How to change Wi-Fi password via computer. How to change the password on a Wi-Fi router - quick methods. Do I need to change my Wi-Fi password? Possible problems with the law...

The security of a Wi-Fi network depends on a securely chosen password. You’ll say “what’s the difference, there’s no limit, there’s enough speed, there’s no point in bothering with changing the wi-fi password.”

Today, home networks play an important role in life. modern people. With their help, users organize computers into groups, which allows them to exchange information and also play games. cooperative games. But, do not forget about the security of such groups, because the radius of the access point is quite large, and anyone can connect to the router, including attackers. Therefore, it is recommended to install a complex key.

If friends and neighbors simply use the Internet, and at a time when Internet access is not needed, it’s not so scary. But people think about the option of “changing the Wi-Fi password” after unpleasant situations. Starting from the need to quickly download an array of files during peak hours, when the ping exceeds 10 milliseconds, and ending with the banal “they got into the wrong settings and ruined it.” In addition, please note that for illegal actions with personal IP address the owner will be punished, not the intruder who connected to the router.

So, to prevent this from happening, take the time to find out how to change the password on a wifi router and do it.

Strong password – reliable network

The password is necessary protection. You will have to choose a combination of 8 characters (minimum), which may include numbers and letters Latin layout. Wherein Special symbols cannot be used, but it is better to take care of the uniqueness of the keygen. Here, as on the Internet, the same rules of security and choosing a reliable key apply. There are many tips and programs on the Internet that generate hack-proof passwords. Just using the services this kind, don’t be lazy to change 1-2 characters in the result. For reliability. How to remember to write it down. Believe me, a notepad for logins and passwords often helps out. If you save the data for the device for yourself, then the procedure that you just looked at will no longer have to be performed.

On most routers, the word admin is selected as a standard preset for both login and password. But, nevertheless, it will not be possible to use the same password for a new login; the system will request a length of at least eight characters.

Changing the password: basic rules

Let's start, perhaps, with the very complex option: the router came from someone, without a box or password. This is really the question of how to change the password on Wi-Fi. First, turn the router upside down and carefully copy the data from the factory sticker. Usually it says 192 168 1 1 wi fi; people most often request to change the password at this address.

The “Reset” button on the router case resets all device settings to factory settings, which is often why access to it is structurally limited, it is covered with a panel that cannot be removed, or it is recessed into the device case so that it can only be pressed using a thin and long object. This is another security measure against inexperienced users.

So, you’ve done everything, the lights slowly went out and everything else came on, after which only the network, wi-fi signal and connected devices indicators remained on and flickering. Now all you have to do is go to the browser and address bar enter 192 168 1 1 or after which the router will ask for factory data - what you prudently copied from the case. Remember to pay attention to your keyboard layout and case, this will allow you to enter data accurately on the first try.

After this, you will automatically go to the settings menu. Most manufacturers try to make it intuitive for users so that they do not get confused about where to enter what and what.

Among large quantity tabs and subpages you are interested in what will be called “wireless network” or, alternatively, “ wireless connection" In the subsection entitled “basic” or “general” settings, you can change the name of the router, which is important if one of your neighbors has the same model. The name can be anything; there are no restrictions on what you can choose.

If you personally still have a standard login and password on your router, or you know the ones that are used, then you can change them by going into the settings.

You do everything the same way as when you roll back to factory settings, skipping pressing “reset” on the router. Log in to your browser using links 192 168 1 1 or, open the settings window, select the tab responsible for managing the security of the router.

Enter the old access keys in the required fields, and the new ones below.

Specific models and examples

Let's look at the basic and common models of routers, and, consequently, the interface of programs for changing Wi-fi passwords.

Routers manufactured under the Tp-Link brand are easy to manage and clear interface, not to mention the fact that the popularity of this brand made it recognizable, and also influenced the Russification of the brand. So, by switching tabs, you can easily find what you need.

After entering the router management, open the section in the list of tabs on the left “System Tools” (usually the penultimate field) and select the tab from the drop-down submenu "Password" . After that enter the previous personal login and password in the specified fields (in the photo there is a red rectangle). In the area highlighted in blue, enter the new access codes accordingly. The password will have to be entered in two fields to confirm. Then click the button "Save".

Because each router has a unique interface. Some section titles may vary. However, they all work on the same principle and have almost the same functions. Let's look at how to change the password for a Wi-Fi network using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example.

