Iphone 5 can't hear me well. Poor audibility from the interlocutor on the IPhone

Sometimes an Apple smartphone user is faced with the most annoying problem - when they cannot hear the other person on the iPhone 6. In exceptional cases, this is due to operator malfunctions. If this is the case, and you can’t hear the other person on your iPhone 6 due to loss of cellular communication, just wait a while and reboot the device. If this does not help, you need to look deeper for the root of the problem.

When talking on iPhone 6, I can’t hear the interlocutor: what to do?

First of all, if there is no sound during a conversation on your iPhone 6, you should update the operating system and restore the phone. These steps help you solve many problems with Apple devices on your own. However, if this does not help, and you still cannot hear the other person during a call on your iPhone 6, there is good reason for concern. However, do not rush to panic.

If there is no sound on your iPhone 6 and you can’t hear the person you’re talking to, make sure it’s not due to inattention. In conversation mode, use the volume buttons - what if you accidentally turned the volume down to minimum during a previous conversation? As for breakdowns, the first thing you should suspect is a breakdown of the speaker. Also, the reason that you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone 6 may be due to a malfunction of the audio codec on the board.

Somewhat less often, the iPhone 6 loses sound during a conversation when the phone thinks that headphones are connected to it. Try to insert the headphones into the audio jack and pull them out sharply. If the audio jack and the cable connected to it are in order, this simple measure will help. It will also not be superfluous to clean the sound channel - it is possible that on the iPhone 6 you cannot hear the interlocutor due to dirt getting into the speaker hole.

The fastest and safest way to find out why you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone 6 is to seek help from specialists. Our service center provides free diagnostics of devices. The company's specialists will quickly determine the exact reason why the sound is lost in the iPhone 6, and then offer solutions to the problem. Depending on the specific problem, repairing the device will take from one hour to two business days.

No one wants to buy a new smartphone from a world-famous manufacturer and immediately encounter malfunctions - the interlocutor has difficulty hearing - people turn to service centers with such a problem almost every day. There is only one problem, but there are many reasons for its occurrence. Let's try to look at each of them.

So, why can’t your interlocutor hear you normally during a conversation and what can you do to fix this problem?

  1. If your device was recently purchased, then the problem may occur due to incorrect firmware. Try resetting all settings, completely reflashing your iPhone, and checking that the phone is working properly.
  2. The interlocutor has difficulty hearing. This breakdown can be caused by a malfunction of the cable or part responsible for decoding, input and output of sound.
  3. The cause of the malfunction may be that the microphone is broken - iPhone repair is our profession. You can check if this is true by trying to record sound in the voice recorder application. If your guess is confirmed, you need to have the microphone repaired at a service center that uses original components.
  4. The microphone may be clogged with dust or other debris that interferes with its normal operation.
  5. The owner of the phone may say, “I can’t hear you.” The iPhone is not working correctly. The microphone may completely fail due to mechanical damage or moisture. In this case, you will need to replace this part.
Important! Only original components can be used in iPhones. Otherwise, you may experience the device stopping working altogether.

Therefore, if you notice that the interlocutor cannot hear you well, do not hesitate! Contact an experienced specialist who has a set of quality parts.

We will determine the cause of the problem and fix it quickly

The best person to tell you about the exact causes of the malfunction is a service center specialist who can conduct a full diagnostic of the smartphone. Just half an hour of waiting, and our technician will tell you the reason for the breakdown.

Replacing any part on Apple smartphones is very expensive. In this difficult process, you need to use not only the best components from the manufacturer, but also have certain skills in such work.

Don't try to repair anything yourself! This will not solve the problem that the interlocutor cannot hear you well, but it may negatively affect the operation of the device.

iPhone owners who have tried to cope with such problems on their own know that it is not at all easy. In addition, the decision to do such work at home can be fraught with the appearance of a new breakdown. Eliminating it will require investing large sums of money.

iPhone 5 can't hear me is a problem that needs to be resolved very quickly, and we can help with that. Each of our employees has already dealt with this type of breakdown more than once - iPhone repair is a daily task for our specialists.

Each of our clients can be sure that when replacing parts we use only original Apple components. Our workshop is the best in the city, so we are not afraid to provide long-term guarantees for the work performed.

Quite often, owners of Apple smartphones come to me with a complaint that the iPhone speaker has become quieter, the interlocutor has become difficult to hear and they have to strain their ears significantly. In a noisy street, this becomes terribly annoying. Skeptics immediately begin to criticize Apple and the iPhone, complaining about the Chinese assembly and high cost. In fact, in most cases, the reasons that the iPhone has a quiet speaker and dull sound lie not in the device itself, but in its accessories. But first things first!

