How to make the program start automatically. How to create your own programs? How to create a fake program

In the operating room Windows system very easy to implement automatic start programs, for example, so that immediately after turning on the computer, a virus scan occurs. At the same time, if something starts automatically in Windows, getting rid of it is not so easy.

Automatic launch of programs implies the presence special folder C:\Windows\Main Menu\Programs\Startup. I have this folder empty because there is no need for it today.

But, if you place a shortcut for a program in it (precisely a shortcut!), it will launch automatically along with Windows. If there are several program shortcuts in this folder, they will be launched in the order in which they were placed (we bet you didn’t know this fact :)).

To get rid of the automatic launch of a program, remove its shortcut from the Startup folder. True, this does not always help. The fact is that Windows provides several ways to automatically start, and very often during installation experiments various programs we are faced with the fact that they reconfigure the operating system in such a way that it becomes difficult to get rid of them.

I will not give a complete technology for getting rid of “obsessive programs”, since this requires editing Windows Registry and, accordingly, special literature and professional skills (to be honest, I’ll add more in the next 24 hours). But one place where you can take some limited measures, I will now tell you.

Run the program - System Configuration (System Information), to do this: click Start > Execute or click the button on Windows keyboard+ R. The following window will open:

Then in this window we type the command - msconfig, which will launch the system configuration. In the window of this program, on the Startup tab, you will see a list of programs that start automatically. For me, at the time of writing, it looks like this:

You can often see good things here hidden programs, periodically reminding us that it would be a good idea to register one or another program installed on the computer. You can turn off such reminders here ;).

Important. After you remove several (or all, you never know) unnecessary checkboxes, especially pay attention to programs that do not have a manufacturer specified, click Apply and Ok. Afterwards, restart your computer, paying attention to the speed Windows startup and the system enters full operating mode.

If the download speed has changed in better side, then most likely you have disabled “unnecessary” programs in Startup that were interfering with quick start systems. If there are no improvements, then run the system configuration again, as described above, and pay attention to whether there are any programs in Startup that you unchecked. If the check mark appears again, then this is exactly the case when you need to delete certain registry entries of these newly appeared programs.

I’ll write about this in the next article, don’t miss it, subscribe to site updates.

How often do you want to create something that would allow you to emulate part of the obligations of some program or create a decoy program for someone... But how to implement this? who will do what you want? What do you need to be able to do for this, and what kind of knowledge is needed? The advantage is that when you do it yourself, you can create a program for free for yourself, and you only have to spend your own time.

A fake program is an application that partially has functionality and design similar to the program being faked. But fakes are not created for this purpose. They are needed to create the illusion of working with software product and, as a rule, record certain data. Which? Perhaps these are access passwords to a specific program that was tampered with.

The action of a fake program can be described as follows.

Let's say that there is an organization (university, school, etc.) where there are computers. They can only be accessed System Administrator, which enters passwords. To get them, a program is created that emulates a computer failure, and the user asks the administrator to enter a password, which will be saved in separate file. How to create a fake program for this purpose? You will read about this further. So, the administrator thinks that he is entering a password to log in to the system, but in fact he is entering it into the emulation. When the emulation ends, the user can easily read the password that was saved, remember it and be able to log into the computer whenever he wants. These are the prospects that open up for those who pose the question: “how to create your own programs that will do what the developer himself wants?”

How are programs created in general?

Now we will learn how to create a fake program separately. Doing this is quite problematic, because to do this you need to know a programming language (and often more than one) and understand what needs to be applied and how. Before you start creating, you need to find a development environment for this language. They come in as fairly simple ones that you can just compile source, and quite complex ones in which you can work graphically. The latest development environments still have a debugger and additional functionality that will make it easier to create files, as well as find and fix errors. Here's how to create a fake program that's ready to use. All that remains for the user to do is to type the code that will be responsible for certain actions graphic elements, eliminate the errors - and the program is ready. A general schematic answer to the question “How to create your own programs?” not that complicated, much more complicated is practical implementation.

What do you need to create your own program?

You need two main components: knowledge and a development environment. Where can I find knowledge on creating a program? For this, there are specialized websites and forums for programmers, and there are also separate websites for different programming languages. But as original base Books are suitable for gaining knowledge. And then you should look for lessons on topics of interest, ask questions to professionals in your field. If you don’t have a clear idea of ​​what first steps to take, then you can look for a university course on creating programs in a particular language.

Next, you should select a development environment. For a newcomer, you need to find an environment that will have a debugger that allows you to find and edit various errors. In this case, the practical implementation of the answer to the question “How to create your own programs?” will happen much faster and easier.

What programming language should I write in?

You can create almost any program in almost any programming language. The only question is how difficult it will be and how long it will take. Beginners can be advised to take a closer look at two programming languages.

