How to erase all messages in contact. How to quickly delete a sent message on VKontakte and erase the entire correspondence history. Mass deletion of messages - script for IMacros

Hello! Today the topic of discussion will be banal, but for some it will be extremely important. The social network VKontakte is the fastest growing and most visited site on the Runet. Users of this social network constantly correspond with each other, and over time accumulates great amount unnecessary messages, and this raises the question: how to delete messages in a contact? This problem is, indeed, relevant, but in fact everything is done simply and very quickly, literally in a couple of clicks.

To begin with, I’ll tell you about standard way, which I personally and the vast majority of network users use. We go to our page, go to the “My Messages” section.

Dialogues appear in front of you; opening any of them, you will see correspondence with specific person, but we don't need to do that now. We just need to move the mouse cursor over the message of interest, it will automatically be highlighted in a darker shade of blue color. On the right top corner A thick cross will appear in this rectangle. You just need to click on it. All messages will be deleted immediately.

If you want to see a list of all messages in this conversation, then at the top left, click “Show as messages.”

How VKontakte messages are deleted

Eat Alternative option. To do this, you need to enter a dialogue with the user, find the “Actions” inscription at the top of the list of messages, move the cursor and select “Clear message history” from the drop-down menu.

Click "Delete".

It’s also convenient, but again, it’s up to you to decide in the end.

In general, the advantage of these methods is that everything is done instantly and on an intuitive level. However, there are situations, for example, in the case business correspondence, when some messages can already be deleted, but among them there are very important and necessary ones. What to do then? How to delete messages in Contact without affecting the necessary information?

Advice - before deleting and wasting time on it, think, do you need it? Are these messages really so much in the way that it’s impossible to survive with them at all? If the answer is yes, then read on.

Again we go to “My Messages”, this time we go into the dialogue that interests us. Now click directly on the messages that you want to delete.

Once finished, click the “Delete” button, it will appear directly above the correspondence window.

I would like to draw your attention to the following key points in both cases. Firstly, if a person read your messages before deleting, then they will remain with him, so it is possible to permanently destroy correspondence only with mutual consent. To be more precise, the actions described in this article must be carried out on both sides.

In the case when you sent a message to the user, and he has not yet read it (it is highlighted in a brighter color), do not hope that he will not receive it if you suddenly decide to cancel and delete it. The notification will still arrive and the message will still be read.

Therefore, be extremely careful and careful with what you type on the keyboard. As they say on the Internet: “The word is not a sparrow - once you print it, you won’t get it back.” And that’s all for today, thank you for your attention, good luck on the World Wide Web!

The social network “VKontakte” has become the most popular in Runet among the younger generation, and today has become an integral part of the lives of many people who use the Internet to communicate with friends and work colleagues, having supplanted even once popular service For ICQ communication. But sometimes the question arises: how to delete a message in a contact or even an entire conversation. It is worth remembering that even if you erase a conversation from your history in contact, the interlocutor will still have it until he erases it himself. There are no programs for deleting an entry from your interlocutor’s history; these are scammers and want to hack your page. Also, if you delete a recording and exit the conversation, it will be impossible to restore them. Be careful.

Deleting a VKontakte message

If you need to delete entries from a conversation in a contact, and it doesn’t matter whether it was written by you or to you, you need to perform the following steps:

The sequence of actions when getting rid of unwanted entries using a browser and the VKontakte mobile application are similar, but have a number of differences. If you wanted to erase part of the dialogue using the VKontakte application on mobile phone, then you need to do the following sequence action: go to the “Messages” section, go to the required VK conversation and find necessary records. Next, if you want the message to disappear from the correspondence, you need to click on it once and select “Delete” in the menu that appears. If you want to remove several statements, you need to click on the message and hold it for a few seconds, it should highlight in a different color, and several buttons should appear at the top of the screen. Next, click on the “Trash Can” icon in the menu that appears. In order to cancel selected entries, you must click on the check mark icon.

Deleting the VKontakte dialogue

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove all dialogue from a story. There are two ways to delete all correspondence in a contact at once. Having gone to the VK main menu item “Messages” and having found the necessary correspondence, you need to hover over it with the mouse, but do not click left button. When you hover your mouse over a VK conversation, a “Cross” icon will appear in the upper right corner; clicking on will delete the selected conversation. If you go to another item, it will be impossible to restore the conversation.

For the second method, you need to open the conversation, and at the top of the screen, hover over “Actions” and select “Delete message history.”

If you need to delete correspondence in mobile application“VKontakte”, then you need to click on the desired dialogue and hold it for a few seconds, and in the menu that appears, select the “Clear message history” item.

In order for a message to be deleted from your history, and for your interlocutor to see it as unread by you, you need to delete the entire dialogue using the first method (deleting by clicking on the cross in the right corner).

