What is “traffic” in Internet marketing? Online marketing for beginners: attracting targeted traffic Traffic in marketing

Before we talk about ways to attract new customers, let's understand what lead generation is from a marketing point of view. This is to ensure continuous traffic from interested customers. Accordingly, a lead is a potential client with contacts.

To create traffic of new buyers use 5 steps.

Customer traffic: Target audience

Before you start attracting new customers, you must clearly understand who your company's clients are. You need to define your target audience. As soon as you draw up her portrait, the sales manager will immediately understand what question can be asked of the buyer in order to identify his needs and correctly submit a commercial proposal. For example, if your audience is clients over 50 years old, the offer for them should be written in at least font size 14. Because most people at this age have reduced vision.

There are two ways to understand who your target customer is:

According to science

Any marketing textbook suggests doing a ton of research based on income, location, education, gender, and more. This is quite difficult; this method is mainly used by large companies with a large marketing department.

How can we make this process as practical and simple as possible? One of the most convenient ways is to create a photo collage. One picture can replace about 100 words. For example, for a women's magazine, a collage might include: white collar, washing machine, pets, dishes. Then you will be able to accurately explain to managers who your target client is and, thus, visualize your audience.


Use the opposite method: discard the “bad” customers. The formula for determining your customers = all are “bad”.

Who are the “bad” customers? These are those who:

  • They take the company's budget into the red when selling,
  • Pay with deferred or delayed payments,
  • They scold and discredit the organization,
  • They buy little and rarely,
  • They require a lot at once (high quality, but inexpensive),
  • They are chasing a low price (defectors).
  • Don't irritate yourself and your team.

They bring nothing but negativity. Remember that the bad will definitely be replaced by the good, with whom it will be pleasant to work and who will bring profit.

Customer traffic: tools for attracting customers

Customer traffic: capture points

When talking about lead generation, it is important to understand that in addition to the buyer, there are also capture points. They should be used when you have just joined the company and want to get the necessary information or make a decision.

Capture points can also be online or offline. The first includes the website, social networks and mail, the second - telephones, answering machine, office and employees.

Every business has its own capture points. It is important to work them out carefully. After all, the image of your organization and the way you work directly with customers is related to traffic and then sales. Otherwise, buyers will go to competitors.

Customer traffic: sales funnel

Most companies believe that to create traffic and increase conversions, you just need to increase the number of cold calls at the initial stage. However, this is not quite true. The classic sales funnel begins with a cold call, followed by a presentation, sending a commercial proposal, then contracts and payment.

In fact, one of the key points for traffic growth at each of the listed stages is the analysis of the manager’s intermediate actions. Ask yourself: what can you do to increase the number of payments? At what stage is the company doing something wrong? What can you do to make cold calling more effective? What presentation should you make to ensure maximum impact?

Customer Traffic: Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is an extension of the sales funnel. After you have made a sale, your task is to solve several more problems:

  • create customer loyalty towards the company;
  • organize upsells;
  • enable recommendation service.

It is important to understand that the transaction does not end when you are paid. And then when you have achieved recommendations and positive reviews.

Customer traffic: brand advocates

An additional source of customer traffic can be the customers themselves. But you need the most loyal ones. After all, it is necessary to stimulate word of mouth. How to identify the most loyal?

The easiest way is to carefully study your funnel and especially your sales “skirt”. This is where your “lawyers” sit. Having identified them, come up with a pleasant reason for contact that is not accompanied by a sale: a gift, bonus points, a sample. Check with them to see if they are happy with everything.

Next, approach the matter with determination and a scientific approach. Start measuring your Net Promoter Score. Those who give you a rating of 9 or 10 on a ten-point scale are potentially ready to recommend you to others. Then come up with a “refer a friend and get...” campaign for them.

We've covered 5 steps to help you improve your lead generation system. Use them to create continuous customer traffic, introduce new tools and improve existing ones.

What is Internet marketing and what is its essence? What promotion tools and strategies are suitable for beginners? Where can I get comprehensive training in the basics of Internet marketing?

Hello, dear readers! With you are the founders of the business magazine HiterBober.ru Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

Today we will look at such an interesting topic as Internet marketing.

If you work in the Internet field, then knowledge of the basic tools of Internet marketing will be essential for you. Personally, we use them on our website and it gives us great results.

Thanks to knowledge of the basic Internet marketing tools described in the article and their correct implementation in your business, you will be able to increase the income from your Internet projects significantly.

From the article you will learn:

  • What is Internet marketing and what is its essence?
  • What promotion tools and strategies are suitable for beginners?
  • Where can I get comprehensive training in the basics of Internet marketing?

The tricks and techniques described here will help you increase your online sales and gain a comprehensive understanding of how to promote and attract customers online.

1. Internet marketing: definition, features and benefits

Any commercial project needs to expand its field of activity.

Almost all modern commercial companies have a presence on the Internet in the form of a full-fledged resource, blog, or page. However, simply by creating a network resource and even filling it with information content, you will not automatically increase sales and increase the popularity of the company (website).

More targeted work with the site is needed, involving its promotion, SEO promotion and increasing conversion. This is what online marketing specialists do.

Let's give it a definition.

