How to disable updates on Android LG. How to update Android apps manually. Selectively disable auto-update

I think many of us have encountered such a problem as constant updates on android devices. As soon as you turn on the phone, it immediately breaks into the Internet to update some program. And this can cost a pretty penny if you don’t have unlimited tariff. That is why, now we will tell you in great detail how to disable software updates on your Android device.

Disable automatic application updates via Google Play

In this step we will disable updates that are made through preinstalled program Google Play Market.

Video instructions on how to disable auto-update of applications

Disabling synchronization with online services

Now we will disable synchronization of the phone with online services (gmail, gtalk, services online contacts, time and date verification service). But don't worry, even if you use them, they will continue to work. But now they will work only on demand, and not when they want.

Disable system update

We have already disabled updating of all programs, background and not only. But on Android devices, not only programs and applications are updated, but also the operating system itself. Android system. This is the most important stage! Now we will disable updates related to Android OS. Or in simple language: today you have Android 4.1.1, and tomorrow an update comes out and your phone will download 2GB of these updates!? Do you need it? I think no.

Internet shutdown

It is worth understanding that by completing 3 steps, we have disabled all updates that a completely clean phone could have done. But there are many applications that can update on their own, either Online Games, which may send you notifications or load you with advertisements. Loading advertisements also consumes traffic, but why do you need advertising? So, let's turn it off too - for this, check out! Thus, you will definitely be confident in the safety of your funds.

ATTENTION: if you need the Internet, you will simply have to cancel the steps that we will now perform.

Thus, by completing steps one to three, you will disable all updates on your Android phone or smartphone. But you can use the Internet according to your needs: check your email, go to a website or ICQ. And if you follow step 4, you will completely block Mobile Internet. I can advise you to follow step 4 every time you finish using the Internet. If you want to always control your traffic and know how many megabytes have already leaked, then download the widget -

Not all smartphones are fast. Sometimes these devices come with slow memory or an unoptimized operating system. All this leads to the fact that updating each application greatly slows down the operation of the gadget. And this update can start at any moment, which can drive the user crazy. Fortunately, you can disable updates on Android without much difficulty. In this case, you will be able to install new versions of programs and games only at a time when it is convenient for you.

Stop automatic operating system updates

But we'll start with the update itself. operating system Android. Checking for a new version can also happen at the wrong time. To turn off automatic check If there is an update, you should do the following:

1. Go to the operating system settings.

2. Scroll down the list and go to the " About the phone».

3. Click on the item " System update».

4. Uncheck the “ Auto update" In our case, there is simply no such item - the system believes that regular check Having updates won’t hurt, but in any case, the user will make the decision to download the software independently.

Basically, system update settings are preserved on smartphones with an older version of Android. The creators rightly believe that a short call to the manufacturer’s servers will not harm the performance of the device.

However, the South Korean company Samsung did not get rid of the corresponding settings. But her latest smartphones turn out to be very powerful, and therefore it makes sense to abandon auto-update only if there is little space left in the built-in memory.

Disabling auto-updates for apps and games

By Google default Play offers to automatically update every app you install. But, as mentioned above, this causes certain problems when using a budget device with slow memory. On similar devices Auto-update should be disabled. But how to do that? Surely you remember that the question about automatic updating was asked to you only the first time using Google Play. Later, this item magically disappeared from the pages of games and programs. All this is for the sake of speeding up the download and installation process, as well as to make each page easier and, accordingly, speed up its loading. You can now find this item in another way:

1. Open Play Market.

2. Pull out the curtain with the main menu from the left edge, then click on the item “ Settings».

3. Click on " Automatic application updates».

4. Here you can disable this feature by checking the box next to “ Never».

5. If you do not want to receive notifications about the availability of updates, then a corresponding subsection has been created for you in “ Settings" Just uncheck the " Availability of updates».

This is how easy it is to disable updates on Android. But do not forget that from time to time you need to install new versions of programs and games, as developers regularly improve their stability and functionality.

If you don't want Android apps to update themselves, wasting mobile traffic or loading the system at the most inopportune moment, then prohibit doing this in automatic mode. You can disable application updates in several ways through the Play Market and Android settings.

Disable individual app updates

First, let's figure out how to disable auto-update of one application. Sometimes, as a result of modernization, the program begins to work worse, so it makes sense to leave old version. To achieve this:

As you can see, on the page of the installed application in the Play Market there is special button"Update". If you need to install a new version of the program manually, use it to begin the upgrade process.

