How to completely erase android. How to remove system (standard) applications in Android. Final tip: install only necessary applications on your phone

The firmware of many smartphones and tablets running Android contains so-called bloatware: applications pre-installed by the manufacturer of dubious usefulness. Typically remove them in the usual way will not work. Therefore, today we want to tell you how to uninstall such programs.

In addition to bloatware, virus software cannot be removed in the usual way: malicious applications use loopholes in the system to pretend to be the administrator of a device for which the uninstallation option is blocked. In some cases, for the same reason, it will not be possible to remove completely harmless and useful program like: she needs administrator rights for some options. System applications like the Google search widget, the standard dialer, or the default one are also protected from uninstallation.

The actual methods for removing uninstallable applications depend on whether your device has root access. It is not required, but with such rights you will be able to get rid of unnecessary system software. Options for devices without root access are somewhat limited, but in this case there is a way out. Let's look at all the methods in more detail.

Method 1: Disable Administrator Rights

Many applications use elevated privileges to control your device, including screen lockers, alarm clocks, some launchers, and often viruses that masquerade as useful software. The program to which access is granted Android administration, you won’t be able to remove it the usual way - if you try to do this, you will see a message stating that uninstallation is impossible due to active device administrator options. What to do in this case? Here's what you need to do.

  1. Make sure that developer options are enabled on your device. Go to "Settings".

    Pay attention to the very bottom of the list - such an option should be there. If it is not there, then do the following. At the very bottom of the list there is an item "About the phone". Enter it.

    Scroll to "Build number". Tap on it 5-7 times until you see a message about unlocking developer options.

  2. Enable USB debugging mode in the developer settings. To do this, go to "Developer Options".

    Activate the options using the switch at the top, then scroll through the list and check the box next to "USB Debugging".

  3. Return to the main settings window and scroll down the list of options to the general block. Tap on an item "Safety".

    On Android 8.0 and 8.1 this option is called "Location and Protection".

  4. Next, you should find the device administrators option. On devices with Android version 7.0 and lower, it is called this "Device Administrators".

    In Android Oreo this feature is called "Device Administrator Applications" and is located almost at the very bottom of the window. Enter this settings item.

  5. A list of applications that are allowed to additional functions. As a rule, there are inside remote control device payment systems(S Pay, ), customization utilities, advanced alarm clocks and other similar software. There will probably be an application on this list that you can’t remove. To disable administrator privileges for him, tap on his name.

    On the latest OS versions from Google this the window looks like this:

  6. In Android 7.0 and below - there is a button in the lower right corner "Switch off", which you need to press.
  7. In Android 8.0 and 8.1 - click on "Disable device admin app".

  8. You will automatically return to the previous window. Please note that the check mark next to the program for which you have disabled administrator rights has disappeared.

  9. This means that such a program can be removed in any available way.

This method allows you to get rid of most uninstallable applications, but may not be effective if powerful viruses or bloatware embedded in the firmware.

Method 2: ADB + App Inspector

Difficult, but the most effective method getting rid of uninstallable software without root access. To use it, you will need to download and install it on your computer. Android Debug Bridge, and on the phone - app Inspector.

Having done this, you can proceed to the procedure described below.

  1. Connect your phone to your computer and install drivers for it, if necessary.
  2. Make sure that the archive with ADB is unpacked to the root system disk. Then open "Command line": call "Start" and type the letters in the search field cmd. Click on the shortcut right click mouse and select "Run as administrator".
  3. In the window "Command line" write the commands sequentially:

    cd c:/adb
    adb devices
    adb shell

  4. Go to the phone. Open App Inspector. A list of all applications available on your phone or tablet will be presented. alphabetical order. Find the one you want to delete among them and tap on its name.
  5. Take a close look at the line "Package Name"— we will need the information recorded in it later.
  6. Go back to your computer and « Command line» . Type the following command in it:

    pm uninstall -k --user 0 *Package Name*

    Instead of *Package Name*, enter the information from the corresponding line from the page of the application to be removed in the App Inspector. Make sure the command is entered correctly and press Enter.

  7. After the procedure, disconnect the device from the computer. The application will be deleted.

The only drawback of this method is that it removes the application only for the default user (the “user 0” operator in the command given in the instructions). On the other hand, this is a plus: if you deleted system application, and are faced with problems with the operation of the device, it’s easy enough to do to return the deleted item to its place.

