How to protect your mailbox and mobile phone from spam? A call to those who sent an advertising SMS. What is a fatbike and why is it cool in winter?

Nobody likes to receive a text message on their phone in the middle of the night saying that the electronics store is having a sale, you can take out a loan for favorable conditions or your number has become a participant in a grand drawing of valuable prizes. As a result, you end up with frayed nerves and a bad night. To protect its subscribers from such troubles, Megafon offered special service, which blocks spam. You can complain to the operator and block such messages.

Very often, such SMS arrive directly through the fault of the subscribers themselves, due to their short-sightedness. We ourselves allow such messages to be sent to us without thinking that we agree to such actions.

In most cases, spam on our mobile phones comes from:

  • unknown sources who, under the pretext of big winnings and valuable prizes (they don’t really exist), lure money from subscribers;
  • numerous travel agencies offering cheap hot packages;
  • various stores that lure customers with newsletters about upcoming sales;
  • taxi companies offering their services in one or another city of our country;
  • financial institutions that offer loans and other services.

Such mailings to Megafon in certain cases may even be illegal. However, if you yourself checked a box somewhere, signed some papers, or agreed to the newsletter in a conversation, then they are absolutely legal. In other words, if you agreed to such an action, then you cannot have any claims against the operator or companies that send you SMS.

But if you know for sure that you did not agree to the newsletter anywhere, did not sign or leave your number, including on numerous Internet resources, then you have two options for solving the problem.

To remove advertising, you can go to the Antimonopoly Committee and complain there that you are being “annoyed” by spam from unknown companies. But this is a long and labor-intensive process. It is much easier and faster to turn to Megafon services and disable intrusive advertising.

You can unsubscribe from the mailing list! Now the Megafon company offers its numerous subscribers simple and, how to disable SMS spam. Each user can personally block all advertising messages. To do this, just forward the received SMS to number 1911. After this, the system automatic mode will analyze the content and where the message came from. This takes into account the list of recipients and the volume of mailing. Megafon will make sure that mobile spam from this number no longer bothers you.

There is another option to get rid of advertising mailings. Not long ago, the operator launched a service called “SMS control”. To turn off spam that comes to Megafon, just dial *903# on your phone and the numbers from where the mailing was sent will appear on the screen. After which they can be added to the “black list”. This service is absolutely free. In addition, the operator launched special system, which constantly monitors the network of numbers and protects its subscribers from mailings.

Where can I call?

For all users, Megafon offers another solution to this problem. If you receive spam and advertising SMS on your phone, then dial *105*2*6*3*2*3# or *105*383*3# from your mobile phone.

The first number is a complete rejection of various mobile advertising. IN in this case the subscriber refuses to receive any advertising messages from third parties. Such messages are sent through the operator, so he can easily block them. However, the subscriber will in any case receive messages from Megafon about promotions, services or tariffs. But any other spam or advertising SMS from third-party companies will not be received.

You can use the second number to unsubscribe from SMS mailings. Megafon allows you to block advertising or informational messages. Additionally, the broadcast of advertising and information in response notifications is blocked when viewing the balance through the USSD command.

Both services presented are provided free of charge. With their help, you can turn off spam on your phone. Using any blocking option advertising messages, you can sleep peacefully.

Every day, lovers of easy money are inventing new ways to withdraw money from gullible citizens. To spam in e-mail we are so used to it that it seems like it has always been there. But technology does not stand still and last couple Spam calls to mobile phones have been gaining momentum for years. A sort of telephone salesman calls you unexpectedly and tries to sell you something completely unnecessary. In most cases, as in mail spam, get rich quick schemes are proposed.

In this article I will describe my positive experience of blocking spam calls, which I first encountered about two years ago.

How to block unwanted calls on your smartphone

Fortunately, modern phone, or rather a smartphone, is a small computer and can, with the help software analyze and control incoming calls. All we need is to know the caller's number. And knowing it, decide whether to accept the call or not.

