Can't sign in to Google Play. A reliable connection to the Google Play server could not be established. Clear Google Play app cache

Why might the Android system crash when logging in? Play Market(aka app store Google Play)? Why can't I log into my account? And how to solve the connection problem and the error popping up? Let's take a detailed look at all these burning problems for any owner of smartphones running this OS and determine current methods fixes that need to be applied if the Play Market does not work on Android.

Exist different ways fixes for this issue, as it may occur due to various reasons. Therefore, there is no single “recipe”. You will have to try some of them, and after the actions taken, check the service every time.

You've probably noticed that some programs and services work reluctantly, and sometimes it's simply impossible to open something? Try rebooting, it is likely that this method will help resolve the login problem or annoying server error related to the Internet connection. In addition to this error, a reboot can restore the functionality of other applications.

Through resetting Google Play Market settings

Frequent use of the service on a phone or tablet leaves a lot of traces and unnecessary logs in the system. All this can lead to the application freezing, or even making it simply impossible to enter it - a connection error appears on the screen.

To reset, do the following:

After these manipulations, restart, try to open the program - if the error pops up again, then move on to the next method.

Trying to remove the downloaded Play Store update

This can be done from the main menu in the “Applications” or “Program Manager” section - find the “delete” item installed updates", it should return to its original state and work as before.

Reset Google Services settings

One of the most common reasons why the Play Market does not work and displays an error with the name “no connection” is a malfunction in the Google Services application itself. To return it to its original state, do the following:

By activating the Download Manager service

Often, disabling this service leads to the unfortunate consequences of the Play Market not working; you simply cannot access the application. To activate you need to do this:

  1. Open menu system settings.
  2. Enter Application Manager.
  3. In it, find the “Downloads” item.
  4. In it you can see suggestions: sort or reset settings, we need to click on the last item.
  5. During this action, all inactive software will be disabled, all installed updates will be removed, and work will be limited. background services and some application actions will be disabled.
  6. At this point we need to enable the display of all notifications, and after these manipulations the dispatcher icon will appear on the start screen.
  7. Click on the icon and start the dispatcher.
  8. Check if you can access the Play Store and see if an error message appears. If this method does not help, move on to the next one.

By deleting the Google account on the device

Note! During this action you may lose necessary information, and to prevent this from happening, first back up or sync all data with Google Account.

To delete, go to the system settings menu, select accounts, and enable deletion via context menu. Reboot your device, and when you log in again, enter your account information again. This often helps get the store back up and running.

Removing incompatible software

Violation proper operation The Play Store is often associated with it being blocked by a third party software, which the user installed himself from other resources. Many people try to bypass payment for installing games and download Freedom software, which blocks the operation of the market. Remove it either via file manager, or through the dispatcher, from the main menu of the device. Everything should work.

Correcting and customizing the system hosts file

If you determine that Freedom is the cause of the failures, then you need to correctly configure the hosts file; for these actions you will need root rights.

Usually, hosts file with the wrong content that Freedom writes looks like this:

A should contain the following information:

To remove all garbage from the hosts file, you need to do the following steps:

Nothing worked out again? Then we move on to another action.

Check the Internet connection

Try opening any browser page; if there is no connection, this will not work. Remove wireless connection, reboot the router and device. When logging in, please enter your details again.

Date and time settings are lost

As practice has shown, if you can’t access the Play Market and it says no connection, check that the set date and time on your phone is up to date. The inability to connect is often associated precisely with the incorrectly set date and time zone. It happens that these parameters simply go wrong for various reasons.

It is necessary to change the values ​​in the settings section to the correct ones. Also check the box next to the “Check with the Internet” option, or the item may be called “Network date and time”.

Factory reset

This is the only way to eliminate all problems with the performance of the Play Market, if any errors occur with it or it simply does not work. This method is recommended to be used only as a last resort if others do not help. The fact is that as a result of the actions described below, all user information. That is, the device will be like new, but functional.

From the main menu, enter the “Backup and reset” section, agree to all the conditions, and restore your device to its factory state. You will have to re-enter your Google services credentials and log back into the application store.


We have presented for your review the main ways to resolve the login and connection error of the Play Market application. Review them so you know exactly how you can fix your device to get it back up and running.

Most people encounter problems with Google services, one of the most common is a connection problem in popular service Google Play. After reading hundreds of tips and scouring the Internet in search of the cause, many still cannot find a solution.

One of the initial steps to solving this problem is specialized program called Freedom. It was created to make purchases of resources within the "" application. This method of eliminating the problem is that if you previously installed this program, but then deleted it, everything can be returned by installing it again. So, download the Freedom program, install it, open it, click “Stop”, then close it and delete it again. If this method does not bring any results, you need to move on to the second method.

