Where can I find the system key on my computer? How to find out the activation key installed on a Windows computer

Most commercial software comes with special protection against unauthorized copying and installation. And although manufacturers use different methods to solve this problem, almost all of them prompt the user to enter a product key or serial number - at least this is the case with Microsoft Windows and Office.

The string, consisting of letters and numbers, is an individual identifier that proves the legality of your copy. This data is required to authorize the installation of the software, as well as to receive support, so it can be important to know where the key is and how to get it.

Below are some easy ways to help you find your serial number for Windows and Office.

Find product key

Try to remember how you purchased your Microsoft software, as this will determine where to look for your product key.

If you bought a copy of Microsoft Windows or Office on disk, then first of all you should examine its box. Retail Microsoft product keys are usually located on a bright sticker located inside the CD/DVD cover or on the back. The key consists of 25 characters, usually divided into 5 groups of 5 characters.

If your computer came with Microsoft Windows pre-installed, the product key is usually printed on a colored sticker placed directly on the PC case. For Microsoft Office, the serial number sticker should be on the installation disc that came with your computer. If you don't find it anywhere in the listed places, then you need to contact Microsoft to request a replacement for your lost key.

You can usually find your Microsoft Windows serial number on a sticker attached to your PC.

Windows 10

With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a new way to authenticate the operating system called digital authorization, but it doesn't work on all Windows 10 PCs.

In fact, you definitely have a digital resolution if you upgraded the OS on your PC from Windows 7 or 8.1 for free. You also get a digital pass if you paid to upgrade to Windows 10 from the Windows Store or installed a fresh copy of the OS and then paid for it in the same Windows Store.

However, if you received Windows 10 either bundled with a new PC, or purchased a Windows 10 installation DVD from a store, or bought a digital copy of Windows 10, but not from the Windows Store, but from another online store, then you will have a traditional product key , not digital resolution.

What is digital resolution

If your PC has a digital resolution, Microsoft records your right to run Windows 10 on its servers. The upside is that you simply don't have a product key to lose. And if you need to reinstall the system, for example from a USB drive, you don't even have to activate your PC. Instead, after reinstalling Windows, activation will take place in the background for a few hours (or, in extreme cases, a few days).

But keep in mind that your digital resolution is based on your system configuration. If you change too many components at once and then try to reinstall Windows 10, you may encounter a problem.

From the point of view of the new control system, it would be better, for example, to first replace the HDD or SSD, then reinstall Windows 10, and update other components after activation. Otherwise, you may have to call Microsoft's hotline for automatic activation. This doesn't happen very often, but it does happen.

However, major updates, such as replacing the motherboard, will definitely require a call to Microsoft.

Retrieving a key from Microsoft Windows or Office

If you cannot find your product key, but the program is already installed, you can use special programs, in particular Magical Jelly Bean Key Finder. This utility will quickly find the key for Windows (as well as keys for many other installed programs) and display it on the screen.

1. Download Magical Jelly Bean and follow the instructions to install the software on your computer.

2. Launch the program. You can find it in the Start menu - start typing keyfinder and click.

3. The program will scan your installed software and find product keys for supported programs, including various versions of Windows and Office.

4. When the scan is complete, you will see a window with a panel on the left side that will list any installed versions of Windows and Office.

5. Click on your version of Microsoft Windows and you will receive the key as well as other installation information. The serial number itself will be located in the ‘CD Key’ section on the right side of the window. Write this information down in case you may need it in the future. Make sure that you have rewritten all the symbols correctly, otherwise the key simply won’t work. And don’t pay attention to the ‘Product ID’ section - we don’t need it.

6. Click on your version of Microsoft Office to get your product key and other installation information. In the case of Office, everything happens exactly the same - your key will be located in the ‘CD Key’ section on the right side of the window. Make sure that you have rewritten all the symbols correctly, otherwise the key simply won’t work. You can also use Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to extract the keys of any software that is installed on your PC.

