How does a voice recorder work? Appearance and dimensions. How to choose a voice recorder for lectures

A voice recorder is a device with which you can record a conversation and listen to it over time. This device is most often used by trainees or lecturers, journalists and other people who need to record a conversation so as not to forget important aspects of it.

The voice recorder was invented in the 20s of the 20th century. It was a large and awkward magnetic tape device. Only one hour of conversation was recorded on it. The development of new technologies has made it possible to create convenient and compact voice recorders, and latest models increasingly complemented with different functions.

Types of voice recorders

Conventionally, there are two types of voice recorders - analog and electronic. Analog view The voice recorder records the conversation on magnetic tape. In some ways it resembles a small one cassette recorder. The digital voice recorder records on a microchip or built-in memory card, and also has a large number of additional functions. It is worth noting that the analog voice recorder has long gone out of fashion. Today it is used only digital view. It is the latter type of voice recorder that will be discussed further.

There are a lot of digital voice recorders on sale. All of them differ not only in size, but also in the set of additional functions. For example, you can find a voice recorder that is shaped like a ballpoint pen with many additional features. Therefore, it becomes difficult to make a choice while purchasing a device.

Main characteristics

When choosing a voice recorder, you need to pay attention to the following parameters: audio recording format, recording duration and quality, microphone, power, ability to connect to personal computer, memory card, screen and additional functions. Now let's talk about each parameter separately.

Audio format

There are two main recording formats MP3 and WMA, and also a distinction between recording in pure form and in a compressed way. MP3 is the most common recording format. He gives in additional processing, it can be scrolled several times, it does not take up much space and is easy to convert. The WMA format has high recording quality, i.e. you can hear the most inconspicuous sounds that appeared during a conversation or lecture, for example, the chirping of birds. However, it does not support the compression function. But it is worth noting that these two formats do not have much difference, because the recording quality mainly depends on the microphone.

Duration and quality of recording

The duration and quality of recording directly depend on the memory card and audio format. As you know, the MP3 format supports a compression function, which is carried out at the expense of the bitrate. The bitrate can be 256 kbit/s, 320 kbit/s, 128 kbit/s, etc. How well the speech will be heard depends on this figure.

To understand what quality bitrate you should choose, you need to clearly know the purpose of using the recorder. If during a conversation the voice recorder is very close to your mouth, you can record in low quality. With such a recording, it is difficult to distinguish voices and even understand what they are saying. we're talking about. If lectures or meetings will be recorded, then it is necessary to record in high quality. This will allow you to hear not only the main lecturer, but also questions that will be asked even in the quietest voice. In the first case, recording can be carried out for 300 hours, while in the second option, the recording time will be reduced to 100 hours or less. It is better to choose voice recorders with a bitrate quality of 128 kbps.


All voice recorders are equipped condenser microphone. Therefore, the main factor of choice is its sensitivity. The higher the sensitivity, the better quality records. At regular microphone The recording is of poor quality, you may not be able to make out the words. In such cases, the recorder is usually brought to the mouth. The solution to the situation is good, but not for seminars or lectures. When recording training sessions or for journalistic work, the quality of the recording plays an important role. They must catch every word spoken, which is difficult to do if the microphone is located far from the narrator. In this case, a separate microphone, which is connected to the recorder, helps. In this case, you must choose a voice recorder with the ability to connect a separate microphone.


Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always indicate the power of the device, but it depends on it how long the voice recorder can work. In this matter, a lot depends on the size of the battery, as well as on whether the recording is pure or using a bitrate. Using the recording compression function reduces battery charge several times. If you turn on two voice recorders with the same battery capacity and set the bitrate function in the first one, then it will discharge faster than the second one. On average, the voice recorder battery lasts for 4-6 hours.

Connection to a personal computer

This is very convenient, because with the help of a voice recorder you can only record a conversation, and further processing can be conveniently and efficiently carried out on a computer. Implement this work only possible with the help USB wires. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to check its availability and the corresponding ports on the device. The USB port allows you to quickly, efficiently and in large quantities transfer information from the recorder to your computer.