Disable all app updates

Now let's see how to disable automatic update all installed applications in Android. To do this, you also need to go to the Play Market and call sidebar. Next, open the “Settings” section.

Check the “Notifications” box (on some builds you need to check the “Availability of updates” item in the “Notifications” field). This option works even if you disable auto-update applications. Notifications will contain messages about the release of a new version. After reading it, you will have to make a decision: make changes, or let the program remain as it currently works.

The second settings item is “Auto-update applications”. Click on it to expand the list of available values. You will see three options:

  • Never - complete ban for auto-update. You can only update in manual mode via Play Market.
  • Always - new versions of programs are downloaded. It doesn't matter what type of connection is used: mobile Internet or Wi-Fi. Selecting this mode will lead to the fact that mobile traffic will be very quickly wasted on downloading updates.
  • Only via Wi-Fi. Programs are updated only if the phone goes online by connecting to Wi-Fi hotspot. If the device uses mobile Internet, then auto-update is disabled, that is, traffic is not spent on downloading updates.

Most users choose to update only via Wi-Fi, but you can completely cancel downloading updated versions, however, in this case you risk being left without new features added by the program developers.

Disable system update

Not only are they updated installed applications, but also built-in programs and the system itself. Therefore, to figure out how to completely prohibit updating applications on Android, you need to perform a few more manipulations with the mobile device.

Here, too, it is possible to update the firmware manually or set that updates can only be downloaded when connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Many users are wondering how to refuse to install a firmware update if the phone has already downloaded it and now insists on installing it, displaying notifications. The easiest way is to ignore the presence of an update on your device and turn off notifications.

To prevent the update from taking up space, you can delete it. To do this, the mobile device must have superuser (root) rights. In addition, you need file manager Root Explorer. If these requirements are met, then to remove the downloaded update, just go to the system directory /cache/ and erase the file. In some cases, the update file is located directly in the root of the memory card. In any case, even after uninstallation, the system will no longer try to download new firmware on its own.

The Android operating system and all programs downloaded to Samsung from Google Play are configured by default in such a way that when updates are released, they are immediately installed on mobile devices. This has not only positive, but also negative aspects, since downloading new files bypassing the user can lead to a high consumption of Internet traffic. Yes and not always latest versions software work stably. Therefore, let's look at how to disable automatic application updates on Samsung Galaxy.

Types of updates for Android

The main purpose of updates is to eliminate various bugs and shortcomings found in older versions of software, as well as to create programs that are more efficient in terms of performance and are protected from viruses. However, not all updates are useful. In some cases, they cause various malfunctions in the OS and can lead to the loss of user data. Therefore, it is not surprising that many smartphone owners are interested in how to disable auto-updates on their devices.

For their intended purpose, all updates for mobile devices are divided into two types:

  1. For applications downloaded from Play Market and Samsung Apps. They are produced quite often and weigh relatively little (on average 10-15 MB). However, if your phone has a large number of programs, they can arrive on the gadget every day, which will negatively affect traffic.
  2. For Android. They come out no more than 3-4 times a year and take up more than 50 MB. They allow you to eliminate errors previous version operating system, as well as improve its performance and functionality.

Disabling updates and notifications for installed software

To prevent new versions of installed games and applications from downloading to your smartphone on their own, you need to do the following:

Once you select “Never” in the auto-update settings, new versions of programs will no longer be downloaded to your phone. However, notifications about their presence will not stop bothering you in the future. To also disable the update notification, in the Play Store, go to the “Notifications” tab and uncheck the corresponding lines.

A complete refusal to update may result in the loss of functionality of a particular application. For example, updating Smart Hub on Samsung TV and its absence for Smart Remote on the phone will make it impossible remote control TV from an Android device.

IN similar cases acquire current version installed software you can manually:

Disabling operating system updates

If you want to stop searching for and installing updates not only for the software on your phone, but also for the Android OS itself, do the following:

Having figured out how to disable updates on Android Samsung Galaxy, you will prevent unauthorized downloads of not only new versions installed programs, but also the operating system itself.

Removing installed updates

If you have mobile device auto-update was activated and when downloading the next version of a program, it began to malfunction or, rolling back the application to previous state. Let's figure out how to remove an update on Android.

Today, Android games and programs are regularly updated by the manufacturer. The system often installs them on its own without notifying the user. The question arises: how does updating applications on Android work?