Internet marketing is a set of techniques on the Internet aimed at attracting attention to a product or service, popularizing this product (website) on the Internet and its effective promotion for the purpose of sale.

Modern dictionaries define online marketing as the practice of using all aspects and elements of traditional marketing in the network space. The main goal of events of this kind is to get the maximum effect from potential site users and increase their flow.

Integrated Internet marketing uses all possible channels of advertising and promotion of resources on the Internet to increase website traffic and sales growth.

Basic internet marketing tools:

  • SEO optimization (promotion in search engines);
  • e-mail newsletter;
  • advertising on social networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • banner advertising;
  • traffic arbitrage.

Web marketing tools will be discussed in more detail below.

In the meantime, let’s find out the features and advantages of professional website promotion in the network space.

The basics of Internet marketing are the same as in regular marketing.

Classic (traditional) marketing is the process of identifying and effectively meeting the needs of individual customers and the consumer audience as a whole.

The main task is to provide and promote goods and services to consumers and establish direct relationships with the client for the benefit of the company.

The rules of web marketing are quite simple: you can understand them in a few hours, but knowing the basics does not mean that you will be able to apply them productively in practice (just as knowing the rules of a chess game does not make you a grandmaster).

Ideally, the business of promoting and promoting products on the Internet should be handled by professionals. Today, Internet marketing services are provided to website owners by special agencies and studios, which are becoming more and more numerous in the online space every day.

Effective Internet marketing (e-marketing) consists of the following components:

  1. Product (aka product). A prerequisite: what is sold through network resources must be distinguished by quality or some unique properties in order to compete with other sites and regular stores.
  2. Price. It is believed that prices on the Internet are slightly lower than in real life.
  3. Promotion– multi-level promotion of both the site itself and individual products. This element includes a whole arsenal of tools - SEO, contextual, interactive and banner advertising, working with communities on social networks and blogs.
  4. Point of sale- the site itself. A functional resource must have an original design, high-quality navigation, and top-level usability.

Other components also play an important role: target audience, content (website content), and involvement of visitors in marketing processes.

An Internet marketing strategy involves step-by-step work to determine the needs of the audience, create and promote content, and involve visitors in active purchasing processes.

Involvement– a key indicator of the effectiveness of modern web marketing. This element shows the level of user interest in your site and ultimately determines the success of a business venture.

Before you start promoting a resource, you should determine its target audience and the needs of each client who comes to your website. Only in this case is it possible to increase resource conversion and make a profit.

Last week. In it we will talk about very basic concepts: what traffic arbitrage is, what are the pros and cons of arbitration, and what is the difference between arbitrage and affiliate marketing.

Text transcript | Presentation

The next lesson will be out tomorrow. It will talk about participants in the arbitration market. The release schedule for all lessons is available on the Mobio School website. You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our VKontakte group.

Let's start with the fact that there are several ways to make money on the Internet:

  • eCommerce,
  • advertising on your own content: public pages on social networks, blogs,
  • infobusiness,
  • affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, traffic arbitrage
Despite the variety of ways to earn money, the earnings model is the same:

(Product + People who might buy it) & Tell these people about this product = $

This formula also works in traffic arbitrage. When listing ways to earn money, we highlighted the terms affiliate marketing (Affiliate Marketing) and traffic arbitrage under one paragraph, but it is important not to confuse these concepts.

Difference between affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage

Affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage are two different concepts. Let's look at them in more detail.

Affiliate Marketing(Affiliate Marketing) is a way to earn money through a commission from the sales of someone else's product. In this case, it is not necessary to have your own product, you need to help sell someone else’s product. As an example: any store that sells Pepsi is engaged in affiliate marketing.

CPA marketing- a special case of any affiliate marketing. The only difference is that in CPA marketing we receive payment for a specific action, lead or application.

Affiliate marketing requires traffic or users. At this moment, the need to attract traffic appears. Traffic arbitrage is a way to attract paid users to the application. You can attract traffic for free, for example, by launching your own video blog, collecting subscribers and then attracting them to the application.

If we look at the concept of “arbitrage” in a broader sense, in economics this term refers to a type of transaction in which we sell the same product in different markets and earn interest on the difference from the sale. Let's take currency as an example: we bought dollars yesterday in order to sell them a day later and make money on the difference.

Equivalent arbitrage is another arbitrage method in which we make money on the difference in components. Any wholesale sales are an example of equivalent arbitrage. We buy goods wholesale and sell them retail: we make money on the same product by buying it in different combinations. As an example, we assemble a computer from its components and sell it as a whole computer.

In our case, mobile arbitration is equivalent arbitration. We buy impressions and clicks, and sell actions and installs.

Ways to sell paid advertising on the Internet

There are several models for selling paid advertising on the Internet. Let's look at what methods exist:

SRT(Cost Per Time) - we buy a fixed time of placement on the site.
CPM(Cost per mille) - we buy a thousand impressions.
CPC(Cost Per Click) - we buy clicks.
CPA(Cost per Action) CPI(Cost per Install) or CPI(Cost per lead) - we pay for actions, installations, leads.

In mobile arbitrage, we buy impressions (CPM) and clicks (CPC) from traffic sources, and then sell actions, installs or leads (CPA, CPI, CPL) to advertisers. Accordingly, we make money on the difference between buying and selling.

