The phone is instantly discharged. Causes and solutions. Disabling automatic system updates

Over time, many Android OS users encounter a problem where the phone charges quickly and discharges just as quickly. This causes a lot of trouble if you need to be constantly in touch, especially when away from home.

This option most often happens with old batteries that have exhausted their service life. Each battery has its own expiration date, but, as a rule, smartphones last a long time without replacement. That is why problems with charging and discharging the battery are the most popular among gadget owners.

It should be noted right away that some gadgets charge quickly straight from the factory. They are technically equipped with this function, and in the box they come with chargers designed for this purpose.

But fast discharge is not typical for modern devices. Experts identify three main reasons why a phone quickly discharges:

  1. All battery cycles have been completed, and it has become unusable. In this case, you can buy an original battery yourself and replace it, or, if it is non-removable, contact a service center.
  2. Problems with the electronic component. It can be easily detected by repair point specialists after a little diagnostics. Smartphones are easy to repair and can return to their owner in a few days.
  3. Calibration failed.

Reasons why your phone takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly

When the phone begins to charge for a long time and discharges almost instantly, you must immediately “sound the alarm”, otherwise there is a risk that it will let you down at the most crucial moment, and you will be left without a means of communication for at least several hours. Battery life is reduced due to:

Possible solutions

As soon as you notice problems with the battery charge, you should immediately take the first emergency measures to solve this problem:

  • Check the appearance of the battery for mechanical damage or swelling.
  • Delete all Android applications that are responsible for charging and saving energy, including the popular Clean Master.
  • Taking your phone to a service center is the best and safest way to solve any problems with gadgets. There they will diagnose it, understand the reasons, give advice and solutions.
  • Calibrating the battery yourself will help. However, you should be prepared to lose your warranty if it is still valid. All calibration applications, including the recommended Battery Calibration, require root rights, that is, in fact, hacking the smartphone.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes the cause may be a third-party application that has nothing to do with the battery. Try to remember, perhaps the problems started after installing a specific program. Try removing it and checking the battery functionality again.

How long should a phone charge?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, since the charging time of the battery depends on the capacity, optimization of the Android operating system, the presence of Quick Charge technology, as well as the current-voltage characteristics of the charger.

Therefore, problems with the battery are most often diagnosed in comparison with the first experience with a smartphone. Do not forget that over time, the energy efficiency of any battery decreases, but only slightly, and in normal cases this has virtually no effect on performance. Only the battery life is reduced by a few minutes.

Battery saving program

A great way to “support” your smartphone before replacing the battery is to install a special program designed for this purpose. There are several dozen of them in the Play Market, but we will talk about the three best that effectively prevent problems:

  • Amplify Battery Extender is the main “enemy” of applications running in the background. Their work goes unnoticed by most users, but with the help of this program you can look behind the “veil of secrecy” and manually optimize Android yourself. Root rights are required to use.
  • Greenify - the application offers a unique technology that “puts utilities to sleep” when you are not using them, thereby maintaining a full charge for a long time. Its main advantage is maintaining the functionality of applications at any time (which, for example, is not available in another application for completely freezing Titanium Backup). Also requires superuser rights.
  • Servicely is an excellent program that helps to permanently overcome programs that stubbornly launch without the knowledge of the owner of the gadget. It works in the background, and at specified intervals checks the list of running and used programs, disabling those that the user is not currently using. Similarly, Servicely also requires root access.

In order for the battery to serve for a long time, you must adhere to the rules for effective operation of the device:

  1. It is forbidden to charge the phone to 100% and discharge it until it turns off. The lifespan of a battery is measured by the full charge-full discharge cycle. The most acceptable indicators are in the range from 20 to 80%.
  2. Maintain the correct battery temperature. It’s not worth testing your smartphone with cold and heat once again. If there is a serious minus outside, you can turn off the gadget, but you should not abuse constant reboots - they also cause harm.
  3. Buy only original chargers. Chinese copies can quickly render the battery unusable.
  4. To prevent your smartphone from falling into a state of deep discharge, constantly maintain a small charge on it (30-40%), even if you do not use it.


In most cases, to solve problems with equipment, the battery just needs to be replaced at a service center. If the device is under warranty, then it is quite possible that it may turn out to be a manufacturing defect, and a replacement will be carried out free of charge.