  1. "Pascal". An old, well-established language that is very easy to understand. It's perfect for counterfeiting, not very good complex program or for minor emulation. You can try to make a kind of masterpiece with it, but it will be very problematic. Although, if you have no experience in programming, then “Pascal” is suitable for initial familiarization and easier achievement of the goal.
  2. C++. A more functional and at the same time more complex programming language. If you decide to write in it, you can expect that the program will take a little more time, but at the same time you can say that it will be more perfect (if you put in enough effort). It will be difficult for beginners in programming, but if you master C++ while creating your program, you will not regret it in the future, because thanks to its versatility it is very widely used.

Features of creating programs on a computer

How to create programs on your computer that will do what you want? What features of this process exist, and what you need to know about when creating software? The processes for creating programs intended for a computer or for mobile devices are slightly different. So, first of all, you should take into account that they have different OS, they can be programmed to different languages(and as a result, the program that worked perfectly on the computer does not work on the phone).

But what can be said about creating programs on a computer? First of all, it is worth mentioning the versatility of their work: you can write a program in any programming language, and it will work. You don't need to install anything extra, you just need to launch it. Frequently when used small program, which fits into one file and does not require registering, you only need to run it, which is useful on computers with restricted access to installing programs.

Features of creating programs on Android

How to create your own programs on Android? Considering great amount mobile devices and a large field for selection, only the creation of programs for Android will be considered. It should be noted here that mobile devices are less versatile than computers. Therefore, when developing a fake program, you should always take into account the device version - otherwise there is a possibility that it will not work. It is also necessary to take into account the features of data transfer from

How to create a clever fake program?

Now that you know the general path that a fake program takes before it starts functioning, you should talk about planning its creation. It is necessary to decide on the functionality that it will have. After all, perhaps the one who should fall for her will want to poke her different buttons and icons. You don't have to create anything extra, you can just add a message that because unknown problem the action cannot be performed. It is also necessary to think through the options if a person wants to try running a different program. It is necessary to think through the design concept and protection in case it is determined that the program is fake. It is important to make sure that it is impossible to find where the necessary information is hidden.


As you can see, creating programs is not that difficult; it just requires practice. But in the end I would like to inform you that you should not forget about the legislation Russian Federation, according to which the creation of such programs may be regarded as fraud. Administrative measures may be applied, and in case of causing material damage and criminal punishment.

Even ordinary user Internet connection is sometimes required so that when you turn on the computer a program started automatically.

This can be created for ease of use, so as not to include several applications yourself, or for business reasons, for example, so that when the computer starts, some Web Server or FTP server, which colleagues can use. Usually, many programs have the ability to configure launch when the computer starts; usually there is a checkbox in the settings « run at Windows startup» . But what to do if this is not possible? How can I add an application to startup myself?

How to manually add a program to Windows startup?

Overall, this is very easy to do. There are several options for how this can be done.

Copy the shortcut of the desired program to the folder For example, we have a program Microsoft Word. We want Word to launch when Windows starts. We have to:

  • We create a shortcut to the program we need, in our example we use Microsoft program Word.

  • Next, we find the created Word shortcut on the desktop and now we need to copy it or move it to the startup folder.

Open the startup folder. It is located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ Start Menu\Programs\Startup(you can also get there by pressing Win+R and in the window type shell:Common Startup)

You can copy this path and paste it into any window.

We paste the shortcut into this folder and now after rebooting the computer you will have run every time Microsoft Word - automatically.

Note. Usually you can get to the startup folder only by copying the path; you won’t be able to get into it directly, since it is hidden by default. You can read our article on how to enable the display of hidden files in Windows. Then you can go to the folder directly.

Method No. 2. Add a registry value to the Run folder.

There is a more complicated method, for more advanced computer users. You can add a launch specific program by creating values ​​in the registry, in this case there will be no need to create a shortcut anywhere and nothing will be displayed in the folder.

  • Press the key combination Win + R, the “Run” window will open, in it we type regedit - this command will open the registry editor for us.

In the editor, go to the following path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

After you have created a string parameter, click edit and insert the path to EXE file, which we are going to launch. In our case it is Word.

Ready. After the reboot, Word will launch.

Note: It will run only under this user; if there are many users on the computer, then you need to enter information for each in the registry.

Method No. 3. Delayed program launch when Windows starts.

What is delayed start? This is an automatic launch of the program, but after certain period time. For example, the system has already booted, and the program will start in 30 seconds. In what case might this be needed? For example, if you have many applications running, which creates huge computer slowdowns. With a delayed start, this problem will not occur. Sometimes there are cases that programs cannot start “immediately”, this depends on the specifics of the application, in this case it also helps this type launch.

How to implement?

This type of launch can only be configured by third party means, for example using the program AnVir Task Manager (

Often, during installation, programs themselves add themselves to autorun and start when you turn on the computer, but what to do if the desired program does not start when you turn on the computer? Of course, you can just open it from a shortcut, but you can also add it to autorun so that it starts every time you turn on the computer.

Most often, users ask the question so that the computer does not slow down so much, and we discussed this earlier. Today we’ll look at a couple of ways to add programs to startup so that they start when you turn on the computer.

Make the program start when you turn on the computer

The first way is a shortcut desired application paste into startup folder. If you don't have a shortcut for the application you want, first . If the shortcut already exists, you need to copy it to the startup folder. Follow the path in Explorer C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

where "username" is the name under which you log into Windows, AppData folder is hidden, that is, to access it you need to enable .

The easiest way to open the startup folder is to press Win+r keys

write down the command shell:startup and press Enter

The startup folder will open, if you insert any program shortcut here, then this program will start every time you turn on the computer. Click on the desired shortcut with the left mouse button and, without releasing the key, drag it to the startup folder, only then release the key. Using this method, you will move the shortcut from the desktop to the startup folder.

Method two: click on the shortcut right key mouse - select from the appeared "copy" and in the startup folder in empty space right click => paste.

If you want this program to start for all computer users, its shortcut must be placed in the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. To open it through execute, you need to press the Win + R keys and enter the command shell:common startup, then press Enter.

These methods of adding an application to launch from the computer start are the simplest. There is, of course, another option to download additional software (that is, additional garbage) to your computer, which will do the same thing but through a different interface, but is it worth it? There are also branches in the registry editor into which you can add the necessary programs for autorun





But again, why complicate everything? Add these methods the desired program, so that it starts when you turn on the computer - that should be enough for you. If you have any additions, write comments! Good luck to you :)

Hello! Friends, do you know what I do on almost every computer that comes into my possession? That's right, I'm cleaning the list of startup programs. When I turn on someone else's computer, about 80% of the time I want to cry :). I simply cannot observe the process when, along with turning on the computer, another 20 programs are launched, and the computer seems to have already turned on, but you need to wait a few more minutes until you can open the folder, etc.

As you already understand, I will write about how to remove programs from startup, and thereby speed up the computer boot many times. In the article, I also wrote about startup programs, and how to clear the startup list. But there I wrote how to do it using the program Total Commander, also with additional utilities, yes and like that Total version I'm probably the only one who has Commander :), it's already old.

I remember I was still uneducated in computer science, and my computer broke down, Windows crashed, I don’t remember exactly. And I took mine system unit for repairs to a friend. He did everything for me, for only 20 UAH. and then installed this Total Commander (by the way, I installed it on autostart, I suffered for a long time until I removed it from there :)) and since then I have been using it, although I only use it to clean the system, it has good utility. Okay, enough memories :), on to the point.

So in this article I will write about how to remove programs from startup using standard utility on Windows. There are many programs for this, but I understand that you don’t always want to download and install some additional programs, then also understand them. Moreover, if it is possible to do everything as a built-in tool.

Why clear the list of programs in startup?

Let's first figure out where they come from. It's very simple, you install different programs, some you install yourself, and some are installed without your help. Some programs are added to the startup list, and when you turn on the computer, they start themselves. Sometimes it is convenient, and even necessary. It’s good when, for example, Skype, antivirus, etc. start automatically.

There are programs that run automatically, but you don’t need them at all, or you need them very rarely. For example the same DAEMON Tools Lite, great program, but for example, I need it once a month, and I can run it myself. But here it starts all the time when you turn on the computer. Okay, as long as it starts up, it also works all the time and eats RAM. And if there are such useless programs ten or more? This all greatly affects the speed at which the computer turns on and its operation.

I think you already understand where programs in startup come from and why they start themselves when you turn on the computer. In short, autorun is a list of programs that should start when you turn on the computer.

Why they need to be removed from there, I think you already understand. All this is done in order to increase the boot speed of the computer and increase the speed of its operation. After all, all these programs that are always running, of course, slow down the computer, and sometimes they also secretly use the Internet connection, I wrote about this case in the article.

So, let’s clean the startup list and your computer will start breathing in a new way! Of course I turned it off unnecessary programs from startup, but I still check it from time to time. It happens that garbage appears on this list again.

How to remove programs that start when you turn on your computer?

As I promised, we will use the standard tool.

On Windows 7:"Start" "All programs", “Standard”, look for and run the “Run” utility.

On Windows XP:“Start”, “Run”.

In the window that appears, enter the command msconfig and click “Ok”.

A window will open in which we go to the tab. We look at the list and remove all programs that you do not need to autoload.

Be careful!

Do not uncheck programs that you do not know. If you want, you can type the name of the program from the list in a search, for example in Google, and see what kind of program it is. After checking, you can decide whether to disable it or not.

As you can see, my startup list is very modest. After you remove everything unnecessary (uncheck the boxes), click “Apply” and “OK”.

It happens that unnecessary programs may still be among the services. Therefore, in the window that we opened above, go to the “Services” tab. Immediately check the box next to “Do not display Microsoft services”. And uncheck unnecessary services. To save the result, click “Apply” and “Ok”.

A message will appear, you can exit without rebooting, or restart your computer.

If you have disabled a decent number of programs and services, then after a reboot you will see how much faster your computer will turn on and work. I hope that my advice will be useful to you and that you will use it, since it has a very good effect. Good luck!

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How to remove programs from startup (autorun)? Speed ​​up your computer boot updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin