How to change the Wi-Fi password on your computer. An easy way to change the password on a WIFI router

12 May 2016 10:12

It often happens that you need to change your password in home wifi network, and the user has forgotten how to do it. It doesn’t matter, even a beginner can quickly learn how to change a password. Just follow the steps below. We will tell you how to change your password, as well as how to set it from scratch. And you can quickly without special problems to resolve this issue. Why change your password? It happens that attackers have guessed the password to your home network and use your Internet. Also, in order to increase security, it is recommended to change the password from time to time (do not limit yourself to a simple set of characters, because such a password is easy to guess! Choose complex key so that no one can connect to your router). Your router acts as an access point that anyone can connect to. mobile devices: tablets, laptops, smartphones, etc. But if your IPhone does not connect automatically, do not rush to run to Iphone repair in Kyiv. Perhaps you do not need repairs, but simply re-enter all wireless Internet settings. Or if you have security set to maximum on your router, you may even have to manually set the DNS. At the very least, carefully study this issue before setting up security on your router. It is very important to reliably protect your wireless network so that they do not connect to it uninvited guests. But be careful - when changing your password to a new one, be sure to write down your new key, so you can seamlessly connect to your network.

How to change the password for connecting to a wifi network

Go to the settings menu

Almost all your security parameters wireless network you can set it in your router settings. To enter the router settings, you must have valid connection to the router (it doesn’t matter via cable or wifi - just connect to your network). Now launch the browser you use on your computer (laptop, tablet, etc.) and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. This address, as a rule, is always written on the bottom panel of the router itself (if the IP address is not on the bottom cover, then perhaps on the side wall of the router or in its instructions). To find the IP address of the router, if for some reason you cannot find it, enter the brand and series of the router into an Internet search engine ( full name), and also write “IP address” next to it in the search phrase. There are, of course, the following default addresses:, or It may well be that your address is different.
So, entered into address bar router address, then you need to enter your login and password. We enter admin and admin in both cases - this is if you change standard password, installed at the factory, to your new one. Or, if this is not the first time you are changing your password, then enter your login and password information. Now you are in the router settings menu.

Change the password to a new one

First, let’s make a reservation that it is difficult to give examples in pictures, since each router has its own interface. But there are certain similarities, so we will describe this process, and you can do it for your case, in approximately the same sequence. In principle, there shouldn’t be any big differences, because the main functions of the routers are the same.
The password can be changed in the "Advanced Settings" menu. We find in this section “Wifi”, and to it “Security Settings”. In this section we do the following: select the type network authentication. Installed in factory settings open type“Open”, but it’s better to choose some secure encryption type, for example, WPA-PSK\WPA2-PSKmixed (this is the most safe option). As soon as you have chosen the private authentication type and specified the encryption type, the system should give you a key (or you will have to create it yourself). You can leave the key generated by the system, or choose another one to suit your taste (come up with one, but just write it down somewhere!). Next, click “Apply”.
As soon as you have changed the key for connecting to the router, the system will ask you to connect again, but using the new key.
This is how you change the password to your wireless Internet in the router settings.

Life without the Internet today is very difficult to imagine. On this moment A variety of communication channels are used to access the network. This is also traditional wired connection, and constantly improving wireless. The last type of connection is the most relevant, practical and most convenient type of connection.

Previously, only wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE and other low-power networks were available to the general public. Today this picture is different. Almost every modern device communications supports the constantly developing wireless technology data transmission - WiFi.

Many of us are accustomed to simply using Wi-Fi, without thinking at all about how it works. Specialists who set up a wireless network from Rostelecom, Byfly or other providers give their clients only two parameters - a name network SSID and the password for it. And when such a moment comes, and it always comes, that the phone or computer simply stops picking up the WiFi network for one reason or another, then ordinary users they don’t know what to do to make the connection work again.

All of the above means that, no matter what failures cause Wifi to fail, in most cases the wireless router has to be reconfigured again. And such an operation, as a rule, involves the need to set a Wi-Fi password.

Owners of a wireless network decide to change the passphrase for many other reasons, one of which, and often the only one, is restricting access to the Internet for other users. After all, no one wants traffic to go somewhere else for free - for example, to neighbors.

In general, it is recommended to change your wireless network password as often as possible. Especially when it comes to important data stored on a computer, which can easily be lost or damaged by the actions of intruders. Why is this necessary? And all because to make life difficult for hackers.

After all WiFi hacking- a common practice, but sometimes it takes a lot of time to do this. And the more hackers have, the more likely it is that the network will still be compromised.

What password to choose

First of all, the passphrase from the wireless network must match accepted standards. The password can only be letters, numbers and some symbols. Its minimum length must be 8 characters or more.