D-Link routers are not so common, so there is a high probability that when purchasing old model the interface will be in English. But the manufacturer took care of the clarity of access control, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

After entering the router management interface, select the tab in the left list "Control" , then go to the password change window. You will have to confirm your Wi-Fi password and then click the save settings button. Changes made either activated immediately or will take effect after restarting the PC, depending on the computer OS.

Now you know how to change the Wi-Fi security password through the router settings menu.

How to change the password for a virtual network

We figured out the router, and as you can see, everything is extremely simple. But sometimes it happens that for implementation home network the router is not used. The role of an access point is played by a laptop that is connected to the Internet and distributes it via WiFi. Such groups are called virtual. Is it possible to change the Wi-Fi security password in this case? Yes it is possible. Only depending on how the group was created, the procedure for changing the key differs.

So, if you created a connection using the management console (computer-to-computer connection), then everything is very simple. You need to open the Network Control Center. To do this, right-click on the connection icon in the tray. In the window that appears, select “Wireless Network Management” . Now you need to find the required connection, right-click on it and select "Properties" .

The window that appears is divided into two tabs. We are interested in the second one – security. Here we put a tick opposite “Display entered characters” and we see the current key. To change your WiFi network password, simply enter other values ​​and click "OK" .

If you created a group using the command line, then there is a way to change the code special team. Launch the command line (as administrator) and write the following: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent. Instead of numbers 12345678 enter New Password, which you want to install. After that, start the network again and connect to it, but enter a new identifier.

Now you know how to change the password from WiFi networks. Moreover, regardless of how it was organized.

Pay attention to details that are important for connection

Changing the wi-fi password requires you to reconnect to the network from all devices used without exception. If you want to check who is connected to the network, this information is present in the computer settings. Open "My computer" and in the rubricator on the left find the subsection “Networks” . It displays users and devices connected to personal network within a specified period of time

List available networks and you will have to look for their settings in the tab "Control Panel" . Therefore, it was said above about the need original name for a router - it’s difficult to choose a personal one from five identical ones.

At the stages of working to change the Wi-Fi password, difficulties arise, but they are not difficult to solve. Let's move on to the main problems:

  1. The router does not have a factory sticker with installation data. By searching the photo on the Internet, determine the device model, and on the manufacturer’s website or specialized forums you will find the necessary, accurate and detailed information.
  2. Unable to log in specified address 192 168 1 1 or to change settings. Open menu "Start" , find the line “Find programs and files” and enter cmd. Press Enter and it will open command line or registry string. Enter the ipconfig code in the line - and confirm the command again Enter key. In the window that appears, find the line that will be signed as "Main gate" . The combination of characters after it is the address for going to the router settings.

The illustration highlights the points necessary for configuration: codes for accessing the registry and the address line of the basic gateway. Remember that periods and spaces are considered characters and enter the address without errors, or use the “copy/paste” commands.

The article discusses the basic options for changing the Wi-Fi password and what is associated with it. Good luck and don't forget about the security of your network.

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Today, electrical wires have been replaced when using the Internet. Transmission of audio data via radio channels provides several functions at once:

  • the ability to use the Internet simultaneously in several gadgets in one room;
  • the ability not to be tied to a single location for installing the network cable;
  • exchange of data between several people or a group of people in the Internet.

But to use wireless Internet, you need an access key, which is entered on the computer before using the service. If you suspect that the access code has been hacked and is being used by unscrupulous neighbors, then you need to know how to change the password on your computer.

The necessary knowledge will certainly be useful to all router users, without exception.

To change the Wi-Fi code, you first need to connect to the Internet. You can do this in two ways:

  • using a router;
  • via network cable.

After connecting to Internet networks open any browser on your computer ( Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozila, Opera, Explorer or others). Then write it into the address bar of the IP code of your router.

Wi-Fi router IP: how to find out

The router code is always marked on any model technical device. A sticker with the characteristics of the device is usually attached to its bottom.

If for some reason the device specification is missing, you can read it in the router operating instructions book. In the case when both information sheets are unavailable, you need to enter the name of the device model and the task: what IP code is in the browser search engine.

Basically, the IP address is set according to the standard: But there are exceptions when it may have the following codes: or

After entering the IP in the address field, press “Enter”. Next, the system will prompt you to enter your data: login and password. Fill in both the first and second fields with the word “admin”.

You will now find yourself in the control panel of your router. It is worth noting here that each router has its own interface.

Therefore, it is necessary to rely on logic, since the section names different users not always identical.

An example of changing a password on a D-Link router

Let's look at how to change Wi-Fi by getting into the menu of the D-LinkDir-615 router. So, let's start working point by point:

  1. In the menu list, select the “Advanced settings” column and click on it with the cursor.
  2. Select the “WiFi” section, and in it – “Security Settings”.
  3. IN open window Enter the network authentication type. “Open” or “Open”.
  4. Choose: WPA2-PSK mixed or WPA-PSK. This type encryption is capable of providing high-quality protection.
  5. The line that appears will indicate the cipher generated by the system. But you can change it to another one or use ready-made code.
  6. After entering the password, click on the “Apply” task and wait a couple of seconds for the router functions to update.
  7. Now you can close the browser window and use Wi-Fi with a new password.

Important Notes

After the shift WiFi password router, remember that if you have not changed the access offered by the system, you will need to remember it. Since before going online, the router will ask you new code access.

In order not to start the procedure again, it is better to play it safe and write down a hint (system code) on a piece of paper or gadget. If you have set a new access code and remember it well, the procedure for entering new data to log in to the Internet must be repeated.

It is also worth knowing that a router is not always used to implement the network. For example, a laptop can act as an access point. A hand-held PC connected via a cable to the network can distribute the Internet like a router.

like this network group called virtual. More often this connection created using the management console. To change Wi-Fi in similar situation, you need to go from your computer to the “Network Center” menu.

Then click on the connection sign located at the bottom of the screen. In the pop-up window, select “Manage wireless networks”. Next, click on the connection you are looking for and select “Properties”.

In the panel that appears, click on the security section. Here you need to check the “Display entered characters” section, we will see the network access code, changing which you just need to click “OK”.

Let's sum it up

So, to change the Wi-Fi password on your home or work PC, you just need to know the IP address of the router, which performs the function of transmitting data over radio waves. By entering information in the browser field, you will be taken to the router menu.

Having entered the required tab, the system will prompt you to provide some data. After such manipulations, you can easily change the network access code and save it. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the procedure, you will only be able to access the Internet after entering a new WiFi password.

Also, after reading the above rules, you can change the password code for the network if a laptop plays the role of a router.

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Hello everyone! In this article I will tell you how to change the password on a wifi router .

Wi-Fi technology has now become one of the most common ways to access the network, since the convenience of such a network is that various devices can connect to the Internet wirelessly.

True, if the password has not yet been set or it is too simple, then you should take care of the security of the network, because in this case almost anyone, including a child, will be able to connect to it.

But if a person is very generous and does not feel sorry for anything for others, this is his business, but then he will have to put up with the fact that the network works slowly.

I decided to make my network more secure, so now I’ll tell you how you can set a password for your Wi-Fi. You can do this using my example.

How to change the password on a Wi-Fi router - Where is the Wi-Fi password set?

A router or router is one of the most popular devices for this type of network. And I will consider setting a password on the router.

There are quite a lot different manufacturers and models of such devices, but they are designed approximately the same. I set the password to D-Link router DIR-300.

The settings interface can be opened on any device connected to this network through a browser. I did this using a computer, since it connects to the network via cable (if the connection is wireless, then if you change the password, the device will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi).

To open the settings I needed, I wrote the IP address of my device in the address bar of the browser. You can also use for this standard addresses, which the manufacturer uses, but this does not always work out (depending on the model and the manufacturer itself). It may also be that the interface address is located on the device itself on a special sticker or is indicated in the instructions. Can be driven into search engine router model and try to find the information you need.

Login to router settings

Having determined the required IP address to go to the settings, I wrote it in the address bar of the browser.

Then a special window appeared where I entered my login and password.

Just like many routers, my username and password are “admin”

However, if this option does not work, then, most likely, this device requires different data (depending on the router) or they were changed earlier.

If the username and password are unknown, then you can try searching on the Internet, or, if nothing was found, reset the settings to factory settings.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

After entering my username and password, an interface opened where I found “Security Settings” located in the advanced settings section. The interface may look different on different routers, but the items and sections will be approximately the same.

Then in " Network authentication"I chose WPA2 because this moment this is the most safe way authentication for the network.

Then in “Key” PSK encryption“I wrote a new password, which I previously selected so that the likelihood of it being hacked was minimal. It is better that it contains both letters and numbers.

Now you need to configure WPA encryption, for which I selected in the field of the same name AES algorithm, because among the others it is more reliable.

Before clicking "Edit", I double-checked all the entered data and made sure everything was correct. I then restarted the router since a reboot is required for the changes to take effect.

Checking Wi-Fi operation

I reconnected all devices to Wi-Fi, only now entering a new password.

But some people gave an error when trying to connect. Then I deleted my network from those saved on the device and, after waiting for the name to appear in the list again, entered a new password in the field.


So I looked at the question - how to change the password on a wifi router. Everything is quite easy and simple. So in my example, you can change the password. Thanks everyone, bye everyone!

How to change the password on a wifi router?

Access to a wireless network, especially a network with “shared” resources, is usually limited by security. This necessary measure security measures taken to prevent outsiders and attackers from damaging the system or stealing valuable personal information, such as authorization data for web wallets, bank cards, etc.

The router is protected in two ways - one password is provided to protect the router itself - the same one that is entered when entering the router configuration tool (the initial value is admin). The other protects the wireless network itself and its resources. If the second password is not set, the network becomes public. Naturally, within her physical reach. Such networks exist not only due to the oversight of their creators; some WiFi resources were originally designed this way. The purpose of our note is to find out how to change the current WiFi authorization scheme on your computer.

A change in authorization components may be caused, for example, by the fact that an existing password has been hacked. Or simply because it does not have sufficient reliability, and the owner of the network decided to increase the degree of protection. And also for other reasons.

Router password

You can change the password on the router only in one place - in the settings of this device. Settings can be accessed through the router's web interface. To do this you need:

  • On the computer connected to the router, launch any browser.
  • In the address bar of the browser, enter the value 192.168.01 or (depending on the model).
  • Enter the settings menu, having previously specified the login and password for the device itself.
  • Go to the appropriate settings section (right menu panel). It may be called differently for different routers, but it is always something like: “Advanced settings” => “WiFi” => “Security settings”. Modern routers may have a bookmarks bar at the bottom or top instead of the right menu bar. The principle still remains the same.
  • In the panel that opens on the left, find the fields responsible for authentication. In the field describing the type of protection, enter, for example: WPA-PSKWPA2-PSKmixed.
  • In the field called “Password”, enter text that meets well-known reliability criteria.
  • Don’t forget to save the changes you made using the “Ok” button (or “Save”; in the localized version it may be called “Save” or “Apply”).
  • Reboot.

That’s the whole science of how to change Wi-Fi protection, i.e. how to change the password on the router itself.

Laptop password

We figured out how to change the password on a WiFi router.

But there is another similar task. It is well known that another device, the same laptop, can act as an access point to a wireless network.

More or less modern laptops have this ability. In this situation, we will act differently:

In the system tray of the Windows OS installed on the laptop, look for the wireless network connection icon.

  • Right-click on the icon and select “Manage wireless networks.”
  • In the list that appears visible networks select the one you need and right-click on it again.
  • In the appeared context menu select the “Properties” item.
  • In the window that appears, go to the “Security” tab.
  • Select the “Display entered characters” switch. This is done for convenience, so that we can see for ourselves what exactly we are typing.
  • In the “Security Key” field, enter a new password.
  • Save by pressing the “Ok” button.

As an alternative, it can be suggested to use console command like: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=password keyUsage=persistent , where instead of password a new value for the network named My_virtual_WiFi is specified.

Wi-Fi router provides devices (smartphones, laptops, computers) connected to it local network and the Internet. If after installing the router you have not set a password for your Wi-Fi network, then the network is public and anyone within the network’s range can connect to it. Thus, your neighbors or employees of neighboring offices at work can connect to your network and use it, which will lead to losses in Internet speed.

If you already have a password, but someone found it out, then you have no choice but to change the password on your Wi-Fi router to stop the free distribution of your Internet. In this article you will learn how to change the password on all popular Wi-Fi routers.

The procedure for changing the password on the router

As a rule, the configuration of the router and its installation are carried out by people from the provider. However, after some time the user may experience the following problems:
1. The data transfer speed begins to drop significantly.
2. Even when no one in the house is using the wireless network, the WiFi network indicator lights are still blinking.
3. If the provider charges for the amount of information transferred in excess of the norm, there is a constant debt on the account, which some attribute to their inattention at first.

All these cases indicate only one thing - someone unknown was able to connect to WiFi by guessing or hacking the password. If the password is not set, then there is no need to even guess.

The way out of this situation is to change the password to a more complex combination. However, we note that hacking a WiFi network password is quite difficult. Therefore, often the cause of problems is human factor– someone you know, when they were at your house, asked for a password to connect their device, and then told others about it (it’s worth remembering that all devices save passwords for WiFi networks). How to change the password on the router and how to make the network more secure?

