How to make an alphabetical list in Word: useful tips. Sorting literature alphabetically online. Sort strings alphabetically in Word

Working with text in Word involves, in addition to entering it, also formatting. This means, in addition to margins, spacing and, in principle, location on the sheet, breaking into paragraphs, inserting images and tables. The word processor also has a lists category. They can be marked and numbered, and the user does not need to put icons or numbers himself, the system will do this for him. When the need for this form of organization arises, you need to click on the corresponding button in the Settings Ribbon. And the next words that will be printed will already become the first item on the list.

Often there is a need to arrange all data in alphabetical order.

You can also make it an existing text by selecting it and clicking on the same icon. The fragment will be the first item, and the user, by clicking on the line transition (Enter) in the right places, will make the new line next in the list. The menu allows you to customize the enumeration form itself, change the characters at the beginning of the line, manage nesting levels, indentations and hyphens.

Additional task

However, such flexibility in setting up the enumeration does not eliminate all problems. For example, quite often you need to change an existing list by arranging its elements in . Word has Cut and Paste functions in its arsenal, and for some time this was the way to do things. But the situation has changed quite a long time ago; text sorting functions have appeared in the program. To solve the problem of how to arrange text in alphabetical order in Word, you need to use it. The algorithm for how this function works, of course, is exactly the same as if you did everything by hand, the difference is that Word will do it much faster and implicitly, that is, you won’t see how it moves the lines. To you, it will look as if the items were immediately arranged in alphabetical order.

To do this, select the text you want. Please note that the list must be single-level, otherwise sorting will not occur. Now, in the “Paragraph” group of the Settings Ribbon at the top of the screen, click on the “Sort” button. A dialog box appears in which you can select sorting options. By default, it just arranges elements alphabetically, so you only need to select an object (“Text”) and a direction. You can sort in ascending and descending order, that is, arrange the lines in both direct and reverse alphabetical order.

Please note that alphabetical sorting of strings in Word is not dynamic. That is, after you have sorted the elements, new ones will not be automatically placed in the intended positions, they will be added to where the cursor is. If you want to line them up again, you will have to repeat the above procedure. This makes it possible to still make the sorted list multi-level, although you will have to do some manual work. First, remove nested listings and paragraphs from the text by copying them somewhere else, and then paste them back. This, of course, is not as convenient as automatic sorting, but it is a reasonable price to pay for the fact that the structure of the document will not be affected.

Do you want to learn how to create ordered alphabetical lists in Word? You can learn all the intricacies of this process right now.

Are you working on a large text document and need to write a bibliography? If you want to organize strings in order, you might be wondering how to sort a list alphabetically. It turns out that this is not so difficult to do; the Word program already provides such a function.

Why might such sorting be needed? The scope of application of the function can be numerous. This includes writing abstracts, course papers, creating accounting documentation, and using lists when preparing technical documentation. Ordering the lists helps you quickly find the information you need (this is especially important when the list is large), and simply listing them in alphabetical order looks much more attractive than randomization.

If you are using a regular text editor, then there will be no other option but to sort manually. If you have a Word program, then the task is greatly simplified. Let's look at how to make a list in alphabetical order using versions of Word 2007 and 2010 (the procedure is the same in them).

Creating an alphabetical list

To perform this operation, Word provides a special function. To use it, use the following procedure:

  1. Open a text editor. If you need to install an alphabetical list in a ready-made document, open it and click the mouse in the place where you want to start. It must be taken into account that the list will be a separate paragraph, so it must be separated from the preceding text and from the subsequent one;
  2. List all the lines in the list. Don't look at the order in which they line up yet, it doesn't matter now. But what is worth paying attention to is clicking the “Enter” key at the end of each line;
  3. Once you have entered all the lines, select them. Go to the dialog box to configure alphabetical list sorting. To do this, click the button with the letters “A” and “Z” and the down arrow. It is located on the control panel on the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section.
  4. By clicking the button, you activate the settings window. There you will see a form that says "By First". The form has the parameter “paragraphs” - do not change it.
  5. Next to it is the “Type” parameter. Here you can set one of three options: text, number, date. If you need to sort text, then you don’t need to change anything, this value is there by default. You can then select the sort order (“ascending” or “descending”).
  6. If the selected part of the text includes a title, then at the bottom of the settings window you need to check the corresponding box.
  7. Initially, the settings indicate sorting that does not take into account the case of letters. If you want rows with capital letters to appear first in the alphabetical list, and then rows with lowercase letters, click the “Options” button. There you can specify additional settings, including setting case-sensitive sorting. After completing all the settings, click on the “OK” button.
  8. Then click “OK” again, but in the main settings window. Word will set all lines according to the specified parameters.

