What is a flash key for wifi. Wi-Fi network security key: what is it and how to find it? Error: "Invalid key or passphrase"

Apparently, there is no point in saying that most users have encountered a situation where, when trying to connect to a wireless network, the system prompts them to enter the so-called network security key.

What it is, what it is used for and how to recognize it will be discussed further. Let's consider several options for basic actions that will help even those who have forgotten the set combination for connecting via Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi network security key: what is it and what is it used for?

Let's start with the definition itself. Network security is known to absolutely all users of computers and mobile devices. Looking at the abstruse name, not everyone can figure out what we are talking about.

In fact, this is a password set in the settings wireless connection so that someone else does not use it and does not gain access to confidential data, for example, when organizing home wireless networks with the opening of shared access to files and folders.

Where to get a network security key: options

Many users trust setting parameters wireless connection Provider specialists or outside acquaintances often forget to write down the created password. And only then, for example, when restoring the system after critical failures or when complete reinstallation, bite their elbows, remembering the required combination to access the connection and painfully wondering how to find out the key. To do this, you can try to the following actions:

If the first three options are standard and are used in all Windows systems, and the key is determined through mobile device, then the use of brute force, from the point of view of legality or moral and ethical considerations, can be considered an illegal act. We will consider all options, including gross intervention, but solely for general information purposes.

Using connection settings

So, how do you find out the network security key that is set for the connection configured on the user's computer or laptop?

In the very simple case when working with operating systems Windows 7 and lower, after calling the properties of the current connection, the necessary section with a security tab will immediately open, where below the password entry field, which by default is shown as asterisks or dots, you must check the box to display entered characters. After completing these steps, the network security key can be written down, copied, or saved to, for example, text file.

Similarly, access the necessary parameters can be found in the Network and Sharing Center shared access", which is located in the standard "Control Panel" (in Windows 10 it is easiest to call control command in the "Run" console). Here you simply select your connection, go to the wireless network properties and use the same security tab.

Information about the security key in the router settings

You can find out the Wi-Fi network security key just as easily in the router settings. To do this, first, through any existing browser, you should log into the router’s web interface by entering address bar combinations like or 1.1 at the end, enter the username and password (usually admin for both fields), and then go to the Wireless Security menu.

Here a special field will be shown, designated as PSK Password or something like that, where the required access combination will be highlighted.

How to find out the access password on mobile devices?

As for mobile devices, they can also use the activation of the password display field. However, it is not always possible to determine the network security key in this way. In operating systems Android password hidden quite deeply, finding it without root rights can be quite problematic. However, if you install them, for example, by installing a driver Kingo Root and ensure yourself superuser rights, there will be no problems.

In this case, you will additionally need to install some file manager like Root Explorer, go to the path data\music\wifi to internal storage, find there configuration file wpa_supplicant.conf, open it using any program for working with text documents (browser or built-in manager tool) and find the name the desired network(SSID). Next to the name the required network security key used for access will be indicated.

You can also use special applets like WiFi Password, after calling which absolutely all connections that have ever been made with of this device. Next, all that remains is to activate the field for displaying the network security key and view the necessary data.

Note: on mobile devices, similar to Windows systems, you can enter the settings of the router you are using through a browser and view the password in its parameters. But this is quite inconvenient.

Calculating the password for someone else's connection

As for brute force, in most cases specialized programs are used to crack passwords.

For Windows, the most popular utility is Aircrack-ng, and for mobile devices running Android systems - the WBR program. For obvious reasons, questions surrounding their use and detailed instructions are not considered.

The network security key is a password that can be used to connect to a working Wi-Fi networks. The secure operation of a wireless network directly depends on it. Its main task is to protect the Wi-Fi user (owner) from unauthorized connection to it. Some may think that such a connection, in general, will not interfere much with working on the Internet. In fact, it is fraught with a significant decrease in Internet speed. Therefore, the closest attention must be paid to creating a password.

In addition to the actual complexity created password, on the degree of security of the Wi-Fi wireless network in to a large extent depends on the type of data encryption. The importance of the type of encryption is explained by the fact that all data transmitted within specific network encrypted. Such a system allows you to protect yourself from unauthorized connections, because without knowing the password, a third-party user using his device simply will not be able to decrypt the data transmitted within the wireless network.

Types of network encryption

Currently Wi-Fi time routers use three different types encryption.

They differ from each other not only in the number of characters available to create a password, but also in other equally important features.

