A program for searching keywords in Yandex. Online keyword selection program. Search operators Yandex Wordstat

Hi all! Almost every webmaster uses Wordstat from Yandex when creating a semantic core. Well, a good choice - a huge base and free use. But Wordstat is only one source of keywords.

Below I will talk about 10 free sources of search queries that can significantly expand semantics. Some may seem banal to you, others you have read about but have not used, and others you have not even heard of. In any case, it would be a good idea to refresh your memory =) .

Most internet marketers do not use such databases:

  • some are lazy and don’t want to use them;
  • for others wordstat is enough;
  • still others don’t know about them.

So, let's go.

As you can see, not everything is limited to Wordstat. There are sources of key phrases that will allow you to create a high-quality core. Moreover, no one forbids using all the tools in a comprehensive manner.

Some sources are not very convenient to use. For automation purposes, you can order simple and inexpensive parsers.

Since I mentioned Wordstat.Yandex, I’ll write a little about it.

  1. Use the right column. It will allow you to fully cover the selected topic.
  2. If the niche is wide and Wordstat statistics do not end on page 40, then you need to “pass” the received phrases through the service again. In this case, the parsing will be the most complete.
  3. Free tools to help:
    - SlovoEB - a stripped down version;
    - https://words.elama.ru/ - ready-made simple grouping;
    - Magadan Lite;
    - https://arcticlab.ru/yandex-wordstat-helper/ extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to speed up work.

What did I miss? What non-standard ways of collecting search queries do you know? Let's discuss the topic in the comments.

Pavel Lomakin

IN Most free keyword collection instructions will ask you to manually copy each keyword and then paste it into a text or Excel file. It's pretty tedious I tell you. Some will suggest you use one of the key parsing programs and they really make life much easier. I loaded up with 2 dozen RF parsing requests and went to drink tea. But for beginners and if you are not collecting keys on an ongoing basis, this is not suitable; sometimes you can quickly collect a bunch of requests without all this. In general, situations are different and you decide for yourself when you may need the plugin that I will now describe.

D Other articles on working with statistics:

N In fact, there are two such plugins, but they are very similar to each other.

  • Yandex Wordstat Helper
  • Yandex Wordstat Assistant

ABOUT They have the same basic functionality, but the second plugin, as you can see, has wider capabilities, so I use it. See comparison table below.

TO You can download each of these plugins for both FireFox and Chrome browsers absolutely free. It is very comfortable. Go to extensions or add-ons and enter its name in the search bar:

P After installation, we go to the Yandex Wordstat website, it is assumed that you are already familiar with it, since you need to somehow automate the process, and if not, then you are welcome to familiarize yourself with. As you can see, the plugin added additional functionality to the page.

IN enter any query and see that next to each of them a plus sign (+) has appeared in the results

N By pressing the plus signs one by one, you will transfer the request along with the frequency to the block on the left, the plus signs turn into minuses (-), so that you can see that we have already made such a request.

E If you click on the minus sign, we will remove the request from the block on the left. If you close the page or browser and reopen it, the requests from the block will not go anywhere. This is very convenient if you suddenly need to be distracted or accidentally closed. To add all requests from the page, you can click the link above: Add all / Remove all

T As you flip through each page, add all the queries you need. If a request that you have already added is in the block, then it will not be added and you will be notified that such a request has already been added previously.

P By default, all requests in the block are immediately sorted in alphabetical order, but you can customize the sorting to suit your needs. To do this, click on the sort icon.

AND The available options are:

  • Alphabet from A to Z
  • Reverse sorting from Z to A
  • Sorting by the order in which queries were added (new ones are added from the bottom)
  • Sort by order of addition (new ones are added on top)

D By adding all the queries you are interested in, you will clearly see how many queries you have added and what their total frequency is.

T Now you can copy requests by clicking on a special button. Copying will be carried out to the buffer in the sort order you specified.

IN You can also make copy with frequency if you need it.

WITH You can move the copied phrases to where it is more convenient for you to process them. Text file, Word, Excel and so on. If you transfer frequency phrases to a table, they will be transferred to two columns. There will be phrases in one column, and on the contrary, their frequency in the second column. This is very convenient for subsequent work.