It’s good that there are no problems with identifying the caller’s number now, that’s it tariff plans operators mobile communications include the service of automatic caller ID.

Where do spammers call from?

I collected statistics on outgoing spammer numbers. I received 95% of unwanted calls from spammers from Moscow, only a few from St. Petersburg and a couple of times from abroad. That is, most of the spam numbers are from Moscow.

1. Blocking spam calls not from your contact list

The easiest way is to block unwanted calls- this is to limit incoming calls to contacts from your phone book. I described this method in detail in the article. That is, only those who are in your contact list will be able to reach you.

This method blocks spammers 100%, but it has drawbacks. You may miss an important call (from work, from college, from school) if the caller's number is not recorded in your phone.

The implementation of this locking method depends on the firmware. But fortunately it is present in many smartphones by default.

2. Block calls by area code

As I wrote above, most of the calls from spammers came from Moscow numbers. Therefore, it makes sense to block incoming calls starting with +7495 and +7499.

This method blocks spammers by 99%, but is not suitable for residents of the capital. After all, as I wrote above, someone can get a call from work, but the call will be blocked.

But if you do not live in Moscow and you do not have active contacts in the capital, then this method is ideal for you. I think spammers will not go to the regions any time soon and I will call residents of Saratov from city numbers in the same Saratov.

In the popular MIUI, a filter for incoming calls by prefix called “Black List” is included in the firmware. For others, you may need to install additional software.

3. Unwanted call blocking apps

If it is not possible to use the first two blocking methods, then you need to use additional programs. Which check the caller's number against known spam databases and block the call if necessary.

There are many programs for blocking unwanted calls for the Android operating system.

Android application "Don't pick up the phone"

My favorite was "Don't Pick Up the Phone." Here is her topic on - Over the year of using it, it missed only 2 calls from spammers, while more than 100 calls from 50 different numbers were blocked.

Android application “Kaspersky Who Calls”

In addition to the main function of blocking calls from spammers, this application contains a directory of numbers for businesses and organizations. And if the call is not from a spammer, but he is not in your notebook, then it is quite possible that you will see not only the caller’s number, but also the name of the organization to which this number belongs.

From the moment the SIM card is activated, your phone often receives many unnecessary messages containing news and advertising. This is the so-called spam. And although this service is most often activated by default, it can be removed.

You will need

  • Phone with SIM card.


  • For MTS subscribers, you can disable spam on your phone using the Internet or a message. In the first case, go to the website, select “My subscriptions” and disable subscriptions that you do not need. In the second - send free message with the text “3” to number 4741. If you want to disable only the “Horoscope” subscription, use the “Internet Assistant” self-service service, which is located on the official MTS website.
  • MTS subscribers also have a special service called “My Services”, which allows you to manage your subscriptions. You can get all the information about connected services and disable them using a message sent to 8111.
  • Blocking spam on the Megafon network is even easier. Send an SMS with the text “List” or “List” to the number from which the next advertisement came. After this, the subscription will be deleted. To find out about available subscriptions, go to the SIM card/MegaFonPro menu and select “Subscriptions”.
  • In the Beeline network, spam mailing is called the “Chameleon” service. To disable it, go to the phone menu item called Beeline or Beeinfo, select “Chameleon” and “Disable”.
  • You can get rid of it in another way. Dial *110*20# on your phone and press the call button. After which a message will be sent to your number with the text about disabling the “Chameleon” service.
  • Call 0684-700-000, which is a request to disable spam sent to Beeline number. After this, you will receive a message confirming your completed request and information for a new connection to the Chameleon service.
  • You can find out about other connected subscriptions in Beeline by dialing *100*09# and pressing the call button. After this, you will receive a message with all subscriptions and their costs. To cancel them, call 0622 and then follow the operator's prompts.
  • Carefully study the Agreement with your mobile operator; Quite often, by agreeing to the terms of the contract, you yourself sign up to receive spam (look, for example, for the item “I agree to receive advertising from third parties”).

    However, there are also spammers who send out advertisements using the “random dialing” principle, so these methods do not provide a 100% guarantee of getting rid of spam.

    In order to protect yourself from illegal or unplanned withdrawals of funds, use the service of blocking SMS sending to short numbers:

    Write to or forward the received SMS without changes to number 6333;

    Http:// or by number 0500 - complaint service to Megafon; forward the spam message to toll free number 1911;

    By phone 0611 – Beeline complaint service.

    MTS - *111*374#CALL - Service “Prohibition of receiving advertising SMS”;

    Free legal advice:

    Beeline - *110*20#CALL - disabling the “Chameleon” service (advertising mailings);

    MegaFon - *105*801# Stop Content service

    Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), which is responsible for controlling advertising. You can send a complaint by email or deliver it in person or send it by mail.

    Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, information technologies And mass communications(ROSKOMNADZOR) on the website

    The complaint must indicate the sender's number, the text of the message and the time of delivery, as well as your contact information.

    Free legal advice:

    How to get rid of spam SMS or advertising SMS messages

    How to get rid of SMS spam.

    SMS spam. When up to 100 SMS messages can come in a day, it is unknown from whom, and it is completely unclear for what reasons. Advertising SMS constantly distracts people from unknown people, and sometimes at the worst possible time. best time. SMS mailings are a reality and are gaining momentum and capital. Some SMS messages are quite harmless, especially if you respond to them. SMS SPAM becomes clear. It's time to fight. In order to stop the spam attack on your phone, a few things will come in handy: simple rules and ways.

    Most of us have at least once in our lives wanted to avoid one or another call or SMS message. The simplest thing, if you own a smartphone or communicator, is to download an SMS and call filtering program.

    That is, we enter into search engine“SMS filtering program” and based on your platform (operating system) we select and download it to your taste and color.

    Free legal advice:

    Let's say you have ANDROID, that is, there are several options, for example - AntiSpamSMS, Easy Filter, Panda Firewall, AntiSpamSMS, etc. .

    There is also a powerful and universal option - Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite. Cost from 390 rubles per year or even free from the Dr.Web website.

    Supported Android OS: 1.5/1.6/2.0/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.0/3.1/3.2/4.0, S60, Symbian 9 and above + Windows Mobile 2003/2003 SE/5.0/6.0/6.1/6.5.

    The word spam is usually associated with email spam, and how to deal with it is more or less clear: you can send it to “Spam”, you can set up filters, you can complain to the spammer’s hoster. However, spam is also extra waste paper in your mailboxes and unwanted SMS on your phone. And what to do with the latter is not always clear, although they are much more annoying, because, unlike email newsletters, SMS does not have an “unsubscribe” button. This is how I will tell you how to deal with SMS spam in this article.

    How to unsubscribe from SMS spam.

    Free legal advice:

    Every self-respecting company gives the user the opportunity to voluntarily unsubscribe from the mailing list and will actually stop sending advertising messages. The conditions for unsubscribing should be clarified by the company, as Additional Information, in messages you receive, or specifically on the company’s website.

    For example: “To unsubscribe from an unwanted service, send a free SMS with the text “STOP” or “STOP” (case insensitive) to the number on which the service is provided.”

    It is not possible to unsubscribe or you did not subscribe (actually SMS spam):

    Use the services of your mobile operator to block short text messages from your phone. paid numbers. Usually, this service is provided free of charge. Operators have created special numbers and e-mail for processing such claims:

    or forward the received SMS to the toll-free number 1911 – MTS complaint service

    Free legal advice: or call 0611 - TELE2 complaint service or call 0500 - complaint service to Megafon

    *110*20#CALL - disabling the Chameleon service (advertising mailings) or by calling 0611 - Beeline complaint service - by phone number you can find out the name of the operator in order to send a targeted complaint directly to the address

    Or require the sender’s number to be included in the “black list” - if this service is activated, then it is possible to completely block paid SMS services of selected content providers (blocking incoming calls and messages).

    Free legal advice:

    Spam via bluetooth.

    In many shopping centers You will receive advertisements via Bluetooth as soon as you enter. There is no need to take them in any case. And in order not to see them, it is best to simply turn on bluetooth only when you directly need it - to transfer files, for example. At the same time, you will save the battery. Another option is to prevent your Bluetooth device from being detected by other devices.

    Who should I complain about spam to?

    If you want not only to get rid of fraudulent SMS messages yourself, but also to punish spammers, then there are the following options:

    Contact your telecom operator directly to complain about spam.

    Free legal advice:

    Contact the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service) of Russia, which supervises and controls compliance with advertising legislation

    On the website or by email. You can also deliver your complaint in person, by mail or by fax.


    Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications - on the website

    In any case, to file a complaint you must provide specific information: sender's name and number, message text and time (sending/delivery). Be prepared to also provide your personal information: full name, place of residence, - for the reliability of the information sent and the opportunity to receive a notification.

    Free legal advice:

    In response to your sent message about the complaint, you should receive confirmation of acceptance of the request for action in the form of SMS, letter or registered letter.

    If the case goes to court, mobile operators, advertising distributors or other spam senders will have to prove your consent to receive mailings, and not you yourself. Make sure “for peace of mind” that you really did not consent to spam mailing (for example, in the contract for receiving services).

    How to avoid falling for the bait of spammers and scammers.

    Some tips on how to avoid spam so you don’t have to unsubscribe from it:

    do not enter your mobile number on suspicious sites

    Free legal advice:

    do not respond to provocative SMS sent from unknown number, if you are not firmly convinced of their reliability

    carefully read the contracts of mobile operators, which stipulate the conditions for sending you advertising messages. By blindly signing up for such agreements, you are voluntarily signing up to receive spam.

    How to get rid of SMS spam.

    But Beeline said that there is no technical possibility.

    Free legal advice:

    How to disable and get rid of SMS spam - Inspitek

    Today, most people use a mobile phone. Millions of people call and text every day. This audience could not go unnoticed by unscrupulous advertisers, and spam migrated from our mailboxes to our mobile screens.

    The word “spam” is usually associated with email newsletters, and how to deal with it is more or less clear: unwanted emails can be sent to Spam, filters can be configured in mail program. However, spam is also extra waste paper in your mailboxes and unwanted SMS on your phone. And what to do with the latter is not always clear. Unlike email newsletters, SMS does not have an “unsubscribe” button.

    We regularly receive text messages about cheap taxis, food delivery, and clothing sales. Perhaps someone will find something interesting for themselves in this newsletter, but there are people who are annoyed by it. Sometimes the SMS messages sent to you are very dangerous. By replying to them with any message, a significant amount of money may be withdrawn from your balance. In our article we will tell you how to disable SMS spam and punish careless businessmen.

    If you yourself have subscribed to the newsletter and the sender is a respected company

    Every self-respecting company gives the user the opportunity to voluntarily unsubscribe from sending advertising messages. The conditions for unsubscribing should be specified by the company as additional information in the messages you receive or specifically on the company’s website.

    Free legal advice:

    The most common way to unsubscribe from an annoying subscription: send free sms with the word “STOP” or “STOP” (case insensitive) to the number from which you received the message.

    How to unsubscribe from spam mailings

    Method 1. Internet service

    Enough easy way, which was proposed by Vendosoft CJSC. On the website you just need to enter your data and some of the spam will be blocked. The site is very convenient and easy to use. BUT... This is where the secret lies. The same company creates software and sells services to spammer companies.

    The article on Habré describes in detail this service, and the director of the company himself answers the questions. Can you blame him for guile? Everyone decides for themselves.

    Method 2. Send a complaint to the operator

    Use the services of your mobile operator to block sending SMS from your phone to paid short numbers. As a rule, this service is provided free of charge. Operators have created special numbers and e-mails to process such claims.

    MTS. Send a message by e-mail or forward the received SMS to the toll-free number 1911 (MTS complaint service).

    Free legal advice:

    Megaphone. Fill out the data on the operator’s website or use number 0500 (complaint service).

    TELE2. Fill out the information on the website or by calling 0611 (complaint service).

    When writing an application, you will need to provide your details and phone number, as well as indicate the essence of the request. Politely request that the spammer-sender’s number be included in the “black list.” If you have a blocking service activated, you can completely block paid SMS services.

    And most importantly, never respond to such SMS! This could be a scam to steal money from your account.

    Free legal advice:

    Method 3. Program blockers

    If you have a smartphone, then solving the problem becomes even easier for you. Install SMS and call filtering software. There are a lot of such programs now, just ask a search engine “ sms program filtering" and choose a product for yourself based on your platform (operating system).

    Let's say you have operating system from Google Android, then the most popular programs: - AntiSpamSMS, Easy Filter or Blacklist from AntTek Inc.

    There is also a powerful and universal option - Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite. The use case can be either free or paid.

    How to punish SMS spammers

    If you want not only to get rid of annoying SMS messages yourself, but also to punish spammers, then there are options for action without leaving your computer.

    Contact your telecom operator directly with a complaint about spamming (the method we discussed above).

    Contact the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, which supervises and controls compliance with advertising legislation. Write an application on the FAS website or by email. You can also deliver your complaint in person, by mail or by fax.

    Free legal advice:

    Contact Federal service on supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications using a special section on the website.

    In any case, to file a complaint you must provide specific information: the name and number of the sender, the text of the message and the time (sending/delivery). Be prepared to also provide your personal information: full name, place of residence - this is necessary to verify the accuracy of the information sent and the opportunity to receive a notification. In response to your complaint, you should receive confirmation of acceptance of your request for action in the form of SMS, e-mail or registered letter.

    If the case goes to court, mobile operators, advertising distributors, or the company whose advertising appeared in the spam mailings will have to prove your consent to receive mailings, and not you yourself.

    The fine for a spammer is several rubles. Several such fines - and the spammer will stop misbehaving, and the company that decided to send spam will remember such a fine for a long time.

    How to avoid falling for spammers and scammers

    Do not enter your mobile number on suspicious sites. Especially if you need to download something;

    Free legal advice:

    Do not respond to provocative SMS sent from an unknown number if you are not sure of their authenticity;

    Carefully read the contracts of mobile operators, which stipulate the conditions for sending you advertising messages. By blindly signing up for such agreements, you are voluntarily signing up to receive spam.

    The note

    When leaving your phone number to one of the taxi dispatchers, be prepared to be bombarded with offers from many taxi operators. The Federal Antimonopoly Service is fighting against this Russian Federation. Advertising can be distributed via “telecommunication networks” and “mobile radio” only with the prior consent of the subscriber.

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    I'm familiar with this problem. Especially with taxi drivers - this is about me. But I decided on my own by calling the taxi services that were mentioned in advertising mailings. Nobody argued, all questions were removed.

    Free legal advice:

    “Let’s say you have an operating system from Google Andorid”

    You have a mistake here =)

    The blocking program is very convenient option! Installed, configured and forgot about SMS spam! I use Green Head Antispam, it is also for Android. I recommend!

    They also say that they will make amendments to the Law “On Communications” and then maybe this problem will become easier.

    Free legal advice:

    How can you easily unsubscribe from unwanted SMS messages?

    IN Lately Unsolicited SMS messages (SMS spam) have become a real problem for many phone users. Unsolicited messages can arrive almost every day and their number increases every year. Unlike email newsletters, which are fairly easy to unsubscribe from, it is extremely difficult to stop sending SMS advertising without outside help. It is also not always possible to overcome this problem using the telecom operator’s means. But you can unsubscribe from such mailings. If the mailing was not agreed upon with you, then this is a violation of the law and the sender of the mailing may be fined a very significant amount. In this article I will tell you how you can get rid of unwanted SMS messages.

    “No SMS needed” service

    The “No SMS necessary” service was developed by a company... for sending out these same advertising SMS. They simply conduct their business within the legal framework and in accordance with the unspoken ethical code of this business: they provide the opportunity to unsubscribe completely free of charge. And we developed our service with the goal of getting rid of unscrupulous competitors who violate the Law “On Advertising” in Russia.

    Here comparative analysis what a user should do to stop annoying or outright fraudulent mailings.

    Well, here the advantage of the service is obvious - who will go to write an application to the Federal Antimonopoly Service? Let’s see what form we are asked to fill out on the “No SMS necessary” website.

    The form shows that it was compiled by professionals. Mandatory clarification: “Did you leave them your number?” present. Now we click the “send request” button and the service representatives do the rest for us. You can also apply for deactivation via mobile app“No need for SMS.”

    Free legal advice:

    Service statistics

    You will be interested to see some statistics from the website of this service. Here, for example, is how the responses of people who unsubscribed from mailing lists regarding “consent to mailing lists” were distributed.

    And this is how dishonest and useless SMS mailings are distributed across regions.

    Tools to combat SMS spam on a smartphone

    Free AVG antivirus

    Classical cellular telephone deprived of almost any protection other than the “black list”. But SMS messages can come from any number - you can’t remember everyone on this list. Smartphone owners have a choice. Here's an example - free AVG antivirus. The developers included a function to detect and warn about the presence of phishing and malicious messages among SMS messages.

    What is the effectiveness of such a function? I can't tell you for sure. Behind last month, when I used AVG, only messages from my mobile banking. However, here we agree with the antivirus. There were no other frankly unnecessary SMS messages.

    SMS Blocker

    But here is an example of a completely different kind. SMS Blocker is a highly specialized application for blocking unknown or spam SMS. It works on principles similar to an email spam filter. Those. learns over time. This can also be determined from user reviews.

    All blocked SMS are sent to the Log, where you will sentence them to deletion or, on the contrary, have mercy - transfer them to non-spam SMS.


    Treat SMS campaigns like spam emails. To avoid filling your mailbox with spam, use spam filters, such as those described in the SMS Blocker article. Also don't forget to unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings through the means of their authors or through the “No SMS necessary” service.

    for home PC

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    Thank you, let's check out the service! I installed the “black list” application on my phone. In principle, it saves. But the feeling of some kind of inferiority does not leave. The messages still come. It would be right to cut them off for good. Thanks again!

    Greetings! Yes, I would also like it to be possible, like in email, to cut spam on the server, but so far such a possibility has not been invented. You know, it’s dangerous to automatically delete SMS already on your phone. So for now let him just block and not distract :)

    There was experience using SMS Blocker, but something never blocked the mailing, although it came from the same sender.

    But for Windows Phone(7.x and 8) there are no such applications yet :)

    IN latest updates Nokia Lumia 920 seems to have an SMS filter, but this is exclusive to Lumia (and even then not for all versions).

    Because of this I suffer a lot. The “No SMS needed” partly helps, but there is too much fuss, if the sender’s number is hidden - you need to order details, look for those damned SMS among dozens of numbers based on the time of receipt, then wait quite a long time for a response from the service (I received one for my 3 requests positive response after about a month). for the other two spammers, it’s unknown how it ended..

    Question! Why do we need SMS at all? It's been a year since I abandoned this service. Chat at text mode- Asya, and Nambus, and other chatterboxes are enough. But no spam. I completely forgot about this nightmare. The mailers became so insolent that they began sending SMS at night. Well, how can you not refuse..... I wish the same for you. Feel free to part with unnecessary things.

    Offers for issuing loans are especially annoying. Well, is it really possible that if a person needs a loan, he will pay attention to SMS offers? Anyone will definitely go to a reliable bank for this reason!

    How to get rid of annoying SMS spam

    First, let's understand a little theory. SMS messaging can be legal or illegal. That is: either you agreed to receive such messages or you did not. And you could agree without even noticing it.

