionality is not provided, it will not be able to help you. Here's a computer in literally two movements.

What could lead to this?

So, we know how to make the screen smaller on a computer, now we need to talk about what could be the reason for the need for such actions. The reasons for unauthorized changes in screen resolution are:

  1. Influence various programs that I work in When switching between running windows occurs, due to internal error the resolution will not be selected as it should be.
  2. A conflict between the monitor and another software/hardware component of the computer (most often with a video card or its drivers).

In both cases, you will have to deal with problems that cannot be easily resolved. Finding an answer to the question of how to make the screen on a computer smaller after another failure is good, but here you need to look at the root. It may be worth reinstalling the drivers or individual programs, and perhaps it is generally necessary to search new car to work on it. Of course, the latter can often be difficult to accomplish, so you shouldn’t discount the possibility of buying a new device (for example, a video card).

What not to do?

We know how to make your computer screen smaller and what can cause problems. But when cases arise where something is not working correctly, people often take actions that cause inconvenience. Very often you can hear advice to roll back settings using a restore point or use various software tools. Regarding the first option, we can say that this is a really effective tool, but, as a rule, when applications are destroyed due to virus attacks or various damage to the system shell. Therefore, if you do not want to discover over time that something has suddenly disappeared, then it is recommended to “roll back” again to its former state, and the screen can be adjusted before or after this moment - the resolution will still remain unchanged. About software we can say that in in this case(and in a single precedent) they are unnecessary. But if the situation repeats, then you can resort to them to try to establish and eliminate the cause of such problems.