For reliable protection It is not recommended to use a wireless network against hacking passphrases:

  • From only numbers or letters.
  • From repeated characters.
  • From consecutive numbers (for example, from 1 to 8).
  • Consisting of letters as they appear one after another on the keyboard (“qwertyuio”, etc.).
  • Similar to names, company names, phone numbers, etc. (it is better to use such passwords together with numbers, otherwise an attacker can simply guess), etc.

From this it is clear that the password should be such that it is not easy to hack. This means it must be long and consist of letters and numbers at the same time.

How do I change my password?

It’s worth saying right away that the procedure for changing the password is almost the same for any router model, including branded ones supplied by Internet providers (Rostelecom, Byfly, etc.). So, the first thing you need to do is go into the settings (web interface) of your Wi-Fi router.

This can be done using any browser. Login to the router settings can be done either by WiFi connections(if it is currently working for you), and through cable connection(connection via local network).

How to find out the network address of a router via WiFi connection

The resulting address in most cases looks like “” or “” if it was not changed by the specialists who set up WiFi from Rostetelecom, Beeline or other providers.

How to find out the network address of a router via a cable connection

If you are currently on your computer WiFi does not work at all, or you simply forgot the network password, then there is only one way out - enter the router settings via a cable connection.

First you also need to find out the IP address of the equipment. This is done exactly as described above, but with one exception - in the section “ Network connections"or "Network and Sharing Center shared access"need to find wireless connection, and “Local Area Connection”. In this case, it is required that the router be connected to the computer via network cable(for reference, the cable is connected to the router into the socket labeled “LAN”).

Or the login address is often indicated on the back of the router:

Now let's look at how to change the password on the router.

Go to settings

After the IP address of the equipment has been found, all that remains is to begin the password replacement procedure itself. To do this, open any browser and write the previously obtained “Default Gateway” in its address bar.

The settings of any router are additionally protected by a login and password (they must be entered when logging into the equipment). They are the same for most devices. The “admin” login is typical for any router model (even if it’s equipment from Rostelecom, Beeline, Byfly or another provider), but the password can be different. In most cases, the password is the same as the login, i.e. “admin” (typical for Wi-Fi routers TP-Link, D-Link, TredNet). These can also be passphrases like “1234” (some Zyxel routers), “password” (“NetGear”), or even empty line(“Tenda”).

You can also find out the login and password for the router’s web interface from its documentation. Such information is also present in many cases on the back of the communication device. As a last resort, specialists from Rostelecom, Beeline or other providers can help you find out your interface login details. They don’t have to come - just call and ask.

Changing the password

Describe how to change the password for everyone existing models We won't have any routers, because... this is unrealistic within the framework of one article. As an example, let’s take the TP-Link WiFi router, actively supplied by providers Rostelecom and Beeline. So, after entering the settings you need to:

Keep in mind that if you have a router of a different model, you can change your WiFi network password by following the same rules, because The names of items and menus are almost the same or have the same meaning.

In contact with

Internet - world wide web, allowing you to use various information servers and by email. By setting a password to enter the network, you limit access for everyone else. When you suspect that the Internet is still being used, it is better to change the password.


  • If you want to change your internet password, you need to know your current password. If you forgot, remember it with the help of a hint. Let's consider the possibility of changing the password in the two most common browsers - " Internet Explorer" and “Mozilla-firefox”. To change the Internet password in the Internet Explorer browser, run following operations. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  • In this window, click the “Content” tab, in the “Access Restriction” line, activate the “Enable” command.
  • Select the “General” tab and in the “password-permission” section, click on “Change password”.
  • First dial Old Password, because Without it, the system will not give permission to change the password, then enter a new one and confirm it. The password may contain letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet, capital letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Also enter a hint, it is necessary in case you forget your password, but choose one so that others will not use it. Confirm the password change with the “OK” command at the bottom of the window.
  • If you use the Mozilla-firefox browser, and it contains a master password, then you can also change it if you know the current password. In the “Settings” window, go to the “Protection” tab and activate the “Change master password” command.
  • As in “Internet Explorer”, first enter the old password, and then the new one. Confirm New Password again and click "OK"
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    Today, electrical wires have been replaced when using the Internet. Transmission of audio data via radio channels provides several functions at once:

    • the ability to use the Internet simultaneously in several gadgets in one room;
    • the ability not to be tied to a single location for installing the network cable;
    • exchange of data between several people or a group of people in the Internet.

    But to use wireless Internet, you need an access key, which is entered on the computer before using the service. If you suspect that the access code has been hacked and is being used by unscrupulous neighbors, then you need to know how to change the password on your computer.

    The necessary knowledge will certainly be useful to all router users, without exception.

    To change the Wi-Fi code, you first need to connect to the Internet. You can do this in two ways:

    • using a router;
    • via network cable.

    After connecting to Internet networks open any browser on your computer ( Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozila, Opera, Explorer or others). Then write it into the address bar of the IP code of your router.

    Wi-Fi router IP: how to find out

    The router code is always marked on any model technical device. A sticker with the characteristics of the device is usually attached to its bottom.

    If for some reason the device specification is missing, you can read it in the router operating instructions book. In the case when both information sheets are unavailable, you need to enter the name of the device model and the task: what IP code is in the browser search engine.

    Basically, the IP address is set according to the standard: But there are exceptions when it may have the following codes: or

    After entering the IP in the address field, press “Enter”. Next, the system will prompt you to enter your data: login and password. Fill in both the first and second fields with the word “admin”.

    You will now find yourself in the control panel of your router. It is worth noting here that each router has its own interface.

    Therefore, it is necessary to rely on logic, since the section names different users not always identical.

    An example of changing a password on a D-Link router

    Let's look at how to change Wi-Fi by getting into the menu of the D-LinkDir-615 router. So, let's start working point by point:

    1. In the menu list, select the “Advanced settings” column and click on it with the cursor.
    2. Select the “WiFi” section, and in it – “Security Settings”.
    3. IN open window Enter the network authentication type. “Open” or “Open”.
    4. Choose: WPA2-PSK mixed or WPA-PSK. This type encryption is capable of providing high-quality protection.
    5. The line that appears will indicate the cipher generated by the system. But you can change it to another one or use ready-made code.
    6. After entering the password, click on the “Apply” task and wait a couple of seconds for the router functions to update.
    7. Now you can close the browser window and use Wi-Fi with a new password.

    Important Notes

    After changing the password WiFi router, remember that if you have not changed the access offered by the system, you will need to remember it. Since before going online, the router will ask you new code access.

    In order not to start the procedure again, it is better to play it safe and write down a hint (system code) on a piece of paper or gadget. If you have set a new access code and remember it well, the procedure for entering new data to log in to the Internet must be repeated.

    It is also worth knowing that a router is not always used to implement the network. For example, a laptop can act as an access point. A hand-held PC connected via a cable to the network can distribute the Internet like a router.

    like this network group called virtual. More often this connection created using the management console. To change Wi-Fi in similar situation, you need to go from your computer to the “Network Center” menu.

    Then click on the connection sign located at the bottom of the screen. In the pop-up window, select “Manage wireless networks”. Next, click on the connection you are looking for and select “Properties”.

    In the panel that appears, click on the security section. Here you need to check the “Display entered characters” section, we will see the network access code, changing which you just need to click “OK”.

    Let's sum it up

    So, to change the Wi-Fi password on your home or work PC, you just need to know the IP address of the router, which performs the function of transmitting data over radio waves. By entering information in the browser field, you will be taken to the router menu.

    Having entered the required tab, the system will prompt you to provide some data. After such manipulations, you can easily change the network access code and save it. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the procedure, you will only be able to access the Internet after entering a new WiFi password.

    Also, after reading the above rules, you can change the password code for the network if a laptop plays the role of a router.

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    - Why does my Internet slow down every evening, I can’t download anything, and pages take a long time to open? - an acquaintance once asked me.

    The next day, after looking at his Internet settings, programs, router, etc., I was surprised by only one thing: his home Wi-Fi network was not protected with a password (there simply wasn’t one). Oddly enough, after setting a password, the slowdowns and lags of the Internet stopped, and in the evening the Internet began to work as expected. Apparently, there were some neighbors who successfully used his Internet channel, just in the evenings everyone comes from work/school, etc.

    In general, I will give one piece of advice: in any case, if you have any suspicions, change the password for the Wi-Fi network. If you don’t have it at all, be sure to install it (even if you have very fast unlimited Internet).

    In this article we will look at how this is done.

    Important! You also need to change your Wi-Fi password because those who connect to your network will use the Internet under your IP address. In principle, if they only occupy your Internet channel, it’s not so scary.

    But just imagine, what if they commit illegal actions - the first person they come to will be you (most likely)! I think there’s no need to explain that it’s better to avoid such visits? Therefore, PASSWORD is required!

    To change the password for accessing a Wi-Fi network, you need to do approximately the following:

    • go to Wi-Fi settings router;
    • then open the tab/section for setting up a wireless network (also called Wireless or Wi-Fi);
    • select in this tab certificate of safety, encryption type, And password to access the network.

