How to find out the router password on your computer. How to find out your neighbor's WiFi password. Find out the WiFi router password

As soon as the computer connects to the Wi-Fi network, it will no longer ask for its password. And most users easily forget this password, especially if it was written down on some piece of paper. This is not a problem until you need to connect another device to the same Wi-Fi - for example, a phone or tablet.

I will show you several proven ways to view your password, which are suitable for any popular operating system (Windows 7, 8, 10).

The easiest way to find out the Wi-Fi password

1 . Left-click on this icon in the tray.

It is located in the lower right corner of the screen, between the alphabet and the clock. Sometimes this icon is hidden under a small arrow.

2. In the window that appears, right-click on the network for which you need to find out the password and select “Properties.”

3. We check the box “Display entered characters” and the computer shows the wifi password in the “Network security key” field.

Another easy way

This option is a little more complicated, but it shows all wireless networks to which the computer has connected, and not just active ones.

1 . Right-click on the tray icon and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

2. A window will open, on the left side of which select “Wireless Network Management”.

3. Right-click on the desired network and select “Properties”.

4 . Go to the “Security” tab and check the box next to “Display entered characters”.

If there is no “Manage wireless networks” item, then click on “Change adapter settings”, right-click on the desired connection and select “Status”. In the window, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button, go to the “Security” tab and check the box next to “Display entered characters”.

Retrieving the password through the program

There is such a wonderful free program WirelessKeyView. Thanks to it, you can view passwords from all points to which the computer was connected. There is no need to install it: just download from the official website, unpack and run the program file. If wifi points do not appear immediately, click on the icon

That's all :)

Of the minuses, it should be noted that some antiviruses swear at it, since the program interferes with the settings (my Kaspersky, for example, caused a panic). If this does not bother you, use it to your health.

We look at the password for our Wi-Fi in the router settings

This method is good because only thanks to it you can find out a password that the computer does not know at all. For example, Windows was reinstalled, but you don’t remember the password for your Wi-Fi and now you can’t connect. So in this case, a router will help.

A router is the thing that “distributes” the Internet. It looks something like this:

Among other things, its settings store a password. To find it, you need to connect the router to the computer via a power cord (usually included).

If the computer remembers the password and connects to the network, then you don’t have to do this.

1 . Open the browser (Internet program), type in the address bar and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

Most often, after this, a login/password request appears. If this does not happen, try other addresses:,, or But if they don’t fit either, then take the router, turn it over and find its IP address on the sticker.

For example, I didn’t even have an address on the sticker. Then I copied the router model from it (in my case Huawei HG8245A) and entered the request “huawei hg8245a ip address” into the search engine. It turned out that the default address is different, as is the login and password.

2. In the window that appears, enter the login admin and password admin.

Usually this data is suitable (if no one specifically changed it). But there may be other options, for example, root or user. They are usually written on the router itself - on a sticker on the other side.

3. Open the Wireless or WLAN tab and look for the password there. Often it is located in the Wireless Security item (Security Settings or Wireless Protection).

As a rule, the password is written in a column where there is the word Key, Password or Password. Often, to see it, you need to uncheck it.

By the way, it happens that it is written immediately when you open the router settings.

If it doesn't help

Then you can reset all the router settings to factory settings. But in this case, you will have to configure it yourself: specify the Internet connection parameters, network name and password.

To reset the settings on the router there is a small, deeply hidden Reset button (usually it is located on the back).

We clamp it with some sharp object for ten seconds. After this, all settings will be reset, and the router will be as good as new - all that remains is to configure it.

In this article, you will understand how to find out the WiFi password. Losing access to a wireless network is one of the common problems of the average user. We will tell you how to find out the WiFi password on a laptop, computer and mobile device.

Where to find the Wi-Fi password on a computer or laptop

The access code can be very easily found out through a computer if your device is connected to an active Wi-Fi network. To do this, you need to look at the access code in the Network Control Center. It is possible that your device is not connected to a valid network, then you will not be able to view the password on your computer. We will discuss below how to return the password on the router in such cases.