Before you “hack” your smart phone to obtain superuser rights and lose warranty service, contact a specialist. One diagnostic is enough to detect the cause of a failure or breakdown.


Increased energy consumption of mobile phones is a common problem for many users.

There are a huge number of factors that influence the rate of discharge of a smartphone’s battery and, accordingly, its battery life. In this article we will try to find out why modern phones discharge too quickly, and also give useful tips and tricks.

Display brightness

Strong screen backlight intensity (80-100% brightness) not only harms vision, but also causes accelerated battery consumption. Screen brightness within 50% is considered the most comfortable and safest for the eyes. In this case, optimal consumption of device battery resources will be achieved.

Many mobile devices have adaptive screen brightness enabled by default, which automatically adjusts to lighting levels. Firstly, the convenience of this function is questionable, since many users are annoyed by the constantly changing screen brightness. Secondly, the operation of the built-in sensor, which determines the brightness of the surrounding light, slightly consumes the battery reserve. To reduce energy loss, it can be turned off and the brightness adjusted manually.

Automatic rotation and live wallpaper

Automatic screen rotation also eats up the battery slightly. The fault is that it constantly determines the position of the phone in space. To save the battery, it is recommended to turn it off, but this is true for already outdated gadgets.

Some smartphone owners like to put wallpaper with spectacular and complex animations on their screensaver. Typically, continuously rendering beautiful 3D images requires a certain amount of battery life. To increase the autonomy of your phone, it is recommended to abandon live wallpapers.

In cases with OLED displays, installing a black theme and screensaver helps, since when using this technology, black pixels are not illuminated, and accordingly, battery power is not consumed.

Applications and background activity

Many mobile applications and games with advanced graphics load the processor very heavily, which is why the battery charge disappears literally before our eyes. To reduce battery consumption at least a little, it is recommended to set low image quality settings (where possible). If running serious programs almost instantly kills the battery, it is better to abandon them completely.

Also, various widgets located on the main screen place a significant burden on the device’s hardware. Constantly updating the weather, exchange rates or device status data leads to increased energy consumption. To significantly extend the life of your phone's battery, it is recommended to abandon a large number of widgets and keep only the most necessary ones.

Some services like to work unnoticed by the user, spending most of the time in . This applies to pre-installed applications from the manufacturer, as well as instant messengers and clients for social networks. By completely deleting them or, you can temporarily lose important push notifications, but extend the operating time of your smartphone without charging.

Communication modules and Internet

Most modern phones are equipped with several built-in modules for wireless data transfer: Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC. It is no secret that the functions of each of them consume certain reserves of battery energy. To a greater extent, this concerns the work of many applications. To reduce battery consumption, it is recommended to turn off communication modules when they are not needed.

However, the biggest drain on energy is the use of 4G Internet and cellular communications, due to which calls and SMS are constantly received. During a call and when connecting to the mobile Internet, battery power is consumed at a high rate, so it is recommended when it is not needed.

The battery is noticeably discharged in situations where the signal received from the nearest radio tower is too weak. Under these conditions, the transmitter tries to establish communication, which consumes battery resources. To avoid rapid battery depletion, it is recommended to turn off the cellular network when the signal strength is insufficient, or when traveling long distances on a train or subway. To do this, all modern smartphones have an “airplane mode” function.

Phone temperature

The operating conditions of a smartphone greatly affect the quality of its functions. As practice shows, leaving a mobile device in the cold for a long time quickly depletes its battery and leads to a sudden shutdown. To achieve normal energy consumption, you need to use mobile devices at a temperature of 10 to 30℃. Otherwise, the battery suffers.

What is typical is that overheating also affects the autonomy of the mobile gadget. It is not recommended to leave the device in direct sunlight or near strong heat sources. This can lead to an abnormal increase in the internal temperature of the battery, causing the smartphone to discharge very quickly. Using thick cases also speeds up this process, so try to keep an eye on it.


Malicious programs can not only steal user data, but also fill the device with an excess of unnecessary information. Most often these are annoying advertising banners, notifications and various pop-ups. All of them are downloaded from the network, which means they consume not only precious traffic, but also the device’s battery energy.

Much more dangerous are applications that enable the launch of hidden processes in a smartphone. These programs run in the background, so many users are not even aware of them. Attackers like to use phone resources to carry out computational operations, for example, mining cryptocurrency through remote mining.

To prevent this situation from developing, it is recommended to download and install one of the antiviruses via Google Play. It is important to consider that running such utilities in the background will also not have the best effect on the autonomy of the device. The best option is not to install applications from at all, check and periodically scan your device for viruses.

Hardware and software faults

Increased energy consumption can be caused by various malfunctions in the operating system, when some functions begin to work incorrectly. In this case, you need to restart your smartphone and clear the cache through the Recovery () menu. If this does not help, you need to do a full reset.

Many users are familiar with the problem that the Android battery drains quickly. Reasons vary from battery problems to phone memory usage.

Most often, the problem is encountered when there are a large number of applications on the device. Some applications require a lot of energy and memory. Their list can be viewed in the battery settings.

Rapid battery consumption can also be caused by the presence of malware on the smartphone, incorrect downloading of Android OS updates, or lack of free space. To fix the problem and prevent it, you need to know the exact cause.

Before diagnosing the cause, answer a number of questions:

  1. How long have you been using the device?
  2. How much free memory is left on it?
  3. Does the use of network communication affect discharge?
  4. Is your phone running slower than usual?
  5. Does the phone get hot during operation?

It is considered normal if the battery runs out quickly when using applications or games. Also, the sites you visit, such as advertising banners, can provide additional load. Some sites are also demanding to visit.

Battery wear

If you have been using the device for more than a year, the battery may be worn out. To avoid premature wear, it is necessary to maintain its condition. Careless use and ignoring recommendations can lead to battery damage. This is especially true for tablet owners - their work requires a lot of energy. Tablet batteries are also more susceptible to premature wear. For prevention, you must follow the rules of correct charging:

  • Avoid operating when the charge level is below 10%;
  • do not leave the device in direct sunlight;
  • reduce usage time when charging;
  • Do not unplug your phone until the charge level reaches 80%.

It is also undesirable to work with the device when charging, since over time this leads to damage to the charger and the connector itself. Problems with the connector can also cause battery wear.

After updating Android, the battery drains quickly

What to do if the battery runs out quickly on Android, but the device is relatively new?

To update, use only the official Google app, avoid third-party software. If the phone has been reflashed, the problem may be due to flaws in the program. Only reinstalling the operating system will help here.

The problem is often encountered among Samsung owners; on the forums there is a problem of rapid discharge after an update. There is a version that with the advent of new models of Galaxy smartphones, older ones are getting updates that specifically overload the battery. With the help of such manipulations, manufacturers push people to buy new Samsung devices. The version sounded implausible before the scandal with Apple, which was accused of similar manipulations.

How to fix it?

After installation, go to settings, find information about the device. Disable "developer options" if they were active. Also in the settings there is an option to roll back the latest update. Rapid battery consumption can be caused by flaws in the new OS, using many background processes.

Using a 4G mobile network causes your smartphone to discharge faster. While moving, the device switches from one communication tower to another, which puts a strain on the battery. The device requires a break from all types of communication - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, mobile network. At night or when there is no need, you should put the device in “standby mode”, and when traveling, leave only 3G.


Also, the battery is consumed by the use of auto-rotate screen, animated screensavers, and screen brightness. To save battery, use static images as screensavers, adjust brightness and auto-rotate manually depending on your needs. To reduce energy consumption, enable automatic brightness adjustment - at night the phone will reduce the brightness, and in sunlight it will increase.

Charging runs out quickly when background programs are highly active. You can disable their operation manually in the menu settings. Why do they work even after being turned off? Some applications require processes to run at any time, even when the device is not in use. The problem is solved by installing utilities that close them forcibly.

Android also has system applications that you probably don’t use - press, presentations. You can delete them through settings - applications.

Removing unnecessary programs

The main problem when there are a large number of programs is the load on RAM. Files that load memory include browser history, cookies, download paths. Clearing your phone's cache helps free up additional memory, which improves its performance.

What should you do if your phone battery drains quickly and requires an Android update? If a large number of media files have accumulated on your device, this becomes an obstacle to the operation of applications. The device begins to quickly discharge and heat up. Sooner or later it becomes impossible to take a photo or download a media file. There are also problems updating applications.