Memory card

Any voice recorder has a built-in memory card on which all recordings are stored. But when it becomes full, you have to either erase all the records or transfer them to another medium. This is not always convenient, because sometimes it is necessary to have all the records at hand, and sometimes it is not possible to transfer data to another medium (for example, on the road). To do this, it is recommended to choose device models with the ability to install an additional memory card, which can be changed when full. Today, memory cards are affordable and you can always choose suitable model.


An important element of a quality voice recorder. It displays the battery charge level and applications that allow you to process the recording if the computer is far away and the work needs to be done immediately, as well as navigate through large quantities of recordings.

Additional functions

Additional functions include - voice activation, tape counters, automatic rewind, automatic stop, recording monitoring, etc. In addition to these functions, there may be others, such as alarm clock, editing, organizer and editing. Depending on what you want to see in your voice recorder, choose it with such functions. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the cost of the voice recorder is determined by the presence of additional functions.

It is worth focusing on two functions - distribution and indexing. The distribution function allows you to arrange entries by importance, add folders and sort entries by these folders, i.e. build the list in such a way that you can quickly find the required entry. Indexing allows you to highlight the most important points. This makes it possible not to listen to the entire recording, but with a few clicks to select only the necessary passage, for example, lectures or meetings.

Informative indicator - important parameter voice recorder. Its presence helps to monitor the recording mode, the name of the current fragment, the name of the folder and recording duration, and the amount of charge.

The presence of backlight allows you to use the recorder more efficiently.

Purchase high quality voice recorder costs in an electronics store or online store. The cost of voice recorders starts from 1,500 rubles and can rise to 17,000 rubles. But don't pay attention to expensive models. Inexpensive voice recorders provide high quality recordings and have minimal necessary set functions. When choosing, we recommend paying attention to manufacturers such as Marantz, Olympus, Philips, Ritmix, Sony, Panasonic, Sangean, Tascam and Zoom. They have established themselves as manufacturers of high-quality and reliable voice recorders.

Using the voice recorder is very simple. In the world modern technologies and the latest computer programs a voice recorder is the simplest device, and any user can turn it on and off, sort necessary records or transfer them to a personal computer.

When using a voice recorder, remember that any electronics do not like water or sudden shocks. Therefore, you should protect the device from these two factors.

Even though modern smartphone can successfully replace almost any gadget; the good old highly specialized devices remain in demand today. That is why the questions “how to choose a voice recorder/camera/electronic reader” remain relevant to this day. The fact is that highly specialized devices cope with their task many times better than the notorious smartphones, and every specialist in their field can confirm this. That is why not a single professional journalist will ever agree to replace a full-fledged voice recorder with a combined gadget.

A voice recorder is necessary not only for professional activity, but also in everyday life. It is simply irreplaceable at various seminars, lectures and group interviews, as it allows you to quickly and efficiently record information. In this regard, the recorder has no equal, and rightfully holds the palm. Ten years ago this review would be dedicated to two types of sound recording devices - film and digital. But since film devices have long since sunk into oblivion, it is better to pay attention exclusively to the digital version.

Before you buy a voice recorder, decide on your goals. A professional journalist should choose a more serious option; for study, you can buy a simpler sample.

Recording format and quality

The voice recorder can record sound in various formats. Usually this:

  • MP3 is the most common audio recording format. A good option both in terms of memory footprint and quality. Almost every player can read this format, so there will be no problems with playback and decoding. Experts say that MP3 cannot convey full sound quality, but hearing ordinary person I still can't tell the difference.
  • WMA is a format that appeared thanks to Microsoft. The recording quality here is slightly better than in the case of MP 3, but at the same time this format takes up much more memory. There is no particular difference between these two options.
  • DSS is a modern audio recording format with high level compression. Excellent voice transmission and the best way suitable for interviewing. The only negative is that not every player is able to reproduce such a recording.

Recording can be done at different bitrates, which you can select in your device settings. Every modern voice recorder provides a choice of bitrate in which you are going to record audio.

If you stop at 256 kbps you get great post High Quality, if at around 8 kbit/s - indigestible noise, similar to interference in a walkie-talkie. The bitrate is directly related to the file size - the better the quality, the larger the size.