Hello dear friends! In this article I will show you how to find out the activation key for your windows XP, windows 7, 8, 10. I have been asked many times, how can I find out the activation key for my windows system? It turned out that the activation key was lost or the sticker on the back of the laptop or system unit had simply worn off and I simply could not see the key. I need to reinstall the system and need my own activation key in order to activate windows later, please give me some advice.

And so let's get started, in the first method we will use the script from the site microsoft. Create a regular text document on the desktop.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

regKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"

DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "DigitalProductId")

Win8ProductName = "Windows Product Name: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine

Win8ProductID = "Windows Product ID: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine

Win8ProductKey = ConvertToKey(DigitalProductId)

strProductKey ="Windows Key: " & Win8ProductKey

Win8ProductID = Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & strProductKey



Function ConvertToKey(regKey)

Const KeyOffset = 52

isWin8 = (regKey(66)\6) And 1

regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And&HF7) Or((isWin8 And 2) * 4)


Cur = regKey(y + KeyOffset) + Cur

regKey(y + KeyOffset) = (Cur\24)

Cur = Cur Mod 24

Loop While y >= 0

winKeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput

Loop While j >= 0

If(isWin8 = 1) Then

keypart1 = Mid(winKeyOutput, 2, Last)

winKeyOutput = Replace(winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)

If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput

End If

a = Mid(winKeyOutput, 1, 5)

b = Mid(winKeyOutput, 6, 5)

c = Mid(winKeyOutput, 11, 5)

d = Mid(winKeyOutput, 16, 5)

e = Mid(winKeyOutput, 21, 5)

ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e

End Function

After you have inserted the script into a text document, you need to save the document with the extension .VBS. To do this, click on the “File” item and in the drop-down list, select “Save as”.

In the window that opens, in the File type field, select “All files (*.*)” and write any name for the file, for example I wrote windowssss.vbs. Click the “Save” button.

Open this file and you will see the long-awaited activation key for your Windows system. You can click on the cross or the “OK” button, an additional window will open with information about windows, product code and, accordingly, the activation key.

This is how easy it is to find out your activation key on your computer. Let's look at another method, a simpler one using the KeyFinderInstaller utility.

How to find out your Windows activation key using the KeyFinderInstaller utility

Download the utility KeyFinderInstaller(you can download it from any site on the Internet) and install it. After the utility is installed, click on the shortcut on the desktop and see the information we need in the window that opens.

If you still have other Microsoft products installed on your computer, for example Microsoft office, then you can also find out the activation key for these products, just select the product in the window and look at the information. That's all, now you know how to find out the activation key for your windows. I hope the article is useful to you, good luck to everyone!

It is not at all necessary to know the license code that was used to activate the operating system in Windows 10. OS activation, in most cases, is automatic. Despite this, for some reason many users want to find out how to find out the Windows 10 product key. This is an urgent task for users who were lucky enough to purchase a new device based on the “Ten”.

This article is a guide that provides information collected across the global network that will help you find out the license key used to activate Windows 10.

The instructions discuss all options for achieving the goal: both through tools integrated into the operating system (extended command line - PowerShell, a ready-made VBScrit script created to decrypt registry files in order to extract from there the key with which Windows 10 was activated), and using utilities from third-party developers (the ProduKey utility, developed by the creator of several dozen tiny information applications). It would be appropriate to mention such things as:

  • the reason why seemingly similar applications display different data;
  • a method for visualizing an OEM key in UEFI (applicable only for Windows 10 that was initially installed).

Users who acquired Windows 10 by upgrading from a licensed “seven” or “eight” do not need to know the licensed operating system - it is activated independently upon first startup, if there is Internet access, or immediately after a connection to the global information network appears. In the case of a clean installation of the OS from bootable media, at the stage of entering the license code, you should click “I don’t have a product key,” which Microsoft writes in the text block.

Activation is automatically and irrevocably linked to the user's computer based on a unique identifier based on the hardware configuration of the equipment and linked to a Microsoft account. The password entry form is required to be filled out only for people who decide to purchase the Retail edition of the operating system. Owners of licensed versions of “seven” and “eight” should refer to the key that was used to activate these editions of Windows.

Let's start with an option to solve the problem without resorting to downloading third-party software. It involves using a tool integrated into the Windows 10 environment called PowerShell. There is no special command for extracting the activation code from registry files in encrypted form, but one of the enthusiasts wrote a script that runs in the Vbasic environment to solve this problem.

1. Download the finished script.

2. Using the search bar, call PowerShell with administrator privileges.

In the extended command line text field, execute “Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned”.

We confirm the launch of the command by clicking on the “Y” and “Enter” buttons.
We import the downloaded file by executing the line “Import-Module prodect_key.ps1”.
prodect_key.ps1 - here before the file name we write the full path to it.

We call the “Get-WindowsKey” command to export the key with its subsequent visualization if it is not prompted to save the key in a text file.

The required information will appear in the last line of the command line.

Viewing keys in the ShowKeyPlus application window

The utility is notable for the fact that it displays the key of the operating system currently used on the PC, separately shows the UEFI key and can retrieve information about the license of any previous version of Windows, even if its files are located in the Windows.old folder. The program functions without installation into the system; it is downloaded from the resource at: github.com/Superfly-Inc/ShowKeyPlus/releases.

Using ShowKeyPlus is a pleasure: we launch the executable file and get all the necessary information.

  1. Installed Key - license key for running Windows 10.
  2. OEM Key - shows the pre-installed Windows key, if there was one, or a message that the OEM key is not provided.

This information can be exported to one of the supported text formats for archival purposes. This is done using the Save button.

Here lies the secret of the fact that different programs display different information about the Windows 10 key: some read it from the registry (the key of the currently functioning operating system, while others export it from UEFI.

ProduKey app

Producey is a similar program to the previous one, the only task of which is to export and display the Product Key of the current Windows. You can download it from www.nirsoft.net/utils/product_cd_key_viewer.html. The utility works without installation; you can run it directly from the archive. After launch, the window displays the product ID, its key and name. The program is applicable not only to operating systems from Microsoft, but also to office suites and other software products of the same corporation.

Extracting OEM code from UEFI

Regardless of which OS currently controls your computer, if Windows 10 was installed on it when you purchased the device, the OEM key for it was embedded in the UEFI of the laptop or motherboard. To extract it, you need to call the command line and execute the line: “wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey”.

If such a code is not present in UEFI, an empty line will appear on the screen, and if it is present, the OEM character sequence may differ from the activation key used in the current Windows 10. The OEM key can also be used to return the originally installed version of the operating system.

To solve the problem, there are several more common ones (for example, Speccy) and an equally large number of specialized programs, but the methods discussed are sufficient for any user.

Many users are interested in how to view the Windows 10 product license key. This feature is actually present directly in the operating system. To view the key, you can use either third-party software or built-in tools. For beginners, it will actually be easier to download a small utility that allows you to find out the license keys.

This article contains the best methods to find out the Windows 10 license key. Current methods may show different license keys. And all because the license key is saved not only in the operating system, but also in the UEFI interface. The second option often refers to the pre-installed operating systems on modern laptops. And now it’s possible to link a license key to .

Method 1: View Windows 10 key using PowerShell

Let's try to find out the product key without using third-party programs. This method is suitable for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 operating systems. Before doing this, we recommend. Since then you will need to change the built-in ones yourself, change the file extension.

Method 2. How to view the activation key in Windows 10 using a script

This one is simpler and more convenient compared to the previous one. Since it does not require running many commands in the updated Windows PowerShell. The user simply needs to run a small script, which actually displays the key used.

  1. Copy the script text into notepad and change the file extension .txt on .vbs to get the W10Key.vbs file or download the archive with the finished script
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId")) Function ConvertToKey(Key) Const KeyOffset = 52 i = 28 Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789 " Do Cur = 0 x = 14 Do Cur = Cur * 256 Cur = Key(x + KeyOffset) + Cur Key(x + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24) And 255 Cur = Cur Mod 24 x = x -1 Loop While x >= 0 i = i -1 KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput If (((29 - i) Mod 6) = 0) And (i<>-1) Then i = i -1 KeyOutput = "-" & KeyOutput End If Loop While i >= 0 ConvertToKey = KeyOutput End Function

2. If you saved the file, just run it; if you downloaded it, unzip it and run it, and you will see your Windows 10 product key.

Method 3. View the key using the ProduKey program

ProduKey shows not only the license key of the operating system, but also the keys of the installed software. You can easily find out the product keys for the Microsoft office software package.

Method 4. Find out the Windows 10 activation key using the ShowKeyPlus program

  1. Download the program from the official website of the developer.
  2. We launch the program, we will see a window where Installed Key is the key of the installed system.


Despite the fact that there are many programs for viewing the product key, I tried to describe only current solutions. Thanks to this, the average user has the opportunity view Windows 10 license key. Write in the comments whether the article was useful for you, and share the article with your friends on social media. networks.

To activate Windows 7, a 25-digit special code is used - “product key”. Usually manufacturers indicate it on a special sticker on the computer case, but not always. Also, this inscription wears off over time, and it often happens that after just a year of using the laptop, the product key becomes unreadable.

If a user, for example, is faced with the need to reinstall Windows or the system simply crashes and loses its activation, then first of all you should find out the “Seven” key so as not to incur additional costs for purchasing a new licensed Windows. Below are the most effective methods that allow you to quickly view the key of the OS running on your computer.

The easiest way

If the user is wondering how to urgently find out the serial number of Windows 7 installed on his PC, then first of all it is necessary to examine the case of the laptop or desktop PC for the presence of a readable code on the sticker.

If it is missing, or due to severe wear it is impossible to identify the serial number, then software methods for solving this issue are presented below.

Using a tool included with Windows 7 itself

It should be immediately noted that specialists from Microsoft did not take care of the convenience of their clients, and Windows 7 is able to show only a few characters of the required number.

The following sequential steps must be taken:

  1. Hold down "Win" and click on "R";
  2. In the empty column of the window that appears, type “slmgr.vbs /dlv” and open the found application;
  3. A menu with the last few characters of the key will be displayed on the computer monitor.

The instructions described below will help you find out the full number.

Using a written script

The required number is encrypted in the memory of the PC hard drive. Experts wrote a script for the eighth version of Windows, but it also works successfully for Windows 7. This script text needs to be pasted into Notepad and then saved with a special extension.

For the convenience of users using this instruction, all of the above operations have already been completed by the author of the manual, so you just need to click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_w1_IySvxDlazNSWDNUY3E1OXc and download the file. After saving it anywhere on the computer, you need to quickly double-click on it with the mouse, and a window will appear containing the full system key.

If you click on “Ok” in the menu that appears, additional information about the licensed product will appear.

Since this “VBScrit” was created for Windows 8, in the bottom line the user will see the name of the eighth version of the OS, but the third line should be read - “Windows 7 Key”.

Via the ProduKey application

The utility is freely distributed on the global network and works perfectly without installation. You can always download it on the official resource of the program developer “NirSoft”. After saving the archive file to the PC, the user only needs to take the following few steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the archive;
  2. Open the “Application” file;
  3. Ready! The utility menu will show the key and ID.

SIW program

The application will also help you quickly solve the problem in the following several steps:

  1. Open the application and go to the “Programs” tab
  2. Next, open the “Licenses” subsection;
  3. All. The necessary information will appear on the display.


By opening this freely distributed application on the Internet on your PC, you will immediately have access to the Windows 7 key.

Also a free utility, which is located on the resource “vellisa.ru”. The main advantage of the program is the detail of the information it outputs.

"Free PC Audit"

To use the application's features, you must complete the following steps.