How to turn on an iPhone if it turns off. Restore iPhone using DFU mode. The iPhone does not work - the apple constantly glows on the screen

The iPhone is not an eternal device, although it fails somewhat less frequently than Android, but still this is not uncommon, then the question becomes what to do if iPhone won't turn on. Gadgets often break down, freeze and stop responding to user actions. Often the reason is mechanical or external damage to the device, but this is not always the case.

You shouldn’t think for a long time about why the iPhone 5 and any other model won’t turn on if it was externally exposed to unwanted influences:

  1. Perhaps the smartphone was dropped into water; even a short-term immersion or rain can cause a short circuit and failure to work. If the phone was really drowned, you should not turn it on immediately; on the contrary, turn it off and set it aside to dry. After 1 day, try to turn it on, as the probability of restoring its operation is higher, otherwise a short circuit will occur upon startup and the smartphone will be unusable;
  2. Mechanical damage. When an iPhone falls from a height, it often takes a hit to the display, but the insides are less likely to suffer. There is no choice but to send your smartphone for repair;

  1. Freezing. Batteries are susceptible to prolonged exposure to cold, and they suddenly lose all their charge due to a chemical reaction. You need to warm it up in your hands and then try to start it, most likely you will have to charge it.

In these cases, the malfunction can only be repaired at service centers. There are a number of other reasons that lead to freezing, some of which are quite easy to eliminate.

iPhone turned off and won’t turn on - forced start

If the iPhone 5s has turned off and does not turn on, you should use a function that forces the smartphone to start. The method is relevant for those cases when the smartphone freezes at some stage, perhaps only a black screen is shown, but the backlight works, or after turning off, the phone stops turning on. However, the procedure does not clear device data, so it should be used initially. For each version of iPhone there is the same key combination, only in the latest 7th model it is different:

  1. Hold down the Home button and the Power button at the same time. The hold duration should be more than 10 seconds, usually up to 20 seconds. Then the Apple logo in the shape of an apple appears on the screen. This option works for all versions except iPhone 7;

  1. A separate, more familiar approach is used in the new version; you need to hold down Power and the volume control, namely the volume down button. Similarly, you need to hold until the actions on the screen begin.

The problem can be fixed with this method, but there are several additional methods.

iPhone 4, 5, 6 or 7 won't turn on - power adapter

A fairly common problem that the iPhone 5s does not turn on is a power failure. The user, even when connected, may not see any reaction from the smartphone, but often they are not even aware of such a banal solution to the problem as charging.

The owner of an iPhone needs to connect it to a charger, no matter what the power source is: a 220 V network, a car or a computer. Do not be alarmed if there is no immediate reaction. During deep discharge, for example, when the phone freezes, it takes time for the charging indicator to appear. It is worth waiting at least a few minutes, this is usually enough time. It is better to charge it for 1 hour and then try to turn it on, do not forget about the previous method, it is still applicable now. Sometimes the process never starts; this can be caused by various mechanical problems.

What can affect charging:

  1. Check the cleanliness of the connectors, remove all kinds of foreign objects and dirt with a needle or brush;
  2. Make sure that there are no kinks in the wire; there are probably interruptions there;
  3. Check the tightness of the contacts; perhaps the wire does not go in completely, then you will have to determine the reason for this;
  4. We strongly recommend using original chargers. Lightning cables from Chinese manufacturers overheat during operation and may have insufficient charging power or practically no power;
  5. Sometimes the power or charging controller fails, then you will have to use the services of a service center.

It happens that the iPhone charges, but does not turn on, especially often it reaches the logo and freezes at this moment or turns off. In this case, you can use recovery mode. To use it you need to have a computer at hand. It is highly desirable that the iPhone is already connected to it first, and the PC is added to the trusted connection source, but this may not be useful.

The recovery principle is as follows:

  1. Connect your smartphone and computer;
  2. Launch iTunes;
  3. Perform a forced restart of the device - Home (for version 7, volume down button) and Power;
  4. A message will appear on the computer screen allowing you to restore the iOS system, just click on “Update”.

In this case, an attempt will be made to install the operating system without erasing the files. You may need to completely restore your iPhone to factory settings. Then in iTunes you will have to go to the main tab and click “Restore”.

