Welcome subscriber asks to call back. USSD commands operating in the Velcom network. Connecting to the service and listening to messages

If you urgently need to make an important call, but there are not enough funds in your account and there is no way to top it up, use the “Call Me Back” service. With this service you can ask friends or family to call you back.

Even with a zero balance, you can send your friends a free request asking them to contact you. Always stay in touch with lifecell!

For free

Tariffs are indicated in hryvnias including VAT. Additionally, a pension fee of 7.5%% is withheld on the cost of cellular mobile communication services.

How to use

In order to send a request asking to call you back, you must do one of the following:

  • Dial on your mobile phone the request *124*3*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where 380ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom you want to send a message asking to call you back and press the call button.
  • Send an SMS with the text 3[space]380ХХХХХХХХХ to number 124.
  • Dial *124# and select the category “Upravlenie schetom”, then “Perezvoni mne” and indicate the number of the subscriber to whom you want to send a message asking to call you back, in the format 380ХХХХХХХХ.

Full terms and conditions

The service is provided free of charge to all lifecell subscribers.

You can send an unlimited number of “Call me back” requests to the numbers of subscribers of all mobile operators in Ukraine .

Service cost

Starting from the 6th, the cost of each request until the end of the current month is 0.10 UAH (including VAT, excluding pension tax).

Questions and answers

To send a request to call back you, You must do one of the following:

  • Dial on your mobile phone the request *123*3*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where 380ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom you want to send a message asking to call you back and press the call button.
  • Send an SMS with the text 3[space]380ХХХХХХХХХ to number 123.
  • Dial *123# and select the “Na svyazi” category, then “Perezvoni mne” and indicate the number of the subscriber to whom you want to send a message asking to call you back, in the format 380ХХХХХХХХХ.

The subscriber whose number you indicated will receive a message on your behalf with the text “Please call me back at number 38ХХХХХХХХХХ” (38ХХХХХХХХХ is your phone number). You, in turn, will receive an SMS report on the delivery of the message to your friend with a request to call you back. “Call me back” requests can be sent to subscribers of Ukrainian mobile operators.

Mobile operators in Belarus take care of their subscribers and provide them with many necessary and useful services, one of which is “Voice Box” on Velcom numbers. After connecting it, the company’s client does not have to worry about missing any important calls, even if the phone turns off, or there is simply no way to pick up the phone at the moment. If a subscriber used the option for some time, and then wanted to disable “Voicemail” on Velcom, this is his choice and right. The information on how to disable Velcom’s “Voice Box” presented in this material is specifically for such clients of the company.

A function called “Voicemail” is available to subscribers using any Velcom tariff offers. You can use it for free if the standard option is intended, that is, when the client has not activated the “Plus” package.

The service works according to the following principle: the subscriber number is redirected to the Velcom company service phone. The user can choose the forwarding type independently: SIM card is not registered, subscriber does not answer, busy. To ensure that the call is forwarded if all the required conditions are met, you can set the general type.

Why disable

Sometimes even a Velcom client who uses Voicemail all the time has to disable this service. For example, while you are within your region, calls are not charged per person for call forwarding. However, if he is in roaming, and if he has conditional forwarding enabled, he will have to pay double the cost - for both incoming and outgoing calls. This means that when a Velcom subscriber plans to go abroad for some time, it is better for him to disable Voicemail.

How to refuse Voicemail

In order to disable the option (it does not matter whether it is disabled temporarily or permanently), you need to cancel all forwarding on your phone. Instructions on how to disable “Voicemail” on Velcom:

  1. A user with access to the Velcom subscriber information system can change the list of connected functions and disable what is no longer required.
  2. Send the combination *441*1# from your mobile phone. If the operation is successful, the operator will disable the function and send an appropriate alert.
  3. In the voice communication settings, which are located in the general settings of the device, it is also possible to disable and cancel the use of “Voicemail”.

Connecting to the service and listening to messages

If mail was disabled for some time, and then the subscriber decided to reactivate it, you need to access the Welkom option menu by sending the same USSD combination *441*1. After this, all that remains is to set up call forwarding to the Velcom service number +375296000210 according to the conditions described above.

Important! Also, the phone owner can leave a greeting or appeal to callers no longer than a minute long in “Voicemail”. You can do two, but the duration remains the same: for example, one will last forty seconds, and the second – twenty.

How to listen to messages

Messages are listened to in one of two ways:

  1. Make a call to the service number.
  2. Call the public access number – +375296000201, and then indicate the unique code with “#” to the authorization information and the phone number.

The described services are also available to those who are roaming.

Once the message has been listened to, the Velcom client can:

  • save it by pressing button 3;
  • remove by pressing button 5.

Email messages are deleted only after you finish working with Voicemail. Because of this, the subscriber has the opportunity to familiarize himself with them again by going to the optional menu.

Managing Voicemail on Velcom is quite simple: you can connect and disconnect it remotely, and you don’t need to submit any applications to the company’s office. If you do not want to use this function in principle, you can refuse it immediately after purchasing and installing a SIM card in your mobile device.

