How to create a 2nd VK page. If the passwords on the pages are the same. Why and when is this needed?

How to create a second page in VK for one number: is it possible to make 2 pages for 1 number?

To communicate with friends, an ordinary user, as a rule, only needs one page on any social network. However, for promotion own services or products of the same profile, unfortunately, there will definitely be a shortage. What to do if you only use one SIM card? Find out here - how to create a second page in VK for one phone number? Are there any such options at all?

How to create two VK pages for one phone number?

  • Owners of old profiles that registered on the social network before 2011 can rejoice. After all, five years ago VKontakte profiles were tied exclusively to e-mail. Thus, if your main page was created in those years, then you definitely won’t have to think about how to create a second profile.
  • Register by standard scheme, simply by linking the page to a valid phone number.
  • Of course, you will need to indicate your real first and last name. In this case new account It will be possible to restore without problems in case of hacking. Simply contact the site administration and provide a photo of your documents online.

True, not everyone is so lucky. Many people have already managed to enter their main number. Don't despair if you are one of them. Let's try to deceive a popular social network. How can you create another page? To do this, you will need a page that is already linked to your mobile phone. So, your next steps:

  • Go to your profile settings.
  • In the specified telephone number, change the last or first digit.
  • Save your settings.
  • Register the second page to the old phone number.

Registration of two VK accounts for one phone number, unfortunately, does not always work. Some are lucky, others are not. What to do if you still have no luck?

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

To take advantage in the following way you will need to install special application, which significantly expands the functionality of the most popular site. For example, using such an application you can read other people's messages, unsubscribe from dozens of groups with one click and, of course, register two accounts for one phone number.

After installing the program, log in and select the “Create” button new profile" A registration page will appear on the display with various fields to fill out. So, all you have to do is come up with a username and password, and also enter necessary information. The last stage is entering the phone number.

The application easily bypasses the social network algorithms, making it possible to link a second account to mobile number, which you have already used to register before.

It is worth noting that many applications for creating a second VK account without a phone number are actually viruses. the main task such a program can steal your data. Before using such an application, make sure that it actually works. Be sure to read various user reviews on the Internet.

The social network VKontakte is extremely popular in the territory Russian Federation and CIS countries. Many users visit the site daily, chatting with their friends there, downloading Personal Photos by playing various games and participating in discussions.

Some members of the social network VKontakte decide to create a second account. The reasons for this may be different: someone plays games from another page so as not to use their main page for this, someone uses a second profile to promote their services, sending notifications to users and posting information on the wall. In any case, creating a second VKontakte page is not difficult, the main thing is to have an additional valid phone number for registration.

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In order to register another VKontakte page, you can use the same browser that you always use or install another Internet browser on your computer. In the first case, before registering, you will need to log out of an already opened account by clicking on the “Log Out” button on the right side of the screen. If used additional browser, then you can keep two pages open at the same time.

  • Go to the official VKontakte website at
  • Click on the “Registration” button.
  • Enter your first and last name. If the user does not want other members of the social network to be able to find him, he can enter false data or use a pseudonym.
  • Enter a mobile phone number that has not yet been used to register on VKontakte and click on the “Get code” button.
  • Enter the code received in the SMS message in the appropriate field and click on the “Send code” button.
  • Create a password and click on the “Login to the site” button.

Next, the site will prompt the user to fill in some information about himself - educational institution, place of work. You can skip all this by clicking on the “Go to” button. next step" In any case, if necessary, the user can always fill in all this information through the site settings.

Filling out the page

Of course, if the page is needed only for games or visiting groups, then filling out the page is not at all necessary. But some users create a new profile in order to use it as their main one or to sell a service. In this case, you need to design a page - fill in your personal information, set a photo and tell a little about yourself.

In order to set an avatar ( main photo profile), you need to log in to your profile, and then click on the “Upload photo” button. Choose required file on your computer or take a photo from your webcam, after which you need to click on the “Save” button. It should be noted that the thumbnail can be changed at any time.

In order to fill out basic personal data, you need to click on the “Ed” button, which is located next to the “My Page” section. On this page the user can indicate the date of birth, hometown, Family status, knowledge foreign languages, and also, if necessary, change your first and last name. Once all the data has been entered, you can click on the “Save” button.

By switching between the tabs “Interests”, “Contacts”, etc., you can also specify necessary information or edit an existing one.