To monitor the cache on your phone, periodically clear the cache in your browser; this function is available in the settings of the applications themselves. Download the CCleaner utility for Android, which will help you free up memory on your device. The utility also corrects system errors, which will also help increase performance.

Photos and videos take up a lot of space on your device. Personal media files can be transferred to Google Drive. Or simply transfer the files to your computer or external storage device.

Malware – viruses

Viruses can get onto your phone by downloading files from dubious resources. The first sign of their presence is the phone overheating even at rest and slow operation of applications. Viruses launch background applications that cannot be closed even with the help of special utilities. Some types of malware delete personal files by infecting other devices through a direct connection.

There are two ways to rid your device of viruses:

  1. Connect the device to the computer and scan it through a third-party antivirus.
  2. Download antivirus to your device.

Any paid antivirus has free trial access, be it Kaspersky or Dr. Web". To use full functionality, it makes sense to purchase the paid version.

Some Android smartphone models have built-in energy saving features. To check its presence, you need to go to settings - battery.

To extend the battery life, it is necessary to expose it to low-charge operation as little as possible. If your smartphone discharges critically quickly, none of the methods described above will help. Using the device with a faulty battery may worsen its condition; contact a service center.

In pursuit of low prices, you may encounter unqualified repairs, the consequences of which may be more expensive. The battery may be replaced with a low-quality one that will not cope with the load. When choosing a service center, you need to make sure that the replacement will use components from an official manufacturer.

What could be the reason that the Android battery drains quickly? And most importantly, how can this be fixed? This article will discuss the main causes of this problem and ways to solve it.

Small battery capacity

The most banal reason for this is its small capacity, that is, less than 1600 mAh. Unfortunately, in this case, you can only put up with what you have and try to use the minimum energy on which the smartphone runs wisely. This means following tips such as not running unnecessary applications and disabling unnecessary functions. The actions that need to be taken in such a situation will be described in more detail in the article below.

Battery wear

Sooner or later, all batteries come to this point. And the battery on Android sometimes discharges quickly due to the fact that during the use of the device it has worn out and needs to be replaced. You can match the original battery to the model, but this is difficult and expensive, you can buy a fake or use products from battery manufacturing companies like CRAFTMAN, which supply universal batteries for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. In any case, choosing a new battery is not so difficult: there is enough choice on the market for technical products.

Running programs as a factor in why the phone battery drains quickly

Android is an operating system, which means that after downloading and closing any program, you cannot be sure that it will not remain running. Many running programs are another reason why the battery on Android quickly drains. What to do? First, use the built-in or advanced cleaning options. Secondly, reboot the device from time to time, as is done on computers and laptops to reset the operating memory. This not only saves battery, but also simply helps your smartphone or tablet work faster.

Unstable communication signal

Recently, many mobile operators have been offering 3G coverage to users, but almost always it is, to put it mildly, unstable. This means that when moving around the city, the network on a smartphone or tablet with a SIM card is forced to constantly switch from regular 2G to 3G. Because of this, the battery on Android also drains quickly. To prevent this from happening, you can force only GSM in the settings.


Many Android devices have GPS enabled by default. But in reality, only a small number of people use it. That’s why you can safely disable this function if it’s not needed, since it only once again “loads” the phone and takes energy from the battery. Even if this function is in active use, you can enable it only when there is a real need for it.

Screen brightness

The screen brightness can be adjusted. And there is a clear proportional dependence of the energy supplied by the battery on its value. A very bright screen is rarely something you can't do without. Among its disadvantages, in addition to the above, is also excessive strain on the eyes. All you have to do is choose the ideal value for yourself. In addition, information on a dim monitor is much more visible in strong sunlight.

Tips for extending your device's battery life

In addition to eliminating the reasons described above, you can also use the following tips to extend the battery life of your Android device. Their effectiveness on different gadgets may vary, but it has been tested by time and other users.

Battery calibration

Battery calibration is the process of bringing the battery into an optimal state for use. This is done because the device may incorrectly remember the charge level and its consumption, as a result of which, even if in fact the level is 95 percent, the device perceives this incorrectly and the smartphone/tablet turns off. If you simply replace the battery, the problem will remain, which means that your efforts will be wasted.