    For example, you topped up your account through special machines. They clicked “I agree” under the long, boring text a couple of times, entered their number, and threw in a couple of bills. Congratulations, there is a 90% chance that you have subscribed to SMS distribution of an advertising nature.

    But there are also cases when you haven’t left your mobile number anywhere, but spam still comes. It is possible that your mobile operator not entirely respectable. And maybe he sells numbers to advertisers. Let's start fighting annoying ads.

    Call those who sent promotional SMS

    Under no circumstances use the number that was in the SMS!

    Find a company by website, phone number or Internet address. Find their phone number or email and ask them not to send you advertising SMS and remove them from the database. They are required to do this by law.

    An alternative this method may be used special service: You need to fill in the information about the SMS you received and then the service will do everything for you. They will contact the author of the newsletter and ask him not to do this again. Big minus - you need to write new application for each SMS. But it happens that 5 of them arrive per day. But nothing can be done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Call to operator

    Call your operator and leave a complaint about the SMS. Also ask to be excluded from all promotional mailings. And don’t be fooled by the offer to enable the “Stop SMS spam” option and the like. Why should you pay for bad job operator?

    You should not expect high results from this method. At a minimum, you will no longer receive advertising SMS from your operator. In my case for Ukrainian operator life it worked. I advise you to write emails, write in all in social networks and call. It’s worth getting sick of them the same way you’re sick of advertising SMS.

    Blacklist programs

    Another way to combat unwanted SMS can be phone applications. Eat special programs that won't miss unwanted messages to your phone. And there are a lot of such applications in the market. Choose which one you like. We present a pair for Android.

    But for users iPhone is more difficult. Similar applications not allowed in the AppStore. But you can create a contact, for example, with the name Spam. Disable notifications for this contact and add spammer numbers to it.

    But this method does not work at all if the “Sender Number” field contains a name and not numbers. The program simply will not be able to identify the number in order to add it to the blacklist.

    The evil customer method

    Do you like receiving promotional SMS? And they didn’t even ask you for permission. This means you can use his own weapons against the enemy. Having received advertising SMS from your next taxi service or pizzeria, place an order with them. Order pizzas for $ or call a taxi to go from one end of the city to the other. One “but”, place the order at someone else’s address.

    After you place an order, with peace of mind add the service number to the blacklist so that they cannot reach you. This method should definitely work. Would you want to advertise your services to such an evil customer?

    Just don’t mock the companies you use or will use like that. Most likely, they will blacklist you.

    Complaint to authorities

    If none of the above methods help you, then it’s time to become German. That is, complain to the relevant authorities. In the Russian Federation, a law prohibiting sending spam came into force at the end of October. Bran fine.

    A complaint can be filed with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), Roskomnadzor or the prosecutor's office. But remember that along with the requirement to stop sending, the FAS may transfer your personal data. For example, full name and telephone number. One can only guess what consequences this may have.


    In order to avoid receiving unwanted SMS, you need to:

    • Call the operator and ask to unsubscribe from all mailings;
    • Ask to be removed from the database of those who sent you SMS;
    • Install the Blacklist application.

    And, for the future, you should not give out your phone left and right to all sorts of companies, banks, and stores. And be careful when entering your mobile number on various sites. Read carefully what you agree to. And never click on links that come to you in SMS.

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    Shooter Of War is the best Overwatch clone for Android and iOS

    This game differs from most analogues in the dissimilarity of its characters...

    Feature of the day: Mi Car Inverter - 220 V car inverter from Xiaomi

    The company’s new gadget will allow car enthusiasts to charge more than just…

    Steam Deal of the Day: RPG Tyranny with 66% discount

    How to liberate a girl in bed

    25 Ways to Feel Better on a Bad Day

    What to expect from iOS 11.3 this spring

    Apple talked about the upcoming update to its mobile OS.

    10 warm things that will keep you warm

    Heated gloves and mittens, battery-powered insoles and other items.

    What to watch in cinemas from January 25

    After the cancellation of the theatrical release of The Death of Stalin, there are few options left.