Buttons on the iPhone and their purpose. Volume button doesn't work on iPhone

The silent mode button is quite a convenient element mobile devices. There are many situations in life when emergency muting is required. It has happened to everyone that when you come to a business meeting, negotiations, meetings, interviews, theaters, concerts, or other places where, for ethical reasons, you are not allowed to receive calls, you forget to turn off the sound on your phone. No one is immune from this; the main thing is to be polite and turn off the call as quickly as possible. In devices various manufacturers this function activated differently. You can go to the menu and select silent mode in a certain section or reduce the volume all the way using the corresponding button. In some devices running on Android, for example Samsung, the sound is turned off with one press of the volume key, in others (LG) - using the lock button. Apple Company has moved further than anyone else and placed the silent mode button on the iPhone body. This key, or rather the switch, is located on the left side above the volume up/down buttons and has a rectangular shape. One press of it puts the phone into silent mode or, conversely, turns on the sound. Many will consider this overkill, but only iPhone owners they know how convenient and practical it is, because to turn off the sound you don’t even need to turn on the device itself!

Many users love this feature so much that they use it constantly, rejecting calls using the switch every time. Such frequent use can negatively affect the operation of the button and lead to wear or loss of contacts. The silent mode button has fallen out, malfunctioned, jammed or complete absence functioning - a reason to contact the Service Center " Mobile Service", located in Simferopol on the street. Gorky 6. You, of course, can do without it, each time turning on the silent mode through certain settings, but it's quite inconvenient. And most importantly, the problem may not lie in this button at all, and any delay risks failure of more important elements of the phone.

The main causes of malfunction of this switch and the reason for repair are improper handling and mechanical damage. Such cases are characterized not only by damage to the button itself, but also by disconnection of contacts, the appearance of cracks at the junction with the cable, disconnection or breakage of the cable itself. The button may stop working due to moisture penetration, also
negatively affecting contacts and cables. There may be a process of oxidation and malfunctions in the functioning of all side buttons connected to the audio cable, the connections of which quickly corrode.

In any case, only a professional will be able to correctly assess the situation, conduct diagnostics, draw certain conclusions, repair the device or replace a spare part. Strongly not recommended independent conduct any repair work with the device. There are many reasons why the silent button may not work. It is during diagnosis that it is possible to identify faulty element. You may need to replace the key, cable, or both. This can only be done by completely disassembling the phone without damaging any of the cables. The quality of the parts being replaced also plays a big role. "Mobile Service" has its own warehouse of original and high-quality spare parts, which is an undeniable advantage, because you don’t have to wait for delivery. In addition, you will be able to fully appreciate the level of service, quality of repairs, and speed of replacement!

iOS provides two ways to prevent your iPhone from ringing in inappropriate situations. For example, you can turn on silent mode (using the switch located on the side) or configure software function" ". Both methods mute the sound, but there are significant differences between them, which not everyone knows about.

In contact with

Silent mode on iPhone

The easiest way to turn off the sound on an iPhone is to use the switch located above the volume buttons on the left side of the case. Surely many people already instinctively reach for the switch when they go to a cinema, school, church, etc., without even realizing it.

The above method mutes calls, messages, notifications and even games, but when incoming call The iPhone will still vibrate, but when receiving SMS the screen will light up. You can turn off vibration by going to " Settings» → « Sounds, tactile signals " and moving the switch opposite " to the left Vibration in silent mode e".

Even though vibration will be turned off, the screen will still light up when there is an incoming message.

Do Not Disturb Mode

At activated mode « Do not disturb» iPhone will remain silent and the screen will remain turned off for incoming calls and messages. However, you can set up exceptions so you don't miss an important call.


Enable " Do not disturb"There are two ways. The simplest of them is to swipe your finger across the screen from bottom to top, calling “ Command centre", and click on the crescent moon icon.

The crescent icon in the status bar will indicate that the mode is enabled "Do not disturb":

You can also go to " Settings» → « Do not disturb" and move the switch opposite " Do not disturb».

You can choose certain time, when you need your iPhone (iPad) to go into silent mode (for example, at night from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.). In addition, the settings allow you to select contacts from which calls can be received even when the mode is activated "Do not disturb". Function "Call Allowance" Allows you to allow calls from everyone, no one, selected users or specific contact groups.

Option "Repeated calls" allows you to receive repeated calls from particularly persistent ones if they were made within three minutes after the first one. Mode "Silence" Allows you to turn off beeps whenever or when your iPhone is locked.

When is it recommended to use silent mode or Do Not Disturb mode?

The main difference between the two modes described above is glowing screen when receiving messages and notifications if silent mode is activated. If you are used to carrying your iPhone in your pocket or bag, then there is nothing easier than turning off the sound by sliding the switch with one movement of your hand. However, keep in mind that vibration can be just as annoying and attention-grabbing as a ringtone.

If you always keep the device in your hand, on your lap or on a table, then it is best to use the “ Do not disturb"so that the glowing screen does not catch the eye and does not cause unnecessary attention.

Chapter 27


Volume Limit function. Blocks current settings volume level.

In-App Purchases feature. If In-App Purchases are disabled, you will not be able to
will be able to purchase additional materials and functions for programs purchased
in the App Store.

"Password Request" function. Apple ID requirement for in-app purchases
after the specified period of time.

Content restrictions. Click "Rating for", then select a country from the list. Set
restrictions for music, podcasts, books, movies, TV shows and programs. Materials,
that do not correspond to the rating you have chosen will not be displayed on the iPad.

Several players. When the Play with Others option is disabled, you will not be able to send
requests for automatic selection rivals, as well as send and receive
invitations to participate in games and adding friends to Game Center.

Adding friends. If "Adding Friends" is disabled, you will not be able to receive
or send friend requests to Game Center. If the "Games" option
with others" is turned on, you can continue playing with existing friends.