Method 3: Titanium Backup (Root only)

If your device is rooted, the procedure for uninstalling uninstallable programs is greatly simplified: just install Titanium Backup, an advanced application manager that can remove almost any software, on your phone.

This method is the simplest and most convenient solution to the problem of uninstalling programs on Android. The only problem - free version Titanium Backup is somewhat limited in its capabilities, which, however, are sufficient for the procedure described above.


As you can see, uninstallable applications are quite easy to deal with. Finally, we remind you - do not install dubious software on your phone from unknown sources, because you risk running into a virus.

If your phone is running out of space, I think you will be interested in learning how to delete unnecessary applications from phone to Android. Uninstalling an application - simple task, which does not require much time. However, depending on the phone model and Android version, the process may differ.

In this article I will look at everything possible ways removing applications from your Android phone, including system ones. Let's start.

So, “how to delete apps” is a simple question, right? I know three ways to remove applications from your phone. Not all of them work on older versions of Android, but on phones with new version operating system Google, all three should work.

Method 1: uninstalling applications through settings

This method works on all versions of Android. The first thing to do is open the menu “ Settings" in phone. Here find and open the item “ Applications" or " Application Manager”, find the app you want to uninstall and select it, then simply click the “ button Delete”.

After this operation, in most cases the application will be deleted from the phone. After completing the operations, you will return to the “Applications” menu, from here you can repeat the process and delete following application, if it's necessary.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open Settings in phone.
  2. Click Applications or Application Manager
  3. Click on the application you want to remove. You may need to scroll through the list to find what you need.
  4. Click Delete.

Method 2: uninstall the application via Google Play Store

The second way is to remove unnecessary applications through Google Play Market. Find it on your device Google app Play Store and run it. Click on the dropdowns Menu(3 bars in the top left corner) and select My apps and games, now just go to the section Installed, open the app you want to remove and tap Delete.

After a few seconds, the application will be removed from the phone. If you want to continue deleting apps, just click the button Back on your smartphone or tablet, go to the section again Installed and repeat the process.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Open Play app Market on your phone.
2. Open the menu (three bars).
3. Click My apps and games.
4. Select the application you want to remove. You may have to scroll through the list until you find what you need.
5. Click Delete.

Method 3: Remove by dragging

This is probably the fastest and easiest way to uninstall an app on a smartphone or tablet, although it does not work on devices with old version Android. If the method below does not work for you, simply use one of the two methods listed above.

How it works? Just open the desktop where the application is located, press and hold the one you want, and when the “trash” appears, drag it to it. On last step- just click OK after the question “do you want to delete the application”.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Touch and hold an application located on your device's home screen.
2. Drag it to the section Delete(Basket) which will appear on the screen.
3. Click OK when the pop-up window appears.

How to remove built-in applications on Android

All Android devices come with pre-installed or built-in applications. The list usually includes useful applications, such as YouTube, Maps, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, etc. However, there's a good chance that your phone will have a lot of apps that you don't use. In most cases, these applications cannot be removed using the methods listed above. As you can see in the screenshot below the button Delete simply no.

Applications that cannot be deleted are called system applications and the only way to get rid of them is to root your phone. Rooting is the process of obtaining superuser rights with access to system files and folders that are usually blocked for regular users.

Rooting will allow you to become system administrator your phone, with complete freedom of action. But a vulnerability will also appear in the phone; it will be easier for viruses and Trojans to penetrate it. If this doesn't bother you and you want to root your phone, click on the link below.

An alternative is to simply hide system apps you don't want to use if your phone allows it. This won't remove them, but at least they won't be an eyesore.

What happens if you delete an app you bought?

Many users worry that if they delete an app they bought from the Play Store, they will have to buy it again. This is of course not true. You can safely delete the application you purchased, and then download and install it unlimited amount once.

If you deleted a purchased app, it will be marked as “Purchased.” If you want to install it again, just type the name in the search and click on the Install button. No payment will be required from you.


As you can see, deleting applications is quite simple, the process does not take much time and is the same on most phones. Remove unnecessary applications good habit, if only because it frees up space on your phone and makes your desktop less cluttered.

I hope that with the help of my article you learned how to delete applications on your Android phone. How do you delete apps from your phone? Let me know in the comments section below. Thank you! Good luck!