Solving the problem: Could not establish a reliable connection to the server

IN this method To resolve the error, go along the path /system/ect and look for the file “ Hosts" Open in text editor this file and add “ localhost”. To save the settings of this operation, you need to remount /system in r/w mode or use AdAway to restore the standard hosts.

Probably most users have it installed popular program"". In the third method, you need to go to your GMail account through this client. In most cases, this is the method that works, but if this time nothing works, you can try the fourth method.

date and time can play an important role in mobile devices based on Android, the reason incorrect connection may be hiding in the wrong set date and time. Try resetting your date and time settings. If this does not help you, move on to point 5.

The fifth method is to reflash Hard Reset. We must not forget that absolutely all data from your mobile device will be lost, so it is better to back up your system in advance.

All necessary information about firmware for your particular gadget, you can find on the website

Some users, when trying to use the Play Market, receive the error “Unable to contact Google servers.” Because of this, the login fails and it becomes impossible to download any application.

Let's look at the most effective ways to solve the problem.

1. Connect to a stronger signal source

In some cases, the reason for the appearance of the error in question becomes weak signal Internet. It’s not for nothing that it also says “try again later” - the developers hope that later you will find normal internet, and the Google Play Market will be restored. So try using a different Wi-Fi or 3G.

2. Reboot your device

The most banal reboot also helps. It’s difficult to say why exactly such an annoying error appears, but in most cases you can get rid of it by simple shutdown and inclusions.

As for how to do this, it all depends on the device model. In most cases, you need to press the screen lock button, after which options will appear further actions. Among them you need to choose reboot.

3. Clear cache

Sometimes the problem may be caused by some residual files and garbage, that is, the cache. Therefore you need to clean it.

This is done as follows:

  • Go to settings, select "Applications", then "Application Manager" (this is in Android 6.0 and higher, in more earlier versions just "Applications").
  • Find Google Play there and click on it.
  • There, click on “Memory”. Will open new page, which will indicate what exactly from this program takes up how much space.

  • There, first click “Clear cache”, then “Clear data”.

It is advisable to reboot the device after this.

This procedure must be done not only for the Play Market, but also for everything related to Google (program names begin with this word), as well as for the Google Play Services program.

4. Set up synchronization

In some cases it helps re-tuning synchronization

This procedure is done like this:

  • In Settings, open Accounts (or Accounts).
  • Go to Google on the Accounts page.
  • Set all switches to the "Off" position first. (they will turn white), then immediately to “On.” (will turn green). Resync will occur.

It is also advisable to reboot after this.

4. Perform a hard reset

If all of the above does not help, all that remains is to reset the device to factory settings, that is, perform hard reset. How to do this is described in our article. But it is best to submit the device for repair, preferably under warranty. Let the experts do this.

Write in the comments what helped you cope with the problem.

Let's find out the reasons for failures in the Google Play Market: it says there is no connection, you need to log into your account or there is a server error. TO bad work applications can be caused by the presence of various service problems, problems with the device selected for these purposes, and many other reasons. What to do if you cannot log into your account? In this article we will look at the main causes of failures and errors associated with the Play Market and ways to resolve these problems.

Method 1: Reboot Android

Since the system freezes quite often on Android, it is necessary to reboot the device.

In addition, this will allow you to troubleshoot not only Google work Play, but also with bugs from other applications.

Method 2: Reset Google Play Market settings

The play market application on the tablet may not work due to the large number of unnecessary information Therefore, you should reset the settings by doing the following:

After these actions, it is recommended to reboot the device so that the system can quickly recognize the changes made.

Method 3. Uninstalling Google Play Market updates

As in the first method, you need to go to the settings menu, select the “Applications” or “Application Manager” section, in which click the “ Uninstall updates", which will lead to the starting state of the play market.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings

In order to achieve the functioning of the play market, it can be useful to reset the Google Play Services settings. To perform this operation, you must perform the following steps:

Method 5. Activating “Download Manager”

Problems with the Play Market may occur due to the disabling of this service application. In order to activate the “Download Manager”, you must first go to the settings menu of your device, then use a swipe to go to the “All” section, where you select the required item. When you stop the application, you should click the “Enable” button.

After the operations performed, you need to reboot the device and then check the correct work Play Market.

Method 6. Deleting your Google account

When executing of this action, you must keep in mind that when you delete your account, you may lose the necessary and important information. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should first synchronize the data, i.e., create a backup copy. For these purposes, go to the settings menu and then select the “Accounts” section in it, after opening which you need to select your account.

After completing the steps, the synchronization menu will be available, all you have to do is click on the mailbox.

