Connecting a Samsung phone to a computer via wifi. Connecting a computer to wi-fi via phone

Knowing how to connect your phone to a computer, you can take advantage of this opportunity to directly transfer data from one device to another.

And without the help of the Internet, and with a fairly high speed.

This may be necessary, for example, to transfer photos from a smartphone camera or multimedia files from a computer to a mobile device to a PC.

After installation on a smartphone, the program requires launch, after which it shows the address that you need to write in the address bar of Explorer on the computer.

This provides the ability to access mobile device data as if it were a regular folder.

Moreover, the user can change, delete and add new files on a removable disk, and in internal and external memory.

USB connection

When connected via USB, the user receives maximum possibilities:

  1. Transfer data at high speed;
  2. Turn on your smartphone as a webcam and communicate using it, for example, on Skype. This option will be the best for users whose PC does not have a camera.
    This is especially convenient considering that modern phones have image resolution at the same level as the most expensive video recording devices.

Advice! Using this connection method, you can access the internal memory of your smartphone - wireless connections do not always allow you to do this.

The disadvantage of this method is the connection of the mobile device to the computer.

At the same time, it will not be possible to make calls from it or go to another room while data is being transferred.

All that is required to connect is a cable (usually microUSB/USB) and a free port on the computer.

In most cases, you don’t even need to install any drivers - just select the storage, modem or webcam mode on your phone.

It is even possible to use the computer as a charger.

When connecting your phone via USB using a cable, you will notice a notification at the bottom about connecting a new device.

After installing the appropriate drivers (usually requires connecting the PC to the Internet), synchronization is completed automatically.

If you have Bluetooth on a laptop or, which is much less common now, on a PC, you can synchronize two devices using such a wireless connection.

To do this, both modules are activated and the computer is searched for compatible devices.

When the smartphone is found, it is connected via Bluetooth, choosing the option without using a passkey.

Possible problems

Sometimes when connecting or attempting to connect, the computer begins installing devices and drivers. All that is required of the user is to wait until the process completes.

If it was not possible to install the control program automatically, do it manually.

Usually the driver is located on the website of the smartphone manufacturer.

Sometimes situations arise when, for proper synchronization, you have to enable debugging on your phone. The developer menu is usually used for this.

After debugging, problems with connecting to the computer disappear.

Some models of mobile devices with less common operating systems (for example, older versions of Windows Mobile or BlackBerry OS) may not immediately connect to the PC.

To fix the problem, an option that can help is to first connect a switched off phone, and only then turn it on, causing the computer to first detect the smartphone, and then automatically or manually install drivers.

Today we will continue to explore the possibilities of WiFi wireless communication, namely, we will connect the phone to the computer via WiFi and thereby be able to transfer files from the computer to Android and back without using any wires.

So what do we need.

First, make sure that your devices - a computer and a smartphone are on the same network, that is, connected to the same router. If this is not the case, then you can use the beginning of the instructions on how to distribute WiFi from a computer (), before setting up the network, just connect to the network created on the computer and you’re done.

Launch ES Explorer -> open the menu (click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper left corner or swipe from left to right) -> and in the “NETWORK” category select the “Remote Access” item:

in the next window you will see that you are connected to such and such a network, here you click on the “Enable” button:

A message will appear that the FTP server is running and an IP address will be provided, which will need to be entered on the computer in order to access the file system from the phone:

Let's go to the settings on the computer

Here we need Total Commander (TC), in principle it is possible without it, we will consider this option below, but still, with TC it is much more convenient. Launch Total Commander and launch FTP, you can do this in different ways, 1st is to press the key combination Ctrl+F, 2nd is to select FTP -> Connect to FTP server in the top menu:

3rd - click on the corresponding icon, see below:

A window will appear for connecting to previously created networks or creating new connections, click “Add”:

and enter your data: Network name (1) - you can write anything - it does not affect the result, Server [Port] (field 2) enter the IP address given to you by the ES conductor on your smartphone, enter only numbers, as in my screenshot below , and that’s it, don’t fill in anything else, click OK:

The newly created connection will appear, select it and click “Connect”:

The connection process has begun...

and the password is the same, leave it blank:

All. You have connected to your phone via WiFi:

Now you can completely manage the files on your Android device from your computer.

Upon completion of file transfer operations, click on the “Disconnect” button:

This is how simple and convenient it is to transfer files from your smartphone to your computer and back, but there are also disadvantages:

1st is low file transfer speed. I don’t know what this is connected with, maybe it’s some kind of problem on my part, but the data transfer speed did not exceed 500 kBytes/sec, which is of course very low for video transmission. Although, logically, there should be much more, in general, try it, maybe your figure will be higher.

2nd - the file creation date is lost, that is, the date is changed to the current date. For example, the date of creation is very important for photographs or recording sound on a voice recorder or video clip, in general - for me, as probably for many, this is a very significant drawback.

And so, for transmitting music or some pictures, the method is quite workable. And of course, this is not the only way, you can use various Android applications for these purposes, as an example: AirDroid, WifiDroid and many many others...

And finally, let's look at a method without using Total Commander.

Everything here is extremely simple. Launch your browser on your computer or some folder or my computer and enter the IP address issued by your mobile device into the address bar, in this case, before the numbers you must add ftp://... and then your IP, example like mine on the screen below, enter the same:

Entered your details, pressed Enter and that’s it - you connected to the phone via Wi-Fi.

Modern smartphones based on Android OS have many of the functions of personal computers. Among other things, they can be used on a home network for the purpose of data exchange. To do this, just connect your smartphone to your computer via WiFi, which is within the capabilities of every user.

PC-Smartphone network: possibilities

The easiest way to connect a smartphone via WiFi is to create a local wireless network. This will allow:

  • share files and folders on your computer with your smartphone;
  • use your smartphone as a local FTP server to change data on it;
  • control your computer via remote desktop access;
  • use the Internet connection of your computer on your smartphone.

PC-Smartphone network: creation

To connect a PC and smartphone to your home network, you can use either a physical router (more convenient) or a virtual one. In the first case, problems, as a rule, do not arise. In the second, you will have to resort to installing and configuring an additional program (free). This is done as follows:

  1. download, install and launch the Virtual Router Manager program;
  2. in the “Network Name (SSID)” field we write the name of our network (any in Latin);
  3. in the “Password” field we write the password to access this network (any 8 numbers and/or letters in Latin);
  4. in the “Shared Connection” list, select the existing Internet connection;
  5. Click the “Start Virtual Router” button.

After this, you need to disable password protected access in the Network and Sharing Center.

Setting up your smartphone

It's easy to join an existing WiFi network on your smartphone. For this:

  1. enter the smartphone settings;
  2. open the “Wireless Networks” section;
  3. turn on WiFi;
  4. go to the “Wi-Fi Settings” subsection;
  5. click on the found network;
  6. enter the password and connect.

Now the smartphone has access to the Internet. You can view shared folders on your computer using a file manager (for example, ES Explorer). This is done as follows:

  1. launch ES Explorer;
  2. click on the arrow icon in the upper left corner;
  3. select the “LAN” item;
  4. press the menu button;
  5. select the “Create” item;
  6. select “Server”;
  7. in the “Address” field we write;
  8. in the “Login” field, indicate the name of your Windows account;
  9. in the “Password” field, enter the password for your Windows account (without a set system password, problems may occur);
  10. Click the “OK” button.

Now, to view “extended” folders and files in Windows, just click on the icon of the created server. Additional information on these issues can be found in our articles

Despite the general trend of computer literacy, there are still many people today whose user experience is not so rich in order to easily solve certain communication or networking problems. If you don’t know how to do it via WiFi, then reading this article will benefit you. However, the methods for comprehensive synchronization of electronic devices and obtaining wireless access to the Internet, which you will learn about from the material below, are also effective for other mobile devices, be it a tablet or a modern smartphone. The main thing is that the computer and the device connected to it must be equipped with a special Wi-Fi module or an adapter of the same name.

