Gives an increase in RAM. Why is RAM needed in games? In what cases may you need to increase RAM - when do you need to buy additional sticks to increase the amount of RAM?

What is random access memory (RAM)? Before moving on to answering this question, it is important to note that this element of any computer and laptop significantly affects its power and performance. Therefore, you need to know how to choose RAM for your computer.

Modern society uses PCs in almost all areas of life, be it work, education or entertainment. That is why its high-quality modernization (improvement) is a very important point. Modern programs required from the computer more power and performance, which means that equipment with outdated components simply will not be able to fully fulfill its main purpose. RAM plays a big role in functionality, which is why many experts recommend upgrading it first.

What is RAM needed for?

Another name for OP is RAM. This abbreviation stands for “random access memory” (in English – RAM). It is intended for temporary storage of information.

For normal functioning software you just need to choose enough RAM. OP is, first of all, temporary (random access) memory. The user does not participate in its use. Files are saved by the system for some time in order to ensure the normal operation of a particular program.

What is the structure of the OP?

To bring more clear example, we can say that the OP is similar to a honeycomb. Each cell is equipped with a certain amount of capacity (1-5 bits) and personal address. She is actually a capacitor, ready at any second to perform her “ job responsibilities", namely, to record the electrical discharge. The data stored (temporarily) in this way is understandable to the computer.

OP types and form factors

Before deciding which RAM to choose for a computer or laptop, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and form factors. So, there are 3 types of OP:

  1. DIMM. Most commonly used in PCs.
  2. SO-DIMM. Most often this type of RAM can be found in laptops and monoblocks. Differs from the previous type in a more compact size.
  3. FB-DIMM. Equipped with enhanced buffering support and high quality work. Should be selected as RAM for servers.

It is important to consider that the OP must be compatible with motherboard. How to choose RAM for a computer: should you prefer ddr3 or ddr4? On this moment There are 4 types of OP, classified by compatibility with the motherboard:

  1. DDR is outdated and almost out of production.
  2. DDR2 - like the previous version, is outdated.
  3. DDR3 is currently the most popular among consumers.
  4. DDR4 is new in the world computer equipment. For the latest processor models, this type should be selected.

What RAM do you have installed?

How can you find out this information if the computer was “delivered, brought in, installed” and you have never encountered its configuration before? One way is to install a program called AIDA64. It will provide information about the type of OP and the number of modules in it. Open the program and go through the tabs Motherboard, then – SPD, you will find out everything necessary information. You can download the AIDA64 program here.

You can see information about the type and capacity of RAM right on the board. To do this, you will need to remove the RAM stick from the connector and examine the data on the sticker. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will be able to select a compatible and suitable OP for your PC or laptop in accordance with the one originally installed.

How to find out the appropriate RAM frequency for a PC?

When answering the question of how to choose the right RAM for a laptop or computer, you need to take into account the frequency of the motherboard and processor. Here are some important points:

  1. It is not recommended to purchase a frequency less than 1600 MHz, of course, unless you have a very old PC. They are designed for computers with low endurance and performance, and are obsolete.
  2. The most current option is 1600 MHz. This module frequency is relevant for many modern computers and laptops.
  3. 2133 – 2400 MHz. This is the most expensive module of all listed. It is worth noting that this level is relevant only for programmers and professionals in the field of video processing. For simple user the difference between 1600 MHz and 2400 MHz will not be noticeable.

Volume of OP: which one to choose?

To choose RAM based on this indicator, you must be guided by the purpose of the PC.

  1. 2 GB. This is the minimum amount of RAM. If you decide to choose a module with this amount of memory in order to save money, then keep in mind that a computer with 2 GB of RAM simply will not function normally. Of course, if you do not use your computer only to browse websites.
  2. 4 GB. It is better to choose this option for using the computer to watch movies, listen to audio recordings, and light games.
  3. 8 GB is the recommended option. Such RAM will cope perfectly with all programs and modern games.
  4. 16 GB is worth choosing for people who use a computer to earn money. Freelancers involved in the development and creation of websites and their designs, programmers, video editors, YouTubers organizing streams - the cost of purchasing 16 GB of memory will be completely justified.
  5. 32 GB is more of a concern for the future, since at the moment there is no software that needs such an amount of RAM.

How to choose RAM depending on the OS

This is very important point. Even if you are ready to choose the best RAM, you need to consider the features and capabilities of the system installed on your computer. For example, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 32-bit versions of the Windows system support a maximum RAM size of 3 GB. Even if you decide to choose RAM containing 4 GB, the system will only use three.
64-bit is optimal for all types of RAM. Windows system. But it’s worth remembering that an outdated computer simply won’t find suitable drivers for systems of this category. Therefore, before choosing RAM, make sure that you have a 64-bit system installed and that all applications are functioning correctly. It would also be a good idea to visit the website of the motherboard manufacturer and get acquainted with information about its capabilities and the maximum memory size it supports.