By applying this algorithm of actions, you can quickly sort lists of any size.

Options for using Word capabilities

If you created a document in another text editor, but it does not have this function, you can transfer the text to Word format. You can do this in two ways:

  • The simplest one is simply copying all the text by pressing the “Ctrl+C” keys and pasting it with the “Ctrl+V” key combination into a new Word document;
  • But a more attractive method is to simply open the file in Microsoft Office Word. This program is capable of working with different formats.

If you don't have Word, you can download it. True, the application is paid. Although you can take advantage of the trial period. At the same time, you can verify the versatility of the program.

To create an alphabetical list you only need a couple of manipulations. You can complete a voluminous task in a minute. This saves time and makes the document more attractive. Additionally, you can use other formatting in Word: insert tables, make a background, create patterned frames and much more.

This question can be classified as a popular one. Placing information in alphabetical order may be required both when composing scientific papers and when composing official documents. That is why in our article we will examine the question of how to make an alphabetical list in Word.

Why do you need to create a list in alphabetical order?

This function can be used in many areas. For example, when writing coursework, diplomas or creating documents related to accounting statements. The ordering of the lists helps the user find the necessary information as quickly as possible. This is especially convenient if the list is very large. If the user prefers to use a regular text program, then in this case the list can only be sorted manually. But using the Word program you can cope with this task much faster.

How to make a list alphabetically in Word: method No. 1

So, to complete this task the user needs to perform the following algorithm of actions:

How to make a list alphabetically in Word 2007, 2010 and 2013 versions?

First you need to open a document where you want the list to be placed in alphabetical order. Next, you need to select the text that needs to be placed in order. If this needs to be done throughout the entire document, then there is no need to highlight anything. If you want to alphabetize part of the text in a document, you need to select it using the mouse.

Next, go to the “Home” tab, it is located on the toolbar. Then, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the button called “Sorting”. After this, a window will appear on the screen. Here the user needs to select the “First by” option. The user, to set the alphabetical order, must select the “Ascending” or “Descending” option.

Option for Word 2003 and earlier versions

In fact, in this case there is nothing complicated either. First, the user must open the file containing the text that needs to be organized. Or simply copy and paste the required text into the document. It is important to remember that each list item must be placed on a new line. Next, select the text that needs to be placed in the form of a list. If you need to organize all the text in a document, then no text selection is required.

Next, go to the tab called “Table”, then select the “Sorting” option. After this, an additional window should open on the screen; here you also need to specify the necessary parameters. Select the type of text sorting you need. The work will be completed after clicking OK.

We hope that our article is about how to make a list alphabetically in Word, was useful for you. As you already understand, there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to strictly follow the algorithm of actions, only in this case everything will definitely work out for you.

Today we will talk about how to sort different types of lists alphabetically in Word. Microsoft does not have the full range of capabilities for organizing user input. However, documents often need to be created in alphabetical lists, which is why the program includes the ability to sort strings. It's quite simple to use.


First of all, to solve the question of how to sort a list alphabetically in Word, we launch the word processor itself. If edits need to be made to an existing document, load it and place the cursor in the required location. Please note that the list will appear as a separate paragraph of text. Thus, we need to provide for the separation of the selected fragment from the previous one.


At the next stage of solving the question of how to sort alphabetically in Word, we enter all the lines of the future list, without paying attention to the order. And so we finish each item by entering the character that is responsible for the “carriage return”, that is, by pressing Enter.

From A to Z"

In order to solve the question of how to sort alphabetically in Word, select all the lines in the list and expand which allows you to make text sorting settings. To call it, we use the buttons with the letters “A” and “Z”, as well as an arrow pointing down. This function is placed in the “Paragraph” group on the “Home” tab of the main Word menu. Please note that in the “First by” field the default value is “paragraphs” - we leave it unchanged. As for the neighboring one - “Type” - it needs to be adjusted only if the lines have dates or numbers. A little to the right there are a couple of fields that specify the sorting direction - “descending” and “ascending”. Select the desired option by clicking on it with the mouse. When a document fragment, in addition to the lines themselves, also includes a title, put a checkmark opposite the inscription “with a title line”, it is located at the bottom of the settings window. Initially, sorting is performed without taking into account the case of letters. If it is necessary for the list to contain lines that begin with capital letters first, and then lowercase ones, open additional settings. For this purpose, we use the “Options” button, which is located in the main settings window.