Various applications are constantly updated by various reasons. Thus, with each update, antiviruses replenish the virus database, cleaning programs receive new functionality, games - new maps and levels. The manufacturer is constantly trying to improve applications, so it is forced to release new versions. Updates are also released if the previous version turned out to be “buggy” (it slows down or doesn’t start at all) or a new version Android does not support older applications that are not optimized for it.

Do I need automatic app updates?

Here it is worth clearly indicating where automatic updating is mandatory and where it is not. Antivirus utilities, for example, should receive regular updates. If the user decides to independently download new versions of firewalls on an irregular basis, the system will be vulnerable to attacks spyware, advertising banners and viruses. Navigation utilities should also allow automatic updates: each new version of the same Google Maps or Here contains new maps and more detailed diagrams of the old ones. In other programs like Google Chrome, CCleaner or Total Commander automatic update is not necessary: updated design, one or two innovations and the traditional “Minor bugs fixed” - that’s all that the consumer usually receives after downloading the latest version of the utility.

It is better to update such programs once a month. In games, every update brings new maps and levels, so it's better to let them download new versions themselves as well.

How to remove app updates on Android

If android update application does not satisfy the user (ill-thought-out interface, stutters, or the program does not start at all), then he can roll back to the previous version. You can only return those utilities that were originally installed by the manufacturer. Those multimedia files that the user downloaded himself cannot be rolled back. How to remove an update system applications: go to the device menu, then to “Settings”. There, click on the Applications/Application Manager tab (in different devices it is called differently). Find the program you want to roll back. Then click on the “Uninstall update” button. If it is not there, go to “Options”, and only then to the “Uninstall update” tab. After this, a menu will pop up asking you to confirm the rollback. It is worth noting that after this the utility returns to its original version (for example, if Google Chrome v 1.0 was installed “from the factory”, and then the user himself updated it to v 2.0 and v 3.0, then when rolling back from the third version the program will return to v 1.0).

How to remove a non-system application update: the only way out is to find it on the Internet installation file(With apk format) old version.

To disable application updates, you must first go to Google Play, then you need to click on the menu icon or swipe from left to right. Find the “Settings” tab, then go to “Auto-update applications”. In the menu that appears, select “Never”. Tip: You can also select "Wi-Fi only" to avoid using data megabytes.

How to cancel an app update on Android

If the Android application is at the loading stage, then you need to go to the Google Play menu. There you need to find the “Downloads” tab and select the file to download. You can cancel its download by long pressing on the file.

How to update Android apps manually

Go to Google Play, call up the main menu, then go to the “My Applications” tab. A page will open showing all installed games and programs, including factory ones. Utilities that have updates will be separated from those that do not have updates. There will be an "Update" button on each application's tab. Also in this submenu there is an “Update All” button. With it, files will be updated “chain by chain”. If an application requires access to identification data, multimedia files or contacts, it will notify you about this. Click the “Accept” button. If the program does not need additional special permissions, it will throw out a corresponding message - click “Accept”. Update multimedia files, however, requires space in the smartphone’s memory (namely the smartphone, not the memory card). To free it up, you should delete some files from the smartphone’s memory (music, pictures, another application, cache various programs). Before updating heavyweight Google utilities Play will offer to download it via Wi-Fi so as not to waste mobile traffic.

Go to Google Play and enter the name of the required application in the search bar. In the list of games and programs that appears, click on it, then click on the ellipsis located on the right in top corner. The “Auto-update” item will fly out; you need to uncheck it.

The fact is that applications on Google Play are not optimized for new system. A striking example is the update from Android 2.3 to 4.0. In this case, the best help is: 1) Reinstalling applications again; 2) Full reset with copying of all data. It's better to just reinstall first necessary games and programs. Don't worry that Google will charge you for the download again paid applications: After purchasing media files from Google Play, you can reinstall it countless times. By the way, when you delete most games and programs, only the executive files are erased: the cache (for example, progress in Angry Birds) remains. However, sometimes you have to completely reset the device settings. However, before this you need to do data backup. Download and install on PC free version utilities Titanium Backup. Then we connect the smartphone to the computer. After launching the utility, the user is asked about root rights, click on the “Allow” button. Go to the smartphone menu, then go to “Processing”. Click on " Backup" Next, Titanium Backup will provide a list of applications from which you must select which media files you want to save. By selecting required applications, click on the “Run” button batch processing" After the operation, Titanium Backup will display a list with checkboxes next to games and programs as confirmation of successfully made copies. The backup itself will be saved on the micro-SD card of your smartphone; for reliability, it can also be saved on a PC.