What is channeling?

Many users have never heard the term “channel” in all their time working with a PC. But experienced computer scientists, on the contrary, strive to make the work of their OP two-channel, three-channel, four-channel. What does this mean? For example, let's take dual channel mode. The principle of its operation is based on the use of 2 RAM slots at once, combined into one memory bank.

When installing the 2nd channel, experts strongly recommend observing the following rules:

  • modules must contain the same frequency;
  • the volume of OP should also be equal;
  • 2 strips - one manufacturer.

The benefits of omnichannel

The main and main advantage is increased productivity the entire system. However main question there remains a need for such changes and real visibility of improvements. It is worth noting that, as in the case of a 16 GB RAM volume, only representatives of specific professions (programmers, software designers) will notice changes towards improvement. computer graphics and so on.). For regular user, using full list habitual actions (including spending time playing “heavy” games), the performance of the 2nd slot will be almost imperceptible.

So, we have given a detailed answer to the question of how to choose RAM for a PC. So before you choose a particular OS, carefully study the capabilities of your computer and your own requirements for your PC.

Have a great day!

Hello everyone When they just bought me a computer, I fumbled for nothing in it, I didn’t understand what it was at all, and it seemed to me that the computer was full of everything, well, all sorts of files... And that there was no end to them, you could spend hours looking for something and find... Well, in short, some kind of nonsense

But after some time, I began to understand a little what RAM is, that when there is a lot of it, the computer does not slow down, and when there is little, it slows down. And there was a time I was collecting money for a computer and you know what I wanted, I was thinking of taking the most cheap processor but as much operative as possible. This was my most main mistake and it’s good that I didn’t do it...

RAM really needed and the more of it, the better. But when it is enough, the additional volume will no longer increase productivity. But why is it needed at all and what is it responsible for? I won’t burden you with some incomprehensible words and terms, I’ll just say that the entire RAM is divided into several generations and each has its own name. Now it’s 2016 and so far there are only four generations, these are: DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4. How higher figure, the newer.

So. RAM is the area of ​​the computer where all sorts of mental processes occur. That is, the programs also work there and solve all their problems there. Why is that? The trick is speed. RAM is very fast, well, just reactive compared to hard drive. If everything that happens in RAM happened on the hard drive, then it would all be terribly slow. And in principle it would be impossible to work on a computer.

Actually, here everything becomes clear - the more of this RAM... however faster computer! The more RAM, the more areas there are for the processor to do its business! That is, if you have a powerful processor, the number of programs that will work simultaneously without glitches, then this number depends on the RAM!

Let me write in more detail. If you have, for example, 4 GB of RAM, this means that you can comfortably use several browsers, office, and some other programs. Well, if you install another 4 GB, you will be able to use not only all those programs, but also run some kind of game! Do you understand? RAM is needed first of all so that the processor can reveal its potential!

Look, the RAM comes in the form of strips that need to be installed on the motherboard exactly as needed. There are special keys for this, that is, in principle, it is quite difficult to make a mistake and install incorrectly. These are the memory sticks:

They are placed in the following slots:

The result should look like this.

One of frequently asked questions which beginners ask when choosing their first personal computer or mobile computing system is “what does RAM affect?” Really, for what?

If everything is relatively simple - the higher the frequency, the faster arithmetic operations are performed (this is too bold a generalization, but it’s suitable for an example), then with regard to memory capacity, not everything is so obvious.

As a result, a buyer who does not know what RAM affects most often purchases a system either with insufficient capacity, wanting to save several tens of dollars, or - at the other extreme - with a huge reserve for the future. Alas, before this time comes, the computer is changed several times for more new model. Conclusion: every novice user needs to have a good understanding of the question “what does RAM affect?”

The answer is simple - it determines as a whole. And that's why. Data read from does not immediately go into the computing unit for processing, but is first downloaded into RAM.

From there the processor “takes” them, performs the necessary mathematical operations and sends them back to the modules. Thus, two conclusions can be drawn from the above. First: even the most modern system cannot work without RAM. Second: the parameters of the modules directly affect the speed of the computer, since they are an integral part of the logical chain.

The most obvious characteristic is volume. In modern modules it is measured in gigabytes (previously there were kilobytes and megabytes). The unit of information is a bit. One byte consists of eight such ones (binary digits). Accordingly, “kilo” is a thousand, “mega” is a million, etc. General rule: the bigger, the better. But, without fully understanding what RAM affects, you cannot blindly follow it. The fact is that there are a number of important caveats. For example, for a low-performance central processor, there is no point in connecting 8 GB of RAM, since their potential will still not be fully realized.