All modern portable digital devices under Android control are tied to personal mail or profile on social networks. Therefore, if you decide to sell your beloved Android smartphone or tablet that has served you faithfully, but do not want personal data, photos or videos to become available to the buyer, then in such cases you need to quickly and easily clean it. It will also help if you pump up a whole bunch unknown applications, a virus was installed. This can be done in several ways, without resorting to using any programs:

  1. Reset to factory settings
  2. Perform a hard reset

1. How to reset to factory settings on android

This method is quite simple and we recommend its use. To do this, you need to enter the “settings” menu. The choice then depends on android versions. For Android 4.x and higher “Restore and reset”. For more old Android 2.x – “Confidentiality”. In the available menu, select “Reset settings” with one click.

Reset example on version 5 of Android

After this, the system will notify you again that all data, as well as linked profiles, will be deleted from the phone. You need to confirm the action by clicking “Reset phone settings”. After rebooting the phone, Android will be completely cleaned. That's how simple and fast it is, unlike the next method.

2. How to reset settings on Android (hard reset)

Attention, using this method may result in malfunction Android systems. Use only if the first one does not help.

This method of cleaning Android is really effective when, after installing the application, a message appears about paid unlocking of the device or you forgot the pattern key.

First you need to fully charge and then turn off the phone. Next, you need to enter the “Recovery” mode. You need to press and hold a certain key combination. Each manufacturer has its own set of keys. We will give the most common options and look at the example of a phone Samsung Galaxy.

  • Volume up (or down) key + power key
  • Both volume keys (up + down) + power key
  • Volume up (or down) key + home key + power key

You must keep them pressed until it lights up dark screen with text in the top left. This is the “Recovery” menu. You can move around it using the up and down keys, and select the power button.

Move down to the point “ wipe data/factory reset" is confirmed by pressing the power key. On the next screen, confirm the choice “Yes – delete all” in the same way user data" The procedure for cleaning the phone and returning to factory settings will begin. You will return to the initial menu, where you will need to select the “Reboot system” item to reboot the phone.

We hope the material complete cleaning android devices was useful to you. If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments.

A complete wipe of your Android phone is rarely required. Typically, such a need arises before selling the device or in case of some software failures, for example, after .

Complete cleaning of the phone is done using the built-in Android features, which is called “Reset settings”. This function Available in the Settings app, it deletes all user data from the phone's internal memory, thus returning the device to the state it left the factory.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to access the Factory Reset feature using several examples. Android devices. We also note that this procedure deletes data only from the built-in Android memory phone, while the memory card remains untouched and if you want to clear it, you will need to do this separately using the “Format” function. The exception is encrypted memory cards; after resetting the device, their contents become inaccessible.

Complete phone cleaning using Android 5.1.1 as an example

First, we'll show you how to completely clean a phone running the Android 5.1.1 operating system. To do this, you need to open the “Settings” application, scroll down the list of settings and go to the “Backup and reset” section, which is located in the “Personal data” block.

As a result, a screen will appear with information about what data will be deleted as a result of wiping the phone. If you agree to the removal of this data, then click on the “Reset settings” button.

After this, your phone will begin a complete memory clearing procedure, which will take a few minutes. Once completed, the phone will reboot and be completely clean, just like it was from the factory.

Complete phone cleaning using Android 8.1.0 as an example

In Android 8.1.0 complete cleaning phone is done a little differently. In this version, you need to go to the “Settings” application and go to the “System” section.

And select the option “Delete all data (reset to factory settings)”.

After this, you need to confirm the action by clicking on the “Reset settings” button.

As a result, Android will begin the procedure of completely clearing the phone's memory. Once completed, the phone will reboot and become completely clean, just like it was from the factory.

Complete phone cleaning using the example of Samsung Galaxy S4 mini

Many phone manufacturers use a shell instead of the standard Android interface own production. For example, in Android Samsung phone Galaxy S4 mini uses an interface called TouchWiz. Here, in order to completely clean the phone, you need to open the “ Accounts" and go to the section " Backup and reset."

After this, you need to open the “Data reset” section and confirm resetting the phone.

As a result, a complete clearing of the phone’s memory will begin. After completing this procedure, the phone will reboot and become completely clean, as it was from the factory.