What is good about arbitration?

Let’s look at how attracting traffic is useful for business, and what are the advantages of being an affiliate marketer.

For business:

  • It's easy to scale your business: if you have a product and you offer decent rewards to partners, they can easily scale sales and start selling your product in different markets.

For the affiliate:

  • There are no production or logistics costs.
  • You are responsible for only one task: attract traffic.
  • You don’t think about Customer Service: you don’t need to communicate with clients or suppliers.
  • Low entry threshold: anyone with no experience can start attracting traffic, it’s quite simple at the start.

Why is arbitration bad?

There are also negative sides to arbitration, both for business and for the arbitrator himself.

For business:

  • Partners bear less responsibility for the product.
  • It is difficult to control the methods and methods of promotion that partners use.
  • Partners can cause potential damage to their image and reputation through dishonest methods of promotion.
For the affiliate:
  • Instability of earnings, which directly depends on the market situation.
  • High dependence on changes in the rules of advertising platforms, requirements and KPIs of advertisers.
  • Constant level of stress: there is high competition in the market, working campaigns that worked and converted into a plus are constantly dying, you need to come up with new approaches.


So, we have examined the concepts of affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage, formulated the pros and cons of attracting traffic both for the business as a whole and for the arbitrator himself. In the second lesson we will look at which participants are present in the traffic arbitrage market.

You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our

Let's consider a hypothetical situation: you've built a great website, a great mobile app, or a great online store. You also have customers who are loyal to your traditional, “non-digital” business and have written a lot of praise about you on social media.

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful the website is, if no one is visiting it, good luck building an Internet business,” John Brandon, editor of online publication Inc.com.

It was, of course, a joke about customers obediently following their favorite brand from offline to online - if it were that simple, the billion-dollar Internet industry would become completely useless.

Your landing pages/websites may be amazing, but most likely they default to the dark corner of the internet, where traffic is as rare as the Loch Ness monster appearing before the eyes of astonished witnesses.

So what to do?

You should think about attracting new visitors to your landing page or eCommerce site. You need to build your own traffic acquisition strategy. There are a number of options for this, from paid advertisements to content marketing. We'll cover these topics, but first we need to explain a key concept:

Connection with the audience.

You must use your traffic acquisition strategy to connect with your target audience—the people most likely to become paying customers.

Even if you're new to internet marketing, you've probably read a lot about blogging, paid advertising traffic channels, and social media marketing. This guide takes a different approach by providing the holistic view you need to create a powerful marketing strategy.

Traffic acquisition is much more than search engine marketing (SEM) using Google AdWords: it is one of the most important marketing techniques to reach your target audience.

We need clients, not just traffic

Marketers often group traffic into different categories: traffic that converts into sales and traffic that doesn't. Traffic that converts over the long term and traffic that converts in immediate response to a conversion action. There is “junk” traffic, good traffic, targeted traffic. What does all of this mean?

Some types of traffic are more valuable to your company than others. But this distinction is always subjective and depends on the unique needs of your business. As this guide has emphasized many times, you must understand your marketing goals so that you can determine what kind of traffic you need.

This means taking a step back to look at the big picture and understand your customer acquisition goal.

What target audience are you hoping to attract?

Answer this question first. The next step is to determine where exactly the people you need are grouped on the Internet. You may decide that the most direct and productive way to acquire leads is to reach your audience through Facebook or LinkedIn. You may decide that you need to expand your blog's readership.

Cloud service Speak2Leads, for example, is in the very early stages of launching a traffic acquisition strategy. As part of this process, the company launches a blog on its website that publishes posts from industry leaders.

But here’s the problem: the site doesn’t have a wide audience yet. Speak2Leads regularly publishes new content, so over time the blog will certainly gain readers. But this process does not happen by magic, and the problem of attracting an audience will not be solved overnight - it takes time, dedication and patience. Realistically, it takes 6 to 8 months for a blog to prove itself as a lead generation factor.

At the same time, Speak2Leads provided the rights to publish their texts on third-party platforms ( syndicated content), for example on Business2Community, a website with an established audience of small business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate executives. And that's not all - Business2Community, in turn, syndicated this content to the Yahoo Small Business marketing platform.

Initially publish content on your blog, and then expand your audience by distributing original materials. The idea is to find an audience that is much larger than yours and establish a meaningful connection with it. One way to do this is to advertise on social media. Another way: distribute branded content through a major online publisher.

This distinction brings us to an important point: distribution is the heart of Internet marketing. To direct visitors to the site, you need to position the brand outside the Internet. This timely concept applies to almost any marketing environment.

Eagle Rock Brewery has grown its craft beer customer base through partnerships with local restaurants.

Eagle Rock Brewery's marketing practice embodies the concept that Estee Lauder previously used to build its cosmetics business by distributing products through chain department stores, i.e., places where target customers were most likely to spend money. Today, Estee Lauder's international empire is worth billions.

The main difference between traffic acquisition and more traditional distribution methods is that you will have to do more than just go where your potential customers are likely to be. Attract them to your landing pages/websites and motivate them to visit again.