This is an important point. To clarify, let’s use an analogy: nothing prevents you from installing an engine from an F-1 sports car on a budget passenger car, but it is quite clear that the speed that it helps the car develop will be unattainable, because all other components will turn out to be real “fetters” limiting potential. As a rule, for computing systems, whose main tasks are to work with office applications, surfing the Internet, watching videos, a volume of 2 GB is considered quite sufficient, and 4 GB is considered ideal (with a margin that does not hit the wallet too much). The situation is completely different with powerful gaming computers- 8 GB of RAM has become the norm for them. Nowadays even 16 GB does not surprise anyone, because there is no limit to perfection.

To purchase good modules(bars), you will need a memory testing program. There are quite a few of them, but one of the best is TestMem, which runs in DOS (required bootable flash drive or disk). You should not be lazy, but test the modules for errors immediately after purchase. Having identified a faulty bar, it can be easily changed.

The last piece of advice, which, unfortunately, is often ignored: it makes sense to purchase two smaller modules rather than one larger one. With this connection, magnifying throughput subsystems.

Greetings to each and every one, casual visitors and blog regulars! Today I want to raise such a pressing topic as reducing the response time of any programs. Let me immediately note that RAM (RAM is a random access memory device) is responsible for this, but do you know to what extent?

And in general, what does increasing computer RAM give, when is it justified, and how should it be increased correctly? If not, make yourself comfortable, now I’ll tell you everything.

The icon of an hourglass or an endlessly spinning ball, familiar to all users, when loading a program, game, video, begins to irritate already from the 10th second of waiting. And the longer it “hangs” on the desktop, the greater the chance that running utility it simply won’t open and the computer will freeze. Have you encountered? Me too, once upon a time.

All this happens because the computer does not have enough RAM. Each program consumes a certain amount than more powerful utility, the more memory it needs, accordingly. And if there are many such applications running, then the load increases many times over.

Functions and purpose

What does RAM do in general? This small device, which is inserted into a special slot on the motherboard, is a kind of intermediary between the hard drive and you, the user. All programs you download work with hard drive, but for more comfortable contact with them, part of them is loaded into RAM. This allows you to significantly speed up the process of loading certain utility components.

For example, various video editors are very demanding on RAM resources. If a small amount of this type of memory is installed on the computer, then all elements that do not fit into it will be loaded directly from. This process, frankly, is long, even for it it can take up to 1-2 minutes.

The same is true with modern games. Gamers with weak PCs or know how important the amount of RAM is. The more there is, the smoother, “softer” and more interesting it will be. game process. Now it’s difficult for me to say how much RAM is needed for a comfortable game, because each of the creations has its own requirements. You can find out everything about them on the game box or in the download instructions.

Your volume and do you need more?

Are you undecided about whether to increase your RAM? And if so, how can you find out how much is currently on your computer? Let's take it in order.

If any, even the simplest program (not to mention powerful ones) starts to “slow down” when loading, then the answer is simple - it’s worth increasing it. True, there is one nuance here, but more on that a little later. To find out the volume current memory and estimate how much more you need, you need to do the following:

  • find the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop;
  • right-click on it to open context menu;
  • select the "Properties" submenu.

In the window that opens, you will immediately see a line where the current volume and other characteristics will be shown. Remember - it is always measured in gigabytes! Previously, megabytes could still be found, but I think such rarities are almost nowhere to be found. And even more so for.

And now about the nuance: if you have 32-bit system(you can see the bit depth in the same window) and a frankly weak processor, then increasing the memory will not bring any benefit. The fact is that such systems are designed only for a certain volume (in the vast majority of cases this is 4 GB), so your performance will not increase.

We can safely recommend to everyone else: increase it. How much and which one to choose depends on your needs. It is also worth paying attention to how many slots are provided for this. And it’s also advisable to know how to connect, although it’s not at all difficult. Just insert the device and press until the latches lightly click on the edges.

Before you decide to buy more memory for your computer, look inside your laptop to write down the parameters already installed modules and make sure there are free slots.

You should buy the exact type of memory that is installed in your PC. Otherwise, new memory It just won't do.

In general, for comfortable work 8 GB is quite enough, but if you wish, you can install much more. Gamers, for example, enjoy life with RAM of 16 GB and above. It's a matter of taste. Watch this video for tips on what to look for before purchasing additional memory.

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This information is for those who want to increase the amount of RAM in their laptop or desktop computer, but at the same time doubt which model to buy and with what characteristics.

There are quite a lot of nuances in this issue; here we will consider the most basic points that will allow you to choose the optimal levels for the upgrade.

Let's start with the question: is it necessary in your case to increase the amount of RAM?

What does increasing RAM in a computer do?

