How to password protect a folder on your desktop without programs. Set the password using Lim LockFolder. Method using Password Protect program

A folder protected with a complex password on a computer or laptop that several people have access to is a reliable way to save important information. The secret word code will protect digital data from viewing and editing, and will also protect it from deletion. Let's find out how you can put a password on a folder in Windows 10? Are there alternative methods protection?

Setting a password using standard Windows tools

The Windows 10 operating system does not have built-in functionality with which you can protect a specific folder. There is a simple way to limit access to a user account by placing a code word at the entrance (thereby blocking access to any file). There is also a more complicated one - use the built-in encryption function BitLocker drives(it will be impossible to open it without entering the cipher word). The problem with using the BitLocker service is that if the system crashes or the user forgets the password, emergency measures will have to be taken to recover the files.

And also for operating systems Windows family There is one unique functionality that allows you to make an object invisible to users. Using it, there is no need to come up with a complex cipher for opening, which can be forgotten over time.
To hide a folder proceed as follows:
Important! Both protection methods are valid for all versions of the Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Home, Vista OS family.

An alternative way to protect folders

A large percentage of users use the built-in Windows 10 Explorer to work Total program Commander or file managers with similar functionality: Free, Double, Troll, Midnight Commander or other products. With their help it is very easy to set a password on an object. This can be done after standard installation any file manager. The procedure is as follows:

Important! After the procedure, opening files will be available only after entering secret code. If the user needs to hide an object and encrypt it, this can be done in Commander. You need to go through the procedure of hiding a folder through the “Properties” menu (described above), and then:

The object is now protected and invisible. Can be used individual programs WinRar archivers and 7-Zip, but if you have a file manager on your PC or laptop, installing them is impractical.

Setting a password using third-party resources

There are many software products that can improve the security of storing personal data - Flash Crypt, dirLock, Secure Folder, WinMend Folder Hidden, Wise Folder Hider, My Lockbox, Easy File Locker, Anvide Seal Folder and many more. Most of the utilities are free, equipped with a multilingual interface and functional. The Wise Folder Hider software product from the reliable and proven developer WiseCleaner is suitable for all Windows OS families and for those new to folder encryption

Download Wise program Folder Hider is available for free online. Its installation is standard and fast ( free version on the network with the Portable prefix). The only condition is a password to open the utility. You can put any one. Then proceed like this:

After completing the procedure, the object will disappear from the list of folders on the disk (hidden) and will be accessible only through the application. Another small and easy to use utility is Secure Folders. It has a little more functionality and an English-language interface. But it does not complicate the work, since the software offers a minimum number of operations. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the code word is set to open the program itself - that is, you need to enter and come up with one code, which is easier to remember. After adding a folder to the Secure Folders application, it is impossible to open it without opening the program itself.

Use the software like this:

Important! To access an object, you need to temporarily remove it from the application by clicking the red cross on the right side of the line. Once the document work is completed, the object is added back to the application.

If you need a more functional software product that will allow you to encrypt any PC objects, it is better to download the Hide Folder utility. Its interface is Russian, the installation is standard. After installation, proceed as follows:

Access to the facility is limited. Built-in capabilities operating system Windows 10 is quite sufficient to protect files and documents. Main secret security - competent and complex password. If one is installed, then it will be virtually impossible to break it, regardless of what program was used for encryption.

On the computer to which it has physical access several people, confidential or proprietary information of a particular user can be stored in a certain directory. In this case, in order to ensure that the data located there is not declassified or mistakenly changed by someone, it makes sense to think about how to limit access to this folder to other persons. The easiest way to do this is to set a password. Let's find out in what ways you can put a password on a directory in Windows 7.

You can password protect a directory in the specified operating system either using special software to impose a password, or using archiver applications. Unfortunately, there are no proprietary tools specifically designed for imposing a password on a directory in Windows 7. But, at the same time, there is an option with which you can do without third-party software to solve the problem. Now let's look at all these methods in more detail.

Method 1: Anvide Seal Folder

One of the most convenient programs To set a password for a directory, use Anvide Seal Folder.

  1. Run the downloaded installation file Anvide Seal Folder. First of all, you need to select the installation language. As a rule, the installer selects it in accordance with the operating system settings, so here just click "OK".
  2. Then the shell opens "Installation Wizard". Click "Further".
  3. A shell is launched where you need to confirm your agreement with the current developer license agreement. Place the radio button in position "I accept the terms of the agreement". Click "Further".
  4. In a new window you need to select the installation directory. We recommend not to change this parameter, that is, install in standard folder program storage. Click "Further".
  5. In the next window, you can configure the creation of an icon on "Desktop". If you want to observe it in this area, then just click "Further". If you do not need this shortcut, then first uncheck the item “Create an icon on the desktop”, and only then click on the indicated button.
  6. The application installation procedure is performed, which will take you very little time.
  7. In the last window, if you immediately want to activate the application, leave a mark next to the item "Launch Anvide Seal Folder". If you want to launch later, uncheck this box. Click "Complete".
  8. Sometimes running the above method via "Installation Wizard" fails and an error appears. This is due to the fact that executable file must be started from administrative rights. This can be done by simply clicking on its shortcut on "Desktop".
  9. A window for selecting the program interface language opens. Click on the flag of the country from the presented options whose language you want to use when working with the application, and then click on the green checkmark below.
  10. A window opens license agreement using the program. It will be in the previously selected language. Check it out and if you agree, click "accept".
  11. After this it will be launched directly functional interface Anvide Seal Folder applications. First of all, you need to set a password to log into the application. This must be done in order to outsider I could not enter the program and remove the protection. So, click on the icon “Password to enter the program”. It is located on the far left side of the toolbar and looks like a lock.
  12. A small window opens, in the only field of which you need to enter the desired password and click "OK". After this, to launch Anvide Lock Folder You will be constantly required to enter this key.
  13. Returning to the main application window, to add a directory that should be password protected, click on the icon in the form of a sign «+» entitled "Add folder" on the toolbar.
  14. The directory selection window opens. Going through it, highlight the directory for which you want to set a password. After that click on green tick at the bottom of the window.
  15. The address of the selected folder will be displayed in the main Anvide Lock Folder window. To set a password for it, highlight this element and click on the icon "Close access". It looks like a closed padlock icon on the toolbar.
  16. A window opens where in two fields you need to enter twice the password that you are going to apply to the selected directory. After completing this operation, press "Close access".
  17. Next, a dialog box will open asking you whether to set a password hint. Setting a reminder will allow you to remember the code word if you suddenly forget it. If you want to enter a hint, click "Yes".
  18. In the new window, enter a hint and click "OK".
  19. After this, the selected folder will be password protected, as evidenced by the presence of a closed lock icon to the left of its address in the Anvide Lock Folder interface.
  20. In order to enter the directory, you need to highlight the directory name in the program again and click on the button "To open access" in the form of an open lock on the toolbar. After this, a window will open in which you must enter the previously set password.

Method 2: WinRAR

Another option to password-protect the contents of a folder is to archive it and apply a password to the archive. This can be done using an archiver.

  1. Launch WinRAR. Using the built-in file manager, go to the directory where the folder you are going to password-protect is located. Highlight this object. Click on the button "Add" on the toolbar.
  2. The archive creation window opens. Click on the button there "Set password…".
  3. A password entry shell opens. In two fields of this window you need to alternately enter the same key expression, with which you will open a folder placed in a password-protected archive. If you want to further protect the directory, check the box next to the parameter "Encrypt file names". Click "OK".
  4. Returning to the archiving settings window, click "OK".
  5. After archiving is completed, as a result a file with RAR extension, you need to delete the original folder. Select the specified directory and click on the button "Delete" on the toolbar.
  6. A dialog box opens in which you must confirm your intention to delete the folder by clicking the button "Yes". The directory will be moved to "Basket". To ensure complete confidentiality, be sure to clean it.
  7. Now, in order to open the password-protected archive in which the data folder is located, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button ( LMB). A password entry form will open, where you should enter a key expression and click the button "OK".

Method 3: Create a BAT file

You can also password-protect a folder in Windows 7 without using any third party programs. This task can be accomplished by creating a file with extension BAT V standard Notepad the specified operating system.

  1. First of all, you need to launch Notepad. Click the button "Start". Next, select "All programs".
  2. Navigate to folder "Standard".
  3. The list opens various programs and utilities. Select a name "Notebook".
  4. Notepad is running. Paste the following code into the window of this application:

    title Secret folder
    if EXIST "Secret" goto DOSTUP
    if NOT EXIST Folder goto RASBLOK
    ren Papka "Secret"
    attrib +h +s "Secret"
    echo Folder locked
    goto End
    echo Vvedite cod, chtoby otcryt catalog
    set/p "pass=>"
    if NOT %pass%== secretnyj-cod goto PAROL
    attrib -h -s "Secret"
    ren "Secret" Papka
    echo Catalog uspeshno otkryt
    goto End
    echo Nevernyj code
    goto end
    md folder
    echo Catalog uspeshno sozdan
    goto End

    Instead of the expression "secretnyj-code" enter the code expression you are going to install on secret folder. It is important not to use spaces when entering it.