D and I almost forgot. It is possible to add your own queries one at a time (you can already do it in a list) and you can quickly clear everything. I think you will find it without a picture.

N I hope this tool will save you a lot of time, just like it did me. At the time I discovered it, I was completely delighted with its capabilities and now I use it almost every day, which I advise you to do. Simple, concise, despite the small functionality, its capabilities will be enough for you. And most importantly it works very quickly.

This concludes the review of its capabilities. I wish you highly effective campaigns, high sales and cheap leads. Good luck!

To run a successful business, you need to properly promote your company on the Internet. Therefore, SEO optimization specialists are in demand now more than ever. However, processing and sorting keys requires a lot of time.

Despite the high level of development of computer technology, a powerful semantic core cannot be created by pressing a couple of buttons. Since this involves processing and sorting a huge number of search keys, this operation cannot be performed manually. Therefore, webmasters come to the aid of various programs and services that help them successfully cope with this task.

To make life easier for other users, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with my review of the most well-known tools for processing the semantic core and sorting keys. The tools I reviewed for SEO optimization have various capabilities, some of them are universal, the rest serve only for auxiliary operations.

Key Collector

In my opinion, this is one of the famous and most frequently used programs for selecting semantics. Using Key Collector, you can simplify the process of automatically processing and sorting keys to obtain the necessary data from Wordstat, AdWords. Also useful (especially for beginners), in my opinion, will be search suggestions and a built-in Web analytics function.

With this tool, I can quickly determine frequency, filter and group them, and then remove duplicate words. You can also take pictures of positions and evaluate them according to many different criteria.

However, I want to warn you that when you first get acquainted with such a semantic “combine” as Key Collector, it will be difficult for beginners to understand all the variety of its built-in functions.

Also, among the undoubted advantages, I would like to note that the developers of this tool constantly monitor changes to the connected services. Thanks to this, Key Collector is regularly updated after a few days.

In addition to the expanded set of functions, an important advantage of the Key Collector package is its low price; currently it can be purchased for only 1,700 rubles.

The main purpose of this tool is to automate and simplify the process of processing and sorting keywords.

When working with the semantic core, the data for parsing also includes information obtained via Wordstat. Search suggestions are also selected and the entire set of queries that have a common topic are divided into separate groups in order to promote landing pages.

The main feature that distinguishes Rush Analytics from Key Collector and similar programs is that it is not tied to a specific computer.

The system is organized in such a way that the semantic core is processed on the server. Therefore, when analyzing a large number of keywords, you can get by with a medium-power computer. At the same time, the results of the work will be available regardless of your location; you will be able to view them not only at home, but also at work or in general anywhere where there is Internet.

I like using Rush Analytics for the following reasons:

  • amazing word processing speed (when working with Wordstat - up to 100 keys / s), as a result, in just 10 minutes the system will give you about 200 search tips and clusters about 10 thousand keys;
  • you don’t have to use proxy servers, and you don’t have to constantly enter captchas;
  • the built-in “stop word” function helps to quickly filter out unnecessary information requests directly during the work process;
  • when searching for hints, you can set any sampling depth;
  • when clustering, the program uses an advanced algorithm that quickly divides the array of requests into separate groups, while simultaneously selecting landing pages automatically;
  • In addition, the system has many other useful functions.

However, all services of this program are paid, although at first glance the prices seem completely ridiculous. Thus, selecting words using Wordstat will cost only 0.03 rubles per word, determining the frequency will cost 0.01 rubles. for each phrase from the tips, key clustering 0.5 rub./word.

With a large amount of work, you can end up getting a substantial amount. Therefore, the developers of Rush Analytics plan in the future to organize access to the service through subscriptions for regular customers.

It is popular among those who value their time and do not want to parse queries from scratch. The developers of Bukvarix took care of this.

I usually use this tool when compiling samples, since Bukvarix contains the minimum filters necessary for fully processing queries. Therefore, I recommend using this system as a final processing tool in conjunction with Rush Analytics and Key Collector, which we discussed earlier.

The obtained sampling results are saved in file formats. txt and. csv.

Many SEOs choose Bukvarix because it is absolutely free to use. And, most importantly, its developers do not plan to introduce a board in the near future.

Pastukhov Base

The most famous system in Runet, which is convenient to work with for users of any level, from beginner freelancers to experienced webmasters. The Pastukhov database includes three sections:

  1. Russian keyword database – 1.57 billion;
  2. English keyword database – 1.3 billion;
  3. Russian database of hints – 3 billion requests (including connections between them).

However, Pastukhov's database is updated irregularly (1-2 times a year), while one of his main competitors (Bukvariks) updates the database every month.

I would also like to note the following advantage: the latest versions of the program have access to online databases. As a result, you will be able to use the system from any, even not very powerful, computer with any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux).

For the average freelancer, this pleasure is not cheap at all. For a complete set of databases you will now have to pay about 200 USD. Therefore, I would like to ask: “Isn’t it better to use free Bukvarix instead of Pastukhov’s database?”

Of course, everyone chooses what suits them best, depending on the tasks to be solved and financial capabilities. But for those who are involved in large projects or large-scale semantic analysis, I advise working with Pastukhov’s database.



Compiling the correct semantic core is one of the main tasks of SEO optimization. Independent selection of keywords of the semantic core is difficult to implement without analytical and statistical services that collect information on the search queries of Internet users.

17 keyword selection services for Russian-language sites

And it is done to optimize the site for certain search engines. For this purpose, query statistics stored in the database of search engines and services are used.

Yandex keyword selection


A free service for selecting and analyzing search queries made in Yandex.

Yandex advanced search


Advanced search allows you to analyze the results for low-frequency queries in Yandex. Compiling an extended semantic core from search phrases of 3-4 words.

Yandex Direct


Clarifying the competition of search queries for advertising phrases used in advertising on Yandex.

Yandex Webmaster


Correction of the semantic core: identifying popular queries of a published site.

Google AdWords


Selection of keywords and analysis of search traffic in the Google search engine. Analysis for registered users only. Selective analysis of requests by country.

Google advanced search


Refinement of results for search queries in advanced search.

Rambler statistics on search queries


Statistics of search queries made in the Rambler search engine. Disadvantage: query statistics are rarely updated.


Multifunctional service for website optimization and search engine results analysis. One of the tools: Selection of phrases of the semantic core. The selection cost is 3 rubles per request. The number of selected phrases is unlimited.


Another multifunctional service for webmasters. Registration is required to operate. Word analysis and selection tools are available for 14 free days. Next, for selecting keywords, pay 50 kopecks per request from the service database (20,000 results) and 1 ruble from the Yandex database.

Megaindex keyword selection


Megaindex service is a multidisciplinary service for website analysis and promotion. One of the best keyword selection services.

The selection of keywords is done after registration and adding a project (site). The tool is free. In addition to the selection of phrases of the semantic core, analysis of the site’s visibility in search results for queries (2) and analysis of thematic queries (3).

Provigator, search phrase competition analysis


Analysis of competitors by search phrase. Can be used for indirect analysis of the competitiveness of search queries.

Keywordtool service


Shows analysis of a search query and a key phrase for this query in Google search engines, including separately in Google.ru, Bing, YouTube. The selection of phrases and keywords is free, however, query statistics, CPC (cost per click in advertising) and the level of competition of a phrase in Google are only available in a paid version.

Advodka.com service


A free service that has a tool for selecting phrases and semantic core words for search engines Yandex and Google. There is an analysis of the geography of requests.

Google Search Trends


Service of popularity of search queries for a month, a year by sections and countries. Shows only queries made on Google.

Service Mutagen


Keyword selection service for Runet sites. In addition to the selection of key phrases, it shows the degree of competition between phrases. There is a mass key check.

To check, you need to register and top up your balance by 1 ruble.

Rush Analytics service

A good service for site analysis, keyword selection, query clustering.

Grouping requests


Free service for clustering (grouping) search queries.

Service seolib.ru

17 keyword selection services: seolib

Multidisciplinary service for website optimization and analysis. One of the services: free selection of 25 keywords per day from one IP address.

We have already told you more than once how you can create a semantic core for a website yourself and even wrote a book (by the way, you can download it completely free). Before trying to collect keywords using the services discussed in this article, I recommend reading the book to understand the basics.