Understand the Key Drivers of Internet Traffic

Key driving forces - drivers- traffic usually falls into one of two categories - paid and free.

Free traffic includes visitors coming to landing pages/sites through organic search, word of mouth from referrals, social media posts, viral videos, news outlets that track your company's activities online and link to your website.

Paid traffic refers to users who come to your web resource through banner advertising, social media advertising, paid blog materials, etc. If you find it difficult to understand which content is paid and which is not, pay attention to the inscriptions “sponsored by support" or "from our partners". By law, companies are required to indicate when advertising is paid.

Perhaps the most famous myth in online marketing is that free traffic is better than paid traffic. This is not true - both types of marketing require a significant investment of time and money. In other words, “free traffic” is not free—you still need to invest time and human capital into developing a thoughtful strategy and putting it into action.

The next two paragraphs include a general overview of paid and free Internet traffic drivers. Let's start with the big picture and then drill down into the details.

Use free traffic drivers

There are several main sources of free traffic in online marketing. These include the following channels:

Public Relations:

To gain attention from media channels, establish relationships with journalists. To act in the best interests of the brand, connect with top bloggers in the industry and give them your content to publish.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Develop a strategy to improve your site’s position in search engines. When potential customers search for information online, your brand should be at the top of the search results list (SERP).

Social media:


Share your knowledge and expert opinions through your blog. This will make you a trusted source of information for existing/potential clients.

Video Marketing:

Create compelling videos that explain your offers and convey your brand's story. Branded videos also have a certain entertainment value and create a viral effect.

Content syndication:

There is no audience for video or text materials, what does your company produce? Post content on your home resource and distribute it through websites or video channels (for example, YouTube) that have a larger audience. Some of the viewers or readers reached by your content will go to the landing page or website

Create a subscription base:

Attract visitors just once is not enough. Encourage them to come back again and again. A list of email addresses will help achieve this goal. For example, you can send a notification to subscribers about new blog posts (see example below):

As we mentioned in the previous section, the term “free traffic” can be misleading. There is no magic - companies still need to invest time and resources to build a strategy for acquiring traffic through the channels listed above.

Let's take the Speak2Leads blog as an example. As we mentioned, the brand syndicates its own content with third-party media channels including Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business. The company also promotes its blog posts through sales discussion groups on the social networking site LinkedIn, the social knowledge-sharing service Quora in CRM-related threads, and, to a certain extent, on Twitter.

Even though the blog is relatively new, these posts drive a small amount of referral traffic to the Speak2Leads site. Speak2Leads content is distributed through members of LinkedIn groups who are interested in reading these posts. Readers who liked the article share a link to it on social networks.

If a company decides to syndicate content, the article is republished by Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business, sending referral traffic either to the Speak2Leads website directly or through social media.

The cost of web traffic itself is zero. But creating this “marketing engine” requires payment:

  • Hiring a content strategist who oversees editorial policy and builds relationships with a content syndication partner (Business2Community).
  • Time to prepare texts, which often comes with a cost (CEO time spent on an article is paid at the highest rate), or the direct cost of hiring a copywriter or editor.
  • Costs associated with building a social marketing strategy, as well as individual costs for conducting promotions on social networks.

But your team's skills will reduce your marketing costs. A case in point is the story of Dollar Shave Club, a Santa Monica-based startup that sells subscription boxes of men's shaving accessories.

CEO Michael Dubin had some experience as an improv actor. So Michael and his colleagues made a funny “viral video.”

Result? Millions of dollars in venture funding and 5,000 new customers signing up to have shaving kits delivered within one day of launching the campaign - all thanks to a video that cost just $4,500.

Don't expect a great video or great copy to drive traffic to your web properties overnight. Fabulous success stories like those portrayed in Hollywood movies are rare, especially in online marketing. Let's take a lesson from Karen Cheng, founder of the video channel “Dance in a Year” (rough translation: “Learn to dance in a year”).

So, Karen spent a year learning to dance and documented the process on video every day. In early recordings she moves like a newbie to dancing. As the video reports continue, you can see that Karen's movements are becoming more and more refined. In the final recordings she dances like a true professional.

Karen's videos tell an amazing story of patience, dedication and performance. They give strength. They inspire. That's why this "home movie" has over 6,000,000 views on YouTube to date.

What seems like luck at first glance is actually part of Karen's carefully planned marketing strategy.

“I put a lot of effort into marketing, and that started long before the first video was released. The fact that it went viral was not an accident—it was the result of work,” Karen Cheng in an article for Fast Company magazine.

Here's what Karen writes about her marketing steps:

2. On the second day, bloggers who had seen Karen’s video the day before began retelling her story through new media channels: Mashable, Jezebel and Huffington Post. These blogs provided significant growth in traffic to Karen's video channel. Expanding the range of traffic sources increased the number of views to 800,000 per day.

3. The popularity of the video “pushed” Karen to the main page of YouTube. This chain of events helped Karen reach 1.8 million views on the third day.

The video also helped connect with potential sponsors for Karen's project. These included Lululemon and American Apparel, two brands from which Karen wanted to receive informational support. The offer did not go unanswered: companies posted her video on their social accounts.