Users of the social network often ask the question: how to delete all VK messages? Getting rid of an unnecessary message is very easy, but if you have a lot of conversations and want to delete them all, it may take for a long time, because you will need to mark each individual message and press the key "delete"!

    • Deleting messages one by one and by dialogue

To Don’t sit for hours at your computer monitor and click your mouse 200 times, read this article!

Video course on making money on VKontakte

Sometimes it accumulates in VK a large number of unnecessary correspondence: this also includes spam, which you need to get rid of immediately. In such cases, it is advisable to delete all messages with one click. If you need to remove friends from VK, then read the article “ How to quickly delete friends on VKontakte?».

Deleting messages one by one and by dialogue

First, let's look at the traditional method of deleting messages on the VKontakte social network.

To perform any actions on VKontakte, you need to register on this social network and log into your account. To get rid of messages that were sent to you by VK users in one fell swoop, you need to follow these steps:

1. Go to your VKontakte page (the first step to carry out any function or operation on this social network). Choose a section “Messages”, where all the letters sent to us are stored.

  1. To delete one message, you need to select it by placing a checkmark on the left, next to the user’s avatar, and click on the button that appears at the top of the screen "delete"

3. To delete all correspondence with this person, simply click on "cross" on right;

and confirm the action

Another option is to go into the conversation, click on the three dots at the top of the screen (to the left of his avatar) and select the option “clear message history”

then confirm

Thus, letters from this user will be completely deleted from the archive

To save your time and effort, delete all correspondence with the user at once - it will be much faster than if you delete one message at a time.

If several hundred dialogues have accumulated in messages, the process of deleting them will take a lot of time. From your page, you can only delete each correspondence individually, but there is a way out of this situation - use extensions.

How to delete messages or clean a VKontakte wall using special programs and extensions

Previously, you could clean a wall using VKopt programs, but on currently this function is disabled there.

But users have access to the Toolum extension, which can not only delete all messages, but also perform a host of other useful functions to clear the page. It can only be installed from Google browser Chrome.

  1. First, find and install the Instrumentum extension on your computer. To do this, in the Google Chrome browser, click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner, then select Additional settings in the pop-up menu and go to “Extensions”

  1. Click the button “More extensions” at the bottom of the screen

3. Enter the name of the extension into the search - Instrumentum, find it and click the button "Install"

4. Confirm installation. It will only take a few seconds.

5. When the extension is loaded, click on the button “Log in via VKontakte”

Click in the window on the page you want to clean. You will see a list of options that are available to you. With this extension, you can add everyone who submitted applications as friends with one click, as well as delete all outgoing requests or clean out photo albums. You will find a large number of options on the menu.

If you scroll down a little, you will see a section in the menu Private messages and option “Deleting dialogs.”

Click on it, then confirm the action, and all conversations will be removed from your page

Using this extension, you can not only delete all messages, but also clean the wall, delete photos and videos, in a word - completely update your VKontakte page.

You can also use other similar extensions - for example, VK Helper

Deleting all messages from VKontakte at once is not so difficult - you just need to install a special extension from Google Chrome.

If you want to know more about making money on VKontakte and other ways to make money on the Internet, all the most important information is collected here. actual information - 50 ways to make money online

VKontakte is by far the most popular social network in our country, more than 40 million people visit it every day. Here you can listen to music, join various communities and participate in discussions, play in applications, watch pictures and, of course, chat with friends. Over time, each user accumulates a decent archive of received and outgoing messages. And let's say one fine day you decide to get rid of the old unnecessary

information and delete all VKontakte messages at once. However, not all so simple. The fact is that there is no such option here - there is a limit on the number of messages that can be deleted one time. So how do you decide this problem as quickly as possible and with a minimum number of operations?

In this article I will describe various ways deleting personal correspondence. However, attention: before that, make sure that among them there are no important ones for you, because the process of restoring them may take a long time. Restore deleted messages“VKontakte” can be done either through a friend with whom you corresponded (unless, of course, the friend himself deleted anything), or through the administration of the social network: you submit an application in which you ask to restore accidentally deleted important messages. It will take several days to review it (because not a thousand such cases occur per day), the decision on approval will come at email, assigned to the account.

So, you are convinced that your correspondence history does not contain any valuable information and have decided to last step. The question remains: how? There are three ways to delete everything.

Method 1. Standard

Go to the “Messages” tab. Here your correspondence is displayed either in the form of dialogues or in Click “Display as messages”. At the top it will be displayed new option“Select: all, read, new.” We select the messages we need, checkmarks will appear opposite them. You can select 20 at a time. Further
Click “Delete”. This method is the longest and is clearly not suitable for those who have accumulated more than one thousand messages in their personal archive.