If he receives an SMS and he has money in his account, then soon you will probably hear an incoming call. Sending a “homeless person” is very simple, you just need to dial “*110*recipient_number#” and press call. As a result of this USSD request, you will receive a message indicating the delivery (or impossibility of delivery) of the message. However, then you will only stop receiving such SMS, but you will still be able to send them.

About the service Call me back

This is the easiest way to send a beacon from MTS from your mobile phone. You can send or receive SMS of this kind for free; the service is enabled by default for all clients. Situations were described above when it is possible to send SMS from a mobile phone. But what to do if the limit for sending beacons has been reached, and you still need to contact someone? The simplest of them is to simply dial the required subscriber.

On the keyboard you need to dial the combination *110*#.

For example, if you need an SMS with a request to call back to be sent to the number 89886633666, then the command will look like this: *110*9886633666#. An SMS with the text “Call me back, please” will be sent to the specified number.

How to check the balance of free messages?

In this review we will tell you how to dump a homeless person on MTS. But before that, we need to talk about the service itself. It is provided to all subscribers of the operator, regardless of their tariff plan. The service does not require prior connection, so you can use it at any time. You can dump a homeless person with MTS at any time, with any balance, positive or negative - no restrictions are imposed on this matter. It should be noted that receiving an SMS with text would be more convenient than receiving a notification about a missed call - it may not be noticed. You can get detailed information about this service on the operator’s official website.

Among the main functions is free SMS, which is called “bum” in slang. The necessary information is also available on the Internet; if free traffic packages are available, then it becomes possible to contact another person or call him in other ways. Modern smartphones almost always have the ability to connect to the Internet, which is also used to communicate with other people.

All clients of the red-and-white cellular operator can use these requests, while being in their home region, in any region of the country, and even in international roaming. By dialing *116*#. To activate the ban and refuse to receive such requests, you should dial the combination on your number: *116*0#. Please note that the established ban only applies to requests for account replenishment - requests for calls will be received as usual.

Leave a reply (review).

Below is a description of how to send a homeless person from MTS Russia. There is no need to connect/activate the service. For example, during the day it is not allowed to generate and send more than 5 USSD requests to different numbers.

2015-2016. Reproduction and use of materials only with the written permission of the author. The user uses all recommendations and advice at his own peril and risk. The author is not responsible for direct or indirect damage caused by the user's actions.

The thing is. that at one time, when cellular communications were just beginning to appear, there was such a strict law that if you ran out of money on your phone, you would have to pay, like it or not. But when mobile communications became more popular, over time the payment for incoming calls was abolished. When there was an economy hour, then they charged less for a call, both outgoing and incoming.

The service can be used by any MTS Ukraine subscriber located in Ukraine. You can send up to 7 requests per day. Be careful when receiving “Call me back” requests from unfamiliar numbers.

Surely each of you has had moments when it turns out that your mobile account balance is zero. Find out how to scam a homeless person from MTS to your friend, acquaintance or loved one. If you are tired of endless requests to call back, dial the combination *110*0# on your phone, thereby turning on the ban. If you have not received enough information about this service, read the MTS article, please call me back or use other sources.

Whether he calls you back is up to him. If you don't use this service often, you will most likely get a call back. The service is convenient in emergency situations, when the call is really urgent and there is simply no time to go to the terminal. But if you abuse this kind of SMS, then you may be blacklisted or completely turned off from receiving such messages.

After all, sometimes it’s enough to let your friend know that you need him in order to hear the incoming call. If someone really bothered you, then you can simply blacklist their SMS.

Now we have to find out what Velcom USSD requests exist. This mobile operator offers a lot of different commands that allow you to receive this or that information about the SIM card, as well as enable/disable certain functions. In general, USSD requests on Velcom are available in huge quantities. But we will consider only the most useful and popular of them. Maybe they will help you solve this or that problem more than once.

What it is

But first, let’s find out what our current needs are? Knowing this, you can understand whether you need them or not. Maybe you can do without them completely? USSD requests from Velcom, like any cellular operator, are nothing more than a means of subscriber self-service.

With their help, you can control your phone balance, check and change the tariff plan on your SIM card, perform various functions, as well as disable and activate certain services and options. The main advantage of such combinations is that they are free and can be activated at any time of the day or night. The main thing is to know what exactly you need.


Perhaps it’s worth starting with the main function - this is a USSD balance request and all the commands that will help you control the funds in your SIM card account. There are not so many of them, but there are some special ones among them.

For example, a balance request is made using the combination *100#. At the end of each dial, you need to click on the “Call” button. In response, you receive a message about the status of your SIM card account, and the result is displayed directly on the screen.

Velcom USSD requests allow you to easily change the tariff payment system. To work without prepayment, you need to dial *145#. If you want to register some unconfirmed request, then *141*1# will help here. Basically, these are all useful commands for managing your account. We continue to study Velcom USSD requests further.