In that practical guide I'll tell you how to delete an application on Android different ways. This can be done without damaging the OS. You will also learn how to remove system (standard) and hidden apps. How to uninstall them from internal memory or SD cards.

The best programs for uninstallation

Video instruction:

Why remove applications from Android?

  • The phone slows down and responds slowly to user actions. As a result, it is inconvenient to work with the phone, access to important functions slows down.
  • on a mobile device. This does not always happen because of the small amount of RAM, but because unnecessary applications are installed on the phone. Because of this, side and unnecessary functions work in the background.
  • By deleting unnecessary applications, you will focus on the most useful ones (of the remaining ones) and will not be distracted by unnecessary ones.
  • Some developers introduce advertising into their products - a popup screen is displayed on the phone screen or lockscreen (lock screen), which cannot be gotten rid of in any way except by uninstalling the “culprit”.

Reference. Uninstallation - removal mobile application(or computer program) from the operating system and from the storage device.

How to remove unnecessary apps from your phone

Through the standard Application Manager

You can find a section with a list of installed programs on Android at: Settings - Applications.

Standard Manager Toolkit Android applications

In the “Applications” section you can find out how much space a particular application takes up and where it is installed – in the internal memory or on the SD card. The bottom of the screen shows how much phone memory is free and occupied. By clicking on the line with the name, you will find out the cache size and data consumption in the OS.

Applications installed by the user can be stopped (that is, unloaded from memory), deleted, or (which is useful if you need to free up phone memory).

In the SD Memory Card tab – a list of applications installed on the phone’s SD card.

In the Running section – helpful information about how long a particular program runs, how much RAM is consumed. Thus, if an application is wasting resources, it can and should be removed.

It should be noted that the standard Android tools are not suitable for mass deletion android applications, although it is useful for single removal of a particular package.

Uninstalling applications using CCleaner

CCleaner is a simple but effective utility for uninstalling applications on Android. Intuitively clear interface allows you to delete everything unnecessary in a few clicks: applications and cache (sometimes occupying hundreds of megabytes), apk installers and temporary files, and other “garbage”. Full version The application is free, but contains advertising.

Sequence of actions to remove applications from using CCleaner:

  1. and install the utility
  2. Through the main menu, go to the “Application Management” section.
  3. Installed, system and disabled applications are distributed among the tabs. Select the desired section.
  4. By clicking on the line with the application, information is available: name, program and cache size, installation date, version, etc.
  5. Select the items and click on the Trash icon to remove programs from Android.
  6. Click “Delete” again and confirm the operation.

Uninstalling applications using CCleaner for Android

Through CCleaner, you can remove applications in batches, and not individually, as the standard manager offers.

CCleaner is suitable for regular Android cleaning and uninstalling applications from your phone. Delete standard applications Android (such as Google Drive, Gmail) is not possible in CCleaner - neither with root access nor without it.

Clean Master – removal of standard and custom applications

Clean Master- another program for comprehensive cleaning of your phone from garbage: temporary files, duplicates and remaining data that one or another application was “too lazy” to clean up. Clean Master does not specialize in uninstalling programs, but it does include a module called Application Manager.

A batch mode for uninstalling applications on your phone is available here. You can also manage apk packages and move apps from your memory card. This will help redistribute space and clear the phone's internal memory.

Removing Android system applications is not available in Clean Master; you can only uninstall user programs - those you installed yourself.

Removing system applications using System App Remover Pro

Removing Android system applications will help speed up the OS. However, it only makes sense to undertake this if you clearly know what can be deleted. To do this you will need root rights and System App Remover.

Remove unnecessary applications from your phone

Through the System Applications section, you can remove things that regular managers do not allow you to do. However, we advise you to follow the uninstaller’s recommendations and deactivate only applications that are marked “Can be removed.” Otherwise, you can disable the Android OS or cause system errors.

For removing system components Android:

  1. On the menu System App Remover go to the "System Applications" section;
  2. In the list, tick the items to be deleted;
  3. Click the "Delete" button.

By the way, this method will help remove uninstallable applications hidden in the standard Android manager, available . As an example, spyware.

Advice. If your goal is to free up space in your phone's memory, we strongly advise against deleting system applications. It’s better to buy a large memory card and install all applications on it.

System App Remover requires payment for its full-featured work in the pro version (the free version displays advertising at the bottom of the window). A symbolic $1.88 gives you access to the following features:

  • Management of system and user applications;
  • Move anyone installed application to an SD memory card or internal phone memory;
  • Use as ;
  • Allows you to remove Android system applications;
  • Batch uninstall mode: can only be checked required applications and delete them in a few clicks.
  • Flexible management of standard and custom applications: sorting, filtering by name, package name and path, searching for applications, etc.

What applications can be safely removed on Android

Let's note applications that make sense to remove to improve performance mobile device.

  1. Remove clients social networks. In particular, Facebook app/ Messenger consumes a lot of memory on Android, and you are constantly distracted by notifications.
  2. Feel free to remove unnecessary user programs - those that you installed yourself via Google Play or by downloading an apk file from an unverified source.
  3. Uninstall antiviruses. It would seem a controversial decision, but if you are confident in the security of your mobile device or you do not have a particular need for constant protection, remove the antivirus.
  4. You can remove optimizers and cleaners. Programs like CleanMaster and DU Battery Saver are useful on an occasional basis. Over time, they begin to get boring and hang like a dead weight in random access memory Android.
  5. Games are not only the main time killers: they take up a significant amount of megabytes in the memory of a mobile device.

Final tip: install only necessary applications on your phone

Keep only the apps you need on your phone. Try alternatives, experiment, but always control what is installed.

If you install any program, be sure to test it and make a conclusion: keep the program or remove it. On the one hand, this approach requires time and patience, on the other hand, it saves your nerves. A phone loaded with dozens of applications will not work as quickly as after purchase.

Answers to readers' questions

I can’t update apps on my phone, they say there’s not enough memory. But I deleted some of them, except the standard ones, and still I can’t download or install anything. There are very few programs on the phone, and it is impossible to do anything. What should I do, why can’t I install applications on my phone?

Answer. The first tip is to buy a high-capacity SD card. This is the simplest and quick way solving the problem with missing memory on the phone. There is no need to delete applications and constantly clear memory in order to “carve out” space in the internal storage.

We also advise you to carefully read the guide on how to remove applications on Android. Perhaps you need not only an Android application manager, but something more flexible, like the uninstaller from the developer Jumobile (see above). It will allow you to remove even hidden applications on your phone, as well as Chinese or system ones.

On the phone ( Sony Xperia M4 Aqua) notifications are received that the memory on the phone is low. I decided to transfer some applications to the SD card and leave them only in the internal memory. A little time passed and notifications began to arrive again, there was no more space on the SD card and I decided to clear it out of my mind, forgetting that I had once transferred applications there, and now the icons of these applications are lit on my screen, but I can’t go into them , and on top of these icons the SD card icon is lit. And most importantly, I can’t download the programs again and I can’t delete the application from my phone.

Answer. All applications transferred to the SD card (or even deleted custom applications) can be easily returned - just go to Google Play and use the search to find this or that program for Android, then click on the Install button.

You can transfer applications to an SD card as follows:

  1. Go to Settings - Applications (Application Manager).
  2. Go to SD Card or USB Drive Section
  3. Find in the list the application that you want to transfer to the SD card
  4. Confirm the action

By the way, deleting unnecessary or transferring Android system applications in this way is impossible; for this you will need third party programs Jumobile type.

I installed a memory card on my smartphone, I want to download the application. It does not install, it says: remove applications, there is not enough memory. The phone's memory is full. How to remove unnecessary applications from Android?

Answer. If you wish, you can remove unnecessary applications using CCleaner programs, CleanMaster or application manager from Jumobile. These same utilities, by the way, will allow you to clear up free space by deleting cache, temporary files and other unnecessary data on your phone.

If system memory is full of applications - it’s better to transfer them to an SD card (I wrote about how to do this above in the text).

I uninstalled some program on my phone. The message “Safe Mode” appeared on the screen (in the lower left corner). Some applications are no longer visible. Downloaded the program for Undelete recovery, I can’t log in, but this program is installed in the Play Store. What kind of program could it be that is causing problems after uninstalling it?

Answer. You may have uninstalled a system application on Android or installed program conflicts with the phone. Exit from safe mode Rebooting the device helps. If after rebooting you still enter this mode, try turning off the phone and turning it on using the power and volume down buttons held down at the same time.

Tip: do not delete system or user applications on Android without knowing their purpose. Removal can lead to serious consequences: you will have to best case scenario, reflash the phone.