The weakest and least popular type of encryption today is WEP. In general, this type of encryption was used before and is now rarely used. And the point here is not only the obsolescence of this type of encryption. He's really quite unreliable. Users using WEP-encrypted devices have a fairly high chance of having their own network security key hacked by a third party. This type encryption is not supported by many modern Wi-Fi routers.

The last two types of encryption are much more secure and are much more commonly used. At the same time, users have the opportunity to choose the level of network security. Thus, WPA and WPA2 support two types of security checks.

One of them is designed for ordinary users and contains one unique password for all connected devices.

The other is used for businesses and significantly improves the reliability of the Wi-Fi network. Its essence is that for everyone separate device your own unique security key is created.

Thus, it becomes almost impossible to connect to someone else's network without permission.

However, when choosing your future router, you should choose exactly the model that supports WPA2 encryption. This is explained by its greater reliability compared to WPA. Although, of course, WPA encryption is quite high quality. Most routers support both of these types of encryption.

How to find out your Wi-Fi network security key

You can use several methods to find out your wireless network security key.

It’s not uncommon for comments to appear asking me where on the router you can see the password for the Wi-Fi network, the factory login and password, the router address, or the MAC address. Almost every network device A lot of useful factory information is provided. And if you decide to configure the router yourself, then this information will definitely be useful to you.

Most often, there is a need to look at the Wi-Fi password that was set on the router from the factory. It is also a security key, or PIN code. And all because now most manufacturers set a password for Wi-Fi from the factory. When you buy new router, or do a reset, then to connect to a wireless network (which has a factory name), you need to specify a password (PIN code). At least to go into the router settings and change the factory security key. True, there are models whose wireless network is not protected by default.

On almost all routers and modems, the factory information is written on the body of the device itself. Most often, this is a sticker with information on the bottom of the router.

Please note that depending on the manufacturer and model of the device, some information may be missing. For example, if on ZyXEL routers If there is no factory password and login to enter the control panel, it goes without saying that it will not be indicated. And if the Wi-Fi network is not protected by default, then a password is not needed.

Now we will take a closer look at the information on devices from the most popular manufacturers.

Wi-Fi security key (PIN) and other factory information

What information can be found on the router:

  1. Network name, or SSID - this is the factory Wi-Fi name networks. It may be useful in order to find your network among neighboring networks. As a rule, it looks something like this: "TP-LINK_3Ao8". Of course, on devices from TP-Link.
  2. Wi-Fi password, Wireless Password, PIN, WPS/PIN – this is the factory key to access the wireless network. It usually consists of 8 digits. But it can be more complex. After entering the router settings, I advise you to change the factory password, as well as the network name.
  3. Router address(IP, web address) – this address is needed to enter the router settings. It can be either an IP address, usually , or , or a hostname (made up of letters). For example: tplinkwifi.net, my.keenetic.net, miwifi.com. At the same time, access by IP address also works.
  4. Username and Password(Username, Password) – factory login and password, which must be specified on the authorization page when entering the settings of the router or modem. Usually, during the process of setting up the router, we change them.
  5. MAC address– it may also come in handy. Especially if your provider binds by MAC address.
  6. Router model and hardware version(Rev, H/W Ver) – may be useful, for example, for searching for firmware or other information.
  7. F/W Ver– firmware version installed at the factory. Not available on all devices.

Using the example of a TP-Link router

The numbers in the screenshot correspond to the list you can see above. On all devices from TP-Link factory The information is on a sticker on the bottom of the router.

Factory information on the ASUS router

Please note that on ASUS routers The password will be signed as "PIN Code". And the network will most likely be called "ASUS".

Wi-Fi password on the D-Link router case

On D-Link devices, the factory information looks something like this:

Security key and other information on ZyXEL

A small feature. On ZyXEL Keenetic The username and password that must be entered when logging into the control panel are not set from the factory. The router will prompt you to set your data immediately after entering the settings.

Address, password, MAC address on Tenda routers

Tenda has everything as standard. Unless the name of the Wi-Fi network and the user name are indicated.


On my Totolink router, some of the information is printed on the case.

And the MAC address, model, hardware version and as far as I understand serial number indicated below, on a small sticker with a barcode.

Information on the Netis router

Address to enter settings: netis.cc. And everything seems to be standard: MAC, SSID, Password.

I think this information will be enough.

If the factory information is not suitable, for example, login and password, then it is likely that this information has been changed in the router settings. To return the router to factory settings, you need to reset the settings. To do this, you need to hold down for 15 seconds RESET button(Reset). After this, the router will be like new. All settings will be deleted.

If you have anything to add on the topic of the article, or have any questions, write in the comments. Best wishes!

Any user knows that when trying to connect to secure wireless networks, they often receive the message “Enter your network security key.” What is this key, what is it for, how is it used, where to find it and how to identify it various methods, will be discussed further. Actually, every user already knows what it is, but perhaps they simply have no idea about the true state of affairs. In fact, after reading the material presented below, any user will no longer have all questions related to understanding the term itself and the methods used to determine such a key.

What is a network security key in general terms?

So what is understanding? this term? If anyone doesn’t know, the security of wireless networks is ensured by protection from unauthorized access to the network and encryption of transmitted and received data.

At the same time, the concept of a key is in no way related to the type of encryption used, but refers specifically to ensuring secure entry. As many have probably already guessed, the question of what a network security key is has only one correct answer: this is the most common access password, which is entered when prompted by the router. It can consist of any set of Latin letters, numbers and symbols.

How it works?

In the question of what a network security key is, we cannot ignore some aspects related to how it works. The fact is that the request comes not from the wireless network itself, but from the router used (router or ADSL modem).

When you try to connect to the network defined by your computer, laptop or mobile device, a request is made from the device, which is recorded on the router. In turn, it ensures the security of wireless networks and gives you a kind of invitation to connect, but with mandatory confirmation of the access password, which in most cases, except for the use of programs that allow you to calculate the key, provides protection against unauthorized connection. We’ll look at the programs a little later, but for now let’s see how you can find out such a password in different systems and on different devices.

How to find out the network security key in Windows?

And first, let's look at Windows desktop operating systems in relation to users who, for some reason, have forgotten or lost their Wi-Fi passwords. What to do if a computer or laptop connects to the network without problems, but you need to access it from another device (for example, from a mobile device). Where can I get a network security key? This problem can be solved quite simply.

First you need to go to properties established connection, using the “Network and Sharing Center” for this. You can call it either through RMB menu on the connection icon, or go to the appropriate section through the “Control Panel”. The properties window uses the security tab, which contains the network name and password. But it is only displayed as dots. How to find out the network security key? Yes, just check the box next to the item for displaying entered characters, and the password will appear before your eyes.

Why is this happening? Yes, only because any operating system, even with a one-time connection, saves the entered network names and passwords for them, not to mention the connection that is used by default.

Obtaining a key on the router

In principle, if this option does not suit the user for some reason, you can take a longer route by using the router’s web interface to obtain it. To do this, you need to enter the settings through any web browser by entering combinations starting with 192.168, after which either 0.1 or 1.1 is added (for non-standard router models, the addresses may differ quite significantly).

After that, go to the Wireless connection section, and then in the Security subsection, find the field labeled PSK. What is written in it is the key you are looking for. If for some reason you cannot enter the router settings, command line enter the ipconfig combination and look in the default gateway field. This is the address of the router itself.

Defining a security key in Android

We figured out what a network security key is and how to find it in Windows. Now let's see how to perform similar procedures on mobile systems Android. Everything is a little more complicated here.

If the password is not displayed in normal form in the connection settings, you will have to look for it in system files, but to access them on the device you need to have Root rights and any file manager. In the manager, go sequentially through the Data/Music/WiFi directories, and in the last one open Text Document with the name wpa_supplicant.conf, after which find the name in the text the desired network. The corresponding key will be written next to the name.

Using specialized programs

In mobile systems you can use free WiFi utility Password Hacker, which, after launch, scans all connections ever made, and after selecting the desired network, displays the access password used for it on the screen.

If you need to find out the password to someone else's network, you will have to use a somewhat illegal technique called brute force. For Windows systems The most suitable utility is Aircrack-ng, and for Android systems - WIBR. Using them is quite simple, so there is no point in focusing too much on this. But keep in mind that their use, if not illegal, is at least beyond the bounds of decency.

Instead of a total

That's all for consideration of issues related to the concept of a security key. Regarding the concept itself, only one conclusion can be drawn - this is the most common access password. As for how to recognize it, I think there shouldn’t be any special questions, since in any operating system this is done quite simply. WITH mobile devices If you do not have access rights to system directories, there may be problems, but to obtain the appropriate rights you can use, for example, computer utility Kingo Root, which is first installed on the PC, and then installs its own driver on the mobile device, after which you will have superuser rights.