To calibrate the battery on GooglePlay, you can download the corresponding application, but you can also do it manually. First of all, you will need to completely discharge the device, remove and insert the battery back without turning on the device, charge it to one hundred percent, carry out the actions with the battery from the previous point, and turn it on.

In fact, there are many calibration options; you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Disabling automatic system updates

It is known that disabling automatic system updates not only extends the battery life of the device, but also prevents unnecessary downloads, and therefore reduces Internet traffic costs. It is recommended to set “Ask before installing updates” in the settings. They are available on GooglePlay in the "My Applications" section.

"NO!" unused processes

It is recommended to regularly clear memory of unused application processes, clear temporary data, Internet browser cache, etc. To do this, you can use both standard system tools and additional ones.

You should not download applications that supposedly save battery capacity; in fact, they only load the system even more.

If the battery on Android runs out quickly (Samsung, for example, often suffers from this), you need to turn off all unused networks, uncheck “auto-rotate screen” and “auto-brightness”.

Special advice for smartphones with an AMOLED screen: it is recommended to install dark themes rather than bright and light ones.

Additional actions

If you approach the matter of discharging your Android smartphone/tablet with all responsibility and foresight, you can also do the following:

  • Buy a high-power battery that will definitely guarantee a long charge life. Such batteries are usually thicker than regular original ones, and they come with an additional back cover, which makes the gadget heavier and larger in size.
  • There is also an option to purchase a battery case. The disadvantages of this and the previous points are that they are not possible for all devices.
  • You can purchase a portable charger, as it is also called an external battery. It allows you to connect your phone to it and charge it again. It itself is usually charged from an outlet. high-capacity, so there is no risk of sudden shutdown of the device.
  • Buying just an extra battery is another effective alternative. When one runs out, you can simply replace it with a spare one, especially if the Android battery is quickly draining.
  • Most gadget owners have encountered one problem: at the wrong moment, the device turns off due to a “tired” battery. Why does my smartphone battery drain quickly? The breakdown of the phone, which is the first thing that comes to mind, is not the only reason for the unpleasant situation.

    In order not to unexpectedly be left alone with discharged equipment when this is unacceptable, it is worth considering the factors affecting battery performance. They are divided into groups: those related to basic technical characteristics, program activity, and those that arose due to operational errors. Knowing the reasons for discharge will help you understand the principles of increasing the battery life for a smartphone.

    Why does my battery drain unusually quickly? Perhaps it's a matter of poor choice of power source. When purchasing phones, battery characteristics play an important role.

    Among them:

    • Capacity(unit of measurement – ​​mAh).
    • (Ni-Cd, Li-Ion, Li-Pol).
    • Operating period .

    A battery with less than 1600 mAh is unlikely to last the whole day without recharging while actively surfing the Internet, making calls, and playing games. The relatively comfortable time of using a smartphone starts at 2000 mAh. Rugged phones have batteries with a capacity of 3000 to 4000 mAh.

    The type of battery also affects how long it can be used without charging. Nickel-cadmium representatives (Ni-Cd) have become history due to their fragility, low energy intensity, and unjustified production costs. Metal hydride batteries (Ni-MH), which were built into old, large, inexpensive phones, have a relatively long operating time, but are inferior to other types.

    Modern smartphone batteries are made of lithium (Li-Ion, Li-Pol). Both representatives are similar in their characteristics: high mAh numbers, stable operation, no “memory effect” (gradual loss of nominal capacity). However, they are sensitive to ambient temperature and prolonged periods of discharging/charging.

    The previous period of operation applies to used batteries. For example, on a modern Samsung smartphone, the battery normally lasts from 1 to 3 years (depending on the intensity of use and device model). The need to recharge a new phone more often is noticed after a year of use. You should not expect long-term operation if the smartphone battery has served the previous owner continuously for 4 years.

    Lithium-ion batteries of smartphones are subject to the memory effect, as a result of which they begin to lose capacity over time. It will help in such a situation.

    Basic and installed software

    This reason for rapid battery drain is more relevant to owners of Android smartphones. Many gadget owners notice: the more programs installed on the device, the faster it gets tired. The battery on your phone drains quickly due to frequent automatic launch of applications or their incorrect installation. Incorrect autostart software prevents the processor from going into sleep mode. In addition, the battery can quickly drain due to accumulated software errors that have arisen on Android.