Where does networking begin?

Of course, before you receive instructions via WiFi, you need to understand for what purposes you will use the wireless connection. Since for the usual synchronization of a mobile phone with a computer and gaining access to the Internet through a “finished” device, there are various methods. It is worth noting that the last option looks a little more complicated in terms of implementation. However, with the advice outlined in the article, you will achieve your goals without much effort.

How to connect your phone to your computer via WiFi: the easiest way

In the case when the user has a modern laptop and smartphone, the process of “networking” electronic devices comes down to simply pressing a few keys:

  • Turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop.
  • Activate the option to search for wireless network devices on your smartphone.
  • Once your phone detects your laptop, exchange your pins and enjoy the benefits of modern technology.

However, the method presented above may not work if certain drivers are missing on the computer. To fix this kind of “digital trick,” download and install special software on your laptop. For example, after the AirDroid program automatically assigns a special IP address to your smartphone, all you have to do is enter it into the address bar of the browser installed on your computer, and voila! — synchronization has occurred.

Contacts, messages, photos, music and documents: destination - hard drive

When you urgently need to transfer some information to your computer, the question is: “How to connect your phone to your computer via Wi-Fi?” will require permission as soon as possible. The synchronization method described above is quite suitable if you need to save diverse multimedia content or digital documents stored in the “memory area” of the phone on your computer hard drive. However, even if you copy (in the manner described above) the phone book to your PC’s hard drive, it is unlikely that you will be able to familiarize yourself with the contents of the resulting container. As you understand, in such a situation you will need a specialized program, the use of which will certainly be a practical answer to your question “how to connect a smartphone via Wi-Fi to a computer.” By the way, if you have not yet installed on your PC a proprietary utility from the manufacturer of your phone (software that allows you to seamlessly work with your device on a desktop or laptop), know: you have lost a lot...

I want unlimited internet!

We will divide the next option for using Wi-Fi wireless technology into two subtypes. The first is connecting to the global network through an independent router, which is an access point. The second is a similar method, in which the user uses a laptop. Let's look at the first option in more detail.

The router gives the go-ahead for connection!

So, dear reader, we bring to your attention a “visual” answer to the question: “How to connect your phone to a computer via a WiFi router?” By the way, after implementing the instructions described below, you will be able not only to view files and recordings stored in the smartphone’s memory on the PC screen, but also to do the opposite - open computer folders directly on the mobile device, as well as play multimedia content using the phone’s hardware. Agree, this is incredibly convenient when the only PC in the family is occupied by one of the family members.

Software and local network organization

Connecting an Android device to a computer via Wi-Fi (using the described method) involves the use of special software, which must first be installed on the smartphone. However, any other mobile operating system will also require the installation of third-party software to implement the network project being covered.

  • So, let's take "ES Explorer" as an example. This application is distributed absolutely free of charge through the Play Market, from where you are invited to download it.
  • After installing and launching this software, go to the “LAN” tab.
  • Next, you need to run the “SCAN” command and find the local computer.
  • The next step is to click the “Create” button and set the connection parameters.

As a result, you will get a practical answer to the question: “How to connect Android via WiFi to a network or computer?”

What wasn't said...

It should be noted that you must first configure the local network: activate the network discovery option for all network profiles and check the automatic configuration option, and also disable password protection for network access. In the properties of folders that you want to open on your smartphone, all restrictions for general use must be removed. Remember: if your device finally sees the network, but nevertheless cannot open a single Internet page, all this indicates that the network parameters and settings are incorrect.

Second option: we distribute the Internet from a laptop

  • Download and install the VirtualRouter Plus program.
  • After launching the mentioned software, in the window that opens, specify the connection name, set a password and select the working network in the lowest checkbox.
  • Click the "Start Virtual" button.

Now you can easily access the Internet using your laptop as a router. Of course, the laptop must have a connection to the global network via a power cord.

Summing up

Congratulations: you have become the owner of the knowledge of how to connect your phone to a PC via WiFi. Perhaps, to the great regret of many, we did not touch on Bluetooth wireless connection technology due to the impossibility of covering everything in one article. However, we will still mention something: when using “blue tooth” in organizing the above-described network circuits, the user is unlikely to be pleased with the correctness and speed of data transfer. Therefore, arm yourself with new technologies, and leave Bluetooth for exchanging data with devices that do not have Wi-Fi capabilities. Wishing you high-speed connection and fruitful Internet sessions!

Although computer literacy is now widespread, not everyone can solve many technical difficulties. If you are interested in how to connect your phone to a computer via WiFi, then you should read the information in this article.

This procedure is simple. The main thing is that there is a WiFi module available. If it is on your computer, then you can connect other devices to it, for example, a tablet, smartphone or laptop.


What is WiFi? This is a wireless system that provides access to the Internet. It uses radio channels to transmit data. But for this system to work, an access point is needed. In homes for this purpose, a router is often installed, which provides constant access to the Global Network within the premises.

WiFi is considered a convenient feature, because thanks to it you can use the network from several devices, and not from one, as happens with wired Internet.

Where to begin?

Before you find out via WiFi, you should understand what such a Network will be used for, since different methods are used to routinely synchronize a mobile with a PC and gain access to the Internet. The last method is more complicated. But using simple tips, you can achieve your goals.

The easiest option

When the user has a modern laptop and smartphone, connecting devices is easy and simple. To do this, you need to perform several steps:

  1. Enable the WiFi function on your computer.
  2. Activate the wireless search option.
  3. When your phone indicates a laptop, “exchange” pins.

But this method will not work if the computer does not have the appropriate drivers. To eliminate this drawback, you need to install the software on your laptop. For example, after the AirDroid program assigns an IP address to your smartphone, you should enter it in the address field of the computer. This completes the synchronization.

Sending data when you need to send information to a PC may raise the question of how to connect your phone to your computer via WiFi. And the above method can be used if you need to save multimedia or digital files in the phone’s memory on the hard drive.

When copying a phone book to a hard drive, you will not be able to find out the contents of the container. To do this, you need a special program, the use of which will more fully answer the question of how to connect your phone to a computer via WiFi.

Unlimited Internet

To use WiFi wireless technology, there are 2 options. According to the first, connection to the Network occurs regardless of the router, which is recognized as an access point. If you need to use the second method, then computer hardware is used for this.

Using a Router

How to connect your phone to your computer via WiFi for the Internet? To do this, special software is used, which must first be downloaded to your smartphone. Only the operating system must be Android. If it is different, then installation of third-party software is necessary.

As an example, you can take “ES Explorer”. This program is considered free, it is installed through the Play Market:

  • Once the installation is complete, you need to find the LAN section.
  • Then you should load the SCAN function.
  • Then find a local PC.
  • Click the “Create” button.
  • And be sure to set the connection parameters.

After this, the user can view files and recordings located in the phone's memory. On a PC you can perform other actions - use computer folders on a mobile device. It should be noted that this is a very convenient service when, for example, there is one computer in a family.

Other things to consider

Before connecting, the user needs to configure the local network in advance: enable the network discovery option for different network profiles. You must check the automatic setup box and also disable password protection.

There should be no restrictions on smartphone folders. They must be removed so that they can be used freely. If a network is detected, but pages on the network do not open, this most often indicates that the device is not configured correctly.

In general, having a router in the room allows you to use the Internet on any device. You just need to configure them correctly and connect them.

Another method

How to connect your phone to your computer via WiFi without a router? You need to download the VirtualRouter Plus system. When it is opened, you should indicate the connection name, enter the password and working network.

The user needs to click the Start Virtual button. After this, he will have access to the Internet, since the laptop will serve as a router. But for this, the computer must be connected to the network using a cord.


After familiarizing yourself with the listed methods, you will understand how to connect your phone to your computer via WiFi. Windows 7 and other versions of the operating system can work using both methods. And thanks to this, users will have access to the Internet on two devices.