Side switch

You can set the side switch to lock the screen orientation or
to mute notifications and sound effects.
Lock the screen in portrait or landscape orientation. Select
Settings > General. Go to the "Sidebar Switch" section
and turn on the Orientation Lock option.
Mute notification sounds and sound effects. Select Settings >
General > Sidebar Switch: and tap Mute.
The side switch does not mute music or videos. Use the buttons
Volume controls on the sidebar to mute the sound.

Multitasking Gestures

Multitasking gestures allow you to quickly switch between programs,
display the multitasking panel and return to the main screen. Cm.

date and time

These settings affect the time displayed in the status bar at the top of the screen,
as well as world clocks and calendars.
Set the iPad time display format: 24-hour or 12-hour. Select
Go to Settings > General > Date & Time and turn the setting on or off
"24-hour format". (The 24-hour setting is not available in all regions.)
Automatically update date and time on iPad. Select Settings >
Go to General > Date & Time and turn Automatic on or off.
If iPad is set to automatic update time, it determines the correct
time based on connection to cellular network (Wi-Fi models+ cellular) or connections
to the Internet via Wi-Fi networks. In some cases, the iPad may not install automatically
local time.
Setting the date and time manually. Go to Settings > General > Date
and time" and turn off the "Automatic" option. Click Time Zone and set
Timezone. Click Date and Time, then click Set Date and Time.

Multiple convenient buttons make it easy to turn your iPhone on and off, adjust the volume, and switch between modes sound signal and silent mode.

On/Off button (Sleep/Wake)"

When you're not actively using iPhone, you can lock it to turn off the screen and extend battery life.

When iPhone is locked, nothing happens when you touch its screen. But iPhone can receive calls. text messages and other data updates. You also can:

Listen to music;

Adjust the volume using the buttons located on the side iPhone side(or at iPhone headphones), while talking on the phone or listening to music;

Use the center button on your iPhone's headphones to answer or end a call, or control audio playback (see “Controlling Audio Playback” 07).

By default iPhone produces automatic blocking, if you do not touch the screen for a minute.

About changing the time interval before iPhone lock See Auto-Lock 26.0 To set up your iPhone to require a passcode to unlock it, see Password Protect 26.

Home button

The Home button □ allows you to go to main screen, which displays iPhone programs. To launch any program, click its icon. To view a list of recently used apps, double-click the Home button. See “Opening and switching between programs” 3.

Volume buttons

While talking on the phone or listening to music, watching movies or other materials, the buttons on the side iPhone surface Allows you to adjust the volume. The rest of the time, these buttons control the volume of ringtones, alarms, and other sound effects.

WARNING: Important information For information on preventing hearing loss, seeProduct manualon the website www.apple.com/ru/support/manuals/iphone.

To adjust the volume, use the buttons on the side of your iPhone.

To set volume limits for music and videos on iPhone, see Music.

Ring/Silent switch

Press the sound on/off button to put your iPhone into ringing mode or silent mode

In mode iPhone call plays all sounds. In the silent iPhone mode Does not play ringtones, audible warnings or other sound effects.

Important: When iPhone is in silent mode, alarm clocks, sound programs(i.e. iPod) and many games still play sound through the built-in speaker.

Default upon admission iPhone call begins to vibrate regardless of the set mode - ringing or silent. When iPhone is in ringing mode, you can mute the ringing sound by pressing the On/Off button. (“Sleep/Wake”) or one of the volume buttons. A second press forwards the call to voicemail.

To change the sound and vibration settings, see Sounds and the Ring/Silent Switch.

If the volume button on your iPhone does not work (for example, it is stuck), do not rush to give your phone to service center. Before finding out the cost of repairs and paying for replacement buttons (switching to silent mode or adjusting the volume), find out the cause of the problem and try to fix it yourself.

Main causes of malfunctions

Initial diagnostics of the device can be done at home. If the volume button on the iPhone does not work - you do not hear a characteristic click, you feel that the mechanism is loose - most likely the reason is mechanical damage. Shocks and falls easily damage cables, screen, system board and other buttons (volume, lock, power and turning off iPhone, switch to silent mode). Often, the smartphone not only does not switch to silent mode, but even stops turning on altogether after strong mechanical impact.

Often problems with iPhone occur due to liquid spillage. Penetration of moisture into the housing leads to serious consequences. It is important to dry the phone in time, clean the contacts and tracks, and prevent corrosion, otherwise there may be problems not only with the sound.

The “Volume” (decrease and increase volume), “Power” (turn on and off) and “Mute” (mute, switch to silent mode) buttons do not always break. In some cases they stop working due to software glitches. For example, when you install unlicensed software on your iPhone or the firmware does not work correctly.

Signs of trouble:

  • the button is broken and doesn't respond
  • Volume control (decrease, increase) does not work
  • the button gets stuck and works irregularly

If you are sure that the buttons do not work due to a manufacturing defect, immediately contact your Apple retailer or an authorized service center. In another situation, try to solve the iPhone problem yourself.

Troubleshooting software and adjusting settings

When diagnosing a device, you should pay attention to iPhone settings– the phone may be working in silent mode. It is also possible that recently installed application causes blocking. Then you should do a hard reboot:

  • press “Power” and “Home” at the same time (on the iPhone 7 this is how the on/off and volume buttons work, if the latter is not broken)
  • hold them until the phone turns off and the Apple logo appears

As a last resort, go through the procedure iOS recovery via iTunes.

Where to go for repairs

Contact a specialist immediately if the software is working properly and the adjustment or activation mechanism silent mode stopped working due to mechanical damage or flooding. When warranty periods broken, there is no need to waste time on a trip to the service center - it is much more convenient to call a specialist at home.