    In general, everything is quite simple. Before moving on to specific models routers and their configuration, I will focus on a few important parameters(mentioned above).

    Certificate of safety

    The most popular security certificates, which are found in almost every router, are WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK. To date better security provides a WPA2-PSK certificate, which is what I recommend choosing.

    If devices that do not support WPA2-PSK will connect to the Wi-Fi network, then choose the WPA-PSK option (some routers have a mixed WPA/WPA2-mixed mode).

    By the way, some inexpensive router models may not work stably and break the connection when WPA2-PSK is selected. In this case, try limiting the speed of the router and changing the security certificate.

    Encryption type

    Closely related to the security certificate. If you select WPA, the temporary key integrity protocol TKIP is used; when using WPA2, the secure AES standard is used. This is exactly what I recommend starting from. If you select settings other than this, you may experience problems connecting devices to your network.

    Selecting a password

    Here, perhaps, I will say only the most basic things that I think about his choice. I noticed that many users put very simple passwords, type: 11111111, 2222222, 11111122222, etc. Such passwords are quickly selected and cracked.

    It is unlikely, of course, that someone will purposefully and for a long time select the password for your home Wi-Fi networks (especially since the vast majority of them do not contain any valuable data), and nevertheless I will give a couple of tips on what the password should be:

    At least 8 characters;

    It is advisable to use both letters (Latin) and numbers (of course, some will also say special characters - but in my opinion it’s not worth it, it’s too tedious to type them later on a phone or tablet when connected to the network);

    Do not use your names, standard words (password, admin, computer, etc.), the most known dates etc.

    Now let's move on to specific router models. So...

    You might find this article useful on how to enter your router settings. In some cases this cannot be done (link is given below)...

    How to log in via entering the router settings -


    One of the most popular brands routers in our country. There are enough of them a large number of models, but firmwares that differ from each other (fundamentally) - not so many, 3-4 pieces. In this article I will give several of their variations, and first a few important parameters.

    IP address (default) to enter settings:

    (it is advisable to use Internet browser Explorer)

    Login(default): admin

    Password(default): either an empty string or the same admin.

    In older router models (such as DIR-300, DIR-320, DIR-615, DIR-651), as a rule, the firmware is not translated into Russian and is presented in this orange-gray design. To change the password, you need to go to the router settings (if you can’t log in, then just above in the article there is a link to instructions for solving the problem) , and open the section "Setup/Wireless setup".

    At the bottom of the window in the column Network Key enter your password (see screenshot below), by the way, you can also set it there security certificate and encryption type(what this is - see above in the article). After entering the settings, save them - button Save Settings.

    DIR-300 - setting a password // Setup/Wireless setup

    By the way, there is similar firmware in Russian translation, it is configured in the same way.

    For router models DIR-300 NRU and DIR-320 NRU(firmware version 1.2) the settings page looks a little different: nice White background, on the left side all the main settings sections are presented. Opening "Wi-Fi/Security Settings" , and install:

    1. network authentication: WPA-PSK (for example);
    2. key PSK encryption: this is your password;
    3. WPA encryption: TKIP+AES.

    U D-Link routers DIR-620/DIR-320 NRU in firmware versions 1.3 and 1.4 the interface is slightly different: when you go to main screen, you see Gray background and tiles (as in Windows 8) that display the main settings sections.

    To change the password, you need to open the “Wi-Fi/Security Settings” section (number 1 on the screen below), and then enter:

    1. network authentication: WPA2-PSK (for example);
    2. Encryption key - enter the password;
    3. WPA encryption - AES (see screenshot below).

    Router from Rostelecom (Sagemcom)

    In general, with routers from Rostelecom, as a rule, big problems does not occur - everything works as expected. And when you connect to the Internet, they will give you a password and set everything up. The firmware in routers is completely in Russian, so questions about its configuration usually do not arise.

    Address to enter settings:

    Default password and login: admin

    Browser: almost any: Opera, Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc.

    To set a password, open the section "WLAN Setup/Security" . Further in the subsection "Manual setting access points" select:

    1. Authentication - WPA2-PSK;
    2. WPA/WAPI password - enter your password;
    3. Encryption WPA/WAPI - AES;
    4. then click the button "Apply/Save" (screenshot below).

    Actually, that's the whole setup...


    One of the most large manufacturers routers, tens of millions of people around the world use their products. In our country, their routers are also very popular, and cope quite well with Russian networks(they work with almost all Internet providers).

    IP address to enter settings: (in rare cases , depending on the firmware version);

    Username: admin;

    Password: admin (type without periods, commas, etc.).

    Most often you have to deal with the so-called “green” firmware. Found in routers: TP-LINK TL-WR740xx, TL-WR741xx, TL-WR841xx, TL-WR1043ND(45ND), etc. About 50/50 firmware is in English/Russian.

    The screenshot below shows English version: to change the password, you need to open the section "Wireless/Wireless Security" , then select WPA/WPA2 -Personal and put:

    • Version - Automatic (Recommended);
    • Encryption - Automatic (Recommended);
    • enter the password in the line PSK Password .

    TP-Link (green firmware)

    Almost identical actions will need to be done in the Russian version of the “green” firmware: open the section "Protection wireless mode" , then set PSK password (see number 3 on the screen below).

    TP-Link "green" firmware (Russian version)

    You can also quite often find a “blue” version of the firmware in TP-Link routers(for example, TP-LINK WR340G, TP-LINK WR340GB and other similar models).

    Their setup is almost identical:

    1. first open the section "Wireless Settings" ;
    2. in the column Security Type install WPA-PSk/WPA2-PSK;
    3. Security Option- set Automatic;
    4. Encryption- install Automatic;
    5. PSK Passphrase- this is the password (slightly different spelling than in other firmware versions). It must then be specified when wireless connection to the router.

    TP-Link "blue" firmware

    After making the settings, save them (button Save on the screen above, see number 3).


    The access parameters are relevant provided that the router has factory settings and its IP has not changed.

    IP address to enter settings:

    User Name (login): admin

    Password (password for access): admin

    In general, TRENDnet routers most often have 2 firmware versions: blue and gray (both in Russian and in English).

    To configure security and set a password in the blue firmware, for example, of the TRENDnet TEW-432BRP router, you must do the following:

    1. open section Wireless/Security ;
    2. in field Authentication Type select WPA;
    3. in field PSK/EAP select PSK;
    4. in field Cipher Type select Auto;
    5. in field Passphrase and Confirmed Passphrase enter your password and press Apply(screen below).

    In the “gray” version of the firmware (for example, as in the TRENDnet TEW-651BR router), actions are performed in the same way, even menu items are located in the same places.


    IP address (web interface):

    In the authorization lines, type login: "admin", password: "admin" (enter without quotes!). Browser preferably IE (although modern versions web interface works well with everyone popular versions Firefox browsers, Chrome, Opera, etc.).

    Most often, ASUS routers have two firmwares: “blue” and “black” (usually localized in Russian).

    To change your password in ASUS routers RT-N10E, RT-N10LX, RT-N12E, RT-N12LX, etc. (this is with blue firmware), you need to open the section “Advanced settings/Wireless network/General tab” .

    In the column "preliminary WPA key" enter your password and save the settings.

    ASUS // "blue" firmware

    In ASUS RT-N10P, RT-N11P, RT-N12, RT-N15U, RT-N18U routers, the firmware (in terms of password settings) differs only in color. It is also necessary to open the section "Wireless network" , tab "Are common". Then change the column "WPA Preshared Key" and save the settings.

    ASUS // "black" firmware version


    • IP address of the router on the network (web interface):
    • Login: admin
    • Password(default): admin

    To change the password on ZyXEL Keenetic of the first series, you need to go to the web interface, open the section "Wi-Fi network" , tab "Safety" . Next set the following parameters:

    • Authentication- WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK;
    • Type of protection- TKIP/AES;
    • Format network key - ASCII;
    • Network key (ASCII)- set your password, which you will then need to specify when connecting wirelessly to the router.

    In newer routers (for example, Zyxel Keenetic II: Start, Giga, Omni, Viva, Extra) a slightly different firmware is installed. To change the password in them, you need to select the section in the menu "Wi-Fi" and then select the tab (top) - "Access point" .


    • IP address to enter the router settings:
    • Login: admin
    • Password(default): password
    • You can use almost any browser: for example, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.

    To change your password in NETGEAR routers(using model WNR2200 as an example): open the "Wi-Fi Settings" section, then set:

    • Security options: select item WPA-PSK (TKIP) + WPA2-PSK (AES) ;
    • Passphrase: enter your password (you will need to enter it later when connecting wirelessly to the router).

    Basically, in this short article I tried to consider all the most popular models routers. If you have great model From the above, the operating technique will not change: first you need to find the IP address to enter the router settings (can be found in the documents for the device, or on the manufacturer’s website to determine the characteristics of the PC).

    Then, by entering the router settings, open the section Wi-Fi security(or Wi-Fi settings) - then set the desired password and save the settings. Difficulties most often occur when entering the router settings: either the password does not match, or the IP address is incorrect, or something else...

    This is where I end this article, hello amigo!