Windows 7, 8, 10

In these operating systems, finding out the security code is not very difficult. In the “seven”, “eight” and “ten” everything is very similar, and the instructions there will be the same. There are a couple of separate nuances, which we will discuss below.

Some versions of the OS do not display the “Manage wireless networks” item in the settings. For such systems, when opening a window from the tray (as written above), we do not go to the “Sharing Control Center”, but right-click the grid itself in the line of active connections and go to its properties. Next, we proceed in the same way as described before.

Windows XP

Finding out the WiFi password on a computer with Windows XP installed will be a little more difficult than with its “younger” versions. To do this, you will need to re-establish the connection manually using the “Wireless Network Wizard”.

Looking for a password in the router settings

How to find out the password for the network we are interested in if there is no way to connect to it. The access key is also located on the router that serves your network. The router always comes with a “patch cord” (this is a small piece of twisted pair cable, crimped on both sides with “RJ-45” connectors). We must physically connect the device that distributes the Internet to the computer/laptop.

Login to the web interface

In order to find out/change the access code in the router settings, you need to go to the “web interface” (this is the graphical shell of the router’s operating system). You will learn where to find the entrance from the following instructions.

Password location for different router models

Manufacturers of devices for creating wireless networks, for the most part, try to give an individual look to the interface of their devices. Therefore, it is not so easy to find out the password for your WiFi if the router you are so used to has changed. An unfamiliar interface confuses the user, and the fear of “clicking the wrong thing” does not allow one to calmly understand the new settings. In the continuation of the article, we will look at how to find the access code to your network using examples from world leaders in the production of equipment of this type.


In routers from this manufacturer, you can find the password by clicking on the “Security Settings” link, which can be found in the Wi-Fi tab of the main menu of the router interface. The password will be in the line “PSK Encryption Key”. At this point you can change it; to do this, enter a new eight-digit security code in the field (the encryption system does not support security keys of less than 8 characters) and click “Apply”.


To find out the password for this company’s router, find “Advanced settings” in the main menu of the device. Select the wireless network tab, and in the menu on the right you will find the line “WPA Pre-Shared Key”. This is the security key for your Wi-Fi network.


You can view your password on the TP-Link router in the “Wireless Security” menu, which can be accessed from the main menu. Next, everything depends on the choice of encryption, in the case of WEP protection we find the security code in the “Key 1” line, in Enterprise mode this is the security code from the “Radius server”, and in personal mode “PSK Password”.


To find out the WiFi password on the trend, find the item “Security code for a wireless network” on the main page of the web interface.


You can see the key to the wireless network if you click on the icon in the form of a telephone network icon at the bottom of the interface, go to the “Access Points” section and look at the “Network Key” field.


The Wi-Fi password is located behind the stylized image of the wireless network in the tab of the same name. We look at the line “Password” - this is your Wi-Fi access code.

Reset all router settings and enter a new password

If you have forgotten your password, it is possible to completely reset all the settings of the router to those that left the factory (this is a common practice in case of any “glitches” related to the hardware software). This, of course, will not help you remember the password, but it will be reset to the standard one (there are cases when the factory settings imply no password-protected access to the World Wide Web). You can find out what your standard access code is on the back cover of the device or in the instructions for it. After the reset, you can easily set a new access code (generally, you can change the password in the place where you found it in the separate instructions for the devices).

Probably everyone has had the experience of forgetting the password for the WiFi network they previously connected to. After reading this article, this will no longer be a problem for you. Because here we have collected all the possible ways to recover forgotten passwords.

How to view a forgotten WiFi password in system settings

If you have forgotten your WiFi password, you can always look at the saved passwords on your computer. By default, Windows saves passwords for all WiFi networks it connects to. Therefore, it is likely that the password you need will be stored in the system settings and you will be able to retrieve it from there.

In order to view the forgotten WiFi password in the system settings, you need to open the “Network and Sharing Center”. The easiest way to do this is using the WiFi icon on the taskbar. Right-click on it and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

You can also open the Network and Sharing Center through the Control Panel. To do this, open the “Control Panel”, and then go to the “View network status and tasks” section.

After opening the Network and Sharing Center, you need to open the Manage Wireless Networks section, the link to which is in the left side menu.