So, if for no reason your iPhone speaker starts to work quietly, start by simply rebooting it. After that, call one of your friends and during the conversation, use the buttons to adjust the speaker volume from minimum to maximum and back several times. This helps in cases where sound problems are associated with a simple malfunction of the device.

The second, quite common case is a crooked protective film or glass.

But here, as a rule, the problem arises immediately after you have glued the protective accessory to the device. Accordingly, you need to re-glue the film or glass correctly and everything will be fine.

It also happens that the iPhone became quieter due to the case, which became deformed over time and partially covered the speaker. Again, checking this is quite simple - just remove the case and make a call.

Cleaning the iPhone speaker

Now let's consider a more serious case, when the sound on the iPhone is muffled and the interlocutor is hard to hear at maximum volume due to contamination of the speaker. This could be various small debris from a pocket or bag, some sweet or viscous liquids that accidentally fell on the phone’s body, or ordinary dirt. To clean the iPhone speaker, you will need a stiff brush or toothbrush and alcohol.

First you need to moisten the pile with alcohol and squeeze it thoroughly so that it is damp, but not wet. Roughly speaking, our task is to prevent alcohol from getting inside the smartphone during the cleaning process. The best option is to run the lint over a piece of paper several times. After this, we try to clean the iPhone speaker grid with careful movements.

Note: A toothbrush can also be used to clean the main speaker of an iPhone. The only condition is to use it without alcohol. The fact is that its holes are much larger and alcohol can get inside the device.

Phone hardware problem

Unfortunately, iPhones also break, which means the speaker can also fail. How can this be checked? Simple enough. Here are two ways.

First, use headphones. In this case, there will be excellent audibility through them, but the iPhone speaker will still be deaf.

If it turns out that the iPhone has become quieter because the speaker is broken, then the only solution is to take it to a service center.

Problems associated with verbal communications are some of the most unpleasant. After all, the inability to hear the interlocutor, or the inability to clearly and clearly convey your thoughts to him, causes a lot of negative emotions in the user. When the speaker does not work, the main function of the phone disappears.

We have repeatedly heard about problems with the player on the iPhone 4S, about deteriorating sound quality when listening to an answering machine or making calls. Most likely, you have also encountered a situation where you can’t hear your interlocutor during a conversation. If the sound quality deteriorates, noise or crackling may be heard. We’ll try to tell you what to do with all this.

The fourth iPhone has a polyphonic and auditory speaker. It is the auditory speaker that is responsible for the quality of sound and audibility during a telephone conversation. The earpiece is located at the top of the iPhone 4s and is protected by a thin metal mesh. If sound problems occur, this is the speaker that should be replaced.

Signs that your iPhone has speaker problems

  1. It is difficult to hear the interlocutor during a conversation.
  2. During a call on iPhone 4S, the sound is distorted.
  3. Extraneous noise and interference appear during a conversation.

Reasons why sound does not work on iPhone 4S

  1. The iPhone 4s was subjected to mechanical deformation, fell, and was hit.
  2. For some reason, moisture got into the phone (for example, it got wet in the rain).
  3. Failure to follow the instructions for use has led to the protective mesh of the speaker becoming clogged with debris or dust.
  4. Using your iPhone 4s as a sound player, turning your phone's volume up to the highest possible level.

In most cases, there is no need to sound the alarm and contact the service center for help, because you can try to take a number of simple steps, thanks to which you may be able to fix the problems yourself.


Can't hear your interlocutor? During the call itself, try to use the volume control buttons (located on the left side of the iPhone 4s) to adjust it. Make sure that when you press the volume buttons, the volume indicator appears on the screen and its indicators change depending on your actions. If such an indicator does not appear, it means the buttons do not work.

Verifying that the headset is turned off correctly

Fact. If you have connected an audio headset to your iPhone, the sound will not work in any of the phone's speakers. This leads to the next reason: if you have poor headphone contact, the iPhone may think that a headset is connected to it and turn off the sound. This can be checked and we suggest following these steps:

  • make sure that absolutely no headset is connected to the headphone jack;
  • adjust the sound using the control buttons and pay attention to the Indication;
  • If it is like the one on the left side of the following image, then the problem is not in the connector;
  • Otherwise, you can carefully insert/pull the headphones into the jack to properly disconnect.

Cleaning the iPhone 4s speaker grill

No amount of manipulation will make the smartphone speaker work if it is dirty or clogged. If the phone is new, remove the protective film from the panel. Otherwise, make sure that there is nothing blocking the speaker (a film or case touching it may be blocking it), and then make sure that the mesh is clean and allows sound to pass through easily. If the metal grill is clogged, take a soft, dry brush and carefully clean the receiver of dirt.