It's no secret that using these commands, any subscriber can change their tariff plan. Each offer has its own combination. You can find out complete information about this on the operator’s official website. After all, Velcom has many tariffs. It would take a very long time to list all the USSD commands for connecting them. So please check with your operator at this time.

Instead, we will try to learn universal USSD requests from Velcom. The tariff plan that you are currently connected to can be found out using *141*2*1#. In addition, the subscriber can receive his phone number by dialing *147#. Information about the Internet tariff plan is displayed after dialing *141*2*3*1#. Everything is easy and simple. In some cases, you receive an SMS message with all the information you requested, but often the data is displayed directly on the phone display.

Additional services

Now a little about the interesting capabilities of our today's operator. Velcom also has its own USSD requests for them. “Favorite number”, for example, is added using *141*3*3#. After this, you can add this or that subscriber to the appropriate list.

Additionally, note that you can also enable some interesting and useful features using our commands today. For example, you can connect the Internet, MMS, and security to your phone with one single request. With its help, you will also receive all the information about the mobile Internet that is available on the SIM card. To do this, dial *135# on your mobile phone and send a request for processing.

Sometimes you want to talk while roaming. Velcom USSD requests allow all subscribers to quickly connect to similar services. "Roaming" (international) is activated using *141*3*2*1#, and "International calls" can be activated by dialing *141*3*1*1#. It turns out that without outside interference, at any time, everyone is able to activate the services of profitable calls on a mobile phone abroad.


Don’t forget that Velcom USSD requests have one more feature. And it applies not only to this operator, but to everyone in general. These commands make it possible to enable/disable certain additional service packages and services. What can help us when communicating?

Let's say the "500 SMS" option package. To do this, you must type *119# from your phone. Please note that the request itself is free. But to connect this or that option you will have to pay according to the tariff. All available settings (Internet and MMS are included here) are received after sending *135*0#, and “Mobile Internet” is activated by the command *135*1#. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this.

It is also worth paying attention to somewhat non-standard services. Velcom offers its clients a service. Oddly enough, it connects without problems using the USSD request *200*2#. "Melofon" is another service that subscribers often pay attention to. And it is activated through the combination *424#. In principle, these are all quite popular services that you can connect to.

Help and queries

The last point we will consider is sending “homeless people”, as well as receiving reference information on a SIM card. Velcom allows you to do all this using certain USSD commands.

So, for example, anyone can request a call back (send a “homeless person”) for free. Dial *131*friend's number# and send the command for processing. Another Velcom subscriber will receive a free message from you asking you to call back. Sometimes this feature is very useful.

The balance of free SMS, MMS, minutes and Internet traffic also has to be checked from time to time. In this situation, another self-service command will help. It looks like *100*1#. If you want to know the entire list of paid services connected to a mobile number, contact *141*2*2#.

Do not forget that the full list of USSD commands from Velcom is quite diverse. Sometimes you want to quickly scan through it and select the self-service feature you want. Anyone can do this very easily and simply. What does that require? Just submit a special request for processing. It looks like *141*9*1#. In response, you will receive an SMS message in which all available commands will be published. Unless this does not include requests to change the tariff plan (for a specific offer).

As you can see, Velcom USSD commands are varied. And with their help you can fully control the functionality of the SIM card. Don't be afraid to experiment. Remember that when you connect to a particular service, you will be charged a fee in the amount established by the tariff. All reference information is free.

In cases where you urgently need to call someone, but your phone balance is “empty” or even in the negative, you can use one command to notify the other subscriber that they want to contact him, using a free SMS with a request to call back.

Typically, such a request-alert is sent to well-known people, because few people will respond to a request to call back from an unfamiliar number. The service is offered by all telecom operators, it is widely known among the people, for example, under the names “send a homeless person” or “throw off a beacon”, because the subscriber can send a request to call back even with a negative balance. Beeline has this option called “Call me back”.

A request to call Beeline back can be sent to clients of any Russian telecom operator, as well as to on-net subscribers in the CIS countries and Georgia. The service is available on all Beeline tariffs after activating the SIM card, is free and can be used by users both within their home region and in roaming.

When using the service in roaming, you need to remember that although the “Waiting for a call” request is free, you will still have to pay for incoming calls while roaming according to the tariff plan.

You can send a request to call back from Beeline using a USSD request: *144*phone_number# call . Where the phone number must be written in international format starting with the country code - in Russia it is +7. Thus, the request might look like this: *144*+79091234567# call.

After sending the command, the called subscriber will receive an SMS with the request “call me back, please” and the number of the subscriber who wants to contact him. And the person who sent the “beggar” will receive a response SMS message about delivery.

You can send no more than 10 “Waiting for a call” requests per day; a new countdown begins exactly at midnight.

A subscriber can enable a ban on the Beeline “Call me back” service on his phone using the command *144*0# call, in this case no user will be able to send him a “beggar”. But blocking the “Call me back” option is possible only for Beeline subscribers; users of other networks are forced to receive “beacons” even without their consent. In the event that the subscriber changes his mind, he can always reactivate the reception of requests asking to call back using the command *144*1# call.