Among other things, Karen released her video on Tuesday, guessing that on Monday potential viewers would most likely be catching up at work on what they didn't finish before the weekend. Her tactic was to “catch” the audience in offices at the right moment, keeping the entire week available for the video to grow in popularity.

The beauty of the strategy lies in two aspects:

  • Marketing and distribution of the product is relatively cheap.
  • The strategy applies to any quality, unique content, including electronic books (eBooks) and blog posts.

It's also important to recognize the echo effect created by this marketing initiative: if you Google the phrase "learn to dance," Karen's video will appear at the very top of the first SERP.

Google Keyword Planner reports that this phrase is a highly competitive search term—in other words, there is intense competition for the attention of searchers asking "How to learn to dance?" when asking search engines.

Karen's video, promoted by the high social and PR activity of its creator, is among the top ten best search results. Ranking high on SERPs like this generates a strong residual effect and drives more traffic.

“How to learn to dance?” - highly competitive search query

When attracting visitors to your site for the first time, immediately take care of their return. Email marketing is an inexpensive and powerful way to achieve this key goal for marketers. This is how the PassivePanda blog grew its audience from zero to 350,000 unique visitors in a year.

If you ever feel confused as a marketer, remember: people are the heart and soul of your marketing strategy. You have to fight for the love, support and attention of your audience.

Buy traffic? - Also an excellent solution!

Paid marketing channels are powerful traffic drivers. These include online banner advertising, search marketing campaigns on Google, Yandex, Bing, and retargeting campaigns aimed at users who have visited your landing pages/sites before.

Acquiring paid traffic is a strong strategy when it comes to increasing brand awareness or driving customers to your eCommerce landing pages/site.

With enough care, the online advertising ecosystem will significantly improve your company's results. But if you spend your advertising budget without defining the final goals, then buying traffic will not be beneficial.

Small business owners and startup organizers are often simply hesitant to buy traffic.


On the one hand, they are skeptical of online marketing in general. On the other hand, they do not want to risk their funds. But by ignoring paid marketing channels, you're missing out on users.

Facebook, for example, has launched an advertising program in which marketers purchase traffic on a Cost Per Install (CPI) basis. Users install apps directly from Facebook's mobile platform, and advertisers pay for each such action.

In addition, in terms of costs, this method of acquiring traffic is more than competitive - sometimes the cost of a visitor is less than $1. Facebook isn't the only mobile advertising platform - there are a number of options available to match what your target customers are willing to pay to the prices needed to achieve a level of profitability (a positive ROI).

And here's the thing: companies that avoid the risk of investing in paid marketing channels are probably doing it wrong. Contrary to what our instincts tell us, marketing is not a money sink. When done correctly, marketing becomes a reliable profit driver.

Harvard Business Review, one of the most respected online business publications, published an article entitled “End the War between Sales and Marketing.” The meaning of the article is clear from the title: both business units are included in one team, the power of which increases many times over when sales and marketing are equal in importance and work together.

When your marketers know their job, their activities don't even require budget expenditures. This is a controversial point of view, but it must be made public. If your marketing department is a money sink, it's probably best to disband it. Otherwise, why pay for nothing?

The trick, however, is not to spend a million effectively. Start tests with small investments in marketing (what is called “budgetary”) and increase the budget gradually. Here’s what business owners will be especially pleased to know: you can start testing even with a hundred dollars. Yes, you'll lose them, but the trick is to keep the data you collect about which pricing models, targeting options, and ad networks are best for you.

The AdRoll cloud service allows you to develop and launch a new retargeting campaign in just 3 steps. In fact, you get $60 as a gift for a two-week trial.

One more step and a new retargeting campaign will be launched

Thanks to the presence of online media giants like Facebook and Google—as well as thousands of smaller companies—the PPC marketing industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. And rest assured: these numbers are constantly growing (we will go into more detail on methods for successfully buying traffic in the following posts in the “Online Marketing for Beginners” series).

Inbound marketing as a “pull mechanism” for your company

Inbound marketing is a term that has been popularized by Boston-based marketing company HubSpot over the past few years. The term is catchy and memorable, but what exactly does it mean?

In a nutshell: inbound marketing is a kind of “lever” that directs traffic to your landing pages and websites. It is a marketing discipline that encourages business leaders to position their companies as “pull” rather than “push” market forces.

Examples of inbound marketing: branded content (distributed through blogs and video channels), social media, and giveaways/free product samples. Inbound marketing is optimal for companies that position themselves as thought leaders in a specific field and valuable sources of information.

As with any marketing initiative, quality is key. If the content is bad, no one will want to read or watch it, or share links to it (because there are many others on the Internet - good- texts, videos, etc.). The only thing your company cannot do is fake authenticity marketing message. So focus on value, not gimmicks that potential customers see right through.

Key Findings

1. Marketing makes your web resources more visible on the Internet.

2. Traffic by itself does not work. You have to invest time and energy to ensure it connects you with the right audience and brings visitors to your landing pages.

3. Acquiring traffic requires time and resources. Invest in strategy and back up your plans with action.

4. Marketing generates income. If there is no measurable return on investment, you are probably doing something wrong.

5. Don’t rush to conclusions that paid traffic is inferior to organic traffic. Well-run PPC campaigns are highly effective.