Modern voice recorders have both mono and stereo modes. In most cases, mono mode is more than enough, but if you want to record a press conference with a large number of participants, recording in stereo will work much better. Thanks to stereo recording, you can clearly hear each voice and avoid confusion when transcribing.

Pay attention to the frequency range - the best option would be 400-4000 Hz.


Capacity, or memory size, is the main criterion when choosing. The larger the memory capacity, the more information you can write it down. The capacity of sound recording devices varies from 16 MB to 8 GB, and which option to choose is up to you. Be that as it may, the pocket does not last long, so the more information your voice recorder can hold, the better. The best option The memory capacity will be 2-4 GB.

Opportunities these days electronic devices are practically unlimited, and the voice recorder is no exception. Many models are designed to be used additional cards memory, which can significantly increase the number of hours recorded.

Do not forget that in the column “ maximum capacity» Manufacturers usually provide figures based on the minimum bitrate.

Therefore, you should not be guided by primary data - before buying a voice recorder, you should carefully study the instructions.

Possibility of indexing

Indexing is the ability to make unique bookmarks that will help you quickly find the right moment of recording. For example, if you recorded a lecture from several topics, you can mark each of these topics with its own index for greater convenience.

Additional features

A modern voice recorder offers a lot additional features, and one of the most important is the ability to connect an external microphone. External microphone will increase the recording quality, especially when the sound source is far from you. A microphone is usually not included in the package, so you will have to buy it separately.

Very useful choice different modes– “on the street”, “interview” and so on. They allow you to best adapt to any situation and avoid outside interference. You can also adjust the microphone sensitivity according to your needs to achieve maximum quality.

A great addition is voice activation. Thanks to these features, you can control the device directly during an interview without pressing any buttons. Stop recording, continue it, turn off the recorder - voice control makes operation easier and saves battery power.

If you come across a voice recorder with a USB input, you simply must buy it if you value maximum simplicity and efficiency. Thanks to this input, you can connect the device to your computer like a flash drive, which will significantly save time.

Some voice recorders can be used as a wiretap for your phone. The system is simple - to carry out wiretapping, the device is connected to landline phone, and all conversations are recorded on the memory card.

It is worth recalling that this method of wiretapping is not always legal, and it must be used carefully.

Whatever voice recorder you choose, familiarize yourself with its power sources before purchasing it. Best choice will be a voice recorder with a built-in battery and the ability to charge from a USB input. According to most people, charging from a USB port has long replaced all other methods, so it would be advisable to keep up with the times.

Of course, many voice recorders are equipped with an alarm clock, MP 3 player, organizer and other amenities, but all these additions turn them into the above-mentioned combination gadgets. Which option to choose is your choice. If the voice recorder you choose meets all the specified criteria, you can safely buy it and appreciate all the benefits. The main thing is not to try to save on quality, and then you are guaranteed success.

Many buyers select a voice recorder based on how long it can record. In this article we will look at the main errors associated with determining the recording duration.

What do the numbers in the name of the recorder mean?

In addition to the model number, the name of each Edic voice recorder model also contains one more number. For example, Edic mini Tiny A21-300h, where the letter h indicates how many hours of audio recording (from English hour - hour) can be recorded on a voice recorder. Thus, we can understand that this voice recorder is designed for 300 hours of recording. Does this mean it will work continuously for 300 hours?

Most often, confusion arises in the concepts of continuous recording (autonomy) and voice recorder capacity (the number of hours of recording that the recorder's memory can accommodate), as well as what influences them. To understand this, you need to know some data.

Autonomy - this characteristic depends on the battery

Voice recorders operate either on batteries or on a rechargeable battery. Regardless of the internal memory capacity of the voice recorder, continuous operation of the voice recorder is limited by the capabilities of the battery.

Autonomy is the operating time of a voice recorder in recording mode from a fully charged battery (or battery) until it is completely discharged. The duration of operation is indicated in the instructions for the voice recorder. In the example with the A21-300h voice recorder, the autonomy is 120 h. As you can see, these watches are different.