Find out if it is possible to register 2 pages in VK for 1 number. Here you will find user comments about whether it is possible to create two pages in VK for one number and link 2 pages to 1 VK number.


Indeed, this can be done, but only if you have access to the page to which the phone number is linked. To begin, go to the page in the “Settings” tab and scroll until we see the “Change number” button. Enter in the line “ New number» phone number that is already linked to the page and click the “Change” button.

Now we should receive two SMS, which will simply indicate the number, as well as a broadcast with text and phone number. There is no need to close the page and enter anything, you shouldn’t either.

Now we go to the tab with another domain of the VKontakte social network, that is, if you are on, then open Now we exit from the tab to home page and click “Become a member”. We enter the phone number that will also be sent to you, but it will already be from a different page. Finally, go to the first tab created and enter the password there that was sent to us at the very beginning. That's all that is required of you.

Is it possible to link two pages to one number on VKontakte?

Some users need to create not one, but two pages for one phone number, so they wonder whether it is possible to link two pages to one VKontakte number?

Indeed, there is such a way, but you will have to spend a little time and be sure to have access to personal account, which is already registered to a phone number, and a new SIM card that has not yet been linked. As a result, it will remain clean, it’s just more convenient to register.

First, go to the settings and in the tab where the number change is registered, enter the second number. You will receive an SMS to your old number with a code that is intended to unlink your phone from the page. We are not closing or introducing anything yet.

Now go through another browser to the main page of the social network and click “Become a member”. Here we also enter the second phone number and receive a message with a code and password.

We return to the page where everyone started and paste the code in its place. It turns out that both pages are registered to the same number.

It's no secret that a significant portion of VKontakte users have more than one account. Some of them are fake, some are spare, but a fact is a fact. Sometimes it becomes necessary to log in online with two or more accounts, but the average user will face a problem in such a case.

Since in browsers, as a rule, all tabs have common Cookies, an attempt to log in to a second account results in an automatic logout from the first. The problem is not terrible, but quite unpleasant. In this situation, you can use several methods that bypass this problem. So.

Method one - incognito mode in your browser:
In almost every modern browser There is a built-in incognito mode ( private window). For ordinary users It is useful because it does not leave any traces in the browser history, does not save passwords, form data, and so on.

It will be useful to us because an open tab in incognito mode has separate Cookies from a tab in normal mode. This means that you can log into one account via normal mode, and in the second through incognito mode.

The disadvantage of this method is quite obvious: incognito mode also has common cookies for all its tabs, therefore, it will not be possible to authorize more than two accounts in this way. If you need to run more than two accounts at the same time, read on.

Method two - additional browser:
By installing another web browser on your computer, you will have access to two more unique Cookies (since it also has two modes: regular and protected), which means that you can log in with as many as four accounts at once.

But if there are a lot of accounts, then you, of course, can pump up a dozen browsers (and believe me, there are a lot of browsers), but it becomes problematic to maintain and monitor all these browsers, and you can get confused open windows. What to do in this case? Check out the following method.
Method three - container tabs in the browser Mozilla Firefox Nightly:
The most recent method presented in this article. And this is true, since this method uses special container tabs to open several accounts simultaneously, which are currently only available in the test version Firefox browser– Firefox Nightly.

The purpose of these tabs is to provide the user with more free space and improve convenience when browsing the Internet. Many people have several mobile phones or several accounts on one social network to differentiate between personal life and working space. This is exactly what these tabs do - they allow you to separate your personal life and work by providing separate cookies for tabs. IN this moment the browser provides the feature different types containers. Their meaning is not as important to us as the fact that this is the ability to be in four VKontakte accounts at the same time.

Unfortunately, in incognito mode, container tabs are not available, and therefore expand the number at the same time in this way open accounts VK will not work.

To open a container tab, you must press the key Alt on the keyboard, and then go to the menu " File --> New Container Tab" and select some container.

You can download Mozilla Firefox Nightly itself on the official browser website at

Method four - Erdeni Multi program Cookie Chrome:
This special program, made on the engine Google browser Chrome main feature which are unique Cookies for each open tab. Thus, the number of tabs you open, the number of accounts you can run at the same time.

The advantage of this program, unlike the same browsers, is that when the program is closed, all Cookies are saved and automatically resumed the next time the program is opened. This means that upon subsequent launches, all accounts will start automatically. Therefore it is very convenient and useful tool for multi-account. You can download the program on the Erdeni Multi Cookie Chrome page.