Ultimately, if the iPhone 6, iPhone 7 or any other version still does not turn on, you need to contact technical support. They will remotely provide instructions on how to fix the problem; if this does not help, then they will direct you to the service center closest to you. This will mean that the problem is of a technical nature and the user is powerless here.

If the smartphone was used carefully and charged with original chargers, then most likely it will be possible to restore its operation using the described methods. Otherwise, you will have to give the device to experts.

If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if your iPhone won’t turn on?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Even the most wonderful phone becomes useless if it doesn't turn on. This problem sometimes confronts iPhone 5 owners. The phone does not respond to charging, and it is useless to press the power button. What to do?

The easiest option is to take the affected device for repair. But some of the diagnostic work can be done independently. Then you will at least know what happened to the smartphone and approximately how much repairs might cost.

Visual inspection

It often happens that iPhone 5 (and any other phone) refuses to turn on after a fall or other mechanical impact. Most falls that damage electronics leave visible marks on the case.

If your iPhone has fresh dents, cracks or chips, then it is possible that the same shock also damaged the electronics.

A common case is the battery falling out upon impact. When it is no longer fixed inside the case and dangles freely, this leads to the cable leading to it fraying.

Photo: a broken screen is the first sign of a problem

However, it happens that the electronic part is damaged without visible symptoms. You just need to strain your memory hard and remember what happened to your mobile phone in the last days before the troubles started.

Submit for repairs.

  • display intact It is unlikely that it will be possible to diagnose the cause without the help of a specialist. It is not even possible to say approximately how much the repairs will cost. But if the display is intact, then the amount is unlikely to be exorbitant. Most likely, only the cable connecting the battery and the smartphone board will have to be changed;
  • the display is broken. To the cost of replacing the electronics, you will have to add the replacement of the screen - a very expensive component. It is possible that buying a new device will be more profitable and enjoyable.

Fell into the water

It is difficult to fall into water with a smartphone and not notice it. If trouble happened to you personally or at least in your presence, then you probably know it yourself. It is clear that if water gets into the charging connector, it will not do anything good for the power controller.

But the really bad news is that you don't have to swim across the river with your smartphone in your pocket or drop it in a puddle.

  • It is enough to leave it with an open connector in the rain: a few drops that fall into a vulnerable spot will deprive it of its ability to charge.

diagnostics, of course. The good news is that replacing a power controller is not the most expensive job.

Power controller

However, the power controller mentioned above is generally a vulnerable component. It may suffer from voltage surges in the network, from the use of low-quality compatible chargers (and how can you not use them if the original Apple chargers wear out after a few months?).Power controllerApple

includes three microcircuits, each of which can fail:

According to statistics, a fairly large proportion of damage to the iPhone 5 is caused by these schemes. Of course, if the problem is in the controller, then after discharge the smartphone will not even think about charging again.

  • What to do?

Of course, you will have to contact the workshop

Video: Problems with the communication device

And this, oddly enough, is one of the easiest cases (the only thing that could be easier is a faulty charger). If in recent months you have had to charge your phone more and more often, but it works less and less on one charge, it means that the battery has gradually exhausted its resource.

Let's remember that the first iPhone 5 was introduced in 2012. In three years, the battery could well have served its purpose.

In this case, if you have hands, a home workshop and a desire to experiment, you can

save money and gain new knowledge.

You will need the following:

Of course, this is more profitable than sending the phone in for repair.

However,DIYThe recipe also has its drawbacks:

  • you will have to wait until the spare battery arrives, or spend money on purchasing it locally;
  • there is no guarantee that you can handle the repairs yourself;
  • the cause may not be the battery after all

Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to trust the specialists.

Checking the temperature

It is no coincidence that the instructions for a smartphone specify the permissible temperature limits for its operation. If your iPhone's built-in thermometer detects that your surroundings are too cold or too hot, your iPhone will automatically turn off with a warning message.

All that is needed to diagnose this situation is to feel whether it is hot or cold around and look at the display. If necessary, try turning it on again.

In general, of course, there are special smartphone models for use in extreme conditions; the iPhone is not one of them. But if you find yourself with your “apple” in severe cold or insane heat, give your phone a rest. Under normal conditions, he will return to normal on his own.

  • Do not use the iPhone in conditions that are not suitable for this. It is better to purchase a special protected smartphone;
  • But if you need your iPhone specifically (let's say you use apps or sensors that don't work with Android), protect it with a special case for extreme conditions.