6. Focus on quality products and marketing content. If it's stunningly good, there will be an "echo effect" that translates into free social media marketing and repeat visits to your landing pages/sites over time.

7. Consumers sense deception from miles away. Give them the respect they deserve. Start with your target customers and work backwards through the conversion path to refine your marketing strategy.

High conversions to you!

Based on materials:

1. Terms of disclaimer

The following Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”), together with any and all applicable Acceptable Use Policies (“AUP” and together with the Terms and Conditions, the “Agreement”), set forth the terms and conditions which shall govern the relationship between businessdrive., Business Drive Group LTD and users. We strongly recommend every user to read with ultimate care the conditions of using the service before visiting BUSINESS DRIVE resource and using any of its services. Any user action as continuing to the resource from this page, using the resource, subscription to any services of the resource will be taken as these TOU accepting and agreeing by the user. Mind that these TOU refer to every user.

2. Terms and conditions interpretation

2.1 BUSINESS DRIVE and any other references as we, its, our, us and others refer to this web resource, service owner and service official representatives.

2.2 “Service” must be read as any services provided by the BUSINESS DRIVE resource including all service packs provided by the service as packages of Facebook likes, Twitter/Instagram followers, YouTube subscribers and views. This also refers to any other service packages the BUSINESS DRIVE service may introduce any moment in the future.

2.3 Any agreements (as additional so separate) refer to any relations between the BUSINESS DRIVE service and any user visiting the resource or using the service. They can add these TOU.

2.4 We understand a user when it goes about you, customer, client or user. In such a way we understand any person who comes to the BUSINESS DRIVE resource and who users any of the services offered by the resource.

2.5 Terms and conditions refer to any statements about the rules of using this resource indicated in the articles 1 – 12 of this document. These TOU are applied to the services provided by the BUSINESS DRIVE resource.

2.6 Privacy Policy reflects a principle position of the BUSINESS DRIVE service on the ways we extract, collect, keep and use the user sensitive data.

2.7 We use the term “Provision” in relation to all the parts, sub-parts and any provision made herein in any part of this document.

2.8 “Likes” term means the quantity of likes the project gets on a brand page on Facebook or a page that is opened following the URL starting from Facebook.com/…

2.9 The term “Views” refers to the number of views a project gets on the YouTube platform. This number is indicated right beneath the player displaying the number of viewers having interacted with the page.

2.10 The term refers to any action a user makes towards the content: subscribing to get updates on a desired piece of content as follower on one of the social platforms including Instragram and Twitter.

3. Provided services and guarantees:

3.1 Our service implies executing and performing any promotions and commercial campaigns to assist clients to attract more followers, likes, views and other actions on social media that are tracked for our clients.

3.2 The client accepts and agrees to the terms that BUSINESS DRIVE carries no responsibility for any piece of content, any type of activity of followers and for the purposes a social media profile or page of the client.

3.3 Only the client is responsible for observation of any TOU of any disclaimer or agreement between the client and any third party.

3.4 BUSINESS DRIVE service does not need access to the social media account of the client. The client is completely responsible for ensuring account’s safety and protection from unauthorized intervention.

3.5 By reading these TOU and ordering any of the services the client agrees and guarantees not to violate any provision the given contract or the contracts necessitated to be signed with any third party. It is a complete responsibility of the client to guarantee that the given TOU not contradicting any contract signed with any third party. The client part also guarantees that the BUSINESS DRIVE service is not and will never become part of violation.

3.6 The client by reading these TOU gets informed that the BUSINESS DRIVE service is not a partner or an affiliate to any social platform it provides services on. These services are provided on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

3.7 The client guarantees that the BUSINESS DRIVE service or services will not be used in violation of due laws which are or will be in force at a certain moment in the United States or globally.

3.8 The BUSINESS DRIVE service takes a decision on termination or modification of services at any moment without notification of its clients, provided that the existing customers will get a full cycle of paid services or will get refunded.

3.9 The BUSINESS DRIVE service has the right to modify, change, TOU, provisions of this document. The amendments will get effective right after their publication on this page or on any page of the BUSINESS DRIVE resource.

3.10 The BUSINESS DRIVE service may refuse to provide services to any client without explaining the reasons of the decision or refusal.

3.11 The reasons of refusals on the part of BUSINESS DRIVE service may be the publication of undue content on the social media page or in the account as offensive information or calls to action, defamatory data, offensive, threatening, libelous or the information which can be interpreted as objectionable. Another reason of refusal on the part of BUSINESS DRIVE service is the publication of content which in any way violates the given TOU.

3.12 The BUSINESS DRIVE service guarantees to keep the promotion going on lifelong. In case of the drastic decrease of quantity of views, followers, likes or other social media activities we recommend the client to report the case immediately to BUSINESS DRIVE officials who will take all necessary steps to get the numbers to the previous high level.

3.13 BUSINESS DRIVE service does not apply automation software to artificially increase the numbers of likes, followers or views. We use only natural promotion based on real users activities. We do not apply bots or any other kind of software. Thus the service can not affect badly any social media account or a resource.

3.14 Employing real users BUSINESS DRIVE service termination and withdrawal needs some time. We adopt the most realistic way of improving popularity of a social media account. To terminate small package services commonly takes from 7 to 14 days while withdrawal of larger packages of services may require a longer period of time varying from 30 to 60 days.