After opening, you need to select the items that you need to synchronize. In most cases, users create backup copies personal information and “Contacts” using the selected section. To save important information on your tablet or phone, you must press the “Options” button and select “ synchronize" After the actions taken, backup copy all applications will be created simultaneously.

After synchronization, you can safely delete your Google account. When you re-login to this account, the device will prompt you to restore the backup information.

After the account has been deleted and restored again, the operation of the applications should be normal. If the play market is not fully functional, then you should use the following method.

Method 7: Having incompatible applications

Operation Play Store may be disrupted or even blocked due to the presence of some applications that the user installed independently. Such applications exist in large quantities. Among these “pest” applications is the well-known Freedom, with which the user can make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8: Setting up the “hosts” file

If your device is equipped with the application " Freedom”, and in your opinion, it contributes to the failure of the play market, then you need to configure the “hosts” file.

To make the settings of this file, you need to go to the settings menu, select the “Application Manager” - Installed section, and select “Freedom”. After opening the menu of this program, you should click on the “Stop” button, and then delete the application. The main thing is not to neglect the rules of the proposed operation, namely: first stop, then delete.

After the device reboots, you need to check the functioning of the play market. if no changes occur, use the following method.

Method 9. Reset Android settings

Despite the fact that resetting everyone existing settings is a fairly radical action, it helps solve most problems not only in the operation of applications, but also in the entire system. By going to the Android settings menu, you need to select “Reset settings” in the “ Recovery and Reset».

Before performing a reset, it is recommended to check the synchronization again necessary information. Data stored on the memory card will remain untouched.

Method 10. Checking your Internet connection

Sometimes, it is a simple lack of connection to the Internet that causes application failures. After checking the connection, you should restart the router.

Method 11: Enable Google Accounts

Problems may occur due to a disabled Google account. Activating the application " Google Accounts "occurs in a special section.

Method 12. Checking time and date

If there is a constant lack of connection, you should check that the time and date are set correctly.
If the Internet connection is connected, but the connection has still not been made, you need to repeat setting the time zone and time, synchronizing these parameters with the network by going to the menu section " Settings", where selecting "Network time zone" and " date and time", mark these parameters with a tick.

Every owner of Android devices periodically uses Google service Play. But sometimes he throws up surprises that disrupt all plans. So in Lately On the Google Play help forum, there have been increasing complaints that when trying to log into Google Play device gives an error message: "Unable to contact Google servers".

Service specialists technical support They believe that one of the reasons for the problem is date and time mismatch installed on the device, with Google certificate expiration dates. At the date and time set in the gadget's system, they either expired or have not yet started. Just set the correct time zone and turn on automatic detection time and date, or enter this data manually, and the problem may be solved.

The same technical support gives two more reasons for the error “Could not install reliable connection with the server." It turns out that the failure may occur due to the fault of providers, namely due to incorrect operation DNS servers. If you access the Internet via Wi-Fi, experts advise specifying as the DNS server in the router settings. You can also change the connection point or use 3G rather than Wi-Fi. If the error is caused by a network problem, this may also help.

Some users are helped to resolve the error by the following: universal methods, How data clearing and cache. You can also try deleting and adding your account again. Google entry or, which is no less simple, but not very convenient, start a new one. We have repeatedly written about how this can be done on an Android device. various instructions on our website.

But, if only it were that simple! As it turns out, technical support advice and universal methods for solving the problem do not help everyone, and the error occurs not only when working with Google Play, but also with YouTube, as well as with a number of other applications and services. In the process of carefully studying the problem, it was discovered that the error “Unable to contact Google servers” also occurs if the device was infected with a virus that changed the record V system file hosts. As a result, the service address stored there is damaged, and the device is sent to a Google server with a changed IP address, and, of course, it is not possible to establish a connection with the service.

On this moment Two ways have been found to adjust the contents of the hosts file. To correct the service address to the correct one, you need to get Root rights on an Android device.

Method 1: Edit the hosts file manually

  1. Install Root Explorer and a convenient text editor.
  2. Open Root Explorer and grant root access to the application.
  3. Go to the "root/etc" folder.
  4. Click "Mount R/W" at the top of the screen.
  5. Open the hosts file in a text editor.
  6. Clear the contents and save the file.
  7. Reboot your device.

Method 2: Clear hosts file using Lucky Patcher

  1. Download and install.
  2. Open Lucky Patcher and select "Block ads on device"
  3. From the pop-up menu that appears, select "Clear hosts file"
  4. Reboot your device and when it starts up, the hosts file will be restored. After this, the device will be directed to the Google server with a valid IP address.
If you know other ways to fix the error " Failed to contact Google servers", we ask you to share them in the comments. Perhaps your option will be effective for some of the site visitors.