Faulty charger

Very often we waste our time on the phone. After all, to charge it, you need not only a working power controller and battery, but also a charger. If it does not work, then the phone does not respond to charging, and it will not charge.

So, before considering all other options, try checking your charger.

To do this you need:

Sometimes you can diagnose a problem with the charger visually. Alas, original Apple cables unforgivably often fray at the plug itself, and this is visible to the naked eye.

In this case, just buy a new charger, and make sure that it is not entirely Chinese. Otherwise, you risk damage to the controller (see above).

Video: charging but won't turn on


Let us remind you that a modern mobile gadget (like any computer) is a complex hardware and software complex. And high-quality software work is just as important as working hardware.

Very often, the iPhone 5 does not turn on after attempting to flash, jailbreak, or update iOS via iTunes. The reason for this is usually an interrupted firmware process. Without a working operating system on board, the device will not boot.

If you have recently experimented with its software part, then most likely this is the reason.What to do? Try restoring your operating system using

  • iTunes:
  • make sure you have a new version of the program installed;
  • if you do not want to install the latest available iOS, then download the required version first;
  • Connect your smartphone with a cable to the computer and press the Power and Home keys simultaneously. Hold them for about ten seconds;
  • press the Shift key and click on the image of your device in the upper right corner of the window

follow iTunes instructions

In most cases, this standard procedure saves. If not, you will have to turn to professionals who will use more advanced tools.

As we can see, iPhone 5 does not turn on for a variety of reasons. And if some of them are easily (well, or relatively easily) solved at home, then more complex cases one way or another mean a trip to the workshop.

But the difficulty of repair varies depending on the damage. And it’s better to know in advance what awaits you, so as not to encounter unexpected high prices or attempts to play on your ignorance. We hope this article helped you understand the possible causes of problems.

It's time to resume our simple lessons on using the iPhone. Today we will learn how to turn your iPhone on and off. If you already know how to do this, you can skip this article.

  • Let's look at a few situations in which we will need to turn our device on and off. This usually happens in the following cases:
  • The iPhone stopped responding and froze.
  • The power button is broken

We bought a new smartphone and don’t know how to turn it on and off/disable it

In this case, the first thing you need to do is to familiarize yourself with the device from all sides. Pay attention to the picture below, it shows all the elements of our phone.

Turn on

To turn it on we need a button "Sleep/Wake Mode" or "Power". On iPhone 5 and up to 6, the button is on the top, and on iPhone 6 versions, on the right. Pay attention to the photo below.

Turn off / Turn off

To turn on the iPhone you need to press and hold the button "Sleep/Wake Mode" within a few seconds.

To turn off your iPhone, you need to repeat the same steps, after which a shutdown bar will appear on the screen, as in the figure below. Just swipe it and your smartphone will turn off.

iPhone stopped responding and froze

In order to turn off the phone in this state, you must simultaneously press and hold the buttons "Sleep/Wake Mode"" And "Home", see photo below. After a few seconds the phone will turn off. After waiting for some time, you can turn it on using the method described above. Don't be alarmed if it takes longer to turn on than usual, this is necessary for the phone to correct errors.

The power button is broken (“Sleep/Wake Mode”)

There are situations when the above button stops working on the phone, but this is not a problem either. In this state we need to activate the function "AssistiveTouch". To do this we go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “Universal Access” -> “AssistiveTouch” and switch the slider to “On”.
You will see a circle on the screen, as in the photo below. Click on "Device" / "Device" -> "Lock Screen" / "Lock Screen". A power bar will appear on the screen; swiping across it will turn the phone off.

Video: Turn iPhone on and off

That's basically it! 🙂 If you have a situation not described in this article, write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together, but for now, that’s it!

So, today we will try to answer the question: “The iPhone 5 won’t turn on. What should I do?” In fact, there are a lot of quite interesting and incomprehensible reasons that can be eliminated in different ways. And today we will try to analyze the most basic and popular reasons for this kind of behavior.


So, the first scenario in which 5 (you don’t know what to do) is nothing more than a system failure. In fact, this problem has become very common recently. However, it is easier to eliminate than you might imagine. To do this, you will not need to take the gadget for repair or contact specialists.