3.15 The BUSINESS DRIVE service does not use fake accounts or profiles to perform social media services.

3.16 The BUSINESS DRIVE service does not force any real user to like, share, follow or view any content in the client's social media account in any way that violates the rights of a user and the TOU of a given social network which are Instagram, Facebook , Twitter and YouTube. Mind that the list of social networks the service works with may vary with time.

3.17 The BUSINESS DRIVE service does not force, stimulate or encourage any user to violate the TOU of any given social network as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YoutTube.

3.18 The BUSINESS DRIVE service does not use any techniques to mislead a user and induce to violate the rules of any given social media network as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YoutTube.

3.19 The BUSINESS DRIVE service complies with TOU as well as with rules and limitations of social media platforms as well as all laws in force at the moment of providing of the services.

3.20 The BUSINESS DRIVE service favors the interests of social media platforms, but only technically. We do not have any agreements or contracts signed with any given social networks accept of standard TOU an average users accepts on registering in any social network. Our services do not violate any terms, conditions or limitations of any social network. Our services are not determinative to the rules of any social network.

4. Refunds and payment

4.1 Current due prices for service packages of the BUSINESS DRIVE are indicated on the next page opened by the link: . The service BUSINESS DRIVE has the sole right to change the prices without prior notifying of users. The change of the price implies the changes in the packs of services.

4.2 The price page is an integral part of these TOU.

4.3 The BUSINESS DRIVE service accepts credit cards and electronic payments PayPal.

4.4 The payment transferred to the bank account of the BUSINESS DRIVE service can not be refunded unless the service fails to provide the services described after the order payment and confirmation.

4.5 We recommend users to use the BUSINESS DRIVE system of dispute resolution if any kind of problems occurs.

4.6 Any users should not discuss PayPal transactions during dispute resolution with BUSINESS DRIVE in order not to violate the rules of this payment system unless the service fails to resolve an occurred problem in any legitimate way.

4.7 Any user of the BUSINESS DRIVE service is strongly recommended to clearly understand how the transactions are made on the part of the payment service and on the part of the service to get a clear vision of how systems are working and are integrated before taking any action to use the service. The BUSINESS DRIVE service does not carry responsibility if a user does not read these TOU.

5. General service usage terms

5.1 The BUSINESS DRIVE service keeps the right to change, replace and modify, terminate and offer new terms, conditions and provisions provided in this document. All the changes, amendments, revisions, alternations, terminations, replacements come into force right after being posted on the page of this document or on any other page of the BUSINESS DRIVE resource.

5.2 The BUSINESS DRIVE service keeps the sole right change, replace and modify, terminate and offer new parts or features of packs and services without notifying users. The users having paid the services on BUSINESS DRIVE resource prior to changes can demand the pack of the services promised in prior TOU and descriptions of the service or may demand a refund.

5.3 The BUSINESS DRIVE provides services only to customers being legal to enter into agreements and contracts in terms of age and solvency. If a user does not qualify for legal client the BUSINESS DRIVE resource does not recommend to use the service. The service does not carry responsibilities towards such clients.

5.4 Any user is forbidden to take any actions which may cause damage, impairment or any other losses to the accounts of other users.

5.5 Any user of the BUSINESS DRIVE service is forbidden to apply any automation tools as software or bots, spiders or any other automatic devices or manual actions to access the resource to copy or monitor the activity of the resource towards other clients without prior agreement with the officials or owner of the BUSINESS DRIVE.

5.6 Any user is forbidden to use any devices, software or digital tools to interfere, prevent, stop the activity and services of BUSINESS DRIVE resource.

5.7 Any user is forbidden to upload any malicious or viral software or content containing such software to the BUSINESS DRIVE resource.

5.8 Any user is prohibited to take any unauthorized actions to get access, to interfere, damage or terminate the functioning and operating of the service.

5.9 These TOU describe the relations between the service and the user in the fullest and constitute a complete agreement.

5.10 Every mark up of this document including headings and subheadings of the service terms, numbers used in the text of TOU are used only for a more convenient reading of a user. They are not used to limit the document. They neither determine all the provisions contained in the document.

5.11 The BUSINESS DRIVE service has published a separate document of Privacy Policy which is an integral part of these TOU. The Privacy Policy is posted on a separate page to attract attention of a user and to necessitate a user to visit the page to stress certain considerations.

5.12 If the BUSINESS DRIVE service fails to perform any right listed in these terms and condition, additional contracts and agreements as well as due laws in force by the time of the violation, it does not imply that the service has a desire or an intent to act so as this does not imply that the service is going to act in the way subsequently.

5.13 The BUSINESS DRIVE service refer the sole right to assign certain rights which do not contradict the TOU to any users. The user has not the right to assign the rights considering using of the service to any other person.

6. Laws and Jurisdiction

6.1 All the problems arising from the use of services and which are indicated in the TOU should be resolved by an independent arbitration.

6.2 In case an independent arbitration can not resolve an issue of the dispute the issue can be transferred to any related and competent jurisdiction (court) of Los Angeles.

6.3 Any user reading and agreeing to these TOU accepts that these rules must comply to the laws in force in the USA, State of California.