    Sometimes cleaning out unnecessary software does not help solve the problem. Android initially includes services that operate by default, but are not always needed by the device owner. Not all users are aware of their presence on their smartphone, although pre-installed programs can cause the device to discharge much faster. This is especially true for Samsung phones: often the high-tech “filling” does not correspond to the declared battery power.


    Technological progress has played a double role: the increase in Android functionality has led to an increase in the number of system vulnerabilities. Often, an attempt to download an antivirus from unverified sources, on the contrary, ends in the installation of malware.

    “Symptoms” of infection of a smartphone on the Android platform:

    • slowdown in program launch ;
    • frequent freezes ;
    • rapid heating of the battery ;
    • the appearance of banners and other forms of advertising in atypical places .

    Features of use

    The smartphone battery drains faster when surfing the Internet, watching movies, or playing games with high quality graphics. Making regular calls, sending SMS, listening to music require less battery consumption. The quality of the incoming signal plays a role: the worse it is, the faster the smartphone discharges due to the work of sensors that “catch” the missing network.

    Why else does my smartphone battery drain quickly? Even the climatic parameters of the environment affect the battery life. Energy at a temperature of –20°C is spent several times faster than at positive temperatures. When making a call in cold weather, you need to be prepared for your smartphone to suddenly turn off.

    What can be done?

    There are several ways to slow down charge consumption. Radical - buy a new original battery. However, it’s worth holding off on this and trying to extend the life of your smartphone in other ways.

    Changing default settings

    What to do? First, you should try to solve the problem of a quickly drained battery by optimizing the settings.


    • Changing screen settings . The battery drains more slowly at low brightness. Minimizing the screen auto-off time plays a role.
    • Stopping communication modules . Accidentally turning on Bluetooth can drain your phone faster than usual. It is not recommended to run WI-FI where it is not needed or does not exist. This module often becomes the “culprit” for automatic downloading of unnecessary updates. When not in use, it is recommended to turn off mobile data. The “Airplane” mode helps to temporarily stop all the modules considered at once. However, this will make it impossible to use SMS and phone calls.
    • Configuring sensors . The auto-rotate and GPS functions consume a lot of battery. If they are not needed, it is recommended to temporarily disable them. The reason for the acceleration of discharge is also the automatic adjustment of screen brightness (due to the constant operation of a special sensor). Some software, for example, a pedometer, runs an accelerometer and gyroscope in the background, which reduce the battery level.

    Working with software

    You should remove applications that speed up the drain on your smartphone. If it is not initially clear whether installed applications are “overloading” the system, you can carry out diagnostics before uninstalling. To do this, you should put Android or another system in safe mode (only standard services are launched on the smartphone). If your phone starts to discharge slower, it is recommended to remove third-party applications.

    Disabling unused pre-installed services will help get rid of rapid discharge. It is worth noting that some of them cannot be deleted, but suspending application activity is acceptable. It is a good idea to install a reliable antivirus.

    Reset data

    It is a last resort measure that allows you to fix accumulated system errors in your phone and get rid of malicious applications. The settings return to standard. All data not saved by the manufacturer is erased.

    How not to do it

    Sometimes the wrong measures can shorten the life of the battery; in some situations, even the smartphones themselves suffer. For example, some sources recommend calibrating through cycles consisting of completely discharging, temporarily removing the power source, then charging it to maximum for at least 8 hours. The method was suitable for older types of batteries, since the battery ran out due to the “memory effect”. Lithium batteries after such calibration will become unusable faster than originally stated by the manufacturer.

    In addition to this, you cannot:

    • disassemble the battery ;
    • deform;
    • try to influence it with cold, high temperature (there are also such extreme methods floating around on the Internet).

    In most cases, following the recommendations discussed above will help to “revive” a rapidly discharging smartphone. If there is no result, it is advisable to contact the service center. The troubles associated with the rapid discharge of the phone can be helped by purchasing a smartphone with characteristics that initially meet the individual requirements of the owner, following the official user manual and replacing the battery when it becomes unusable with an original one (from the manufacturer).