Are you facing a problem where your iPhone 5 won't turn on? What to do? You just need to simultaneously hold down the “Home” button under the display and also hold down the gadget’s power button on the device panel. Hold them together for about 15 seconds and then see what happens. Typically, you will have an "apple boot". After this, you can continue to work with the device. However, these are not all the reasons why an iPhone turns off. There is also a fairly extensive range that causes users a lot of problems.


The second scenario, as a rule, also occurs quite often. If suddenly your iPhone 5 does not turn on, you don’t know what to do, then just try to charge the phone’s battery. It is the lack of energy that often causes a lot of inconvenience to users.

Attach the charger, and then plug it into an outlet. Now wait a few minutes and try turning on the gadget. iPhone 5 won't turn on? What to do? Then you will have to look for the problem elsewhere. It's especially sad when you have a fully charged battery. By the way, it is best to check its charge on another gadget. So you will understand that this is not the issue at all. And we continue to understand the question: “iPhone 5 does not turn on - what to do?”


Let's walk with you, perhaps for now, through the most harmless options that can only be encountered. After all, they are usually very easy and simple to eliminate. So the next victim on our list is none other than the charger. If your iPhone 5 does not turn on - you don’t know what to do, then you should try to see if this equipment is working properly.

The best way here is to use a similar smartphone. Attach the charger to it and then plug it into the mains. If the charging process does not proceed, then you will have to change this “spare part”. Otherwise, you will have to look for problems elsewhere. Did everything work? Then there is another rather interesting scenario, but we will consider it a little later. For now, we will continue to understand the more or less harmless reasons for this kind of behavior.


Very often, users are faced with the fact that their iPhone 5 does not turn on. Not everyone knows what to do in this case. And all due to the flashing of the gadget. As a rule, this is done in order to be able to install “unlicensed” content on a smartphone.

To be honest, reflashing is not a very good move. Yes, it is convenient, but the consequences may be irreversible. Sometimes it’s enough to take your smartphone to a specialist who will fix everything. But sometimes it may happen that you have to change your smartphone altogether. Thus, if your iPhone 5 does not turn on (you don’t know what to do), you should be especially vigilant about such behavior. In particular, after checking the battery, system failures and charger. After all, after this, as a rule, more significant problems begin. Let's see what else can happen to your gadget.


And here is another leader among our topic. Quite often, users wonder why the iPhone 5 won’t turn on, what to do, and so on after they discover that it’s a fake. Or if they deliberately bought a non-original device. It is the so-called “pirated copy” that causes many failures and problems.

If your Chinese iPhone 5 does not turn on, what should you do? You can contact the company where you ordered this gadget. When you consciously buy a “pirate” device, then, in the best case (if there is a warranty), they will replace the device with a working one. At worst - you

But if you suddenly discover a fake after purchasing a gadget in a regular or even branded store, you can request that the equipment be replaced with an original one. Then you won’t have to think about why your iPhone 5 won’t turn on, what to do, and so on. Sometimes, to be honest, in this situation you have to go to court. But usually sellers and stores try to eliminate all problems before you In fact, there are a number of other quite interesting options for the development of events. And now we will try to get to know them.

Requires flashing

Well, here is another amazing “little thing” that can cause you a lot of inconvenience. If you are thinking about the question: “iPhone 5 won’t turn on - what to do?” “Apple appears and goes out” - which means, of course, it’s worth thinking carefully about flashing the firmware. It is this, as already said, that can cause us inconvenience. However, in this situation, this behavior is caused precisely by the lack of firmware.

In fact, you shouldn’t “chemicalize” it yourself. Yes, each user can connect their gadget to the iTunes service and carry out this process. However, the problem may still not be solved. Thus, it would be better to immediately take your iPhone to specialists and inform them of your intention to reflash it. They will fix your problem for a small fee. But even here, not everything is as smooth and simple as we would like. After all, sometimes flashing does not solve the problems that arise. Let's introduce you to a few more quite interesting approaches that may only relate to our topic today.


Is your iPhone 5 not turning on? What to do? And it's not charging? In cases where you are firmly confident that everything is in perfect order with the battery and charger, you can begin to “sin” the gadget itself.

Perhaps the reason for this behavior was a simple damage to the “charging” connector. In this case, to be honest, you can accurately diagnose the breakdown only if you have a similar iPhone. Just connect the charger to it and check if everything works.

If the reason really lies in damage to the connectors, then, of course, you will have to take it in for repairs. Specialized services will help you troubleshoot problems very quickly. After that, check if everything works. No? What to do if your iPhone 5 turns off and won’t turn on? Then let's continue to study the possible reasons for this behavior, as well as options for eliminating them once and for all.

Moisture + shock

If you notice that it doesn’t turn on and you don’t know what to do, then you should remember whether you dropped this gadget or whether moisture got on it. After all, it is these two components that quite often become the culprits of most problems with phones and smartphones.

In cases where you have just dropped your gadget into water, it can still be saved. To do this, quickly and efficiently disassemble it into parts, and then dry them thoroughly. A hairdryer is best suited for this idea. Afterwards you can assemble the device and check if everything works.

But with blows things are a little more complicated. If your iPhone 5 S won't turn on, what should you do? You will have to immediately take it to a specialized center, where you will have to eliminate the cause of the breakdown. True, it also happens that the smartphone is broken into pieces. In this case, to be honest, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to help you. You'll have to buy yourself a new smartphone.

However, if you drop your iPhone, you can try to remove the battery from it and then put it back in place. Now try turning on the gadget. Sometimes this technique works very well. If it doesn’t work out, then, of course, take the device for repair. Only there they can help you.


The last option that can only be encountered is viruses. Now they have moved from computers to smartphones. This is why gadgets quite often refuse to work.

In fact, it is quite difficult to diagnose. You can immediately discard this option if you have not yet used the Internet, and your flash card has been checked for the presence of these. Then look at the previous options - you will definitely find something suitable there. But in cases where you are a real active user of the World Wide Web, you shouldn’t be surprised.

In fact, if you do not want to suffer with this problem for a long time, then, of course, it would be best to take your iPhone to a specialized service and report your suspicions of virus attacks. In cases where the “diagnosis” is confirmed, the problem is eliminated, and you are offered to install a special antivirus. You should not refuse, because it will help eliminate the re-entry of infection into your smartphone.

There is no point in fighting phone viruses on your own. After all, the system here is more complex than on a computer. It is for this reason that only specialists working in branded service centers can help you here. As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why the iPhone turned off and won’t turn on. All of them, of course, are already familiar to us. And, as you can see, most of them are quickly eliminated.

The iPhone has always been famous for its ease of use, speed and beautiful design. Therefore, when the new iPhone 5s model came out, many people bought it and use it to this day. However, the phone, despite many advantages, also has disadvantages, namely, problems that arise in the software and on the technical side. Even though the phone is of high quality, sometimes breakdowns will still occur. For example, the iPhone may not turn on. And some users may not know how to turn on the iPhone 5s if it turns off.

Let's take a closer look at several ways to turn on the iPhone 5s and what problems arise.

What to do if iPhone 5s won't turn on

There are two easy ways to turn on your iPhone 5s if it turns off:

  1. Press the POWER button on the top of the phone and hold it for a while until the phone turns on.
  2. If the first method does not work due to a software glitch, you can hold down the Power and Home buttons for seven seconds. In this case, you may need to wait more than seven seconds, but no more than ten.

If the iPhone does not turn on after these two methods, then most likely there is a problem in the technical or software part. We will consider possible problems in more detail below.

What to do if your iPhone 5s is dead

The most common reason for a phone to turn off and not turn back on is because the battery is drained. Before you panic and take your phone to a service center, you need to put it on charge and wait ten minutes for the phone to gain enough charge to turn on.

What to do if iPhone 5s overheats

In this case, the processor and internal flash memory may melt, and then the phone will need to be repaired. Therefore, you should not leave your iPhone in the sun or near extreme heat for a long time.

Before taking your phone to a service center, you should wait until it cools down and try to turn it on in two simple ways, discussed at the beginning of the article.

What to do if your iPhone 5s gets wet

If you get your phone wet and it turns off, you need to leave it for a long time in a dry, warm place so that it can dry inside and out. After this, you can try to turn on the phone. If you can’t turn it on, you need to take it to a service center for repairs.

What to do if the iPhone 5s Power button is broken

If suddenly your iPhone's Power button falls off or breaks, then in this case you will not be able to turn on the phone using the usual methods. However, the phone can be turned on if left to charge. If you plug it into the mains for a while, you will find that the phone will turn on by itself after a while.

What to do if iPhone 5s does not turn on at all

In this case, there is only one solution - take the phone to a service center, where they will find out the cause of the problem and fix it.

You can read more about everything in our article.