So we figured out how to alphabetically sort items in various lists in Word.


To sort simple lines of text of one, first select them. When creating a new document, the default text editor menu is on the Home tab. If you don't have it open at the moment, open it. Here you need the “Paragraph” section, which contains a button that opens the data settings window - click it.

In this window, you can set three sorting conditions that can be applied to the selected data sequentially. They are separated into three sections “First By” and “Then By”, but when sorting the lines of a paragraph, only the first of them. Each section contains two drop-down lists. In the first of them, to sort text lines, you need to leave the default value “paragraphs” selected, and in the second (“type”) - “text”. If these strings are date values ​​or numbers, then in the second list you can specify the corresponding items. In addition, there is a switch for sorting direction - ascending or descending. There is also a “Options” button that opens list additional settings. In it you can specify the field separator character used and the need to take into account letters. You can also select the language alphabet to use for sorting. Having set all the necessary parameters, click the “OK” button to begin the operation.

If you need to sort the data placed in , then you need to act in exactly the same way when sorting one column. And if you need to sort the data by two or three columns, then you need to select them all and then the second and third sections of conditions will become available in the sorting settings window. The remaining actions are no different from simply sorting strings.

You can insert table fragments from the Microsoft Excel editor into Word documents. This makes much more complex data sorting options possible. They can be performed in Excel, using its work with data, and then transfer the necessary fragments into text editor documents and, if necessary, edit here.


  • how to do it alphabetically in Word

In various programming languages, “conditional statements” are used to test a condition. The Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet editor has its own set of functions, which can be called a very simplified programming language. In it, the “IF” function is an analogue of the conditional operator.

You will need

  • Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet editor.


Select the cell in the spreadsheet where you want the condition test function to be placed, and run the Formula Wizard. This can be done by clicking the icon located to the left of the formula bar. In the window that opens, expand the “Category” drop-down and select the “Logical” line. A list of functions will appear under this list - select the “IF” line in it, click OK and Excel will open the function creation form. The same form can be called in another way - in the “Libraries and Functions” command group on the “Formulas” tab, open the “Logical” drop-down list and select “IF”.

In the “Log_expression” field put condition, which this function should check. For example, if you want to check whether the value in cell A1 is negative, start by clicking on that cell with the mouse or manually entering its address (A1). Then add a less than sign and a zero to get something like this: A1

Go to the next form field - “Value_if_true”. Place in it a number, a word, or the address of a cell in the table that this cell should display if the given condition done. A word or phrase must be entered in quotes, a number must be entered without quotes, and the easiest way to enter a cell address is by clicking on it with the mouse pointer. For the example from the previous step, you can place the text ““value is negative”” here.

Fill out the next field of the form - “Value_if_true” in exactly the same way as the previous one, but place in it the value that should be displayed if the specified condition is not met. In the example used, it would be logical to place the inscription ““value is not negative”” here.

Click OK and Excel will immediately check what you specified. condition and display the result. After the wizard finishes, for the example used above, the formula in the cell should look like this: “=IF(A1

With Wicrosoft Office Word, many time-consuming tasks can be completed in just a few clicks. If you have created a list and now want to arrange the items in it according to alphabet, use the editor tools.


To complete this task, you must use the “Sorting” tool. It is only available in table editing mode. But you don't have to draw it by hand. And after you finish working with the list, you can again return the document to its previous appearance by converting the table to text.

Select a piece of text in which you want to organize the points by alphabet. Remember that each item in the list must start on a new line. Go to the "Insert" tab and in the "Tables" section, click the arrow button under the "Table" thumbnail.

From the tool's context menu, select Convert to Table. A new dialog box will appear where you can set additional options. You can also simply accept the default values, then a table will be created from one column, where each new list item will be placed on a separate row.

Select the created table, the “Work with tables” menu will become available. Open the Layout tab and find the Data section. Click on the “Sort” thumbnail button in it. A new dialog box will open. The text can be sorted in descending or ascending order (that is, either from the letter “Z” to the letter “A”, or vice versa). Mark with a marker the option that suits you.

