How to put Windows 7 into test mode. Turn Windows Test Mode On or Off

It often happens that test mode creates a lot of inconvenience during computer operation. The Windows 10 operating system is unfortunately no exception to this rule. When installing drivers on your computer that have not yet been fully developed, after some time you may see the inscription “Test mode” on the computer screen. It usually appears in the lower right corner of the screen.

It should be noted that the processor speed will not decrease due to the appearance of this inscription, but for some users it simply bothers them. That is why today we will tell you how to disable test mode and how to remove unnecessary inscriptions on the monitor.

Test mode in Windows 10 - what is it?

A huge number of applications are being developed specifically for Windows OS, which must be compatible with various computers. However, everyone knows that computers differ not only in their “stuffing”, but in the versions of the programs that are installed on them. To test any application or driver, any user can install it and use it in test mode.

It is worth noting that when using such programs on versions of a 64-bit operating system, it is possible to remove some of the security restrictions.

How to disable test mode in Windows 10?

There are several ways to disable test mode, let's start with the simplest:
1.Go to the Start menu.
2. In the window that opens, select the “Command Line” or “Administrator Command Line” tab.
3. When you right-click on one of them, a black window will open. You will need to copy the following command into it - bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF.

  1. Next, press the Enter button. If you did everything correctly, then in the window that opens, at the bottom after the entered command, the message “Operation completed successfully” will appear.

  1. In order for the changes to take effect, the computer must be restarted. After rebooting, the mode will turn off.

How else can you remove the test mode sign from the computer interface?

If for some reason it was not possible to disable test mode via the command line, then you can try the following:

  1. Install a free application on your computer that helps remove various inscriptions from your desktop. This could be, for example, Universal Watermark Disabler.
  2. Download and install the program on your computer. Launch it and click on the Install button. In the window that opens, click on the button with the word “Yes”.
  3. Reboot the computer. After a reboot the message disappears.

How to disable test mode on a computer running Windows 10 pro

This operating system was developed specifically for business representatives. Windows 10 pro allows you to have greater access to various applications. However, it is often installed for home PCs.

In order to disable test mode in this case, you can use the same method with the command line. It usually helps to delete a desktop entry.

If, on the contrary, you want to test an application or driver, you will need to do the following:
1. Go to the “Start” menu, then go to the command line and right-click on it.

The hardware configuration of computers on which Windows is installed can differ significantly in a number of parameters, just as the versions and editions of the OS themselves can differ from each other. It is for this reason that applications created for Windows must be universal in terms of compatibility. This is usually the case, but there are software that require a special mode to run, called testing mode.

What is test mode and when is it activated?

Test mode of Windows 10 can be conditionally called a state of “loyalty” of the system to software that does not have the appropriate electronic signatures. In this mode, the system lowers the security level, which allows the administrator to install unstable software. In addition, on 64-bit systems it becomes possible to bypass certain security restrictions.

Under normal conditions, the test mode, as a rule, does not activate by itself. To enable it, an appropriate action by the user or a third-party program is required. The fact that Windows is running in Test Mode is clearly indicated by the inscription “Windows 10 Test Mode...” in the lower right corner of the monitor. The mode itself comes into force if the user disables it in the boot menu or intentionally turns it on using the standard console tool bcdedit or third party utility Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider.

A text note in the corner of the desktop may appear, although not immediately, in modified builds of Windows if the author has decided to deactivate some verification functions. The logo may also mark insider system builds produced by Microsoft. Below we will show you how to exit Windows 10 test mode, but first we will look at how to hide the annoying message from the screen indicating its activity.

How to remove the “Test mode” sign

If you use Test Mode on a regular basis, sooner or later the notification text next to the system tray will start to bother you and, most likely, you will want to get rid of it. But how can I remove the “Test Mode” sign in Windows 10 in the lower right corner without leaving the mode itself? Very easy, just use a small portable utility Universal Watermark Disabler, which can be found without problems on the Internet. Launch it, click the “Install” button and confirm the action.

In this case, Explorer will be completed, the screen will turn black, the user session will automatically end, but when you log in again, you will see that the annoying inscription near the system tray has disappeared. If after some time you want to return it, you need to run the program again and this time click the “Uninstall” button.

In the latest builds of Windows 10, the correct operation of the Universal Watermark Disabler is not guaranteed; for example, in Windows 10 16299, the utility generated the error “Remote procedure call failed,” which, however, did not prevent it from successfully hiding the inscription. However, this method is the most universal.

Windows 10 users also suggested other ways to get rid of the logo, in particular, manipulating files in the directory %userprofile%/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Themes. But as practice has shown, such actions rarely lead to the desired result, or their success is temporary.

How to disable test mode completely

Well, now it’s time to find out how to turn off Windows 10 test mode altogether. This is done very simply using the console tool bcdedit.exe. The method given here works not only in the current tenth version of Windows, but also in “eight” and “seven”. Launch Command Prompt or PowerShell console with administrator privileges and run the command in it bcdedit.exe -set testsigning off and then restart the machine. Done, the test mode is deactivated and the notification text in the system tray disappears.

There is, however, a low probability that you won’t be able to disable Windows 10 test mode right away. If after running the command you find that the notemark still “decorates” the lower right corner of the desktop, return to the console and run it again bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions enable_integrity_checks, and then repeat the command mentioned in the paragraph above.

This time the test mode should turn off completely, as well as its watermark should disappear from the screen.

Some programs require Windows to go into test mode during installation. I personally encountered this while trying to install a small utility called OpenedFilesView. During installation, she asked whether to switch to driver signature test mode, which I agreed to out of curiosity. After the reboot, I noticed the inscription in the lower right corner of the screen: I was wondering how to get rid of it. After some searching, I found a solution to the problem.

To disable test mode in Windows 7, open “Start” - “Run” (or press the Win + R key combination) and enter the following: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

To enable test mode in Windows 7, open “Start” - “Run” and enter the following: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON A little about what test mode is for. From the Microsoft website: "Microsoft has added a test mode to Windows so that users can test programs without an authentication certificate." That is, in test mode you can use programs whose drivers are not digitally signed by Microsoft. I hope that this article will be useful to you! ;-)

Turning Windows test mode on and off

Found it on your computer and don’t know how to remove the “Test mode build...” message on Windows? Many users face this problem. There is nothing critical here, but the lines at the bottom of the screen can get in the way. Therefore, it is worth knowing what it is, how to turn on or turn off test mode in Windows 7 or 10.

The functionality of Win 7 and Win 10 provides for testing software without certificates.

What is this?

Test mode is a special function that allows you to test programs without a verification certificate. Not all software works with drivers that are electronically signed by Microsoft. For example, the utility has not yet been released in official versions or is about to be released, but it needs to be checked. Any user may sooner or later encounter such a program, after which he will be prompted to enable “Test”. Its activation will be indicated by the inscription “Test mode windows 10 build 0000” in the lower right corner of the screen. Instructions on how to remove Windows 10 test mode are given below.


Activation of this option in Windows 10 and 7, as a rule, takes place without the user’s knowledge. Only then does he notice that strange inscriptions have appeared on the screen. However, there is a way to activate this option yourself, without the help of the applications for which it is intended.

  1. Find the “Command Line” utility. Usually it is easy to find through the Start menu - in search or in “Standard applications”.
  2. Run the line as administrator (right mouse button, select the appropriate option).
  3. Enter the following: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
  4. Click "Enter".

After this, a corresponding message will appear, which unnerves many users.


A much larger number of users are not concerned about how to activate the Windows “Test” on the “Seven” or “Ten”, but how to remove it. Let's figure out how to disable test mode in Windows 10.

  1. Launch Command Prompt as administrator.
  2. Type: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF
  3. Press "Enter".

After entering the command, the annoying lines will disappear, and this means that you managed to disable the test mode. However, to remove the enabled mode, you must restart your PC.

Now you know how to launch and disable “Test” in Windows 7 or 10. You should understand that disabling it may result in the desired program not working.

windows 7. Test mode: all the details

For many users in Windows 7, test mode is a familiar topic. However, few people will answer the question of why the system needs to be switched to this mode.

It all started with Microsoft tightening the requirements for drivers that are installed on a device with Windows 7. Now all of them must be certified by Microsoft. This is confirmed by a special digital signature. The system checks each installed driver before installation begins. If you decide to install new drivers, and the message “windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software” appears on the screen, then your driver is not certified. Even if you then try to continue the installation, and this option is present, the system still will not allow this. The same situation occurs when installing some programs and utilities. This is where test mode comes to the aid of users. When Windows 7 is running in it, you can safely install unsigned drivers on your device, be it a computer or a netbook.

What is a signed driver?

Drivers can be signed or unsigned. The only difference is the presence of a digital signature. This is an electronic security label that confirms that the driver you have is licensed and has not been modified in any way. The digital signature can also be used to determine the driver's publisher. If there is none, then installing an existing product can be risky, so in Windows 7 the test mode for installing such drivers should be used in exceptional cases.

To install or not to install?

If you cannot decide which case is exceptional and which is not, there is no need to worry: there are not many such controversial situations. Before hastily putting the system into test mode, find out more about the device for which you are installing drivers. Of course, unlicensed programs are unsafe, and drivers without a digital signature are much more harmful to your computer. It is worth the risk of installing unsigned drivers only on those devices that are already at least a little out of date. For example, it is not now possible to find licensed drivers for all old printers and scanners. But, nevertheless, we must somehow work with these devices. This situation will truly be considered exceptional, so, dear Windows 7 users, the test mode will save you in this case.


The transition to test mode when installing some programs and utilities will occur with your consent - during the installation process, a window may appear in which you need to give permission to transfer the system to the appropriate mode. But in most cases you will have to turn it on yourself. Doing this is almost as easy as disabling Windows 7 test mode. So, go to the Start menu, select the Run line and enter the following code: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON.


After installing the drivers, you should remove the Windows 7 test mode. There are two methods for this, which differ slightly from each other. The first option resembles enabling this mode. Go to "Start", then to "Run". Enter the following: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF. The second method is perhaps a little simpler. The above text must be entered after pressing the key combination "Win + R". Test mode is disabled.

In Windows 7, test mode is not the most everyday thing, but it is still a necessary thing, especially immediately after switching to a Windows 7 system from any other. The operating system changes, but the devices remain the same. So don't be afraid to use test mode in this case. But in other situations, you should still use licensed drivers.

If you were not the one who set up the PC, keep in mind that the system has a special solution that allows you to check the presence of a signature on the drivers.

Test mode windows 7 build 7601. How to remove it?

Hi all.

Today there will be a short article.

Recently this problem came up:

At the bottom right, the inscription “Test mode windows 7 build 7601” appeared.

This happens when test mode is turned on so that it is possible to use unsigned drivers.

In fact, removing this inscription is quite easy.

You must open Command Prompt as an administrator.

Launch “Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run”, enter cmd.exe, press Enter.

On the command line itself we type the following:

bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING OFF

bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING OFF

Reboot the computer.

That's all)

This is a simple life hack.

If this information was useful, leave comments and share with friends.

Bye everyone...

Best regards, Sergey Krivtsov

A little about what the test mode is for. From the Microsoft website:

That is, in test mode you can use programs whose drivers are not digitally signed by Microsoft.

Test mode Windows 7. How to enable and disable.

Some programs require Windows to enter test mode during installation. I personally encountered this while trying to install a small utility called OpenedFilesView. During installation, she asked whether to switch to driver signature test mode, which I agreed to out of curiosity.

How to disable test mode in windows 7

Do you have the inscription: “Test mode” and the build number? This happens if you accidentally, when installing some program, selected permissions to switch to test mode, which you entered after restarting the computer. Let's look at how to disable test mode in Windows 7 and get rid of the annoying inscription in the lower right corner of the desktop.

Perhaps, like me, you switched to test mode after installing a small program called OpenedFilesView. When it is installed, the installer asks the question “Should I go into test mode?” and the user, considering this a useless action, agrees.

As it turned out, the problem, if you can call it that, can be solved quite easily. Windows 7 - test mode how to disable? Just one line!

Everyone already remembers that we used the “Run” utility many times in our articles - this case is no exception.

So, go there using Win+R and enter the following command:

Bcdedit.exe -setTESTSIGNINGOFF.

After clicking “Ok” and rebooting, the system will exit test mode.

So. To disable test mode in Windows 7, open “Start” - “Run” (or press the Win + R key combination) and enter the following:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

But remember, if you ever need to turn it back on, you will need to follow the same steps, but use ON instead of OFF. That is, to enable test mode In Windows 7, open “Start” - “Run” and enter the following:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

Now you are convinced that disabling Windows 7 test mode is very simple.