Capacity is a characteristic of the memory in a voice recorder

The time in hours indicated in the name of the voice recorder corresponds to the capacity internal flash memory voice recorder: 150h - 1 GB, 300h - 2 GB, 600h - 4 GB, 1200h - 8 GB, 2400h - 16 GB. Thus, on the A21-300h voice recorder you can record total 300 hours of audio data. Precisely in total, since it will work continuously for much less hours, and it will need to be recharged and only then continue recording.

One question remains: why does a voice recorder with a claimed capacity of 300 hours actually record only 100 hours before its memory becomes full? And why does a battery that is designed for 120 hours of uninterrupted operation fail after only 50? It's all about the settings.

Recording parameters affect not only the quality, but also the amount of memory occupied

The manufacturer of voice recorders Edic LLC Telesystems has chosen the following settings as standard settings for determining the memory capacity of the voice recorder: sampling frequency|38 8 kHz, 2-bit compression ADPCM|35.

The sampling rate|38 determines how accurately the recorder encodes the signal, and the more accurate the recording needs to be, the higher the sampling rate must be, and the more memory will be required to record the data.

Compression is used to fit as much data as possible into the same amount of memory. Roughly speaking, everything unnecessary is cut off. In this case, the recording quality deteriorates.

These settings correspond to almost the lowest recording quality, but they are the ones we use when choosing a voice recorder. How can I find out how many hours of recording the memory will last if I change the settings?

Recording time calculation table depending on settings

This table for voice recorders of the Edic mini Tiny series contains coefficients corresponding to certain voice recorder settings. To find out how many hours of recording your voice recorder can hold when changing settings, you need to divide the declared capacity in hours by the coefficient in the corresponding cell.

Compression Sample rate|38
5.5 kHz 8 kHz 11 kHz 16 kHz 22 kHz
without compression 3,4 5 6,9 10 13,8
m-Law (logarithmic)|37 2,8 4 5,6 8 11,2
4-bit ADPCM|36 1,4 2 2,8 4 5,6
2-bit ADPCM|35 0,7 1 1,4 2 2,8

For our A21-300h, let's calculate how much memory is enough at the most best settings(uncompressed, sampling rate|38 22 kHz): 300/13.8 = 21.7 hours.

Table for calculating battery life depending on settings

Sadly, quality settings use battery resources differently. How more work the voice recorder has to produce, the more energy it consumes, and the faster the battery drains. The battery operating time, depending on the technical characteristics, is also calculated from the table.

Sample rate|38 Compression
Without compression m-Law (logarithmic)|37 4-bit ADPCM|36 2-bit ADPCM|35
5.5 1,2 1,2 0,9 1
8 1 0,9 0,7 0,8
11 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,7
16 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5
22 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4

The standard is the battery operating time at a sampling frequency of 8 kHz without compression. This is exactly what is indicated in the technical data sheet of the voice recorder. To calculate how long the voice recorder will continuously work in recording mode from a fully charged battery until it is completely discharged, you need to multiply the stated time by the coefficient in the corresponding column of the table. For our voice recorder A21-300h with a declared autonomy of 120 hours, this time for the best settings will be: 120 * 0.6 = 72 hours.


Thus, reading the name Edic mini Tiny A21-300h, we understand that the voice recorder can record a total of 300 hours of audio recordings with not the best recording settings, allowing you to save memory but lose quality. With the same settings, it can work continuously for about 96 hours (120 * 0.8 = 96 see Table 2).

By setting the settings on the recorder to high-quality recordings, we can continuously record about 21.7 hours (see Table 1) until the memory runs out. In this case, the recordings will be very good, and you will not need to recharge the battery, since its resource will last for 72 hours.

By knowing how to calculate runtime and memory capacity, you can be sure that recording will not stop unexpectedly at the most inopportune time.

Recording length of some digital voice recorders

Battery life
(sampling rate: 8 kHz, uncompressed)
(at 8 kHz sampling rate and 2-bit ADPCM compression)
Edic-mini Tiny 16 U352 up to 305 h The most highly autonomous voice recorder with a universal power supply - three rechargeable or regular AA batteries. Minimum functions, improved recording quality, AGC. The recording range is up to 12 m. It is possible to attach it to a metal surface with a magnet.
Edic-mini Daily A53 up to 300 h Voice recorder with advanced features. Bright OLED display, three control buttons, the ability to switch and delete recordings, as well as listening through a headphone, real-time clock. Powered by built-in battery, AGC, recording range up to 10 m.
Edic-mini Ray A36 up to 300 h 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb) Voice recorder with advanced features. A bright OLED display, four control buttons, the ability to switch and delete recordings, as well as listening through a headphone. Improved recording quality, 8 built-in microphones, speaker, recording range up to 17 m.
Edic-mini Tiny 16 A405 up to 250 h 00h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb) Gift voice recorder wooden case with drawings. Minimum functions, one control button, improved recording quality, AGC. Range up to 12 m.
Edic-mini PLUS A9 up to 240 h 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb) Voice recorder with advanced functionality. Two control buttons, functions for switching and deleting records, the ability to listen through an earphone. Recording range 7-9 m. Power type - built-in battery.
Edic-mini LCD B8 up to 240 h 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb), 2400 (16Gb) Voice recorder with advanced functionality. LCD display, joystick, functions for searching and deleting recordings, the ability to listen through a headphone. Recording range 7-9 m. Power type - battery.
Edic-mini Tiny xD A69 more than 200 h 300h (2Gb) Voice recorder in durable metal case, minimum functions. Powered by an economical battery. Uses removable cards memory. There is a special card reader. Recording range 7-9 m.
Edic-mini Tiny xD B68 more than 200 h 300h (2Gb) Voice recorder in the lung plastic case, minimum functions. Battery operated. Uses removable memory cards. There is a special card reader. Recording range 7-9 m.
Edic-mini Tiny B47 up to 160 h 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb) Voice recorder in a durable cylindrical metal case. Minimum functions, turns on/off with one button, powered by three consecutive batteries. Recording range 7-9 m.
Edic-mini Tiny 16 A404 up to 125 h 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb) Gift voice recorder in a wooden case with drawings of zodiac signs. Minimum functions, one control button, improved recording quality, AGC. Range up to 12 m.
Edic-mini Tiny 16 U49 up to 110 h 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb) Voice recorder with five distributed microphones in an elongated metal casing. Minimum functions, recording range - up to 15 m, noise reduced. Power source - rechargeable or regular AAA battery. Well suited for recording from the back of large audiences.
Edic-mini Tiny 16 U48 up to 110 h 300h (2Gb) The voice recorder has a durable metal case, a minimum of functions, and can be turned on/off with one button. Improved recording quality, AGC, range up to 12 m.
Edic-mini Tiny B30 up to 90 hours 300h (2Gb), 600h (4Gb), 1200h (8Gb) Voice recorder in a round metal case, minimum functions, turned on/off with one membrane button. Recording range 7-9 m. Power type - battery.

Today, voice recorders are a necessity in journalism and some other professions. But there are times when this device will be useful for the average resident of our country.

Today voice recorders for hidden recording have become available to almost everyone, and they are used not only for espionage. The scope of application of such voice recorders is very wide and is limited only by human imagination.

There are two types of voice recorders for secret recording:

Analog voice recorders that record sound onto magnetic tape

They, in turn, are divided into cassette and micro-cassette voice recorders. The disadvantage of such a voice recorder is that the amount of information recorded on a cassette is quite limited, which is why you will have to constantly buy them (if, of course, you want to save the necessary recordings). If you no longer need the recorded information, then the cassette can simply be re-recorded. The advantage of this type of voice recorders is their low cost, which makes them accessible to almost everyone.

Digital voice recorders

They cost an order of magnitude higher than analog ones, but the quality of the recorded sound is much higher. In addition, the recording from the voice recorder can be easily transferred to a computer if necessary. Digital voice recorders, thanks to their compact size, are very convenient to use, and you don’t have to carry around a bunch of replacement cassettes, and searching for the necessary recorded information is easy.


Before you start choosing a voice recorder for covert recording, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their main characteristics, which directly determine the quality of the device and the audio recordings made. These characteristics include the recording format, its duration and quality.

Recording format

All modern voice recorders support two recording formats:

  1. WMA. This format allows you to high-quality recording all, even the quietest sounds that are recorded through a microphone. But the quality level of such recordings directly depends on the microphone itself. Files of this format take up more space than MP3s.
  2. MP3 format allows you to write high quality sound, and the files can be downloaded to the player without processing and listen to them. Such files take up little space, since the recording is done in compressed form.

In addition, some voice recorders have the ability to record in WAV and PCM formats. Such files take up a lot of memory because they are not compressed, but the recording quality is very high, it is possible to hear the most quiet sounds. Such files can also be processed.

Recording duration

The recording duration of voice recorders directly depends on the memory capacity of the recording device, and, of course, on the format of the recorded files and the level of compression. As mentioned above, the files WMA format take up more space on the memory card than MP3 files. In addition, it is worth knowing that the file size is affected by the bitrate. The lower it is, the less space the file will take up, but it is worth considering that the quality of the recording may suffer significantly as a result.

Recording quality

Recording quality is one of the most important parameters. As mentioned above, the bitrate level plays a big role. For example, 280 kbps gives good sound to a high-quality CD disc. If you use 128 kbps you will get sound like cheap ones computer speakers, but it will be enough to distinguish words and voices.

There are voice recorders with lower bit rates, but the sound quality of such recordings will be quite poor.

Therefore, when choosing a voice recorder, be guided by the purpose of its use. If you speak directly into the microphone, you can buy a cheaper device with a lower bitrate. If you record conferences, meetings, etc., then the quality of the recording should be high, since at low bitrates you will be able to distinguish words, but it is unlikely that who is speaking them.

Additional functions

Many of the voice recorder models, in addition to the voice recording function, also have many other functions that are useful in one case or another.

It could be:

  • recording monitoring;
  • editing and mounting files;
  • voice activation;
  • auto reverse;
  • organizer;
  • memory counter;
  • radio;
  • alarm;

Buying a voice recorder

When buying a voice recorder, it is quite natural for questions to arise about how to choose it, where to buy it, which models are better, and how much they cost.

Although today anyone can buy a voice recorder for secret recording, they are not sold in every hardware store. Therefore, in order to choose a suitable model, you will have to run around the city a lot.

It’s easier to use the services of online stores, which make it possible to order a voice recorder without leaving home. In addition, some stores even have a home delivery service.

It will be quite easy to make a choice, because all models come with detailed description parameters, characteristics and functions.

Best models

Leading manufacturers of voice recorders are Denpa, Cenix, Philips, Olympus, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung. If we talk about voice recorders for covert recording, the main characteristics here are size, weight, and recording quality.

Digital voice recorders from E-dic are ideal for covert recording. In addition, the models of these voice recorders have been included in the Guinness Book of Records more than once. The most famous models, such as E-dic Tiny Classik, E-dic Tiny Mini, and E-dic Gold are only 10-20 mm in size. And some models can even easily fit on your fingertips.

A special place is occupied by such a model as E-dic Gold. This voice recorder has a very durable metal body. Weight – 13 grams. Recording time – 299 hours. Despite the fact that the device only has one button, it has quite a lot of functions (voice activation, USB connector, external microphone).

Models of voice recorders for covert recording can be made in the form of various everyday objects. It could be a pen, a flash drive, or even a wristwatch.


If we talk about prices for voice recorders for covert recording, it is worth noting that the cheapest options may not be suitable. But, as always, be guided by the purpose of use of this device. For example, Edic-mini Tiny 16 A52-300h will cost between 9-10 thousand rubles. And made in the form wristwatch the Edic-mini Led S51-300h model will cost about 12 thousand rubles. There are also more expensive models, for example, the Edic-mini Tiny 16 A405-1200h in the form of a small keychain costs about 14-15 thousand rubles.

Voice recorders are becoming more and more popular every day, and their use is often necessary in Everyday life. The range of these devices is also very wide, so to choose the model that is right for you, proceed from the purpose of your purchase and the functions you need.

It would seem, why do you need a voice recorder at all if you don’t work as a journalist, interviewing people 24 hours a day? But it is needed, because life in Russia today is such that without a voice recorder, no matter where you are, you are in an obviously losing position. Why are we sure of this? Well, at least because we ourselves use a voice recorder almost every day, and it really helps to cope with a lot of problems.

Use your voice recorder as a diary

If you are too lazy to keep a diary, but have always wanted to do it, then use instead of boring notebook or word document voice recording. This format is convenient for a number of reasons. Firstly, you don’t need to look for a pen and a book to write down a “brilliant” thought. You just take out a voice recorder, record it, and enjoy the result. Registration is always prompt. Secondly, audio recordings are very convenient to store, and they weigh little. These are not piles of papers that will be scattered on the table if you want to keep a diary the old way.

Guarantor of agreements

We recommend recording any business conversation that may involve money. Yes, it’s possible that your partners or colleagues won’t like the fact that you’re recording them (it’s better to warn them about this, by the way), but you’ll like it even less if they don’t fulfill their obligations, and instead of evidence of their non-fulfillment, you’ll have empty words, that remain in memory, and not on a piece of paper or recording. It is possible that the recording does not always have legal force, but it may well be a guarantor of agreements at one level or another. And, again, such a guarantor is quite convenient.

Your help to develop public speaking skills

With the help of a voice recorder, you can even develop your skills, such as public speaking. Everything is simple here. Your speech may sound great in your head because you perceive your voice to be distorted, which is quite natural.

Other people hear your voice differently, and it can be very different from what you hear. Therefore, it is important to train the skill of a public monologue with a voice recorder. With its help, you can adequately perceive your mistakes, “bugs” of speech, slow pace, and so on, so on, so on. The voice recording clearly demonstrates where you went wrong. This means that anything can be fixed.

Lifehack for your leaky memory

Let's add one more application for a voice recorder to our list: you can record lectures, important conversations, and lists of products that need to be purchased for the holidays. In other words, the voice recorder in this case will become part of your memory, freeing your brain from extra load. In general, the fast pace of life that we observe in any city is conducive to this format of “memorization.” We use it - it helps a lot. When there is information overload in your head, it is very difficult to remember everyday things that are simply necessary for normal life functioning, but a voice recorder saves you. Try it yourself.

"Witness" in court

Again, the recording can be falsified, so it may not be a serious argument in court, but, on the other hand, it can help your lawyer or investigator understand the case, and this will greatly facilitate the trial process. Voice recording journalists often use it as an argument in favor of this or that material. By doing this, they periodically save people who are under strong pressure from various structures. Actually, if you read the news, you probably saw “leaked” recordings that were made only to find the truth or protect yourself. Therefore, yes, a voice recorder is not a whim, but a necessity that can save you. Tested by hundreds of people.

We looked for a long time different voice recorders. The price range for them is wide. Some can cost thirty, others – a couple of thousand. Actually, when choosing, you need to use common sense. The recording quality doesn't have to be studio quality, but it doesn't have to be lousy either. The price should not shock, and reliability should be guaranteed by a reputable manufacturer. If there is a guarantee, then this is only a plus. In general, there are three models of voice recorders that we have selected for you. All Ritmix brands, and in our opinion, they have best ratio prices and functionality.

Ritmix RR-610

This is a convenient and compact voice recorder that combines the functions of radio and music player. It is very easy to manage, and any recording goes to the internal memory or microSD in WAV format, which is universal solution, which does not require conversion. There is also a function voice activation VOR records. If you turn it on, the device will start recording automatically. But the main advantage of this model is the presence of a USB connector, which will save you from the hassle of wires.

Ritmix RR-810

This digital voice recorder With excellent quality records. It is equipped with a high-quality speaker, several recording modes, a removable disk support function (that is, you do not need to install additional... software for working with a PC). The record itself easily suppresses external noise - the output recording is extremely clear. Separately, we highlight the excellent protection of recordings from accidental deletion. And on it, like the previous one, you can listen to music and radio, there is even a hearing aid function. Plus, thanks to replaceable batteries, you don't have to worry about life cycle Batteries - I bought new ones and threw away the old ones.

Ritmix RR-989

This is a universal voice recorder with two built-in highly sensitive microphones located at an angle of 90 degrees to record natural stereo sound. As for the functionality, the model incorporates all the functions of the two previous voice recorders, so we will not repeat the description, but simply note that in terms of price/quality ratio it is an ideal choice.