Click on the OK button, the “Sorting” window will close automatically. The text in the table will be ordered according to the parameters you specify. You can then convert the table back to text or hide its borders.

Select the table and open the Layout tab again. In the “Data” section, click on the “Convert to Text” button. A new dialog box will open, set the marker in the Paragraph Mark field so that each item that was previously on a separate line begins with a new paragraph. Click on the OK button.

If you need to hide the borders without deleting the table itself, open the Home tab, select the table, and click the arrow button next to the Border thumbnail in the Paragraph section. Select the No Border option from the drop-down menu.

When working with documents, sometimes you need to create a table. The MS Word text editor has this option. True, unlike Excel spreadsheets, you won’t be able to carry out complex calculations in Word tables.

How to create a table in Word

Place the cursor where you want the top left corner of the table to be. If you are using Word 2003, go to the "Table" menu and in the "Insert" group, select "Table". In the new window, specify the number of columns and rows for your table. In the "Autofit column widths" section, leave the default values.

To create a table in later versions of Word, go to the Insert tab in the upper left corner of the toolbar. In the list of editing buttons that appears, click on the “Table” button. Select the “Insert” command and specify the number of rows and columns in the table.

How to draw a table in Word

In Word 2003, from the Table menu, select Draw Table. The cursor will appear as a pencil. Place it in the desired place in the document, hold down the left mouse button and drag diagonally to the right and down until you get a rectangle of the specified width and height. When you release the button, the table frame is ready.

To add columns and rows, draw them with the mouse while holding down the left key. Place the cursor over the desired place in the table and drag the mouse in a horizontal or vertical direction until you get a cell of the intended width and height. If you are not satisfied with something, cancel the creation of the cell using the Ctrl+Z keys. When the table is ready, double-click to exit drawing mode.

In later versions of the editor, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Table” icon. From the list, select the “Draw table” command.

How to insert a table from Excel

In Word 2003, click the down arrow to the right of the toolbar (top line of the editor window). From the Add or Remove Buttons list, select Customize. Go to the “Commands” tab and in the “Categories” window, click on the “Table” item. In the Commands window, click and hold the Add Excel Table icon and drag it to the toolbar. Now to insert just click on this icon.

In modern versions of Word, go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Table” icon and check “Excel Table” in the list.

The Microsoft Office Word word processor is not designed to organize user input. However, in text documents it is often necessary to create alphabetical lists, so a function for sorting strings has been added to the program. It is quite simple to use, and such sorting is unlikely to cause any difficulties even for a novice Word user.

You will need

  • Word processor Microsoft Office Word 2007 or 2010.


Launch your word processor. If you want to add an alphabetical list to an existing document, load it and place the cursor at the desired location in the text. Keep in mind that the list will be created as a separate paragraph of text, that is, you need to ensure that it is separated from the previous and subsequent fragments of the document.

Enter all the lines in the list, not paying attention at this stage to the correct order. The only thing that is important now is to end each line of the list by entering a “carriage return” character, i.e. by pressing the Enter key.

Select all the lines in the list and open the dialog box with text sorting settings. To call it, there is a button with the image of the letters “A” and “Z” placed one above the other and an arrow pointing down. This button is placed in the “Paragraph” command group of the “Home” tab in the Word menu.

In the field under the inscription “First”, the default value is “paragraphs” - leave it unchanged. In the adjacent drop-down list - “Type” - the default value should be changed only if the lines contain dates or numbers. To the right of this list there are two more fields that specify the sorting direction - “ascending” and “descending” - select the desired option by clicking the corresponding checkbox.

If the selected fragment of a document, in addition to the list lines themselves, also includes its title, check the box next to the inscription “with title line” at the bottom of the settings window.

By default, sorting is carried out without taking into account the case of letters, and if you want the list to contain lines starting with capital letters first, and then with lowercase letters, then expand the additional sorting settings. For this purpose, the “Parameters” button is placed in the main settings window. Check the “Match case” box and close the window by clicking OK.

Click OK in the basic sorting settings window, after which the word processor will arrange the list lines in alphabetical order.


  • how to sort a list alphabetically

In Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, you can sort words, a list, or entire paragraphs in alphabetical order. This is done very simply, and you do not need in-depth knowledge of computers or office programs.