How to check Sberbank mobile bank via phone. How to find out if Sberbank Mobile Bank is connected? Contacting support

When receiving a plastic card from Sberbank for the first time, the newly minted holder is not always aware of what services are connected to the card. For example, many Sberbank clients are already familiar with the convenient service – SMS banking. And for those who are interested in the answer to the question “How to check if Sberbank’s mobile bank is connected?” , this article is intended.

A few words about SMS banking

Mobile banking is connected to the card separately and is not included in the package of free services. The bank provides the client with two connection options: full and economical.

  1. In the economical option, the SMS notification service for completed transactions with a card account is not provided, and for the execution of individual requests a fee is charged according to a certain tariff. There is no monthly payment for the entire package.
  2. For using the full package of Sberbank mobile banking services, including SMS alerts, the amount determined by the tariff is debited from the client’s account monthly. No other additional payments are provided at the user's request.

The SMS banking package will include the following features for the user:

  • receiving instant SMS on debit/credit of funds;
  • card account balance requests;
  • pay without commission for the services of mobile operators;
  • transfer to a Sberbank client card using the recipient’s phone number assigned to his name number;
  • obtaining reference information about available SMS banking services, of which there are much more than those listed above.

How to find out if Sberbank Mobile Bank is connected

The simplest solution to the problem (but very time-consuming) is to contact the nearest bank branch. You must have your passport and card with you. The institution’s consultant will help you in this situation and, if necessary, help you activate the package of mobile banking services that interests you: economical or full.

A more advanced way is how to check Sberbank Mobile Bank via phone.

How to find out if your mobile bank is connected?

How to find out if you have Sberbank mobile banking connected? What services are included in SMS banking?

Today, many Sberbank clients use mobile banking. It's all about its convenience. Mobile banking is an opportunity to perform various operations and receive information at any time. Using this service, you can transfer funds to a card, cell phone, or make transfers to the accounts of other bank subscribers. In short, this service allows you to work with a bank card without leaving your home. The only problem that clients face is that they do not know how to find out whether Sberbank’s mobile bank is connected.

SMS banking is not a mandatory service. It is also not included in the free service package. A person who wants to connect a mobile bank can do this independently through an ATM or terminal. Another option is to contact a Sberbank branch and draw up the appropriate agreement.

What services are included in SMS banking?

Mobile banking refers to a whole range of services that can be used via a cell phone. The most important services are:

  1. replenish your account using your mobile phone;
  2. SMS notifications about transactions performed with the card;
  3. repayment of debts to the bank;
  4. making translations;
  5. possibility of blocking the card if necessary.

All these opportunities attract customers, but many of them do not know how to check the mobile banking connection in Sberbank.

There are two ways to check whether this service has been connected to a phone number.

  1. Direct contact to the Sberbank office This method will take a little time. To find out whether the mobile bank has been connected to the card, you need to contact a Sberbank branch. You must take your passport and the card with you. Bank employees will be able to answer your question and, if necessary, activate or deactivate the service.
  3. Sending an SMS messageIn this case, you don’t have to go anywhere. The client will only need a cell phone to send an SMS message to the short number 900. The text can write “INFO”, “INFO” or “HELP”. In response, you should receive a notification about all cards of the phone owner. In addition, next to each of them there will be a note about connecting or not connecting to a mobile bank.

Sometimes SMS may arrive with a delay, so you need to calmly wait for the notification.

How can I find out if Sberbank Mobile Bank is connected?

Sberbank is constantly expanding the range of services it provides. The Mobile Bank service is now available to customers. Moreover, it is worth noting that the service is often connected automatically, without notifying the client. In this regard, many are wondering how to find out if a mobile bank is connected.

In general, this service provides users with the opportunity to be aware of all transactions using a plastic card from Sberbank, using only a mobile phone. This is a very useful feature.

How can I find out about joining the service?

How to find out if mobile banking is connected? There are several options available to clarify this information. The easiest one is to use the Sberbank SMS service.

By sending the word “Help” to number 900, the client will receive a response SMS, which will contain background information on how to find out any information on the card via SMS.

If the client has several cards issued, in order to find out which of them are connected, you can additionally send the number “1” (this is after sending the word “HELP”). In the response SMS message you will receive a list of connected cards with one of three statuses:

Non-payment - The service is connected, and the “Full” tariff is selected, that is, with a regular subscription fee. The message indicates that the service has not been paid for and is currently unavailable. After replenishing the balance, it will become available again.

On - The service is active and can be actively used

Off - The service is turned off on the card whose information you requested.

If you have not received any SMS, you should contact the nearest bank branch to find out the reasons and join this service.

Opportunities offered by Mobile Banking

Using this service, the user can:

It is immediately worth noting that this service is provided in 2 options:

  1. Economical. The service is absolutely free, the client must send SMS himself to check the necessary information
  2. Full. Here, by default, SMS notification is provided, and for any actions with the card, the user will receive an SMS that will inform him about the actions with the card. Tariff is paid

Sberbank provides the ability to switch between these tariffs. To switch from economical to full, you need to send the SMS “Full XXXX” to number 900, where the last 4 characters are the last 4 digits of the card. Otherwise, you need to send SMS “Economy XXXX”.

If you want to temporarily block a service, you need to send an SMS with the text “BLOCKING SERVICES” to a single Sberbank number 900. However, it is worth noting that if the Full tariff is activated, the subscription fee will still be charged for temporary blocking. With an economical tariff, no funds will be withdrawn; the opportunity to use this service will simply disappear.

If you want to permanently disable the service, you need to visit a bank branch and write a statement. The staff will help you write it. You must have a passport and a plastic card with you.

One Sberbank client may have several plastic cards of different categories at once. After all, these payment and financial instruments complement each other perfectly.

For example, situations often occur when a person receives wages on one card, carries out all expense transactions with the second, and the third serves solely to accrue income on the balance of his own funds on it. And there are a lot of similar options for their competent use.

Of course, over time, confusion may arise as to which card products are connected to certain services or additional options. This may result in unwanted subscription fees for products and services that the customer no longer needs to use.

So that holders of Sberbank plastic cards can save their time and money, in this article we will describe in detail how to find out which cards are connected to the mobile bank.

What SMS should you send to find out information about linked cards?

All the necessary information can be found out using one SMS message sent as part of the mobile banking service. The client will need to send the word HELP to the short number 900. Instead of HELP you can also use: INFO, INFO, SPRAVKA, 06, INFORMATION.

A few seconds later you will receive an SMS from Sberbank with a list of all client cards connected to the mobile bank.

The message will indicate the main details of plastic products: payment system, last 4 digits of the number, ON/OFF (whether the service is connected or not) and more.

Mobile banking from Sberbank is a convenient option with which you can track the movement of funds on your card.

Through the application, the client can learn about ongoing money transfers, receive notifications about completed transactions, and transfer money to the accounts of other cardholders. In general, for those who actively use a Sberbank card, this function is indeed very convenient.

How can I find out about connecting to mobile banking?

How to find out if Sberbank is connected online is one of the frequently asked questions. The fact is that by default such a service is not included in the package of free services. You can connect it yourself by contacting a Sberbank branch or going to the nearest terminal. And to check whether such a service is activated, just send the word “certificate” to Sberbank number 900. This option is convenient because even if the bank has a debt, information will be sent for each of the available cards. The last four numbers will help you distinguish the cards from each other. And if there is only one card, then there will be no problems with identification at all.

How to decrypt a message?

After sending a message with the word “help” to an easy-to-remember number 900, a message will be sent. How to find out if Sberbank is connected online? Look at the ON/OFF icons. The first one means everything is fine, the service is connected. Second, this service is not on the card. Alternatively, instead of ON or OFF, the message may reflect NEOPLATA, which will indicate that the service was activated earlier, but became unavailable due to non-payment. It was blocked, and after making the payment, the Mobile Banking service from Sberbank will become available again.

Another way to find out whether this service is activated is to contact the support line for information. However, it is more convenient to use the short number 900.

The banking industry is constantly improving and expanding its services, making the lives of its clients even more comfortable and easier. Upon receiving a plastic card, a newly minted client immediately receives a whole card, which is activated automatically. These are mainly services for depositing and withdrawing funds.

But the bank offers cardholders other services that can only be activated with the client’s consent. This procedure is due to the fact that all additional options have a certain cost and a person can agree to connect them, or he can refuse. One of these services is the Sberbank mobile bank. The decision made can be changed at any time in one direction or the other.

Banking turmoil sometimes disorients a person, and after time he no longer remembers whether he activated the mobile banking service or not. Let's figure out how to find out if a mobile bank from Sberbank is connected.

What is the proposed option for?

The mobile banking service is a paid option that allows plastic card holders to perform a number of simple manipulations using their phone.

Connecting a mobile bank allows you to perform the operations included in it without the Internet, which significantly distinguishes it from the Sberbank Online application. This service does not require an Android device; any cell phone will do.

The list of options provided includes:

  1. Checking the balance on the card account.
  2. Top up mobile phone accounts of both your own and others. With a connected mobile bank, you can.
  3. Transfer funds from one card to another.
  4. Receive SMS notifications about completed transactions.

The presence of this or that option is determined by the type of connected mobile bank.

Connection options

The mobile bank has two standard packages:


Suitable for those who rarely make payments of this type, but do not want to give up an additional service. The advantages of this package are that there is no fixed monthly subscription fee. You will have to pay one-time for each transaction made.


Requires monthly payment, which is deducted from the account automatically on the first of the month. But all actions performed will be free.

Experienced cardholders know how important it is to be mobile and subscribe to the full package.

Let's move on to how to find out whether Sberbank's mobile bank is connected.

How can I check if the option is enabled?

Whether mobile banking is connected can be done in two ways:

  1. Personal contact with the bank.
  2. By SMS request.

The easiest way to determine the availability of connected options is to come to the branch in person. However, this method is not always convenient. Firstly, you will have to waste time not only on the way to the department itself, but also on waiting for your turn to see a specialist. Secondly, it will require the mandatory presentation of identification, namely a passport. But this method is still preferable for some, for example, if at the same time it is necessary to clarify other information, or, conversely, to activate or deactivate an opportunity.

But there is an easier way to check whether a mobile bank is connected. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. A cell phone is taken, always the one for which the request was actually activated. Please note that you will not be able to send requests from another number.
  2. Send an SMS message to . This is a general number for various information requests to Sberbank.
  3. The text of the message may vary in several variations. These can be the words “info”, “help” or “info”, both in capital and small letters.
  4. In response to the sent request, you will receive a response SMS with information about the presence or absence of the specified request.
  5. If a person has several Sberbank plastic cards, then he can immediately make a secondary request for the same number. The text of the second message contains the number 5.
  6. The received response will contain a list of cards to which this option is connected.

If the option is not activated, then you can activate it only by visiting the nearest Sberbank branch in person.

You might be interested

Mobile banking is a special service designed for operational control of the movement of funds through a Sberbank account for which a plastic card has been issued. It also provides the opportunity to transfer money to mobile operators, other subscribers, to other Sberbank plastic cards and make auto payments. Where and how to find out if mobile banking is connected?

There are several options available to do this.

  • Detect the availability of the service during a face-to-face visit to a Sberbank branch. If the connection has not been established, it can be established immediately on the spot. This will require the physical presence of the owner of the plastic card, a passport, the card itself and a cell phone that is linked to cash transactions. An unlimited number of cards and accounts can be attached to one mobile phone number. You must have access to the phone number, but you are not required to own it.
  • Check your personal account in the Sberbank Online system. In the “Mobile Bank” item in the “Connection Details” option, select the required card whose owner you are registered with. The “Service status: active” parameter means that the service is connected. The same can be done in the official Sberbank application on a smartphone.
  • Send an SMS command from the cell phone to which the card is attached to the conditional number 900. As the message itself, you must specify one of three words: “INFO”, “HELP” or “INFO”. In response, you will receive an SMS message containing a list of the holder’s number cards with a note indicating which of them have the service activated.

These are all ways that can answer where and how to find out whether a mobile bank is connected or not. You can use any of them to obtain reliable information.

Mobile bank

The mobile service starts working 3 days after the service is activated. How to check the mobile bank? Let's list the simplest methods.

  • The presence of SMS messages from the short number 900 means that the service is working.
  • Send an SMS message to a special number 900 containing the amount to top up your cell phone (for example, “150”).

Transferring money using this scheme takes a few minutes: the telecom operator must inform you that the balance has been replenished.

If errors occur or SMS is delayed, you must contact Sberbank's 24-hour customer support service at 8800-555-5550. The bank has a financial interest in ensuring that the maximum number of clients use the service, so you are guaranteed to receive a response. The question of how to check whether Sberbank’s mobile bank is connected refers to typical technical support requests: the operator’s response (including the wait) is 5-10 minutes.

Another way to quickly check whether a mobile bank is connected or not is to perform a transaction at self-service terminals.

What is the tariff for using the mobile banking service?

The direct connection itself is carried out at a Sberbank branch and is a free procedure. There is a test period for 60 days from the date of application: there is no fee for using the service. Further rates depend on the type and payment system of the card. For debit cards:

  • with the Gold prefix – the service is provided free of charge;
  • with the Classic and Standard prefixes – the cost is 60 rubles/month;
  • with the prefix Sberbank - the cost is 30 rubles / month.

For credit cards of Sberbank itself, the service is provided free of charge and is activated automatically.

The service can be disabled free of charge at any time. When a bank account is closed or a plastic card is blocked, the service is canceled without additional application from the holder.

Mobile banking payments are made in advance. This means that the subscription fee is charged at the beginning of the month and requires the availability of funds on the card. If there are not enough funds, the service is automatically suspended. Payment for SMS messages is carried out according to standard tariffs of the cellular operator. SMS will be sent even if your number suddenly has a negative balance.

Answering simple questions about whether Sberbank’s mobile bank is connected and what is needed to check whether the mobile bank is connected or not will not take you much time and effort: just follow the step-by-step algorithms given in the article.