Restarting the device

If the sound does not work well and you cannot hear the other person, restart your iPhone and then check the functionality of the speaker. If the sound quality has not improved, try updating to the latest version of iOS on your smartphone.

Modern telephones have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time. Now it is a music player, video and photo camera, GPS navigator, etc. For conversations, of course, phones are used, but less often than before. But even if the interlocutor is hard to hear on the iPhone 6, then this is a reason for concern for the owner. Such expensive gadgets from Apple should work properly.

Unfortunately, not a single phone is immune from this. Even the new flagships iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are subject to this risk.

Add volume

Let's start with the banal. Inexperienced users simply turn down the volume of the speaker during a conversation by involuntarily pressing the volume down button on the side panel. In this case, you don’t even need to open the iPhone 6 settings. To set the maximum volume, you need to call someone and, during the call, use the side keys to increase the volume.

Judging by messages on various forums, a simple action helps many users: inserting and removing the headset. If it helps, then that's great, but if not, then move on.

Shipping film and covers

Another reason: shipping film. After purchasing a new smartphone, there is always a film on the screen that for some reason people don’t remove. They do this supposedly in order to preserve a beautiful appearance, but this film can simply block the speaker, making it difficult to hear the interlocutor.

Cases can also block the sound. They usually have a hole for the speaker, but it sometimes gets clogged with debris. Try cleaning it and test your phone again.

Cleaning the speaker mesh

If the mesh that covers the membrane and serves as some kind of protection against debris could become clogged, then to clean it, you need to use a cotton swab with alcohol or a toothbrush. Also try blowing it out and removing the debris.

If cleaning helps, that's great. True, dirt accumulates not only outside, but also inside. Therefore, sometimes the phone needs to be disassembled to clean out debris from under the mesh.

For disassembly, special star-type screwdrivers are used. Most likely, you don’t have them, so you’ll have to contact a service center. If you have the necessary tool, you can try to remove the cover yourself. But do it carefully so as not to touch or tear off the cable.

Did it help? If not, then we will look for the reason.

Looking for a reason

It is important to remember why it became difficult to hear the interlocutor on the iPhone 6. For example, after the gadget falls out of your hands or you spill a glass of water on it. It is possible that sand got into the speaker after relaxing on the beach. Anything could disrupt its operation, but most often it is the owner who is to blame. Speakers themselves rarely deteriorate. After all, this is a simple module in which there is nothing special to break.

Unfortunately, only a few users can repair their iPhone 6 on their own. This cannot be done without special screwdrivers, so the simplest, laconic advice is to take the phone to a service center.

Moreover, if you remember for sure that the speaker began to work worse after the fall, then you don’t have to rush too much. However, if you are sure (or at least there is such a possibility) that you determined the bad sound on the iPhone 6 after water got inside the case, then you must immediately turn off the phone, remove the battery and take the device to a service center. In this case, this is the minimum that you can do useful. The maximum is if you also dry the phone with a hairdryer for at least 5-10 minutes. Surely during this time the water will evaporate from the inside. After that, still take the phone to the technician.

If it turns out that water got inside and shorted the contacts, you will have to install a new speaker on the iPhone 6. Usually it is inexpensive, but if you pay for the work it will not be so cheap. It also cannot be ruled out that some contact or cable did not come off during the fall. In this case, repairs will not be expensive.

Could there be a software problem?

Maybe. The iOS operating system itself is great. It is well optimized, easy to use, and constantly updated. But nowadays many users have popular jailbreaks. These are special programs installed on iOS. In other words - firmware.

Yes, they open up many opportunities for users, including the ability to install cool free programs that without jailbreak you would have to pay money for. But firmware is unofficial software, and no one is responsible for its performance. You shouldn’t be surprised that after some kind of jailbreak it will become difficult to hear your interlocutor on the iPhone 6. And although the problem in the software can be solved quite easily, a similar feature does occur.

So it is not recommended to install all sorts of complex software that can harm the system unless absolutely necessary. It’s good if the problem with the speaker is software in nature. In this case, iPhone 6 repair will not be required at all. It will be enough to simply install the latest official software through iTunes.

By the way, it is extremely rare that there may be a problem even with the official firmware. There have been cases when new versions of Apple software only harmed the phone. Therefore, you can try to “roll back” to the previous version of the software. It's unlikely that this will solve the problem, but it's worth a try.

If all else fails

If removing the jailbreak and installing the official software did not help and you are still unable to hear your interlocutor on the iPhone 6, then you will have to contact a service center or, if there is no guarantee, some private workshop.

Well, as a last resort, just use a wired headset (it always comes with your phone) or a Bluetooth headset, and also communicate via speakerphone.