The only drawback of this program is the inability to load accounts from a file. All accounts through which you need to log in at the same time must be added manually. Of course, if you only have a couple of accounts, this is not a problem for you. But if you have at least a dime a dozen accounts, then this is a serious problem.

Method five – VK Tools program:
The most obvious option for you if you need to use both great amount accounts. Unlike Erdeni Multi Cookie Chrome, there is the ability to load accounts from a file. How many accounts are added to the program, so many tabs will be created.

There is also a certain nuance here. If you need to monitor many accounts per unit of time, it means you use these accounts for something and it would be convenient for you to navigate by logins instead of names. The multibrowser in the VK Tools program displays logins used for authorization instead of account names. Perhaps it's more convenient. You can download the program on the VK Tools page.

I hope this information helps you. These are all known methods. But I am absolutely sure that if you have at least a couple of VKontakte accounts, then one of these methods will definitely come in handy. If you know any other method of logging into the social network VKontakte from several accounts at the same time, please share it in the comments below, and we will definitely add to this article.

For an ordinary user, one page on any social network is enough to communicate with friends. But for promotion own goods or services of one profile will not be enough. What to do if you use one SIM card? How to create a second page in VK for one number? Do such methods even exist?

Just a couple of years ago, profiles on a social network were registered using an electronic mailing address. But the VK administration made identification by number mandatory. For most users, the innovation did not create any difficulties. But group administrators and moderators, SMM managers and people who turned VK from a platform for communication into the main place for making money had to face many problems. Bots are profiles of non-existent people. They are used to send invitations to groups and add friends. Bots are often banned. Sometimes it is impossible to restore a page after blocking. Previously, a “fallen fighter” was quickly replaced with a couple of new ones. But when the process of creating a second page became dramatically more complicated, I had to spend time finding ways to bypass the system.

Owners of old pages whose registration dates back to 2010-2011 are in luck. Five years ago, profiles were linked only to email. If your main profile was created in those years, then you won’t have to rack your brains about how to make a second page in contact.

Just register as usual, linking your account to a valid phone number.

Of course, don't forget to indicate real name, Name. In this case new page It will be easy to restore after hacking. It is enough to contact the administration and provide photos of your documents in real time.

But not everyone is so lucky. Many have already managed to enter the main number into the system. Are you one of them? Do not despair. Let's try to deceive the social network algorithms. How to create a second profile? You need a page linked to your phone. As we found out, you already have it. Action plan:

  1. Go to your profile settings.
  2. Change in the specified number phone first or last digit.
  3. Save the settings.
  4. Register a second account using your old phone number.

The option of registering two VK pages for 1 number does not always work. Some users are lucky, and some are not. What to do if you are unlucky? Read on!

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

You will have to install a specialized application to significantly expand the functions of the social network. For example, read other people’s messages, unsubscribe from dozens of public pages with one click and, of course, register 2 pages for 1 issue.

After installing the application, you must log in and select the “create new profile” function. A familiar registration page with forms to fill out will appear on the screen. Create a password, login, enter the required information. The final stage is entering the phone number.

The program bypasses VK algorithms, allowing you to link a second account to the number that you have already used to register earlier.

Some applications for creating a second page on VK without a phone number are actually a common virus. His the main objective– steal data from your work accounts. Before use similar program, make sure it really works. Read user reviews online.

You already know two ways to register two VKontakte pages for one number. None of them gives a 100% guarantee of success. Do you want to protect your second social network profile from hacking, blocking and restore it if necessary? There is only one way out.

One phone number – one social network profile

Due to the appearance of thousands of fake pages, the VK administration has tightened the terms of use social network. By registering an account for a non-existent number, you risk losing it the first time you block it. For example, for sending out invitations to your group. Is it possible to create two VK pages for one number? Can. Is it worth investing effort into promoting a bot whose life will be short? Decide for yourself. New SIM card costs a penny.

To prevent your number from being blocked, it is enough to top it up with a minimum amount and make a couple of outgoing calls a month.

Having real ones on hand phone numbers in a few minutes you can create as many working VK profiles as you need using your real name, last name and photograph. If they are blocked, you can always restore them by contacting the administration and continue to use the accumulated customer base!