After this, you should see a list of WiFi networks to which you connected. In order to view a forgotten WiFi password, you need to right-click on the desired network and open “Properties”.

The “Wireless Network Properties” window should now open in front of you. In this window, you need to go to the “Security” tab and check the box next to the “Display entered characters” function. After this, your forgotten Wi-Fi password will appear in the “Network Security Key” text field.

Quite often, users are faced with the fact that they do not have a link to “Manage wireless networks” in the “Network and Sharing Center”. If you have the same situation, then you can look up your forgotten Wi-Fi password in another way.

Click on the Wi-Fi network icon on the taskbar. In the window that opens, find the Wi-Fi network you need, right-click on it and open its properties. After this, you will be able to view your forgotten password as described above.

The only negative is that this method only works when you are within the coverage radius of the Wi-Fi network for which you want to find out the password.

How to find out a forgotten WiFi password using WirelessKeyView

If the method described above for recovering forgotten passwords for some reason does not work for you, then you can try using the WirelessKeyView program.

The main purpose of the program is to view saved WiFi passwords. The program developers claim that the program works with all versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP. Moreover, the program is completely free, and you can.

In order to find out your forgotten WiFi password, simply run this program on your computer with administrator rights. After this, the program will display a list of WiFi networks, information about which is saved on the computer. The password for the WiFi network can be viewed in the “Key (Ascii)” column.

If necessary, you can copy the password. To do this, right-click on the desired WiFi network and select “Copy Key (Ascii)”.

How to look up a forgotten password on a router

If you have access to the router settings, then you can view the password through the router. To do this, open any browser and enter .

As a result, you should be taken to the router's web interface. Here you need to find the section with Wi-Fi network settings. In this section you can view your forgotten password.

How to recover a forgotten password using an Android device

Another way to recover a forgotten password is on an Android smartphone or tablet. This method can be used if there is a saved password on your Android device and you have ROOT rights.

To recover a forgotten password, simply download and run. This application will display information about all Wi-Fi networks to which the Android device has ever connected.

You can also view information about saved Wi-Fi networks manually. To do this, open the “wpa_supplicant.conf” file, which is located in the “data/misc/wifi” folder.

If you open this file using any text editor, you can get all the information about saved Wi-Fi networks.

A Wi-Fi network is available in most places - in restaurants, cafes, not to mention the fact that every second user has one at home.

You might think that we all have access to the Internet. In any city there are many establishments where you can connect to a wifi point.

But here, too, everything is not so simple, because to connect you need to know the password. Of course, there are points without a password set, but you still need to look for those.

It is installed so that others do not use it. If there are many devices connected to the connection, the speed will be lower. The question immediately arises: “How to get access to Wi-Fi with a password?” It is available only to those who have a router installed.

What are the ways to find out the password?

There are certain methods that will help you find out your password:

  • Receive a password from an employee of the establishment if the connection will be made at this location. If you live nearby, then you can get access through a waiter or administrator for a small gift. But given that the password can be changed very often, this method is not optimal;
  • Try to determine the password yourself by guessing. Many people don’t go overboard and don’t come up with complicated passwords. In most cases, these are numbers from 1 to 5 or the first five letters on the keyboard. The developers of the operating system foresaw that many would want to find out the password and use the neighborhood Internet. It should be remembered that there is a certain limitation with a certain number of incorrectly entered combinations. Some networks, if you enter three inaccurate passwords, block the connection to the wifi point, in which case you must wait 24 hours to try to gain access again;
  • Use special programs that are deliberately created for the purpose of obtaining the password from your neighbor’s wifi. But it’s worth noting right away that the program can take a long time to run, because passwords can be extremely complex and it won’t be so easy to find them out. Also, when downloading such spyware, you can get a lot of viruses;
  • It is possible to intercept packets. Let’s make a reservation right away: to be able to hack a Wi-Fi network using packets, you need to work hard, because the method is complex, but practical. If the user has good knowledge of IT, then you can try. There are programs Comm View or Back Track, and many others. They work on the principle of intercepting information when the router user enters the wifi password. The data arrives on your device.

New methods are becoming available every day, which are also quite effective.

Once the password is available, you do not need to disclose it to your friends. When most people connect to one network, the data transfer speed will become noticeably slower and as a result, the Internet owner will be able to find out that other devices are using his network. Then he will come up with a new code.

Connection via WEB protocol

It is also possible to hack a neighbor's wifi using the WEB protocol. This method is a web key interception.

First, you should download and install special software Aircrack-ng on your computer. Next we launch the CommView for Wi-Fi software.

When you start it for the first time, you need to install drivers. Now reboot your PC. When the computer turns on, open the program and begin connecting to someone else's network.

Changing the mac address to find out the data for accessing someone else's network

Some do not set a Wi-Fi ban in the form of a password, but simply use Mac address filtering. The network seems to be accessible without a password, but connecting to it is not possible.

Let's first define the concept of mac address. This is an identifier set for devices that connect to a specific network.

To detect the router's address, there are special software that intercept information at the moment when the Internet owner is online and data is being transferred. After you have received the information, simply change the mac address on your PC to the one that will be on the allowed list.

Only after completing this action will it be possible to access sites through the neighbor’s wifi access point.

To set a new address through your computer, you need to open the “Control Panel”. There, go to “Network Neighborhood” and find the “Change adapter settings” item. Right-click on the connection icon, go to the “Properties” column and look for settings.

There will be a line for replacing the network address, where we enter the received poppy address, consisting of twelve digits. We restart the connection and use “free” access to the wifi network.

Today anything is possible. You can open up wide possibilities for yourself. Finding out what password is set on someone else’s router will not be a big problem if you follow the above recommendations.

There is nothing labor-intensive about this; you need to carefully read the recommendations and do as indicated.

It often happens that the Internet is distributed via a Wi-Fi wireless network, and there is a need to connect a new device to an already working network, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. Such a “first” connection in most cases requires entering a password, which is set during the basic setup of the router and protects the network from unauthorized access by third-party users. Since a lot of time often passes between configuring Wi-Fi and connecting a new client, it is not always possible to remember the network password at the right time. What to do if you forgot your Wi-Fi password? The problem, I must say, is solved quite simply, and we will tell you exactly how in this article.

How to view the Wi-Fi password on a computer with Windows 7/10

This method only works if you already have a computer connected to a Wi-Fi network. Moreover, in Windows 7 and Windows 10, the procedure for finding the required password will not be different. So first we need to go to Network and Sharing Center. To do this, right-click on the current connection icon on the taskbar, and then follow the corresponding link (you can also get to the section through the Windows Control Panel).

In the left menu select the item Change adapter settings.

Double-click on the icon and in the window that opens, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button.

We go to the “Security” tab, where in the “Network security key” field the password we need is hidden. To display it, check the box next to the “Display entered characters” option.

Thus, we were able to view the password for our Wi-Fi through a computer connected to the target wireless network. If for some reason you were unable to determine your password using the above method, then follow the instructions below.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password through the router settings

Since the password for the Wi-Fi router is written in the settings of the router itself, then, of course, you can also look it up there. Let's look at how to go to the configuration page and find the desired section using the example of two popular router models: and.

We will connect from a computer connected to the router via cable. To get to the administrative section, enter the IP address in the line of any browser . Then we log in using the username and password (admin and admin by default).

Let's move along the branch Wireless - Wireless Security. The required key will be in the field Wireless password.

As we can see, everything is very simple.

We go into the settings of the D-Link router in the same way as in the case of TP Link. Next, in the interface, select the section Wi-Fi - Security Settings. Look at the password in the field PSK encryption key.

For routers from other manufacturers, approximately the same scheme works, only the name and location of the Wi-Fi configuration tab differ. If you cannot enter the control panel of the router (forgot your password), then all that remains is to reset its settings to factory settings using a special button on the case (usually labeled RESET). Then you can log in with standard data, which must be indicated on the router itself. Typically this is admin And admin. Next, simply set new security parameters for the wireless network, and you will no longer need to find out the old Wi-Fi password. However, when you roll back to the factory state, you will have to reconfigure the Internet connection itself.