Method 2

We switch the display mode to dialog. Please note that when you hover your cursor over the dialog box, a cross lights up in the upper right corner. Click on it, then on the inscription “Delete”. And so dialogue after dialogue.

Method 3

It’s also worth talking a little about how to delete all VKontakte messages using scripts. A script is a set of commands written in a programming language and

executed by a running program. On the Internet, with the appropriate request, you can find many java scripts with which you can perform actions such as deleting all VKontakte messages, downloading videos and music, deleting all posts from the wall, inviting all friends to a group, and much more. That is, the script repeatedly performs the same operation. How to use it? We copy the text of the java script and paste it into the URL bar, having first opened the page in VK on which we want to make changes. Running process may take some time.

The reasons may be different:

  • from trying to clean up my page
  • to the desire to prevent personal or business correspondence from reaching strangers.

Security is one of the main reasons for clearing history.

Rarely does anyone come out with their account In VKontakte, and a smartphone, tablet or computer may end up in the wrong hands. And sometimes the password can be picked up or stolen.

Few people like it when they read his message history, even if it does not contain secrets and secrets. The solution is simple - messages must be deleted. Delete All of them indiscriminately, or selectively leaving those that you want to keep is up to each user.

There are built-in tools for this purpose. In contact with And third party utilities and scripts that facilitate the process, let's consider everything in order.

The dialogue can be deleted by simply clicking the mouse button on the cross with the pop-up inscription “Delete dialogue” (the cross is on the right in the message itself, look at the screenshot below):

Afterwards, confirm deletion in a pop-up warning window:

Restoring correspondence deleted in this way is impossible, which is clear from the warning.

If you need to delete only some messages in the dialogue, then you should select them by clicking on the left side of the message and marking them with “checkmarks”. Then click on the “Delete” button (at the top of the message window, example below in the screenshot).

Messages will be deleted without confirmation.

In place of the deleted messages, the window will contain the words “message deleted” and a “restore” hyperlink, by clicking on which you can return the deleted messages back to the dialogue.

Like the browser version, the android client allows you to delete individual messages and the entire dialogue. For this you must log in to the client and open the “Messages” item.

The dialog can be easily deleted:

  • You must hold your finger on the dialog until the menu appears.
  • then select “Clear message history”:

and confirm your choice:

If you enter into dialogue, you can delete messages selectively. To do this, long press on open message, highlight those that need to be deleted and click the delete button (reminiscent of a trash can). Then confirm choice in the pop-up menu.

Deleting messages using scripts and programs

When dozens and hundreds of dialogues have accumulated in the correspondence history and they all require deletion, you can essentially automate the process.

For this task there are special programs and scripts.

  • For the program to work usually require entering VKontakte credentials (which is not good, because you indicate third party program your data, which can be used for “bad purposes”).
  • How they will be used depends only on the honesty of the program author... If you are worried about the security of your account, it is better don't be lazy And clear history manually(as I wrote above) without resorting to programs.
  • Another danger of programs is that for using them there is a non-zero probability of getting blocking your account administration of VKontakte.

Using scripts seems safer. They do not require separate authorization, and with their help you can easily and quickly delete all messages from your VKontakte history.

They either add additional buttons in the message window, or launched from address bar.

  • In the first case, pressing the button launches the script and it automatically erases the user's message database.
  • In the second case, for this purpose, a script from the developer’s website is launched from the address bar.

However, The risk of falling for scammers is quite high.

If you are not good at programming, you will not be able to analyze third-party scripts for malicious code. And it is better to refrain from using third-party scripts.

Manual removal, even if it takes some time, protects against hacking and possible loss of account.

For a specialist, if necessary, it will be safer and more reliable to write his own script, rather than use and check someone else’s. And it’s not so often that you have to delete a large number of dialogs.

So, friends, I think the choice of deleting VKontakte messages is obvious.

Deleting sent VKontakte messages on the recipient's side

By entering a query into a search engine, you can see links to programs (supposedly!!!) capable of deleting sent messages from the recipient’s account. Install on your computer similar programs and, especially, enter your account login and password into them absolutely not possible.

Otherwise, in best case scenario, scammers will steal your data. Only the recipient himself (or anyone who knows his password) can delete his messages from the recipient’s computer.

Otherwise, you can either pretend that your account has been hacked, or try to have the system delete the messages as spam.

Do "as if" it's not difficult - just send the message (without changes) to many other recipients. If you're lucky, VKontakte will accept mass mailing as spam and will delete messages.

The method is extremely unreliable and can be created more problems than the message itself.

Because, best advice to those who sent unwanted message to another addressee - “it’s better to just apologize.”

That's it, friends, I have all the information on this article. If you have doubts, questions or your own versions of deletion, then be sure to write in the comments.

You can also watch all the above information in the video: