How to install Kaspersky antivirus from disk. How to install the free version of Kaspersky antivirus

There are many versions of antiviruses from Kaspersky Lab, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the latest options is Kaspersky Internet Security 2015, which combines many functions, the configuration of which requires time and certain skills. How to install and carry out basic setup We will cover Kaspersky antivirus in this article.

Download and Install

The first step is to download the installation distribution to your computer. Where and how to do this is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The demo version can be downloaded from the official website; it will work for 30 days, after which it will require activation. Once the distribution is on your computer, you will need to run it.

After launch you will see the following window:

When you click the “Install” button you will see next tab with a license agreement, which, as usual, you will simply need to accept. Next is another agreement, after which the actual installation of the program on the computer begins. It lasts about 15 minutes.

The program will run for quite a long time, analyzing the operating system and the state of the computer as a whole.

After that Kaspersky Internet Security will ask you to enter a license key. If you have it, enter and activate the program, if not, select trial version.

This last step, after which your computer will have installed program KIS 2015. You will be taken to the main menu and will find that the antivirus databases are very outdated. This is due to the fact that the installation distribution contains minimum set information with the expectation of using the Internet to regularly update anti-virus databases. What you will need to do is click on update and wait.

Scan your computer

Before scanning, you need to make several settings so that it runs smoothly. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu item.

There we need the “Check” tab. The action to be taken when a threat is detected is set here. If you want to delete all infected files, select “Delete”, but it is much more effective to select the “Treat, incurable - delete” option. This way you will avoid losing most of your files and will be reliably protected from the threat. By the way, you can take action on threats yourself: select the “Inform” option and all decisions will have to be made manually.

Below you can define the action that will be performed when connecting removable media. A quick check involves an assessment boot sector, full – scans all files. There are only 4 options: do not scan, quick and complete scan, as well as a full scan of small media.

After this, you can start scanning. We return to the main menu and select the “Check” item.

A selection of verification options will open here. A full scan involves checking all directories on the computer and connected media. Quick scan analyzes important directories on your computer and common facilities, where viruses and malicious applications. Custom scanning allows you to analyze a specific directory where you think the virus may be located. Removable media scan gives the user a choice of media to scan, and the task manager displays all running scans.

Select the appropriate option and click “Run”. Now you just need to wait a little and you will see all the results.

Minor antivirus settings

To make the program work even more efficiently, you need to delve into additional settings and install certain parameters Kaspersky that you need. To do this, go again to the “Settings” tab and change each of the items in order.

There are three checkboxes here that you can clear or check. Automatic execution of actions will give freedom to the antivirus, which will decide what to do with the files on its own. If you check the “Do not delete possibly infected objects” checkbox, then all detected viruses and malicious programs will be quarantined. With the “Autorun” item everything is very clear: you determine whether Kaspersky will automatically start when Windows startup. Setting a password is necessary to prevent third-party interference in the antivirus settings.

In the “Protection” settings item you can define protection levels various functions Kaspersky and configure them at your discretion:

  • For file antivirus You can select three threat levels, depending on the environment in which you work, and determine automatic action when a threat is detected.
  • Application control allows you to limit the impact third party programs on the action of the computer: you can exclude applications without a signature, define rules for programs and automatically place new programs in a specific list.
  • Defence from network attacks allows you to block the aggressor’s computer certain period time.
  • IM antivirus analyzes the traffic of pager programs for the presence of malicious links.
  • The mail and web antivirus settings are identical to the file antivirus settings.
  • You can restrict the operation of the webcam for all (or some programs) or set it to issue notifications when it is used by a program from the allowed list.

  • Activity monitoring can eliminate the risk to your computer from malware. Here you need to enable exploit protection to stop all attempts to perform unauthorized actions. Moreover, the setting is available automatic solution when a threat is detected: the action can be either allowed or denied. Application activity control allows you to automatically remove malware when detected or terminate its operation in this session. If the influence of the virus could not be stopped, it is possible automatic execution rollback and return to previous state computer. And one of the most important points This item provides protection from screen blockers, programs that completely paralyze the operation of the computer.
  • The anti-spam function is responsible for blocking incoming messages containing spam.

  • “Anti-banner” works like an ad blocker, eliminating banners on web pages and applications with advertising. To check, you can use the list of Kaspersky Lab banners, which is updated regularly, and you can also add banners to the prohibited list manually.
  • The secure payment service is needed to avoid the possibility of losing personal data, which could be used by attackers to steal your cash. When visiting the bank's website or payment system you can select an action: launch or not launch the Protected Browser, data from which cannot be intercepted. If the transition is made upon request from the secure payments window, then you can select the default browser to perform such actions.

The “Performance” tab is responsible for setting up the functionality of the computer and the even distribution of its resources, which are often not enough and the entire system begins to lag heavily. From available functions– blocking of scheduled tasks when the battery is running, which has a positive effect on computer performance, the presence of a gaming profile in which notifications do not pop up and do not interfere normal operation in full screen mode.

Kaspersky Internet Security can cede resources to the operating system when the computer starts, leaving only the most enabled important components, as well as more important programs in a situation where the processor and HDD turns out to be too much high load. At the same time, it is possible to perform tasks while the computer is idle, which allows you to optimize the use of resources. The search for rootkits is performed in real-time mode and has virtually no effect on the operation of the system.

The “Check” tab and all its capabilities were described above. It is only worth noting that it is possible to schedule a scan, which is necessary for regular analysis of the system and maintaining its security at the appropriate level.

The “Advanced” item provides access to additional settings. Their list is also quite wide:

  • in the update settings you can enable or disable automatic download and installation of updates;
  • Secure data entry blocks eavesdroppers, protecting the privacy of the information you type;
  • In the Threats and Exceptions settings, you can enable analysis of programs that are potentially dangerous for your computer (for example, needed for remote control), as well as setting up active infection technology;

  • when self-defense is enabled, all attempts to change and delete antivirus files are blocked to ensure stable operation;
  • in the network settings it is possible to block some ports and configure the analysis of secure connections, as well as organize access to the proxy server;
  • The “Notifications” item allows you to select the types of messages that the antivirus will display to the user;
  • reporting and quarantine parameters limit the storage period of data and its maximum volume;
  • parameters for connecting to web services are needed to configure interaction between the user and Kaspersky Lab;
  • paragraph " Appearance” has only two sub-items: you can disable icon animation and customize smooth transition between program windows.

Your computer will become slower and worse over time without regular use and protection antivirus programs. The computer may be infected malicious components when you use the Internet or connect external media, such as a USB flash drive, portable hard drive, or memory card.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is considered one of the best anti-virus programs in the world and will help comprehensively protect your computer in real time.

System Requirements

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is installed on computers with operating Windows system, such versions as:
- Windows XP,
- Windows 7/8 (32 or 64 bit versions).

Microsoft must be installed on your computer. NET Framework 4. To avoid problems, this program is usually included in the antivirus installation package. A minimum of 256 megabytes of RAM is required.

Installation instructions

Open the folder where you downloaded or copied the Kaspersky Anti-Virus installation file and run the file double click mice. You can download it on the official website Avoid downloading from other third-party sites as they may try to scam you.

Select “Install” to begin installing the antivirus. Along the way, you must agree to all the conditions proposed by the manufacturer, such as the exchange of statistics, new data related to the anti-virus protection of your PC.

Since this program takes a large number of system resources, the installation process can take quite a long time compared to the installation time of other similar software.

A window will appear on the screen informing you that Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been installed successfully. Click the "Finish" button to complete the installation of the program. After which a window will appear where you will be asked to enter the product activation code, which is available on the CD you purchased, if software purchased by you previously on the Internet, the code can be sent to email or via SMS.

Please note that software purchased in the store has one activation key for two devices, which means that you can safely install the antivirus program on both Personal Computer and, for example, or a laptop. It makes no sense to purchase long-term programs, since the viral market is actively developing, and old antivirus It simply cannot cope with new Trojans and worms, etc.

If we talk about that, then of course it is Kaspersky. I agree, there are other programs for protection, including the ones I talked about and about . They are all in the top ten or twenty best antiviruses. But today we will talk about about Kaspersky.

Let's consider where to download and how to install Kaspersky antivirus correctly to your computer or laptop.

As usual, we will use the official website. Open and immediately pay attention to the Download section. Point your mouse there and click on the link For home: trial versions.

In the window that opens, you need to choose from two options: Kaspersky PURE or Kaspersky Internet Security. I have the first option, so I will recommend it and show the installation process using it. Click the Trial version button.

On the loaded page, click the Download button.

To install Kaspersky CRYSTAL antivirus you will have to download a large file. The program weighs almost 200 megabytes. We wait while it downloads.

After downloading, run the installation file.

Click Run and after extracting the files Install.

We accept the terms of the agreement, and then uncheck the extra checkbox if we do not want to send anonymous statistics about the operation of the antivirus on our computer. In both windows, click Next.

We are waiting for them to copy necessary files, it will take about two minutes.

Upon completion, you will need to make sure that the checkbox Launch Kaspersky PURE installed and click Finish.

We installed Kaspersky antivirus for free and immediately after launch you will need Activate trial version.

You will see a running antivirus in the Notification Area.

The cute icon is proof of this. Now the antivirus will monitor all actions (downloading files, surfing the Internet, etc.) and, if necessary, notify you of threats. It will be constantly updated, so fresh databases will not allow most viruses to penetrate your computer.

Let's hope the question installation of Kaspersky antivirus completely resolved. After the trial version expires, the program is either deleted or purchased. Be that as it may, do not forget that an antivirus must be installed on your computer, at least some free one, which was described at the beginning of the lesson.

Many people, when buying a computer, when starting to use it, or after listening to their friends talk about the extremely harmful effects of viruses, thought about installing an anti-virus program.

And you decided to install an antivirus. This raises a reasonable question: How to install an antivirus?

If you have never done this yourself, then there are three options: further development events:

In this article we will learn how to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 (at the time of writing - latest version).

First of all, before installation we need installation package the required antivirus. You can ask your friends, buy it on disk or download it via the Internet. If you are planning to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010, you can download it for free here:

So, the antivirus has been downloaded. We launch it (in my case the file kav9.0.0.736ru.exe) and see the following window:

Appears license agreement, read it and, if you agree with the proposed conditions, click “I agree.”

Then check the box “I accept the terms of participation in Kaspersky Security Network” and click “Install”.

After which a window appears showing the antivirus installation process.

After installation is complete, the Program Activation window appears. Select "Activate trial version" and click "Next". The computer must be connected to the Internet at this moment.

Activation in progress...

The antivirus installation is complete, click “Finish”.

An icon for running Kaspersky antivirus appears next to the clock ( capital letter"TO"). Let's launch it...

And we see the main program window. On the left, click on the “Update” button.

After which the anti-virus databases are updated.

After the update is complete, select “Check” on the left.

And depending on what we want to do, select “Run full check", "Run quick check" or "Check objects" (in in this case You must indicate below what exactly you want to check). For the first time, I recommend doing a full scan.

A full system check has begun. The first time it can take quite a long time.

After the check is completed, we need to view the results of the check. To do this, click on the inscription that appears at the top: “Computer security is at risk.”

The "Status" window displays the results of the scan.

The Detected Threats window displays all actions performed during a system scan.

In the "Report" field in graphically The results of the anti-virus program are presented.

As a result of our actions, we downloaded and installed an antivirus, updated the antivirus databases and performed a full system scan. In the future, if you do not touch the settings, the antivirus will work completely in automatic mode: start with the system, automatically check all running services and processes, download updates, scan newly connected devices (flash drives, disks, floppy disks, etc.), protect email, monitor Internet traffic. You can also run a full system scan at any time or set the scans to run automatically.

There is one more aspect left to consider - antivirus registration, because If you don’t register it, it will only work for you for 30 days.

Here again there are two options:

1. Buy a license online and become the legal owner of this antivirus with all the ensuing rights and obligations that are stipulated in the license agreement that you accepted in the second and third installation steps;

There are many antivirus solutions from Kaspersky Lab, such as "Kaspersky Internet Security", "Kaspersky Total Security" etc. But for home computer I consider the most optimal version " Kaspersky Anti-Virus". Kaspersky Anti-Virus is basic solution for a home computer, which protects against major Internet threats, which is why we will install it in this lesson.

The first step is to download the installation file. To do this, go to the website. In the upper right part of the page that opens, hover your mouse over the “Download” menu item, and then follow the link “For home: trial versions.”

On the newly opened page, you need to go down a little to the block with “Kaspersky Anti-Virus” and follow the “Trial version” link.

After this the download will begin installation file. Save this file to your computer.

As soon as the file is downloaded to a folder on your computer, you need to launch it by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. A new window will open. On the first page, click "Continue".

On next page Click "Install basic protection".

After this, the download of files necessary for further installation will begin.

As soon as everything necessary files will be downloaded to your computer, installation will continue. In the new window that opens, click the "Install" button. Next, on two pages, click the “Accept” button in order to accept the license agreement for using the program. At the very end, the installation of the program on your computer begins.

The latest information window will open indicating that the antivirus was successfully installed. Be sure to leave the "Launch Kaspersky Anti-Virus" checkbox and click the "Finish" button.

Congratulations, you have the latest version installed on your computer popular antivirus. Now all we have to do is follow the link “No license” in order to activate the free trial license for 30 days, and then go to the "Update" section to get the latest antivirus database. I hope there won't be any problems with this. In the next article I will tell you how to renew Kaspersky Anti-Virus on your computer for free.

In the last lesson, we talked to you about how you can check the website pages you want to visit using a tool from Doctor Web - an online scanner, by the way. In this lesson, it's time to look at one more useful thing from the same company, such as a browser extension that allows you to check links and website addresses for viruses without going to a special website, but directly from the browser.

Most likely, you have already come across suspicious links that you are asked to follow to view this or that information or download this or that file. If this is verified information or a reliable site, then it is clear that you will not doubt the reliability of the link you need to follow. But what to do when you doubt?! After all, by clicking on one of these links you can get to dangerous sites that can damage your computer with viruses and other dangerous programs, for example, pop-up banners.