The process of collecting semantics is very labor-intensive, requiring a lot of time, especially for beginners.

There are many specialized services and programs for compiling a semantic core. The most popular: Yandex.Wordstat and Google KeywordPlanner, Key Collector, Slovoeb, Megaindex.com, SEMRush, Just Magic, Topvisor and others.

Many of these products are paid, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below we will look in detail at 2 assistants for collecting site semantics - one is paid, the other is free.

  1. Rush Analytics - an online service for creating a semantic core

    Allows you to automate all routine processes when collecting semantics: from key selection to clustering.


    • No software installation required.
    • Clear and simple interface.
    • Availability of guidelines for using the service and tips at each stage.
    • Clustering reports have a lot of useful data that you can use to create content.
    • You can expand the semantic core using the Search Suggestions tool.


    The downside is that this is a completely paid service. Only upon registration you will receive a bonus of 200 rubles. If you have a large amount of work, it will cost you a lot. For example, clustering one key query costs 50 kopecks.

    Collecting Keywords

    After a simple registration, 4 tools will be available for working with keywords: “Wordstat”, “Hint Collection”, “Clustering” and “Keyword Checker”.

    Now you can start collecting keywords; to do this, you need to create a new project:

    In the tab that opens, indicate the project name and region:

    The next step is Collection Settings. Here you need to choose how the words will be collected:

    For work, we will choose the first option: collecting keywords from the left column of Wordstat.

    Third step – Keywords and price. We indicate the base keywords of the site either in a list or upload a file.

    For example, we have a website about renting special equipment. We enter the main keys “rental of special equipment”, “rental of a crane”, “crane services”. This will be enough to collect semantics.

    We also indicate stop words. They will help you filter your list and save time and money. There is a convenient function “Stop words by topic”.

    For our site we will add the stop words “agreement”, “work”.

    After some time our project will be ready:

    Now you can download the file in xlsx format:

    We received a fairly large list of keywords (1084 words). Some of them are unnecessary, so it is better to go through the list and remove unnecessary words.

    Determination of frequency

    To do this, create a new project (specify the name and region), in the second tab select “Frequency collection”, check the first three options:

    Once the frequency collection is completed, you can download the file. Let's see what happened. We have already written about how to predict traffic by keywords; if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to read it.

    I will only say that I do not recommend using dummy queries for promotion, i.e. words for which the frequency with the “!Key” operators is equal to zero.

    Keyword Clustering

    Clustering is the division of keywords into groups from a logical point of view and based on search engine results. After distributing requests into groups, you will essentially receive a ready-made site structure.

    To do this, click on “Clustering” and create a new project:

    We name the project “Special equipment3” (any name of your choice), select a search engine (we chose Yandex), and also indicate the region:

    The next step is setting up the collection. First you need to select the type of clustering algorithm. These algorithms work on the same principle (comparing search engine TOPs), but are designed to solve different problems:

    • Wordstat – suitable for creating a website structure.
    • Manual markers - suitable if you already have a ready-made site structure and you need keywords by which to promote existing site pages.
    • Combined (manual markers + Wordstat) – suitable for the task of simultaneously selecting keywords for the existing site structure and expanding it.

    Here we indicate the minimum frequency that we use and the clustering accuracy:

    The greater the clustering accuracy, the greater the number of keys that will fall into one group. For blogs and portals, accuracy is not so important (you can put 3 or 4). But for sites with competitive topics, it is better to choose a higher grouping accuracy.

    As you can see from the screenshot, we have selected all acceptable grouping accuracies. This does not affect the cost of clustering, but we will be able to determine which group is more suitable for us.

    Let's proceed to the next stage - downloading a file with keywords:

    The result of clustering in xlsx format looks like this:

    Based on this file, you can create a Relevance Map and form technical specifications for copywriters.

  2. Slovoeb program

    One of the best free programs for compiling a semantic core. Many people call it “Key Collector’s little brother.”


    • The program is absolutely free.
    • Availability of tips, description of the program and its tools.
    • Clear interface.


    • Requires installation on a computer.
    • There is no automatic query clustering.
    • No program updates.

    Setting up the program

    You can order the development of SYS and maps (look in the “Optimization and technical support” section).