  5. Next, click on the item in Notepad "File" and press "Save as…".
  6. A save window opens. Go to the directory where you intend to create a password-protected folder. In field "File Type" instead of option « Text files» select "All files". In field "Encoding" select from the drop-down list "ANSI". In field "File name" enter any name. The main condition is that it ends with the next extension - ".bat". Click "Save".
  7. Now with the help "Conductor" move to the directory where you placed the file with the BAT extension. Click on it LMB.
  8. In the same directory where the file is located, a directory called "Papka". Click on the BAT object again.
  9. After this, the name of the previously created folder changes to the name "Secret" and it automatically disappears after a few seconds. Click on the file again.
  10. A console opens in which you can see the entry: “Vvedite code, chtoby otcryt catalog”. Here you need to enter the code word that you previously wrote down in the BAT file. Then click Enter.
  11. If you enter the wrong password, the console will close and you will need to click on the BAT file again to launch it again. If the code was entered correctly, the folder will be displayed again.
  12. Now copy to this directory the content or information that you want to password-protect, naturally, subsequently deleting it from its original location. Then hide the folder by clicking on the BAT file again. How to display the directory again in order to access the information stored there has already been described above.

As you can see, there is a fairly wide range of options for password-protecting a folder in Windows 7. To do this, you can use a number of programs specifically designed for these purposes, use archivers that support data encryption, or create BAT file with the corresponding code.

Windows has no built-in functionality for this task. But you can use free programs from third party developers. Let's take the 7-Zip archiver and the Anvide Seal Folder utility as an example.

Using 7-Zip

7-Zip archives the folder, encrypts its contents and blocks access to it with a password. Surely you are already using this program. If not, then download 7-Zip from the official website. If you prefer another archiver, then most likely you can use it to put a password on the folder in the same way.

After installing the archiver, click right click mouse over the desired folder and select 7-Zip → “Add to archive”.

In the window that appears, under the “Encryption” item, enter the password and repeat the combination. Check the box “Encrypt file names” and click OK.

After this, the program will create a copy of the folder in the form of an encrypted archive, the contents of which can be viewed only after entering the password. Delete the original folder that remains unprotected.

In exactly the same way, 7-Zip allows you to password protect any selected file.

Using Anvide Seal Folder

If you don't want to mess with the archive, you can set a password directly on the folder itself using the Anvide Seal Folder program. This utility encrypts the contents of selected folders and hides them from prying eyes. Containers protected in this way can only be opened through the Anvide Seal Folder interface after entering the password.

The program is very easy to use. By clicking on the plus, you can select the path to the desired folder or to several containers one by one. After this, a list of added folders will appear in the Anvide Seal Folder main menu. To put a password on one or more of them, just select them, click on the lock and follow the prompts of the utility. You can also set a password to log into Anvide Seal Folder.

On macOS you can do without third-party programs. The system allows you to create a so-called folder image, which is an encrypted copy of it. All files that are saved within this image are password protected.

To create such an image, open " Disk Utility"("Programs" → "Utilities" → "Disk Utility").

Click “File” → “ New look» → “Image from folder” and specify the path to the folder you want to protect.

Enter a name for the image and indicate the location on your computer where you will store it, as well as the password to access its contents. For encryption, select 128 or 256 bits, and for Image Format, select read/write. Then save the changes.

Open the created image, enter the password and make sure that all files are in place.

Remove original folder. Now you can use it in a protected way instead.

Unfortunately, Windows does not provide the ability to protect a folder with a password. In many cases, a folder with a password would help protect important data from being viewed by strangers without special problems. I will discuss how to implement this on a laptop or computer in this article. The instructions are suitable for systems with Windows 7, 8 and 10

We'll talk about demons paid programs oh and them paid analogues, as well as some other methods ( without third party utilities ) with which you can protect folders and valuable data in them with a password.

Free utilities and programs for setting a password for a folder

There are few such programs, but there are those that can easily help you put a password on a folder. I will conduct a mini review of the most worthy ones, and you yourself will choose which one is best for you. They must be compatible with popular versions Windows OS. All links will be listed immediately in the article.

It is important to know that it is not necessary to install more than 1 program for such purposes. They may conflict with each other.

Anvide Seal Folder

Probably the most popular free program, which allows you to make a folder under a password. There is support for the Russian language. Download the archive and run it. Add to the list 1 or more folders that need to be protected with a password. Just drag them into working window. Close access from the menu ( or press F5). Do this for all required files.

The settings allow you not only to encrypt the folder with a password, but also the data stored in it ( name, file size). All unsuccessful attempts authorizations are remembered and shown when entered correctly.

You can easily check the remaining features yourself. The author of the program always helps if any problems arise.

WinMend Folder Hidden

A program with a very attractive interface that allows you to access folders using a password. There is Russian localization ( after installation and launch). Download and use for free.

Just a few control buttons. Except color scheme and there are no language settings. Drag a folder into the window and it will automatically become hidden. It can only be accessed from within the program.

The disadvantages include the lack of encryption without hiding folders.


No less simple program on English language, but has a very friendly interface that even a little person can understand advanced user. Download it and install it. Enter the password at 1st start. It will be required to enter the program where the protected folders will be located.

This password is also required when deleting ( For reliability, you can use recovery via Email address).

Once in the working window, you just need to drag the folder into it with the mouse or select it in the directory through the menu ( Add). Pay attention to the status. Lock - protected. Unlock - no protection. To gain access to the files again, you will need to go into the program and unlock the directory from here. The window below shows instructions that most likely will not be useful.

Such simple actions You can reliably prevent unauthorized people from accessing a folder with valuable files.


The easiest to use program, by installing it you can protect a folder immediately from the context menu Windows Explorer (will appear new line Lock/Unlock). There is nothing superfluous in it. Download it and lock the folder by entering the password 2 times. This must be done every time after viewing protected files.

All protected folders are displayed in the main program window. They can also be unlocked from here.

Convenient and safe solution.

Paid programs to protect folders

If free options are not suitable, then you can use paid ones. They are of course made of better quality and have more functionality, but you have to pay for it. I will consider the best programs in my opinion, and you decide which one is best for you.

Folder Guard

This program has a free trial period 30 days. Russian language is available. Immediately after installation, you will be asked to enter a password to enter the program. To set a password for a folder, just drag it into the window. Each setup step is described in detail and no difficulties should arise. Download it and install it.

You can simply hide the folder, both regular and network, or you can set a password. It is possible to restrict access different users. There is a function disaster recovery in case the password was forgotten.

There is even protection in safe mode. The program hides itself using the “Hidden” attribute. Call supported hotkey. Everything can be fine-tuned to suit your needs. Of the minuses, I would note that the certificate is in English.

In general, it is very convenient to use; in addition to setting a password, there are a lot of different options. IN different situations they can really be useful.

IObit Protected Folder

The simplest of all paid programs to protect folders on native language (selectable in settings). 20 trial runs. Supports all current Windows versions. From the picture below you can see that it will not cause any difficulties in use.

There are several options additional parameters. I liked this program more than all the others. Convenient, fast, safe and there is nothing superfluous. Download it and try it yourself.

My Lockbox

Another program from a Russian developer that will allow you to easily protect your important data. There are no bells and whistles in it. When starting for the first time, you will be required to enter a password. Access to all folders will be opened after entering it. There is a recovery service via Email ( not necessary). Download and test.

The interface has only a few main buttons. It is possible to set a filter for trusted processes. Lots of themes. The functionality is similar to other programs.

  1. Install—adds protection to the folder.
  2. Clear - deletes it.

It is possible to use for free with only 1 folder. IN paid version this limitation is removed and user support is added.

Locking a folder with a password inside the archive

You can encrypt the virtual HDD or flash drives. If you forget your password, it will be almost impossible to recover your data. Reliable method protection using Windows without third party programs.

Microsoft script for setting a password for a folder

An unreliable method, the protection of which is very easily bypassed simple switching on showing hidden system files Windows. However, this is also the case in this article, as otherwise the folder is accessed using a password that was previously set. Advantage this method is that you do not need to download any third-party applications.

What else can you do

In Windows, although there is no built-in function for setting a password for folders, you can get by simple creation second user and set a password to account. In addition to this, limit rights. Quite simple and effective method data protection. However, an experienced user can handle this too.

I would also advise encrypting it. This can be done using the same Bitlocker utility or similar ones. There is also a disadvantage here in that the section can simply be deleted and the data will be lost.

Of all the above, the most in a reliable way protect the folder by encryption. But here, if you forget your password, you yourself lose access to the data. I add the folder to the archive and encrypt it. I think this is much more convenient and safer than everything else. It all depends on who needs to hide the information. There is no 100% protection against everyone.

I hope you have found a solution to your problem. I will answer all questions in the comments.

Which method did you use?

Setting a password for a folder is a fairly common way to restrict access to information. If for a number of reasons you cannot use division by users of your personal computer, then this article will help you. Operating core Windows systems does not provide for setting a password on specific folder, therefore, in order to protect information, you should use a third-party software. Let's consider the nuances of working with the following software packages:

  1. WinRar.
  2. AnvideSealFolder.
  3. FolderLock.

The specified software product is distributed for a fee. To set a ban on access to a directory, it should be added to the .

Step 1. After launching the main software interface, you should specify the folder selected for setting access restrictions and use the “Add files to archive” command (the command is activated by clicking the mouse or using the “Alt + A” key combination).

Step 2. In the wizard that opens, switch to the “Advanced” subsection and use the “Set password” button.

Step 3. In the "Backup with Password" dialog box, you must specify the key and confirm it.

To avoid typing errors, there is an option to display the password. The classic requirement for password security is compliance with the following principles:

  1. Length – at least seven characters.
  2. Using symbols in the key body different categories(capitals and lower case, number, non-letter characters).

Step 4. An archive will be created in the directory you specified in step 1, with installed key security.

Important! Remember, the security key will not allow you to view, change, or add files to the archive, however, it will leave the possibility of making a copy of it or uninstalling the archive as a whole.

Setting a password usingAnvideSealFolder

The software product has a freely distributed license.

Step 1. After installation is complete, launch the interface software product.

Step 2. For more advanced protection, a two-level access restriction system is provided:

  1. Restricting access to the program.
  2. Restricting access to folders.

To set the security key for the software product itself, use the icon in the upper left corner of the main window.

Step 3. To restrict access to a specific directory, use the icon in the form of a “+” sign, or by pressing the “insert” key.

Step 4. After specifying the path and highlighting desired folder you need to confirm its addition to the block list.

Step 5. After carrying out the above procedures, a corresponding entry appears in the list of folders. To restrict access to it, use the icon in the form of a closed lock, or the “F5” button and enter the key.

Step 6. After confirming the access restriction, the program will prompt you to enter a hint for the key, or skip this item.

The list may contain a large number of directories at the same time, while each folder can be closed personal key, or general.

Important! Remember, a protected directory becomes undetectable at its location (discovery is impossible even using specialized programs And software shells). Don't forget to unlock the folder when reinstalling Windows, otherwise there is a risk of losing data. You can allow access by using the corresponding menu icon, or by pressing the key"F9".

Setting a password using FolderLock

The software product is closed paid license, however, has test mode to set twenty passwords.

Step 1. On first launch software package, a request is issued to add a master key and confirm its installation.

Important! In case of loss given password You will not be able to uninstall the program from your personal computer.

Step 2. FolderLock repeatedly requests the previously specified password, after which it gives access to the main software interface. Adding a folder to the list of locks occurs by dragging it into the program window, or by clicking the “AddItemstoLock” button.

On a note! You can password protect not only a directory, but also a logical volume and a separate file.

Step 3. To select a directory, use the “AddFolder” option, specify its location in the wizard that opens and confirm the selection using the “OK” button.

Important! Just like using the AnvideSealFolder program, you can restrict access to several resources at the same time, but all of them will be closed with the same master key entered in step 1. To unlock a specific directory, you must use the menu "LockFolders", item "UnlockItems". As a result of using this button, the selected folder drops out of the blocked list and appears in its original directory. Similar to AnvideSealFolder, remove all restrictions during reinstallationWindows to avoid losing information from locked folders.

Video - How to set a password for a folder


We have described the nuances of restricting access to a folder using three different software products, one of which is free. Remember, there is no such thing as “too much” security, so we recommend that you combine information security methods. For example, you can archive a folder with a password and then close the archive additional password using another program. The rating of each software product is reflected in the summary table.

IntelligenceWinRARAnvide Seal FolderFolderLock
Requires a paid licenseYesNoYes
Russian language supportOptionalOptionalNo
Installing keys on several directories at the same timeSeparate archive for each directoryYesYes
Possibility of use different keys for each blocked directoryYesYesNo
Display a locked folder in its original locationYesNoNo
Blocking access to the programNoYesYes
Interface convenience (from 1 to 5)45 5