When considering the issue of changing the WiFi password, for example, from the Rostelecom provider, you should understand that providers do not produce network routers, but only enter into an agreement to supply them to their customers with various manufacturers. You can set a new password for everyone network routers, however, the change process depends precisely on the characteristics of the router itself.

Provider Rostelecom provides its services with the installation of the following network routers:
1. D-Link.
2. TP-Link.
We will also look at the process of changing the password for routers from other manufacturers.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on a D-Link router

Despite the fact that you can find on the market from the manufacturer D-Link great amount router models, you can set or change the WiFi password using the same recommendation. This is due to the fact that software part the system remains unchanged, and the models differ only in their characteristics.

The differences may be minor, often affecting only the design and location of menu items.

One of the most popular models The world famous manufacturer D-Link is DVG-5402SP. The Rostelecom provider also allows you to install this model. The password change process can be divided into the following stages:

1. Launch any browser, for example Mozzila Firefox or Google Chrome.

2. The model in question has a non-standard router address that you should go to to display the settings panel - You can most often change the password and set other settings in other models of this manufacturer by going to or Setting up a WiFi network occurs through a browser. After going to the browser address, the router panel should open.

3. In order to change operating modes, go to the “Settings” section.

4. As a rule, on the left side there is a menu with various parameters. Find “Wireless Setup” (installing a wireless network) and go to it.

5. B this section There is a security category called “Wireless Security”. Here you can set all security settings.
6. Go to the “Pre-shared key” parameter (PSK encryption key), set required password and click OK. Confirm the changes by clicking the “Apply” button.

7. In order to change the value and save it, open the “Maintenance” maintenance section, go to the save and reboot category and click the “Reboot” reboot button.

After the system reboots, the password will be changed to a new one; to connect from other devices via WiFi, you will need to remove the old access point and scan wireless networks and reconnect, for which you will have to enter a new password.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on a TP-Link router

Routers under the TP-Link brand have also gained great popularity in Russia. One of the most common models is the TL-WR841ND, which I already talked about earlier in the article about setting up this router.

Carry out setup WiFi work in this case you can do this as follows:
1. Open the browser.
2. In the address bar, enter the address of your home network, which for this model is Afterwards we enter the input to go to the entered address.
3. B in this case A window for entering your password and login will appear. For most models, the default login and password are the same - “admin”. If the system does not accept such data, you should reset all settings to factory settings by pressing special button on the body.

4. After logging in, go to the section wireless connection and security (“Wireless”, “Wireless security”).

5. In section WiFi security There is a section reserved for the password. The field is called " PSK Password" You should enter a new value in this field and click save.

After the router reboots, the changes will take effect.

The two routers discussed above are most often found in stock at the Rostelecom provider. However, in some cases the client wishes to purchase own equipment other manufacturers.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on a Huawei router

1.Go to the router control panel by going to and enter your username and password. On a Huawei router, the default login is usually telecomadmin and the password is admintelecom. It is also possible to login as root and password as admin.

2.After you have entered the control panel, go to the WLAN tab. You need to specify the SSID Name (the name of your Wi-Fi connections) And WPA password PSK. After making changes, you must click Apply.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on an ASUS router

1.Open any browser and go to Specify Admin as the login, and Admin as the password.

2. In the left menu, go to the “Wireless Network” setting.

3. Enter the name of your Wi-Fi network in the SSID field, and in the “authentication method” item - WPA2-Personal. This is the most secure method at the moment. In the "preliminary" field WPA key» Specify a new password for the network and click “Apply”.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on the ZyXEL router

1. Go to This address is applicable in almost all cases. Only some models have a different home network address, you can look at it at back side the router itself.
2. Next you will see the login panel or the menu itself. If the login panel is the password and login “admin”. If this value is not suitable, we reset the settings to factory settings via special key on the router body.
3. In the router control panel, go to the menu “ Wi-Fi network", "Security" select WPA2-PSK security and enter a new value and click apply.

4. After this, you should reboot the router for the changes to take effect. It is also important not to forget to click on the save button before carrying out the reboot process. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the process again. In some cases, it is recommended to reboot the router itself, not through the virtual panel, but through the button on the device body.

If devices cannot connect to the network

After changing the password, a situation often occurs when it is no longer possible to connect to the created network. The problem is that the login information has changed, and all devices are trying to connect using the old parameters. At the same time, some devices begin to slow down, produce strange errors, and see the network under a different name even in a situation where this data was left.
The way out of the situation is quite simple - you should delete the network on all devices, and then search for access points again and connect using a new password. All problems will immediately disappear and the device will work stably again.