The speed of your computer depends on the bottlenecks of your hardware. For example, if you have a very powerful processor, but at the same time slow HDD, the system will take quite a long time to boot, and programs, for example, even a regular web browser, will launch with a noticeable delay of several seconds. IN in this case the bottleneck is the hard drive - and it is useless to install an even more powerful processor/video card/additional RAM - all this will have virtually no effect on the speed of system loading and application launching until you change your slow hard drive to a fast one (for example, an SSD).

In what cases may you need to increase RAM - when do you need to buy additional sticks to increase the amount of RAM?

A sign of low RAM is when your computer slows down when you open multiple programs that consume a lot of RAM. For example, if after opening large quantity web browser tabs or after launching Photoshop your computer starts to work noticeably slower, it is very likely that this is due to a lack of RAM.

Operating systems use a swap file (partition). The essence of this is that when the system runs out of RAM, it frees it up by writing some of the data to the hard drive. As a result, the system does not stop working and data is not lost - but performance drops, since any hard drive is slower than RAM and writing and reading data also requires additional time.

Another example when a lot of RAM is required is the use virtual machines(in, for example) - especially when several virtual computers are running simultaneously:

How to find out which RAM is suitable for my computer

My own experience indicates that the computer can work normally with RAM sticks from different manufacturers and with different characteristics. But some users experience problems (the system stops booting) if there is incompatibility between modules from two manufacturers. Therefore, the ideal option is to look at what modules you already have installed and buy exactly the same ones. If this is not possible due to the fact that exactly these models have been discontinued, then it is recommended to select those that are as close as possible in terms of characteristics.

A program to determine the manufacturer and model of RAM installed in a laptop/computer

In a desktop computer, finding out the manufacturer and model of RAM is usually not difficult - just open the lid system unit and remove one of the modules.

In laptops, as a rule, it is more difficult - it’s good if the engineer designed the empty slots to be easily accessible, but, as a rule, you cannot get to the pre-installed RAM without disassembling the laptop.

In any case, for desktop computers or for laptops you can find out the model installed memory using the program. To do this, go to the tab Motherboard, then SPD and at the very top you will see the manufacturer and model of the RAM:

Next, check the number of free slots - there are motherboards with a total of two slots for RAM, but more often in desktop computers And laptops have four slots, usually two of them are already occupied.

Look total number slots and the number of free ones can be standard using Windows. To do this, open Task Manager, go to the tab Performance, then select Memory:

As you can see, there are four slots and all of them are already occupied.

RAM characteristics

RAM can be different types, the most common now:

It is clear that DDR4 is newer and more quick option, but not all motherboards, especially those released a few years ago, support DDR4.

Sometimes, a hint about the modules that suit you can be seen on the motherboard:

The inscription DDR3 ONLY indicates that in this case only DDR3 is suitable.

RAM form factor:


SO-DIMM are smaller strips for laptop computers(laptops). DIMMs - strips for desktop computers.

Memory modules have their own frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster memory. But if the system has trims with different frequencies, then the system will use them all at the frequency of the slowest module.

Supply voltage: module voltage varies from 1.2 V to 1.65 V. It is better to take RAM with the same voltage as the ones already in the system, since otherwise one of the modules will start to heat up more.

Timings are numbers that characterize delays.

In principle, in addition to the obvious characteristic - memory size, all technical specifications, which you need to pay attention to when upgrading the system.

Don't chase for more high frequency than the module in your system, as already said, they will all run at the frequency of the slowest one.

To select modules with the same characteristics as those already installed in your computer, you need to know the characteristics of the installed ones. This information can be found online for your model. Or use specialized programs, which show a variety of information about the installed RAM.

How to find out the characteristics of RAM modules in a computer

The AIDA64 program contains all the necessary information.

In the same window where we looked at the manufacturer, you can find information such as:

  • Module type
  • Memory type
  • Memory speed (frequency)
  • Voltage
  • Timings

The characteristics considered should be enough to ensure that you don’t have to replace the RAM immediately after purchase because it didn’t fit.

Purchasing with “Thank you from Sberbank” bonuses

The following information does not relate to the technical part. But I got my new RAM modules for half their store price, and since Sberbank cards are very common, I’m sure someone else will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

In principle, the life hack is very simple. Many owners of Sberbank cards accumulate bonuses, the so-called “Thank you”. There aren’t many stores where you can spend them, so I, like probably many others, simply watched how these “candy wrappers” accumulated (and also burned monthly). The store is quite big choice computer components and they accept these “Thank you from Sberbank.” This is not an advertisement for the store or even a referral link - I just saved money there and liked it.

Well, since this store is a partner, where they accept and credit “Thank you from Sberbank”, a certain amount was returned to me: