What types of software licenses exist. Software Licensing

January 27, 2016 at 11:39 am

Software Licensing

  • IT standards,

This article is written for those who want to understand what license and software licensing is and what it is for. Naturally, it is not possible to consider all possible software licensing schemes in a short article, so I will try to briefly show only the most popular of them.

The main document that defines the rights and obligations of the user of the software is the license agreement, which is attached to the purchased product either in the form of a paper document or in in electronic format. It is this agreement that defines the rules for using this instance of the product. Essentially, a license acts as a guarantee that the software publisher, who owns the exclusive rights to the program, will not sue the person who uses it. In other words, the software publisher places certain protective limits on the use of its software.

Classification of licenses and types of software licensing
Basically, programs are divided into two large groups - free use (free and open license) and non-free (commercial license), and between them there are shareware programs that can be classified into two groups in half, such programs can be downloaded and used, but Until you pay for it, you may have some problems or restrictions.

Open ones include: Open Source programs with open source which can be modified.

Free ones include: Freeware, GPL, Adware, Postcardware, Donationware, Nagware/Begware.

Shareware include: ShareWare, TrialWare, Demoware.

Commercial ones include: Commercial The main goal of such programs is to make a profit; the program code is closed.

For clarity, let's consider comparative characteristics conditions of the most common licenses in the form of a table, which will indicate the presence or absence of certain requirements in the license. All licenses that will be considered are licenses approved by the Open Source Initiative for the distribution of open source software.

* Unless there is written permission to use the product name from the creators of the license.
** IN in this case we're talking about about the source text.

Let's briefly look at what type of licensing it is.

OEM. Pre-installed software is one of the cheapest options. It consists in the fact that the user purchases the software along with the computer or server itself and can only use it on the purchased PC.

Full Package Product. The “boxed” product is used mainly for retail trade and is convenient for individuals or small businesses. Permission to use a software product on one computer is given by the purchase of one “box” and it does not matter how many people will use this PC. You can also change your PC, but a certain number of times.

Volume Licensing. A corporate license is convenient for companies that have many employees and computers and therefore need to purchase many licenses. In this case, the company receives one registered license for software, which contains information about the customer (name, address, etc.), a list of software and keys for its installation. Basically, with this licensing scheme, software developers or distributors provide significant discounts to companies ordering a registered license, technical support, solutions non-standard situations etc. Today it is the best for purchasing new software or updating it for companies.

Subscription. Software licensing subscriptions require monthly or annual fees. This scheme is convenient for companies that buy more than 10 licenses. It allows users to get almost all the main benefits of using it for a minimal initial cost. of this product.

So, now let’s see what the difference is between licensing types, and to make it more clear let’s present it in the form of a table.

Now, using this table, you can conclude who is more suitable for what.

The OEM version is suitable for those who purchase new equipment. If the software is already pre-installed by the assembler, then the equipment will be much cheaper than buying it yourself and installing it on each device. Benefit both in terms of time and price.

The FPP version is suitable for those who have already purchased equipment, but do not have the necessary software on it, especially if the company is small and several employees will use one PC.

The VL version is suitable for large companies that need fast technical support. support and the ability to solve non-standard situations. And also when purchasing a license for the entire company, there are always very good discounts.

The SUB version is suitable for those who want to use the software for a short time, or do not know how much this software will be useful to them. If the product is needed for long-term use, then it is better to look at the version out of the box.

Licensing development trend.
In conclusion, I would like to show how licensing is developing and where everything is going. On this moment two directions are popular:

1) Software licensing subscription. Software manufacturers are getting serious about converting their products to paid subscriptions. Why pay the entire amount for a product at once when you can pay in installments as you use it? Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of this licensing for the user, and also give an example of the benefits this method for software developers.

Software developers are gradually moving from “eternal” use of the product to subscription. Let's take a look at how it works:

Thus, software manufacturers encourage users to buy a subscription continuously.

2) Partial translation commercial products on open licenses. Thus attracting for sponsorship large companies and states.

After reading this article It can be understood that licensing practices are constantly changing, and organizations should periodically review the different types of licenses and licensing models, as well as monitor changes in relevant legislation.

Freeware is a type of software license that provides free use program. At the same time, the developer can specify what kind of use can be free (use for personal purposes, commercial use etc.). Also, the absence of payment for using the program does not mean that the user has the right to change the source code of the program, as well as independently distribute the program in any way. Freeware is sometimes confused with Free Software, but the two licenses have significant differences.


Demoware is software that serves to demonstrate the capabilities of the program. These are "cut down" versions paid programs, which can be downloaded in order to try the program in action. In demo mode, as a rule, some of the program’s functionality does not work. For example, graphics editor,can only provide some of the image processing tools. Also, developers can disable the function of saving work results, giving the user the right to only get acquainted with the capabilities of the program.

Options for limiting functionality in Demoware:

  • providing some of the program's functions (10 effects out of 30, for example);
  • in demo mode, only those functions that have been on the market for a long time are provided, and previously disabled ones are added along with the purchase of a license innovative features(for example, writing data to CD\DVD is in demo mode, but working with Blu-ray discs- only when purchasing a license);
  • functions for saving work results are disabled;
  • adding to the saved file indications that the program was used in demo mode (for example, in a photo or video, the copyright of the program’s authors can be added).


Trialware is a type of software license, which, like Demoware, is used to demonstrate the operation of paid programs. The difference is that in such programs it is not the functionality that is limited, but the time of use. The program developer gives the user the opportunity to test all functions of the program for a limited period of time. The trial period can be very different and calculated differently. A very common trial period is 30 days. It is also common to find programs that work in trial mode for only 14 days. However, there are other periods for using programs: 7 days, 60 days, 90 days... In addition, sometimes developers count down trial period not by the number of days, but by the number of launches. That is, you can only run the program, for example, 20 times, then it will not work.


GPL (Free Software) is a very interesting type of licensing that provides the user ample opportunities. This type of software is not like other programs. Judge for yourself: you have the opportunity to use the program for free for both personal and commercial purposes, change it (improve it), distribute it as original program, and changed by you. The only thing you can't do is sell both the original product and the product you modified. Free software (also called Open Source software) is distributed across GNU licenses General Public License (GNU GPL).

In practice, everything happens something like this. A group of volunteer (or hired) programmers works on free software, but they distribute their programs not only for free, but also along with the source codes. That is, having programming skills, you can improve the program or change its functions to suit your personal needs - after all, you have not only the compiled program, but also its source codes. You can also participate in development in programming groups. This is a simplified scheme for developing and distributing free software.

Sometimes it happens that due to the desire of many users to make their own versions, the program is distributed on the Internet in dozens, or even hundreds of versions, each of which has its own pros and cons - example.

Great examples of Free Software are: , .

Commercial software

Commercial software is a type of licensing in which main goal distributing the program is to make a profit. Programs with such a license are often distinguished by the fact that the developer does not even release trial versions. That is, you can use such a program only after purchasing a license. Commercial software developers often write custom programs.


Donationware is a type of Freeware, the peculiarity of which is that the author asks users to make a voluntary donation, which would help further improve the product. However, since donation by definition cannot be mandatory, you have the right to use the program for free. The principles of the Donationware license completely coincide with the principles of Freeware, and the license itself is formal in nature.


Adware is a type of software that can be either paid or free, but its distinguishing feature is the presence of advertising in the interface or during the installation stage of the program. Adware is usually free and often quite useful programs. But developers still try to make a profit from their software by embedding advertising.

Adware programs can contain several types of advertising:

  • suggestion to change in the Internet browser home page, embed new search engine as the default system and/or installed in the browser new panel tools;
  • a proposal to install in addition to this program, additional program, the functionality of which does not relate to the tasks performed by the first program;
  • banners in the interface advertising Internet services, any products, or other software.


Shareware is a type of software that usually refers to all Trialware and Demoware programs. These are trial versions of paid programs.


And finally, Beerware. This is a variation of Donationware where the donation is beer! This is a joke type of license that implies that the user can use the program for free, but if he likes the program and he meets the author of this program, he must buy him a glass of beer.


The Software is protected against unauthorized copying by copyright laws. Copyright laws provide for the retention of several exclusive rights by the author (publisher) of software, one of which is the right to make copies of the software.

Purchasing a software product is acquiring a license (right) to use it. A license is required for each program used.

License rights generally differ for different categories products:

Personal operating systems desktop applications, games, multimedia programs licensed under to the following principle- one license per computer. It doesn't matter how much individuals uses a computer.

Development tools are licensed on a one-license per individual basis.

Server products assume general case two licensing schemes: server/client licensing (server license for installation on the server plus client licenses for devices or users accessing server services) or processor licensing (processor license for each processor on the server).

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, software is an object intellectual property and is protected by law (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 4, Chapter 69, Art. 1225). At the same time, copyright protection legally extends to all types of software (including operating systems and software systems), regardless of what language they are written in and in what form they are expressed, including source text and object code (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 4, Chapter 69, Article 1261).

License as permission of a competent government agency for implementation certain type activities is issued on the basis of the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” and a number of others federal laws. The use of licenses and permissions to use intellectual property objects is regulated by legislation on intellectual property, in particular, by the laws of the Russian Federation “On Copyright and Related Rights”, “On legal protection computer programs and databases”, “On trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin of goods”, Patent Law of the Russian Federation.

1 Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of copyright and related rights ( illegal use objects of copyright or related rights, as well as misappropriation of authorship, if these acts caused major damage). Punishment is provided in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 6 years.

2 Article 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of inventive and patent rights (illegal use of an invention, utility model or industrial design, disclosure without the consent of the author or applicant of the essence of the invention, utility model or industrial design before the official publication of information about them, appropriation of authorship or coercion of co-authorship, if these acts caused major damage ). Punishment is provided in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 6 years.

Types of licenses

1. Under the license agreement, exclusive or non-exclusive rights to the software may be transferred.

When transferring non-exclusive rights, the copyright holder grants the user the right to use the software on an equal basis with himself or other persons also authorized by the copyright holder. At the same time, the copyright holder is not deprived of the opportunity to use the software himself or grant the right to use this software to other persons. When transferring exclusive rights to software, the copyright holder transfers to the user the exclusive rights he has to the software; in this case, the copyright holder does not have the right to exercise those powers that were transferred to the user under the agreement on the transfer of exclusive rights, as well as transfer these powers to other persons.

2. The software may be distributed under open source conditions (OpenWare), or without such conditions

When distributing software under open source conditions, the copyright holder, granting the user the right to use the software, also transfers the source codes of the program. In this case, the user may be given the right to modify source texts for the purpose of their processing and improvement. Subsequent use of the products obtained as a result of such processing software products varies depending on the type of license. Currently, there are two groups of standard licenses for the transfer of open source software: GNU GPL (General Public License) and FreeBSD (Berkeley University License).

Their main difference lies in the “heritability” of the open source property: according to the terms of the GNU GPL license, all software products obtained as a result of processing or modernization of program code distributed under such conditions can also be further distributed only under the terms of the GNU GPL. This, on the one hand, promotes progress in software development, but on the other hand, it violates the property interests of some developers who have invested heavily in modernizing the software code.

Provides greater freedom in using the transferred software Free license BSD. Under the terms of this license, software products obtained as a result of processing of the provided program code may be distributed under any conditions, including on a reimbursable basis. The FreeBSD and GNU GPL licenses are widely used, but they are not the only possible licenses for conveying open source software. The copyright holder, if necessary, can develop its own conditions for granting rights to such software, limiting the user’s rights to a greater or lesser extent. Software distribution licenses that do not contain open source clauses are more varied. Each copyright holder can develop their own conditions for granting rights to the software. Almost all such licenses contain a prohibition on any modification of the program code, unless such modification is expressly permitted by law (for example, adaptation of the program).

3. A common division of software types depending on the license terms is their division according to the criterion of remuneration. According to this criterion, software is divided into free, shareware and commercial. In some cases, software is also released that is distributed under special conditions. Free software (FreeWare) should not be confused with “open” software (OpenWare): just as free distribution does not mean open source code, open source code does not entail free distribution. When providing software to free of charge the copyright holder, as a rule, stipulates special conditions software use. A common condition is a prohibition on making any changes to program code, except as expressly permitted by law. A common condition of a “free” license is a clause that releases the copyright holder from any warranties or liabilities related to the operation of the software.

Shareware distribution of software implies that the user is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the program and test its capabilities in solving the user’s problems. In this case, either the period is limited free use program, or a functionally limited version of the software is provided. After familiarization with the program, the user has the right to either refuse it further use, or pay for the software product and purchase the rights to it in full.

Commercial distribution of software implies that the user must pay for the programs, only after which he receives the rights to them. Typically, license agreements that provide for upfront or downstream payment for transferred software contain greater warranties and obligations of the copyright holder than do licenses for freely distributed software.

In some cases, copyright holders who distribute their software commercially provide the rights for free, or shareware. Typically, software agreements in such cases contain a set of additional conditions, limiting (less often, expanding) the rights of users, as well as providing for limits on the use of software products.

4. License agreements can be divided depending on with whom and for what purposes they are concluded. Based on this criterion, we can distinguish license agreements with end user(EULA - End User License Agreement), and licenses that provide for the possibility of modifying the software.

There is currently no standard form of license agreement with the end user; different copyright holders use different, although similar in content, license agreements. End user license agreements typically provide the minimum amount of rights granted, and rights are never granted on exclusive terms. Such agreements also establish the limits of the user’s powers, the guarantees of the copyright holder, and determine the mechanisms for technical support for the use of the software. Unlike uniform end-user license agreements, license agreements that provide for the ability to customize a program can vary widely.

So, to begin with, it should be said that each type of license is intended for a specific consumer; the division into types was done so that users could choose what would be more profitable and convenient for them.

You've probably heard such expressions often Box type or OEM, freeware, shareware or trial.
Let's try to understand the types of licenses and methods of their distribution.
Here I will describe the main types of licenses that ordinary users encounter:

BOX(Retail, FPP - from English retail, retail) - The retail version, distributed, as the name suggests, in small boxes, most closely matches the idea of ​​what a real licensed software product should look like, due to the fact that the buyer of this usually receives: a license agreement, a certificate of authenticity (possibly in electronic form on a medium), distribution kit with a software product (possibly with a hologram, protection against counterfeiting).

It is also possible to have a sticker from the manufacturer, such as these:

This type of license is usually for 1 PC, less often the manufacturer indicates on the box for 2 PCs or more, respectively, the price will be higher than for 1. In this case, there will be only one key, when installing the product, it is entered once, then activated, most often via the Internet or telephone.

As for OSes distributed in this way: On the box they have everything necessary information, about the version, edition, a sticker on the outside indicating serial number, a sticker with an activation key inside, activation instructions, distribution kit (with a hologram).

It is possible to install the OS from the BOX edition on any computer that satisfies system requirements, you can also transfer the system to another computer by removing it from the previous one and installing it on the next PC. You can use it simultaneously on as many machines as indicated on the box, usually this is only 1 PC. You can install it on several computers, perhaps such systems will undergo activation, but they will no longer be considered licensed. Moreover, starting from Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008R2/ Windows7, authentication has been tightened, and most likely if you activate several systems with a key for one computer, the key will be blacklisted and you will lose your license.

P.S: As a rule, all pirated copies of the OS (mostly Windows XP), which most users have, come with a key for such a Retail (Box) version.

The advantages of this type of software:

1) Visual representation, colorfulness, beautiful stickers from the manufacturer
2) Availability of a distribution kit, you can install it immediately, rather than download it from the Internet
3) This product can be installed on any PC that meets at least the minimum system requirements.


1) High price.
2) High percentage of fakes, often good quality, difficult to distinguish from real copies.

OEM(English: Original Equipment Manufacturer - original equipment manufacturer) - Software version intended for manufacturers of PC components, assemblers of finished PCs, manufacturers of laptops (netbooks). Distributed without additional materials and accompanying goods, in packaging without registration, guaranteeing only the safe transportation of the goods. Because it is not designed for ordinary buyers. Basically it contains only a distribution kit and an activation key (less often only an activation key, it is assumed that the PC manufacturer/builder already has a distribution kit).
Such a product is much cheaper than other types of license; when compared with BOX versions, the savings can range from 10 to 50%!
In most developed countries, the sale of OEM software licenses to potential buyers separately from a computer is prohibited, which does not prevent you from often seeing such nondescript cardboard boxes on the shelves of small shops.

Regarding OEM OS: All operating systems installed on laptops that we see in the store are OEM licenses; the key is usually located on the bottom of the laptop.
Also on many simple PCs in educational institutions and companies you can find a sticker with a key and the name of the OS, these are also OEM versions that such establishments purchase under a special license, which is much cheaper and more profitable than the colorful products of BOX versions.

Peculiarities: You can often see advertisements on the Internet like: I bought a laptop, got Vista, tore it down - I didn’t like it. Who needs a key - I sell/donate and so on. Now I’ll explain why this looks at least stupid.
Since laptops are equipped with OEM versions of the OS, and such versions are designed for pre-installation by manufacturers, therefore they cannot be sold or given away. Therefore, they are specially attached (theoretically) to the hardware of a laptop or simple PC (mostly motherboard). Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to take your laptop key, install it on another PC, install it, but activation may fail.

Advantages of the OEM type of licensed software:

1) The cost is much lower if you buy it complete with a PC
2) Even if your key is stolen, they will not be able to use it, since the software will only work on your PC
3) When you buy a computer, you get it with ready-made system, no need to invent a bicycle

The disadvantages follow from the advantages:

1) Without a ready-made PC, they are unlikely to sell you such software
2) You can only use it with the PC you purchased it with; if the PC fails, you won’t have a license either.
3) Many are unhappy that this or that OS is imposed on them when they buy a laptop, simply because the cost of the OS is already included in the price of the PC.

GGK or Get Genuine Kit(English Genuine Licensing Package) - Enough interesting offer from Microsoft for licensing unlicensed/hacked/pirated copies of the OS already installed on a PC. The delivery option of such a package is possible for the following software products: Windows XP Professional/Home Edition, Windows Vista Home Basic/Home Premium/Business. The scope of delivery includes:
1 - Distribution with a licensed copy of the OS
2- Certificate of authenticity (a special sticker confirming the license, which is glued to the PC case).

The advantages of this type of licensing:

1) You can license an OS without clean install. That is, we get a licensed OS from a pirated OS, without formatting the disk and without wasting time on reinstalling and transferring all the necessary information
2) You can purchase a package for licensing several OS (relevant for enterprises)

Disadvantages of this type of licensing:

1) You can license the selected OS only once; you cannot transfer it to another computer, that is, the clause in the license agreement strictly assigns it to the PC on which the licensing was carried out. As with OEM, there are no protection mechanisms, only in legal terms.
2) The cost of this licensing option is slightly higher than the cost of the OEM package (comparable to it), but lower than the cost of the BOX version.

There are several other types of licenses, but they are usually for large organizations, software developer subscribers and dealers (we won’t go into detail):

Volume Licensing- Enterprise licenses for organizations and businesses that require 5 or more licensed copies BY. In this case, only a set of licenses (activation keys) and one documentation for their activation for the entire set are supplied.
There are no distributions, boxes, etc. It is possible to conclude a supply contract for several years, with free improvements, with special offers and discounts, and close cooperation. Organizations can purchase this type of license even via the Internet in electronic form; accordingly, it is very economically profitable and justified.

EA or Enterprise Agreement- Corporate Microsoft licenses for large organizations and enterprises with a fleet of more than 250 PCs that are ready to choose Microsoft as the main corporate standard platform and cooperate with it. The terms of the agreement include the provision of basic products and their ongoing technical support. Basic products include:
1 - Windows Vista Business
2 - Microsoft Office Professional Plus/Enterprise
3 - Set client licenses, allowing access to Microsoft servers.
Clients of this licensing system are given the opportunity to use the most latest versions of these declared products.

Now a little about the main methods of software distribution:

1) Freeware(from English - free software) - Distributed free of charge, mainly via the Internet, along with printed publications on disks and software collections. Does not require payments in favor of the copyright holder and developer of this type of software. Can be distributed both open and closed source code.

2) Shareware(from English - shareware) - Distributed free of charge, mainly via the Internet, along with printed publications on disks and software collections. But unlike Freeware, it contains a request/offer to pay the developer of this software. It may have limited functionality: operating time, commercial use, limitation of other functions, until a full license is obtained. Typically distributed as closed source (cannot be improved/modified).

3) Trialware/Demoware(from English - limited, demo software) - Distributed completely free of charge, to everyone, mainly via the Internet. It has limited functionality: number of starts, blocked functions, operating time, etc. It is closed source.

Some information was taken from the official Microsoft website (Russia)
Images taken from the website of the computer supermarket Nix
All suggestions and criticism of the article will be listened to and taken into account in future articles, and material will be added to this article as necessary.

When you purchase software, you buy the right to use it on a certain number of machines. Most often, one license or one copy of a purchased program gives you the right to use it on one computer. In general, the order of use of the software is established License Agreement, which the manufacturer distributes along with its software.

The License Agreement sets out all of the buyer's rights to the purchased software, and all of the manufacturer's and buyer's obligations to each other. Typically a License Agreement commercial program prohibits the buyer from creating and distributing copies of it, decompiling it, using parts of the program on several different computers, etc.
License agreement in mandatory is transferred to the buyer along with the purchased program. The agreement may be:

  • printed on paper (often the manufacturer includes it in the box with the software);
  • printed on the sleeve of the CD on which the program is recorded, or on the box containing the program;
  • presented to the user in electronic form during the installation process of the program.

In all cases, use of the program implies your agreement to comply with all provisions of the License Agreement. If you do not agree with them, you must return the purchased software to the seller (if the license agreement allows such return).
For businesses and organizations, software is often sold in packages of 5, 10, ..., 100, etc. computers or users in one box.
For example, you can buy one box with Kaspersky Business Optimal Anti-Virus for 5 workstations. In this case, on the software box you will find a license agreement (with the Kaspersky Lab seal and signature general director Laboratory), which will say that the buyer has the right to use the purchased antivirus on five workstations for one year.
Many manufacturers do not limit the validity period of the software license, but antiviruses are very often licensed for a limited period of time - from one to 3 years. For more information about antivirus licensing, see the product pages of LC, Symantec, CA.
Many software manufacturers have special "licensing programs" for large (corporate) customers, i.e. procedure for purchasing software in large quantities.
Typically, such programs allow the client to purchase a license package, program media, and documentation for the software.
Licenses in this case are “securities”, often with protection against counterfeiting, with seals or a special design, which confirm the client’s right to use the specified software on a specified number of computers. In essence, this is the same License Agreement, but sometimes without a detailed statement of the rights and obligations of the client and the manufacturer. A license is a document confirming the client's rights to the software.
In addition to the license package, the client must have the distribution kit itself - the program carrier - from which the program can be installed on computers. Many manufacturers, for example, Microsoft, require that programs be installed from licensed proprietary media. Usually the client can purchase any required amount media from 1 to the number of purchased licenses.
In the same way, you can purchase the required number of documentation packages - user manuals - for the purchased software.
Thus, if you intend to purchase 100 Office packages for your computers, you'll likely buy 100 Office licenses, one distribution, and perhaps one documentation package, or no documentation at all.
Please note: the cost of the distribution kit, the actual CD from which the software will be installed on computers, is negligible compared to the cost of licenses. Licenses can cost hundreds, thousands, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, and media usually costs up to $50. And all because when purchasing software we buy the right to use it. It is this right that is expensive. And the program carrier is sold for little money.

Below we offer you answers to most FAQ clients:

  • Is installation of the program on a computer included in the price of the software?

Why do I need licensed software? Why not buy the program at the market?
Firstly, this is a legal issue. The use of unlicensed software violates the rights of the manufacturer of this software, and may be punishable in the Republic of Belarus by administrative and criminal penalties.
Secondly, the licensed program works better. And not only because pirates could steal an incomplete distribution, or hack the program carelessly. If you bought licensed antivirus, then you will certainly update regularly antivirus databases, otherwise there is no point in owning an antivirus and your investment in software would be wasted.
In any case, the attitude towards purchased software is completely different than towards stolen software. And as a result, the security of your network, its stability, availability of information, etc. increase.
Well, of course, buying licensed program, you are usually entitled to technical support from the manufacturer. And troubleshooting and assistance in such cases often cost much more than the cost of the software itself.

What license do you need to buy to be able to use any number of operating systems? Windows systems on computers in our organization?
There are no such licenses. Each computer running Windows must have a separate license. If you have N computers, you need to buy N Windows licenses.

How does the program know how many licenses I have purchased to use it? Why not deceive her?
Many programs do not check how many computers (or how many concurrent users) they are being used on. But by “cheating” the program you violate the copyright of the copyright holder (manufacturer). See question #1.
And some programs, for example, Novell Netware, control the number of users, and do not allow unlicensed use.

Can we sell the software we purchased to someone?
The right of resale is stipulated in license agreement, as well as all other rights you have with respect to the purchased software.

Is installation of the program on a computer included in the price of the software?
No, usually not included. But we provide such services for additional money.