6.4 The courts to which the disputes are transferred should have the rights and the due jurisdictions to resolve such issues and disputes which can occur from these TOU.

6.5 All the notes and letters which shall be made according to these TOU or according the due laws in force must be delivered timely if sent to the official lettering address or email of the service.

6.6 If the communication between the service and the third party involved in the resolution of the issue goes through the traditional postage service then the communications must be completed within the first five business day after posting.

7. Intellectual property of the BUSINESS DRIVE service:

7.1 The BUSINESS DRIVE service takes all necessary steps and believes to non-infringe the third party copyrights during providing its services and performing its duties to the clients and partners. If any third party is able to provide the evidence of intellectual rights infringement by the BUSINESS DRIVE service then this person or company should report the case to the officials of the company. The BUSINESS DRIVE service guarantees to resolve the issue within the term of 14 business days after receiving of the notification on the rights infringement.

8. Rights for intellectual property

8.1 All the content without any possible limitations posted on the pages of the BUSINESS DRIVE resource or within the service is the sole and integral property of the service. The content as other intellectual property of the BUSINESS DRIVE service is protected by the due laws protecting copyrights which are at force in the USA and other countries globally.

Any user is forbidden to copy, use for own goals and intent, reproduce, host, distribute, reprint or print the content from the resource or service BUSINESS DRIVE without getting official approval from BUSINESS DRIVE authorities.

8.2 The BUSINESS DRIVE service will take instantly the strictest legal actions to protect the intellectual and copyright in case of detection of right infringement.

8.3 BUSINESS DRIVE service will also protect the rights which are not listed in this copy but which exist and are ensured by due governmental laws of USA.

9. Re-compensation:

9.1 Any user guarantee not to engage the service or its participants as other users, directors, managers, employees or from any disputes and issues, claims and possible legal actions, damages caused by the actions of any third party which can occur from user's linking the BUSINESS DRIVE service, enjoyment of service, from violation of any third party contract or from infringement of rights of any third party.

10. Disclaimer

10.1 All the content published within the service or on its resource without limitations and including written text content, images, photos and other graphics materials, software, marketing and business communication which are available on the resource or through the service do not infringe the governmental laws in force of the United States and do not contain malware, viruses or any other software which can damage user's account, computer or any other device or intellectual property.

The BUSINESS DRIVE service does not guarantee or warrant in any way that the content does not contain mistakes as well as the content is accurate, complete or current.

10.2 Force Majeur conditions: BUSINESS DRIVE is an official business entity and keeps to the commitments given to its partners, visitors and clients. However there are cases when the service is disabled to provide the services. Among force majeur conditions there are acts of God, lock-outs, disasters, riots, wars, strikes, earthquakes and any other cause which is beyond control of the service. In case of such situations neither the service nor the client should not keep the given responsibilities which are listed in the TOU. The BUSINESSD RIVE service can be terminated till the force majeur conditions last. In case the force majeur continues for more than 30 days then any relations between a user and a service must be terminated and the user must claim the refund.

10.3 Liability and responsibility extent

If other terms are not indicated in any other way (as additional or separate agreement) then the liability and responsibility of the service in front of the user should not exceed the original price the user has paid to get access to the service package.

10.4 The BUSINESS DRIVE service guarantees that the TOU will be violated in no way. The service guarantees that none of the TOU of any social media platform as well as any rights of any user registered in a given social network will be violated.

10.5 The BUSINESS DRIVE service considers all the errors and possible omissions.

11.Variability of the TOU

11.1 In any situation in which the TOU is found to be void, unenforceable or invalid in relation to any other condition, situation or circumstances, the certain condition should be severed from the TOU ad replaced with a valid line.

12. Information on confidentiality

12.1 All parties involved in the service agree not to disclaim any personal, user or company sensitive data to any other third party unless it is forced by the due laws in force. Confidential pieces of information without limitation include business data and secret, business and marketing strategies, informations ensuring identification of service users.

13. e-gift card

13.1 The price on the e-gift card corresponds to the actual prices indicated on the site at the time of using the card.

13.2 We are not responsible for the card that was given to an unauthorized person.

13.3 The card can only be used once.

13.4 Only one purchase is possible with the use of a certificate. When making a purchase, the nominal value of the certificate is debited entirely. If the purchase price is less than the nominal value of the certificate, the difference between the value is not refundable.

13.5 Gift cards are only for use on the site BUISENESSDRIVE. You will not be able to use them on other sites that provide similar services.

13.6 If you lose the e-Gift card, it will not be replaced.

13.7 The minimum order is 1 dollar. The maximum order is 2000 dollars. You can only use integers.

13.8 The certificate can not be used to receive cash.

13.9 The card is considered active immediately after payment.

13.10 If the gift amount is more than the maximum allowable card value, you can give the recipient 2 or more cards.

13.11 The balance of the card is static. You can not change the value of the card after its purchase.

13.12 If you have some difficulties with your order, just write your code and service to . Our manager will acquaint you with all information and help to make an order.

14.Contact information:

14.1 We carry out communication referring to the functioning and operation of the TOU via official company email: Business Drive Group LTD. Room 2512, Langham Place Office Tower 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong